Romans 12:16-21, 13:1

ROM 12:16-21, 13:1
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We go to.
Glorious face to face.
What manner of behavior?
Just with his hope, our dream.
May God to love my name.
We gladly will be.
All night, your best, always.
Hand with all our power.
God bless because.
That day.
Mirror of the day, the Lord.
Nothing plans and ever.
All right, anymore.
Don't care.
That's right, my father and baby.
I'm cold when I came to.
And change everything.
To joy and I pray.
Verse 16.
Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate.
Be not wise in your own conceit.
Recompense to no man, evil for evil.
Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you live peaceably with all men.
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath.
For it is written, Vengeance is mine. I will repay, saith the Lord.
Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him, if he thirst give him drink, for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
Chapter 13.
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers, for there is no power but of God.
The powers that be are ordained of God.
Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God.
And they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil.
Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same, for he is the minister of God to thee for good.
But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid, for he beareth not the sword in vain, for he is the minister of God.
A revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
Wherefore you must needs be subject not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
For for this cause pay ye tribute also, for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
Render, therefore to all their dues. Tribute to whom tribute is due, custom to whom custom.
Fear to whom fear honor to whom honor.
Oh no, man, anything but to love one another, for he that loveth another has fulfilled the law.
For this thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not covet. And if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
Love worketh no I'll to his neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
And that knowing the time.
Now it is high time to awake out of sleep, for now is our salvation nearer than when we believe.
The night is far spent, the day is at hand.
Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.
Let us walk honestly as in the day, not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof.
Corinthians, chapter 8.
Verse two. If any man thinks that he knoweth anything.
We knoweth nothing yet, as he ought to know so if we learn the truth.
In communion with God.
It is going to not going to exalt ourselves.
It always makes nothing of man and everything of Christ.
So it says here, be not wise in your own conceits.
So we need to realize that we are nothing, and if we have any wisdom, it's only from God in His grace.
Imparting it to us.
Another verse What hast thou that thou hast not received?
And it implies that we have no thoughts of our own, but as perhaps we learn from others and the Spirit of God teaches us.
Same mind. We closed on that thought in the last reading meeting.
But not to belabor it, but the second longest chapter in the Bible.
Has to do with being of the same mind.
And it's the 7th chapter of the book of of Numbers.
Where they bring their the tribes bring their offerings to the Tabernacle.
And that chapter could have been greatly shortened by just saying this is what Reuben brought, and so did the rest of the tribes made it a very short chapter, but it turns out to be a long chapter. And here's this great company of people, and perhaps there's the pride of the tribe that they're in and so on. And it would have been a perfect time to go into the spirit of competition and bringing more than tribes so and so and so on. But I believe that being of the same mind was such a delight.
To the Lord, that He, just as it were, had to go carefully over every tribe. And you read that they brought the same thing, and that all of those things speak of Christ. And really that's the only thing that has of any value. And if we have the same object, how can we have any competition?
But we know that competition does come into our hearts and it has to be judged.
How sweet is oneness of mine?
In the seats is used here.
It doesn't say that you don't know. You may know a lot of scripture.
But it's the attitude of the heart. You can't tell me anything about it. I know it already.
And it's just conceded that I should be somebody.
The word conceit there, we all understand what it means, and we certainly need to flee from it.
Person proverbs also that says not to praise yourself, but let another praise you.
Where it is I'm not sure.
Another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth, a stranger, and not thine own blitz.
Now the world makes it very clear you better blow your own horn and nobody's going to pay any attention to you.
God's way is entirely different.
God's way is that we first are humble now, not first. We always should be humble. He that humbles himself shall be exalted.
And it's exactly contrary to our nature.
And it's contrary to the way of the world.
But it is God's way.
In the 2nd Corinthians 10 and 12 it says pretty much the same thing. For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves, but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves.
Are not wise. They're literally do not understand. What don't they understand? They don't understand the very basis of Christianity.
If they seek to exalt themselves, whenever we do that, the old man has been crucified with Christ, all that we were, and the flesh is done away with, and that's the way we begin our path as Christians. So to be operating on that plane is to not really understand what Christianity is and applying it to ourselves.
Really be proud and be in the Lord's presence, can we?
If we really are in His presence, we are humble. If I have some knowledge of mathematics, but I am in the presence of a master in the subject, I don't need to be told to be humble. I feel humble.
And so we're really in the presence of the Lord and occupied with him. There will be humility automatically. But I was thinking in connection with this verse that.
Perhaps sometimes we we have contacts with young brothers or others who desire to.
To know the Lord's mind, and be directed in assembly matters. And we have that verse in John Chapter 7 that has often been used. John 717, where we read, If any man do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.
I've often thought it's always encouraging to see a a young brother who has a teachable spirit.
In these matters he's willing to be subject to his older brethren and subject to the word of God, not wise in his own conceits. And that brother can be led on and and established and.
Encouraged in the pathway.
I thought perhaps I noticed in the Mr. Darby's translation that says be not white.
And perhaps a little application we might turn to Second Chronicles.
And chapter 20.
We know the story well of the godly king Jehoshaphat and this huge company of Moab and Ammon that came up against him, but he says something very lovely in his prayer to the Lord.
In verse 12 he finishes this prayer with these words, O our God, wilt thou not judge them? For we have no might against this great company that cometh against us. Neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon Thee. It's a good place to keep our eyes, brethren, isn't it? When we're faced with those things that come in and trouble and discourage, and we feel the enemy coming against this, it's good that we're not wise in our own eyes, but we recognize where to keep our eyes. Keep our eyes fixed on the Lord.
He is able and it's the wisdom that he has that will carry us through these difficulties.
Vote the next verse. And all Judah stood before the Lord, with their little ones, their wives, and their children.
I think they were well aware that they were overwhelmed.
And of what would happen when that invading army came. There would be slaughter, there would be slavery. There would be rape. That would be a terrible time. And they knew it. And the whole group was there. The whole family, as we've been mentioning before, was there.
And I wonder if we are aware of that.
As a company gathered to the Lord's name and I'm taking us back to our local assembly now that the enemy is there and he wants the whole family. And as often has been mentioned in in the matter of the children of Israel leaving Egypt, just leave your children behind. Leave your livestock behind. There's any any number of compromises, but they were all to go.
Here they all stood, and if I recall correctly it was Ezra by the river there.
All the families were gathered together.
And and they asked for the help of the Lord, and then again when Ezra was ministering.
I believe again, all the family was there and the little ones, everybody was standing listening to the ministry that was given as Ezra explained the word.
And it's behooves us to be in the same position today.
Brother that came to Mr. Darby, so the story goes, and he said all Brother, he said I'm so admire what you know. He said I would like you to to teach me.
How you approach Scripture? I would like to attain to that kind of knowledge. And so he gave him.
John chapter 6 and verse 63.
And this is the way John 663 reads.
It is the Spirit that quicken us. The flesh profiteth nothing.
He said young man, that would be a good place to start.
And so if we think that we're going to attain to some knowledge, you know?
Some of us have computers and if you have ACD ROM, you can get all of Mr. Darby's writings on, on CD-ROM. Rather amazingly, you can get the online Bible and and it is very, very nice. You can look up a word and you know, you can increase in knowledge so easily and so quickly.
If you want to make a subject of it, but you know the progress that each of us admit is of God is without the computer.
We go too fast when we use a computer and what God wants us to do is to go very slowly because of the oak tree grows very slowly and as we take in and assimilate it, we find that it leaves no place for the flesh and if our eyes are upon ourselves.
Then we can see rapid growth and retrieval of Scripture, which is there's nothing wrong with that, but it comes from familiarity with the Word, doesn't it? And the flesh profiteth nothing. I don't want to be merely the the exponent of someone else. I thought of some that someday we'll hear what they really are, because it may be that you and I imitate someone else. But when we really are what we are.
And ourselves will find that the word of God has come in, it has had its place, and it's displaced what was of self. And we then can minister what Christ has been made to our own heart.
Well, if we do that which is but our duty, we deserve no praise or glory.
You know the well Paul had that he said I know that in me that is my flesh is no good thing. Now in the Song of Songs when one is saved, they get a new life and they see themselves as they are. And in the first chapter the bride was just a pain, but she was his and she said in verse six of chapter one.
Song of Songs look not upon me.
Because I'm black, because the sun has looked upon me. My mother's children were angry with me. They made me the keeper of the vineyards.
But my own vineyard have I not kept and she had a very good appraisal of herself and that we all have to remember that we are all in the best unprofitable servants.
And anything that's good that comes out of us, it's because of the Lord himself. That's the lesson of Song of Songs. And the Song of Songs, the bride is viewed from the heavenly position, and you don't hear anything there about failure or sin in that sense, only from herself like this. But if you look at the Song of Songs and Chapter 7, when she could take in more truth.
In verse 5.
The bridegroom says to her, Thine head upon thee is like karma. What's caramel mean? Fruitfulness.
Beautiful, isn't it? And he says, and the hair of thine head like purple.
She's in the royal family and it shows. That's a beautiful thing. Even her walk, it says at the beginning there, how beautiful are thy feet with shoes, O Prince's daughter.
She's in that family now and she walks that way. But here's the point I'm getting at, it says in verse 6.
The king is held in the galleries.
Now that is beautiful.
You know, it really means that he sees her in all the beauty that he made her.
And he's awed at her. That's a beautiful thought, isn't it? The king is. If you hold the king in the gallery, you're something.
He leaves usually, but she held him in the gallery. I think it'd be nice to see it in Psalm 45. It's all of him, nothing of her, but you know.
On last day, morning tomorrow.
We have to remember.
That the Father sees us in all the preciousness of his son.
As priests, don't forget. And in 45 of Psalms, I think it brings this thought of held in the gallery out a little deeper. Let's see the verse.
Psalm 45.
If I can find it. Oh yeah, verse 11.
So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty.
He is thy Lord, worship thou him. Now that's really the Song of Solomon. The the the bride is seen only from the position and and the level of the bridegroom, never from the level up to him, always what she is in him and what I'm trying to bring out is we have.
No places to glory, no basis to seek praise.
It's all of him and that's it. And when we get home, brethren, they'll be crowned.
They'll be rewards.
But you know it won't take very long. We'll cast them at his feet, won't we? Because it's all of Him. And we have to remember this. We shouldn't seek credit for anything. We shouldn't seek praise. It's all of Him.
First, in First Corinthians chapter 3, it might be helpful to just be reminded of.
This truth because we sometimes have conceit versus.
One Corinthians 3 and verse.
18 Let no man deceive himself, if any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world.
Let him become a fool, that he may be wise. The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.
So it just means if we're going to.
Acquire the truth of God. We have to take the place of knowing nothing.
God's wisdom is not an improvement upon man's wisdom.
It is always entirely the opposite to it. So if we're because if we're getting our.
Advice from this world as to how we should act.
We're going to have changing opinions.
But if we have the precious, the eternal Word of God is the foundation. We have something that cannot be shaken. We have divine wisdom.
Wisdom, truth amidst error, like amidst darkness, We've got to take the place in divine things of knowing nothing, that we might learn God's mind from His Word.
Every thought we have that's from ourselves is wrong.
Especially in the things that God I'm speaking is wrong.
And so we had the two two on the way to Emmaus last night.
Well, they were reasoning one with another.
They're wrong. That's right. Reason will never take you to the right place or where the Lord wants you. Never.
And the Lord had a time with them, with the women. He restored them in their soul very quickly because they weren't reasoning. They were.
They were disheartened, that's true. They were sorrowing, that's true. They they were given what they could, ministering how they could to the one they loved that that's all right. And he could restore them. But the two to Emmaus, it took quite a while. And then came the apostles.
And what did the Lord say to them? Well, he had a hard time with them, had a hard time with them, He said. Why? The thoughts arise in your heart.
There's a problem. They were thinking, he says, Put me in your heart. Forget the thought. And that's really what was wrong with the apostles there in Luke 24. You could look at it.
He he, he showed them his hands in his side and they didn't believe because there were thoughts there.
He's a spirit.
So he said, and this is the graciousness of God and our Father and the Lord, he says.
Have you anything to eat?
And they gave him, I forget what it was. I have to look at fish maybe. What was it, a fish?
And he stood in the midst of his apostles.
And he ate.
He condescended to do that so they would believe he's not just the spirit in their presence.
Wonderful, isn't it? But the apostles needed all that. The women before didn't need all that.
And they had thoughts in their hearts. And brethren, it's a warning to all of us. If you get don't, don't wrestle with this thing, don't wrestle with the word of God ever, you're going to be wrong.
If there's verses you don't understand, leave it alone.
Just leave it alone.
We have finite minds.
This is infinite, don't forget. Leave it alone, but pray about it and ask the Lord to reveal it to you.
And thank him when he does, because he will. I don't know how, but he does it every time.
That's the way to find out the truth. You got the Teacher in you, the Holy Spirit. The Lord loves to teach through the Holy Spirit, but don't try to teach yourself.
Be taught of the Lord, and it may be you talk to somebody right after you've prayed for help and that very thing is revealed or in this kind of a meeting, or you'll read something and they help, but the Lord will bring it out to you.
But then thank you.
There is no place for conceit. There is there.
There's only place for admitting we know nothing.
Turning slowly as it's just been mentioned.
We learn here in the assembly. We learn by reading God's Word.
And perhaps some of our assemblies there isn't really much teaching and much gift.
But perhaps.
The gift that is there is, again it is true, is the gift that God has put there.
Enough to satisfy the soul.
You are still hungry.
Get in the word yourself.
Just as our brother has said.
And I think our brethren here will it say that go to some of the older writings and read them, and learn of those things, and learn them slowly, and then you will be established in the Word of God.
I'm thinking of a man who I believe was gathered down in Oakland and he was a meteor.
And went out as a laboring brother for a little while.
And his star Meteor just flashed through, and the last I knew, he was far from going on with the Lord.
Don't be like that, he brilliant mind he did. He had a brilliant mind. Quote Scripture very well.
Evidently, it didn't enter into his heart.
Learn slowly, but learn deeply.
Getting on in our chapter, just a little recompense to no man.
Evil for evil.
There's no loophole in that verse.
But as we drop down in verse 18, if it be possible, as much as Lieutenant, you live peaceably with all men. There's some leeway there.
But I remember kind of feeling like I had suffered an evil blow.
And I was kind of nursing it and one day I was watching some horses and they were out in a field and all of a sudden one horse turned and he kicked the other horse in the side.
A terrible blow.
And I looked at that other horse and it just kind of got its wind back, but it had no reaction toward that other horse. And I kind of knew why that exhibition took place before my eyes.
That I might let the matter go and not nurse it. But it's a positive statement, is it not? And the Lord, when we think of all the evil that was heaped up against Him, not only at the cross, but all through his life.
Coming unto his own, and his own received him not to think of going on day by day, but never rendering evil for evil.
What an example.
And we need that example before us continually, lest we should be consumed by things that we feel are being heaped upon us, that are that we just don't have coming.
I believe that first would be.
If it is, if it be possible, as much as life in you live peaceably with all men, it is not always possible to live peaceably with all men. But on your part, let you not be a party to thee.
Isn't that the thing?
David is a good example of both verses. He never recompensed evil to Saul for all the evil he received from Saul. He never recompensed evil to Saul.
And in First Samuel 24.
Just the the language of David in verse 14. Pastor whom is the king of Israel, come out after whom dust up or Stew after a death, dog after a flea.
The Lord therefore be judged, and judged between me and thee, and see and plead my cause, and deliver me out of thine hand. And then the dialogue continues and.
Fall somewhat conciliates.
And ask the favor, and, And at the end David swear unto Saul, according to this favor that Saul had asked. And Saul went home, But David and his men gassed them up unto the hole. He couldn't commit himself.
To Saul. Saul was given over in governmental.
And David couldn't commit himself to him. And sometimes we rendezvous in our lives with people like that.
And that's why it's the best. It lies with you. Live peaceably with all men. We don't have to.
Get in a shouting match with them. David never did.
He got himself back to the hole, so he didn't commit himself, that's all.
But after Saul was finally killed, I believe the young man that brought the news to David.
They are the one who who killed Saul. David reproves him for laying his hand on the Lord's anointed. He respected the position of Saul right straight up into the end, and even unto his death.
Recompense to no man, evil for evil, and then the 19th avenge not yourselves.
Vengeance is mine, I will pay, saith the Lord.
I may still have trouble with this verse, but I one time had a great deal of trouble with it.
Because no, recompense. Don't recompense evil for evil. In fact, the fellow may be bigger than I am, and I can't.
But believe me, you're going to get yours. God knows about it. God's going to take care of you.
While I have fallen into a trap right there, I may not lay a hand on him, may not be able to.
But I put him under the judgment of God. I put him under the judgment of God, and that's not right.
Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. But the rest of this, what we had it here is be kindly affection 1 to another.
My eye doesn't fall on it, but feed your enemies, pray for them, do good to them. It's just the opposite from recompensing evil for evil, or even asking the vengeance of the Lord upon them.
There's 20.
Yes, thank you. Yes. Verse 20. If thine enemy hunger, feed him. If he thirst, give him drink, for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
The breastplate of righteousness that is part of the armor given to us in the Ephesians, chapter six. That righteousness there is not divine righteousness which we possess through the finished work of Christ.
But that is practical righteousness.
As the apostle could say, herein, do I exercise myself always to have a conscience void of offense toward God and toward men, as we have in our verse here. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
So if I don't have a good conscience in my everyday business transactions or in the testimony that I am bearing before the world.
I don't have the breastplate of righteousness on and I'm vulnerable to the enemy. Then we have the the our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. So we go through a world of of turmoil and confusion. But we should, as believers, reflect.
The peace of God in our in our, in our dealings, in our walk, and in our testimony down here as Royal Priest.
Showing forth the virtues of Him who have called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.
The last part of the 17th floor is providing things honest from the sight of all men. I know of a brother in the Lord that lives in Calgary Falls and he used to work for the Internal Revenue.
And their primary function in that office was to review cases where it was obvious that income tax had overstated a case. And they they knew that there was a certain doctor that was claiming that he was using some facility down in Florida when he lived elsewhere.
And they knew it was a boondoggle and he had saved about $35,000 in his income tax. But because they had so many other cases that would net the government far more, they had to let that one go. Now, this is an awful thing for me to say. But if you want to rob the government of of $35,000, you can probably do the same and you'll get away with it because they're too busy catching somebody that has hooked the government for far more.
Except as a Christian, it says, provide things honest in the sight of all men.
So when we fill out our income tax line by line, we may tremble, we may be infuriated, we may say whatever comes to mind because we know that it's taking extracting from us something that we feel that they shouldn't. But if the laws of the land are such, and that's in the next chapter. But if, if we provide things honest in the sight of all men, it doesn't matter if they if they never audit you, you are audited by.
The the divine accountant that takes care of all of those things in our lives, doesn't it?
And how happy to be. I know of a brother in the Lord that would have a great deal to gain and he's reported to have said in case with income tax, I play it absolutely straight.
And I don't know what that means because I don't have to worry about upper income, but there must be ways to to to dodge this and dodge that. But you can't dodge this. It says provide things honest in the sight of all men. And each one of us have have an opportunity to do that every year that we fill out income tax and we have it many other applications in our lives as well provide things on us.
In the sight of all men.
How that can come back?
Just an example there.
The examiner on the income tax lets it go, but obviously the man was not a Christian but supposedly do that and and the examiner sees you and.
Oh, so that man's a Christian? Well, I put aside his false income tax returns.
Because I didn't have time to do it. But he's a Christian. Excuse me, I don't want that religion.
It can come back.
Avoid all appearance of evil. That's all you're saying. And it's a good word. All appearance. And that's one. Yeah. But this 20th verse, you know, show compassion to your enemy.
If he hungers, feed him. If he thirst, give him drink. Now. In doing so, thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
I was going to ask you, but.
You could lay the iron on that fire and nothing would ever happen.
It would get hot enough to change or 4, but if you cover that with cold.
One mom was red hot and you could change it to whatever shape you wanted.
So I think that's the figure there is the total of the fire that covers its metal, its iron, and then you can shake it.
Remember that Earl God telling me once and somehow he his neighbors are in for it. He tried and every way to.
Get his neighbor's confidence again.
But just didn't seem to work. But one harvest neighbor broke his legs, went in and harvested his crop.
That he had the best friend ever after that.
So there is a way to do it?
The same song in relation to providing things honest in the sight of all men.
My neighbor said come over and get some *** anytime you want to.
Well, because he said they're going to wait, but I still didn't want to go over there unless he was told because the neighbor might think I'm here.
So you have to take others in consideration in these things and and be careful that we do manifest the characters and more and ever appearing different.
I don't know if it's absolutely true or not, but we must remember the customs of other lands and that they did not have matches. Of course, as we have now. If your fire went out, you went to your neighbor and said my fire's gone out and they understand. They carried things on their heads and your neighbor rhythm would give you.
Some container that they would put the coals in and you took them home you carried.
Hold home and he heaped holes of fire on your head so that you had plenty of fire to rekindle your own fire at home. I suppose this would be found in some type of book that the times and customs in the in the Holy Land. And I I say that because I'm going to ask you, did you read it? Have you got that book or do you know somebody that's got it? Well, if you do, you learn something, learn something from it and you learn some of these things that we says simply don't understand.
Well, the Lord always used examples that they understood who He was talking to, and I do think that what you said is correct. But He always has a spiritual application and fire speaks of judgment.
And so his head speaks of his thoughts. And I do believe if that kind of conduct brings self judgment to the one you've been compassionate to. And I think the spiritual meaning is that.
There was a man who had a neighbor who had a cow.
This man had a real nice garden and that cow broke through the fence between the two neighbors and really damaged his garden. He took the cow back and told the neighbor, I want them not to come through again. I'm going to build that fence stronger. And he replanted his garden. It happened the second time, the third time.
He said without taking the cow back, he just ran over there. He said if you're cow gets into my garden once more, I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do. And the neighbor said what you going to do, I'm going to bring him back to you again.
You know what he did? He caused a fire on that man's head.
Thank God he thought twice.
I think that's the thought. What do you think?
I appreciate that.
Brother Bauman saying that there's a spiritual application, and I believe that the story of Joseph in Genesis is one of the beautiful examples of this very thing. His brother hated him. Read how Joseph treated his brethren. He fed them, he gave them drink, he showed them every kindness, and that eventually worked a wonderful repentance.
Certainly they went through sorrows and agonies, they went through real fears, but it was for their final blessing.
So I think it's very nice to see that in our lives that we started this chapter, that we were not to be conformed to the world, but we were to be transformed. And it would be wonderful if we can act with the Spirit of Joseph and seek to bring blessing that there might be in the end, real spiritual benefit from it that's being transformed to that which is the perfect and acceptable will of God.
Ask a question about the 15th Psalm. There you get the character of the citizen of Zion. And sometimes we speak about what we shouldn't do as like we get in some of these thoughts here that we shouldn't do this, we shouldn't do that. We should feed the feed our enemy. And I think this is lovely, but I just was wondering, brethren, if it would be good to look at this lovely list here. The question is, Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacles? Who shall dwell in thy holy hill? And then we get the standard, I believe that is so appropriate.
For the citizen of Zion, because you and I are citizens of Zion in principle, and this should be the character I believe as we go through this world, he that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.
He that backbited not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbor, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbor.
Oh, is this searching me? You know, it's I don't have to look very far. I'm getting the search right now. In whose eyes a vile person is condemned.
But he honors them that fear the Lord. Now we get into this one where we was talking about money. You know sometimes we make we get the question will I lose or gain on this deal? Well, it says he that swerved to his own hurt and changes not he that putteth not out his money to usury covetousness is that the thought behind this expression put it not out as money to usually does this search my heart and my covetous.
What am I doing with what the Lord's given me?
And then it says nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved.
Well, I just wonder, you know, my brother was a sister, asked a brother one time. How can I find a companion that I would feel good about?
And this brother said to the sister, you find a man that walks according to the 15th Psalm and you'll be on the right track. I just mentioned this because sometimes we need to get down to the nitty gritty about what we're here for and what we are doing with what the Lord has given to us. But look at the lovely character that how it blends in here with what we've got in this chapter. And you know, there's a lot of people around us that would make themselves enemies. And I just delight to hear these stories about how.
Hearts have been changed by kindness.
Because that's what we were talking about in the first part of our chapter wasn't by the mercies of God, but we called it the compassions of God. And if we have compassion, that's a motive that goes beyond what is might be the rules of the laws of the land and everything else. Love is going to prevail. And like in that 15th, the 13th chapter of First Corinthians.
It always impresses me, it says, though I speak with the tongue of men and angels.
And I have all gifts and all this thing and all knowledge and have not love.
There's a big thing, isn't it? And I, I have to. It searches me, brother. And what is my motive? Is my motive to getting along in this world, love?
Or again for #1.
And how sometimes we have a tough time making the line. It gets to be kind of a Gray area, doesn't?
And be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. You know, we should all be overcomers.
And this world is just a a bed of evil, let's face it, everything there in this world, but we're in it, but not of it. And how can you overcome the evil with good? Well, I believe one way is Philippians.
Chapter 4.
Just one verse, or I think he'll do it. Maybe 2 verse 8. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things honest, whatsoever things, just whatsoever things pure, whatsoever things lovely, whatsoever things of good report there be any virtue, there be any priest think on these things. Now that's how you overcome it. That's the only way I remember.
Harry Ajo used to give an example for that. Of course, he liked to mention covered vessel and that's how you cover your vessel.
You know, but he is to say you can't stop the fowls from flying overhead.
But you don't have to let them nest in your hair. And he said he does it when he was in a railroad station. Of course I was. The old days, you know, today at the airport. But railroad station. And everybody's sitting there waiting for the train. He says the language is terrible. They're smoking and everything and swearing and taking the Lord's name. And I just pull out my hymn book, and I start thinking of good things.
They don't nest, and that's really the key. Then don't let them nest.
Thinking too back there we're not going to go back with a that provide things honest in the sight of all men you know that's very important we talked about eternal revenue but it's more important among the gathered Saints it's important everywhere but this is where it's important and you know in Nehemiah after they.
They rebuilt the wall and restored the gates.
The ones that wouldn't work were the nobles. They wouldn't put their next to the work. Sad isn't it? But the nobles did one thing, they let money to those that were working at usury.
You know, and then because they couldn't go out and farm, they couldn't go out and take care of vineyards, they couldn't do anything. So the nobles lent them money to live on at usury. And when they couldn't pay, because this was quite a long time building that wall, when they couldn't pay, the the nobles took their children into *******.
You know, this real lovely kindness and just look, look at attitude of Nehemiah. You know, eat Nehemiah was quite a man, I think and Nehemiah in chapter 5.
Verse four Well, verse I glad Lord start 3 Some also there were that said, we have mortgaged our lands, our vineyards, our houses, that we may buy corn because of the dirt. And there were also that said, we have borrowed money for the King's tribute, and that upon our lands and vineyards. And yet now our flesh is as the flesh of our brethren, our children as their children.
And lo, we bring into ******* our sons and our daughters to be servants, and some of our daughters are brought into ******* already. And neither is it in our power to redeem them. For other men have their hands, have our lands and vineyards. That's a pretty sad tale. Now, Nehemiah, verse six. I was very angry when I heard their cry. And I heard these words, and then I consulted.
With myself.
I believe it would be prayer but and I rebuked the nobles.
And the rulers And I said unto them, Ye exact usury everyone of his brother. And I said, a great assembly against them. Well, I could go on, you know. He made them restore it all, and so on. But how sad when this kind of thing, not honesty, is among our brethren, one with the other. But notice Nehemiah, I like this too.
OK, verse 17 now Nehemiah wasn't getting paid.
As governor he refused to pay. But notice this, 17 There were at my table 150 of the Jews and the rulers, besides those that came unto us from among the heathen that are about us. Now that's hospitality.
That's given to hospitality.
Well, there's something in this now that which was prepared daily was 1 ox, 6 choices of sheep fowls were prepared and one in 10 days store of all sorts of wine.
And yet for all this required I not the bread of the governor wages because the ******* was heavy upon my people, this people. Now that's just the opposite. You know, Paul said I'd I'd be I'd rather be spent and be spent for you. That's that's the thought. That's the Amaya wonderful Internet. Really. Who did he bring into the deal? Read the next verse. Let's see.
Where was I down here in chapter 5 that you think upon me, my God, that's good for good. Let's see, it says overcome evil with good. Think upon me, my God, for good to all that I have done for this people. You know, He had a sense that the Lord's portion is his people. And if you have that sense in your soul, you're always going to be doing the will of God if you really realize the most important thing is the Lord's people.
They're certainly not natural to us.
The natural tendency of our our hearts is to retaliate.
And there's been so many, so many problems brought into the assemblies and among God's people because of an unforgiving spirit.
And I'm sure that if we learn to show a forgiving spirit when we are in our youth, it's going to be a help throughout our lives because.
Probably more trouble has been.
Generated through that, through that lack of forgiveness than anything else. Remembering a brother in Ottawa who used to.
Who used to be told by his father when there was a quarrel in the family.
Among them as boys, he was told to write out so many times this verse in Ephesians 4 and 32.
Be kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you.
So that's a beautiful spirit to manifest that Christians should never defend himself.
But to show their spirit, and the Lord can use it to lead a brother to judge himself as has been brought out, and be restored into happy communion with the Lord.
I remember at a conference in Walla Walla years ago, dear brother Gladding, at least my memory says that it was at the conference in speaking about Matthew 18 and verse 15, more of thy brother shall trespass against thee. And he read the whole portion. And I, I said to myself, I can still feel the, the anticipation of what he was going to say on the verse. And he said, Grace might have given you to have forgiven the brother in the 1St place. And that impressed me.
Moreover, thy brother shall trespass against thee. Go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone. And he said grace might have given you to have forgotten the whole thing in the first place.
That stuck. I hope that something in our lives will show that what Brother Gladys said was not just a Gladding cliche, but that it's something that the grace of God can indeed work in each of our hearts.
Chapter 13.
Probably not done with 12.
30 This soul be subject under the higher powers there is no power but of God. The powers that be are ordained of God. Now that's a beautiful verse that sets everything right for us while we're here. Isn't that lovely? We don't have anything to do with putting powers in office. Nothing.
That my father takes care of that, Yeah. You know, some would chastise me when I was still.
Working because of all people you're not registered to vote. Of all people, they think you're not registered to vote. I said no, I'm not registered to vote. I'm not a citizen. My citizenships up there. Well, how can you make this a better place to live? How can we have better government if you don't vote for the best man?
Well, I said I do. I do. I vote for the best man. I have lost election since I've been saved, in fact.
So all I have to do is pray for the one God puts in lovely in this. It's so simple that Christians miss it. That's the problem. They're getting all mixed up in this. The what do you call it? Moral majority or something. They they, they, they don't read the word of God. This is so beautiful. I want to read one place. Proverbs 8. This is what Oh, this is this has saved me from much trouble.
Many times Proverbs 8 verse 12 I wisdom dwell and that's lovely. That's Christ, that's that's him, that's the Son of God.
Now verse 14 counsel is lying and sound wisdom I am understanding. I have strength by me King's reign and Princess decreed justice, and by me Princess rule and nobles.
All the judges of the earth. Oh, I used that so many times.
That verse saved me many times. I will give you details but when you face judges, you need this and but that's true and you know the judge of the Lord himself, the one we're talking about wisdom personified Jesus.
His judge says, knowest thou not I have power?
I have power.
To crucify thee.
What did Jesus say meekly?
Thou hast no power at all.
Except as given thee from above in that beautiful. Doesn't Scripture just pour in and fit together, old and new? And that's what's beautiful about it.
Verse also that says that he puts the basis of men.
In high places, or to rule over them. Beg your pardons in Daniel and Daniel.
My servant.
I even like that better, don't you? He'll use who we will.
Even Satan.
But don't forget that.
Advised to go through a ruler and say well I know you're one of the basis of men.
Jesus never said Satan, my servant.
Nebuchadnezzar. That's all right, but not Satan.
But he used him.
Is the messenger of Satan to Buffett Paul? Didn't he?
Satan real good for Job.
But Satan couldn't do anything. He said, Thou canst do what thou want, what thou will, with my servant Job, but you can't have it.
God always sets a limit with Satan.
Isn't that lovely? Well, we get a little bit off the powers down here.
But actually that that's part of it.
You know when they said it's a great election, the only great election ever held, they said, Pilot said. Which will you have, Jesus or Parathas? That's a great election.
And they said not Jesus.
Rabbis now Barabbas was a robber.
He means the name means the Son, the Son of God, the Son of the Father Son. He's the he's Satans counterfeit and he's a robber. And so this world has been governed by a robber ever since, a robber of souls.
Solemn, but that's a great election.
I always a lot better Doctor Watson. I use that a lot too.
The helpful things of this chapter is that when we have been.
Brought to Christ in grace and in love.
That we realize that we now answer to a heavenly calling that we're not citizens of earth anymore. And we may carry this to A to a point where we are non conformist and we should be a bunch of revolutionists and and raise an uproar down here against things. But the Lord to think of him being born a Jew.
In that land, their land, and yet to be under Roman rule, and yet the Lord never made any move against the Roman government. They could not accuse him of anything and to think of when they thought they had him with that as to who to render to what he said. Show me a penny. And his words were rendered to Caesar the things that are to God the things that are God, and to Caesar the things that are Caesar's. And so we do need to be instructed, do we not in connection with the.
Government of this land. As to learning to respect the president, we might say, well, how can we do that?
Well, we could have a Nero in power and we could be in persecution very quickly.
But to realize that God has put a man in office, he may reveal the moral state of the people. We feel bad about that, but we're not licensed to speak against the powers that God has set up in this world. He knows exactly what he's doing, and we'll save ourselves from many.
If we submit ourselves according as the word of God directs us, and we can go too far the other way and say, well, this is a law and and we've got to honor this lawn and maybe something that is contrary to the word of God, well, we're not expected to go that direction.
And so the Christian answering to a heavenly calling and walking in obedience to the word of God is the most balanced person that you can look upon.
And so we do have a responsibility and a privilege to carry ourselves in this world.
As a testimony for Christ, the one who has tread the path before us to be like Him.
Wondering, Brother Stanley, if you had a particular point in this chapter you wanted to reach. I was, I was just going to say, if you hadn't said I was going to say, well, as our brother Ron has stated, and this is my question, is there any law of the land?
That allows us to do what Scripture forbid.
Or any law of the land that hinders us from doing what scripture?
Permits or commands us to do. In other words, what what takes precedence?
In the conscience and the exercise of the believer.
The word of God or the law of the land? Is there any law of the land that can interfere with abstinence from something or liberty to do something that Scripture would speak otherwise?
Somebody close to the Mike and Rita's?
Reference Act 4/18/1920.
They call them, handed them not to speak at all, nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said unto them.
Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God? Judge ye, for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard. So when they had further threatened them, they let them go.
Miss going far.
No, my standard answer to something like that. I want to add a word to it. Amen.
Start with verse 28.
Where those in authority said did not we straightly command you that you should not teach in this name?
And behold, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this man's blood upon us. Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said We ought to obey God.
Rather than men, the God of our fathers raised up Jesus.
Whom yeast flew and hanged on a tree, Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Savior, for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And we are his witnesses of these things, and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God has given to them that obey him.
So we see that.
There are times when those that are in the sphere of authority step out.
Of that authority that God has given them, the example mentioned already during the conference is Nebuchadnezzar and the the three children, Shadrach, Ishak, and Abednego. And they were faithful and new and discerned that what Nebuchadnezzar had asked him to do, as that supreme Gentile authority, the head of gold in the dream in Nebuchadnezzar himself had in chapter 2 This great emperor, they saw that he had stepped out.
Of his sphere of authority.
But they had direct commandments from the Word of God to move, and that's the character in which the Christian ought to move. And be very careful that any authority over you that you would set aside without having a clear direction from the Word of God, because in this chapter it shows us that God.
Has directed these authorities for our safety and for our blessing.
Is that right, Brother Bob?
Might be good to look at the way they answered the Kingdom in Daniel chapter three. I think it's very beautiful. It was an answer of utmost faith in God and in verse.
15 Now if he be ready, said Nebuchadnezzar, that at what time you hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, Sackbuck, sultry and dulcimer and all kinds of music.
Well, you know, that's the way Satan works. That's what's going on today.
You fall down and worship the image which I have made well, but if you worship not.
Ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. And who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hand? Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said to the king, All Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter, and if it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace.
And he will deliver us out of thine hand, O King. But if not, be it known unto the old King, that we will not serve by God, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.
We are not careful to answer the old King about this matter.
I think that's a beautiful way to put it, yeah.
The language of faith, isn't it?
Back to the verse here, let every soul be subject under the higher powers, and I'm thinking of those power Rome that came in and conquered there. And as at least I know it happened occasionally in World War 2, though I wasn't there obviously. But they walked down the street and the Conqueror came along and you got down on the gutter, you got out of his way and it was the same there.
I assume the Roman soldier came down and you gave hey carry my pack.
And you had to carry his pack a mile and the Lord, I believe it was a sermon on the Mount said don't grumble about that. Carry it an extra mile. But that's that was right down Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. I agree with all that has been said, but we're talking now about.
You and me on the street, and the Conqueror is there. We don't know what we're talking about here in America, but some of our friends in foreign lands could probably well tell us about it.
Standing up to the Lord, I had the privilege of being and Italy recently and I just would like to say that our brother Granita sends his love to all the Saints here in the States. But there was the highlight of the trip was when he took me up to a place called Piedmont.
It was on the kind of the top of a hill, and there was a village up there that was from way back 2000 years ago. And the Christians lived in that village from about the 13th century till the 16th century. And when the armies of Rome by the Pope were directed to exterminate the Christians, there was a rock in that town that Brother Granite showed me, on which there was beheaded 3000 men, women and children in the year 1621.
And we've been speaking about martyrs, those that would stand for the Lord, these who withstood them. And like was said by the three children of Israel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, we're not careful to answer the old king. I thrill to that remark of faith, but here's what happened.
There were 3000 men, women and children were slain on this rock. It's about 6 feet long and wide, and someone tilted it up and made a memorial there. And I had the privilege of looking at that rock. I even have with me some pictures that I could be glad to show anyone that's interested. But here's what's on the rock, brethren, hearken to me. Ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek the Lord, look unto the rock whence he are hewn.
Look unto the rock. Whence yeon they were hewn on that rock. Their heads were separated from the body. They were absent from the body and present with the Lord. That's the other side of the coin that we've been talking about. It may be that there would be suffering for the Lord. We don't know. But the wonderful thing is that if it is, what's the result? Absent from the body and present with the Lord? May the Lord give us the faith.
For it if the occasion comes.
I think it's interesting that it's important that this instruction to be subject to the authorities came when a very wicked man was the emperor. He wasn't one that was favorable. He wasn't one that was lenient, that was fair and just. He was just the opposite. But still the powers that be are ordained of God. And so we're we're to be subject to resist is to resist the ordinance of God. We have to see God in the authority that's over us.
And submit accordingly.
Thinking of that brother Chuck that there in Acts.
Those were the religious rulers. It wasn't the civil authority. And so they were not going to bow to the.
Religious rulers who are going to tell them that they couldn't follow the Lord. But here I say again, we started this chapter with the instruction not to be conformed, but be to be transformed. And if we're going to follow that, brethren, we're going to have to in our lives display a submission to authority ordained of God. It's not so much a question of the kind of authority. Not every policeman is a is an honest, decent, upright policeman, but he represents.
Something ordained of God. And if we're transformed into that good and perfect and acceptable will of God, there's going to be a display of submitting to that authority in our lives.
Meaning that God sets up a man like Hitler does it. It says the powers that are be but that there is a government and he happened to be the head of it so that we're to submit because the government is of God is Would you say that you know it says God sets up over it the basis of men. Hitler was one of the bases. Joe Stalin was worse and God set him up. What can you say?
Chosen earthly people are still under the judgment of a holy God, for lo am I.
And how they do it, how he does it is none of our business.
East in Revelation 13 ascends. When he gets his power, he'll be energized by Satan. He will not be ordained of God. That that power will not be ordained of God. And so then it will be right to resist it. But now it's not.
Well, it can be the powers that be in this world or the one that has power over you. You know that that could be too. And, and the Lord did take care of slavery when he was here. He didn't take care of anything, any institution here when he was here. He was saving men out of this world, not trying to make this world better. But in in our street, it's going to turn to it in Ephesians 5 and in Timothy and in Titus, but here.
Slaves really be obedient to them that are your masters, according to the place, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart as unto Christ, not with eyeservice as men pleasers, but as the bondsman of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart with goodwill, doing service as to the Lord, and not to men. So the testimony is what he was Speaking of there.
It's up but I just want to say this.
That Christianity does not seek to change the world, but it gives instruction on how to live in it no matter how evil it is. And one of the worst evils that ever was was bond. It was slavery. But Paul gives instruction. You just read it how to live in slavery to a slave, not try to get out of it. He he does say if thou canst be made pre use it rather because it was a terrible thing. But we're not to wage a campaign.
Against slavery or any of these evils, that's not Christianity, but to live in it for the glory of God.
Farewell to this world leading joy. Our home is not below.
There was no home for Jesus here, and his to him to go.
For him and Yonder home of love, where he had gone before.
The home he changed for Calvary's cross, and for all our sins before he wore our sins, that we might be his partners on the throne.
The throne he'll shortly share with those for whom he did his tone up. To our Father's house we go to that sweet home of love. Many of the mansions there are found where Jesus dwells above.
And he who left that home above to be a sufferer here, has left this world again for us. Imagine to prepare beginning at verse six of hymn #320.
Death nail to.
Witness that world.