Ruth 1:1-5

Ruth 1:1‑5
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Fathers in law, that she might return from the country of Moab. For she had heard in the country of Moab how that the Lord had visited his people, and giving them bread. Wherefore she went out of the place where she was, and her two daughters in law with her, and they went on their way to return on the land of Judah.
And they all might said unto her, Two daughters in law, go, return each to her mother's house. The Lord deal kindly with you as you have dealt with the dead, and with me.
The Lord grant you that you may find rest, each of you in the House of her husband. Then she kissed them, and they lifted up their voice, and wept. And they said unto her, Shirley will return with thee unto thy people. And Naomi said, turn again, My daughters, why will you go with me? Are there yet any more sons in my womb that they may be your husbands? Turn again, my daughters, go your way. For I am too old to have a husband, if I should say I have hope, if I should have an husband also tonight, and should also bear sons.
Would you carry for them till they're grown? Would you stay for them from having husbands?
Name my daughters, for agree with me much for your sakes, that the hand of the Lord had gone out against me. And they lifted up their voice, and wept again. And Orpha kissed her mother-in-law. But Ruth plays unto her, And she said, Behold, thy sister-in-law has gone back unto her people, and to her gods, return thou after thy sister-in-law. And Ruth said in Treat me not to leave thee, nor to return from following after thee.
Whether thou goest, I will go, And where is our largest, I will live. Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God. Where thou die, us I will die, and there will I be buried. The Lord do so to me, and more also, if aught but death part being me. When she saw that she was steadfastly minded to go with her, then she left, speaking under her. So they too went until they came unto Bethlehem, and it came to pass when they were come to Bethlehem.
But all the city was moved about them, and said, Is this Naomi? And she said unto them, Call me not, nail my call me now, for the Lord, for the Almighty have dealt very bitterly with me. I went out full, and the Lord had brought me home again empty. Why then call you me? Naomi, seeing the Lord have testified against me, and the Almighty has afflicted me so Naomi returns and roots, the Moabitess her daughter-in-law with her.
Which returned out of the country of Moab, and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of the barley harvest.
The Book of Ruth comes in in our Bible as sort of an appendix to the Book of Judges.
In fact, the first words of the book indicated very clearly that the events in the book of Ruth took place sometime during the period of the of the judges which is preceding book. And I think it's very needful for us to have this book of Ruth as an appendix to the subjects that we have and Judges because half the reason the book of Judges, we find one detention after another, sorrowful departure from God after another and you see the.
What, assuming he looks like the testimony of Jehovah and Israel disintegrating and going to pieces through failure of his people?
And it might lead one to come to the conclusion, but how is the Lord? How is Jehovah going to maintain his testimony in times of such departure and failure and breakup, while the book of Ruth comes in to show us that God has a way of maintaining his custodian times of departure? And he does. That is we find in the first chapter here through first of all, restoring ones who have made that away, and find the evenings today the testimony of the Lord.
The Christianity that many of.
Slipped away. The Lord has graciously restored them and her being a help. So we have that brought out in the book of Ruth, restoring ones who have slid away and have got back. That's illustrated in Naomi.
In another way, when she continues to maintain and further continue the testimony of the Lord today in Christianity.
Is by gathering in new ones to fill up the ranks.
And then thirdly.
Exercising and moving the rest of those in the city that you get that down near the end of the chapter.
As to the seriousness of being connected with the testimony of Jehovah and as well and so all the rest are deeply exercised and move. And through these things we I believe we can see a parallel for us today in Christianity and especially connected with those who are gathered to the Lords precious name that he is continuing his testimony. Even though there might be departure, there might be failure and weakness and so on. There is the work of the Lord still going on.
Restoring one, gathering new ones in moving and exercising the heart of those who do remain, that we might be more solemnized and more exercising to being transferred, being gathered to the Lord's name.
Book of the Bible.
Something it would suggest to us a new beginning or a new creation.
And the very thought of being a woman's name, Ruth.
In this book we find that she's called Gucci Mole by this five times.
And every time the Moabitess parties brought in, we might recoil and say, well, we just wish that that didn't have to be said.
Just been rude. I thought of it that sometimes we're.
Met with the desire to build up our ego and we fall back on the fact that we're just sinners, saved by the wonderful grace of God. And so I think children like to test things out and I believe it's five times And then Ruth singularly is mentioned 12 Times, which would bring before us administration.
And it would remind us of Revelation 21, where we see the Bride coming out of heaven in the administrative character referred to as This is the Bride, the Lambs Life. So it's just a a little setting here in connection with this beautiful book of Ruth.
A famine in the land. I think in scripture we have about 10 famines that are mentioned in HRA, particularly trial. And in this case, of course it's a test to these.
Who were in the Bethlehem? Judah, which is Bethlehem, means the House of bread, and Judah of of the praise. So what a place to live, a place of bread and a place place of praise, but.
The famine came and caused them to cast about elsewhere and they traveled on out of there down to place about 50 miles away. We can travel just a few miles.
In geographically, or maybe any difference at all and be out of the will of God. But a famine is always a test as to whether the will of God is is sufficient for me.
And so we declined here some real tests. And I suppose there are three tests here as to why we the three reasons why we run from our problems.
And when they Certainly when they Salmon comes into our life, into our lives. First we noticed we could say that we we live by sight rather than by faith circumstances. Where would it files them to wonder how God is going to take care of them? In the House of bread? In the House of praise? And so how often we are so?
Coerced by the things that are quite allowed in our lives to test.
Whether I'm satisfied or not, as I live by site rather than I live by faith, that'll cause me to leave the house at the place of blessing. And secondly, I believe there's a thought here that I put the physical ahead of the of the spiritual as they did here, living for self pleasing. Self wanted to be comfortable and so when things get a little bit difficult I want to move elsewhere thinking that a change of location is going to improve my relationship or meet my needs.
That's another reason.
I suppose and and then another one, a test. Am I really living for the Lord or I am am I living for the world?
Well, probably these three tests we've all been confronted by.
But they're going to live by sights, or whether by faith, or they're going to live for self and convenience and be comfortable.
Or what they're going to look for the Lord and or live for the world or put the world things before me. So I think that the command that you and I experienced.
Will bring out these different features as to how much he satisfies my soul. I think who doesn't really mean satisfying and satisfied. I think there are two or three meetings satisfied or beauty or personality or something, but I think one of the definitions for her name.
Was satisfied.
And personally, the end of the story begun becomes perfectly satisfied.
The thought would be helpful when you see a judges, there's a prosthesis, you know, and it sort of speaks to our minds. We're a leader of the living in a time of jewelry, apostasy all around, but here right in the midst of it.
They fail in responsibility. Absolutely, Bill. Any man is doing that with the driving is going on in the midst of it. God's grace comes in and brings in the whole picture of grace. And so could we look at it? Perhaps here we are running at the end of the church is history on earth and all around.
We believe there's apostrophe or men during Africa's rights in their own arms. Can we still have this privilege of coming together?
And what we feel is a scriptural way. The Lord still have this little way. What a wonderful God. We should be very, very thankful that this is shown appointment.
National contract also between my consider the mountain areas of Israel and Egypt where we know Egypt has the river that flows continually and has no sense of depending on. But this area of Israel, Bethlehem, Judah was very dependent upon God's blessing care subject and here we find that there was a family.
The question why has God been telling this question? Why has God allowed this family? But they're not a cause, and I think it might be profitable to be aware of being causes. The Prince famine amongst God people, as we had before, not to run from him. There's an exercise, there's something, a blessing. It can be ours if we can take it from the Lord and accept the exercise that comes from ourselves for our goodness.
Question Was there not in cause with his family history at this time?
I looked at a verse in Hebrews that helped along that line.
Verse 11, now most knew for the Presence, seems to be joyous and grieving.
Nevertheless afterwards yielded their feasible groups of righteousness, and Hebrews 12/11 and to them which are exercised thereby.
One thing, to go through a trial and to.
Seek to know what that trial is. But they don't always know. But they can always be exercised. In the days that the judges rule, we might look at a few verses and judges to understand a little more of substances has already been said the jewels.
It was also, in fact, his chapter 17.
Several times in those days there was no king in Israel.
Whatever the man did, that would be right in his own time. Chapter 18.
One In those days, there was no scene in Israel.
Chapter 19. And it came to pass from December 1 and those days when there was no king in Israel. I might have missed one, but let's go to the last chapter of Judges on the 25th verse.
In those days there was number king in Israel. Every man did that which was right in his own eyes.
Clear character of what we might say we are democracy.
The true character that that was really leave out the lordship of a fight, pretended upon the directing of the bed, and the result is every man doing that which is right from going on.
Well, this brought a need. This brought a character in which joy meters could deal with their people. And now what his name is not regret, is not enjoying, but if we can receive it from the Lord and speak to learn to invest his devil.
What the Lord is preaching to to bring to our heart and not to speak, to escape it as this Brother Christmas family away from that place for the city and exercise and blessings.
If we can, if we can submit that that was the Lord's dream upon it in a time frame.
And seem to know what he is saying to it and to be exercising our soul Getting there can be truthful their kind of growth, you know. At the same time similarly the limo like left, there are others that remain and we're thankful for those that have remained content. And look about me and I see those older brothers and older sisters that have stayed faithful.
Is a Christmas guy apparently saved and they've gone through that time, they've gone through time, but it's mainstream that they remain confident and it's been a slave. It's because of the spirit of God working in your heart and the truth of God, you respectful in your soul with them that.
So I can't get the pills and see OK and the service rules that there was a movie. So God to speak to the people and if God speaks to us and what a wonderful thing that God is still able to dare to speak to us and if our hearts can run through having said to us.
And to abide faithful, and to wait upon him, and, as it's been said, anxious.
It seems to be something significant in this what it says about the judges ruling.
And when the margin, it says the judge is judged. But if we take it as it reads in our translation, the judges rule. I'm not just sure that that was really what God had.
Had for them to do, and it turned to Jeremiah chapter 5.
And verse 30. A different situation now.
But those who were leaders amongst God's people, we see a similar type of thing going on and we see the appropriate response from the people. Jeremiah chapter 5 and verse 30. A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land. The prophets prophesied falsely and the priest bare rule by their means.
And my people love to have it so.
And what will you do in the end? Or?
Here is the priests.
Bearing rule by their means, and I believe that would bring before us.
A condition where nature has a very high place amongst the people of God and there is exerting of rule. This famine is directly connected with that, I believe where those set in administration amongst God people have taken a place of of ruling.
And bearing rule that there was famine in the land.
That kind of oppression will cause those who.
Are people in their hearts to breakdown and turn inside? So how careful we need to be that their colour has given us any, any measure of gift or health in the Assembly of God. That we be very careful that we don't exert rural or or pressure upon our brethren, because we can see the result here of a family that was weak, It really drove them away.
We often have the thoughts before us, that is a creature of the streams.
And I wondered a little bit about this phrase that the.
Judges rule.
And we look back into the book of judges that was considered already there was this decline.
There was sitting before God, and God had raised up.
To deal with the circumstances.
I just wondered if we could see how with this condition that the judge had to work with at times.
We might have gone a little too far and as we had rule with an iron hand, couldn't speak rather than a heart of prone, there might have been a cause. Why? Because some of the judges have had taken that approach to things because of the conditions they were working with. Now it doesn't excuse them.
Maybe you should speak to our hearts as to, again, if they're not the cause, it's another reason that that maybe it had taken place. That way. The suggestion rules on little too far rather than out of a height of drugs and dodge. People might have taken up a sort of a.
Have the bottom, it's a little bit so there's there's most often two sides to these things that we have to consider.
Wanted to be very careful that we can see what the balance is in this thing and to understand when there are voters that are lifted up by the lawyers and administration to understand just what God desires from them and to be seeking receptive to the Lord in such a division so that there would be proof and blessing rather than a family.
It's interesting to notice and connect with this. They're mentioning how those in the place of Leadership, perhaps barren, rule that in the 5th chapter of Judges. You'll find that when things were.
Somewhat in for blessings and people of God, you read these words that leaders LED to the judges that they're called losers when they were acting in a way for the deliverance of God's people and it says registered and leaders LED there was a great deliverance in Israel.
But when judges rule, we have a family. That is an interesting comparison and it does speak to us, especially those who have a more of a place of leadership and God's people amongst God's people today, that they can lead in such a way as really cars for people to family as waning as mentioned.
Is that right out in Second Timothy where you get the house in disorder and you would think that the apostle fall and encourage limited to you know, put a firm hand on me and things like you know get out the whip and and get these people back in line with starting a second chapter in the first verse. Is that thou, therefore my son is strong and great because in Christ Jesus where is that balance and all that?
Contingency. Maybe the width of Saint back in the trade where there should be that use of be faithful but with things.
Give us instruction in the first chapter. So Peter.
In the first verse it says the owners which are among the right sort who are also an elder and a witch for the suffering and fight. And also I'm going to take care of the doors and trying to reveal things the plot that drive which is among you taking the oversight, care of not like constraints.
Willingly not for filthy liquor that I've already mined a new year has been more so the God's characters, that being examples to the flood. When the chief shepherd shall appear, he shall receive the crown of glory, the things not away, and as you mentioned by the God black, the other side of the verse 5 likewise the number submit yourself has been relevant. And all these helping point to another is close to communities.
Regarding business and problems in the spirit.
A little more of a spreading address. We know that Boaz was rehab, son, so that this would have happened very early in the book of the judges.
And we ask ourselves, when God's people went in and possessed that land that flowed with milk and honey, how long did they go on with the Lord? Over the second chapter of Judges, we read those shocking words, verse 13.
And those are sick, the Lord, and serve, bail and pasteurize.
You can imagine how the elders of Israel would have felt as they had the wilderness experience and our Lord's brain, and faithfully through and enter the land. And I've heard the words of Moses. And now to see their hearts going out to the very idolatry of that land of which God which provokes God. And we have to say, the iniquity of the Amorites was full and threatened into this fall.
Now I think we can bring this right down to the day. What about the idolatry that we see? Sometimes we see some shocking things.
Now what is our reaction going to be through it? We can't turn a blind eye. We can't act as though Satan isn't making intervals among God's people.
So I feel it's a very timely and instructive subject to have before us as to how we meet these things and bail and ask Astra.
It's, I suppose.
Our experiences actually learn that the grace of God is sufficient.
They left call this place of upper hand Judah, but there is in the second paragraph between his first two to verse 5.
Is she that no matter what the class, it is far better to be poor and hungry in the will of God, and the rich and comfortable outside of the will of God and so?
They thought, no doubt, that they'd probably be gone for a short time.
We'll just go down and and maybe get enough to bring back with us and and carry on back home here, but they were gone for 10 years.
It's interesting now in a case of Jacob, you remember and he was in check and he was told to get up and get to Bethel. Well, there's only 30 miles difference distance between Checkerman and Bethel, but they were 10 years. He was 10 years apart from a place of God at having. Oftentimes we we may have a an attention intention to do what is what we feel is right or what God may allow us to do.
But once we deviate from things, from his expressed will, then he has to deal with it. But again, we learn from experience that as he as the only kid that no matter what the cost.
No matter what price may be attached to the same and a place of blessing, it is worth it is worth it. Others may leave. I think we get the report with ultra here that.
She she left and others will leave through, but she's so covered the place and she's so jealous of the place.
A blessing in the will of God that we willing to for the grace of God to pay that price.
Why is it that in the Book of Rules you have an isolated circumstance that's drawn out of judges during that period and it's the only time? Perhaps I'm wrong, but I believe it's the only time that you have a famine brought out.
Every other time they were delivered over to their enemies deserve significance in those two things.
I wonder sometimes with this job.
The user has to take to avoid the circumstances of the enemies might have crossed the corner to go down to moan, and as we've had before us, they're ready to children there in peace and comfort, so to speak. It's really an avoiding of the exercises that God brings before his people being sold over into the hands of the enemy with the result of the condition of the people.
And simply bow to that and accept that doesn't always need to thank you.
It's important to be aware that the pathway that the Lord would have us to try, there's not an easy pathway.
I've often enjoyed this little verse in the first chapter of Deuteronomy.
And very cute.
It says there are 11 days attorneys.
That ragged, shiny mountain. So we learn the love of God and the care of God for us in the circumstances we come in, too.
Here it's a beautiful picture, isn't it, Of how God is able to restore?
When there has been a running away from the exercises that the guy was bringing before his people.
Are restoring, yes, but a great loss along the way. I think here we have the other side of the picture. We have maybe Boaz that remained in the land and learn the exercises and gain from it became a mighty man as well.
We have here those that ran away from it and how there was such a great loss. So there was always that opportunity for reservation. I think the Lord uses this to bring in the other side of the picture as to what the results would be from running away from the exercises that are so meaningful for us to realize that you tend to continue and to go on and learning the lessons that he would have explained.
Yeah, I that is some help. I was thinking of how Abraham early on. It doesn't give any indication Abraham was doing anything wrong when the family came into the land. But it was a period of testing for Abraham too, was it not? And yet it was the testing in such a way in which Abraham failed, but it was now on the end which which was a blessing to him in a richer way because he could he could see the faithfulness of God.
When he went back to the place of blessing, I believe we had a little bit of that same picture here where it seems that that so the famine might represent those things that God is allowing in our lives to encourage our faith. But when we fall into areas of apostrophe period which which as our brother Ryan.
Said was later on really that that was manifested in the judgment. Really. It really went straight.
Then the enemy was allowed to come in and have their way. Need to do more thinking on it, but that's why I asked that question.
Yeah, she was good.
A brother that said, when the counsels of God, the counsels of God, there is no wilderness, you know, and and so in the counsels of God the children of Israel came out across the Red Sea and went over the Jordan and right into the promised land and the counsel of God. But the ways of God are what you get in the wilderness.
And so they're necessary. For as we walk through this world, God teaches them.
But it almost seems in a certain way that rules is sort of the purposes of God. The people are all failed. There's they've totally failed in responsibility. God comes in, He picks up a woman who has no right to be an Israelite. She has no right to be there. She can never be left and show us a picture. But God, the people are under law, but God is not under law. God can and his sovereign grace overstep that and bring them into blessing. And that's what he does.
What a wonderful picture I have. You know that. May I say that that God has not committed anything vital to us.
Like the suggestion to make your brother Ed mentioned that was Abraham, That on the surface it doesn't seem like he was doing anything wrong. But if you carefully read it, you realize that there was some dissatisfaction in his heart. He was secret. And this is what a famine will manifest. So we may become dissatisfied with the assembly, we may be dissatisfied with our brethren. It really doesn't seem to be too evident. And then we'll feel a famine come, and then that gives us the liberty or the right now to to lead because we've been offended.
And so on. But I enjoyed in Psalm 33 how to be preserved in a famine.
Psalm 33 and verse 18.
Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him.
Upon them that hope in his mercy, to deliver their soul from death and to keep them alive in famine. I think that was a secret of Boaz preservation, was it not? And so, if the famine does come, do we delight to have the Lord preserve us in it?
Well, if we're dissatisfied and the family discovers that, we probably won't enjoy these two verses and won't enjoy the eye of the Lord upon us.
And we'll go out.
There's a couple more verses, just a couple of songs further on Psalm 37.
And verse 18 and 19 that goes on with your thoughts, then the Lord knoweth the days of the upright, and their inheritance shall be forever. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time, and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.
So the Lord can keep and maintain his people in times of testing. And so it's interesting to notice that the Book of Ruth begins with this famine. And I believe the underlying lesson was basically what we've all been Speaking of here, is that.
God is going to test every person that takes up with the profession of being connected with God's people. We have all made that profession.
And we have taken that step. God is going to test us as to the reality.
Of that step that we have taken and profess, you see, it says in Psalm 51 about desire of truth on the inward part. You know, outwardly we know how to act so that we look like we're going on, but the Lord looks on the heart and date would would have been in Davis, right. And the Lord is going to test it. And so we find here that the famine then becomes a time of testing for this man eliminate.
He has tested as to whether he's going to his brother Ron is mentioned remaining on the land dependent upon God to sustain and keep him, or is he going to go find a roadier, more pleasing pasture and escape the discipline on the things that God might have to teach him through it all. And I've noticed to go on with brother Jim Scott that he went to sojourn.
No intention to ever live there, just the soldiers. And you'll notice that there is a course of things that are taken up here in the first verse.
And first of all it says he went to sojourn in verse one, then in the end of verse two you'll find. And he continued there. Now there's an advance, there's a progress here. And then in verse four it says they dwelled there, they go to school, journey first of all, then continue there, and then finally end up dwelling there.
So it shows us that there is such a thing as a course that we can get into. It gets more difficult to replace the footsteps when we begin to take even one false step.
Another thought too, as it says that.
He went to soldier in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons. You see there is adverse in Romans 14 it tells us that no man lives untrue himself and no man dies unto himself. That is that we all affect one another how I live or whatever is going to affect my brother. And so you find that one man makes this journey and immediately there's others that follow his wives and his two sons and so on. And so when we make false steps, we got to remember that we could be misleading others that are with whom we have some influence with.
And the journey going into the land of Moab was is in every way a picture or describes departure from the purposes in the mind of God. If you go back to Joshua, when they were entering into the land, they went over the river Jordans. And when they went to the river Jordan, they took these 12 Stones they were in the river and put them up onto the land on the river bank, on the land of the side of the land of Canaan. That was God's purposes for his 12 tribes as people. Each stone represented a tribe.
He put all 12 of them up on the land there in land of Canaan. His purpose, his desire was that they would dwell in that land. We know that all of them did. 2 1/2 didn't. But here we have a man that is growing in a place called Bethlehem, Judah, which is in the land of Israel, the place where God is the point of his people to be. And you find it says he went to soldier in the country of Mullah. Where is Moa? Moab is back over that same river, the opposite direction that God's purposes were for his people to be. And it speaks to us, it describes to us.
Departure from God.
Why more?
Why were they attracted to more athletes, not from others?
Jeremiah, 48, tells us that Moab rest upon his leaves.
You notice that this chapter is 1 full of of sorrow and weeping.
Decide when we drift away from the will of God, even for.
10 miles.
However, when we come to the end of ourselves and the weeping begins.
What? What? What result is that going to bring about on my soul? She wept in order to get him a little bit ahead. But this the sweeping aspect it's good to sorrow, a godly sorrow for.
The condition that the state of in so or could she? We shed his tears of despair and she goes back home.
The only Shea weeps.
Here's I suppose it could be a disappointment that things that turned out so badly she lost her husband, lost her son.
But roots, she weeps. Tears of devotion.
Of love and that made all the difference in the world. Recently we were involved with a couple who.
Has gotten away from the Lord, and a great deal of weeping, great deal of tears shed.
And he had hoped that they were the kind of tears that fruit shed. And if we have that come to the point in our life when we have despaired because of our willfulness, here is the right kind of tears can bring us back into the right relationship with our Lord.
But since the 16th chapter of Isaiah does not tell us something about Moab, one reason why they perhaps went there.
In the 16th chapter it says in the sixth verse that this is not the first time. After that we have heard of the pride of Moab. We are very proud even of his cogginess and his pride and his wrath.
Now you go down to the 14th, I mean the eighth verse and.
God bringing in judgment, but he's bringing in judgment on something that was characteristic of that land for the the fields of Hesse Bond language and the vines of Sigma.
You know, the Lord of the heathen have broken down the principles, plants thereof.
And it says at the end of that verse the vine. It wanders through the wilderness. Her branches are stretched out. They have gone over the sea. Then it said, Therefore I will be whale with a weeping of geezer, the vine of Sisma. I will water thee with my tears. Well, God is bringing.
The plentiful field.
And glad that they're taken away, and joy out of the plentiful field and in the vineyard. There's only no singing, neither shall there be shouting the treasures, the turn out no wine and the oppressors.
I have made their vintage, their vintage shouting to see. And so we see there, brother, maybe you can give us a word on that, but we see that Moab was a very plentiful land.
What was your thoughts? Yes, I think, whether I'm also going before us. If they were at ease, it was a place of ease. And remember from the book of Judges, the king of Moab, with a fat man who had a place for himself alone, it spoke of selfishness and ease and pleasure.
That's that's appealing, in a sense, to the old man.
One easy path is trials and difficulties that can get irritating sometimes. But what's the easy way that we can mind our way to do this world of religion? I think that's what Moab.
I don't want to be accused of an overactive imagination, but I'd just simply like to ask this question. One of the things about Moab is that they are relative. Does that have anything to do with, you know, I just think of often times when.
Do you guys have a family where there's some that are saved and some that are not? And oftentimes we have a discouragement. You find them once again associating themselves with those family members. Like I said, you can, you can imagine all kinds of things. I'm not trying to do that, but I I do recognize that they are relatives of one another.
Who lost Going to prevent that?
That's a valid point, and there's just a little bit of comfort in that last step about they Dwell did.
That isn't exactly 12. That means to me that they were never really at ease in Moab. They could never call that home. They dwelled in there as expecting to exchange.
There's a lot of difference in that.
And so for one to to leave the presence of the Lord and to go into Moab, I think it's impossible to call it home.
There's always a lurking uneasiness of the position that you've taken.
Father's third closure with the children saved.
The pilot.
With regard to the sound, this one quick comment fully closed and look 15 where we find our young man.
Leaving and going into the far country, it says there, and I think it that there was a famine in that particular land where he was.
And I would like to just suggest too, I don't want to upset anything that's been said. There is also the size of the famine that we may have all experienced and that is, I can give an illustration, but in this meeting here this morning, we may be enjoying some things together and happy fellowship one of another really appreciating these things are being brought out. There really is not a famine collectively here this morning, but I may be in bitterness in my soul.
And there may be.
A famine right here, where I'm sitting right now.
And I think we need to take it into consideration.
I will still follow the same course of events. I will seek Moab as we had in the 48th chapter of Jeremiah.
Where there is not that pouring from vessel to vessel, where I can escape, exercise. When I'm in a bad state of soul, the last thing I want is exercise from God. And so it is that. Let us not think that because there is a famine in my own soul that there is a famine everywhere. We often blame our state of soul and our surroundings, but it's never the case.
Lord, keep us pleasing.