Ruth 2:4-9

Ruth 2:4‑9
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We'll avail ourselves the church is in in Rule and and so the gifts start with us some but most of them are out in the in the system and so how are we going to how are we going to get this ministry. Well we have to available to ourselves and that was been preserved to us and and read and then I don't mean blown up in town and you know through our own corn but I mean we gather these things up appreciate them in our own soul.
And we can see them. And where that's lacking. I have seen, I've seen that, I've noticed this. Perhaps the correct me if I'm wrong, but I've I've seen people who say I've never read anything.
And the evidence that they have.
They haven't availed themselves from accounts that God has given and and so it's somewhat like a brother said that I never used notes and his old brother told he said. I know he's like 7. You know the ministry shows it and I appreciate what you want to say. I'm not saying that we should substitute the writings for the word of God. Is that a Halo? I'm sure that they are.
Enjoy the hearing of the sound of how the 6th little Assembly is established in Brazil.
Somehow the brethren in the North.
We're meeting under a denomination that they had their writing for Mr. Darling, Mr. Kelly, and somehow.
The pamphlets and bodies vivas got into their hands and he noticed some quotations out of Mr. Guardian, Mr. Kelly and perhaps others. And so they wrote back and wanted to know why. Why do you quote from his brethren?
And of course, Brother Mario, you didn't know what they had. So we gave an honest record as to why they, why they did, and that was the length that one of them made. As they read these writings, they felt uncomfortable in the position that they were in and throwing the ground at gathering was was given to them. They were a ground that was plowed and ready to receive it. So it shows how invaluable their writing is in these mighty reefers are.
And we can exchange them for for something updated.
Because the longer we have it, the more invaluable we see their writings are from view of our darkness that is coming in.
The type of course there must have been many statements in Israel, but here?
And the inspections are simple. If we can be simple in our walk with Christ, it's simply by taking notice of what the Word says and bowing to taking advantage of what God has told us, knowing that He would never lead us wrong. And the instructions here are.
Going on to bring in another field, neither go from him, but abide here God.
By my neighbor.
Since the fact that the maintenance of rock before us here brings before us to be simple submission to the word God, He would say abide here, my fear maybe to bring the thought before of not going and using our own minds. We might say our own intellect. To put these things to simply knowing that Boaz is not being strong and submitted their constructions providing this field, knowing that it must be best for us.
Someone said that the law could say that she could come in and get a few pickings. Being alone, we've lived there and.
But only Grace could say abide here fast by my name.
And so the Lord would graciously want to encourage the unbeliever to drink deep of the things that have been provided, as we notice also that the vessels water were provided for her forest. But I'd like to mention also in verse 7, before we move along too quickly, that there was a lovely report that could be given as to Ruth and her diligence. And that is another thing that we need to make mention of with regard to progress. And that is diligence. You know, she she came and said she have continued even from the morning until now.
And then the last phrase of a verse is better rendered from another translation, such as Mr. Darby. I'll read it that way, she continued even from the morning until now. And her sitting in the house have been a little apparently they had little shed or something that could cover you from the sun or whatever and give it take a little rest in there. But her taking a rest was very little, she continued. So not only did she have the exercises we had in the second verse that she wanted to go to the field and to get food.
It might typify for the exercise of wanting to come along to the meetings.
You want to come to me? That's good. But now when she gets to the meetings, what is she going to do, just sit there? And no, we find that she is diligent to gather as much as she can from the reapers among machines from morning till night. That speaks to us of of diligence and that we can't emphasize that more, That there needs to be not only the exercise that come along to me, but those to try to pick up what we can. You know, it's possible for someone to come along to a meeting that's just filled with food. Reapers, as you mentioned, are gifted men, perhaps.
And there could be pouring on food. But if I'm in a match day of solar, I have an apathetic state of soul. I'm gonna go away very much at all. So there needs to be on my part as a junior, the the, the diligence to want to pick up and to work that, you know, forget put out the energy to gather the things that have been left behind.
Peter 1St and 2nd book package five times there. He uses that word diligently.
And it's interesting. It would be Peter who would emphasize the need of that. But he was speaking to those who were going through persecution and at difficult times for trials. That says Anita's diligence knife. I suppose there's never been a day like today. There's more needed.
But it was the spirit of this woman that caught the eye of Bozo Bullhead.
He fell in love with her at first sight of the work. He saw her. And who is this, you know I mean.
There was something or attractive about her because of the spirit. With energy, there's.
Sisters wonder if the Lord has somebody for them.
And they get a little impatient and they become brothers too. But you notice that because she was at the right spirity, her attitude was right before God.
And she was bleeding in the right place, Chicago as his eye. And she, of course, received the ultimate blessing. But remember David in the 86th farm? He he cried, Oh, God, give me a undivided heart that am I reference or fear thee. So what we need, beloved, what I need is an undivided heart. And that's what Ruth had. She had a heart that was undividedly.
For God and the place that he had put her.
Just give me a little bit more in this go not to glean in another man's field.
All right, you know we want the plane Boaz in another field.
But along with this, I have sense that those who if I could say, violate this principle of love going into another man's field, that they strange they become disappointed with the assembly. And you kind of search it out and you find out that this matter wanting to park when they have a prospect in another place or there's more activity or there seems to be more equipped.
Then what? We have. And so we see the violation of this brings in this contempt.
There was something that spoke to my conscience that perhaps we can be exercised about and that is in connection with young people and the spiritual warfare.
That we may speak along doctrinal lines, we may speak along moral lines, and so on, and maybe short on the practical of addressing things in a practical way that they're passing through in their lives.
Now the assembly should be should have everything for everyone if we are subject to believe in the spirit of God. I say this caught my ear in another place than your address, pretty clearly and pretty straightly and so on. And this kind of drew this young person away.
Are not excusing them by any means, but for our own exercise that we may be practical and address things when they come up in Chapter 8 before us, rather than to dodge them or deal with conviction of it so much ourselves. We say, well, just better left unsaid. We lose when we do that.
I think we.
As we mentioned before, a reef was trying. Responsibility is to reach down in company with those around him that feel in an orderly manner. Then he would set up the receipts and carry on. But Ruth didn't come and take something out of the shoes. She wasn't able to do that. She wasn't unlimited. To do that, she had to come and pick up single pieces that were there because that's all that she was able for.
And when we look at that in a spiritual sense, if I have just been saved, I really may not be able to grasp this chapter in the auditing which has been put out, but I may have a very specific need. And the Spirit of God knows I have that mean. And if there are those in the assembly who are being LED at the Spirit, they may be directed to lay down intelligently one piece, he says take it out and leave it there and and just so she can pick it up. And I believe that's really very important what you say.
In here, very well, because we do need to be intelligent as to who's there. The way in which the servant responds to Boaz, he asked her Who is this damsel? And he knows all about him.
And I believe that that as later on here it's communicated to the reapers and those reapers I think this may bring in a little of a a pastoral care.
That they will be aware that there are those who are going through a certain exercise or a trial.
Or have a need in some way, and they may take out of the sheep. They'll take it out and they'll lay it down so that person can pick it up, but they don't do it in such a way as it upsets the weeping down of that field in an orderly way. We might find that there is a particular need here today of one person and gear the whole meeting to that one person. That is not really being an intelligent Reaper as a Reaper.
My intent, my responsibility, your responsibility is to reach down that field in an orderly manner, as we mentioned.
But to make sure that we leave those handfuls on purpose.
Beyond purpose I believe would bring before us as you mentioned being knowing that there is this practical.
Need from time to time and it's very important.
You know, to say that she was required to keep her eyes open alert.
To what makes your question and verse 9.
In verse nine it's fixed of.
Bruce having to keep her eyes open as to what was being left.
So that should be aware.
Of what her needs were, what was available to her.
She also to apply this to the assembly again, that she was to this year babe the word. She was to enjoy the protection and the shelter of the field of the assembly, in order for the children. How I have I not charged young men, that they shall not touch thee, and when thou art thirsty, go into the vessel and drink of that which the young men have grown?
So actually all of her needs were being met, but she was to be morally and virtually, we can say alert, aware of the blessings that were available to her. And the spirit of God would do that for her.
And also, when we have to work in the latter part of our share class by my maidens, here's a little conversion that Boaz made in the sense of companionship.
It's important that we make right companions.
And these maidens, I would assume within the field, where no doubt ones who were doing the same thing, bleeding. And the Lord would have us to have a right companion, good companions, Companions that would encourage us in the things of God. And that brings my mind to that verse in 119th Psalm again. It says I'm a companion of all them that fear thee.
I'll have to just turn to that. I'm not sure if I got that right.
119th, Psalm and verse 63. I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts, not just know His precepts, but those who seek to practice them in their lives. And so the Lord will provide fellowship too. But I know that sometimes some of the assemblies so few numbers that you you might just wonder where that's always the case. But generally speaking, the Lord would have us to have companionship.
And the things of God, that's important for progress.
I think that's very important. Principal, who developed this a little bit as well.
It should not be an object.
Big Astonishing.
If we seem to be in the field of bullies, there will be others there as well. We will find the fellowship in that team. But I'm under the impression this matter of seeking fellowship has led people into other fields.
The object being the fellowship rather than Boaz. Boaz will always provide scholarship for us. There will always be with those who call upon me out of their pure heart.
So to make it an object can be a very.
Detrimental things to one spiritual program.
But what's more common, perhaps, before we close at the end of the ninth verse, she is encouraged to go to the vessels and drink of the water that the young man have drawn, It says in the translation. But I think more accurately that is that the young men draw. It's a present tense rather than a past tense, and gleaning in the field creates thirst. And he married as she was bringing this hard. She must be off. She must be increasing in her thirst.
Now this brings before me the idea of our appetite growing, or the first being becoming more vicious, you know, and the Lord would have us to to to partake of the what's provided in the assembly. And the young men here have liberty to draw for others to drink from. That might be another point we might mention in the meetings that it shouldn't be such a scratching of.
Things by those who take the lead, that they're the lead, that there is room for a young one to ask a question, make a comment.
And provide refreshment. And you know, we all have to admit that sometimes we might be in the meeting. A young brother might just speak up and say something too deep altogether. But.
It's just a reflection and the Lord makes provision for that. And so we like to encourage the young ones that if they have something, if they let up the spirit of God, that there is room for that in Boaz's feeling and could be in the assemblies too.
This afternoon is in chapter 2 and verse 4.
Like to make a comment? A request was passed down to me from some of our hero brethren here locally that it really appreciates. The delicate seat could speak up a little louder and having a little bit of a hard time hearing instead. A little louder, a little clearer, please.
To root chapter 2 and verse 4 and behold bar came from Vesseling. Hammond set into the reapers. The Lord be with you and they answered him. The Lord blessed thee, then said Boazman to his servants. It was said over the reefers threw down to live, and the servant that was set over the reefers answered and said, it is the moabitess animal that came back with male mines out of the country as Moab And she said, I pray you, let me glean and gather after the reapers among the sheep. So she came and have continued even from the morning until now.
That she carries a little in the house. Then said, boys into roof Here thou not, my daughter, go not to green into another field, neither go from Henry, but abide here fast by my maidens. Let thine eyes be on the field that they do reef, and go thou after them. Have I not charged the young men, that they shall not cut things? And when they were to serve to go on to their vessels, and drink of that which the young men have gone since, he fell on her face, and bowed himself to the ground, and said unto him.
Why have I found grace in thine eyes, that thou should take knowledge of me, seeing I am a stranger? And Boaz answered and said unto her, It has been fully sold me all that thou hath done unto thy mother-in-law since the death of thy husband, and how thou hast left thy father, thy mother, and the land of activity, and our come into the people which thou knewest not just before the Lord represents thy work. In a full reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust.
Then she said, Let me find favor in thy sight, my Lord, for that thou has comforted me, and for that thou has spoken friendlier to thine handmade, though I do not like him to one of thine handmaidens. And Boaz said unto her, Meal time comes out later, and eat of the bread, and dip thy morsel in the vinegar. And she sat beside the reefers, and he reached her harsh corn, and treated even with suffice and lack, and when she was risen up to glean.
Many of these young men saying, let her regain among the streets, and reproach her not, and let Paul also. Some of the handfuls are perfect for her, and leave them, that she may glean them and rebuke her not.
So he gleaned in the field until even and beat out that received gleamed, and it was about an ephah of barley. And she took it up and went into the city, And her mother-in-law saw what she had gleaned, and she brought forth and gave to her that she had reserved. After that she was replied, and her mother-in-law said into her, where herself gleaned today, and where run itself, blessed be he that just acknowledged it be. And she showed her mother-in-law with whom she had lost, and said the man's name was whom I rot today.
Therefore and they Oh my said unto her, daughter-in-law, blessed be he of the woman who have not left off his kindness for living into the dead, and they all might send him to her. And that is near A king of luck, one of our next Kingsman, and ruled them all by this. Says he said also, he said unto me also, Thou thou keep fast by my young men, until they have ended all my harvest. And they all I said unto Ruth her daughter-in-law, It is good, my daughter, that thou go out with his maids.
That they meet me not at any other field. So she kept back by the Masons of bars, to glean under the end of the barley harvest and of the wheat harvest, and dwelt with her mother-in-law.
Like to enforce where your brother closed on in the last meeting as to what we would expect to find in the assembly.
We have pictured here Boaz is field and I think we can see the Trinity. In this chapter and verse 12 God of Israel is mentioned taking on the character of Father under whose wings always come to trust.
Then we have Boaz is a lovely type of Christ and the Reaper unnamed is over the reapers as a type of the spirit of God. So in the Assembly of God we would expect the enjoyment of the Kennedy. We cannot loosen the Trinity.
Because if we do, we lose our minds, But we cannot reject the Trinity or we'll lose our souls.
And then we have the lovely character of Naomi, which is the mother spirit in the assembly and invaluable spirit. And I want to say that even in a day of weakness, these are normal things in the assembly. And then we have the reapers as it was brought out. Those administer the word of God to us. And then we have the young men who draw water.
Wonderful. They have young men here in the assembly.
Afternoon who are have come here to be a little refreshment to us, making it a practical way.
There's the young maidens.
That careful support of a testimony and helpfulness and practical ways.
And then we have this, the Moabite, which is the Cleaner. And many of us are on that ground here this afternoon, just continual recipients of His Grace, so we can say we have received grace upon grace.
Position for the strangers and so ever since 23.
Wonderful how they are couch in that staff Thursday. We came from the standard but in the 3823 or three Watchdog has allowed and there hasn't been in mind. It's very full roof with the kind of 23 and verse 22.
And when he reached the harvest of your land, thou shalt not make claim risks at the corners of thy field. From now, Aretha, neither shall thou gather any gleam of thy harvest. Thou shalt leave them unto the poor and to the stranger. I am the Lord of the God.
It's also found in the 19th chapter in verses 9 and 10 of Leviticus as well.
It's a it was what we might call a national poor law, that Jehovah would take care of the poor and stranger among them, and they could come in and come behind the harvest and pick up a key grain here and there, and that way it could be sustained. And this is where Roof comes in.
And in a certain sense, that's where we all begin, don't we? We begin by getting a little something for our souls. We in the family of God, you know? John tells us that's about babes and they're young men and their fathers. But we all started me. There's no humiliation of being babe in the family of God because he remained there and don't seem to grow. That would be something serious. But we all begin there. We begin as gleaning the bits of food that we can get from the meeting.
And so if we look into this chapter, we want to continue to see some of the features that mark Ruth as one who is a gleaner.
That the unbeliever coming in and seeking to get what you can from Boaz's field in the way of food and teaching and so on. But also we want to open above that as well. Wrong as they're mentioning that we want to see some of the things that should mark this gun break for the meeting. And the first one I would like to point out is in verse four. Boaz came from Bethlehem and he says to the reapers, the Lord do it to you and they answer him, The Lord blessed me, isn't that wonderful? There was a happy state of communion between the reapers and Boas.
And if this is not existing, you're not going to get the blessings. And we see, as we see outlined later in this chapter, that is one of the most fundamental and essential things to the character of a good meeting where we're going to get food that is that the reapers, if not all, rather all of us need to be in a happy exchange of soul and community and scholarship with the Lord ourselves for Boaz, as we have mentioned in the type of Our Lord Jesus.
Just the empty size that I'd like to read these first two words this way and the whole thought. Now we're going to have something here in Boa, as I can approach it to his workers and the things we find in this field. There's a special interest to us, a special importance to us. And I like to read those words that were just emphasized, the one that is brought throughout attention here. Buddhist field belongs to the order of his field, the things that are found there that are a blessing to us today.
Who behold thought and what marks him. Our God is about order, and this order is for our blessing. If we take notice of it, there's going to be blessings. If we don't take notice of it, we have. That might be one of the reasons sometimes.
Another thing that marks the key of a Boaz is that he has the servant that stepped over the reapers. Now we mentioned that that's a little picture of the spirit of God, but it is nice to see that not only is he there, but he is given the the presidency or the control of the reapers in the harvest. You know, it's one thing to regard the fact that there is a third person in the Trinity, the whole experience.
All Christians, I would judge, do but another thing to give place to the leading of the Spirit of God. And that is what we see here in this chapter supervising this man has been sent over the leapers that he really has power to direct in the field. And this is what another thing we need to be very exercised about, and that is that we seek to be directed, guided by the Holy Spirit in the meeting, whether it be for in our comments and in many ways.
Another thing I've noticed too that's another point was that the Reapers under which the they worked under the the servant, that was all of them.
Reeked in an orderly way. You'll find, as Wayne has already mentioned in passing, that they began at the at a part of Boaz's field and one corner perhaps where. And they worked in an organized way through the through the district around to the middle of field and say, well, this is about as good as the start here I suppose. And off their goal, there was direction, there was order.
And I think that when we go through a chapter in our readings and our local assemblies, where we come from and so on, that some of these principles, they're central not only to acknowledge the Lord, not only be in the scene and state of soul the Lord, but to take up the chapter rather in an orderly way. And I believe that the Lord would bring out much more.
Who is no better for us what we need, than the one who is directing the operation, we might say, in the field.
It's a vital thing for us. We're going to get into the maximum. We might stay out of our times together with the one who is directing the operation and touching has the liberty to God as he knows that.
Where were you?
Talking about starting at the corner and order that would be going through, that would be rush three. It was her half to light on a part of the field that belonged to Boaz. So there was, this is where the reapers and the workers were apparently right there. She wouldn't have been anywhere else because she had to fall along behind the vapor. So we would assume that that's where they were working and that's where she came in.
Before we get away from the corner of the field.
That having been a farmer in the past.
Is very interesting to to learn that in the corner of the field is probably the richest soil. Because when you plow, you plow around and you keep throwing the soil to the to the corner and to the side of the fence so that when they came to this corner why they were to leave that corner for the poor.
So in no wise there's an inferior wheat growing there. Now in our situation, the corner was too tight to get our equipment in there, so we had to leave it. But it was perhaps better there in the corner than it was in the middle of the field because of the richness of the soil.
So we see that what is left in the Gleaner is just a testimony that God desires his people to have the best immediately.
I interrupted. Your brother.
As a young Wiener in the assembly, we may sometimes feel overwhelmed when we find those that have been in the past for quite a while and perhaps for newly saved, Perhaps we just feel overwhelmed. And that I heard one young brother say, I feel like a headquarter among ourselves. They don't feel like everything ever changed to what these brothers know. But you know, there is a beginning and here is a line upon line and you can take up the truth.
Heal the brother of the Lord makes me transpress it to her.
According to the field after the landmarks are so respecting belongs to doers. That's a good place to start with the landmarks. That was our father's setting.
Most of these recruits all seem to be in the world that they're mentoring together. We don't see them.
Being mentioned as independent workers. And I'm thinking of a little different setting of course, but the first Chronicles chapter 12, David is reviewing his faithful and in verse 33 he speaks of those of Zebulun, such as when forced to battle expert in war with all instruments of war 50,000 That wasn't what he was appreciating about them. What do you appreciate? It was this.
Which could keep ranked, and they were not of a double heart. And so these were men who knew how to work together in the battle. They could move together.
In Concord, for one purpose, and I think that with what has been said here just now, this is absolutely vital if we're going to get anything together, is that we work together, we identify what it is that the servant or the reapers has in mind.
We identify what the Spirit of God is doing in our midst, and then we fall along in that order. If we don't do that, then we will be those who will be.
Bringing in superior things and that which just slows the meeting down and it effectively ruins everything. And so how wonderful that if we can be very careful and just wait on the Lord to see where he's really going.
And then there will be profit for all.
Well, it says in Psalm 119 by word is exceeding broad. Now I like to think of that as the labor. Remember the labor, there was no dimensions given to the labor when they built the Tabernacle or all the other vessels. They had my youth details given to the measurements and so on and came to the labor which carried the water.
There's no direction as to how big it was being made, and we know the waters assemble in the Bible of the Word of God.
And the word of God is exceeding broad as we have in Psalm 119. And there are many applications we can take up. We can take up a chapter and we can take it this way. We'll take it this way. And we can't. As Mr. I'll quote Mr. Darby says, we can't hunt 2 hairs at the same time.
That's about it. That's where I know how to put it. We can't take up every application in a chapter when we set out, and as Wayne has mentioned, we identify what the Lord might have to bring out and we seek to work with it. This is something that the Ripper needs to learn. We need to have patience with one another because we all stumble along at times. But this is something that's been another essential thing to having a happy and food killed meeting.
The words there would amplify that, it seems. Boaz came from Bethlehem and said to the reefer.
This is what he said to the reproof. The Reapers seems he may be had a little more responsibility, he says. So Lord be with you. Important business to be having the mind of the Lord as we approach the different things from the word of God.
Someone has said that this is millennial language.
Think of the earth in the coming day when they're going to be united under Christ as Messiah. Think of this working together and harmony and occupation and helping one another.
I'm gonna said it's nice if this millennial language has the reflection in our day we treat one another the Spain concern and care.
This is manifested in full, wide and field. Those are not all the Speaking of. And here's Ruth. He's brand new to the land, like a new believer.
Walks into the land. How many fields were there?
Thousands, I'd imagine. I wasn't there, but.
Providentially into that field or a servant is over and where she or the Lord knows that she is going to get food.
He couldn't easily scream that supporters to use her own will. Is there any other field? So if you get little seed today, nothing tomorrow, maybe just a wait a week per month. But the Lord brings her in to the place where things are done, orderly, where the period is honored.
And she's going to be and speaks loud and clear today. So we had one earlier with someone mentioned this there was a book with written many centuries ago.
Very applicable to us right now.
Those favor of God. Doesn't the the only recognize that earlier than perhaps your kids when she said blessed to be with the Lord and I was thinking and really the new believer of having been still in the favor of God and being the rest of the assembly. I turn across that horse and no committee to be treated as Genesis chapter 24.
Of the servants. Again, a picture of the Spirit of God, but I just.
Thought of him as a picture of a believer as well when he said those words.
I really, in the way, is what finds us in the way, but the grace and favor of God and what leads us.
Hiding in the way the Lord led me to the house in my napkin, divine favor to my life that not only has redeemed my soul, propelled perhaps, that favoring God, showing upon me to distraught not just any field, but the king of the border. There are other fields around the field of the field of gold.
Nothing. I can frame myself with The Savior. Yeah, none might just view this as being that coincidence. But in the life of a believer, the Lord is watching over, and it's not coincidence that.
She landed at this place thinking about a sixth verse. Now you find that the favorites that were served with the reefers answered and said it's the more by this damsel and so on.
Boaz had asked the servant who's damsel is this? He doesn't answer. The point here, I think is is that the Lord takes notice of each and everyone. You're not lost in the crowd with the Lord.
Turn into a meeting and sit down, as you say. I feel like an air con, a bunch of monks here. Oak trees, but the Lord takes notice right away. I don't suppose everybody else may be in the field notice, but the Lord did, and you find that?
Boaz here is talking to the servant. I like to think of that as perhaps the Godhead and Council, as a view the progress of an individual and how that the interest of heaven is interested in your progress in mind.
Remind me that from this farm there's an oak tree.
And in every acorn, there's the potential for much blessing.
But of necessity we must have the spirit of fruit that is, there no doubt has been many gleaners. It doesn't say it, but imagine there were a number that we're in the field, but the only fix of this one who had a particular spirit of humility, of humbleness, who is willing to get out there and work.
And see, by doing so, and it's servicing humility, if it wasn't worth, she put herself in a place of blessing.
And of course, her faithful dreaming was a service to Naomi's. We had something for her too. I mean, so I don't know if we ever want to get beyond. I think it's already been emphasized the thought of being a cleaner, a humble.
Cleaner, someone has said. I think that the older we get, the more the character of a child we should take.
We should become more simple in our trust. So it's more simple in our confidence in the Lord of faith and so on. So Mayor, Lord, never, may we never get beyond the point where we feel that we've attained.
His son degree of Well, he never has any more to glean. I think that remember the 4th chapter of Acts who is a the man who was sitting outside of the temple.
Begging arms. They're expecting something. That's a good thing to do when they come to meeting as a younger believer, as any believer, they come expecting. Remember, Peter said Well, silver and gold. I have none. But it says I have. I give them to thee in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Get up and run, rise up and walk. And so he he, He rose. And of course he.
Here's the horizon and walking and the jumping and cause money to give praise to God. But the heat, What I'm trying to say is that he came expecting.
He just expected to get some silver involved but what did he get? We got life for the work. So I think that three RP be encouraged that when it comes to the to a meeting or some of the simple wieners expecting Boaz give us a blessing.
What you mentioned there is somewhat in first Peter chapter 2 as newborn babies desire to consider milk of the word. But you may go there by it's not that he's telling him to be famous, but if in that manner in which a baby desire is a milk but we desire the word of God. I was thinking that Ruth was not. You mentioned that there was possibly other greeners in the fields. They may have been the typical welfare cases of the day.
But this is not rude.
She was different and she was different by way of his desire. I looked at least there in that field as even from verse 2. How she says let me know go into the field. She had a real desire to get something and a person in this condition is a sponge.
And let's be honest, a person like this is going to pick up anything.
It's very important what field they get into and it's very, very important what they hear and take up with when they get into that deal and we are very responsible for that.
That's why we're it says in Christians 14 that we are to judge one another's ministry.
And if there is something that is given out that is not of God, it should be tech taken up. It was safe for this very reason.
You can imagine who that girl may have asked the question. What right or what title do I have to gain anything for myself here? I'm a moorabbiter scandal, and that's not by my own declaration. That's what they say of me.
But then, later in the chapter we read to verse 21 and ruled for more by this dead, he said Also he said unto me also, be fast by my young lady, not by my young men, until they have ended all my harvest. That was your title progressing? It was a word of of Boaz, sure. And that's the title of our blessing, too. It's what God has said to me as a Sinner.
And she entered that door, and she gained blasting.
She came far more than blackened. She gained a title again.
But she didn't begin that way.
Apparently we could also say that finally grace of God, we have had some very able groupers.
We can look back to some of the writings of the daily direction that have spent their lives you might say to to drop to the surface these things that we can just we can just sort of pick up along the way and enjoy. We've had some very able men registration. Thank God for them.
The things that have been brought out of glass fields are of vital importance for us and has real value to us, and there's been a few handfuls of purpose of these things for us doing here as well. So I think you have to be alert to what we've been blessed with. God hasn't given us in this field many wonderful things, and if we can see that, we have been counseled to perfect luck for us to enjoy.
Well, good to God that we would go after them and pick them up and keep them out, so to speak, and make them our own. There's been some very able readers that have passed this way.
And remember standing behind the 2 Browns years ago over the wall with conference and one of them said to the other, he said. Brother, what do we have that we haven't got from the writing and the other thing?
And so these things have figured out to be brought back to the surface by law. You promised to do that in the Church of Philadelphia. And so if we stray from Russia, any of those things have been have been preserved for so.