Scarlett Disobeyed

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 5
Dear Boys and Girls,
Would you like to hear about the day that Scarlett, our Doberman dog, did not do what she was told? You know, sometimes children (and grown-ups too) are like Scarlett and don’t do what they are told either. Gramma and Grampa hope you are not like that. Why? Because God’s Word, the holy Bible, tells us to obey, and when we don’t obey, that is sin!
Some of you probably know that in the spring we have a lot of muskrats in our backyard. They come to eat that nice green, fresh, juicy grass that grows along the creek. Scarlett knew we sometimes had muskrats in the yard too. If one came up too close to the house, she would catch it and kill it.
Now that’s dangerous for a dog, and I’ll tell you why: Muskrats have very sharp teeth and claws. Our neighbor up the road had a smaller dog that caught a muskrat, and the muskrat did such damage to the dog’s eyes that it went blind! So Gramma and I were very careful to look out the window before we let Scarlett out. We wanted to make sure no muskrats were up near the house. If they were near the creek, there was no problem, because they could hear, see and smell Scarlett coming, and they got back into the creek or pond in one big hurry!
Well, one morning I didn’t look carefully enough, because when I let Scarlett out she took off like a shot! Then I saw the muskrat — too late! I hollered at Scarlett, “Come here! Come here!” No way! She became deaf!
Yes, Scarlett got the muskrat, but this one was a fighter, and it left a big cut on her face, just under her right eye. She almost lost her sight too, and it was two weeks before that cut was healed up. If Scarlett had obeyed, it never would have happened. Have you got any marks on your hands or knees from doing something you were told not to do?
After that, every time I petted Scarlett on the head or played with her, I could see that scar. It made me think of the Lord Jesus and the scars He received at Calvary for your sins and mine — His hands and feet where they drove the nails, His head where they placed the crown of thorns, and His side where they thrust in the spear. Scarlett had that scar on her face till she died at age fourteen. The Lord Jesus has His scars for eternity!
I thought about the Bible verse in 1 Peter 2:2424Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. (1 Peter 2:24) which says, “Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree [cross].” We sing in Sunday school:
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul;
Thank you, Lord, for making me whole;
Thank you, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so full and free.1
Boys and girls, Gramma and I hope that every one of you can sing this Sunday school song truthfully.
Lots of love from
Gramma and Grampa
1. See page 69 for the music for this song.