Taking God at His Word

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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How wonderful is the story of salvation, if accepted in simple faith!
I was holding meetings in a fishing village. Every night the meeting house was crowded, and the gospel was preached as simply and faithfully as possible.
One night among the inquirers who remained after the close of the meeting was a young man about twenty years old. During the address I had noticed him earnestly watching and listening, and each word seemed to go straight to his heart. Going up to him, I said: "Do you know Jesus as your Savior?"
"I never heard the like before," he exclaimed. He added eagerly, "Oh, tell me more about Him!"
I talked to him as I would have spoken to a child about the Lord Jesus. He was certainly ignorant, but the Holy Spirit had convinced his conscience of the true nature of sin and touched his heart with a sense of the amazing love of God.
This young man was able to grasp at once the most blessed of all truths, that Christ, the Son of God, had died for him. The beauty and majesty of the One who died for him won his heart. "I'll take Him at His word," he said happily, as we rose to leave.
It was the first time this young fisherman had heard about Jesus, but he gladly accepted Christ as his Savior and went on his way rejoicing in Him.
"God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Rom. 5:88But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8).