The Captain's Cat

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 4
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IN THE first gray light of morning, a ship sailed up the coast of England. The cook was in the little kitchen, frying bacon and sausages for breakfast, the crew were polishing up their appetites, and Tammy the cat was just plain hungry.
She was the captain’s cat, a special pet of everyone on board except the cook. The captain said she was a good obedient cat, but the cook said she was a thief.
So the boat sailed on. The sea was not rough, the smell from the kitchen was delicious, and all was well. Perhaps for you, life seems smooth enough, but it won’t always be that way. Some morning you will see your last sunrise. Do you know Jesus as your Saviour, He who lives on the other side of death?
All looked smooth enough for the sailors, but suddenly there was an explosion which shook their ship from end to end. It took the captain hardly a moment to discover that there was NO HOPE. The ship was doomed and they must escape at once. The cook left the kitchen, and in a few seconds everyone was lined up by the lifeboats, which were carefully lowered and rowed away.
The Captain was the last to leave, and he stopped by the ship’s rail. “Tammy, Tammy” he called. This call had often brought Tammy from any corner of the ship to get a tasty scrap from his hand, but today there was no sign of Tammy. Not a whisker.
Well, she wasn’t worth risking his life for. The captain left her to her fate.
Why didn’t Tammy come? Had she suddenly become deaf? Not at all. She had followed her nose and not her ears. Who cares if the captain is calling? The cook is gone from the kitchen and Tammy is having a feast.
You know the ways of cats, but do you see the same fault in your own life? Who cares if Jesus is calling me? I am having a good time. Cats are just cats you know, and they can’t understand about a sinking ship. But you can understand when God says that there is NO HOPE for a sinner who refuses Christ.
The Captain thought Tammy was not worth saving. But you are worth saving! God gave His only Son to save sinners like you. His call is to “whosoever will". Will you not open your ears and obey His call?
The Captain took his binoculars to shore with him, and after he landed, he took a good look at the sinking ship. There was Tammy, sitting on the deck, washing her face and paws. Then she curled up in a patch of sunlight and went to sleep.
The ship stayed afloat longer than anyone expected, and a lot of people became interested in Tammy.
She even had her name in the paper. But before next morning, ship and cat went to the bottom. What good is feasting and fame if death must end it all?
Tammy made her choice. What choice are you making? This is your opportunity to be saved. This is the call of God in your ears. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners". Will you come to Him and be saved, or will you stay as you are and be lost?
“HE THAT HATH EARS TO HEAR LET HIM HEAR.” Matt. 11:1515He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. (Matthew 11:15).