The Conversion of Jerry Mcauley

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 7
JERRY McAuley, the founder of the Water Street Mission in New York, at the age of 19 was sentenced to Sing Sing prison for a term of sixteen years and six months.
In the prison chapel one morning, “Awful Gardiner” was preaching. He had been a notorious prize-fighter and an all-round ruffian and Jerry had known him prior to his going to prison. As Gardiner went on, with tears streaming down his face, telling of the love of Jesus, Jerry was convicted of sin.
Gardiner quoted some passage of Scripture that impressed itself upon Jerry, and when they were dismissed and he had gone to his cell, he looked in the ventilator and found a Bible. Dusting it he tried to read but with some difficulty. He had never had one in his hands before, and he looked aimlessly to try to find the verse Gardiner had quoted. He never found that particular verse, but he did find that Jesus died for sinners, and the Holy Spirit drew him to the Saviour.
“I’ve found Jesus,” cried Jerry. “Oh, bless the Lord, I’ve found Jesus.”
The unusual sound attracted the keeper, and he threw the beam of his dark lantern on Jerry as he was praising God in his lonely cell. In rough tones he shouted, “What’s the matter with you?”
“I’ve found Jesus.” replied Jerry.
“I’ll put you in the cooler in the morning,” returned the keeper, and he took down his number.
Jerry said later, “The Lord made him forget it, for I was never put in the cooler.” This was Jerry Muley’s conversion.
A wonderful revival broke out in the prison. Missionaries from the city went up and every opportunity was given them by the management. Jerry was the center of all this activity. It resulted in his being pardoned by Governor John A. Dix, and the last eight years of his sentence were canceled.
Memory Verse: “FOR WHEN WE WERE YET WITHOUT STRENGTH, IN DUE TIME CHRIST DIED FOR THE UNGODLY.” Romans 5:66For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. (Romans 5:6)