The Giving God

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
WE have doubtless all known the joy of receiving a gift from our parents or friends on a birthday; and while we never think of offering to pay for it, we do return thanks to the person who kindly makes the gift.
So, in the glad tidings, God in His love offers you "the gift of... eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord," which He asks you to accept by faith now and give thanks.
Some time ago, in a village in Essex, we had tried many times to tell an old man of God's love in giving Christ to die for our sins, but he always replied, "The way of salvation is too hard to understand." One day he brought us a fine cauliflower, saying, "I want to give you this cauliflower." We thanked him very much, but said, "You will surely let us pay for it?” The old man was rather upset at this and repeated that it was a gift.
At once we told him that in the same way God had given Jesus to die for his sins on the cross and was now asking him to accept Him as his own personal Savior, "without money and without price."
Well, this simple illustration touched the man's heart and he confessed Christ as his own personal Savior, and found peace and joy in believing.
We now ask you, dear young reader, to accept God's wonderful gift of love in Christ, while it is still the "day of salvation."
H. McM.