The Gospel of God

Listen from:
Gospel—G. Thomson
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Shall we sing together number six on our seats?
God in mercy sent his Son to a world by sin undone. Jesus Christ was crucified, was for sinners. Jesus died. Oh the glory of the grace shining in the saviors face, telling sinners from above. God is light and God is love number six.
The outlook.
Blessed God and our Father, Amen.
Now we open our Bibles.
To the first chapter of Romans.
Romans chapter one.
All a servant of Jesus Christ.
All to be an apostle separated unto the gospel of God.
Which he had promised a four by his prophets in the Holy Scriptures concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh, and it declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness.
By the resurrection from the dead.
By whom we have received grace and apostleship.
For obedience to the Faith among all nations.
For his name.
Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ?
To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be Saints.
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Verse 16.
For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew 1St, and also to the Greek.
Perhaps we will refer to other scriptures later, but this will suffice for the moment.
One stands before you tonight.
Solidly charged.
With the responsibility of preaching the gospel.
This is our subject tonight, the gospel, the Gospel of God as it's expressed in the first verse which we read.
As we all know, the gospel means good news.
And where did this good news originate? It originated.
In the heart of God. And that's why it's called the Gospel of God. God is its source.
And for this very reason, everyone here tonight should have a deep concern about the message that we're to consider together the gospel. God is the source of it.
There are many messages that go forth in this world today. There are many voices that may be heard in this world today, but can we rely on them?
They have their source in man. But here's the gospel, beloved friends.
That comes right from the very heart of God, and this gospel is.
For you and for me.
We must needs die and are as water spilt upon the ground.
Which cannot be gathered up again.
Neither does God respect any person, yet doth He devise means.
That has banished might not be expelled.
Now let's not hurry over that verse.
Let's consider it bit by bit.
We must.
Why? We deserve it. We've earned it.
The wages of sin is death.
And so the shadow of death hangs over every head in this audience. Tonight, we must needs die.
And are as water spilt upon the ground which cannot be gathered up again.
Ah, that speaks of the weakness and the helplessness of man in the presence of death.
I recall a few years ago visiting in a hospital in the city of Akron. Walking down the corridor, I saw a little group of people in a huddle just outside the door, and they were talking in a hushed tone of voice.
Their faces were sober and as I passed the door and looked in, I saw two doctors working over the patient and when they had done all that they could do.
They turned and they walked out of the room, leaving the patient struggling alone in the clutches of death.
How helpless man is when death knocks at the door.
Suppose it had been possible to gather together the most gigantic medical minds in the world.
And held a consultation in that hospital. What could they have done?
They only could have stood, and with their arms dangling helplessly at their side.
Looked on. Whereas water spills upon the ground which cannot be gathered up again. Suppose that I would take this cup of water and pour it on the ground. What happens? It filters down through the ground. It's gone.
Just so helpless is mine in the presence of death.
We are as water spills upon the ground which cannot be gathered up again. Neither does God respect any person, nor we're all on a common level before God. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God, and therefore all have forfeited every right to live. We must needs die.
Yet God defies means that his banished ones might not be expelled. God, that devise means that his banished ones might not be expelled. Who are his banished ones? You and me?
Sin had banished us from His presence. Sin had brought in a distance between God and man.
Now God.
Proposes a plan that he has originated in his own mind. He has devised a means whereby his banished ones might not be expelled, that is, but they might not be eternally put at a distance from himself. And that means, beloved friends, is unfolded in the Gospel.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son.
Not whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. That's the gospel of nor that's the gospel that originated in God's heart. That's the gospel that God brings to you tonight. And it has pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save some, yes, the preaching of the cross as foolishness to them that are lost.
I wonder if you're lost tonight?
I wonder if it has ever occurred to you that you're a lost Sinner. Some of you, like myself, have had the privilege of being brought up in a Christian home where mother and father are saved. Perhaps sisters and brothers are saved. But what about you? You know you can never reach heaven on your mother's faith or your father's faith. You must individually have to do with God.
As a lost Sinner.
How do you stand before God tonight? How do you have the question of sin settled in His presence? If not, you're a lost Sinner. And the Lord said three times over, I think it is in the 8th chapter of John. If you die in your sins, whether I go, he cannot come. All the doors of heaven shall be forever closed against you if you die.
In your sin.
The Gospel of God. Oh, that one could tell it better.
But now let us notice.
Who it concerns verse 3 concerning his son.
Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made at the seat of David according to the flesh.
And declare to be the Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead. Yes, the gospel concerns God's Son. He was made at the seat of David according to the class. That is. This is the line through which he came into this world, for he was truly a man.
And then he was declared to be the Son of God.
With power.
According to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection of the dead.
This is the one whom the gospel concerns, the Son of God.
Think of the Lord Jesus.
As he walked in this world, the very world that his hands had made.
As he moved amongst those whose hearts were filled with sorrow.
Because sin was present in this world, there was one day when a man named Jairus.
Came to the Lord Jesus.
And what brought him it was his need. He had a daughter that was sick, ready to die.
And the Iris came to the Lord dealer and persuaded him to go back home with him, in order that he might heal his daughter. But while they were on the way, the messenger came, telling him to trouble, not the master.
Thy daughter is dead. Oh, what a blow that must have struck whole to his heart.
The little daughter, the one whom he loved, was dead.
But the Lord would set him at ease in his presence. Fear not, he said.
Only believe and they went to the home of Gyrus. Entering into the room, the Lord took her by the hand.
Made arise and he brought her back to life once more. Who is this glorious person? The Son of God, declared to be the Son of God according to the spirit of holiness by the resurrection of the dead. Yes, every thought.
That the Lord Jesus had every word that he uttered, every deed that he performed.
Was done according to the spirit of holiness. The Angel announced his birth. That holy thing.
Shall be born of thee, shall be called the Son of God. Yes, he was like any other man. He was like no other man that was born into this world. He was not a member of Adam's race. He was the Lord from heaven. He was the eternal Son of God. In him was no sin, and he was declared manifested to be the Son of God.
With power by the resurrection of dead ones.
Then we see him on another occasion. He met the funeral parade.
The son of a widow, her only means of livelihood, had died. What a sad case this was. What a broken heart she must have had.
All how she felt the effect of sin in this world, but the Lord Jesus met that funeral parade and he put his hand on the beer on the coffin and.
He said young man arise, and he brought him back to life out of the coffin and restored him to his mother. He was declared to be the Son of God with power by the resurrection of the dead.
What a wonderful person this was.
This is the one whom the gospel concerns, the Lord Jesus Christ.
And then further we see him standing there at the grave of Lazarus.
What a scene that was.
There was weeping, there was broken hearts and the Lord Jesus.
As he gazed on that scene.
It says Jesus.
And he groaned in spirit. Why did he groan? Was it because he was helpless in the situation?
No, but he felt, as none other could feel, the habit that sin had wrought in this world. It says he groaned in spirit.
And then with a loud voice, he cried. Lazarus come forth. And Lazarus came forth. He'd been in the grave four days. Corruption had already set in. But the Lord Jesus rolled back death, as it were, and he brought him back out of the out of the grave.
One ****** person. This is the one whom the gospel concerns.
The Son of God.
But then.
For whom is this gospel?
Is it for you? Is it for me? Yes, it's for you. It's for sinners, it's for men, it's for the obedience of faith among all nations, if the fountain of God's love has been opened up.
Nothing can limit it. It must flow out to mankind wherever they're found.
And so if there is a lost Sinner here tonight and you know who you are, I don't know. But if there's a lost Sinner here tonight, the gospel is for you. It's God's message for you, God's message of salvation. God wants to deliver you from the consequences of your guilt, your sin. He wants to save you. He's not willing that any should perish. He's long-suffering to us work, not willing that any should perish, but that all.
Should come to repentance.
All beloved friends, would to God that you would feel you're in need of a Savior. If you're unsaved, how can you go on unconcerned? How can you go on unmoved when you know down deep in your heart that if you were to pass out of time into eternity tonight you would be?
Lost and lost forever. You would lift up your eyes and hell.
Where the sunshine of God's love will never penetrate.
Old friend, how can you be so indifferent?
How shall we escape, the apostle asks, if we neglect so great salvation, which that first began to be spoken by the Lord? I'll think of the Lord Jesus.
As a.
He said, Come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. What are the circumstances under which that invitation went out? He had been rejected in those cities where he had done his mightiest works. He pronounced woes upon them. Woe unto thee, Corazon, wore unto thee Bethsaida, and so on.
And then turning and lifting up his eyes heavenward, he said, Even so, Father, so it seemeth good in thy sight. Oh, how he felt it, and felt it keenly as none other could feel it. But yet there was that perfect subjection to the will of the one who had sent him. Even so, Father, so it seemeth good in thy sight. And then turning, if he had been rejected by those cities.
He turns, as it were, and says, Is there an individual here that is burdened? Come unto me, all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Is there a burden, soul here tonight? Does the weight of your sins ever weigh heavily upon you? Do you long to get out from under the load of your sins and your guilt?
Friends, this invitation is for you.
The Lord Jesus says, come unto me, come unto me, I will give you rest.
And that's not all that He offers to you. He offers to you Peace. Peace I leave with you my peace Give I unto you not as the world give a give I unto you. What does the Lord mean? Peace I leave with you, my peace, give I unto you. Ah, that was the peace that He had made by the blood of His cross.
Peace I leave with you.
Yes, God has made peace by the blood of His cross. Now the question is, my friend, do you want peace? Do you want that peace? He would like to leave it with you tonight. He would like to leave it with you this very moment. He would like to say peace be unto you. Well, you have it, but that isn't all that He offers you.
No, He offers you life. Life. Why do you need life? Because you're dead in trespasses and sins. Not a spark of life. God worth. Yes, you need life.
And the Lord Jesus had to say to those Jews who had rejected him, Ye searched the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life, And they are they which testify of me.
But ye will not come unto me, that he might have life. Think of that. They wanted life. They searched the Scriptures seeking to find it. But here, in their very presence, was the only one through whom this life could be had. And he had to say. And oh, how he must have felt it as he uttered those words. He will not come unto me.
That he might have.
Life. What was keeping them away? Their will? Is that what's keeping you away tonight from being saved?
I'm afraid it is. I'm afraid it is. The Lord is willing to save. He's able to save.
Ye will not come, that's what's keeping you away.
Life, rest in peace the flowers of deathless bloom. The Savior gives us not beyond the tomb, but here and now on earth. The taste is given of joys which wait us through the gates of heaven. All my friend, how about it tonight? Is it attractive? Does it sound attractive here? Light.
Rest and peace, the flowers of deathless bloom.
It can be yours tonight, the savior opposite to you. Will you have it?
Well, we must follow a little farther the Lord Jesus in his pathway. He's been declared to be the Son of God with power by the resurrection of dead ones. And now we follow him to that day for which he had come into this world, that hour for which he had come into this world many times. It's on record in the Gospel of John that they sought to lay hands on the Lord Jesus.
But no man could touch him. Why, his hour was not yet come. His hour, Oh, there was an hour that peculiarly belonged to him, an hour that none could share with him.
It says is our have not yet come, but when that hour came and that crowd came to take him with swords and spades.
He offered no resistance, but he said this is your hour and the power of darkness.
Your hour and the power of darkness. Man's hour and his hour as it were, coalesced. He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shears was done. So he opened not his mouth.
He yielded. He submitted. This is your hour and the power of darkness.
Then he was let off to pilots. Judgment all.
And he stood there before Pilate, and Pilate questioned him. Pilot heard his testimony, and three times he was forced to admit. I find no fall in this man. Pilot had put the evidence into the balance. He had waited, and he had arrived at a conclusion. I find no fault in this man.
Ah, but Pilate used false weights in that balance.
Because the crowd said Thou art not Caesar's friend. And another weight went into the balance.
And that's tipped the scales in the opposite direction. And so Pilot, even though he knew that he was wrong, in order to please the people, Thou art not Caesar's friend. He yielded to pressure, he yielded to public opinion, and he delivered the Lord Jesus to be crucified.
I'm afraid there are a lot of pilots in this world. Perhaps there are some here tonight. You've weighed this matter of salvation in the balance. You've considered it, and then you've counted the cost. You've put those false weights in the balance. You've thought of what your playmates, your schoolmates, might think of you. You thought of the ridiculed reproach that you might have to bear.
And so under the pressure of the adversary.
He said no.
You're like pilots and all. Think of that day when the tables are going to be reversed.
When pilots shall stand before the judge.
And when memory shall relentlessly torture him?
When he will think of that time when the Lord Jesus stood before him and when he was convicted, convinced of the fact that there was no fault in him. He was not worthy of death when he had the opportunity to side in with the Savior. But now it's forever too late, friend. Are you going to accompany Pilot there when you're called to stand before the judgment seat of Christ?
Is your memory going to relentlessly torture you as you recall the many opportunities that you had to be saved? The many gospel meetings you sat through?
And were unmoved by the story that originated in the heart of God.
All friend, we would earnestly beseech you tonight.
Not to put a false weight in the balance. Weigh the matter in the balance.
Consider it and then put your trust in Christ. Accept the prize that God offers to you through faith in the Lord Jesus, right.
And so they took the Lord out.
Outside the city of Jerusalem.
The calories Hill and there.