The Ladder to Heaven

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A little child of about three years old named Willie was lying in his bed looking up into the evening sky. He called his mother and said, “There is no staircase up into heaven, how can I go there?” He must have been thinking about “Jacob’s ladder.” The mother told him that the Lord Jesus is the Way, and that He Himself will come to carry His own up to heaven.
When Willie was eight years old, he gave his heart to Jesus and ever since then he has been walking the heavenly road, waiting for the Lord Jesus to come and take him to that bright home above. You remember, do you not, that the Lord Jesus promised His disciples,
“If you take the loving Saviour now,
Who for sinners once did die,
When He gathers His own in that bright home,
Then you’ll be there and I.”
ML 09/09/1951