The Lost Finger

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TWO BOYS were spending the day in the forest, cutting wood for the fireplace. Like boys everywhere, they took time to play too. But in the midst of their play a poisonous snake bit one of the fingers of the younger boy.
Killing the snake took but a moment. But there was a more serious problem. When the snake sank his fangs into that boy’s finger he injected deadly poison. Something must be done immediately to prevent its spread through his body.
The boys were many miles from a doctor and there was no way to reach one quickly. They were even too far from home to risk waiting their arrival there. Not a moment should be lost if the boy’s life was to be saved.
After a brief hesitation, and seeing no other way, the elder brother told the younger one to lay his finger on the trunk of a tree. Quickly, he raised his ax and brought it down on that finger, severing it from the boy’s hand and with it the snake’s venom. Then he bound some string around the boy’s wrist in order to stem the flow of blood.
They quickly made their way home and then to the doctor who properly bound up the wound. The boy’s life was saved.
There are some people—boys and girls as well as older folks—who think they can do something like this with regard to sin. They may say they are going to “turn over a new leaf.” That is, they know their life may not have been very good up till then, but they will try to make a better showing, hopeful that God will overlook the past. Others may try to stop some particular sinful practice like drunkenness. But they are certain to be disappointed because even though one thing may be controlled, they find to their sorrow that other sinful things come out.
The trouble is that we have sinful natures. We are born with natures that enjoy sin. The only cure for sin is the Lord Jesus Christ. He died on the cross of Calvary to put away sin —your sin, if you will but take Him as your Saviour.
“I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the LORD; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto Me with their whole heart.” Jeremiah 24:77And I will give them an heart to know me, that I am the Lord: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God: for they shall return unto me with their whole heart. (Jeremiah 24:7).
Death is the sure result of sin, and after death there is the judgment. But the Lord Jesus paid the penalty of sin and now offers free salvation to all who will accent Him.
“WE BELIEVE THAT THROUGH THE GRACE OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST WE SHALL BE SAVED.” Acts 15:1111But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they. (Acts 15:11).