The Old Railway Man

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ONE BEAUTIFUL day in June four boys were out in the country for a holiday.
They had followed a path through the woods which ended at the railway tracks. But here they were stopped by an old railway section man, who warned them that they were running the risk of being fined.
The boys explained how they came there, and in the midst of their apologies the section man said, “Have you discovered the great secret yet?”
“And what might that be?” asked Harry, who had not yet spoken, while the others joined in a laugh.
“Just this, young friends, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin.”
“It’s no laughin’ matter, I can tell you; he continued earnestly, “you’ve no idea what a burden it takes off your mind just to let the Lord cleanse away all your sin.
“When I was young I was like you, careless as to the future; but now thank God, I have found Christ. Even Nicodemus, and he was a great man, found that he needed the Lord, and so will you.
“Oh young friends, take this to heart".
Some years afterward two of the boys, now young men, were walking in the town near the place where they had spent that happy June day.
An old man gazed at them curiously, and as they returned his look, one suddenly exclaimed, “Why, it’s our old friend the railway section man!”
A hearty greeting followed, and before they parted the other one said, “I believe if it hadn’t been for you, I never should have found Christ: but now we have both found that great secret of yours.”
“God bless you, young men,” said the old man, tears of joy running down his face: “May He indeed make you both shining lights for Him in this dark and needy world.”