Titles and Honors

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
DEAR YOUNG FRIENDS, No doubt from time to time-you will be looking out for your special pieces; and I hope you will enjoy the food prepared for you. You see lambs cannot digest what sheep can; and so someone kindly thought that food especially for the lambs should be provided. The Lord Jesus, you know, gave Peter a distinct charge, "Feed my lambs"—and He Himself called children to Him and blessed them, rebuking those who would have driven them away; so that you are very dear to the heart of Jesus.
Since the war in Africa began, there have been grand titles given to the generals who have fought for Queen and country; and you will be interested to learn that the highest of these, which has been conferred on the Commander-in-chief, carries with it the privilege of being addressed by his sovereign as, "Trusty and well-beloved cousin.”
Very rightly these generals have been honored for doing their duty so well. But just after reading a long list of V. C's and C. B.'s, etc., I took 'up my Testament, and in the Epistle of James, I read the words, "Abraham was called the friend of God;" and it came over my soul with a rush of thanksgiving, that it was not for fighting battles, or for doing what the world calls heroic deeds, he got that title, but solely because he believed God.
Now, what is it to believe God? Why, to take Him at His word. You would take the word of an upright, honest man, who had never deceived you; how much more should you God's word!