Too Sure

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 4
STANDING side by side in the workings of a certain coal-mine were two workmen. One was a young man; the other a. few years his senior.
It was a half-holiday, and as the time to cease work drew near the young man said to his mate, "I am going to the races to-day, and I'll take good care that nothing stops me.”
“Don't be too sure," replied his companion, who was a Christian.
Making a light, flippant rejoinder, he turned to resume his work. About five minutes afterward that young man was a corpse. He had scarcely got back to his work when a fall of coal and rock killed him on the spot.
How awfully solemn to be hurled into eternity in a moment, unprepared, without Christ. He boasted but a few minutes previously, "take good care that nothing stops me." What an answer to his empty boast!
Reader, how is it with you.? Have you taken heed to that short, solemn message:
If not, listen. There is only the brittle thread of life between you and a lost eternity.
May God wake you up to realize the uncertainty of life, and the positive certainty of judgment, if you die in your sins.
Thank God, it is still the day of His grace.
Salvation is still offered you, then why not—
“Come to the Savior now!
He ready stands to bless,
He bids thee nothing bring,
Only thy guilt confess!
“No anger fills His heart,
No frown is on His brow,
His mien is perfect grace,
He bids thee trust Him now!
Come! Come! Come!”
F. T.