What About Your Sins?

A teacher in Sunday School once asked her scholars (some little boys and girls from five to ten years of age) how many of them had eternal life —the life which the Good Shepherd gives to His sheep. Nearly every little hand went up in answer to this question. “But,” asked the teacher, “what about your sins?”
As some of the little boys and girls who read this paper may not know how it is about their sins, let me give them some of the answers which these dear children gave, and it may be a help to you.
Little Philip said: “I believe my sins are put away, because Jesus died on the cross for me.”
Willie said: “My sins are washed out by the blood of Jesus Christ.”
Ada said; “I believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and my sins are covered with blood.”
Anna said: “I think He died on the cross so that I wouldn’t have to die.”
Ruth said: “I believe on the Lord Jesus. He bore my sins and put them away.
Do you not think these are nice answers for the little ones to give?
And it will be as true to you, each one, as it is to these dear children, if you believe on Jesus, your sins are put away. He suffered for your sins and you will never have to bear the punishment of them. Was not this wonderful love? Come, then, to Jesus, and He will make you clean. He will forgive all your sins.
Do not come thinking you are a good boy or a good girl, and so Jesus will save you. No, come just as you are—a sinner—and Jesus will receive you. “Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out.” R.
ML 10/29/1899