Y.P. Addr.

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YP Address—C. Lunden
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Shall return to the first chapter of Ecclesiastes.
You know, oftentimes in the scriptures.
The subject is given at the very beginning.
That the Spirit of God would set forth in the Psalm or passage that He wants to bring before our hearts.
And in the books, oftentimes we have the subject in the first chapter.
Perhaps even in the very first verses, but I believe that's true and the verses we're going to read will be the subject of the Book of Ecclesiastes.
The first three verses.
The words of the preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.
Vanity of vanity set the preacher.
Vanity of vanities.
Or is vanity.
What prophet have the man of all his labor, which ye have taken under the sun?
Now the subject of the book of Ecclesiastes.
Really affects the heart of man.
It's been said that.
Both Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon have to do with man's heart.
But the difference is this. In Ecclesiastes the heart is emptied.
In the Song of Solomon, it's fair. Now both of these things are necessary, are they not?
And so the preacher begins by telling us that all is vanity.
And also.
The prophet of Labor that is under the sun.
Connection with man, just as he is before God.
Now turn with me to the third chapter.
Of Ecclesiastes for a verse or two.
Verse 10.
I have seen the travail which God hath given to the sons of man to be exercised in it. He made everything beautiful in his time.
Also, he has set the world in their heart.
Now the 14th verse.
I know that whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever.
In the 10th verse, we have introduced the subject of travail trial testing.
How necessary this is, especially in connection with the subject of Ecclesiastes.
The discovery of the emptiness of everything here.
But I thought we read that he made everything beautiful in his time. That's right.
He has made everything beautiful in his time. Also he has set the world in their hearts.
Now I do not believe this is in an evil sense because God didn't set anything evil in man's heart.
But I believe that God created this world. He fitted it for man.
As Adam was placed here to enjoy it all.
But we have a record since then of a fire that took place.
And man's capacity for the enjoyment of these things.
Is last to a great extent beside that he was driven from the Garden of Eden.
And so we find that man is in a position now where his heart cannot be satisfied with these present things under the sun.
It is impossible.
His heart is estranged from God. Besides, he has no capacity left for the full enjoyment of these things. They're marred.
So the exercise.
Although he adds that the world in their heart.
Now immediately we have introduced the verse, the 14th verse of what God doeth.
God is at work, and what God doeth is forever.
Is that what you would like to have as your portion? Something that is forever?
Well, then it'll have to be something that God does.
Now we were talking about an empty vessel. We were singing about it this afternoon.
That's the great discovery of Ecclesiastes, an empty vessel.
Empty. What for? You know where the Lord Jesus came.
In the second chapter of John we find 6 water pots of stone.
They were all empty.
But they were ready for something. They were ready for the water. They were empty, but they were ready for the water. Now there's a usual thing to use skins to carry water in, but these were of stone, showing their permanent character.
And as soon as the instructions were complied with to fill them, they filled them to the brim.
Then he turned them into wine, which is a known symbol of joy.
And so the empty vessel then.
Has in view.
The fact that God wants to fill it. Fill it.
That will go on to Ecclesiastes, the 11 Chapter.
I really want to speak about Colossians 3 this afternoon, but I would like to just refer to these few scriptures first.
The ninth verse of the 11 of Ecclesiastes.
Rejoice, O young man, and I you, and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy you walk in the ways of thine heart and in the sight of thine eyes.
But know thou that draw these things, God will bring thee into judgment.
Therefore remove sorrow from thine heart, and put away evil from thy flesh. For childhood and you are vanity. Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come now, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say I have no pleasure in them.
Now we have in this passage the introduction of the Creator.
To remember thy creator.
All these things that would appeal to the natural heart of man.
Now it is a strange condition from God without any power.
Whatsoever to control himself, because that's the truth of the natural man he's LED about by Satan at his will.
But now we have God brought in the Creator.
The young man. This applies to young women as well. Scripture uses this way of expressing the truth.
Thy creator in the days of thy youth.
While the evil days come, not what evil days.
The reaping whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.
Plant wheat in the ground and you will get wheat. Plant weeds and you will get weeds.
Be sure of this. Morally, it is true.
Now the day will come.
The truth won't be so easy to lay hold of.
He that often being reproved hardeneth his heart, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.
The awful judgment of God awaits those who continually neglect.
And reject the truth of God.
And so we have the warning now.
On one hand.
Rejoice, O young man, and thy youth, and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart in the sight of thine eyes. But know thou that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.
Now this is especially the fact that down here man will feel the effects of his sin.
But the truth remains as we have enlarged in the New Testament.
That man is going to finally answer to God.
Before His throne for His conduct down here in this world.
Now turn with me to Song of Solomon, the first chapter.
Again, we will say that the first few verses give us the character of this book.
Perhaps not altogether, but in general.
Now with all propriety and solemnity, I'd like to read these verses, these first verses, thinking of what it means.
Thinking of a subject we have before us.
The Song of Songs which is Solomon's.
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for thy love is better than wine.
Because of the Savior of thy good ointments, thy name is as ointment poured forth.
Therefore do the virgins love thee. Draw me. We will run after thee. The King hath brought me into his chambers. We will be glad and rejoice in thee. We will remember thy love more than wine. The upright love thee.
Now this is the Song of Songs which is Solomon's and Solomon is the type to us of the Lord Jesus.
Now, I'm well aware that this book really has its.
Interpretation in regard to Israel in the coming day.
Possibly Judah in the first part and then Israel in the last chapter.
But still we have the application in principle for ourselves this afternoon.
The Song of Songs which is Solomon's.
Oh, what a thought we have here.
Solomon himself, it's his song. Solomon is a type of Christ.
You know that the Lord Jesus wants you in heaven with him for his own happiness.
What a tremendous thought. He wants you and me with him for his own happiness.
We learn in the Ephesians one that is the Father.
That has adopted us according to his own will.
And for his own happiness.
His heart yearns to have children before him.
The heart of Christ yearns to have a bride.
Now the kiss here is the assurance of affection.
We have brought before us first our position.
His thoughts towards us.
And that he wants us.
To share his eternal happiness. That's his desire.
And the kiss is the assurance of this.
Let him kiss me.
With the kisses of his mouth, For thy love is better than wine. There is nothing compares with this.
The affection of Christ for his people now.
The truth of his love is far more important than anything that we can return to him.
And that's what the Spirit of God would occupy us with. It's his love for us.
But the bride is speaking, and because of the Savior of thy good ointments, thy name is as ointment poured forth.
Therefore do the virgins love thee now after this?
After the heart has been reached.
Then the bride says draw me.
This is precious. Draw me. Draw me.
And He is drawing us, you know, as we pass through this wilderness. He is drawing us to heaven by our hearts.
Now, it's true that sometimes there has to be discipline exercised by the father and his children. That's true.
But you know what it says in Romans? It's the goodness of God that leads you to repentance.
Draw me, We will run after thee. Oh, how good it is when this is true of the soul.
Where the heart is attracted to the Lord Jesus.
Drawn after him to run after him.
And then the King has brought me into his chambers.
Now the experiences of the bride in this book are not exactly.
Fully up to this.
But still we have the truth of it in the first part.
Now you know yourselves, dear young people, that you've sat in meetings where various portions of the word have been opened up like Ephesians.
And your spirit has been stirred as you think of all the blessings that you have in Christ.
And yet, isn't it true that as we go on our way, day by day, we only begin to enter into these things little by little, to appreciate them practically in our souls? And it's something like we have in the epistle of John, the truth that is in thee, and that thou walkest in the truth. And so if we want the truth, you know we'll have to walk in it. We're going to have it.
The fifth verse.
I am black.
Now why does she say that?
Ah, because your heart is at rest now.
She sees her portion.
In her beloved, and so her hearts at rest, and she is willing to admit all that's true of that heart.
It's black.
And you know sometimes when we.
Try to justify ourselves. Doesn't it only show that we're not in the good of this truth?
We try to appear before man instead of before God.
We try to make a good case for ourselves, but God knows our hearts.
And so here I am, black. That's the true character.
And the child of Adam when he is picked up.
I am black.
But come lay. And where is this comeliness come from?
Ah, what God does he doeth forever.
And through the work of his own son, he has put this beauty on the believer.
That will be seen for our eternity, a reflection of Christ himself.
The one who loves us, we're going to be like him.
But now as to the.
Various steps we have in this book. I'll just refer to them, not comment much on them. There are three steps in which the Bride is drawn to the good of these things of the first chapter.
And so if you'll notice the 16th verse of the second chapter.
And then this We can test our own hearts this afternoon.
You might be the best gospel preacher.
You might be able to interpret the scriptures well, but remember this.
We have here the test of your state of soul.
How much truth you really have enjoyed in your own soul.
And it's in connection with his love for us.
Now the first is in the 16th verse of chapter 2. The bride says my beloved is mine.
Oh, what a precious thought.
My beloved is mine.
I have something. I have something for all eternity. What a precious thought.
And I am his defeateth among the lilies. The lilies are his people.
That's where he delights to be.
And the soul rejoices in this.
That the Lord delights to be with His people. You return this you like to do, You like to be in His presence.
What a precious thought.
My beloved is mine and I am his. Now notice in the.
6th chapter.
In the meantime, she has seen the Watchman. She's been beaten, she's had her experiences here and now. What does she say?
I am my beloved's.
And my beloved is mine this part where she is speaking about.
Mine and my is disappearing, is it not?
Now she's thinking about the fact that she's her beloveds.
Not merely about the fact that my beloved is mine.
This is growth, dear ones. This is growth in the soul.
I am my beloved.
And my beloved is mine.
He feedeth among the lilies and I look across the page in the 7th chapter.
In the 10th verse, now we have the.
The final.
Bringing about of that which he desires.
And we find here in this verse 10.
It's all about himself.
I am my beloved and his desire is towards me.
Now the soul is occupied with his love.
For us.
That's maturity.
In the soul.
His love for us.
And the result is what we have in the sixth verse of the last chapter.
Just an expression in the middle of the verse. Jealousy is cruel as the grave. What does that mean?
Well, it means now that the heart is completely devoted to this one who loves us.
It's not going to allow anything to come in between.
Going to cut it all off.
Because of his love, which is better than wine.
With these thoughts before us, shall we turn to Colossians?
The second chapter.
The 12Th verse.
Colossians 2 and 12.
Buried with him in Baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God.
Who hath raised him from the dead?
Now this is the new position of the believer.
Now we know that baptism does not save anyone, but it is the answer of a good conscience.
And God reads the heart.
And it is a symbol of taking entirely new position.
The old man being in the place of death.
And you know what death means. That's the end of the first man.
But now the faith of the operation.
Of God.
Whatever God does is forever.
Who hath raised him from the dead? Ye are risen in this operation.
Now, it's true that the believer is seen in this place of death. Baptism is a picture of it. But he's also seen as risen, and there's a new principle of life, as we have in Romans.
Which has set us free from the old principle of sin and death.
And the power of it.
Now the first verse of the third chapter.
If ye then be risen, or if therefore ye be risen, or as some may use the word, since ye be risen.
Since you be risen, if therefore ye be risen, or raised with the Christ.
Seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Now the believer is seen in an entirely new position.
The old order is gone forever if any man be in Christ.
There is a new creation. He is a new creature.
And old things are passed away.
What we have here in this third chapter of Colossians.
Some extortion in regard to this.
Both the seeking that position that grace puts us in.
And also.
The putting to death the members which are upon the earth.
Now in Ephesians we are seen as seated in the heavenlies.
That's our position.
But in Colossians, in the first chapter, which gives us much of the character of the book in the first verse, you'll turn to it for a moment.
The fifth verse. The first chapter in the fifth verse.
For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven.
Now that gives the sort of the idea of what is before us in Colossians.
Hope which is laid up for you in heaven. Is it not true that we are in Christ? Yes.
Is it not true that we are seated in the heavenlies, indeed itself?
Is it not true we are accepted in the beloved that we are heavenly people? Yes, but now we have the believers seen in Colossians down here on earth with all this precious truth. But he's to seek those things up there were his true position is.
Where his life is because his life is no longer connected.
With this world that is ready for the fire.
Now if therefore ye be raised with Christ, if that be the case.
And dear young people, this afternoon I'd like to ask you, is this the case with you?
Have you really have come to the Lord Jesus as a Sinner?
And found him as a savior.
Seeing yourself dead in that.
Death as baptism would set before us.
The death of Christ in his resurrection, and seeing yourself this afternoon in that new position.
As raised. Well, if that be the case if it's true with you.
Now, what are your objects? Are they that which belong to this world that's passing away?
Do you find your joys in the things that are passing away now? It's true that he's given us all things richly to enjoy.
We have a practical responsibilities here and we have those things in which he gives us to encourage us along the path.
But we're talking about the object of the heart now, not the mercies of the way. We must get this clear.
One thing is the mercy that surrounds us in every hand, in God's ways, with us down here. The other is the object of the heart.
Now these are the things that lead us in and give us that capacity.
For divine and heavenly things.
Is it true that we are heavenly citizens?
Well then, how about our occupation?
Is it proper for us to take up with this world as an object of the things of this world if we're heavenly citizens? If we have been raised with Christ?
And now, what does the Spirit of God bring before us in this first verse?
The things which are above were Christ sitteth.
On the right hand of God.
You know, sometimes I think of Christianity as a huge treasure box.
That's never been opened, never been opened by some, never been open to see what was inside, to just look at the box.
Is that true with you? Do you really know what's inside?
Well, it's as we lay hold of the truths that we have in these epistles, dear young people.
That we can enjoy.
The heavenly things. Think of Ephesians One. We're here by adoption.
God's own will, We have redemption through His blood.
The riches of his grace.
We have that place now as sons before him, and we've already been given, as it were, by faith and inheritance.
And as soon as he comes forth in glory, we will be with him in that inheritance.
How about power?
Notice the first chapter of Colossians.
In the 11Th verse, strengthened.
With all power according to his might or the might of his glory, it should read.
Strength with all power, according to the might of his glory.
Now this power that he speaks of is in connection with his glory.
Think of the day when he comes forth, and the manifestation of that glory and all the power.
Then it will be displayed for the believer has this now.
Because he's in Christ.
And so the affections then are to seeking those things which are above.
Where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God. Now this is the right hand of power.
That's where he's seated. He's up there interceding for us.
We're told now to set our mind or affection.
Although the word mind perhaps is more proper still, we mustn't set aside the thought of affection because.
That's really the thought behind it.
Set your mind on things above.
Not on things on the earth.
Now in the book of Proverbs.
We are told to keep our heart above all things that are guarded.
Because out of it are the issues of life.
And so we have here then, the heart before us, the affections.
The mind of course, connected with it.
To be guarded.
And so He sets before us the things above, not the things of the earth.
In the 16th chapter of Luke.
We are told that if you have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own.
Now what is our own as believers? What is our own?
Surely not the things that we have in our possession now down here.
They belong to another man.
And will have to turn the mall in when the time comes.
Everything that belongs to man down here.
Has to be forfeited.
What is our own land?
It's what we have now.
In Christ.
It's that new life that we have.
Our own that we have in Christ and all the blessings.
That we find as we view him seated at God's right hand. They're our own, the man Christ Jesus.
Now the reason for ye are dead, he says.
The expectation is seek those things which are above and set your affections or mind on things above, not on things on the earth.
The reason for ye are dead.
Ye are dead now. This is something that you and I can't bring about, as we read in the second chapter was brought about at the cross of Christ.
We are excited to put to death the members on the earth, but As for the man himself, ye are dead.
This is a positive statement of scripture as God views the believer in God's sight, the believer as seen.
Now in Christ, as far as the old position he was in, he's dead. Dead.
Your life is hid with Christ in God, the Lord Jesus gone on high and he's hid.
There is a mystery in all Christ in the church. He's hid, he's at God's right hand, and he won't come forth.
Until beloved, he comes forth with his bride.
Or won't that be a wonderful day?
When the Lord Jesus comes forth in the display of his glory, that's what we have here.
Fourth verse When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him.
In Glory, the world doesn't understand the Christian.
If they hated me, he could say they hate you.
Yes. They don't understand the Christian. It's a mystery to this world.
Christ in the Church.
Have you a part in this?
Is your life hid with Christ in God?
If you have confessed that precious name of Jesus, you're sealed by the Spirit.
And your life is hid with Christ in God. And when Christ who is our life, shall appear.
The public manifestation and glory. Then we will appear with him in glory.
But in the mean time, he's heard from the sight of men and angels up there.
He had He's with the father at his right hand.
Now we have a therefore in the next verse.
Mortified, put to death, therefore your members which are upon the earth.
I don't know of a day when this scripture.
Should have more power to our souls than this day in which we're living.
All was true, of course.
But when the very foundations are being shaken.
When everything about us in a religious way is going to pieces.
When all that which is used to be held sacred.
Is violated today and man is.
Setting aside God in all of his claims.
Now the believer is told to act in this way.
Because of what he is.
Not to get something, but because of what he is.
Mortify or put to death, therefore your members which are upon the earth.
Now notice them.
We can't skip them, you know. They're in the word of God.
And they have their special application to this day.
Oh my friends.
The way this age is going to end is the complete breakdown of the original institutions that God set up.
In the Garden of Eden.
And the next is uncleanness. Now that leads up to it.
Unclean talk.
Not seeking to walk humbly before God.
But saying and doing things because we get attention.
Rather than seeking the glory of the Lord. Is it not so?
Inordinate affection.
Eva can Cuba sense or lust?
And that word covetousness is translated unbridled desire.
The Spirit of God puts these before the one whose life is hidden with Christ in God.
And he puts these warnings before him.
Oh, what a solemn thing it is.
When we see our position in Christ and unto think.
That the flesh might be allowed to follow such a course as this.
And beloved, this is the way this age is going to end, and we need that special exercise of soul in regard to these truths of Colossians. 3 Mortify, therefore, your members.
Which are upon the earth.
And then it says unbridled desire, which is idolatry.
For which things sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience?
Now you know the question is seen as a heavenly 1.
One who belongs to heaven, not earth.
In the Book of Revelation as well as Isaiah 24 we have mentioned of earth dwellers.
Now those are the people who will be left in this world.
After the Rapture or the going home of the church who have known Christianity?
They have known about Christianity. They probably have embraced the doctrines outwardly of Christianity.
But they preferred earth and all that belongs to this present evil world, to heaven.
You know many of the things that God looks upon as evil.
In the light of the truth of Christianity, the natural man does not think to be evil at all.
You remember the story of Saul when he was told to go out and slay the Amalekites.
And he slew everything that was refuse and vile, that he preserved the king, He preserved all the oxen, the sheep, and all the good things he said.
But you see, he wasn't measuring things in the light of the sanctuary.
It's one thing to discern by the natural mind, and it's quite another to discern.
From the Word of God.
And what is expected of the flavor is obedience.
Not reason.
Not reason.
Well, this is the result, then. This therefore the appeal to the heart of one who is seen in such a position, as we saw in the first chapter of Song of Solomon.
The divine affection seemed to the believer flowing out, and the receiving the return again of the heart there.
And the growth as we saw in the Song of Solomon.
But now the the warning of the carriage of this world which we're passing through, and the dangers on every hand, of allowing that old nature to act to find a place, instead of the affections being set on a pure object, that we might be preserved from these things.
In the 12Th verse put on therefore as the elect of God. This is the proper path.
Wholly and beloved.
Bowels of mercy.
Kindness, Humbleness of mind, meekness.
Long-suffering, forbearing one another and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any.
Even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.
And above all, these things put on love, charity, which is the bond of perfectness.
And let the peace of Christ.
Rule or preside in your hearts to the which also you are called in one body.
And be thankful.
Now in the following verses of this chapter.
We have the expression Lord before it's been Christ, but now it's Lord.
We have it seven times here and the rest of this chapter.
Is he not our Lord?
Yes, well, what is proper?
That He demands obedience from us, Well, he has that right.
Oh no, dear young people, draw me. We will run after thee and now all these various connections that we have at the end of this chapter, whether it's the home circle or what it is. Notice first of all, in the 16th verse, the name of the Lord is introduced with singing and spiritual songs. That's the first thing we have in connection with these seven expressions, Lord.
The last one in the 24th verse we have the inheritance brought in view.
Introduced with singing and ends with the inheritance.
And what do we have in between?
Whatsoever you do.
Word or deed do all the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
That is, whatever we do, be sure that it's in keeping with the authority of his precious word.
Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as is fit in the Lord.
Well, we each have our expectation here, don't we?
Fathers, mothers, children, servants, all.
And so let's look at our own exhortation that which fits us this afternoon. Wives submit.
Husbands love now. Why does it say husbands love?
Well, you know yourself.
That a man is naturally.
Inclined to be hard, and he needs this exhortation.
We all do. All do.
Everyone of us.
Just like the tendency of the wife is to not submit.
To use their own ideas.
Children, obey.
Wives submit, husbands love, children obey.
Fathers, provoke not your children to write to anger.
All our many a relationship between father and son has been ruined.
By just this.
To anger instead of that quiet carefulness that would.
Pray with the child would lead the child.
Oh dear fathers and mothers, if we don't pray with our children, we will lose them.
Willows them.
And that goes for you, dear young people who are establishing homes. Remember this.
Servants, obey in all things your masters.
According to the flesh, not with eye service as men pleases, but in singleness of heart, fearing God.
And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, heartily.
Isn't that a nice way of ending this chapter whatsoever? You do, do it heartily.
Heartily as to the Lord and not unto men. And this is a real test, you know, because sometimes we like to please our master or someone else, and we may have a tendency to slip up on what the word of God says.
But it must come first. Here we have the lordship of Christ in seven ways.
Taking in the whole circle of life.
Is he not worthy of that place as Lord?
Draw me, We will run after thee. Is that the attitude of your heart this afternoon?
Or do you feel like you're in a sort of a straitjacket? As a Christian, you have to do this and you have to do that? Oh beloved young people.
What a wonderful thing it would be to be in that position where your heart can respond to his love and say draw me, we will run after thee.
And we sing that little the rest of that little hymn we sang at first, the last three verses of 72 in the back of the book.
Beginning of the fifth verse, and we if we could sing this dear ones as though it were a prayer, because you know, in one sense it may not be too real, but this is.
I am an empty vessel.
In one sense it is true grace, but in another sense we need to be exercised about this.
I am an empty vessel.
Shall we sing 72 in the back of the book, beginning at the fifth verse?
As the Lord's blessing.
Lord Jesus, we do thank thee for thy love that led thee from the heights of glory down into this sad world.
That we might have a part with thee, Lord Jesus.
And then the consciousness Now as we read thy word with thy spirit brings to our souls.
That our life is hid with Christ in God.
And when thou wilt appear, Lord Jesus, we shall appear with thee.
And in that display of power as one with the.
Oh, blessed Savior, we thank thee. Give us then grace to walk Earth's pathway down here, whatever it may be. Trial, sorrow, testing.
That we might walk down here.
Like Abraham of old.
Who saw him? Who was invisible?
And that we might look on to that glory scene, that we might be preserved from all that naturally would attract our poor hearts here.
Do pray we do pray, Lord, that thou will give us grace to walk the little while that's left to thy glory.
And that our hearts may respond like the Bride and the Song of Solomon.
And we might say from our hearts, draw me, we will run after thee.
So we just ask thy blessing on thy precious word this afternoon. And we would ask thy blessing on the following meeting. And all this brought before us for our souls profit giving me our thanks. And thy worthy precious name, Lord Jesus. Amen.
The next meeting, the Lord Welling addressed to Christians at 3:30.