Y.P. Sing 9

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YP Sing Address—R. Roossinck
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Well, it's been wonderful being here this evening and singing with you, your young people.
It's wonderful to see you're still singing the songs that I remember singing as a young person.
35 years ago and while we were seeing some of these, I could close my eyes and hear some of your parents singing.
That I remember singing with all those years ago and it's a wonderful thing. So beautiful hymns and songs we can sing together.
There's one thing about singing a long time You soon lose your voice, so we'll keep this short.
If we can, let's look to Lord before we begin. Our loving God and our Father, we thank Thee for this little time we could spend together singing of I Love and singing of what thou has done for us. Lord Jesus, we thank Thee for each one in the room this evening, and we trust that each one has taken the Savior, Lord Jesus. And so as we spend just a moment or two over Thy word, we just pray for thy help and thy guidance and thy keeping. And so we just.
I would commit this little time to the thanking the above all for that matchless love which.
Medicine our need there at Calvary's cross. We just thank thee now, and that worthy and precious name. Amen.
I'd like to talk just briefly this evening about a young lady in the Bible and.
It could be a young man too, so we won't restrict this to the young ladies here.
It's kind of a sad story, but it has a happy sequel and.
We're going to be brief, but it's a very important story and I'm just going to read one verse and you don't need to turn to it. It's in Genesis 34.
Genesis 34 and it's the first verse.
Genesis 34 and verse one and Dinah.
The daughter of Leah, which she bearing to Jacob, went out to see the daughters of the land.
It's a little background on this dear young lady.
She was born into a very privileged family, and I think many of you here have been born into a very privileged situation. For one thing, you've been privileged the last couple of days to be at a conference here where the Word of God has been opened. You've heard the gospel preached two nights now. And I trust that each one in the room knows the Lord as Savior. And I'm going to speak assuming that to be true. But if it's not true, if there's anyone here who's never taken the Lord as Savior, oh, it's so important before the night is over.
To make that all important decision our brother this evening and I'm sure each one was there gave a very clear gospel and so I trust that each one has knows the Lord his Savior. But here's this here's this young lady and it could be a young man born into a very privileged position. Her grandfather great grandfather had been called by God as a special people, the head of a special race and her father.
Her grandfather and her father had followed the Lord, but she lived in a bit of an isolation, you might say. They were nomads. They lived in tents. They wandered about following where the Lord directed them to go. And perhaps some of you young people here feel a bit isolated. You know, you may go home. I'm sure many of you go home tomorrow or the next day. And perhaps your home assemblies, you'll feel a little isolated. Maybe there's only one or two young people. Maybe you're just the only young person there in your home assembly.
Perhaps there's many, but sometimes, you know, we've all experienced, and I have two. We feel alone in a crowd. And so this young lady was isolated a bit. She was separate from the world around her, but the Lord was there, and the Lord could look out for her. And she knew, I'm sure, the wonderful story of her own mother, her own father and her grandfather, how the Lord had provided for them.
A family and relationships and friendship and what a wonderful story it was. But here we have.
Dinah, it says she went out to see the daughters of the land. Well, we won't read any more of this story. It's too sad and it would take too long to read.
But all what happened, young people?
Tonight when you go back home, you know it's been a wonderful time at this conference. We've had some wonderful meetings. We've enjoyed the Lord, We've enjoyed the Lord's presence this morning.
What is it like?
Your life and you have a desire to go out and view the Daughters of the land, review the sons of the land. Sounds very innocent, doesn't it? Nothing wrong with friends. We all had friends when I was in school. I had friends. And I'm sure you all have school friends and friends, perhaps the neighborhood. Nothing wrong with friends, is there? It all sounded so innocent. She went out to view the Daughters of the land, perhaps trying maybe to reach out to be to, to find some new friends.
But all things went terribly wrong.
Things did not workout the way she wanted to. And I would like for you, each one of you, to read this story of Diana later on. You'll find it's a sad, sad story. So we won't go into it tonight.
The things went terribly wrong. Her life was ruined by this simple little mistake.
Lives were lost.
Poor Diana. Here she was a daughter.
Of one that God had named a Prince with God. Her father was Jacob, who God had renamed Israel, meaning a Prince with God.
Just in a verse or two before.
Her father had built an off altar and he named it the God, the God of Israel. And here is this daughter.
A lost life, sad, sad story and you know.
The rest of Jacob's children we hear about in the rest of the Word of God. They're mentioned in many other books, including right through the New Testament and into the Book of Revelation. But Dinah is never mentioned. The only time her name comes up again, she is mentioned in the list of those that went into Egypt, and after that she's never heard from again.
Young people.
I just trust.
That no one in the room.
Would feel a need to go out and view the daughters or the sons of the land. And what am I talking about here? We, I think we know it's the world around us. Those friends that seem so innocent. That seems so.
Friendly. So wonderful. Oh, be so careful, things can go so wrong. I was thinking as we were singing this, you know, when I was growing up.
I was very fortunate because there were many young people in the assembly where I grew up, and they were very musical. And we sang a lot. And I was thinking one or so of these songs that we sang reminded me of times when we would be we would go out as young people to the beach at Lake MI, about an hour's drive from where I live, 45 minutes maybe, and we'd build a fire and we'd sing these same songs.
To the strumming of a 12 string guitar as the sunset behind the waves. Beautiful scene.
But you know.
That group of young people.
There's about three or four that we see anymore.
What a sad thing.
Lost lives, oh young people.
Well, I said there was a happy sequel to this story.
And I also have a little challenge for you young people.
We heard yesterday our brother Hendrix mentioned he brought up that beautiful story in the 10th chapter or the 4th chapter of John. We know the story well. We won't turn to it. But there's one verse there that's so beautiful. It says, you know, I better just read it because I don't want to get it wrong. It's the fourth chapter of John. You know it well. Sometimes when I try to quote well known verses from memory, they don't come out the way they should. It says in verse four of John 4.
He must needs go through Samaria.
And then the fifth verse, I think that fourth verse is so beautiful, he must needs go. He had a need to go through Samaria and our brother mentioned that and I'm not going to get into that. The next, the next verse says he cometh to a city of Samaria, which is called psychure, near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Well, here's the challenge. I'd like you young people in your leisure in the next, whatever time you have, maybe next few weeks or days, whatever, make a little note to do a little research on this story of Dinah and compare it to this story.
In John 4:00 and you're going to find, I'm not going to tell you where the verses are, but I'm going to tell you what you find. You'll find if you study it carefully and read it carefully, you'll find the story was in exactly the same place as Dinah was lost.
What a beautiful picture, the grace, Lord Jesus.
It's almost as though.
The centuries before this dear young lady was lost.
But the Lord had his eye on another one, Lord his eye. And this woman, she had fallen into the same trouble, the same problem, the same sin as Dinah. She had fallen into immorality, was a lost life. But the Lord Jesus came and rescued her. Oh, what a wonderful thing, isn't it? Oh, young people, if there's anyone here.
Who is feeling discouraged? He's feeling down. Is feeling, perhaps?
They'd like to get out into the world, look around a bit, oh the Lord Jesus.
He's a wonderful friend. He's waiting, he's wanting you. And you know, if there's anyone here who perhaps.
Run into problems in your life. Perhaps you've been discouraged, Perhaps you feel everything is lost. Oh, the Lord Jesus, he waited all these centuries, perhaps 1800 years, I'm not sure exactly.
I suppose around 1800 years.
Lord Jesus waited, but he must needs go through Samaria. I wonder. I can't help but think that Lord Jesus was thinking about this lost young lady and it could have been a young man, too many young men in the room this evening.
Lord Jesus had his eye all these years, all these centuries. He knew.
Even when Diana was lost, he knew that there was going to be a time in this very spot there would be.
She perhaps was an older woman by now. There would be a recovery. Isn't that wonderful to think of, you know, young people?
I think of those young people that I grew up with, many that I went to conferences with and we sang together, enjoyed singing together. We don't see them anymore. Well, perhaps young people know of perhaps another young person in your home, your local assembly, perhaps someone nearby, someone that you know, who you're concerned with. Perhaps they've gotten it.
Into things that would destroy their lives. Perhaps they've gotten into paths that the enemy has taken control. Oh, pray for them. Don't give up.
Lord, Lord Jesus waited 1800 years.
And he rescued this one and that. Wonderful. So if you've had friends that you've come to young people's get togethers with conferences perhaps. And now we have seen them go on a path that is unhappy. You see them going into the world. You see them taking up with things that will destroy their lives. Don't give up on them. Oh, pray for them. Reach out. Oh, the Lord Jesus is so patient.
He waited 1800 years. We won't have to wait that long I'm sure but.
Pray for those, your fellow young people. I think back to the young people that I grew up with. If I had been more diligent and praying for them, perhaps they would be here. Perhaps they, perhaps their children would be here in this group tonight singing together with you young people. Oh.
I have to admit my own failure in not taking a care like I should have.
Young people.
Don't leave a care for your fellow young people. And oh what a sad, what a sad thing.
I want to just warn you again, be so careful.
The company you keep.
She no doubt thought nothing would go wrong. She thought it was a harmless bit of fun. Maybe to find some friends, Who knows?
But oh, what a disaster it led to and so.
It's wonderful to have a happy sequel to a story like that, isn't it? That dear woman in the 4th chapter of John. And so I'm not going to tell you where the verses are, but if you look carefully in Genesis, where Jacob blesses his sons, particularly where he blesses an individual personal blessing to Joseph and Joseph's sons, read it carefully. Compare that with the verses, some with some other verses you'll find.
That the story in the 4th chapter of John is exactly in the same spot.
Where Dinah was lost, well, perhaps you know of someone who may be on a course. They're lost, they're going. Their life is a lost life. Perhaps. Maybe they know the Lord is Savior. Dinah was still part of Jacob's family.
Don't don't. Don't give up. Don't quit praying for them. Reach out when you can.
The Lord is very patient, but oh, what a solemn thing.
To take a chance like she did. Oh dear, young people, be so very careful.
Well, Mark said I had about 15 minutes and that's about it, so maybe we'll just look to the Lord.