Y.P. Sing

YP Sing Address—N. Whatmough
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More than I understand is my so long.
So I know everyone is fighting me to save me.
And the day I've been in Christmas and the world.
Ever get for you?
There's another printer right now.
How can I?
How about everybody stand that one?
Year watery railway Do you have time to go up to go around 30 days?
Thank you.
I was just thankful that this hymn was given out and I'd just like to read the last verse that we sang. Long my in spirit in prison spirit lay fast down in sin and natures night. And I diffused a quickening ray. I woke, the dungeon flamed with light, My chains fell off, My heart was free. I rose and went forth and followed thee.
Amazing love, how can it be that thou, my Lord, should die for me?
I'm just going to ask God's help and return to His word. Our blessed God and Father, how we do thank Thee for our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ, and we thank Thee for the dear young people here tonight. And we thank Thee most of all for thine amazing love that could make our chains fall off and set us free. So we pray that as we open Thy word tonight, so we would have a sense of Thy goodness and my dealings with us. And I desire for our good and our blessing that we might walk in a way that is pleasing to Thee.
And so we just thanked thee and looked at thee for thy help now. And our Savior's name, Amen.
You know, the Lord desires us to be free, and there's a certain sense in which you're at a stage of life in which some of us who are older are not at. Those of us who are older, we're married, and we're in a situation that you don't get out of. And I'm not saying that unkindly, but it's an important decision. There's some things you can undo. Sometimes you can start in a college course and you can say, well, this is really not what I want to do. And so you change to something else. There's some decisions that you make that you can easily get out of and others that you can't get out of.
But that's why the time of life in which you are is extremely important, because you're making decisions that may affect you for the rest of your lives.
And I want to encourage you, your hearts, warm your hearts, and encourage your hearts a little bit at the same time. And I was thinking of Isaac and Jacob and Esau and like to speak about them for a very few moments. But I'd like to read a verse from the 69th Psalm that has been an extremely great comfort to my heart because it's the confession of the Lord Jesus Christ when He was on the cross prophetically.
The 69th Psalm we get the feelings of the Lord Jesus Christ when He was on the cross, and this is the utterance of Him prophetically in the fifth verse.
O God, Thou knowest my foolishness, and my sins were not hid from Thee.
Now I marvel at the grace of God that the Lord Jesus Christ could have confessed my foolishness and my sin as His own.
And the chastisement of my peace fell upon him, and I can have real peace. And we do foolish things. And I just want to encourage us to just confess it to the Lord, because the Lord's confessed it.
But we learn in Scripture, in First Corinthians 10, that there are experiences recorded in God's Word recorded.
So that we might learn at school, you sometimes take case studies in different subjects and they use scenarios and so on, but in the Word of God we have the recorded history of different people's lives.
In an ongoing way so that we might know how things turn out, so that we don't have to go down and make the same mistakes that others have gone. And yet to see the goodness of the heart of God, we're going to just turn to the book of Hebrews, Chapter 11.
I'm going to read just from Hebrews 11 because I think the story in the Old Testament is well enough known.
But this is a current story, if I may put it this way. Current today. You can read about it in the newspaper if you.
Hear about it, people talking about it, difficulty that has come from this, and I just want to turn to Hebrews Chapter 11.
And verse.
By faith, Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.
By faith, Jacob, when he was a dying, blessed both the sons of Joseph and worship, leaning upon the top of his staff.
Now, both these verses encompass something that goes right up into this day, and I'm going to just quickly describe the scenario is that there were twin brothers born in Rachel in the womb, their mother's womb, Jacob and Esau. Esau was the older and Jacob was the younger. And Jacob wanted to get something. He wanted the blessing, but he wanted to get it by his own conniving.
And you know, we may, I don't know whether it's in your hymn book here, but we used to sing when I was a young person. All the choosing and all the planning I will leave to God alone. But self will, that's the word, what the word forward means. And unwilling heart is an abomination to the Lord. But when we set our wills to work with the things of God, we get into trouble.
Now Esau, I hope there's no Esau here because Esau is an A lost eternity tonight because we have a recorded after his life. Jacob have I loved and Esau have I hated because Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of lentils.
And there have been young people that have sat in like this, and they have sold an eternity with Jesus and a happy life here in this earth for a bowl of lentils.
That's a profane person. Esau did that.
And then but then Jacob did something he wanted to trick his father Isaac into giving him the blessing of the first born. But God had purposed that Jacob was going to get it. Because you see, God purpose that not the first man Adam was going to get the blessing, but the second Adam, Christ because Christ Adam fell into sin because he wanted his own way.
And that's the source. That is what sin is. Sin is lawlessness. It's wanting to have our own way. People say, well, what is sin? Sin is wanting to have my own way. It's not robbing banks and killing people. It's wanting to have my own way. It's wanting to marry the person I want to marry. It's wanting to go to the Church of my choice. People say that's my sin. See signs up. Is that sin? Yes, it's sin. Just wanting to have my own way.
Where we've been saved by Jesus, he said, I come to do thy will, O God, my meat is to do the will of him that sent me. That's what Christianity is. It still want to do the will of God and to not to want to know the will of God. The world says ignorance is bliss. To say, well, if I just don't know what the will of Jesus is and I barge on ignorantly, not wanting to know the will of God is as serious as not knowing it, as knowing it, not doing it.
And so we need to find out what the will of God is and to say, well, I don't care what it is and I don't want to look into God's Word. I want to listen to meeting. I don't want to find out what it is. That's a serious thing too. But Jacob thought he was going to get it by conniving, and he did. He deceived his father. You know the story.
And Jacob was lame because he had wrestled with the Angel of God. He thought he was going to get the blessing of God, not by submitting and not by faith, simply believing that if God intended him to have the blessing, he was going to get it and to leave that with God, but just to walk with God.
And so he caused a problem because of his conniving with his brother Esau.
Now you know that there's a war going on there between 2 twin brothers.
I believe that the Palestinians are descendants of Esau.
And if you read the book of Obadiah, you'll find out that when Jacob was taken out of the land he saw went back in to get by violence what had been he'd sold.
And Jacob is trying to keep by violence what he'd gotten when God had taken him away. And the time of Jacob's trouble is yet ahead. So these so we think our lifetime is long and the experiences of our life, but it's a warning to us that if we want to go on and self will, whether St. or Sinner, it's going to lead to disaster. And the time of the results of Jacob's deceiving his father and tricking his brother, he has not yet reaped the full consequences of that.
But we read that by faith Isaac blessed.
Jacob and Esau and you look back and you say, how can we save it? Isaac blessed them by faith when he was fooled.
We heard about that this afternoon, that Isaac loved his savory meat.
And so he was a weakness of his, and so that left an opportunity for Jacob to come and deceive him. I hope you know this story well. If you don't read it, it's very interesting how Jacob went out and caught the kid goat and deceived his father and so on. But then Isaac said, but if you turn back to the book of Genesis after he discovered he'd been seeing, he said, I have blessed him. And yeah, he shall be blessed.
And so you see, has God blessed me based on the goodness of man or the rightness of things? No. God blesses according to his own heart.
And so we can rest on the we can rest upon God. And so you say, well, how can God bless me? I've been foolish, I've sinned. How can God bless me? Can God bring blessing out of my foolishness and sin? Yes, you can. If I just submit and own it before God, there may be governmental consequences to it, and there will be.
As with Jacob.
But Jacob by faith, he wrestled with the Angel, and he was left lame. And if you wrestle with God, you may walk with a halt with your hip out a joint. You may get your own way.
But you're going to walk the rest of your life Lane. But at the end of his life, he's leaning on a staff and he worships God. He was a worshipper. He submitted.
And you want to learn to submit to God and to trust the Lord.
And at the same time realize that.
You or I or anyone else tries to get our happiness and our blessing by getting our own way that we're going to get into trouble.
What you say, well, is my life ruined now? No, we can save the Lord Jesus Christ confessed our sin as his own on the cross, and he said my, my foolishness, my sins were not hid from me.
Is that the Lord Jesus? That was a prophetic confession of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was my sin that he was confessing. Ever done anything foolish? I don't think there's a person in this room would have to say no.
I have never done anything foolish, but you know, it's a wonderful thing to quickly bow your head and say I did something, I said something just to confess it and to say, you know, that was foolish, that was wrong, that was disobedient.
And to realize that the Lord confessed that as his own, and if they submit them, and we submit to the government of God, and say, well, I may have to suffer consequences because of what I did, that God can bring blessing out of my foolishness.
So how can I be? Because God is the one who can call the things that are not as though they were. And so Isaac looked, and it says by faith Isaac blessed. Now we come to Jacob, and he says, Jacob's an old man, and he's learned a lesson.
That it's not that he's God's going to bless the 2nd man Christ, and God is going to bless you if you walk as a Christian, as you walk, if any man is in Christ, it is a new creation. But that's where the blessing is. And Jacob learned that. And so here now he's an old man. He deceived his own father and his own two grandsons are brought in front of him. The older underneath the right hand to receive the blessing of the of the elder son and the younger under the left hand, Joseph puts under the hand of that.
And Jacob crosses his hands. He's blind, he can't see. He crosses his hands to give the blessing to the second one.
And the left hand to give the other blessing to the older boy.
And he said he guided his hands wittingly. That's an old English word to wit. To what to know. He knew what he was doing. And Joseph said not so. My father said, I know at my side.
And it says by faith.
That there was blessing there. He acted in faith too, so you see.
Just in a few things that here's this incident that started thousands of years ago is ongoing now, but Jacob himself will deceived his father and he's still going to the time of Jacob's trouble is still ahead because governmental consequences, but there was blessing for Jacob by submitting to God.
And when we make do something foolish, let us learn quickly to confess it to the Lord and to realize what blessing there was that the Lord confessed, that is himself, but at the same time to realize that there may be consequences in our lives. But even in submitting to the Lord, the saying that God can bring blessing out of my foolishness.
I've never ever had the attitude where we're going to just go on carelessly and get my own way because there's going to be bitter consequences. And we see with Esau that Esau has tried to get back the blessing by his violence and he's not going to get it. Read the book of Obadiah. The only place is by repentance and owning before God that I've sinned and submitting to God.
But it's an important thing, I believe, to realize that in this stage of life is that people would go out and young people have sat and things like this and they've gone out and they've married people, they've done things, they've gone places, they've gotten involved in things. And some things are easy when you're young, you're free to go. You know, you're free, you're the channels of your life are open. But as you get older, like I am and you have children and, and, and you've got responsibilities of life and responsibilities, you realize that the that the the channels are less and less. But you make choices now that are important. And it's important to learn to submit to the Lord and to go on with the Lord. But if you do make a mistake, if there's failure, there's been failure.
That the pathway of blessing is to submit.
And God can bless. God can call the things that are not as though they were.
And I just hope I've communicated this clearly to you, that there's two things. There's grace of God that God is always going to give us to rise above. God is always going to be able to bless all things work together for good to them that love God and are called according to His purposes. But the way of blessing is submission. But there's also a government of God.
And we may suffer in this life as to the results of our sins and our foolishness as to the results of us, the graceful causes to go on with God nevertheless, and and in doing so that he can bring blessing out of even the darkest circumstances because he confessed my foolishness is his own on the cross. And it teaches us with confidence if our hearts condemn us. God is greater than our hearts is to realize that if we know we've been disobedient to the Lord, if we behave foolishly, it's just a run to him and just own it right up right up front and call it call it just like it is and tell them and tell us to quickly return.
And I don't want to take too much more time, but there's two things that we see, two differences. And you're going to see the difference between whether there's been real repentance in your life or not. Soul sin. And he said, I've sinned, now honor me before the people. And when we confess our sin and the first thing we want to do is get out of the consequences of it, it shows that there hasn't been real repentance.
Now, David, when he sinned by numbering the people, the Lord gave him a choice of three things.
You know what he did? He said he didn't trust himself anymore. He said he trusted the Lord. He wanted the Lord to choose.
And he submitted to what the Lord had, and he did suffer as a result of that. But God could bring blessing out of that. And so it's a wonderful thing to be a child of God. Esau is by bitterness and violence, going to try to get back what he saw. But there was real no repentance. He never really owned his sin.
But if we own our sin that we may be like Jacob leaning worshiping on our staff, a disjointed hip having wrestled with God. You may see the confusion brought into our families as a result of our sin. But there's going to be blessing if we just will submit to God. But it's so important when we're young to learn that pathway to just walk quietly with thought and submission to the Lord and but just to have confidence in the full heart of God and Christ towards us that if we would just own up to our sin to realize that the Lord is confessed that it is all.
We've done something foolish to own up to it quickly.
And if we get into that habit when we're young, it'll keep us from doing foolish things.
We learn to keep close accounts with the Lord. It will keep us as we grew older and we make these important decisions of life like marriage and where we're going to live and borrowing money and getting into business partnerships and all that sort of things. We learn quickly that the pathway of blessing is to submit and to obey to God and that the that by the word of God, he wants our blessing.
Then it's going to keep us from 1000 difficulties in life. But if we do get into difficulties, if we submit, there'll be blessing for us in it.
While there is wonderful things, the Bible is, it's a wonderful thing to realize that we have a God like this that can, that cares for us about the circumstances of life and He wants your blessing. And many of us have seen those who have gone out from things like this and just ruined their lives. And we've seen others with ruined lives and they just submitted to the Lord, and God has brought real blessing out of it.
And so these things really speak to our hearts, I believe. Let's just look to the Lord. Thanks for the food too.
Our blessed God and Father, how we do feel.
That we've been hearing about the pathway of life and how we come to points in life where in decisions are made and how the issues of the heart are brought before the.
And we just thank the earth blessed God and Father, that we have to do with the Father of lights for the Father who loves us and cares about us and desires our blessing.
And we just look to the two that there would be that conscious sense that we might just submit to Thee and be obedient to the obedient to thy word. But if we've been foolish or disobedient, we pray that we might quickly come to the end on it before Thee.
And as we sing will teach me quickly to return and 'cause my heart afresh to burn. And especially for the dear young people at this stage of life when they're making important decisions that.
May limit them or take them off on a certain course for years to come, but they may be especially careful to stay close to the the trustee. And so we just pray for them for their blessing and their good. We thank you for this food. We thank you for thy thoughts towards us, thy delights towards us. We just thank you for our Savior's name and then.
I don't know.
And so.
I'll talk to you later.