This chapter gives us the exaltation of love, as the word “charity” should be translated. Love was to be the true motive for all ministry. Because of worldliness, the Corinthians had forgotten this and were using their gifts for self-seeking. If love had been their motive, there would not have been toleration of evil, going before heathen judges or a degrading of the Lord’s supper. Love was a better thing than any gift. It was more important than being able to speak in the tongue of an angel. And if you were rich and able to donate much money to feed poor people and yet had no love for them, it would profit you nothing. If you have the new nature by being born again, the divine love that is spoken of in this chapter will never rejoice in that which is evil, but rather in that which is good and true. We are to study the Word of God and grow in our understanding of it. However, we will not come to the point where there is nothing more to learn. At best, we only know in part, for we learn little by little, here and there. When you were a child in grade school, you realized that older students knew far more than you did. In the school of God, we all have much to learn throughout our lives. There is a time coming when the Lord will take all His own to heaven and we shall understand much that we do not know now. We will no longer need to exercise faith or hope because they will be fulfilled. But love for the Lord Jesus will continue for all eternity.
1. What was more important than being able to speak as an angel? __________ 1 Corinthians 13:___
2. If you gave all your goods to feed poor people but didn’t love them, what would it profit you? __________ 1 Corinthians 13:___
3. Charity (or love) does not rejoice in iniquity. What does it rejoice in? __________ 1 Corinthians 13:___
4. When you were a child, you talked and acted as a child. What should you do when grown? __________ 1 Corinthians 13:___
5. Between faith, hope and charity (love), which is the greatest? __________ 1 Corinthians 13:___