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Our blessed God and loving Father, we look to thee now for.
We're living in a Christian. It's a great house.
Where they don't generally have meetings like we're having right now.
And young people might be wondering why.
Our reading meetings take the form that they do, and I believe that God has given us in this chapter.
Instruction for the function of the assembly so that she can hold the truth.
May we read First Corinthians chapter 14 to believe it Bewell?
It's been an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God. For no man understandeth him, I'll be it in the spirit He speaketh mysteries. But he that prophesied speaketh unto men gratification and exhortation, and comfort, neither speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself, but either prophecyeth edifieth the church. I would that ye all spake of tongues, but rather that you prophesied.
For greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues.
Accept the interpreter that the Church may receive edifying.
Now, brethren, if I.
Except I speak to you, either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophesying, or by doctrine, and even things without life, giving sound, whether pipe or heart, except they give a distinction in the sounds. How shall it be known what has played their heart? For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for the battle? So likewise ye except the utter by the tongue.
Words easy to be understood. How shall it be known what is spoken? For ye shall speak into the air. There are, it may be so many kinds of voices in the world, and none of them is without signification. Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice, I shall be unto him that speaketh A barbarian, and he that speaketh shall be a barbarian unto me, Even so ye for as much as ye are zealous a spiritual gift.
Seek that you may excel the edifying of the Church. Wherefore let him speak up in an unknown song. Pray that he may interpret. If I speak in an unknown song my Spirit prayer, but my understanding is unfruitful. What is offending? I will pray with the Spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also. I will sing with the Spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.
Else when thou shalt bless with the Spirit, how shall he that occupy at the room of the art word and say Amen, that by giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not what they'll say it?
Where they'll verily give us thanks well, but the other is not edifying.
I thank my God I speak with tongues more than y'all. Yet in the church I have rather speak 5 words, with my understanding that by my voice I might teach others also.
Than 10,000 words in an unknown tongue, brethren be not children and understanding.
Albeit in malice feeding children, but in understanding be men and the law it is written with men of other tongues and other lips Will I speak unto this people, And yet for all that will they not hear me said the Lord. Wherefore tongues are for a sign not to them that believe, but to them that believe not. But prophesying serveth not for them to believe not, but for them that must believe.
If, therefore, the whole church should come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, when there come in those that are unlearned or unbelievers.
Will they not say that your last? But if all prophesied, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearn, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all, and those are the secrets of his heart may manifest. And so falling down on his face, he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth.
How was it then, brethren, when you come together, everyone of you have to saw, have a doctrine half a tongue at the revelation, at an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying. If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course, and let one interpret. But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church, and let him speak to himself with God.
Let the prophets speak two or three, and let the other judge.
If anything be revealed to another that satisfies but the first hold its peace.
For ye may all prophecy one by one, that all may learn, and all may be comforted, and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches are the Sanctus. Let your women keep silence in the churches, for it is not permitted on to them to speak, but they are commanded to be under obedience has also accepted the Law.
And if they will learn anything, let them ask your husbands at home Where does it change for women to speak in the church?
What came the word of God out from you, or came unto you only?
Any man think himself to be a prophet or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord. But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. Wherefore, brethren, of it to compassion, and forbid not to speak with tongues. Let all things be done decently and important.
It seems to me that in this chapter.
There is a supply in brace to carry on God's people down here.
Rule, regulation, organization and go on for God's glory.
And in the history.
A man ready to go back. Phager came in early.
Got so bad, God bless the earth with a flood.
Many guts are bad that they are available to put in confusion of languages, and it's still with it.
In this dispensation at the beginning that was undone at Pentecost during that place of Jerusalem.
And it must have been a wonderful thing.
And the signifies were especially given to the Jews to show that God was changing the dispensation.
And the law was overweight and the rules of regulation, the rituals were done with.
An organized priesthood on the earth was not such a thing. Rather, we have interest in the holiest of all, where our High Priest is gone.
But God has set up.
A company on the earth.
That he feeds and instructs to go on in grace in the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Lord in the midst.
And so much man's idea to turn to organization.
But the church is not an organized base. You're going to use that kind of word to say he's an Organism. He is livingly connected up with her head in glory, and we livingly by the Spirit, connected up with one another, having the Holy Spirit here today, brethren, and the Holy Spirit.
Can he run a meeting to the glory of God? Do we have to put?
A caveman up on a pulpit.
Who have a meaning?
To instruct us, To guide us.
It's only the hindrance. I say these things plainly because young people amongst us may have noticed that when we get together, our meetings aren't conducted like they are in denominations.
Then also.
That it is by this means, and I believe by this means, of all of conducting a meeting, like we have suggested here in this chapter, that the truth is preserved.
Because the Church does not teach.
He is taught and God has applied, Teacher, We still have it enough to be used of the Spirit of God here in this meeting today, as in a little group of two or three, there is enough. And so the fear of God who throats above is the only one who can perfectly teach it, and he uses men to put out the truth.
And if I make a mistake, some brother here. If you want to correct. I don't know of any place else in any group on earth where that is done.
All told, Timothy, The things that shall have learned of me, Paul, Paul, Doctor. The same committee that is, faithful men who shall be able to teach others also.
Who has gathered in the name of the Lord. He is here, and the Lord by the Spirit directs and.
Has an assembly functioning in order. Let all things be done decently and in order. The temperature just seems to take care of everything.
And sums it up again. Last verse. Let all things be done deeply and in order. Are these things no better If it's not according to the word of God, it is not decently and in order. And I I think of that diverse in the 100 and 70s sound. You might turn to that.
Verse 2.
Worship for Thy holy temple and praise Thy name for Thy loving kindness and for Thy.
Notice their glass plots, for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. I puzzled over that person many times.
And I see in it something there that there are many in the Christmas of today that are saying we should do this.
In his name we do it. In Christ's name there's a certain sect. I won't mention their names, but.
They they do this are supposedly do this in His name, but it's out of order. It's not according to the word of God. And I believe this is a very important point to see that she has exaggerated his word. What is His word? The scriptures? The word of God. And this is what is needed to guide us as to our pathways, as to our worship, as to our.
We need the word of God to guide us and.
And I actually thought of that, and you would find it in Revelation that also chapter 3 I was kept my word.
And not denied my name. Notice the word is creepy. She then predominantly the word comes first. Why is it the word? Because it's this word. Because it's the word of God. And that's what we need as a guide, don't we. And I believe that you say very again and that's what we have in this chapter. Because we have the the the gifts in the 12 Chapters and we have the affection and the love that binds together and then we have the exercise of those years from.
Little we have a scriptural example of that in Exodus 32, where most where Aaron when Moses was on the mountain had made the golden calf and he says to the people.
In verse five he made a proclamation and said tomorrow is a feast to the Lord.
And they were going to worship a golden calf and on Prairie to the word, but he used the Lord's name in connection with it.
Good to see the scriptural example.
There's our Dollar Tree, really associated with the name of the Lord, just like we have it in Christmas, you know. It's exactly the same thing idolatry brought into connection with the most blessed truth that we had the inclination of the Son of God. But together, background for white ball takes up.
Chapter 1213 and 14 We have in the church in Corinth various things that need to be taken out by the apostle Paul, and one thing is the abuse of the liberty of the Spirit and the overemphasis on showing gifts.
That's the reason why he takes up this subject in chapter 1213 and 14. You know what we have today in Christendom? The charismatic of Pentecostal movement.
Is characterized by this, and in their case, and we'll be very honest and blunt, that is pretension. That is deception. In most cases, that was not the case in foreign they actually had the gift.
Of Thomas that they could speak in Thomas, but we were over emphasizing this and neglecting that which would be for the edification, encouragement and comfort of the thing and that is processed, that is not telling of future events or telling future events, but using the word of God.
That was freakishly given and apply it to the same.
At any given time forth telling rather than forth telling. And so this is good to understand. And the unfortunate thing in the King James we have again and again.
A word added which is an italic and that is unknown.
So many intrinsic have used that to say, well, it is possible that somebody might speak in a language.
That is not going anywhere on earth. That is not the thought from Maine. The earth, a tongue is a known language.
Unknown should be erased, you know, should be erased it. Then you get the correct job traveling in different parts of the world. I often wish I had to give up. We don't have it. So we have to talk by a translator. And then we have another comment that they use in the 13th chapter, the task of angels. Paul does not mean to say that it is really possible to talk.
In the language of angels. But what he is saying, Suppose I could and did not have love on nothing. That's what he said.
So these are things that are afloat. Listen them to justify his deception.
Babbling utterances, unintelligent law, languages, and for everyone's information, who has a bird? Said one of the Greek philosophers, long before Christianity came into existence, already report such a manifestation in hidden systems, and it is still manifested there today. It has rather the character of demons activity rather than.
Of God, and it is successful.
That Satan cannot leave somebody to utter something, It's like rich and it has been reported that someone witnessed such a manifestation where someone in a language in a known language, other blastfully against the Blessed Lord. So this I'm not hesitating and I'm throwing any punches and has the character of demon possession.
And when it says the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets, that means that the spirit can be controlled. You know, In other words, I can wait till somebody else is done and then I express what the Lord has put on my heart. This is not characteristic of the charismatic movement. They dabble out ten or more people all at the same time, and 90% of those who do battle all their women.
You know that's the spirit of God Ever lead women to violate the very restrictions put upon them in these very fast things. But the main point is how are abuses of spiritual liberty or mistakes that come in amongst the people of God? How is it going to be corrected? By human arrangement? No, by reestablishing the truth of God. And that is what Paul is doing here through the Corinthians.
We tend to, when we see a weakness amongst the people of God, be it.
Exercise as members in the body of Christ, which has to do with the education, security and comfort all in it. Whether it is to the order in your house or the weakness there, we think we have to step in and bring in human organization, human control. Well this is not the way. The spirit of God here is Taylor and weaknesses amongst people of God. Here we have the example he re establishes and reaffirms the truth of God.
That our failure and abuse is handled in the Word of God.
The deception is bringing the Lords name into the state and you think of it as more prominent today than it ever was. And they say, well he's talking about the Lord, it must be right. But is it according to scripture? I was thinking of a verse over in Matthew Chapter 7, a very familiar verse. I'm sure most of us have read it many times. The Lord Jesus bears speaking in verse Matthew Chapter 7, verse 21.
Not everyone that says on their feet.
You have to remember that, and to find many of them today are the first of John tells us to pry those spirits, estimate them by the word of God. So not everyone that says them to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter the machine in heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father, which is in heaven, so in the Word.
Teaches me what to do. It teaches me how to walk. It teaches me how to worship. So without it, I'm warm. I'm drifting, but I'm using the Lord saying.
And for a verse of our brother Tom went out there was a baby and did it and they were going to do it under the horse and came to the park and.
So the Lord here just says. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in 19? That sounds really good. Sounds great. Keen privacy, yes?
Then it says currently and in my name and cast out devils in my name are many wonderful words. Wonderful. The outlook here is looks good. It was the heart. What is the excess of the word of God? What is the obedience of the word of God?
So the Lord Jesus could say, and then what I professor to them, I never even say. I think once you fail, the author said. I never.
That's very a survival thing to realize.
Many are using the Lord's name.
That are not real at all.
And how they are following these, They have great following.
There are many that are used in the word of God who are the Lord, and it's not true either. No, we have to remember Satan comes in suddenly. He has a very clever way of leading astray and he uses it as he comes on as an Angel of light in religion.
And there may be many there that are real. We're not just talking about those that are unreal, bad about those that are real. And they may handle the word of God, but it isn't the truth. We don't need true. We need the truth. There's a great difference. Satan should give you things that are true, but he will never give you the truth. He'll give you a part of the word and use it. I think Clinton had it there at the beginning. He said let us speak one or two.
Reps free, Let the others judge.
Who's qualified here to judge?
Everyone that's born again, every child of God is qualified to judge and if we do it, we will not be in care, we will be in truth. Spirit of God is as well, each of us, and he will not be idle. I want to give you an example of very important for the young people.
To realize our truth is maintained not by one brother or two, or even a group. It's it's all those who are engulfed by the Spirit of God who will let the spirit act. Now you turn the first kings first kings.
Chapter 4. I'm not going to read all that, but I'm going to do it quick. First Kings, chapter 4.
In verse 38, Elisha founded guilt ball of dirt and they couldn't really get fast. But the second change was second change. Thank you.
Take time to get a look over second King or in verse 38 Elijah found it killed wall at dirt. You can say it's a dirt of hearing the word of God. You know, the Lord says in another prophet I'll I'll give you a family.
Not of life. Not a famine of lack of water, thirst or or food. A famine of hearing the word of God. That's what we'll hear. What did he say? He said put on the great Spot and he told them what to do exactly. But one in verse 39 went out to the field. Not really typically is Chris accounts today. And he gathered herbs and he followed the wild wine and gathered their wild boars.
A last full.
Very easy, brethren. Go to a Christian bookstore. You can sit down and get a lap full. No work at all. It's all done. It's all ready for you. Whatever. Something doesn't matter. You got a lap full. What do you do? He shredded it as a pot secret. Let's say she could get things. Something like that.
Well, that would be secretive now, when they went to eat, this is the key, they cried out.
Not one, not two. They were all typically for us, qualified that there's poison in that pot and that, right, there's poison in that pot. They all cried out. That's the key. There's death in the plot. I won't get into that. But then what did Elijah say? Well, he said cast in the meal.
The meal is Christ. It's the Son of God. As the Son of man. That's all we need. We need Christ cast in the veal. No harm in the pot. So all of us are responsible. That's all that Glenn was bringing out. Men wouldn't dare speak if he didn't realize that what he said was true. We're all listening in the right place. Yes, I hope. I fear God and respect my brother and I believe we are in the place of teachers. And I think a simple test in this is that.
When we have ministry.
Glorified Christ, Lord of the person that is putting in more and.
Somebody tell them that's done it. I think for money. That's my behavior. We're not concerned. So we need to be simple about these things. Let's look at John 16 just to find out the true ministry.
Refer to me, though I think that's particularly praised only here, below and.
Oh, how they need to be upon him and the Spirit. God will do that. And John 16 verse 13.
These these words are so clear, and I think they're quite beautiful in the ministry, that the spirit of God will give us today if we do all things under any problem in our chapter. That's the primary purpose to edit what I The Church is gone.
And it's going to be by the Spirit, through the Word, the teachers of Christ like this. How be it?
John 1613 When he the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all truth we are seeing guided, so that great Albright of chapter. For he shall not speak out himself or.
Independently of himself. But whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak, and he will show you things to come. The teachers made known by the Spirit of God, He's the only one that knows it, and.
Do you really want to know it? What else does he do? He shall glorify me. This is the Lord Jesus, for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you. Now that's what the Lord in our presence today wants to do for us. By the Spirit, out of the Word, make the wonders of Christ known, and have a people together functioning in love as one unit, baptized by the Spirit of God.
And seeking the good of the Saints, and not putting on children to get like thee threatened for trying to do some of them. And they have to get well, since I got them more than they all. But he wasn't going to speak, that he was going to glorify the one that put him on his face on the way up to the mountain.
So let's pick the little place your life right and listen to what the word has say.
Collective meeting of the assembly, which we get beginning in verse 23 of our chapter.
When you come to the idea that our brother brought forth, and 16th of John the expression all true is a direct reference to what the Spirit of God sent down from heaven has given in the apostles doctrine, the epistles, He will guide you into all truth, and he will glorify me we have.
The height of revelation of man, blessed in association with wisdom and growth by Christ. And there you have the Spirit of God giving us in this very Episcopal threat to us the order that will build up the assembly and glorify God anything.
All truth we have in the very chapter was read to us that if a man think himself to be spiritual or a prophet letting acknowledge what I write under your the commandments of God. What we have in the epistle, the Spirit of God revealed has all the authority over process that of the Lord Jesus Christ himself. We're speaking those words. So it's a wonderful thing to have the truth and the Spirit of God who is the spirit of truth, taking those things that have been revealed.
In the Epistle and making them known to us in order that God might be glorified in our mission.
Helpful brethren to in getting to chapter 14, to perhaps focus a little bit more on the three chapters where it's found. It's already been mentioned, but I just like to say a little bit more about it. The 12Th, 13th, and the 14th chapters is the 12Th chapter. You have the gifts of the spirit, and really what is even more is the manifestation of the Spirit.
It's interesting and notice the first verse of the 12Th chapter says now concerning spiritual gifts and you'll notice the gifts is in italics. Mr. Darby puts the word manifestation it's manifestations of the spirit the same as you have in the first verse of the 14th chapter. Follow after charity and desired spiritual manifestations if you go back to the 12Th chapter.
And the verse seven, it says the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit with all, in other words, every single member in the body of Christ. In some measure the Spirit of God will move him, will give him something for the benefit of the rest of the members of the body of Christ. And so you get the gifts given.
And by the Spirit in the 12Th chapter, when you get down further, you get the verse 8, the Word of Wisdom, the Word of Knowledge to another faith, by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing, and so on, so that there are gifts by which the Spirit of God, manifest his working in the assembly, has gathered the name of the Lord Jesus.
In the 13th chapter, then, you get the love chapter, because love is to be the motive, the spring that makes these things work. And so I should challenge my heart. We should search our hearts. What is it that really moves me to speak? A desire for brethren to look up, to see me, to admire the gift that I have. That was the problem at pouring.
They wanted to display their gifts. It wasn't the right spirit that was manifest in the assembly there. And here we find in the 13th chapter there should be love, divine love. It's the sphere of love brethren, the sphere of the activity of the spirit of God. But it's the sphere of love. And love rather than when we speak of divine love, is love that Love's not with any self interested view.
But in view of the good of others, rather with the thought of self sacrifice, that's divine love. And that's what's to be evident in the assembly meetings. And then in the 14th chapter we get it starts out.
Follow after love Charities, Love and desire Spiritual Manifestations. In other words, we should be desires when we come together, that the Spirit of God would have liberty to use whom He will, and this is something that should exercise each one of us. God is not going to use everyone in any particular meeting of the Assembly, but we should sit down in the presence of the Lord.
In the attitude, the Lord, here I am. If you want to use me, I want to be ready. I want to give you the liberty by the Spirit to use. That's the liberty of the Spirit. Rather, it's not the idea of everyone has equal voice. No, it's not a democracy. There's not liberty for anyone who wants to speak, to speak. That's not the thought. It's the liberty of the Spirit. The Spirit should have liberty.
To use who he will word on this brethren as to the spiritual manifestations going back again to the 12Th chapter, it's been mentioned.
That true ministry glorifies exalts the Lord Jesus. And it's been mentioned too that the prophets to speak two or three, and the others judge, and so brethren, as we're together.
The ministry is given or to discern what spirit is manifest. There is this truly the direction of the Spirit of God. It's easy just to speak for speaking's sake, but that is not necessarily the direction of the Spirit of God. And in the 4th chapter Paul gives 2 texts as to the correct spirit.
In assembly meetings that is to be manifested, the Corinthians were saved out of paganism and they were used to, as has been mentioned, to even perhaps speaking in tongues. Because Pagans speak in tongues. It's a known phenomenon.
Rather than that they speak in tongues, but he cares to tax now so that they would know what spirit was moving them in the third verse of the 12Th chapter.
I give you to understand that no man speaking by the Spirit of God call it Jesus, a curse. There's anything that brings dishonor on the Lord Jesus that is not of the Spirit of God.
And then second, that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord but by the Holy Ghost, so that if I truly speak by the power of the Spirit of God, it's going to be giving the Lord Jesus His supreme place of authority and honor in our men.
The 14th chapter of John will you allow to add to your thoughts. You brought out the process.
The Spirit of God will glorify Christ and you refer to the Epistle, but I like to read in the 14th chapter, verse 26.
But when the Comforter it is the Holy Ghost between the Father and sin in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. So we see here that the Spirit of God is the power.
Spiritual understanding when it comes to the gospel that was the Lord mean of himself uttered when he was here on earth and himself said that they couldn't understand some of these things because they didn't have to hear it. But the Spirit would come. He would give them understanding of the gospel and whether the gospels are not that easy to be understood. Many times a lot of the bad news is made of the gospel.
I talked to a man once who belonged to one of the systems and I said, how do you pick your minister? Oh, he said he used the scriptures. He is the greatest of Martin, the European minister, and so we'll take the greatest. Now instead of understanding that he that wants to be great will be a servant, that's what that should be. System.
The Spirit of God gives us spiritual understanding of the gospel, But then in chapter 15.
Verse 26 But when the conference period come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me, and better have said that refers to the epitaph. Now in chapter 16 we have a statement. In verse 13 he shall show you things to come.
That's the prophetic scriptures.
Spirit of God is the power for the whole Word of God to understand and have spiritual understanding given to us by the Spirit of God. The intellect is only a tool. The power is the Spirit of God. We have to ever remember that, and it's the whole truth of God that is entrusted to us, and it's given us our own personal enjoyment, but also to help us.
We've moved off intelligently for the glory of God in a time that is left for us and is Saints.
Very first chapter of 1 Corinthians. I was just looking at the verse here.
Verse six and seven, even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you, so that you come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, well, they were. They were going and saved out of my Dollar Tree, and they came behind in those jets, but they came short of love. And so in our character, verse one.
Already followed after.
Charity and desire. The spiritual gifts, not just gifts to showy gifts, or to let others know how much we know, but to notice what it says, the Spirit.
Yes, but rather that you may prophecy of what is prophecy?
Ah, the spirit of God. And in prophecy we glorify the Lord. Peace, the Spirit of God the prophet, prophecy of the Spirit of his.
In the Spirit, explain the Spirit of God in the person of Christ. That's the key to practice, isn't it? So if that's so, then there's identification. There's a building up and there's not a it's not a show of how much we know, but it's a display of a person who we know, the person of Christ.
We'd like to come back to company instead of the beginning of our clients because I believe it's also in contrast to the old order of things in Judaism, Christianity, the old order of things, pastry.
Position. We see this in John 11, where Caiaphas said that he should die not only to turn the.
Verse 50.
Drives for 49.
And one of the main characters, being a high priest that same years, said unto them, You know nothing at all, are considered that it is expedient for us that one man should die to the people, that the whole nation should not perish not to distance, they cannot himself. But being high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus should die for the nation. I believe John has these words by the Spirit of God, and not for that nation only, but that he should also gather together in one of the children of God that are scattered abroad.
And so he was in an official position, and ministry came from that official position. We see that as an excellent all standing acts too, that he didn't know that it was the high priest when he resolved. And Paul respected that position because it was not yet set aside.
But in the end of the epistle, in the end of the book of Acts, we find that Paul quotes Isaiah and he says Acts 28, he says.
Verse 26 Go on to his people and see hearing.
Ye shall hear, and shall not understand, and seeing ye shall see and not perceive. For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull, hearing and their eyes they have closed. What they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts can be converted, and I should heal them, be it known therefore unto you, the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and if they will hear it.
And then the Jews departed. Believe that was the final setting aside of the Jews there. But I just mentioned this because the prophet Isaiah prophesied, but because they wouldn't hear, he would speak to them in another tongue and and in a strange tongue. And a double thing was accomplished. That Pentecost was that he spoke in a strange tongue, in a voice to speak to the unbelieving Jew, and at the same time will open up the floodgates of grace to the Gentiles to signify that God was now going to draw the people.
From many places. But now ministry was not an official thing. But as we see in Ephesians is that he that descended was also he that ascended far above all principality and power. And he gave gifts in men, that is, that he gave men as gifts to the church. Some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, teachers. He gave actual individuals for the edification of the body.
And in enrollments, we read that there's a measure to that shift is that one may well cook the meal for 10 or 15 people.
But they wouldn't attempt to do it for a crowd inside. And so there's a measure of the gift. And now here in our chapter we have the manifestation of that gift that would be in law and that it would be done in an orderly way so that the people of God to product.
And so there may be gifts, but the gift may be abused. It's just been mentioned. There may be fraudulent, the information, but the gift, but there may be real gift, but it may be abused. And so or I may seek to do something that I'm not gifted to do. And that would be confusion too. If we got on the airplane, we wouldn't want the stewardess to say, well, I'm going to fly the plane in the pilots trying to serve the food. We understand that. But in the things of God, it's so too.
But in the manifestation of the gifts here it's in love, and it's by the power of the spirits, and that the people of God might be edified enrollment as well. We had not to think higher of ourselves than we ought to think, and that is a check on the danger of always bending ourselves and trying to evolve ourselves, an aspect of the service of the Lord for which He has been qualified for us and we.
Very correctly exposed.
The one man ministry and the abuse of the tongue movement in the Charismatic and the causal movement. But the other president, I believe we have heard many times in abusing deliberate healing spirit and in trying to do something for which the Lord has qualified us, or trying to evolve ourselves in an area that is not our responsibility, that is the local responsibility.
Of local regulators. And so these are things that should speak to our country. We are as much engaged of abusing the liberty of the Spirit. Maybe not in the same direction as we see the prison though, but the scripture and 1St risk is well.
That's first speak to all of our concepts, not just the entire of ourselves, than we are. If I think I'm a teacher and I'm not, I've been tired of myself and I also if I think I'm evangelist and I'm not entire of myself and I don't think funny.
First Corinthians as well, we had the gift qualified or the qualification of the gifts or the importance of the gifts of given personally about secondary features. So the spiritual importance is given.
And this is what he is stressing in the 14th chapter, that which means of more benefit to the same Sir. And then speaking in tongues or in terms of this is what he's stressing here and that we should desire to begin that identify rather than gifts that is important to ourselves. So then the first verses here would you say they answered the.
Question that's raised in the last person trail.
Covered earnestly. The best again. Well, immediately the question is what are the best kids?
Well, are they not? Answered in the beginning of our chapter 14.
That which is for the education of the Saint, the body of Christ. He loves his people.
He does and have a company functioning in grace in good order. Big problem that we've been sort of circumventing, but it's a thoughts of man bans arrangement and our brother Greatman talked about idolatry and criticism and I say Amen. Really what it is is man's table, man's thoughts and man's arrangement.
That's thinking more highly themselves and not looking to God.
Of the spirit. That's what we have. And anytime that happens, it's not true. All fails in truth. And I'll just give you a simple verse in John Seven that gives the point and I'll have to read a part of another verse.
John 717 Very familiar. If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself.
He that speaketh it should be from himself seeketh his whole Lord. There it is. If if we're really not exhausting Christ or fighting Christ, we're seeking our own. We speak from ourselves, not the Spirit of God, and that's what happens in prison. And we have to guard against that because our thoughts seem so good to ourselves, and let's don't ever think it isn't true.
Got a real good way. A real good thought. A better way to do it. Like a new ox cart. Oh, that's wonderful. It's faster, isn't it, than carrying it on their shoulders of the Levites.
Let him ride on an ox cart. The Lord doesn't want to ride on an ox cart.
He wanted to be carried on the shoulder of the Levite. That's his word true. So we can think of many things, but let's get rid of that. Our thoughts are always wrong. Message by the spirit of God, very strong verse about our thoughts in relation that if any man think himself be something when he is nothing, he deceived himself and the truth is not in him. I thought don't enter into the faith of God.
We approve this were to get his thoughts out of.
Hear them and obey them. I want to go away. Even beyond that. I think our thoughts could be wrong without a place. I think that's what the second. I think our thoughts can be right and it's still out of place. I think that's what the 2nd.
Telling her here and saying either speaketh in an ongoing tongue.
For no man understand with him I'll be at the Spirit, and the Spirit speaketh mysteries or covered things. Is that God enjoys the truth, and we can sit and enjoy the truth, even if it's coming from an unfaithful man.
And I don't really listen to it, but the truth is the truth. And yet here is somebody speaking the truth in an unknown tongue. I could get sit here and speak in French and nobody would perhaps feel in the room, would understand what I was saying, because ministry really has its object, the edification of the Saints.
And that's the point. In fact, they even speak the truth. But unless it's for the edification of the Saints and the states understand what's being said and identified, then really it's not a manifestation of the spirit of God. And that's important because if the spirits of a prophets are subject to the problem, and there has to be a discerning of that because the real object for which the gift was given that was that that the things would deedify. And it's not just a question of wrong things, but it's a question of right things. Is that the it's not just the point of everybody.
Nice thought, but it's really being directed in the power of the spirit of God to speak in such a way that contains identified and strengthened and faith and comforted in the midst of a confusing scene. And so I just say that because there are right thoughts that may be out of place and being. Or we might apply a principle to a given circuit situation which is not applicable, That happens frequently.
And we have to have wisdom.
From the Spirit of God to give us what principle lies in the situation so.
He speaks, intend to speak of the distance better. We need this stuff, you know, and we tend to go off the things. And I do a scripture that doesn't apply.
Let's be on our God. Isn't that what prophecy is? So is the prophecy speaking the Word of God.
In the past and present, the future. It's not just a matter of teaching, because we may be able to teach things, but that's not really the mind of God for the moment. But it could take the word of God to bring it to bear on the conscience in particular circumstances in which.
People are not buying themselves at that time. Whether the need for comfort or education or consultation, that's all these it's always the condition of the people of God, prophecy, even the foretelling of future events. Papacy always comes in when there is failure.
Or whether it is indeed, you know, so this kind of property, and we have the apparatus 14 is meeting me, and it might be correction, it might be ministry for a conscience, but it also might be other things to meet me that exists in a given time. Our celebration. Goodman, That is the question.
Sometimes we feel that there's one man Ministry, and we, you know that's not that. But I just wonder if we went back to the 12Th chapter and we read that verse again.
We might find that it says here that the 28th, 3rd the law has set some in church. First apostle, second prophet.
Now are we not guilty just asking somebody? Are we not guilty of doing the very same thing that's actually a gift that's not everyone's a profit. So we sometimes I ask finished years ago, how come we don't have more open meeting. That's rather because we don't want to assume more than what we are. We just don't have the gift for now there. But I I've been in a meeting where.
They don't have There was two drivers and they had an open baby.
So sometimes what we have is an overheating grad and we have to bowl becomes a sounding word for the flesh because there aren't those who are capable of talking. I, I, you know, we can tell you weren't wrong on that. But we are in danger of doing the same thing that we accused others of doing, and that is getting into a tradition of faith.
Doesn't match up with scripture.
Put that all God's people were problems. Let's go quit because we don't have a certain gift. We slide.
God is able.
Then this, then this, then this chapter. We have to throw out a window.
No, no. Just because there's the abuse of liberty and hopefully getting when there's a displaced flash, the end is not going out of the meeting but will correct the views. Just like I said earlier, let's turn to the scriptures and show this is God's order and this is where we break down. Nobody wants to be the bad guy.
To go to a brother.
Uncomfortably and say look brother, well maybe two or three brothers from the local and Nancy go and said brother we don't feel that what you have given here was of the law.
We don't want to be that anywhere. We don't want to really exercise. God gives a discipline to the assembly and.
Saw the abuse and healing for some deaths.
And the answer is that.
We do not only want the Prophet speak to a free understand the judge, and he had to judge, not hoping whether one is correct thought Finally, as I will need has pointed out, whether that is really of the law or whether it is a display of the flesh. So I like to stress again, better than eating this time I need it, you need it and we all need it one time or another to be.
Breakfast and wouldn't be.
And we have great respect.
In Heaven here the book writes to fool despisers and liberation. But the answer is not to send a test. Ignore golf order, go back to Gulf Order, reestablish it, and follow through as we ought to. And we hesitate there many times because we are afraid of the response.
From 1 to 72.
OK, just more.
Of my life.