1 Corinthians 15:1-23

Duration: 1hr 8min
1 Corinthians 15:1‑23
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We expect these thanks to your Lord.
Many times.
Rejoice for the.
Coming of Jesus.
Draws time.
How well come to?
Those your hands share in this cross.
Almighty God.
First Corinthians chapter.
Morocco, Frederick, I declare after you the Gospel which I'm preaching.
Which although he had received the word, he said.
While we go something outside, we keep remembering when our treatment. Michigan is believing, right?
Was buried and told him to the scriptures.
And the deepest state of Satan. And of the 12, I'll let you see about a 500 record of plants whose great heart was present for someone to sleep.
After that you can see the change then the more the apostles and last morning for sealing me also as one the one out of time Brian, the least of the apostles that have not made to be caught in the apostles because I have persecuted the Church of the Gods. By the grace of God I am on the air and this grace is bestowed from labour from more of other people than they all.
But the price is gone, which was different.
Yeah, whether it will or not. So we preach, so you believe.
Now I'm going to be preached to devotion to bed. How say some of you that there is no resurrection?
Resurrection today and his trust.
And if he likes the government reaching his face. Your faith is also the only that we have found false witnesses of God because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ. Will we raise not up in something dead from God?
Representational is not there is not Christ right and if Christ they got praised. Your faith is vague, you know, yet in your sense, then they also look at falling asleep in Christ of perish.
Different business. Let's only have all the most miserable.
Now by the resident from the dead and become.
Slip so since my man, my dad, my man also had the resurrection.
Well, as he had an old guy he signed crushed, it will be made alive, but every man in his own order. Vice versions are made of Christ this country.
Dave Thomas, Pennsylvania, When he shall have to lift up, when he shall have looked down, all, all, and all authority of power, for he must run.
And when all these shelves do that again, there shall the Sun himself be such a time to think of football in all.
I'll wait for righteousness and send on for someone to have an option for the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame.
It's my insurance to wait for some other question, but don't give me the bullet as it has at least. And everything you found. All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh in it. Another flesh of people is another efficiency, another of birds. There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial. But the glory of the celestial as well, the glory of its restful, is not.
There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, another glory of the stars for one star in the healthy glory, so awesome is the resurrection.
Of sound corruption. He's raised his decoration. It is sounding dishonour. It is placed in glory, it is sounding weakness. He plays his power. He is so natural. He is raised to surgeon.
There's a spiritual body, there is a mental body and there is a spiritual body and so it is group first in Canada made a big insight the last time it was made a good experience helping in that was not the first of the spirit that was connected and afterwards that which is spirit. The 1St man is of the earth's earth and the 2nd man is the Lord of the heavens, as is the earth.
Such are off. They also that are different, and as we have formed the image of the earth, we should also create the image of the earth.
Set off period.
Behold, I show you a mistake which is not all sorts, but we should all be changed in a moment, in the 20th of an eye and the last trump for the trumpet, yourself and the dead should be very incorruptible. We should be changed, but this corruption must put on any corruption and this war.
So the Minister of Insurance, clone in corruption and this author should have put on immortality and should be brought across the site.
O'Brien, where is my picture?
Strength of the Lord, but thanks for your God has given us big.
If you sit, unluckily always abounding in the work of the Lord, as much as you know that you're awake.
I guess it's a long chapter and seems to me that you divided 3. The first user, the apostle, establishes the references of crime and the consequences as far as the Christian is concerned in advertising.
Then from verse 24 we got a glimpse of the eternal state and also.
The nature of the raised body and then from first.
51 we get the older.
The apostle reveals the mystery of the place in the moment. We can all be changed and so.
I just wonder if you have 3 readings when we could try and.
Provide that three in that way.
There's an interesting structure to invite for the of the officials to the Corinthians. We know that the.
See you with some disorder in the present meeting and we had the.
The sectarian aspects and the entirely part of the the early chapters.
We have the correction is called issue of fornication is concerned in the 5th chapter 2 and then in the 7th chapter yes.
And then the second apostle uses the term now concerning the things you vote underwater. So it appears the president written to the apostles.
And we find that in faith and subject up those subjects up. So we get in a separate chapter as of certainly the things that we run for me, but I think now is touching things off of two idols. And then the apocalypse goes on to take up an associated subject. And he used the word Morocco. So at the beginning of chapter 10 to get a moreover, he was really a subject that was associated with what they'd written to him without, but he wanted to add another subject to it.
And in the 12Th chapter.
We have now concerned so this might be something that the parentheses of British to the apostle about now concerning very good for Siri because it probably could be the word gets Dallas Bay Road and then concerning the work of the spirit and that when we get the the spirit of the energy of the body and energizing all the members in chapter football.
Chapter 13 if you buy love and Chapter 14 the the working out the spirit in the in the assembly meetings and then he brings up.
He deals with an era that is best in India, the media currently with others who would deny that there was going to be a resurrection.
And the any deal for the immoral or the associated with the work of the screw, it wasn't the word of the truth of God to deny there was a resurrection of God. So he connects that with the subject, the main subject that he had in mind when it was the actual Holy Spirit, if we get it in the beginning of chapter 12.
The victory that you were Speaking of earlier, David?
Is is connected directly with the resurrection of the Lord Jesus?
And that's a major subject in this chapter.
And it is.
It's absolutely fundamental to all that we believe the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ because he triumphed over sin and death and hell.
In his work at Calvary's Cross, and the proof of it is the resurrection, and the undeniable proof of so many having seen him after his resurrection and testified to the fact that he was alive. And so now that is has become part of us. We trust in that and we rely upon it. Our future is founded upon it, and we rest upon it.
And it's good to keep returning to that wonderful subject of the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ and how his resurrection is the basis for so much of what we put our faith in.
Might be important to notice that resurrection.
It's only in connection with the body. It's not in connection with the spirit or the soul.
The epoxy will.
Develops this this truth and.
In relation to Cuba war, immediately it was a physical resurrection of the body and.
In our in the case of the believer who passes through the article of death.
There's resurrection at the at the coming of the Lord.
It's not a new body, it is the same body that went into death will be raised in a glorified condition.
When the believer who has died is open up as asleep in in Christ, the unsaved never spoken of of asleep, they are dead, although they're conscious in a lost journey with a believer.
The body goes into that.
But at the resurrection, the first resurrection.
When the Lord returns, that body, which may have been in the grave for thousands of years, will be resurrected. All the components of that body, every particle, will be brought together by the power of the Lord, and death and body will rise and be joined with the spirit of the soul which is already in the Board's presence.
So this is the subject of the of the chapter and.
As our brother pointed out, the resurrection is the divine proof that God was fully satisfied with the work of his Son, glorified by that work of Calgary. So God said.
Commendation or Amen into the finished work of Christ and the cross that didn't leave him in death. He couldn't leave him in death because the question of sin had been fully settled there. To the work of Christ.
Speaks in Hebrews to how that the devil.
Has the power of death.
Hebrews 2 and verse.
For as much then, as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same death. Through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is the death. Now that's not to say that the devil has been annihilated, because we know that the devil exists.
And he is an enemy who vigorously opposes.
Anything of Christ.
But I believe that through death.
And resurrection. The Lord Jesus Christ made weak the power of the devil. And I believe in order to show that the Lord Jesus had power over death, he must go into death.
I believe the Apostle Paul here emphasises the fact that not only did he die for our sins according to the scriptures and was buried, but he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. And this is what distinguishes Christianity from any.
Of man's religion.
You know there are many religions that man has originated.
But their leaders are dead. They're in the grave. But not so our leader. He rose a victor from the Dark Domain.
And Jesus lives. And really, I believe this truth is that which not only distinguishes Christianity, but it extinguishes every other religion of man.
So how wonderful to look up and to know by faith that our Savior lives and He is coming again.
Now it's critical to salvation that we believe he lives. Romans 10 and 9, the apostle Paul.
He could say, if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, or Jesus as Lord, and believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. So if there's anybody here this morning that does not believe that Jesus lives.
You're still in your sins. You need salvation.
And the apostle Paul clearly presented the Gospel of God concerning the Son Jesus Christ.
And the Corinthians, it tells us, received it. Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received.
And wherein you stand, by which also ye are saved.
Oh, there's only one gospel.
And that's the gospel of God concerning his Son Jesus Christ. Neither is there salvation in any other. There's none other name under heaven given among men, or if I must be saved.
Annual purpose of what the Apostle Paul had before him. Let's read verse 12 of our chapter together.
Now if Christ be preached, that he rose from the dead.
How say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? What is it that the apostle is saying?
I believe what he is saying is just that you and I, as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, are so linked with Him as a result of the work of Calvary, that because God has taken and raised him from among the dead, it's impossible that you will not be raised from the dead.
The bodily resurrection is what some were denying in Corinth, and so Paul brings them back to the very truth that Christ rose from the dead, and because he rose from the dead, you are going to be raised bodily as well. Is that the thought?
I was just thinking.
John and the Gospel John, chapter 5.
And verse 25.
This passage of Scripture, I oftentimes meditate upon it and I oftentimes think of the multitude 2 That are in the graves of the graves of the Saints. And of course, if we know all the little ones, those that didn't reach the age of accountability, they're also in the grave and many, many more that that died.
And didn't have the opportunity to accept or reject. And so I oftentimes think of, you know, how the Lord grows and then we're going to.
Were raised with them already spiritually, but we're waiting for that change to happen. And if we go into the grave.
Well just be starting at verse 25, barely, barely, I say unto you, Yower is coming and now it is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live, whereas the Father has life in himself soul, as he given to the Son.
To have light in himself and has given him authority to execute judgment also because he is the Son of man.
Marvel notifies the hour is coming in which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth. They that have done good unto the resurrection of life. They that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation.
It's quite.
It is so very, very.
Solo is.
Such a thought that those who put in the graves the way they were in an they weren't saved I think and I I standing correct here.
But I I think.
I lost a person that is lost the Gwen's the grave. They're going to be resurrected in that grave with the body of death.
And it's.
It's a sad thing to think about that there are multitudes today heading prevent various situations, but for the Christian you rejoice and we have to go after that.
It says precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints, and I believe it's precious because it's.
It's such a thing for.
For him to allow us to go into that and I oftentimes think too broadly change in a moment thinking of the eye, but it says there you know it says vending prices that's all you the debt price shall rise 1St and we're we're going right behind them on their heels, so to speak and that's why I often times picture it but the thing.
That we don't have to go into debt. What a lovely thought.
We caught up, changed the moment quickly, you and I, and but the resurrection is there's only two resurrections. That's the resurrection of those that are saved and those that are not safe.
I think that when we consider the resurrection, if we get it in this chapter and many other places in the.
Interesting. We have to remember that the.
The the translation is probably not the smartest We have to refer to the Derby translation because when we once we gave you the 12Th of their father David referred to It's not just the resurrection of the dead. We we go back to Daniel 12 two resurrection to describe but the fact that there's a tie between them is not described assembly as you definitely have mentioned in verse.
In short and five, we get here to the resurrection.
That is fine. That's between is not mentioned.
The Old Testament teaching, I knew there was resurrection.
Which one?
We get in in the New Testament is not the resurrection from the day that's true, the resurrection and among them.
The Lord Jesus Christ, the person, He was the first group, the 1St to arrive from among the left. In other words, the Lord brothers and the rest of the dead maintenance.
And then the apartment here is challenging them as to their science. There's no resurrection from a mother there. That was that we know 1St that now the dead in Christ shall rise. So there's the resurrection of Christ as the first, there's the resurrection of failure of Christ is coming. And they're the ones who are sleeping Jews and we will be right.
Now the unbelieving those who died in their sins, that resurrection is not the.
1000 years, That's what we get in Revelation.
That the office 1000 years the unbelieving days are right. So what the apostle here is really taking the Corinthians those that didn't know it was that there was going to be a resurrection from underneath that will be going.
It wasn't an Old Testament of truth. They didn't die, not at the time only revealed it to us in this time. So there are yes, the resurrection of Christ, Christ the first fridge, the resurrection of those of sleeping Jesus and later on the resurrection of the of the.
Unbelievers. Not, as you can see.
So I said go when these $3000 of resurrection of the day.
The resurrection from London.
I just wondering if someone could comment on.
Unless we have believed in vain.
Box on that.
My thought is not several places called writings that when he uses the word if for example, he is not implying that you may not be saved, but he's challenging the folks to respond and say of course I'm saved.
And this is a little bit I suggest in that character.
He's, he's throwing out a challenge unless you have believed in vain. And if the response is, well, I have not believed in vain, I truly believe. And then he goes on to present the challenge of what that implies. And it implies the trust in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and many other things as he goes on in the chapter. That's my thought and I'd welcome hearing others on that subject, on that response.
I commended his love toward us not while we were yet sinners. Christ died for us. Christ died for us that he could have us in glory.
And Christ is the first fruits of the resurrection, as we've been told, except the corn of wheat fall into the ground and die. It abideth alone, but if it die, if rena forth much fruit.
In order for the Lord Jesus to have us in glory, he hadn't go down into death.
And when he arose on the other side of death and resurrection, he brought us four centers that have believed in him. We have died with him. He brought us with him on the other side of death, were risen with them. This is how God sees us. He sees it's already risen and seated in Christ in glory. And so the work of Christ, the reason he went into death was for you and for me.
That we could have that whole in love with him and this is what we have. We're he's expounding this to some that perhaps were LED astray by those that were seeking to turn them aside by telling them there was no resurrection. We know that one of these groups is mentioned in the Acts was the Sadducees. They didn't believe in resurrection. They didn't believe in.
In angels and they didn't believe in spirit.
This is a comparison to what we have today in the world. The world is filled today with those that just believe that. Live your life. Eat Drake and be merry the Morrow we may die. Enjoy yourself and there's nothing after death. There's no God, no responsibility, no accountability. Just live your life the way that you want and that's the end of things.
Well, that's totally contradictory to the Scripture that we know as believers that we have life, have a life eternal. We know that there's a resurrection, we know where we're going to spend eternity. And so we know these things.
But there were some here that were teaching, I believe, wrong Vegas and they were upsetting some of the believers here and and the apostle Paul is seeking to straighten it out.
Seek out the comment on her brother.
All using if bring challenge to the believer and then have them and then come back with statement truth. I think we see a good example of that in the prior chapter, First Corinthians 14 and verse 37.
All right, if any man take himself to be a prophet or spiritual.
Let him acknowledge of the things that I write on to you or commands on the board to see.
I'll read you up to them with that. If and if you make your your spiritual, if you make your profit, then you should know what I'm writing to you is the truth. So he really calls them out on their their assumption.
Maybe they should be believing in and drive to home with, you know, a strong point of a doctrine or what they should be doing. So I agree with that point. I think that you use that in the writing. I make it acknowledge or something and drive it home with a piece of cure.
There are some that are spoken of as believing who were not genuine.
Remember in the book of in John the Lord's ministry there and many believed on him when they saw the miracles that she did. Simon in Acts 8 is spoken up as you believe it when he saw the miracles in the the operation of the Spirit of God. So there is a a believing which is only connected with an outward perfection.
But the proof is that the person goes on and.
Gives evidence in his life of of possessing a divine nature, and there's fruit in his life in the.
Case of Simon, there was no fruit. He was he was under the power of Satan, but says he believed. So there's a possibility of believing the outward facts without without really a work of God's spirit in the soul.
Say something.
You were starting to say something before.
Actually, Brother John's comments were really what I was thinking of there, that it seems to me there's the exercising They didn't believe in the bodily resurrection of the Lord, then possibly they would save themselves.
There's another there's another thing that to me, the apostle, he had such a love and a burden for the Saints of God, the notice of verse 33.
Be not deceived. Evil communications corrupt good manner.
If you and I.
Get mixed up with some kind of.
Of teaching that is not the mind of God. It will affect the way that we walk through this world. If you are not expecting if we are not expecting that the Lord's coming is going to be anytime as a present hope.
That you thought it was going to be maybe 1000 years from now. It'll change the way you live in this world now. But we are to live in the momentary expectation of his coming again. So I think that is the force of that particular verse. Evil, communications, corrupt.
Good manner, the manner of life, the way that we walk through this world.
Possible Johnny to say that does not yet appear.
What you shall be? But when he shall appear, he shall be like him.
For we shall see him as he is, and then it goes on, goes on to say he that has this hope in him purified himself even as he is pure. So if we're truly expecting the Lord to arrive at any time, it's going to have an effect upon our.
Livestock and we're going to desire, I believe, to be pure as he is pure. That's a good point.
I was noticing in verse seventeen of our chapter.
Your pastor Paul, he says if Christ be not raised.
Your faith is faith.
You are yet in your sins, and so connecting it with verse 2, the apostle Paul is saying that.
If you do not believe.
If Christ is not raised.
Then what's the use of believing?
It's all vague. There's no value to faith.
But of course, we know that's not the case.
And the Apostle Paul, he goes on to clearly indicate.
The bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
He was seen of Cephas not to skip over three and four, but he was seen of Cephas then of the 12 after that he was seen of above 500 brethren at once.
Of whom the greater part remains unto this present, but some are falling asleep.
However, the greater part of those that witnessed the Lord Jesus.
They were still alive.
And if anybody questioned what Paul was saying about the resurrection of Jesus?
They could go to one of these brothers that were still living.
To clarify or to confirm what Paul had said.
After that he was seen of James, then of all the apostles. Last of all he was seen of me also.
As of one born out of due time.
The Apostle Paul, he was converted on the road to Damascus.
And he thought to extinguish Christianity.
And he breathed out threatening and slaughtered against.
Those who were followers of Christ.
He didn't know the Lord Jesus Christ.
But on that day.
There was a light above the brightness of the noonday sun. What a light. It's shown upon Saul and Saul.
He comes to know in a personal way the Lord Jesus Christ.
I think it's important to see that there were revelations given to the Apostle Paul that were not given to anyone else returned to 2nd.
Timothy, chapter one, verse 9.
It's really part of Paul's gospel, Speaking of the Lord here who has saved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus.
Before the world began, but is now made manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ. You have abolished death and that brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel. That's what we have in our chapter.
The Old Testament Saints, they trembled in view of passing through the article of death, because they did not have assurance of really.
What their portion would be in that coming, in that coming day in resurrection. They knew there was a resurrection, but it was left to the apostle Paul to by revelation tell us.
The resurrection from among the dead, that's one thing, but also that we will have a body, incorruptible life for the soul and immortality or incorruptibility. It should be here for through the gospel for the body. Now this is a peculiar.
Revelation or development that was given only to the apostle Paul, and so now we know the kind of body that we will have.
The Old Testament Saints did not know about them, but we know that we will have a a body of glory. So there's really no St. is yet glorified. We speak of people being in the glory, but you really know no St. of God is yet glorified because glorification has to do with the possession not of a new body, but of a body that has changed and.
An incorruptible body, an immortal body. So this is.
This is especially part of Paul's gospel, and it's a marvelous revelation for us to to grasp it to the true meaning of of resurrection and its results. Is that right, David?
When we look in First Corinthians Chapter 11 and.
Verse 26.
It says as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you just show the Lords death till he come. We don't remember a dead person, We don't remember a dead Jesus. We remember his death. He is living.
The Angel said to the women at the at the grave, at the tomb, he is not here, He is risen. So we remember a living Savior, but we remember the time of his death and back in John chapter 20.
And the disciples, they, they'd heard the, they had read the Psalms, they had heard what the Lord said to them, that he would rise again the third day. But in verse nine of chapter 20, John.
For as yet they knew not the Scripture that He must rise again from the dead. They didn't comprehend that. They didn't understand it. They thought the Lord Jesus was going to establish the Kingdom, and here he had died, and they did not yet know that he was going to rise from the dead. And so further on in chapter 20, we see that the Lord came and showed himself to the disciples. And the second time he came back, Thomas wasn't within the first time.
And verse 26 after eight days, again his disciples were within, and Thomas was with them. Then came Jesus, and the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. Then saith you to Thomas, Reach hit thy finger, and behold my hands reach hit of thy hand, and thrust it into my side. Be not faithless, but believing. Thomas did not believe that Jesus had risen from the dead, but here he sees him face to face. And the Lord Jesus says.
Thomas answers the Lord Jesus, and said unto him, My Lord and my God Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed. Blessed are they that have not seen, yet have believed. And so we believe by faith that the Lord Jesus has died, that he's risen from the dead, and he's ascended into glory and so.
Our brother went over the seven points.
Of witness of resurrection in our chapter verse chapter 15 First Corinthians and the very first one is in verse 3, verse four and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures. So we we have the Scriptures to show us of the witness of these many witnesses. We can believe what the word of God says because it is the word of God.
We need to believe that this word that we are reading, it is the word of God and that we are accountable to everything that it says.
I like what the angels say in Luke 24 in response to what Tim just said. One of the interesting titles, if I can call it, of the Lord Jesus. In Luke 24 verse five, it says And then they were afraid, bowed down their faces to the earth. They said unto them, Why seek ye the living among the dead?
To living among the dead.
The Lord isn't He always was the living one among the dead. Even when he walked on this earth, He was still the living among the dead. He never changed, and yet he didn't. What we're Speaking of now in in a more glorious way, He's still living alone.
The heresy of the denial of the resurrection survived through to this day. See it often in groups that self identify as Christians in the sense that they say well it's 2015 we don't really know what people wrote down back then. The important thing is to take the principles of his wife Jesus man and fly them into making our world better today.
In verse 19, he points out not only is it wrong, but it's a it's a miserable thing.
That put yourself under the tyranny of the of the law and try and work out your righteousness or your works is not only is it wrong, but it's miserable. It's not a it's not the security and the wondrous glory of having a savior that died for us, but it's putting yourself under the misery of works righteousness and.
Just trying to show them the consequences of going down this path.
Celebrate and.
I'd like to refer to.
1St 20 verse 20 but now is crossword along the day and become the first troops and then that's left now that word first truth would prefer us back to the 5th of 23 and notice first time.
And the Lord will wake on the Moses side, speak under the children of Israel, and say unto them.
When you be coming from the land I give up to you, and shall reach the harvest thereof, then you shall with a sheet of the first week of your harvest, and the priest and he shall weigh in the sheep before the Lord, to be accepted, point on the moral of the Sabbath. The priest shall wake, and you shall offer that day when you wait for sheep and land without flesh for the first year, for a third offering, and for the Lord now our Father.
Mentioned except for the week falling in the ground and dire in the Five Below and there in the 23rd.
To take the questions the person of the of of the fruit of the astronaut and waited before the war. What's the thought there?
Sailing can cause sin and death, but only God who calls resurrection. And when we have that reference to a corner, wheat forming into the ground and dying, that's what there we go through.
Every day or every year, farmers sow seed and the seed dies and there is resurrection and only God can do it. We wouldn't have any food, natural food, if we didn't have any. Worry not for the fact that God has the power of restoration and raising that seed from the dead. And so in the 23rd of Leviticus, they were told to grab hold of the first Black Sea and waited. It's like celebrating the victory.
When you set up by the ministry, you take the flag at the table on and you wave it and, and only make a lot of noise. People do that. They they're celebrating the victory they're owing Leviticus 23 and to celebrate the victories for the resurrection, that fruit of resurrection which can be taken place.
God can do this. Thank you.
So we celebrate his resurrection. We celebrate the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ died on Calvary.
That the price of our sins because God has accepted that sacrifice and Samaria crazy from the dead and we have a glorified many deaths. We celebrate, we wait. We want to tell the world about that there's a risen glorified Christ in heaven this land. That's why the IT was so damaging here.
In this chapter.
Of saying that there was no resurrection.
Because it was an attack on the grace of God, the gospel going out with the apostle Paul was preaching.
Contained in the Gospel is a very fundamental truth of the resurrection.
And by his denial of resurrection, it was a it was a.
Run attack on the gospel of grace. We know that the Sadducees, for one group mentioned earlier that didn't believe in resurrection. Pharisees didn't believe in resurrection. Does that mean that all Pharisees were saved because they believed in the resurrection? No. But.
Here with the the more damaging thing here was that there were these ones that were coming and proclaiming that there was no resurrection.
And the apostle Paul and witnesses there of those that did believe to God only preached and knew in their hearts with the resurrection, and he was appealing to those that that may have been.
Turned aside a little bit because of that false teaching, but there probably were some there, no doubt, that were false, that didn't believe.
And they were trying to turn the other ones aside. And we have this kind of doctrinal evil going on today.
So as we change in that sense.
We often hear said that Christ work is a finished work. We get that in Hebrews 12 which is the author and picture of our faith.
What sense is graceful?
In his death towards his finish with his resurrection and I can answer that question, I would believe that it's finished through his resurrection.
Or fine, I think we read earlier that was one of the best designed out of the Lord Jesus until believe in my heart that God had raised from your head. Thou shalt be saved, certainly from us getting to work with him for himself being.
For us, it seems that believing the truth of the resurrection is important. So I guess my question is here. Price of a kid is going to come across.
Was his work finished up across the family resurrection? And then just to kind of add something I noted, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't believe you read anywhere that reads out anywhere Price reappeared after his resurrection when all the waivers. Neither says that it was brethren the apostles and might suggest that when those early chemo were confronted with the resurrected words.
That the truth of that was so cleared of it that it could help believers. So we don't create any of that hearing that wrong believers. So we're seeing that that resurrection at least prior to work with salvation on our.
Well, I think the work of it, atonement for sin, was completed at the cross.
Blood was shed to to give a proof of the of the work of redemption.
I think that the whole work of propitiation was completed at the cross and the resurrection. The proof of God's full satisfaction with that work and.
I don't think he we can say that.
You have to present.
That but the award happened to be raised and presented his blood in the sanctuary above before you could consider the work as completed. I think the work was completed completed at the cross when the resurrection, the proof that God is satisfied with that word. But I wouldn't bring the work of redemption into into into glory.
We speak figuratively of Christ presenting His blood. That is, the blood forever speaks in God's omniscient here. But that error came in amongst brethren early.
There was teaching that the work was not finished until Christ had actually entered the glory and presented His blood. That was a cardinal error that came in amongst brethren.
Back in the time of Mr. Stewart and it was refuted very, very definitely. So I think we have to be careful there. The work was the work of redemption was finished when the Lord said it is finished.
Resurrection and ascension is only the proof that God was fully satisfied with that word.
Finished on the cross when the Lord said it was finished.
But it's still necessary that the Lord should die to death, as we get in Hebrews, but by death, by destroying him and the power of death that is the devil now.
The force of resurrection is concerned, and we remember Acts 17.
Verse 31 he will be disappointed today he will judge the world that his fault spoken, speaking happens because he has a point in the day. He will judge as well in righteousness by that man who we have all day. We're all he has given assure of unto all men in the appraisal from the dead. There's the effect of the resurrection as far as our as far as we're concerned, it's the proof of God's word.
The resurrection of Christ was forecast in old desperate time. The Lord himself destroyed this temple and our wise again in three days. And the apostle John, if we look at an interpretive note, he was Speaking of his resurrection and the the resurrection of Christ is the fulfilment, it's the fruit, it's the assurance that that's what we believe is correct.
That's what he gets from the resurrection of the Cross. The assurance and the hallmarks of the Aspiration Committee is any doubt about Christianity.
What you have to do, we go back to the record of a British never.
Let us sing #4 in the appendix.