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66 Lord.
Never tire what inline love possess you not under.
Changeable by gracious loves, our earthly pot has ceaseless. View 166.
What do you think before that?
We're going to keep on scheduled. We might want to start at 24 and refer back.
Thinking because.
Then come at the end.
When he shall have delivered us the Kingdom to God, even the Father, when he shall have put down all rules and authority and power, For he must reign till he has put all enemies unto his feet, The last standing shall be destroyed. Youth, Death.
Well, here for all things under your street.
Said all things are put under Him, it is manifest that He is acceptable, which is for all things under Him.
And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son himself be subject to nearly the footballers under him. The God I recall in all.
Else what shall I do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rises at all? Well then, they then baptize for the day, and why stand we in jeopardy? Every hour I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ you our Lord. I die daily, yet after the matter of men I have fought with peace and deficits.
What advantage?
But tomorrow we die.
We don't get saved. Evil communications corrupt good manners.
Awake to righteousness to see not, but some have not the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame.
If some man will say, How old will dead brother say? And with what body do they come? They'll hold that which thou sow It is not flicked except it's dark, and that's which they'll sow it. They'll sow it's not that body shall be, but being like it may charge a week or some of them. But God give it involved as you have reason, and to every seed.
All flesh is not the same flesh that there is one kind of flesh man, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and none of them are birds.
There are also celestial bodies, bodies celestial at the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
There is one glory of the sun, and not the glory of the moon, not the glory of the stars, but one star. Give it from another story door. So also is the resurrection of the day. It is sounding eruption. It is raised in incorruption. It is sounding dishonour. He tries to glory. He is sounding greatness. He is raised in hell. He is sound. The natural body raised the spiritual body. There is a natural body. There is a spiritual body.
And so he went to Britain. The 1St man, Adam, was made a living solvent. The last was a quick spirit.
Healthy. That was not first, which is spiritual, but that was his name and I.
Which is that it's true.
The first man is at the earth, 2nd man, Lord the devil.
As is the earth for such a day. Also there are.
And that is the heavenly such a name also than our heaven.
As they form the image of the earth, we should also say in the image.
Now this is our side for a bit of pressure, blood and lovely spirit to keep it with God. Neither does corruption inheriting corruption. Behold, I show your mystery. We shall not all sleep. We shall all be changed in the moment, in the cleaning of an eye at the last trump and the traffic show now and the day shall be raised in Trump or that we should be changed. But this corrupt rule must put on incorruption. It's more of a customer on immortality so that when this corrupt shall have put on in touch.
And this mortal killer on immortality, then she'll be brought and sign of his ribbon dead. He swallowed nothing. Victory again, where is right victory. The sting of death is sin, and the strength of the sin is the law that thanked me to God, which gives us the matrix where Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my godly President. These state talks are notable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.
As much as you know at your labour is nothing vain in the lawful.
I was thinking in connection with the resurrection that we have been dwelling upon, that it's important to.
Note the fact that.
We have now a glorified man, God like man.
He entered the glory in manhood. Turn back to Romans chapter one.
Verse 3 concerning there is His incarnation. He became a man.
In every sense of the term, sin apart.
You didn't take our nature into union with himself because we had a sinful nature. But.
He became a perfect man.
In incarnation to prostate child is born, but it never says unto us the Son was born, He was given, but his eternal sonship is a very important truth to hold.
Umm, tenaciously.
But also we have in verse four of Romans 1 declared to be the Son of God. This is His divinity. This is the divine person in manhood, declared to be the Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead or the resurrection of dead ones. So the Lord in his pathway.
Evidence of his divine power, His deity, by raising dead ones. Jarius, Daughter and the widow of Names.
Son and Lazarus and himself.
In fact, the resurrection is attributed to three the three persons of the Godhead. He was raised by the.
The glory of the Father He raised himself, and then he was raised by the power of the Spirit of God.
So he declared to be Son of God with power that was in his pathway down here because he put forth the divine power, the same power that he is going to put forth in raising the dead in that coming day. So at the rapture, there's going to be a game, the raising of dead whites.
And the glorification of those who have passed through the article of death, our glorification as well at the same time, if we are living at that moment when the show is given. So he's been declared to be the Son of God with power according to the spirit of holiness, because everything was in the power of the Holy Spirit by the resurrection from the dead.
And so we should.
Always remember that the manhood has entered into the glory. This was never never the case before. There was never a man in the glory.
And the Lord entered the glory.
As a man who had glorified God completely about the question of sin, He didn't enter the glory until that whole matter of our sins was settled. Turn to Hebrews chapter one.
Remember with that person, sure.
Verse three. Who deemed the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high. So there He entered the glory. He had the right to enter the glory, having glorified God His Father about the question of sin.
And since, and he entered there in manhood a glorified man, and that is the point brought out in the passage we read here, He is going to retain that manhood for all eternity. He's never going to give it up. Why does he retain that manhood? In order that he might enjoy our company. You'll be his bride in that coming day, and for all eternity he will be a man.
In in subjection.
To his father, but he will retain that manhood, in order that he might enjoy our company, as our brother referred to that verse in John 12. Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground, and die, and abideth alone if it died, and bring us forth much fruit. So the Lord had not gone into death. His manhood would never have brought redemption, but.
And embrace and in love He went down into death to bear the awful judgment for our sins, so that He would not be alone for eternity. He's going to have us as his companions in that glory in manhood. And I think that that is the thought that is brought out here in the passage about the Kingdom. This looks on to the future, of course, when the Lord will.
I've established the Kingdom and will be.
Be raining and then when the Kingdom has.
Been completed and he's going to still retain his manhood to enjoy.
His Church for all eternity.
Brother Dave, at the beginning of last reading, he went over three sections in the in the book. Could you reiterate those and what they're about and what what are the second one is about?
As far as the parentheses is concerned.
The apostle writes in the first four chapters of the main subject of the 1St 4 chapters of the divisions that are coming in amongst them and how they were I'm I'm I'm sorry, I meant the chapter sorry. I meant the chapter sorry.
I mean, I thought as far as the chapter itself was concerning broad terms was that as far as verse 23 we have the.
We have the apostle there.
Reiterates the evidential assay of the the resurrection of Christ, and then he also.
Mentions the consequences as far as ourselves restrictions are concerned.
As some were saying that there was no resurrection of the Christian, well then.
We form those that perform asleep the perish. There is no no.
No salvation from the question if it wasn't, if it was from the resurrection of Christ, and the resurrection of the question is with with Christ.
This portion here is the alludes to the eternal state I believe verses that we have here and how that the Lord will deliver the Kingdom up until the Father Father.
And then of course, he he deals with the issue of, well, what kind of body are we going to have in resurrection? And then of course, from verse 51, he introduces what was a Christian truth, a new truth to the Christian. It was an Old Testament truth. And then of course, it is corruption and obviously among the twinkling of her eyes and the last trump. And when we raised in corruption, our bodies would be changed and we'll take on that.
Incorruptible nature.
If the Lord takes me home, my body will be put in the earth, and it will corrupt.
That would be changed when.
So then verse 24.
Where it's pieces in, it's that which actually introduces the eternal statement.
Correct thought this is the end of the Kingdom.
Of the sun.
He's going to deliver up.
The Kingdom to God.
At the end, and that's after all enemies have been put under his feet.
It tells us.
In Colossians that in all things he must have the preeminence.
And so.
We see that even death itself.
Is destroyed, the last enemy that shall be destroyed is dead. And would that not refer us over to Revelation 20?
Where we find that the dead.
Are resurrected.
It's not that life is imparted to them. They're still dead, but they're resurrected. I believe resurrection is.
The reuniting of the body with the soul and spirit.
Now it tells us here in Revelation 20.
And verse 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God. The books were opened, another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, And death and hell delivered up the dead, which.
We're intent and they were judged, every man.
According to their works.
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.
Well, we see here that death has no more hold.
On the body.
And as a result, those who have died in their cities will be resurrected to stand.
There at the great White Throne before the Lord Jesus Christ.
There he will be the judge.
And souls that have died in their sins, resurrected, now are judged on the books. A record is being kept.
And the books are opened. It's very sober, you know, sometimes.
We may go and we buy things on credit.
Well, you know you can rack up.
A lot of expense buying on credit.
And a person might forget about some of those expenditures.
But they don't go away. They have to be paid for it and when the credit statement comes.
Sure enough, each and everyone of those expenditures are there on that statement.
And the bill has to be paid.
Well, you know, for the Christian.
Christ has paid.
Our debt at the Cross of Calvary. That's what we learn in this chapter.
In Revelation for a 15th chapter, Christ died for our sins, but for those that have rejected Christ.
We find that they are faced.
With a debt of C and they are responsible to pay that.
And what does it involve? Eternal punishment tells us here. Whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast.
Into the Lake of Fire.
And then I believe you have the introduction of the eternal state.
The final judgment here.
Perhaps to avoid any confusion here, we should refer to the.
5th and the 6th verses of chapter 20.
The rest of the bid did not again because 1000 years were finished.
This is the first generation, let's just say, how do you see that part in the first resurrection? So there has been a first resurrection before we get to verse.
Verse 11 and and and nor verse 12 and the dead there, I believe, are what's called the rest of the dead in verse.
Five, in other words, those who are blessed.
Already raised at this time and the the rest of the dead are really those that are judged in verses 12 Could say this.
There's no thought. I don't think that Great White White Believer would ever appear in the Great White Trust.
I think we can apply in connection with the verses that we have read here. You go back to Psalm 2 and Psalm 8. You have a description here of what will take place in verse 24.
And the Lord will put down all rule and all authority and power. It's really during the Millennium that that takes place. He must reign to be up with all enemies under his feet.
That's a wonderful time of the Lords power and.
Rain and righteousness.
Contrast to what we experienced today where it's man's will, active in the world and.
Opposition to God, but none of nothing like that will be tolerated in the Millennium. The Lord will reign supreme, but there's also the thought that we will reign with Him, and our place in that coming Kingdom will be according to a walk down here.
We will be assigned certain places of responsibility, be thou over 10 cities or five cities in the administration of the Kingdom. He's going to associate his people with him. He will reign. He'll be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, bring through a representative on on David's throne, but we will administer the Kingdom with him. Another point we might just.
Just remark in passing there verse 23, Every man in his own order writes the first fruits afterward they that are Christ that is coming.
Now it has been taught with only those who are looking for the Lords coming and in a up.
Correct spiritual state will hear the Lord's voice. That is not really that is not a scriptural thought. All those who belong to Christ, regardless of their spiritual state.
Not that.
That God upholds a careless state, but regardless of what our state is spiritually, they that are Christ.
At his coming, that is the rapture there. So everyone, every believer in the world will hear the Lord's voice and the raptured into his presence and.
Glorified at that time. Really no believer is glorified yet because they don't. Those that have passed through the article of death, they still do not have their bodies of glory. We all understand that.
It says.
For as an Adam all died, Even so in Christ shall all be made alive. You're alive now in Christ and life. But it says every man in his own order, price of first fruits, and afterwards they are Christ that is coming.
Be looking at the completeness of of us when we receive our glorified bodies.
Speaking of there.
Verse 23. Verse 22 and 23.
Yes, I believe that it looks on to the resurrection and there's two things we're not going to have in the resurrection. I think we we know that. One is this body of humiliation which is connected with this groaning creation. We're part of the groaning creation. We feel it in our bodies every day. As we get older more so, but we're going to have a body.
Of glory without any infirmity, any sign of weakness or suffering or sorrow or pain, It will all be obliterated, but also we will be delivered from that old evil nature.
We don't get it. It's not eradicated down in this world.
Some people think that when we're saved, the old nature is regenerated, that we're given we renovate the the old nature. That's entirely wrong.
The old nature will never change as long as we are in this world. We're never delivered from the presence of sin. As long as we are in the body down here we have the old nature. We we realize that, but we are to keep it in the place of death. But in the glory. We won't have these bodies of humiliation and we will not have the old nature. But right now we do have that resurrection life. So we have the very life of Christ in resurrection.
Now abiding within us, we have a different order of life than the Old Testament. We we have now the consciousness that we are children of God. We have the very resurrected life of Christ abiding in us so that we can enter into the things of God. The consciousness that we are children of God, which was not shown in the Old Testament. The assurance, the adoption of the sonship, and so on, all of these things are connected.
The Spirit of God dwelling in the believer.
Great, of course.
Spiritually dead, dead in trespasses and in cities. But it seems here what the apostle has in view is.
Physical death. Death of the body.
As in Adam all died.
Even so, in Christ shall all.
Be made alive.
And so those that have died in Christ are going to be raised.
In verse 20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept percent by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead. It seems to me to bring before us two families here Addams family, in which all are subject to death because of sin.
But Christ on the other hand.
Has his family and those that have died in Christ will indeed be made alive.
It's a contrast between the two that he's drawing attention to, isn't it? I believe so, yeah.
I was just wondering maybe?
The perhaps younger ones.
What we're talking about here.
We used to everything in the spiritual world, you see it in the natural world. Only one is one is the shadow of the real thing to come. And I was just thinking of.
You know, a cocoon and you know, the, the Caterpillar makes it cocoon around itself made of silk. But it's going to be a beautiful butterfly someday, you know, and but it really, really has to struggle to get out of that cocoon. And I read a story of a man one time. He was watching.
The butterfly kind of, you know.
Of course they don't. They're not the butterflies. When they come out, they fly away. But a man was.
Hours and hours and hours going by. He got so patient he thought the poor thing was never going to get out of the cocoon. So he took the sharp skeleton and he opened up the hole and he waited. He waited, Waited and waited for no more struggling. But the creature that come out wasn't a butterfly, it was a shriveled up.
The wings were all scribbled up and it was.
Not really a butterfly. So as we go through this life.
It's just like we're in the cocoon stage, but.
That butterfly, when it comes out, all that through all that, the tribulation and turmoil, it's a beautiful butterfly. Would you say that would be a good?
Example in nature and we can see all kinds of things in nature that tell us the resurrection.
There's so many I can't name. I'm the only one that can pick up at the moment. There's all kinds of creatures that were a picture of resurrection. You can see the nature.
Well, you see it in the tree. You know the tree. Well, SAP was down. We rolled all up in the springtime, resurrects, time comes back to light, more or less. You know it doesn't grow in the winter time.
When it grows will never be. I don't know if they grow very much.
Just thought of that, maybe somebody else had something else to get back to that.
Corn of wheat. The Lord used that example.
We fall into the ground and die and fight it alone. But it's a diet reinforced much fruit.
We have all natures that can't produce any fruit.
And we need to be abiding in the Lord to produce fruit.
So we we need to be looking to him if we.
Not to the flesh and all nature that's innocent pointed out.
It's it went down in the depth of price and that's where he wants us to see it. Reckon it's all, that's where it is. It was good for nothing, flesh, proper nothing. And so we can't look to it and expect anything good from it.
But we can look to that which the Lord has given to us, that that new nature.
And in the power of the Spirit we're able to produce fruit for the Lord.
But not to ourselves.
In Ephesians one we get the purpose of course in.
39 and 10, having made no not to ask the mystery of His will, according to the good, this good pleasure which He has purchased himself, that's got Himself in the dispensation of the fullness of times, He might to gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are in earth, even in Him. And I think this is this case in the physical world that we've been talking about.
We get similar phrase too in Colossians 1.
1 And having like peace through the bloody cross by him, to reconcile all things under himself, by him, I say, whether they be things on in earth or things in heaven. Now if we go back to Genesis, the end of Genesis 1.
If the last person and God saw everything that he had made and behold, it was very good.
Well, I'm sorry. I'm good. Science is very good, and I'm sure it is because it was good. It sure was good.
It was beautiful, it was orderly, it was peaceful. Every.
Quality that you could expect, can I say of a creation.
It was there and God declared himself declared which good. Now it is true that if you go back a couple of verses.
That's 28 in the verse. Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and secure it. And what is this? And have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the flower of the air, and over everything, anything, and move it on the earth.
Adam and the responsibility of ordering the animal Kingdom. He could tell his Catwoman still and the cat would immediately abide but of course he lost that in the court when the Lord comes, of course we see that in the perfect land the Lord Jesus he could tell up this to pick up paper silver and then and then by on Peter's foot and the fish was doing. I believe there's going to be a reordering.
Of the national Kingdom, it's all going to be brought back to the original state of.
When God could say it was good and it's being done by the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, he's going to be had that supreme place. The 2nd man, the second Abbot is going to have that face supremacy in that creation which will be reordered. If only the confusing world and and chaotic world that we see around us now, it'll be a world just like what I think back to that situation.
The Lord Jesus Christ, we've got to do that.
I think he's going to as he says in the in the adverse.
Standing as we get in verse 28, and then having accomplished that work of reordering God the Kingdom and natural the whole national Kingdom, he's got a potential benefactor.
Look at that verse in John one which we often use in the Gospel and.
Certainly it it has its application there, but the true interpretation of John 129 The next day John C of Jesus coming unto him, and said, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. The true meaning of that meeting is referring to the time that we are reading about now, when every trace of sin.
Will be obliterated from this creation, partially so in the Millennium to a large extent, but not entirely because there will be still the the results of sin in the Millennium, but there will be the rule of the Lord so that man will not be able to.
Perform any acts of of rebellion or or.
Unrighteousness in that time, but the work of Christ is so complete and so perfect that in that coming day, the eternal state, every trace of sin will be removed. And that's really what that verse is referring to.
The obliteration of the every resulting consequence of sin in the world through the work of Christ. So all the blessing in the Millennium, in the eternal state, The foundation of it all is the Word of Christ on the cross.
I've enjoyed.
The first, we're kind of going over two or three verses here together, but I'd like to make a comment in connection with verse 23. Every man in his own order.
Christ the first fruits afterward, they that are Christ that is coming, and we go on to read them. Come at the end.
That that 23rd verse in the first part of the 24th verse spans a period of 3000 years.
Christ the firstfruits.
You know when a when a farmer plants a field of wheat.
And then it grows and it turns that golden color in the field.
He knows it's getting near the harvest.
So he goes out and he looks at it and that he wants it to be a certain, a certain.
Forget the term they use, but a certain percentage of moisture in it. I recall it around 15% or something like that. I remember from days of my father and his brothers were in the milling business. But anyway, he would go out and he checked the field.
And when it was just right, he would take it and it would be the first fruits and he would check and that was a sample of what the whole crop was like.
So it says Christ, the first fruits.
When Christ rose from the dead, he was taken up, and that was a sample of what the whole crop was.
The result of the work of Christ and the cross was so complete before God.
That Him and his perfection after removing, after the judgment of sin and His Holiness, raised to the very glory of God. He was a sample of what the whole family of God would be in the glory. Christ the first fruits afterwards.
They that are Christ, that is coming, that took place.
Just after Calvary three days, then comes 2000 years and here we are right near the end.
Then he comes and we are taken up out of this world to be with him.
Afterwards they that are Christ at his coming.
And then you have another thousand years and I think of that verse one day is with the Lord is 1000 years and 1000 years is one day. Just think of what we have put into just a couple of words in the Bible here and then it says then cometh the end, you know, to get a glimpse of eternity. We live in this short period of time here.
Now we spend an hour and 15 minutes in a meeting and brethren, think of what's ahead.
You know the the Lord's coming afterwards, they that are Christ that is coming and then to be with them and like them for 1000 years and then the final judgement of sin in connection with this world and then come with the end after that.
And we spend eternity with them. I mean, it's so beautiful to see.
Was before the believer all that we would enjoy it more in our souls as we go along and this misunderstanding of these truths that took place, God has used them as a as a an opportunity to bring out the preciousness of the resurrection and the end time of where we are going.
And so these very few verses that we're just starting with here in verse 24 down to the end of verse 28.
I think we all feel quite sure that the prime thought in those verses are the eternal state after the Millennium. That is the end that God has in view for His Son and His family for all eternity. Then come at the end when He shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God, even the Father.
When he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. Speaking of the millennial time, I'm sure the day of the Lord, and he must reign. Julius put all things under his feet. The last enemy to be destroyed. His death. For he has put all, for he have put all things under his feet.
But when He Himself all things are put under Him, it is manifest that He is accepted which did put all things under Him. And when all things shall be subdued unto Him, after all sin is dealt with, then is already. I know have been commented, but to me it's nice to connect it all together.
Then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him that's referring to God.
As God.
And why does he take I don't think I'm quite right in using the the the the thought of being inferior to God because this is this doesn't seem to fit to me, but the thought is it's already been expressed, brethren, that he might enjoy your company and mine forever.
So then it says He's subject unto him.
That put all things under him, that God may be All in all as He, and that eternal state God, whom no man has seen nor can see, will be in his home, but no man will ever see him. But we'll be conscious of the fact that we're in his home and we're with him.
But there, as a man, we enjoy the presence of our Savior forever.
Lovely these verses, isn't it?
Something that was in the heart of God, wasn't it? Ephesians chapter one and verse 12.
Read that verse and.
Be in chapter one and.
Pretend that in the dispensation of the fullness of time, you might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth, even in Him.
And whom? Also we have obtained an inheritance. Isn't that nice? We haven't attained an inheritance. We're part of this wonderful plan that God has ordained counsel.
There's not many references to the eternal state in the scriptures.
But here is one of them, and I think the thought is in our verse 28 that the Lord will retain manhood for eternity. I think that's the thought there.
Have we turned over Revelation? In 21 I saw new heaven and the new earth. The 1St heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea. And I drunk saw the holy city, New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. This described as the eternal state. Here up to above verse six, the bride after 1000 years she still has her mutual beauty.
Prepared as a bride, adorned for her husband after 1000 years. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and he was well with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them and be their God, and so on. This is looking on to that day when.
God's desire to dwell with His creature will be fully accomplished and fulfilled.
It was God's desire to dwell with His people in the midst after redemption. You have that thought brought out in Exodus, that God was preparing a habitation for man to dwell to dwelling in company with with Himself. Here you have the fulfillment of it. When God himself and the Person of Christ, He will dwell with men, There will be no government, there will be no nations, there will be nothing to rule over at that time.
Because there'd be no, uh, insubordination as there, as there is now in man's day and even in the Millennium, there will be the, the.
Subjugation of of any rebellion, it will not be tolerated for one moment in the Millennium.
The wicked will be cut off every every morning, but now in the eternal state.
The sin has been dealt with and now the Lord as man is going to dwell with his people and enjoy His people for all eternity. God Himself should be with them and be their God and.
That is the the end that is in view.
Question Luke chapter 12. Luke chapter 12.
37 Verse Blessed are those servants whom the Lord may cometh so blind, Washington. Verily I say to you, that he shall burn himself, and make them sit down and meet, and.
Come forth and serve.
What time period does that person work?
You ever thought, John?
Honest question.
Well, it refers to the Lord's service of his own, serving us now as our great High Priest, our advocate. He's going to be serving us for all eternity when we think of any little service we might do for him now.
How small it seems, but the Lord values that we.
Little measure of devotedness in our lives to the Lord.
In service of of whatever kind it's going to be rewarded when I guess I'm not answering your question. I'd rather I think it it goes on into the eternal state. Maybe someone else has a thought there that he's going to serve us for all eternity and and I know that rewards are are often.
Confined to the Millennium.
But I think there is a sense in which the reward goes on into eternity. But do it, the will of God shall abide forever.
So although there will not be be the position of reigning with Christ in the eternal state, we are forming our capacity now for the enjoyment of the Lord for eternity. It's how we walk now and.
We are how we.
Enter into the things of the Lord. Now that is going to go on as our portion for eternity, but I think that the thought is that the Lord will minister to our joy.
In that coming eternal statement, maybe some brother has another thought on it.
But to answer the question specifically, that will start after the record.
Didn't understand you, David?
To answer the question specifically, I believe when will it happen? I believe it will start immediately after the Rapture, won't it?
I don't know if we can put a a try into it, but.
The circumstances will be right without beginning to happen.
Well, I was just thinking.
You know, in, in, in the Millennium reign of Christ, we're going to reign with him and we'll serve him in the Millennium reign, but in the new creation.
We have no need to rain because all things will be offered up to God.
That's the first that was read in Ephesians there and then.
He'll be searching us for all eternity, but that's the way I always looked at it.
It seems to me, Sean, that.
The context in those verses there is the Lord showing His appreciation for those who take and follow Him and are waiting for Him. He values it, whether it is the Millennium or whether it is the eternal state or whether it is both.
He's showing he values.
Our watchfulness and waiting for him to come.
You know, I remember being at a conference not too many years ago and the subject came up of some verses. Some referred to the Millennium and some refer to the eternal state.
And I was personally corrected in my thought and the brother was right, I felt afterwards.
But a brother, you know, we're sitting down for the meal afterwards and talking these things over. And he made this simple comment, he said. I feel that the Millennium is the front porch of eternity.
And I have enjoyed that thought.
If you go see a great big, shall I say a great plantation home in the southern states the way they had them before, and you see some of the beautiful homes and then on the outside you see the size of the porch on the of it. When you go to that front porch, you say my, how beautiful it must be on the inside.
Well, the Millennium is like the front porch eternity, and if it is going to be that beautiful brethren during the Millennium, just think of what it's going to be like in eternity. Brother. I was just going to say who I take back that I retract that statement I made of not having anything to do in the new creation. I remember Stan said when I was first saying that.
The whole creation.
We're not going to be sitting around either. It's ours for joint heirs with Christ, and that includes the new creation. So whatever that is, we don't know. But we we know we're going to have something to do.
I'd like to add another comment if I made brethren in connection with the eternal state and it's already been referred to in Revelation chapter 21. We know the verses that we had here and 1St we had the 1St Corinthians 15 refer to the eternal state. I feel we we're we're one mind in connection with that, but then cometh the end that is referring to the time of the eternal state. We also get that in Revelation 21.
And I, I enjoyed, I remember when I was a young fellow sitting in a conference like this. And this is the explanation that was given in connection with the Revelation 21. Now this read the first two or three verses.
Again, this is referring to the time of the eternal state after the Millennium. And look what it says. And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the 1St heaven and the first earth were passed away, and there was no more sea. And I, John, saw the holy city.
New Jerusalem, coming down from God, out of heaven, prepared as a bride, adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people.
And God himself shall be with them and be their God.
And so on in order said it says here about the New Jerusalem, the holy city in verse 2, coming down from God out of heaven. And again I remember sitting in this conference.
And a brother who I won't say his name, but I'll give his initials because it'll bring a smile to many faces, Heh.
And he's made this comment in connection with these verses. He said the heavenly Jerusalem coming down from God will be suspended over the earthly Jerusalem, and the light of that heavenly Jerusalem will so fill the sea.
No need of the sun, but there the light of it will shine, and the interaction between heaven and earth. And brethren, it would seem that we will be there with him in the glory, and there will be the earthly Jerusalem as well.
And there is eternal state in which God will be glorified. You remember the verses in John one where it says Hereafter he shall see the Son of man.
Ascending and descending. Well, yeah, that's, that's the Lord ascending. You know, he's with, he's with us in the glory. He has his earthly people as well. And that is the scene that we are going to be part of.
In the glory of God forever again, we are a heavenly people.
It would seem from Scripture that when we leave this world, we'll never return to it again.
At least I feel that in my own soul. I don't know if we can say that categorically, but we are a heavenly people, but God is going to have an earthly people. We get it, don't we? Back in Revelation, I'm sorry, in Genesis 22, what he said to to Abraham as the stars of the heaven and the sand which is on the seashore. And God's promises are going to be filled, aren't they?
Lovely to see.
An interesting.
In relation to what we have in in verse 25. It's a simple verse for for he must reign. I draw attention to the word must. When you come across the must in Scripture, and there are quite a few, take note.
Because they absolutely affirm God's order with respect to what's happening and going to happen. And it is.
It's gives a sense of confidence and security in connection with these things. I know young people perhaps sitting here some this afternoon will say, well, that stuff is winging over my head, but.
The point is that it's the truth of God we've been talking about, and it's all true, just as your salvation is true. So these events to come are absolutely sure and certain, bound to happen, no doubt whatever. And it reminds me of the verse that says we can do nothing.
Against the truth, but for the truth, the truth of God stands immovable, unchangeable. We can't dent it. We can criticize it, but it doesn't affect it. And we know that that is something that we can absolutely hold on to it, and it's right here in our hands.
And the whole of it is the truth of God and all worth paying attention to. And so when we hear some of these things that apparently at the moment wing over our heads.
Be listening anyway because a lot will go in as it did with me when I was young. I didn't pay a whole lot of attention sometimes, but I know now that I look back it was going in anyway and sticking. Some of it was sticking and I'm very thankful for that.
And we need this little by little.
Come all at once as a great revelation of these things. But we learn as we sit in a place like this and pay attention.
We sing 202 Tip 202. What will it be to dwell down, and with the Lord? Glory raise is the blessed all unto the blood so frightened all those ferry plains and all hearts. You think no tongue in hell, but joy. It will be with Christ as well, 202.
Cry. Allow us on.
I'm so bright.
And falling.
Hear his voice.
Without seeing him say.
And all the.
And today?