This is one of the great chapters of the Bible, for without the resurrection of Christ, what hope would we have? The denial of this fundamental doctrine of the faith brought forth this blessed portion concerning not only the resurrection but the coming again of the Lord Jesus. When Paul was in Corinth, he preached that Christ died for their sins, that He was buried, and that after three days He rose again. What good news this was and how it must have caused the Corinthians to rejoice. It certainly caused Paul much joy, and he wanted to share the gospel message everywhere he went. He had such a sense of the Lord’s goodness and grace that he labored more abundantly than all the apostles. The enemy of our souls does not like the truth to get out, so he started to pervert it and some were denying the resurrection. To do so was serious error, because if Christ was not raised, then they were yet in their sins. Our present body may be deformed in some way or cause older ones much pain, but when the Lord comes for all believers, we will be given a spiritual body, that is, we will have a body like the Lord’s resurrection body. And it won’t take long either. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump, the change will take place!
1. After Christ died and was buried, what happened? __________ 1 Corinthians 15:___
2. Paul labored more abundantly than all by __________. 1 Corinthians 15:___
3. If Christ be not raised from the dead, what is the result? __________ 1 Corinthians 15:___
4. Our body may be sown (put in the grave) in dishonor and weakness, but how will it be raised? __________ 1 Corinthians 15:___
5. What will happen in just a moment of time? __________ 1 Corinthians 15:___