1 Corinthians 3:6-17

Duration: 1hr 33min
1 Corinthians 3:6‑17
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General Meetings, Detroit 1962 Reading meeting Friday.
The Holy Ghost.
The Lion Lord, since we've been of pilgrims, all give us pilgrims way.
Long lots of self defending, no flammers vibrate all make up each more holy and spirit your me more like your heavenly citizens and more of heavenly sea 231.
1St we begin.
Great picture, that.
Property 5 is better.
Where's Princeton St. verse 5?
By whom he believes.
Either the Lord goes to every man I have a powerful that God gave the empty.
For neither he department anything, neither is he wandered water that God has given the influence.
Well, he the plan, and he the walkers are once and every man should receive his own reward according to his own language.
Corn to his own later for your laborers together with God here our God building.
According to grace of God, which is given unto me, otherwise, Master builders, I've laid the foundation and another bill of their own that let every man take peace how he build up there upon.
Foundation. Can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ?
Know of any man build from this foundation? Gold, Silver, Precious.
Every man's work should be made manifest.
For the days of the clearance, because it shall be revealed by fire. Under fire should try every man's word of what sort is.
If any man's work abides, which is built their upon, he should receive it in their heart.
They've been around work to be burned. He should suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved, yet so is by fire.
Know ye not that you are the temple of God, and that the fear of God dwells in you, If any man defile the temple of God until God destroys, or the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
Let no man defeat himself. And then the man among you seemeth to be wise in this world. Let him become a fool that he may be. Why? For the wisdom of this world is foolishness, or it is written.
He's taken the laws in their own craft, and again, the Lord knows the fault of the wise that they are being.
No man's glory is man, for all things are yours.
Whether Paul or Apollo or pizza or the world or life or death or their friends or things to come, all are yours and you are Christ, and Christ is gone.
Pasco is giving us the view of the work of God.
And car.
In viewing that work hard, we get caught through the work of God at all times.
After all, if God is given the increase.
And then as to Labour.
We are fellow laborers. I believe that's the way it should be.
You are God's husband. Isn't the thought of laboring together with God his fellow laborers?
That is, the fault is that all the Lord servants are.
Are just working together to be harmonious.
And create one another, go on together one work the work of God.
That's the always important thing. It saw us work that are caused by that and how close the determined is doing.
It's about Brother Mary.
The eight workers together in the work, not not working with daughters. That's the thought.
As I remember the translation, is that right for the children?
Fellows, fellows doing God's work. That's the thought Workman.
We're working together now. We're working with God and sort of a partner with us, but we're partners together working for.
For God himself.
There is also in Mark. This is there they went forth, preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and unless he works by what is done, there is nothing really accomplished. Of course, here I'm sure it's the thought of responsibility, because immediately is brought before us the view of all this being manifested, that the judgment seat of Christ and what has been done.
Whether it's according to the instructions that are laid down.
Or whether there's been a lot of outward shells. So that was the danger at Corinth. They were occupied with the outward show they came behind and no gift. But the question is, is the work going to abide?
Being called God spelling. Yeah, God.
We are God, husband Ray. We are God building. So there's two cops there, Husband Ray.
And is this the problem? Vineyard or something? A farmer is growing and there are those that tend to the plants look after the care.
Call the patience.
Being cared for.
Then the building.
A building like Paul says. As a white master builder, I have laid the foundation and another building there upon.
That is all went to Corinth when it was the heathen city.
And preached to God.
Preaching Christ, he laid the foundation for he says, other foundation that no man lay than that easily which is Jesus Christ.
But then we have immediately size of a service responsibility of every man. He can't how he knows the fair font.
And it's helpful in considering the subject of the church to look at it, and this way that man is the builder here if you take the 16th chapter of Matthew's Gospel and look at that chapter a moment.
When I am replying, here is the face in the 17th bird that.
Unto him left with our thou Simon bar Jones, for flesh, Blood has not revealed it under thee. But my Father, which is in heaven, and I fear to be that thou art Peter. That is, Peter was a little soul. There are two words there in the original.
But upon this rock, that's another word.
It's the bedrock, Peter. Was the little stone built on that on that bedroom, on this bedrock, I will build, I will build my church held off the veil against.
Christ is the builder himself and all the material that's brought into that.
Building good material. He only builds with good material, but in the third chapter, First Corinthians.
Man is the builder there and that's why you get not only gold, silver and precious gold, but you get good hands double.
Those who serve the Lord and bring in furious material.
I just want to make a profession of Christ that wasn't real.
Well, I've seen it done. I've done it myself. Talk people into a confession that wasn't real. Well, I brought one into the confession of Christ.
And Doctor Palmer as a Christian when he wasn't really converted, well, that's what the apostle is warning us to hear about, about how we build on this foundation.
There'll be no such serious material in the real church for the turtles. He is the oldest way is the church that's only built a living stones, as Peter should tell us.
Gates of hell shall not prevail against us. It's heavenly hearing.
The place that the Satan can't touch.
We get the husband we brought out and they 15th after John.
I am the turbine, and my father is the husband. Every branch in me that very nuts from you take it away every breath that very soon you purchase it, that it may bring forth more. So I think that's along the line of what six others God's husband raised.
Planted in his garden, as it were.
Even in that place is all there was, one of the Frances that was cut off. That was good. It wasn't really a believer at all.
You mentioned Brother Very.
In First Corinthians here man is the builder. I was wondering if if in Ephesians 2 is that God is building there, isn't it? Yeah that that is in line with the 16th chapter of Matthew. The part is the builder there in those verses in the second of Ephesians.
The nineteen, 20th and 21St verses Now therefore, you're no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the Saints and of the household of God, and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone in whom all the buildings fit a framed together, grow up onto a holy temple in the Lord.
God is building. There isn't.
And the wonderful purpose of that building.
And whom he also are building together? Or have they have gone through the Spirit?
I think I heard you, Brother Hale, bring out one time why in that second chapter of the season. It's built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets. You find that out again, I think be helpful.
See it in the.
In this chapter, we're considering the 3rd place for Infinity.
Christ himself is the foundation.
Here it speaks about being built on the foundation of apostles and prophets.
Well, it says in our chapter here. As a wise master builder, I have laid the foundation. The foundation is the Lord Jesus. But the apostles and prophets laid the foundation, and that's why we don't have apostles and prophets today. The foundation has already been laid. It doesn't have to be laid against.
The work that is going on now is building upon that foundation, those groups that profess to have apostles and prophets. It's because they have a different foundation. But here, where we have learned the truth.
The truth that has been ministered by the Apostles and prophets from the New Testament to abide.
And our responsibility now is to walk in that truth, to minister that truth.
God giveth the entry and we need to remember that the prophets here are not the Old Testament prophets. There are New Testament prophets, and the very fact that apostles precedes the precedes the prophet.
That the Apostle is not talking about.
Prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah or to them the truth of the church does not even reveal with hitting God who created all things by Jesus Christ that time.
So they were in New Testament prophets at the beginning.
They were inspired men like the apostles. That's quite clear from the end of the 16th of Romans, isn't it? 16th of Romans in the 25th verse. Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world began, but now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the prophets according to the commandment of the everlasting God.
Made known to all nations.
For the obedience of faith there we can see that He's Speaking of New Testament prophecy. This was something that was kept secret before now is made manifest and has been given to us by the New Testament prophets.
It's really the prophetic scripture Speaking of the partners of the Old Testament.
When Christ went on high in the second of Acts, he received the Spirit in man.
And gave gifts, did he not? And it's the apostles that date from that time, I believe, that referred to here.
That passage in Ephesians 2 That we were looking at just a moment ago.
It might be well to remark that the 21St verse.
Is that building that?
Will be complete and the whole church is gathered in.
But the 22nd verse is really What's true now is the God.
Yes, I believe that's right. The 22nd verse is there for the habitation of God through the Spirit. That's what's taking place now. And the same this man's responsibility in the 22nd verse. But in the 21St verse. Why, that's God's building.
The excitation of the 4th chapter is based on. This is enough. Yes it is. The third chapter is really a parenthesis in between.
But I asked that in the 4th chapter where it says he gave some apostles and some prophets for the perfecting of the states. Does that mean that the foundation and ministry of the apostles and prophets bill with us, but not that the apostles and prophets themselves are expected still to be with us, that means.
You don't run this foundation. We're up to the ceiling, do you? You lay the foundation and then you proceed. You wrecked the building on that foundation. The foundation has been laid.
And now the work is going on.
In that view of things that still in process of formation and will not be complete until.
Lord comes in the air and the last stone will be laid and the Lord will take his people away. But his brother Ericsson was saying that in the 22nd verse of season 2.
Let's truest completed any one time in the history of the Church year or so.
Are build it together for inhabitation of God through the Spirit.
That is, the Holy Spirit dwells in church here on earth. He came down on the day of Pentecost. He dwells in the church that was formed when he came church. Began to grow. 3000 saved that day.
So the number increased, but it was still a habitation of God by the spirit of soul. That habitation has been here on the earth from last day to this.
I thought, Brother Sheldrick, the habitation has the thought of the Tabernacle and the verse before the thought of the temples have the two costs.
The Tabernacle was God's habitation with Israel, wasn't it? During their wilderness journey?
It says in Revelation.
The 21St chapter.
Verse 3 Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they should be his people.
I I just want to ask a question, what connection would that have with this that we're Speaking of?
Well, I believe Brother Anderson, that is the whole heavenly company Tabernacle.
Over the the earthly people during the eternal state, is that right for their?
Yes, I believe that's right. The Tabernacle of God is with men. That is, it is swelling place so to speak, but it's with man and it is the.
Well, it's definitely the church now as to how much that Tabernacle might embrace and the whole redeem.
Why? That might be a question, but.
11 Could speak definitely honest.
But the thought of the Tabernacle?
Has lived in you, or this. Bring bring this before us. That is God's dwelling place where God dwells.
Tabernacle with Israel and the wilderness. Now there's a habitation of God through the Spirit that is Tabernacle now where God dwells on this earth at the present time, and then in the eternal state where.
God will Tabernacle and the connection with the heavenly company and the men, which will be the earthly company.
Does Hebrews 3?
And four and five have something to do with this thought that they have before us Hebrews 3/4.
For every house.
Is builded by some man.
But he have done all things of God, and Moses barely was faithful in all his house as a servant.
For his For his testimony of those things which were to be spoken after, but.
As as his son over his own house, whose house are we if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope? Herman's end is that the boiled eggs deposit.
But he that built all things as God.
That's the.
The whole little creation.
You might say it's like this. You see the Tabernacle has three.
Hearts. It was the court. And then there was the, the, the, the first sanctuary, and then there was the inner sanctuary. Well, so to speak, God dwells in the whole creation. That's like the first part. And then there's the.
The second chord and the third chord. But when when it speaks here.
But Price has gone over his own house. Whose house or we will of course be talking about? About believers forming the House of God now here.
And are continuing in holding fast as long as we are part of that house.
But we say that the words are used, I think, consistently in the word that when the word house is used, it has to do with our conduct.
When it's the temple it's the thought of worship, but usually the thought of distance in connection with worship, because in the heavenly city it says I saw no temple there in for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. But the thought of Tabernacle is always in scripture I believe, the thought of dwelling among men.
And that is the wonderful thing that God has become a man in the person of his Son. And it's not just for a while, it's for all eternity that he's going to dwell among men. And so that which brings before us there on the 21St of Revelation, the eternal state, I believe is this wonderful fact.
That he's going to be a man forever to dwell among men, and he'll be the first born among many brethren they redeemed. There with him are one. In that sense, he is not ashamed to call the president.
By the hail would be the same as what we have in First Timothy 3:15.
First Timothy 3:15 but if I'm very long.
That thou mayst know how.
Thou Artest to behave thyself in the House of God, their conduct, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
First Timothy 3:15.
So it's important to realize our responsibility as the members of the body of faith to behave ourselves as they come up the House of God.
Christ is Son over. I believe it's God's house, isn't it?
It has to do with our conduct now, Just as when Israel went through the wilderness, the Tabernacle was there, but there was also the governmental ways of God. And Christ is done over God's house. God has manifested himself in grace in the most marvelous way.
Brought us into a perfect standing, but I believe there's a responsibility side brought before us from that expression.
Well, the word of warning, for all that seek to serve the Lord and winning souls for Christ, let every man take deep cow He built us there upon.
Because it's a serious thing to lead a soul and confess Christ.
Before the Spirit of God has really wrought my soul, and sometimes I believe it's possible.
To cause one that is really exercised to have an untimely birth.
Sometimes you see a soul that's going through a lot of trouble and sorrow about their sins.
And it might be a mistake to try to leave them immediately to accept Christ as a failure. That exercise they're going through.
As darkness are most important work of God, I know I've seen cases where someone came along and no one was really exercised.
Maybe they gave them believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and got them to make a confession of Christ. Well, they doubtless it was real, and they did accept Christ, but they they were hindered in their in their Christian.
Walk by, having been lit to make confessions before the work of repentance was sufficiently wrought out in their souls.
I've seen, I've done myself and I've been connected with it and made that mistake. So I feel like them warn others of the danger of it. Getting people to confess the Lord before the the the work is really.
Finished work of God so to speak, my viewers illustration You know you take.
A A Caterpillar or a butterfly. You know he's in a cocoon and you see him struggling and struggling to get relief from from this prison where he's been caged and he struggles and someone feels sorry for him and tries to help him out.
Break some of these friends that are holding him and when he comes out, why he's a, he's a he's a wounded butterfly and he never climbed very well because he's been, he's been injured well. It's that struggle you see that he goes through getting out of his cocoon is the way that he's impatient to get his wings so that he can become a full-fledged butterfly.
Well, I believe there's a leader warning along that line. We're very apt to want to be convert, to be people, confess the Lord. And it's been the great harm in connection with revival words. Those who were so anxious, you know, to number their comforts, they well, I held a period of meetings and so many confessed the Lord.
Well, maybe they did a lot of harm, and maybe those who made the confession were not really converted to Paul.
One brother remember he classified such as damaged soul, damaged soul.
They say I tried it and it didn't work.
And they are. They go home discouraged, I say. Well, someone asked the question, did you get saved, Leslie? Well, I said, the preacher said I did. I shook his hand. I signed his card. I don't know what happened. And they're discouraged, which is rather than go back, perhaps more deeply into sin than ever before.
I remember years ago when.
Brother Hart and brother both sisters down Kentucky and it was it was a real work of God going on but people were in front so he's always brothers preaks that saw powerful gospel and those meetings and I'm not sick to get anyone confession of Christ, one brother said. close their brother close. I believe you can get some convert. He tried.
Oh yeah, he said. I could go and shake that tree and bring down a lot of that, he said. But they'd all be green.
When anyone built a building, they have a blueprint to follow. Well, there's usually a blueprint for the foundation and a blueprint for the superstructure. Apostle Paul followed the blueprint for the foundation. Now it jumps to us to follow the blueprint for the other part. We have no more license to leave the blueprint to one side than the Apostle Ball did.
He was faithful. We need to look to the Lord for grace to be faithful too. That's the point here, isn't it? According to the grace of God, which is given unto me as the wise Master builder. Now he puts the grace first if God has used him as an architect.
Here why He has the grace first from God to act on it. And I suppose that's the principle if we're to have wisdom in matters that have just been Speaking of.
Grace is found only on our knees, is it not?
The blueprint, I suppose, would be found in the book of the Acts gone. It's very instructive to notice that there isn't one single instance in the book of a person being pressed to a confession.
The gospel is preached powerfully and faithfully, and it was urged the importance of receiving Christ, but not trying to make people make a confession on the front. And it says here in the eighth verse, every man shall receive his own reward according to his own not results, but labor.
So important that we should go by but God has said in his word and he's going to reward according to the labor.
And as we climbed out later, whether it's good material, that is, is it that which God himself is rock, so that the work gathered in will abide?
Very encouraging verse along that line. I believe it's Philippians 1/6.
One has enjoyed it and then much encouraged by it.
Of Philippians 1/6.
Being confident of this very thing that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ, If in the clicking soul God will complete the work. And God doesn't need you need me to do it, He can do it without me and.
That's better by far, in connection with the foundation of a building.
If a foundation was played out for a filling, which was to use the expensive materials we have mentioned here, gold, silver and precious stones.
It would be comparatively limited in its extent, but if a foundation was laid out for building that had wood or hand doublets, but here in the much greater extent, and so in Second Timothy, it's called a great house, It must have overrun the foundation.
One is often heard and said here in the.
First Corinthians, that we have three kinds of workmen here. One is a good Workman whose work of five. One is a bad Workman whose work is burned up. And then there is the corrupt Workman who defiles and he is cashed out.
Well, I've often thought that.
In the practical.
That the first two, the good and the bad workmen, There would perhaps be some of both in everyone, every labor. That there was no one who was 100% good or was no labor really that was 100% bad.
But when it comes to the other one, the corrupt Workman, why it is 100% bad? We get the results of that building in Revelation 18, do we not?
Of that great House, that the the part of it which is which is overrun the foundation.
Revelation 18 and two.
And he cried mightily with a strong voice saying Battle. The greatest fallen is fallen, and it's become a habitation of demons.
And the hold of every power, spirit and a cage of unclean and hateful birds. Cage of every unclean and hateful bird. That's the thought there. That's the the final. Yeah. When the Lord comes, he takes two shirts away. And the perfection of Christianity is left behind. And left. The description of the left behind. This would be the climax of apostrophe. Yes. And.
It all merges into ones that one's destiny.
Oh, lavender and the green.
Both of you that take them here also is not only the manifestation of the work itself, but reward or otherwise for the Workman. So this brings before us the judgment seat of Christ.
The healing of that which is apostate will take place in your remark the living, at least when the corrupt system is destroyed.
But there will be a manifestation. There will be a manifestation in connection with our work at the judgment seat of Christ. And this is all it says in the 12Th verse upon this foundation. That is, there may be those that don't deny the proper foundation, but the warning is to take heed how we build upon this foundation. So we find that there is much that acknowledges the foundation.
Build upon the Christian foundation, but it won't abide in that day. It will be manifested as being worked with. God can't acknowledge. Don't you think also, brethren, that it's connected with what we have here before?
That is, they were saying I am of a policy, so on. In other words, if in our work we try to gather people around ourselves instead of occupying them with Christ.
But that's all going to be lost. What a sad thing to think it Christendom that there are systems and true believers and men working diligently in these systems, But what are they doing? They're gathering to themselves. They're gathering to the names of men, while God would have us to gather to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
That's one thing that impressed me in Africa when I was translating the book of the Acts into the native language.
I saw that the Apostle Paul didn't do that. He didn't stay in a place and gather them around himself When they were saved. He gave them the truth and established them as assemblies and went on, and they were left there to depend upon the Lord himself. Well, it was a wonderful thing to see that it was the Lord himself that was showing us that thing, because we've never seen anything like that practice anywhere.
Perverse things.
Of your own cells.
The first thing one of those things, well, maybe, I suppose they might be evil doctrines, and they may be just distortion of truth in such a way as to gather people around oneself so we see in systems about us.
That some particular doctrine is made, the system is all around that. And instead of being gathered to Christ, why the very names of some of them suggest the facts, Presbyterian and so on. Don't they suggest that there is a certain idea, certain measure of truth, and that is made to ground on which the system is built? Well, the Spirit of God would gather us to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Church is the pillar and ground of the truth.
Is responsible to maintain the truth, but we're not built upon some particular truth.
I suppose in this first epistle we have the warning of what's coming on Christmas. In the second episode we have the judgment seat of Christ brought in. We also have false apostles, those who appear as angels of light, Satan fearing that way.
They'll finally at the end.
In the book of Jews we have brought out the full thing and it's it's corruption, which of course went in violence. But do we not have here the beginning, the warning of those things that creep in among the Saints and?
Not only disturb things, but finally, as we have here, it's already been mentioned the one who corrupts.
Corrupts the temple of God.
No doubt one who's not saved at all in that case.
I quality corrupted by bringing in evil doctrine.
That way, corrupt temple God for one, denied the eternal function for Christ, Well, he's corrupt.
He corrupts the temple of God in that way. Wasn't that? Isn't that the faces of this?
That all planted and the fullest water I was thinking of.
Of those two men in connection with their ministry, I was thinking of fall in the 9th of act.
The expression there that's used in the 9th of Acts.
In the 20th verse it says And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues.
That he is the Son of God. And then in the 22nd verse. But Saul increased the more in strength and confounded the Jews, which dwelled at Damascus, proving that this is very Christ. Well, if we turn to the.
18th of Acts we find the polis.
And we started this doing the same thing. I was thinking of this the 24th of the 18th of act. A certain Jew named Nepalis, born at Alexandria, eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures, came together. This man was instructed in the way of the Lord. Being fervent in the Spirit, spake and caught diligently the things of the Lord. Knowing only the baptism of John, he began to speak boldly in the synagogue, whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them and expanded unto him.
The way to cross more perfectly. But when this was done, in the 20th verse, it says for a mightily convinced the Jews and that publicly showing by the scriptures that Jesus was the Christ. How lovely that is. That's the foundation, isn't it? Now we're warned to take heed how we build their arms. Are we attracting to ourselves or men?
Or are we pointing them to pray? That's the point.
Next, the immediate subject here is the.
The laborers work that will be examined.
After dead feet of Christ and the wood hay out of trouble represented.
Gold, silver and price of stone represents 2 believers that are brought in, but I believe that most.
Instructive and helpful for us to see this and what we have is the principle that applies to every work that will be manifested at the judgment seat of Christ.
So we could go on and speak of our whole life being manifested there and our work looked into there, whether it's reaching a golf or whatever it is.
So it'd be well for us to look at it, considering it as the principle applying to everything that comes out at the destiny of prayer.
May we read 5 verses?
In Second Timothy 4 as to a faithful servant.
Second Timothy 4 and the 1St 5 verses.
And I would like to think especially of the of those who have itching years.
I can't see therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall dust as quick as the dead that is appearing in His Kingdom, preach the Word the instant in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all own suffering and doctrine.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lifestyle keep heat to themselves, teachers having engineers, and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned under fables. But what thou in all things endure affliction, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof by ministry.
One was thinking of what president let's for us to think about one time in Des Moines.
Of those having itchy ears, he connected this verse with those and Aaron days who perhaps to give their hearings.
And Aaron apart through the earrings, the golden earrings into the fire and the bitter cap, jumped up something to that effect. And he said, well, those are the people that we have today. One is thought that the people with engineers are responsible.
For hiring modernistic creatures, we can't play the modernistic creatures so much, but we can blame the people that have brought in this wood, hay and stubble but with the itching years. And they have hired modernists too. The particular ears are itchy and therefore we have corruption and chaos and confusion in Christendom. So it's important to preach the Word and nothing else but the word and.
To beware that we're not.
4/6 A soul to confess Christ falls.
I believe it would be helpful if we were just look into the subject.
Taking the the gold, silver, and precious stone that's representing.
The works of God's people and the wood and double that which is only.
Material on fire.
And that brings death itself.
The judgment seat of Christ and reverse return to the fifth chapter of Second Corinthians.
And the 9th price of the this chapter Second Corinthians.
Wherefore we labor, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him that should be agreeable to him.
That is, to be alive when the Lord comes in the air. To be absent is to have.
Passed out the theme by this.
Regardless of how he left, his great concern was that he might be acceptable that less than one before whom he was sustained by coming days. Then he goes on, and that introduces the subject that we have before us, or we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.
That everyone may receive the things done in his body according to that he has done, whether it be good or bad.
How? For the younger believers? Only, just.
Make this remark that this in no way disagrees with the.
John Doff, or chapter 5 and verse 24, where we get the Lord saying, verily, verily, I stand to you, he that heareth my words.
And believe upon him that hath everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment.
His past, Stephan to life Almighty, they will then will our sins will never come up again. Then, well judicially, they never will come up, because pray for those sins in his own body on the tree, but the first before us here in Second Corinthians.
Five, the word is better than if we must all be made manifest before the judgment seat of Christ. You see, it doesn't matter of the believer being judged, but the judgment of his work. As far as the believer himself is concerned, he's already in glory when this.
This judgment takes place.
Because you get in the 15th chapter First Corinthians Speaking of the Lord coming and fell into.
Honor. It is raising glory.
So when the Lord comes and gives the shout, everyone that has accepted his.
Will instantly receive his glorified body and be perfectly like Christ. So how?
Wrong and how?
That's leading it is. You think I've come to that. We have to wait until we get to heaven to find out whether we're going to stay in heaven, if it's true that we won't get faith until we get to him, or then God would have to condemn and consign to hell.
So that he has already conformed to the image of his son. Well, let's let's show how impossible such a book.
But this subject of the government fear of Christ as a believer being manifested there, and his all his work coming out there to be looked into in view of the reward that he will receive.
Now that he is in heaven.
References being made to not pressuring a soul for a confession, that's the same principle applies to one who is safe. That may be considering that remembering the Lord, there could be no pressure brought upon them either. I think you're very right in that, brother.
I think it's very important. Very often you hear those pressure put on.
A young believers, why aren't you remembering the Lord? Well, perhaps there's something they haven't judged, they haven't separated from, and just to press them to take their place might be one of the most harmful things possible in their Christian life, but because they might come in there with something ungood that afterwards is going to only lead to.
Getting away from the Lord and their souls.
I'm glad you mentioned that, because I believe there's too much of that. It's a dangerous thing we see, one that is honestly seeking to follow the Lord.
Why then, as the precious thing, to just leave them on and told them to play, but just to press everybody in a general way that you ought to be remembering the Lord? I hope I have the mind of all the president about that, because I felt the importance of that.
We have to forget the presence of the Holy Spirit.
We read in Zechariah 4:00 and 6:00, not by Mike, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.
Holy Spirit is here, and certainly it's His work.
To bring conviction to a Sinner and to complete the work in a soul that's brought under conviction. And firstly, it's the work of the Spirit of God to gather souls through the Lord Jesus Christ.
If Christ in any case, whether it's the salvation of the sinners or the gathering of a sage, the Spirit must fix the eyes of the Sinner on Christ.
Savior and the Spirit must fix the eyes of the Saints on Christ as the gathering center is not right. I agree with you fully Brother Anderson in that statement. I think it's very helpful. A brother in Des Moines who has taken his place in the large table a few months ago made this statement to me.
His first appearance at the Reading meeting was last winter.
And then one thing that impressed me all the time, that an attendant needs meeting and that this that no one pushed me or pull me.
So they're just allowed the truth to be proclaimed and the Holy Spirit uses to separate and he said. I I don't know where I am and I'm happy to be here.
Just like to read in that connection a few verses in Ephesians 4.
A million four, A million four and verse 11.
And he gave some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, that we had fourth be no more children.
To and fro and carry the boat with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of man, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie and wait to deceive. But taking the truth involves may grow up unto him in all things which is ahead even praise from whom the whole body fitly joined together, and compacted by that which every joint supplier according to the effectual working in the measure of every part.
May increase in the body of the edifying of itself.
In love. The reason I read these verses, brethren, is because I believe in our chapter that is most important the line of truth that's brought before us here. But it says.
He that's and he that watereth are one and laborers, God, fellow laborers, God's husband, race. We need to remember that the truth is all the souls would grow up under Christ and whether it's the preaching of the gospel, the person that set before them.
Whether it's the ministry of the word, whether it's the joints and bands, all should have before us the thought growing up unto him. In all things we have the full blown fruit of departure from this and the apostasy and in the system.
But rather than the open departure, and the system hadn't begun here in Corinthians. But the seeds were there. And the seeds will be right in the assemblies where we come from, if we're not seeking to set Christ before our brethren in our ministry and by our walks. But if the ministry in our walk is such that Christ is exalted and set before our own hearts and one another, then there will be that growing up unto him.
They had a fine of the body in love. All I feel we can talk about these things, but unless we have Christ the person before us, and unless we minister Christ, there will not be this happy result.
I think we need to have a word of caution perhaps here now.
That we don't get the idea that we can just sit back and trust the Holy Spirit of God to do a miracle without the preaching of the gospel.
Out the Minister of the Truth of gatherings. Now there may be in some places they don't have a gospel meeting. Maybe the gathering is too small and they just don't feel capable of carrying on the gospel meeting. Well, certainly in that case, if there are any children are unsaved there in connection with those families that they need the gospel and it puts the responsibility upon the parents to see that the children are given the gospel.
Because we cannot expect God to use to save souls except by the Word. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. The Word must be preached, whether in the God Book or if it's the matter of ministry.
On the ground, on the truth of gathering author needed.
Other ferry in connection with.
Second parenthesis.
Does not the 11Th verse show that it has really a wide aspect? Knowing therefore the care of the Lord we persuade men?
That's a pretty.
Carries worthless thought that all the judgment seats over which Christ resides are really included.
Wouldn't you say, Brother Aaron like a Circuit Court?
I understand the Circuit Court. The judge goes to different places.
Since the judge may be in different countries, but it's the same judge, but it's had a different faith, so God has committed all judgment on the Son.
And whether it be the judgment of the sheep and goats, or the judgment of the believers works in heaven, or whether it's the the great white throne, if the judgment seat of Christ, so as you say, Brother Ericsson having crops being manifested at the judgment seat of Christ.
Why he? He thinks all the unfazed.
And while an awfully solid thing just stands before, the judge was nothing to cover his spin to be facing.
An eternity.
Of being cast out into outer darkness.
Law blood to cover his sins. The throne is of Great White Throne.
So the very thought of being manifested and the practice of the judge just gives the apostles to plead with sinners not to go on in their sins and have to face that terrible judgment that awaits the law.
Is that the thought Brother isn't Yes.
The thought is that in appearing before the judgment seat of Christ, it isn't all at one time. Is that the different sessions you say?
But it's good praise everyone they're traversed over. In Romans 14, that speaks of the judgment seat.
And I understand.
That instead of.
Reading the Judges Seat of Christ, you should read the Judgment Seat of God.
Because the judgment seat is the judgment seat of God, and it's borne out by verse 12 because it says so that every one of us shall give account of himself to God. That would include all, wouldn't it?
Christian second before the judgment seat of Christ, and the unsaved standing before the great White Throne.
That is the ninth verse. This is the dead and the living, yes.
And in Romans, is that not a question of righteousness? And so it's the judgment seat of God. In fact, all the way through is the God, like the gospel of God and so on, having to do with God himself. And that's what the apostle thinks of us. He thinks of that awful day when men will knowing the terror of the Lord. It's really the judgment seat of God, and Christ sits on it.
There are different views taken of the judgment seat of Christ in different scriptures, aren't there in 2nd Corinthians 5. It's rather the general view, the deeds done in the body. It hasn't to do with I believe all will come out there. It'll be manifested how God picked us up in his grave but we were and how He saved us when we were so far away.
All this will pass into review to magnify his grace as well as her reward, since we have been saved in what has been done for him. And then I believe in this passage, it has to do particularly with our labor. It says every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labor. And the 4th chapter, it speaks of it again in connection with the secrets of the heart, Not only what we do, but the motive that governs the action.
The action may be good, but God is going to make manifest the counsels of the heart. To me it's a very sweet thought that in that passage alone that's in First Corinthians 4 and verse five, it says, then shall every man have praise of God? Because we might even fail in carrying out that which we should do for the Lord. But isn't it lovely to think that he's going to see the motives that was there and he is going to reward?
So even perhaps one who might have been serving in some capacity that is not altogether according to the Word, if they had Christ before their hearts.
It can't be rewarded for what they have done, but God will surely take notice of the desire to honor and please the Lord Jesus. And the measure of sleep then, when in the passage that was referred to in Romans chapter 14, seems to me it's a very searching thought, says, why does thou judge thy brother? That's all right to talk about my life being manifested, but what about my attitude toward my brethren?
Oh, that's a Solomon searching thing. That's the way we treated our brethren. Whether we set them if not, or whether we sought to see Christ in them, that too is going to come out of the judgment seat of Christ. So there are different views taken and each has a different line of thought.
Well, all is going to come out there, thank God. There will be something in every believers life that will be received praise of God. But it's the work of the Spirit in us that there might be more, that there might be an abundant entrance, there might be fruit that remains to his glory and praise.
It's not true that there's not a single belief, The true belief I understand that the President Jesus Christ.
Well, there we've just gone over that, Mother Parks, and that we must all appear or be manifested before the judgment seat of Christ, Of course, the the Great White Throne. Not one child of God to stand before that throne. He will be already in heaven before that judgment takes place.
In 1000 years between Elizabeth, Yes.
I know all too that down here when we pass judgment on something in our lives as we fail.
We oftentimes do not reach the bottom of it.
We know then as we are known, and that day we'll see as God sees the judge, the right judgment upon that act in our lives. We may have thought that we judge down here.
But we'll not see it, perhaps in its true light, until that day.
And that's the thought of the London and going back to the fifth chapter of the Second Epistle of Creation.
Yeah, the 11Th verse Apostle fell following what he thinks about the care of the Lord in the middle of the world. He says but we are manifest under God, and I trust all who are manifest in your own conscience, that is. Paul didn't wait for the judgment seat of Christ the judge. What was wrong in his life? He kept a clear conscience before God.
Oh, that in the next step, or the 4th half your first rinse would be peasants that I had the didn't feel that he had anything against himself, but I'm not hereby justified. But he that doesn't here discern the sea of the Lord, that is he kept short accounts with God.
Didn't allow things to go uncovered up or undone and his life God in the Lord President and he says I trust although in your own country you know there were some there at cars that were not in sympathy with him.
And and connection with his what he had written in the first epistle and all, except that the different that had taken place there. So he knew there were those that were not.
Satisfied with the Apostles, he had everything done before the Lord, but he desired that his brethren might be happy, and seeing that everything was, was going on in his life.
And and he was walking in an undead spirit. Go to speak.
One would like to call attention.
In connection with what has been said, if the judgment seat of Christ, a verse that has already been referred to in Philippians one and six, he that has begun a good working, they will perform it on the day of Jesus Christ. Well, that's a large care over us now and our wilderness journey. Well then in the first chapter of the second Epistle, Corinthians, the 14th verse.
As also ye have acknowledged us in parts, that we are your rejoicing team, and he also are ours in the day of the Lord Jesus will be brought out there. It seems to me that the care that was exercised over us here, and all our failures so that.
There is rejoicing that at that time we are out the We are Your rejoicing evening.
Hours in the day of Jesus, the Lord Jesus, there is the rejoicing in the care of the Lord exercised over us in all our failures here.
I've often thought, Brother Hale, what you mentioned last year here we were here. That but for the but for our sympathetic and mystical high priest, not one of us would make it to the wilderness.
The Corinthians must give.
And must truth.
But but they lacked what we so often lack, the practical grace to walk in it. And what you've just mentioned, Brother Whitaker, is the.
Part of it.
Self judgment and the only that it was great to take us to grace every step of the way and withered as individual Saints.
Or as gatherings we find that lacking in our midst, we need to get down and hold it in humiliation. For you give us more grace and he'll come in by the power of His spirit, and give the game that happy, deliberate, but only greatly happy give from the very things that we have had before us that were besetting them in this factor.
First, the left first is on this fifth step, the First Corinthians.
Yes, that's that's close.
Well, we are the righteousness of God Christ now.
But this matter of the judgment seat of Christ has to do with our behavior and the wilderness we're passing through. And you notice in this third chapter.
It has the 13th 1St. Every man's work can be made minus there for the days to declare it.
Revealed by fire, and the fire shall try every man's work on how much it is but at what corner, and we need to remember that quantity will never make up for quality.
On my still left, something that the newspapers are taken up with is great work.
A wonderful preacher of the gods, But and the question is.
Does it have that about it which is spoken of here and that sort?
Withstand the test, in other words, of the judgment seat of Christ. You see, fire here is a symbol of God's justice, and his judgment will test out.
All that we have done down here and while there was only for self.
I didn't have that motive, Speaking of.
Christ as the motive, He will be just so much for the bonfire to be burned up, and we'll be glad and thankful in that day to see the rubbish burned up and gone forever. And it will be.
The happiness of the Saints of God for all eternity.
To have everything out between their souls and the Lord, and I believe the Lord is going to look over, as already been stated, the whole life journey down here, and we'll see how we watched over and kept us from going this way on the wrong course or that way, and how he safely brought us to the end of the journey.
I mean, they used to say that when we're in our fence, so all that will come out the judgment seat of Christ and then.
Remarked there in the mail. After then tell every man have praise of cause God is going to find something in the lives.
Of everyone of his children.
But he can, that he can pray. I believe that the view we have here of the work being done to see if you took it.
Just as it failed here, if any man's work, a vibe which he had built thereupon, he shall receive a reward as though all the works were good.
If any man's work.
Shall be burned up. Well, you might think there's a man always works are burned up Here is a man always works. They're doing well. That is the Lord today. Possible is just simply giving us an illustration of the doctrine.
I'm sure that the Lord will find something in the lives of everyone of His children that He can reward her. Do I think that everything that any of God's most honored children have done and their service down here?
We'll all be rewarded in that day.
Brother Potter said he had a dream in his old age. He thought he was left the judgment seat of Christ and he thought his works were brought out. And he loved the Lord that fired him. He said they burned and burned and burned. Oh, he says, Lord isn't there anything to be left? And he said, the Lord said to him, yes.
However, there's something going to be left.
Oh, their old brothers. We had heavenly in his soul, the consciousness. But there was much that was not Sam the test of the judgment. He was Christ. I think that we can all feel that there's so much that wasn't for the Lord. So much that was just please fell for it to get some empty glory down here.
Little Brother Potter, find a nugget of gold in the ashes.
Peter speaks of the grace that's to be brought unto us. That's the revelation, no doubt, when we see. But the grace of the Lord has done in saving us and taking us all the way through this wilderness journey, we we have finished that session, the judgment seat of Christ, and we've seen all of that. No doubt we'll burst out with a louder note of praise than ever.
Praise the Savior. You know him who comes down, how much we owe him.
For the rise of 6.