1 John 1:5-10

Duration: 1hr 4min
1 John 1:5‑10
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Nothing done. We're ready.
All the girls have done for that man and he told me to see him again from.
Kill your hands to live crying for a man when we get our correspondence wrong.
And then we're paying to die.
No, it's damn cool now we're just in touch. I'm sorry. I'm fine right now. I'm gone.
Bartell, Brown. Gray.
Memo, I've been.
The road now it shall be.
Uh, the grain of power and glow for me and which shall win in the.
Lord continue to come out against the Lord.
Of the tree, who else will come please, by the soul of the dream, and run again, and we.
Going to explain to him and then he's going to be there. I'll be all right. Now I'm down to the ground to come to the end of the world.
Uh, but the greatest thing for?
I want to speak with friendly shuttle flow.
Start with five.
First John chapter one, starting at verse 5.
This then is the message which we heard of Him. And declare unto you that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. We say that we have fellowship with Him, and we walk in darkness. We lie and do not the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in US. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us.
From all unrighteousness, if we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar and his word is not in US. I'm gonna go on in the second chapter a little while.
My little children, these things right I unto you, that ye sin not if any man sin. We have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous, and He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. Whereby do we know that we know Him if we keep His commandments?
He that saith I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whosoever keepeth his word in him, verily is the love of God perfected, whereby know we that we are in him.
He that saith he abideth in him ought also himself so to walk, even as he walked.
Brother and I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which he had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning. Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you, because the darkness is past.
And the true light now shineth, he that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother is in darkness. Even until now he that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him.
But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.
We were talking this morning about fellowship.
With the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.
Now in this fifth verse.
This then is the message that we have heard of him and declaring to you that God.
Is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. You're gonna have fellowship with God. It's gonna be in the light.
And the light is that which exposes everything.
You have a definition of light in Ephesians chapter five. I think it is helpful.
Verse 13.
But all things that are reproved.
Are made manifest by the light, for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
Oh brethren, it's searching to my own soul.
Because we have tendencies, each one of us are different.
And the Lord has shown me sometimes tendencies in my own character.
That maybe I like to try to kind of keep covered up.
But in the light, you cannot cover up anything. In fact, if you try to cover up in the light, you only make yourself that more conspicuous. People are going to look at you and say, what's he trying to cover up?
You remember the woman whom the Lord met at the well of Samaria.
And offered her the living water and she said give me this water.
The Lord Jesus said go call thy husband and come here.
And she I suppose that just to kind of cover up.
The history of her life was just saying I don't have a husband.
So the Lord said.
You said that truly because thus had five husbands. The one you now have is not your husband. That said, you said truly.
All of a sudden she realized she was in the presence of somebody that knew every detail of her life. You cannot hide things in the light. Trying to hide things.
Only hinders fellowship with God. Don't do it.
And it seems like in our culture that we live in, we try to maintain the status quo between the before others, before our family, before our brethren. And many times the reality is something else.
Rather than let's not try to fool ourselves. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. You cannot mix light and darkness. Doesn't work.
The very first chapter of the Bible, it says God divided the light from the darkness. You cannot mix them up. And so it's searching. I can't point the finger to anybody else. I have to point it to my own.
Life, we have a God who is light and there's nothing hidden there. But you know what, to me is so beautiful in the history of that Samaritan woman.
Was that when she got out into the light, when there was no longer any need or any purpose to hiding things?
She was at liberty. It gives you real liberty to get everything out into the light. Don't try to hide it. You know, I noticed people that tell lies. You tell one lie, a little later on, you're gonna have to tell another lie to try to cover up that first lie and then maybe another lie. Cover up that lie. And then you don't know which lies you've told and what you haven't told. And so it gets pretty complicated.
That's not where there's gonna be fellowship with God.
Oh brethren, may the Lord help us in our walk with the Lord.
To walk with him, be willing to judge things that come to light in the light of His presence. God is light, and if you profess fellowship with God, you cannot, you cannot hide anything if you try to. Again, I say you only make yourself that much more conspicuous.
You know, I go to prison with Doug Buchanan in Lawrence County, Illinois, where we live, and we have a meeting in Spanish, first for the Spanish speaking inmates and then the English speaking inmates. And I like to stand at the door and greet them as they come into the meeting. And it's interesting because some of them, as I take their hand, shake hands with them, they have their head off to one side.
I don't know, maybe they're just timid. Who knows? I'm not a judge of that. But sometimes it makes me wonder if there's still something that hasn't come out to the light. They're not at liberty that way.
Lord, help us brethren not to hide anything in our lives. The Lord knows every single detail. If you want to have fellowship with Him, remember it's in the light you have fellowship with Him.
That thought in First Corinthians 11.
Verse 28 Let a man examine himself, so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup, that self examination of the judging herself.
Perhaps, maybe that's why I say this and love new young people. You're not at the Lord's Table. There's something in your life that you know is keeping you from it. Judge it. Go on, Lord. Once you're there, the Lord expects you to be there. Be there in the loaf. Every one of us is represented there.
Let's seek these partakers of it.
In verse six we have a test.
If we say.
Notice verse 8.
If we say.
Notice verse 10.
If we say.
It's easy to talk, brethren, talk to talk without walking the walk.
And chrysanthemum is filled with that kind of thing, and sometimes we are guilty of that too.
May the Lord help us. The Lord puts tests here, and so if we say that we have fellowship with Him.
Yeah, I'm alright. I'm in fellowship.
And walk in darkness. We lie and do not the truth. You know, John speaks in blacks and whites. He doesn't speak in Shades of Grey.
And so the position of a believer in the Lord Jesus is in the light.
Somebody has asked the question, what happens when a believer turns his back on the light?
And the answer was properly given. I believe the light shines on his back.
And so if we say that we have fellowship with him, so easy to do to keep up and outward form of what is acceptable amongst brethren or what is acceptable in our family circle without reality.
It's not gonna last long. It's just an empty show. Let's not do that. We lie and do not the truth.
Put it in black and white so we can tell just where we are, brethren.
The desire of, uh, the apostle John was that the Lord's people be happy. Where do you get that from?
I think that the apostle John was a man around 85 or 90 years of age. At this time is one of the last books written in the Bible.
And, uh, he's telling the first part of the chapter about the ground of our relationship with God.
And then in these verses that we come to now, he's speaking in terms that he knows that any believer who is not walking with the Lord is not happy. You know, in verse four, it says these things are written that your joy might be full.
And our joy can't be full. We all know this, where joy can't be full when we're walking to please the Lord. But there is a path for a believer. And if we get out of the path, there is a way back. And that to me is the message that we have in this this chapter along with the with the first part particularly.
Of the next chapter and the ground for, for uh, being happy in the Lord is to go back to the Lord. So we have that brought out in the uh, in the seventh verse, or if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sins.
So the way for a believer to come back to the Lord is now being brought before us by John. And then we get it in the first part of the second chapter, which I know we're not 2 yet.
But is the ground that we rest on is the blood of Christ? So John takes us back to that where our sins were all dealt with.
And that, uh, then he, he, so he goes on, he says in that seventh verse, if we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another. Well, I've just particularly enjoyed this chapter having an overview that way.
Brother Dave, you speak about the joy that is absent when we are out of communion, and I think David realized this and his confession in the.
51St Some.
And we have that confession given in the earlier verses, but in verse 12 it says restore unto me the joy of my salvation. He didn't have that joy when he was out of communion, did he? And there had to be the acknowledgement of the transgression, as we see in verse three. And he was also cognitive of the tender.
Mercy of the Lord. So that comes into place too, doesn't it? It's just looking at a verse also in connection with the 8th and 9th verse and Jeremiah chapter 3 I believe it is.
We have similar sentiments expressed in the 31St Psalm as well.
Verse 13.
Only acknowledge thine iniquity.
Then we have one word brought before us in verse 14. It's turn so.
Confession involves attorney. It involves an acknowledgement, doesn't it?
We we think of the Thessalonians that said they turned to God from idols. Well, that's in connection with the blessing to their souls, but here it's in connection with the restoration of communion.
That verse, the end of verse 7, is a verse we use in the gospel.
And it's a wonderful verse to give in the gospel. But it's not written here to unbelievers. It's written to believers.
Like we were mentioning in the first meeting, John speaks of that which is characteristic.
And so.
What takes away that which hinders fellowship? What takes away sin? Only one thing, the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.
It's a once for all cleansing that a person receives when he becomes a believer in the Lord Jesus. God, at all costs to himself, has laid the groundwork by which that can be removed that hinders fellowship.
If there's something hindering fellowship in my life.
Who's at fault, me or God?
Necessarily me.
Brethren, let's not let things hinder our fellowship with God.
God has made such a tremendous sacrifice that sin can be put away completely.
And I'd like to say that sometimes people say this is the blood of Jesus Christ keeps on cleansing once we have been cleansed once for all.
Then we need the washing of water by the word. That's what cleanses us from day-to-day, and we need that. But here he's talking about what's characteristic of the blood.
It's what can remove that which hinders fellowship.
And as Bruce was saying in verses 8-9 and ten, we have the way that sin is to be dealt with when it comes into the life of a believer.
These are really important things. Verse 8 and verse 10, if you notice, are quite similar.
Verse 8 says if we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in US.
Verse 10 says if we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar and his word is not in US.
What's the difference between those two verses?
I suggest, brethren, that in verse eight we have the root of sin. In verse 10 we have the act of sin, just like you have an apple tree.
And what does it produce? Apples. So the sin nature in US produces sin. And if there's going to be restoration, it's through confession. The confession means?
That we recognize not only that we've done bad stuff.
But the reason we did it?
Because of the sin nature that is in us, you know, it's so easy to blame somebody else.
And sometimes that's the way we react when we're faced with the sin we've committed.
Yeah, I know I did bad thing, but I wasn't at fault. It's not my fault, it's his fault.
That's what happened in the Garden of Eden.
When the Lord faced Adam, Adam said, the woman whom you gave me.
When the Lord turned to the woman, the woman said the serpent beguiled me. We like to pass the blame on, but if you're gonna get restored, you have to put the accusing finger back at your own breast. If you sin, you are responsible for your sin. There might be others that are responsible too, but I can't blame it on them. I have to recognize what I've done, how important these principles are. They're simple.
They're so important that maintaining fellowship, you know, it's a continual exercise, the matter of self judgment in our lives.
Brother Steve, you gave an example last year that was very helpful about driving down the road.
As you're driving down the road, you're always correcting little by little. As you're driving, if you don't make those corrections, what happens? You're gonna go out of your lane. You're gonna have a rack, a wreck. So we need those corrections constantly. The Lord help us, brethren, to be in self exercise, to recognize that we've done wrong many times.
And the reason we've done wrong is because that root of sin that's in US, not only to judge the sin we've done, but to judge the root. We don't judge the root. It'll keep on coming up and coming up again and again. Lord, help us to walk in self judgment. It's the only way we can keep maintaining fellowship. It's beautiful to see young people come into the joy of walking in fellowship with the Lord.
Sometimes after a while, you see their joy seems to diminish. Little by little they grow cold. Sometimes they wander off in other directions. What happened?
It can. They didn't continue to auto correct. They needed to have that self judgment. We all need it, brethren, because we're in a world of a lot of temptation and that flesh in US responds to those temptations. So the Lord help us to walk in self judgment.
To recognize what we've done.
And then in verse 9 to confess it.
Is there a difference between walking in the light and self judgment?
Tell us what it is, Dan. I'm not sure that's why I'm asking. Yeah, I'm thinking if I'm driving down the road and looking at the nose of my car, I'm gonna do a whole lot more correction than if I'm looking down the road at what the light reveals to me. And I'm thinking sometimes we can be so full of self judgment and self correction that we lose sight of the light.
Another one who is the light?
And that's wrong. That's, that's we're, we're not going to be going in the right direction. If we're just thinking about self judgment all the time and how wrong I am and how bad I am and what I've done. You know, that isn't pleasing to the Lord. If we began to look at the light, we begin to look at the horizon, we begin to look down the road where he is, then that correction becomes automatic and normal and we enjoy his presence and walk in the good of it.
Mm-hmm. That's why we have to have the Lord always before our souls, don't we?
And to correct according to that perfect example.
A good balance is very important. I believe the autocorrection comes into play when we sense that we lost the joy. At that point, we need to examine ourselves and that's where the right balance is maintained and.
For the purpose of preserving, we join a fellowship to join community, Our Lord, our right relationship with them paramount importance, and that's how we keep it.
Well, we have written here can't give us a better standing than we had before God.
All the time. And, uh, by the way, I'm asked to do here.
And give us a better understanding than we already have in Christ. We stand before God and Christ without condemnation.
But I believe that this Britain should be brought up through our standings.
That our daily lives as believers.
Could show us that we are standing before God in Christ and we do fail. And this is what uh, reading before us here are failures that we have along the way to do with our state and we have an advocate. We have a remedy for sin, but we do.
Falls and uh, but.
God wants us to have a state that is, uh, in harmony with the standing that we have in Christ.
Might get our standing in verse.
Six and seven and more of those things, as you're saying, to dealing with the state and maintenance and the enjoyment of that position and the subsequent verses. And that's where we need the advocacy of Christ. We've been brought into the light. We'll never be out of it again. No child of God who are the children of light will ever be in darkness again. And so if we walk in the light.
It's not there quite so much power walking, but it's where we now walk. And then the verses that follow take up more, as you say, the side of things that have to do with our state and maintenance of our souls and the enjoyment of the position we've been brought into. We're children of light. We're never going to be children of darkness again. We walk in the light. We'll never walk in the dark again. He's in the light. We've been brought into that light. We've been brought into a circle of fellowship.
Of unity, that maybe we could look at some verses in John 17 in connection with it. We've touched a little on it before, but we've been brought into a circle of fellowship that's taken up in John 17.
John 17 and verse 11.
And now I am no more in the world. But these are in the world.
And I come to thee, Holy Father, Keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me.
That they may be one as we are now here he's Speaking of the apostles.
And he's asking that they would be one, that there would be a unity, just as the Father and the Son were one. What kind of oneness? The Father and the Son were in perfect unity in all their thoughts and in all their purpose and in their aim. And now he requests that the apostles would be one.
Unity, the same as the Father and the Son were one. It's not the unity of the body.
It's not the unity of Godhead.
In that sense one God and three persons, but it's a unity and thought and aim and purpose. Now we come a little further in the chapter verse 20.
Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also, which shall believe on me through their word. The apostles were that they all that is apostles, and those who believe all may be one.
As thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in US, that the world may believe that thou has sent me. So here he's praying for those who would believe. We're among that number who have believed what the apostles have said through divine inspiration as was presented to us, And the Father and the Son are one.
In each other, that is, the Father is interested in the Son, He's wholly occupied with his Son. The Son is interested in the Father, he's wholly occupied with the Father. And now those who believe on the apostles, along with the apostles, are brought into this unity of a common interest in the Father and in the Son. That's their occupation, and it's a unity that has the Father and the Son.
As its center, there's a testimony connected with it that goes out to the world that the world may believe as they look upon this Christian company who have common interests in the Father and the Son. That's their center in this unity. Now you come on down a little further, verse 23.
12 Rivers 22 In the glory which thou gave us me I have given them that they may be one even as we are.
One I and them and Thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one that the world not may believe, but may know that Thou hast sent me and has loved them as thou hast loved me. That's the perfection of unity in coming glory. And now there is a testimony that goes out that has no dependency upon us at all. So it's not may believe that the world is going to believe.
At the coming manifested unity and glory. And so there is this unity that God has formed. It's not the same truth as the one body that we get in John's ministry or in Paul's ministry. This is a unity presented in John's. It's a circle of fellowship, the center of which is the Father and the Son.
He's the center, He's holy, He's light, and it demands that all who are part of that fellowship must be holy. How can He have us there in the light, walking in the light, positionally walking in the light? The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sinners. Our brother brought out was done once.
Or cleanse forever. It's again a positional thing. It's an absolute. He can have us there and that light without sullying His Holiness whatsoever because we've been cleansed by the precious blood of Christ. And then He goes on to take up the state of things, the practical maintenance of the enjoyment of that position, that place we've been brought into in the light and fellowship with the Father and with the Son.
It's not pleasant to deal with sin ever, really.
But it's necessary, brethren, and I find that sometimes souls.
In question of fellowship and walking in fellowship with the Lord get away. Sometimes it seems like they don't have a clue as how to get back. But these last three verses are really the key to how to get back. It's recognizing first of all the sin we've done.
And why we did it, The root cause sent in US. But then verse nine is very important too. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
So often I've had people say, yeah, I plan to get back to the Lord someday. I'll clean up my life and get back. Scripture doesn't say that. What scripture says is you recognize it and confess it. The Lord does the clean up job.
You confess he is faithful and just to forgive, and this is governmental forgiveness in the family and to cleanse from all unrighteousness.
And we've often mentioned, and I think it's very important to see that it doesn't say if we ask for forgiveness.
No, go to the next chapter.
And verse 12, it says, I write unto you, little children, because your sins.
Are forgiven you for His name's sake. We have forgiveness of sins. We don't have to ask for that.
What is it that he wants? Conversion.
And confession goes much deeper.
Than asking for forgiveness.
Sometimes given illustration if.
I do something bad to my brother.
And I say that he is kind of distant with me.
I'd rather he be my friend. So I'm gonna say forgive me when I say forgive me. I'm not thinking of the bad thing I did. I'm thinking of that he's a little bit perturbed at me.
But brethren, that's not what it is, because God is already disposed to forgive us. We don't have to ask for that.
What he wants is confession, and confession goes deeper. To confess, I have to recognize the bad thing I did and to say so that's confession, and that's important. Sometimes we beat around the Bush.
We don't tell them he knows about it, but he wants you to say it to him. This is what I did, Lord, I lied, I got angry or whatever it is.
Lord help us in these things because this is the reason why so many get away and they don't seem to get back. Here's the answer. Recognize what we've done wrong.
Recognize the root of it and then confess it. That's really what David did in Psalm 51. He doesn't beat around the Bush, says I'm guilty.
In iniquity I was formed that there he recognized the root of sin in him.
Oh, how important these simple principles are. They're simple, but they're so important. The Lord help us. Dear young people, I hope you're getting a hold of this, because it's the secret of going on. Don't look at us who are older and sitting up here in the front rows as if we've got it all together. We don't.
We have problems too. We sin sometimes.
And we have to apply the same principles constantly if we're going to walk in fellowship with the Lord.
It's a constant exercise of self judgment.
I'd like to make a comment in connection with the confession. When I was younger I lived here in Montreal and there was a brother whose Sunday school I sat for a number of years.
And umm, he explained something that was very helpful to me when I was younger.
And, uh, he prefaced it by saying this way. How come sometimes when we can discuss, we don't experience restoration?
And he said the reason why sometimes we confess and don't experience restoration is because we mix confession up with repentance.
Confession is not repentance.
Confession is a fact.
Forgiveness is an accident.
Whereas repentance is a process.
And restoration is a process. So we've been brought to the 51St song. If we were to look there, I'm gonna turn to it. But remember, David said, I acknowledge my sins before thee.
And then right after that he says my sin is ever before me.
So how come when he confesses that they still realize that his sin is ever before him? It's because repentance has not worked its proper work, which takes a period of time.
Now we know when we look at the at the time that Nathan addressed David, at that time he confessed, but he did not experience restoration at that time. And that's why you see such a process in the 51St Psalm and such a process in the 32nd Psalm.
And it's been helpful for me to realize that I can confess.
But that does not constitute repentance.
And a person can forget thee, and that does not constitute restoration. And so often we confess, and the word of God in our soul is hindered.
Because repentance doesn't work its proper work and there's not full restoration.
The Lord's desire for us is there would be a full restoration. But I think, Bob, what you're mentioning in connection with concussion, feet and feet, that's really the thought of repentance, because I can confess something. In fact, I can confess something and not be repentant at all.
In a courtroom, a person confesses to a murder and they're not at all repentant.
And that's because it's a different work than repentance. So confession is an act, forgiveness is an act, but repentance is a process which.
If the process goes through to the end, then there is the full process of restoration.
Is the cleansing spoken of here that restoration?
John is different than Paul.
There's a difference in between salvation and the work of a soul. As the Lord desires to restore a soul. When it comes to salvation, a person confesses their sins and their forgiveness.
There clenched by the blood, as we, as we had earlier, everything that's a light that makes manifest the blood cleanse. It doesn't matter what it is, the blood cleanses it. But sometimes.
And I've experienced, I'm sure, and then you've experienced it too that we, we desire to have that, that.
Close walk back with the Lord that we once had and it was not there and we've we've had the confession. It's because God is faithful and if confession constituted restoration, we would treat communion like the taps in our kitchen.
We turn it off and we would turn it back on again and we would be fluctuated, but God is faithful. We can turn the communion off, but it takes a process to get it back.
And I think that's why it says, wouldn't you say, Brother Dave at the end of verse 9?
He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Sometimes that cleansing takes a little part of time. And I agree that repentance is necessary. Sometimes people don't know what repentance means, but it's a word in the.
Latin root means to think.
Rethink to change your thinking about it.
To see it as God sees it, that's important to repent, and sometimes that takes a little while, but God is able to work that in us to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
And we don't see the intricacies or the details of our own personality that like to hide stuff and maybe don't get it out into the light properly.
And so the Lord works with us to bring about repentance and full restoration.
You know, for me to, uh, think of this forgiveness that is mentioned in the ninth verse as restorative forgiveness. Uh, you know, there's so many verses that we have that didn't like in Acts 13, why this man is preached unto you, the forgiveness of sins. And then we have an Ephesians, one in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins.
I would say that in both of those verses the thought is in connection with those that are unbelievers coming to Christ and receiving the forgiveness of sins. In this verse here and in this chapter, the first part again of the chapter is referring to the relationship that we have and the second part of the chapter is dealing with communion or fellowship.
That we might enjoy the relationship that we have. It is there.
Throughout the whole chapter, but it is not enjoyed in the second because of sin that has come in. And so the Lord is telling his people through John, I'm not happy when you're not happy. I want you to be happy. And so he says in that that ninth verse, the pathway so that the relationship can be restored again, they are communion can be restored, I should say.
The relationship never changes once we're saved. We're children of God.
That can't change. Is a father happy if his child is not happy?
Neither are happy and so God wants His children happy. What is a relationship cannot be enjoyed unless there is The Walking with the Lord and sin is dealt with.
And so he says there's a pathway back. And what is the pathway back if we confess our sins? He is faithful. And just on what ground? The work of redemption.
He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
We may, because in the case of David, it's not like if he had a bad thought that broke his fellowship with God. He had. It happened, he followed.
And restoration has to do with that.
But if you during the day, you have, uh, you get upset a little bit, you can just confess, right?
To the Lord, because you feel that this is not adequate, that's because God has grieved and I I.
Process. But if we do that.
If we confess those little things, I mean, in fellowship, we won't follow that path that leads us to or that that need of restoration and grievance and deep sorrow. And so these verses, like he says in verse nine, if we say we have not sinned, but we have perhaps not sinned like David and I trust not, but perhaps today, whatever thought, word or thing that wasn't, uh, convenient for a child of God and just be confessed.
Restoration and fellowship. And if you do that regularly, you can go on in that sweet fellowship and keep it clear conscience. If you don't, then you accumulate and you accumulate and you accumulate. It just gets worse. And then there's really needs to be a walking back that on that path that you went down maybe 5 kilometers, well, you gotta come back. That's a process.
The, uh, the way we've been taking these verses up is very practical and it's.
Helpful, but I don't want to pass over them without looking at them in a little different way.
It, uh, probably was a time when the perhaps the mind of man was never so active in introducing evil doctrines into Christianity. When the apostle wrote and he speaks of Antichrist later in the book. And if we look at these verses that we've taken up in the end of the chapter, there are those who.
Walk in the light and there are those who walk in darkness, and it's one or the other. For those who walk in the light and have fellowship one with another, their fellowship is with the Father and the Son. There are those who say we have no sin.
There are those who say we have not sinned. There are those who never have confessed.
Those who make God a liar, those who do not have the truth in them, those are things we could never say of a true child of God.
We could never say of a true child of God. There's no truth in Him.
And that way, so we need to not I don't want to Passover these verses without saying I think is the apostles thought and that he's addressing this difference between those who are in the light and those who are in the darkness and who were coming into Christianity with false doctrines, those who said we have no sin.
The count was told me I don't know. It's details of Brother McDowell and Brother Gordon Hayhoe on the street.
Uh, giving out the gospel name and a man who said I have no sin. And, uh, Brother McDowell, Brother Gordon didn't know what to say. Brother McDowell had something ready to say. He said, well, we'll have to ask your wife about that. Well, those who say they have no sin, they only deceive themselves.
That's all.
And the truth isn't in them.
Those who say we have not sinned, those sins that are the fruit of that root, they make God a liar.
His Word is not in them, that word by which we are born of God, that seed.
That remains in the children of God, it's not in them.
And so though we enjoy the very practical application as to fellowship and restoration and those things, I don't wanna take a bit of that away. I would not want to lose what is being taught in these verses as to those who are in the light and those who are not.
3rd Pistol of Jock, verse four. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.
It's bruised.
The 28th of Isaiah is a woe chapter.
It's time when second Peter, you might say when the Lord is going to come, and woe is the first verse to the crown of pride.
And uh, verse four and the glorious beauty, let me destroy and he's going to come in. He's going to clean, you might say the garden. But uh, in verse five, it makes exception for those who are the residue. And that day shall the Lord of hosts be for a crown of glory and for a diadem of beauty. The Lord opposed for those who would be.
As they were experiencing this.
'Cause even though it's a woe chapter in verse 23, Isaiah and.
Our our listening this morning about the ear and listening. He says this give ye ear and hear my voice. But he goes further than that except to say don't just simply hear my voice but hearken and hear my speech. He has something to say as to those who are the residue.
And so he gives us a little illustration of the ploughman.
Who is going to plow the field and remove everything He says, Verse 24. That the plum and flow all day to sow that he opened and break the claws of his ground, when he hath made plain to face thereof? Doth he not cast abroad the fitches, and scatter the common, and cast the principal wheat? Cast in the principal wheat, and the appointment barley, and Ryan their place. The Lord is going to come and prepare the ground, as it were, for that.
Today, when there will be wheat and barley and rye? Only in the coming days.
But when he does, as we know, when that happens for the people in the, in that seven-year period, they're going to be affected by it. And so we have the fitches here and the common that's, uh, removed. And notice what it says. We're 27 for the features are not fresh for the threshing instrument. Neither is a cartwheel turned about upon the command. But the fitches are beaten out with a stab and they come in with a raw.
This is the key point I believe. I've enjoyed this thought that.
The pictures are kind of corn, like spilled hard corn, shorter hairs and it's not tossed away, it's laid aside. And the common is a aromatic plant that gives little black seeds that's used in condiments and in the medicine, maybe for the taste and things and so.
These are taking the side and they're not.
Dress or put under the wheels of the cart and there's a reference here because notice verse 22. He says at the end of verse 22, he says, well, I have heard from the Lord God of hosts that consumption even determined upon the old world. This is what's coming. But the pitches and the common are the residue that won't go through this threshing. And he makes a reference in verse 21 to David in Mount Pearism and in the valley of Gibeon.
That's when the Philistines came against them and ruined great victory. They sound in the bulrushes.
And the Mulberry trees rather going forth. David was one that.
Was not.
Thrown to the treasure, he did not go under the wheels of the cart. It's not like it's going to what he's going to do when he comes and cleans house. David was one of his own. So what do you find David needed, as it were? Fitches are to be beaten out with a stab and they come with a rock. And so with David.
He understood but the pictures and the common because in Psalm 23. What does he say? The Lord is my shepherd, thyroid and thy staff.
Comforted me. It's a comfort. So it's the Lord dealing with his own. He makes a difference with the residue. He makes a difference of those when he comes and makes the plain, the field plain, you might say. And so it is here in verse 28. Bruised corn. Oh sorry, bread corn.
Is Blues and sometimes we have to go as if we're individually. It's an individual thing, bruising. It's like right through restoration. The Lord has to do it, but it's not Thresh. We are the Lords, never to be lost.
But we may have to go be beaten as it were, beat up with the staff because that's food, corn and the coming with a raw by Rod and thy staff. You could say they comfort me.
So it's the Lord is for us in every case and bring us back to himself to enjoy that that fellowship with him. I've enjoyed a little thought.
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Phone number.
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