1 John 15

John 15
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15th chapter John, verse 10.
Let me keep my commandments. He shall abide in my lungs. Even I have kept my Father. Command and abide in His love.
These things might spoken on you, but my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.
This is like a man that he loves one another and I have loved you.
Pray your love have no man to me, for the man laid on his life with.
Here are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you.
Ten fourth high volume of services or the servants knoweth not what is lower doing, but I have called you friends for all things I have heard of my father, I have made known I'm here.
We have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you. Then you should go and bring points and if your fruit should remain.
And whatsoever you shall have to revolve in My name, He may give it to you.
Do you think I command that you love one another?
If the world hates you, you know what It hated me before it hates you.
If you were of the world, the world would love his own, but because you're not of the world, but I have shown you out of the world, therefore the world hated you.
Remember the word that I said of you. The servant is not greater than his Lord.
If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you.
That they have kept my pain. They will keep your also.
All these things will do unto you for my main thing, because they know not in the sentence.
Not common under there. They have not had since, but now we have no clothes for their.
Tapes me pages like hard also.
If I have not done among them the words that none of the man did, they had not had sins, but now have they both seen and taken both me and my father.
For this cometh to pass, but the word might be fulfilled written in their own.
They hated me without a call.
But when the comforter it comes tomorrow, then the view from the brothers be the spirit of truth which proceeded from the Father. He shall testify of me, and He also shall bear with me, because He did with me from the beginning.
Something chapter and the 11Th verse.
Hello, I am no more in the world, but he are in the world, and I come to thee.
Keep to my own name so do not give me at any one at the arm while I was working in the world I kept in my name.
So that I'll give you I am next and none of them is lost for the summer tradition because the scripture might be fulfilled.
And now I come to thee, and these things, I've taken a word that they might have my joy for building bells.
May I have your brother?
Received yesterday. Not supposed to get occupied.
The comma is speaking to me this morning about the section.
Modeling buying the secretary and the college that you would mind for reading that I think it would be an increase.
Time is Israel, Ephesians.
And a bind is no use unless it bears through.
The big tree is Israel nationally.
Set aside as such to be restored.
And be the center of government glory for the earth.
And leave.
That all of Jesus, Israel.
In the face of responsible testimony.
They failed.
In those three ways.
But all is to be made good.
By the Lord Jesus Christ, and they will have to own their complete failure and to praise Him for His grace.
That will bring them into the pleasantness of it, and be the root from which all the fruit will come.
Now, Speaking of our chapter for a minute, it was just regular.
When you go to Isaiah 119.
If he be willing and obedient, we shall eat the good of the land.
Our time speaks slowly because I believe the importance of it.
The moral ways of God do not change with dispensation.
And this is a moral principle. It is always true.
If you be willing and obedient.
For the will is the root of all sins. I would return to John 12.
And the last version, the chapter.
And you do well to meditate upon what is brought out in this verse.
And I know.
That his commandment is light, everlasting.
That means this.
That eternal life.
Is characterized by the spirit of obedience.
The new nature is always obedient, never otherwise.
At all the exhortations that you find in the New Testament, without any exception whatever.
Founded upon what you present.
Never that getting the thing by any effort of your own.
God has given us a new life and a new nature.
And that new nature is characterized by obedience.
That's the meaning of that in John 12 verse 15. Meditate on it, and I know that His commandment, His life, everlasting. That brings you to the verse that our brother read in John 15.
All the commandments.
I never got cleared up from that.
What is the full commandment in First John 28?
We'll read it.
We begin at verse 7. Brethren, I write no new commandment of you, but an old commandment which he had from the beginning.
The old commandment is the word which you have heard from the beginning. Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which is which thing is true in him and in you. Because the darkness is past, it should read his passing.
And the true light now shining the old commandments was.
That which was manifested in Christ as man down here.
It is now in Christianity.
Through in him and in you. Why?
Because Christ is our life.
And possessing that life we have.
The very nature of God.
And so in John, the new life cannot sin.
Cannot sin. You'll see that in first John 3.
The ninth verse.
Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin, for deceive remaineth in him, and notice his disease remaineth in him because.
The Believer.
As being a child of God can never be lost, not only can never be lost, but that life remains in Him.
And every time we sin, we allow the old nature to act.
Now then that will turn me.
To Romans 8:00 and 2:00.
The law. Read that, if you will, to make it clearer and.
For the ruling principle of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.
That made me free from the ruling principle of sin and death.
Why does it say the spirit of life? The life is the nature, The spirit is the power.
The life is the nature, the spirit is the power.
And every believer.
Possesses that life and that power.
Now notice the 13th, 1St, the 8th of Romans.
For if you live after the flesh, he shall die.
That's the course pursued and where it ends.
But if ye through the Spirit.
To mortify the deeds of the body you shall live.
A once read in Mr. Darby a remark The Pitney. I've never forgot it.
He said you want to know why you sinned, He said I'll tell you why because you want to.
That hit me hard, but it's true. Every believer has a new life and a new power.
Why do we fail? Because we do not look up to Him for power to overcome.
The flesh.
Delights in having its own way.
But the new man cannot sin that every believer.
Is equally blessed of God.
I haven't the blessing that you haven't got.
Every God has no favorite in his family.
Every believer is equally blessed. You have that nature just as surely as I have, and you have that power just as surely as I have.
I've never, never make any excuse for your failure.
Never, for you've got the power for victory if you'll only turn to the Lord and ask Him for grace to overcome.
Oh, it's important. And I repeat, because of the importance of it.
That we have possessed that power.
At every exhortation of scripture without any exception whatever.
Is founded upon what to possess. It is never getting the thing by your own efforts.
Elaborate, brother Brown are you? Correct me when I go wrong.
I was thinking in connection with your Speaking of obedience because what we have in the first chapter of first Peter.
And the second verse.
Elect recordings of the foreknowledge of God and Father.
Through sanctification of the Spirit, that is, we set a mark by the Spirit of God.
I'm through the old medium and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Grace unto you, and peace be multiplied.
The thought of obedience comes in at the very first.
The first obedience.
On which we're ever capable that pleases God is obeying his obstacles. That's the first obedience that ever pleases God.
Say the gospel, Well, how do we obey it? Spices. Let him do it by accepting what God predicts. Do it, and then happening then brought into the family, the Spirit of God has sanctified us to the same kind of obedience with which the pleasant Lord Himself obeyed when he was here. It was not illegal obedience. It was a delight in doing the positive will.
But it was always obedient.
Don't forget that 12 Chapter of John and that verse.
You just can't remember it. Put it down.
I know his commandment, his life everlasting. That isn't understood by most Christians.
But it means this, that the life everlasting that we possess is characterized. Its very nature is obedient.
And it has to be, it has to be otherwise. But it's not listening to that life everyday individual relaxed regarding the foreknowledge of God is all of God every day.
Just so.
Example that and the conversion of all kinds.
The first thing, that's all Carson said When the light shone upon him, he said, Who art thou, Lord? When he said, I am Jesus?
Why don't he says, Lord, what will thou have me to do?
What is the life of obedience immediately?
That has displayed.
On that one Peter of Christ.
First yielding to crisis is Lord is followed by obedience to His Word.
Will thou have thee to do?
We can distinguish.
Life and faith that we can't separate themselves by me.
Apart from the suffering work of God and the souls, there will be no acceptance of the Gospel at all.
But if the connections are the acceptance of the gospel that we find that life is brought into being, it's by the Word. We can distinct these things, but we must separate them right now. Take a look.
Chapter 11.
And verse.
This is the first that enables us to test.
What comes before us?
In our daily life.
Life through this wilderness world.
The light of the body is the eye, therefore when thine eye is single.
Thy full body is full of light.
What's the single eye?
It means that we desire the Lords honor and glory and that and that only.
That and exact only then the whole body is full of light. Introduced any hard and there's darkness. Now another remark. Saints have heard time and again where to keep the flesh in the place of death.
But don't forget where to keep the mind in the place of death as well as the flag.
Not only the flesh, but the mind.
Saying the 2nd Corinthians 10 and they'll tell you that.
Verse 5.
Casting down.
Not imaginations, but reasonings.
Why do you reason when scriptures brought before you? Generally speaking, we can say because we don't want to give up our own will.
Don't want to give up our own will but passing down reasoning.
And every high thing that he thought of himself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Now turn over to the 11Th chapter.
And the third verse.
But I fear.
Lest by any means of the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety.
So your minds, MINDS not your place.
So that so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
What does that mean?
Why? It just means this?
That team began to argue.
And the certain procedure, the simplicity that is in Christ means this, that we obey the word of God without reason. Now I'll give you an illustration of it.
The Lord was tempted, wasn't in the wilderness.
Command that these stones be made red. Well, if the Lord agrees, he'd say what time and turning stones into bread and I'm hungry and if I do it I'll show my power to these people. But no, the Lord wouldn't turn those stones into bread because he and the command from the Father to do it.
That's the meaning of that sentence.
The simplicity that is interest.
Walked in my path of perfect dependence and obedience. The Father's will was his past. Is that right?
Poor brethren, I can't help with that. I can't help for that. If we'd walk in that path, we'd have his blessing.
If you'd be willing and obedient.
He shall what? Go to heaven when you die? No, it's the good of the Lamb.
He's the good of the man.
Others blessing in such a path.
Rich blessing and the blessing of the Lord maketh rich what Saints bring him to their lives through.
Reason and disobedience makes my heart ache.
Makes my heart ache as I feel for one another. If you be willing and obedient, all that would make go away. Meeting with the real purpose of heart to walk to please God till Jesus comes for us. And then we read that the portion of the 81St Psalm.
The 81St Psalm, reading from the fifth verse.
I am the Lord thy God, with drop thee out of the land of Egypt.
Open dry them out wide.
And I will fill it.
But my people was not heartened to my voice.
And Israel was none of me.
So I gave them up under their own heart love.
And they walked in their home councils.
All that my people had hearkened under me.
And Israel has walked in my way. I should soon have subfield their enemies and turn my hands against their adversaries. The haters of the Lord to the submitted themselves under them.
But their time should have endured forever.
He should have fed them also with the finest of the week, and with honey out of the rock. Should I satisfy these?
That completing of the heart of God over a willful and independent people.
For a long debate.
But they would not be blessed. I'm glad you read it, it's good. And what's your favorite thing? But if I'm Egypt is the type of the world.
Brought the out of agents and go away. Could apply to ourselves this morning.
That those who have accepted the Lord have been brought out of this world.
And we pause in that reading, in our captures in the 19th first of our chapter.
If he were of the world, the world would love his own. But because you are none of the world, but I have told you out of the world, therefore the world hated you last go from you out of the world.
So the question for burning all is this, that the Lord has brought us out of the world, is he capable of satisfying now that.
We're separated from this world is under judgment. Well, the answer to the question is this open my mouth wide and I will tell it that is if we look to the Lord if we're hungry and thirsting for.
Of the precious ministry of His word. We can be certain of this, that we're not going to be disappointed. The question is, are we willing to open our mouths wide?
Everywhere that real design our hearts that we might enjoy these things.
And I believe rather, that the reason why we see that departure and such as drifting into the world about it is because we're not opening our mouths wide.
They're just talking them the other day.
Recently about the fact that we don't find the same reading that helpful ministry and the way we once found in reading it the books we find left on the shelf.
That was minister to the soul I know about. Sister once said to me that was getting away from the Lord. Lord, she says the meetings are so dry, there's no ministry there. I don't care. When I saw all of those lovely books from PHMS, I said what about the ministry there? Are you enjoying that ministry?
Well, if we make yourself of this ministry I have they would be such articles would be so fed that there would be no desire for these empty things that belong to Egypt. In other words, it's like the children of Israel desiring the leaks and chorus of people and.
Forgetting all about the terrible and awful bonding that they were under the true past masters.
That abuse them they forgot all about them and just thought of all those weeks and gardens. But let me we just take this to heart. Open your mouth wide. Really enjoy the ministry and we're receiving from his words at this time.
For real design, we want to be at all the meetings and then after very far neglecting the word for that should be read every day and then the helpful.
Books that can be purchased, if you haven't that ministry in your library and get those books, get magnetized down and read it. Get the whole family's books down.
Welcome books, books that are found and you can depend upon the ministry and if we read those books instead of reading magazines.
Entertaining ourselves in other ways, I think you would feel a real.
Revival blessing among the things of God.
I suppose it's not a very that when we were saved became because of our need to be done and there has to be a need in our heart.
Desire to work, but if we fill our lives with other things, we can't have the vessel building 2 Things.
Man, well over 15 years ago we had an expression that we use.
Not exactly as scriptural expressions, but the idea is certainly scriptural. You can talk about your family all.
And great stress was laid upon.
What they met with that expression was the reading of the word in the family circle, the reading of the words and prayers God every day. And they, they thought me among the various denominations in those days. They knew what that meant. The family followed. But isn't it a city?
That the idea has been left split and that there are homes today.
Among gathered Saints where the family never gotten together as a family.
Read the words and bow the knee together in prayer. I believe it's the real loss to the whole family.
Question that do well for mothers and fathers to put to their children when they say what is the harm in it?
Is this is it the old nature wants it or the new?
Got the answer as quick as that.
And you connected with the 76 attendance convenience.
We're going to be writing the same in the 5th chapter of Hebrews, the 7th and 8th and 9th verses. We have there perfection and dance.
Dependence and obedience is seen in the Lord Jesus and fastly down there Demand, yes.
The captain of our salvation, and in that direction.
And saw my brother Brown was referring to killing the digital and their pathway in the wilderness.
In Hebrews 3.
And we have the set to decline. We have first the heart rate of the heart, then the airing of the heart, and then the wicked part of unbelief. And so it doesn't always happen just at once, doesn't that step by step.
But the neglect of the word and neglect of the words, and it's a serious thing.
It just gives a sense for Satan to come in with these dark and he finds the joints in the arms.
I was thinking to Solomon tried all this warning of the world and he had to wait until he had the money because silver was like stones in Jerusalem.
And what did you say about insanity and vexation and spirits? And I'm sure we've all met, man. I have met lots of men, millionaires, some of them all kinds of money. They weren't happy, they weren't satisfied. They never satisfied anybody.
But wait will satisfy. I explained the tour and didn't even know the truth that we know it and that's what's happening. They don't need your life fire happier than the main airplane.
Right. Yes, there are three ways that the world presented to us. Babylon. Babylon is the world religiously.
That can draw the heart away.
The battle of angels. That's the world in independence of God.
And there's fire. That's the world and it's wealth, and it's displayed in its power.
And all these things and all these aspects, the world is the world.
This is God's religiously and Satan is expressed politically and there's nothing but the enlightened odds anointed will be eyesight with Holy Spirit that can ever give any of us to the learns of real character of the world to lose. We never find it and the books of man written after the wisdom of man never it's only the word of God.
That gives us the true estimate and the true values of the world in these three different aspects.
Did you ever think of of moral corruption?
I go with what's your face. That's and religious corruption, fire, commercial corruption and any moral corruption. And Egypt is the world in its glory. Independence of God, yes. They didn't look to God for the rain. They they wired their crops with their foot.
Humanity Independent.
All, beloved brother, your cat walk in that path of obedience without being happy when you turn to 2nd Corinthians.
6-7 and eight.
The 6th chapter of the 10th verse.
As sorrowful.
Yet always rejoicing.
Now the 7th chapter.
And the fourth verse.
Great is my boldness of speech toward you. Great is my Lording of you. I am filled with comfort. I am exceeding joyful in all our tribulations, all that question.
Why did he say in the 6th chapter?
Always rejoices in the next chapter.
He is exceeding joyful. Why that difference?
Well, it's just this in the 6th chapter, it's because of the state of the same current. And those of us who have the Saints on our hearts sometimes are soluble because of their state, but sorrowful yet always rejoicing. But in the next chapter, it's not the things, it's his persecution from the world.
And thus it is he. He's exceeding joyful in all our tribulations.
Teach your children.
That if they walk with God.
They must expect to be misunderstood and persecuted.
But if it is persecution, for Christ sake.
It will be exceeding joyfulness in the soul.
Now, if you want that corroborated, turnover to first Peter.
Chapter 4.
And Peter gives you the government of God in the House of God.
In the third chapter and the 14th verse he says, But if you suffer for righteousness sake.
Happy are you?
In the 4th chapter in the 14 first, if you be reproached for the name of Christ.
Happy are you?
I'm glad in the grace of God that God gave us the Father that taught us to expect persecution, but to be sure if it was in the path of obedience, it would be blessing from his hands.
And that's been I proved.
And this 1St, 4th after first Peter and the 14th version that's called our attention to. I've enjoyed this thought when I hit home. It can be reproached for the name of Christ. Happy are you?
For the spirit of glory and the thought rest upon you.
The various fact that I am being reproached for Christ marks me out of the candidate for Lord.
I've enjoyed that thought. The Spirit floors and the God rest upon you.
Why does Peter speak that way?
Each epistle has its own character, and I'll tell you why.
Peter gives you the government of God in the House of God.
And thus it is that while you're approached from the name of Christ.
Like Enoch walked with God and before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased God.
Peter always points your arm to the end.
Because when he comes, then it will be made manifest who have walked with God, and they'll have a special place of blessing of the fruit of it. That's why it's the spirit of glory, because he's prophetically looking forward to the time when the Saints will be owned of God.
I remember the way.
The light of this chapter for us.
And in my first part, you get a lighting in Christ and then you get.
Love for the brother to see the welfare. This is my commandment, that you love one another because I love you. And then in the last part of the chapter, we get the end to feel the world.
Or you get those 3 something through the portion.
Abiding in Christ, love for the private and the end of their world.
And we see a divine order there.
If we're abiding in Christ.
Fighting is right. Very first. There will be love for the brother.
I'm sure the more we enjoy in the ministry that we're receiving.
The more fellowship we have with our brothers in Christ, but when they go away from these meetings and go back to our climate and meet the world.
You'll have to find the hate of the world if we think to be loyal to Christ, to be a testimony for Him.
The strongest condemnation of man that you'll find in the whole Bible.
Using the end of this chapter.
I'm the first time in the Bible that you find the root of man under judgment.
Is in John the Baptist preaching in Matthew?
Below the action made.
To the root of the tree.
Ambassadors in the 6th of John, it says.
4 little words that are tremendously important.
I'll make this remark, brother, and the one that helped me immensely in scripture is to get the character of each book.
Each book now brings John 6 and verse 63.
It is the spirit of quickness. The flesh profiteth nothing.
The business Did you come to John's Gospel?
But to get the world completely under judgment, and we called out of it the flesh profit of nothing means.
That all God's culture and tutoring of these people.
Never produced any proof.
You must be born again, not only in order to be saved, but before you can bear any fruit.
Why you can bear any fruit and what is being opposed today?
Even amongst evangelical Christians is the fact.
That there is no hope for this world and the Christianity is not a moral force to build a better world. But Christianity is gathering out of the world of people for the Father's house in glory, and we don't belong to it. We're not honest.
We're a heavenly man by birth, and the fruit of the heavenly man is the word of God.
Other hair will just say that well first pictures us that we can't love one another too much.
That's true.
And you may get a lot of right the passive knowledge, doesn't it? So we're still here.
This is his commandment that he loved one another.
As I have loved you.
So there's no limit to it, is there? And that's why when our brothers failed, we could be ever ready and willing to forgive.
My brother sinned against me. The Lord says not till 7 seven times, but till 70 * 7.
And I never.
And it's definitely kind of death in one day.
The day that.
490 years. December, Daniel.
It was not a little louder, brother. Sorry my wife.
Hey he said our brother asked the question 70 * 7 is 490 and he asked is there any connection between that and the 490 weeks and Daniels prophecy. I have no thought as to it and some other path.
But cultivate A forgiving spirit. It's important.
Very important.
Never dwell on the tailors of your brethren.
But try and see what is of Christ in them.
While walking in separation from every form of evil ourselves.
We are to have the love of Christ as the motive spring.
Of all our service.
And criticism is the loudest God.
In order to test us for self.
Improves so subtly that we don't realize that it is there.
Until, perhaps, some criticism brings it to light.
What are you to do then? Judge your brother? No, judge yourself.
I suppose we learn an important lesson in connection with the way Joseph received his presence. Joseph had fully forgiven his friends for all their school treatment and spelling in this region. But Nova couldn't display his love to his friends until they were humbled and had fully consented their sins. And as soon as there was a full confession of their in why, then he put his arms around and received and welcomes them.
Never said one resourceful word about the way they had told him I was placed down as he saw there are cases in connection with assembly affairs where we have to, as it were, have on the have the rest girded with the golden dress. The brother gets to say that's the next Two's restraints. That is if a brother is going on badly.
We can't show our love to him because we might encourage him to continue in that wrong course newspapers. But as soon as there is some patience, by then there's the opportunity to show the love that should ever be in the heart of the thing.
Doesn't it?
The first thing was the restrain. That was the second they were showing.
Is that right? Yes.
We are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you.
That sweeps away and that one verse.
Whipping away all suspicious art of it that can be put up.
For all the various trespasses against plain pictures that they find about.
We are my friend. This is too whatsoever I command you.
The argument? Argue yourself.
Into various methods and ways of doing the work of the Lord that you know is condemned.
In scriptures you can make the scene desire because it gets results.
But here's the verse that does away with that. We are my friends that can do whatsoever I command you.
So we search the word and we find out.
Is this according to the truth, according to the word of God? If it is, it is long as it happens. If it isn't.
Regardless of results.
We may not go on with it at all. We have to reject it.
That takes moral curriculum, especially in the name of for living.
There's tremendous pressure rather bringing lots of to bear.
Upon Christians who conform to the pattern of what they call even genital or ecumenical Christianity. Tremendous practice.
We're all supposed to get together and get results.
But the path of obedience.
Have the sanction of God.
Just the humbly say, Lord, what is I with? What does thy word say to the law and to the testimony that they think not a party to this word? It is because there's no life in them.
We're never white with the scriptures.
We're never wise scripted or how unnecessary that is.
There any difference from the ground?
In being the disciples of Christ and the.
His friend, yes, he goes on and tells them about that.
And I call you, not service.
That is being timerable to discipleship and conservative service, not what it's going to do. But I told your friends.
All the things that I have heard of my father may go unto you. That's the intimacy.
Of the of the relationships, yes, it's certainly a different.
Why was Abraham called the friend of God?
You tell us, Brother Mary.
Well, they catered as I remember it when.
All the friends of God was when?
God said, Well, the Lord came and visited him at his tent door, and ate a meal with him to the two men were afterwards called angels.
And we find that there was one of those 3.
The Lord is felt and we have he can hear him think always hide from Abraham what we're about to do. Well, they didn't preach Abraham in the same way he treated law for a lot doesn't know anything at that time about the judgment about the call on a terrible wicked city where he's had his judge and found he was listening.
Going on trying to improve.
Followed, but Abraham and Chameleon live a large was brought into the mind of the Lord about the problem about to take place in this world, and I'm sure we could apply that to ourselves.
That if we're in the mind of Christ today, we're not respecting the world to get better.
We're not carried away or deceived by all the progress.
All that the world is posting up we see that it's judgment is hasty and we're not getting we'll not get our hearts set on things down here because we find the fact that the Lord has treated us not just research one who was told to do this or that, but the Lord is like with Abraham has been pleased to take us into his counsel to see his penis unfold to us all future.
Dies before us.
So it will end in the glorious Christ, when he comes to papers to be with Himself.
God does not hold us responsible to get results. He does not hold his responsible to get results.
He does hold the responsibility to walk on the path of obedience and He'll take care of your results.
Speaking of fruit, berries, especially yesterday, it's quite remarkable that Abraham knew how to set the table.
And so that the heart of the Lord was refreshed.
Everything there is Book of Christ for the Excellency of Christ, and even the pet store told the story and the tree under which they sat, but with poor lock there was only the unleavened bread, nothing else within the face.
Very nice.
Well, that brings you to 1St Corinthians 215.
He that is spirit world, desire of all things.
This is the only book in the world.
That cannot be understood by a brilliant mind.
For the sake of our young people, turn to the verse to tell you that.
1St Corinthians 214.
Lots of you young people are going to school and college. Do not forget 1St Corinthians 2 and 14.
But the natural man.
Receiveth not the things of the God, of the Spirit of God.
But they are foolishness unto it. Neither can he know them.
They're spiritually discerned. This is the only book in the world.
That cannot be understood by a brilliant mind.
And the Spirit of God doesn't appeal to the Internet.
The appeals to the conscience. And when you preach the gospel, don't forget there's no proof unless the conscience is reached. I don't mean alone. You need to touch the heart.
But the conscience must be reached or there's no real blessing. And so it is with the Saints.
That is, the word of God is addressed to the heart.
And the conscience.
And it's a good thing, when our hearts are warm, to prick the conscience.
For none of us.
Know how much failure there is in our lives.
Until God points it out to us. Take Joe.
What does Job say? Turn over and see what he says.
The 27th chapter of Joel.
And the sixth verse.
My righteousness I hold fast and will not let it go.
My heart shall not reproach me.
So long as I live.
I'll turn over to the 42nd chapter of Job and see what happens when he gets into the presence of God.
And the 42nd chapter.
And the fifth verse.
I have heard that thee by the hearing of the ear, but now might I see a thief.
I abhor myself.
And repent in dust and ashes.
Dust is dead and ashes his judgment. In other words, he owes that he deserves nothing but death and judgment. He got into the presence of God. And brethren, if you and I walk with God.
Will do no boasting.
In the presence of God, whether it be Sinner or Saint, if we really walk with God, we will have no elevation of self, but we seek the glory of the only one that's worthy of glory.
That's the precious savior that died for us.
Gonna hail in that 61St What is the sloth of your that your fruit should remain?
Just what the connection with our brother Brown is saying. The truth remaining is only that fruit.
That is the result of walking in obedience to the Word of God.
In the past that the word is marked out for us.
It's the same principle, I judge, as in Timothy.
Second Timothy.
Two and verse 5.
If a man also strives for massively, yet is he not crowned except he strive lawfully?
There his fruit remains.
If he has driven lawfully.
It does not remain. That's right. Mother Braun. Yes.
We have not chosen me, but I've chosen you.
Well, here we are.
They people think of God.
Enjoying each of these major Christ.
And we're surrounded by.
A thousands of thousands.
Was mine nothing in this meeting at all that to be a bore to them?
Well, what makes the difference?
Why aren't we out there with the crowd?
And to play well, I decided that I'd be a Christian. Is that what makes a difference? Oh no, I didn't start there. You have not chosen me, but I've told you.
When we get to the glory.
There will not be one note.
Anything that we've ever done that God is there, it's all great, all great. It himself is done or that is is no wonder why you can't.
Find an iPhone? Well, here's the answer. By the way, why is this not found in Matthew or Mark or Luke? Why do you tell us, Brother Hagel?
Because those that rejected Christ in John's Gospel are looked at as an irrecoverable class.
That is, the bud opened into the flower, and all the beauty and fragrance of heaven shall. And so look at this very same chapter and see.
Go down to the.
22nd Verse. If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sinned.
But now they have no cloak for their sins.
The rejection of Christ showed that man was a Sinner. Not in John's. No, No, not in John.
Their objection of Christ showed that the root of man's nature was opposition to God, that he hadn't one thing good within him, not a thing good within him, but he not only was a Sinner, but he had a nature enmity against God. That's why the he must be born again is not found in Matthew or Mark or Luke, found in John.
Because man is set aside and it's a new creation in John's ministry.
The reason I say it, brethren, is some of us are getting old and new younger brethren will have to. It's the Lord leader here.
And what has kept one soul immensely is getting hold of the character of each book in the bed.
It's no two books in the Bible have the same specific object in in the ministry of the Spirit. Each book has its own peculiar characters. John is the setting aside of the first man totally.
Broken branch.
I mean, John winds up by saying, behold, I make all things new.
New and that's why the house and the first chapter is gone. The price yes, yes, that's why yes, he came under the world in the world. He knew him now didn't even know him.
Doctor Long Ministry. Finally the rejection is brought out. That is not useful, but beyond the right again it doesn't. Yes, you have to retrieve into his own. Suddenly that's all that's left in the sixth chapter of John.
The 35th verse Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life.
Cast out now.
The 39th verse. This is the Father's will which has sent me that of all again given me, I should lose nothing.
But just raise it up at the last day and further down 44.
No, man.
Can come to me except the Father which have sent me. Draw him, and I will raise him up for the last day.
There must be life getting no man can come man is so work iniquity.
Thoroughly accomplishing away from God. It can't come. Not that God wouldn't be glad to receive him and be one God, but morally he's incapable of it. It's too late. The decision has been made.
Our thoughts and everything. And in his own summers.
And I'm going to have my house board. When is the first time in the Bible and God retreats into his sovereignty?
Exodus 33.
Not until they made the Golden cat, as our brother preached about the 12Th of Exodus. Here they are across the Red Sea.
And they're marching through the wilderness. They've made a golden calf and worshiping.
If God hath not returned into his sovereignty, he would have had to cut off the whole nation.
And in the grace and goodness of his heart he retires into his sovereignty and spares of remnants. And you find the same thing stated in Isaiah 1.
Then do it. You're awesome familiar with Exodus, no doubt.
But Isaiah 1.
And the ninth verse.
That's the first time in Exodus that God retires into His sovereignty, here in Isaiah 1:00 and 9:00, except the Lord of hosts. And remember, the Lord of hosts is always the God of government in connection with the earth.
I will help you when you read that expression.
Accept the Lord of hosts that left unto us a very small remnant. We should have been our Sodom.
And we should have been like after tomorrow.
Utter destruction for sovereign grace of God spared the revenues.
Oh, how lovely, brethren. Those of us who are gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ can't do any boasting.
No, the grace of God not only saved us, but the grace of God is gathered us.
Old may we evaluate and praise His name, and keep the deposit of truth till Jesus comes, but no boasting in the early days of brethren that began to boast, and God blew on it.
And the danger is at the conference you go home and say, well, how many were there 0456700?
Brethren, it's not how many that were there, it is how precious did the Savior become to us as we listen to His voice in the Word.
It's not how many are at a conference or general meetings.
That we ought to boast about or speak about in that way.
Or if Christ doesn't become more precious to us.
But these general meetings have lost the very purpose for which God would have us together. Is that right? Yeah, and literally 2929 has turned to us for a moment.
The last words of Deuteronomy 29.
Secret things so on, and the Lord our God, that those things that are revealed the longest to our children, and then they do all the words of this law.
Roger Reveal is well interest all the words of the law.
But supposing we fail, exposing that everything left to pieces.
And they lost it all.
God's going to be defeated. No, God has completed things.
I'm so by and by refined.
Danger has come in. Well, I look at the very next chapter.
And the first person will come to pass where all these things are coming from. The blessing hands occurred, the curse.
Which I have set before the end of the fall, and the mind among all the nations, whither the Lord thy God has driven thee. They lost it all under the government of God.
Now he comes in with his addiction purposes and brings them back into blessings. And I only did it in a broken way.
In the days of Ezra and Nehemiah.
Of all how wonderful is going to be the blessing for that disobedience and main thing they can buy and bust as they are not forgiven to governmentally forgiven until at the end of the 70 weeks. That's right as far as 90 years, but he takes out of them that suffered real full part of stone.
Sit out and give them a harder place.
And it brings them into such blessing as they never know before. That's God reading it with his own secret things.
I don't thought rather brown in that 17th 1St.
You know, the 16th were.
At least a school and bring forth fruit. I was mean by digital gold.
Well, good and busy.
Of that new life that we have.
It isn't a status thing.
It's alive and functioning.
It's a functioning thing that we have born of God that gives off brother Mary. I didn't have any thought. Thanks for yours. The answer is the 20th chapter and the 21St verse.
John 2021 is the answer.
Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you, as my Father has sent me.
Even so, send I you that's going.
Think so, yes, Yeah.
We're taken out of the world by our call. We don't belong to it. Sent back into it to have as many picnics and automobiles we're able to buy. Is that it? No, we're sent back into it. Taken out of it and sent back into it. What's he leave us here for?
Is that a good time? No, He left us. He's left us here. Christ was the light of the world. Now ye are the light of the world.
And when you got saved, he takes he took you over the world in his preferences send you back into it. What for?
To be a lightness testimony to God in the midst of it, giving you a new life and a new nature and a new power.
And he's leaving us here. What for?
To be as comfortable and happy as we can in the world's atmosphere. No, He's left us here to be enlightened the darkness, To be a comfort and encouragement to our brethren, and to sell flat tidings of grace to a poor world of exclusive High Christ taking us out and send us the back.
Off of this right to join right before. Oh that's lovely, glad you had it.
I'm going to ask you the question, why is it that the end of this first you get this, and whatsoever you shall ask for the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
And producing fruits that remain well as the answers again, John 2020, verse 17.
Jesus said unto her, Touch me not, for I'm not yet ascended to my Father, but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your father, and to my God and your God.
Were sent back into it with the conscious sense that God is my father.
All the union says, yah, we throw you out, you lose your job. Oh, but God is my father.
God is my Father.
When he takes care of his children.
The government is the question. His power, his goodness and his love.
And faith doesn't reason, and reason isn't faith.
Now we know what the children of Israel did not know. We know that God is our Father and we're good children, loved even as the Son is loved, the object of his care.
And so is John. Thou put us have no power at all against me, accepted, forgiven me from above.
Oh, the world can't do one unkind thing to you except God, Elijah, and if he allows it, it's for your blessing in the end.
You may not see the fullness of it down here, but if we walk in that path, our joy is full.
And then when we get home, our hearts will be full of his praise.
Is that right? But yes.
That young man may lose his job. Yes, they lose it. And this is saying that just because he committed it to the Lord, he won't lose his job. But if he does, the Lord will have something better for him.
Spiritually, not necessarily better for him, a better job and better salary, but he'll reach blessing and his soul just so well. I'm glad you added that too.
Before that truth can be against it.
Better to have the Lord on that side, but not everybody in it. Is that right? Right. I tell you a story about John Sobeck of Scranton. I'm doing well, of course, with the Lord.
Even a minor and they came to him and told us and he didn't join the union by lose his job and he had this big family and he was prepared to live. We speak a poor man.
He turned some and looked at him and he says, well, God is my father and I'm one of his children and if you're putting me out of a job, you'll answer to God for it. The man went away. He went to headquarters and told them this man wouldn't join the union and why?
And they gave him some more arguments and told them you go back and talk to him again. He said no, you can go back and talk to yourself, but I'm not going to talk to that man anymore.
Well, did God take care of that dear man John? So big he did.
And God bless him, not with a great big bank account, but with that happy soul. I knew him well.
I just mentioned this about him. I remember the first time I went to Scranton.
And we met in the hall upstairs, right for the square there, and he had to work at that time at night.
So the daytime was his sleeping time. So he came to the breaking of bread in the morning and we were to have an address in the afternoon. He never told the soul.
And they all went out and he slept on the chair so he could be at the address in the afternoon.
Well, as that, God bless that dear man.
And it was lovely to be in his company. And his family has been blessed to the Lord. I stay with his son every time. My goodness, friends, you know every brother.
I think one of his boys nine years old.
Well, he was a dear man of God. I love his memory.
Rather than God is our Father.
Compare with the first John 5.
And if we know that we in Europe, whatever we act, we know that we have predictions we decided up and how's that comparison diversity we're talking about?
There's sometimes a misunderstanding in that.
The secret of Communion gives us in jobs peace and rest, and we have the consciousness that God is going to answer the petition.
We don't know exactly how, but he's going to do it, and there's rest and peace in the soul with regard to the question, just as there was dear John Sobeck.
He didn't go home to his wife that night, warnings and saying, well, wife, I'm losing my job and losing my grocery bill, I'm afraid I won't be able to pay it. He went home with the consciousness that although he didn't know how, that God was going to take care of the situation.
And God will give you and me that consciousness if we walk with Him in communion.
Lord, whatever, this is going to take place, no.