1 John 2:1-6

1 John 2:1‑6
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Deuteronomy 31.
Deuteronomy 31.
Verse 12.
Gather the people together.
Men and women and children.
And thy stranger, that is within my gate.
That they may hear.
And that they may learn.
And fear the Lord your God.
And observe to do all the words.
This law and that their children, which have not known anything male earth.
And learn to fear the Lord your God.
You look at first gun too.
The word of the rest of the children of God, and all the various places of progress.
And in a day when the.
The world is putting its attractions before these young people in particular.
Well, possibly, it might be nice to look at that chapter.
Professional Chapters.
My little children, these things right I unto you, that you sin not.
Any man's sin, we have a habit cake with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteousness.
He is the propitiation from our sin.
Hereby we do know that we know that he was knowledge is not in his liar, and him there is the love of God.
He's in love with his brother, of stumbling and knoweth not whether he's going to die forgiving me for his name saying.
Young man, because he have overcome the wicked one.
I ride on these little children because you know the father.
I have written on you, Father, because you have known him, that is from the beginning. I have written unto a young man because you're strong, the word of God, either than you.
We have overcome the window fly.
What? Not the world. These are the things that are in the world.
If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For all over the world the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the side of life is not with the Father of the world.
And the world passes away in the lesser of.
He that doeth the will of God by them forever.
Another children, it is the last time, and as we have heard that every time should come, even now are there many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time.
They went out from us, but they were not of us, for if they had been of us.
They would no doubt convenient with it.
But they went out, and they might be made manifest if they were not all of us.
But you have an option from the Holy One. You know all things.
I have not written unto you because you know not the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth.
Who is the liar that neither denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is advertised and denies the Father to his Son.
Whosoever denies the Son.
The same that's not the Father. So he that acknowledges the Son hath the Father also.
Let that therefore abide in you, which we have heard from the beginning.
That which we have heard from the beginning shall remain in you.
Ye also shall continue in the Son and in the Father.
And this is the promise that He has promised us his eternal life.
These things have I written not you concerning them that he gives you.
But the anointing which you have received of them abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing teaches you of all things and the truth.
And with no lie, and even as it has thoughts with you, shall abide in him.
And now little children abide in him, that when he shall appear, he may have confidence to not be stained before that his coming.
If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone that doeth righteousness is born again.
The whole silent song.
You'll find later on this afternoon whenever you.
13 first.
There, there, Little Joe running our big.
There is dividing the sound.
And the tree is.
Babe, young man and the father.
But in the in the first verse of this chapter is also in 12 verse.
It's children.
Whole family, God.
The wonderful address surely is.
Know that.
Each believer has an advocate with the father.
And those are the connections that are failures.
So, and even though sin may come into the life of the believers.
And in no way changes his relationship.
The very fact that says, and that's the case of the Father of God in that place for the Father.
Truly a problem exception that suits of our relationship.
That God is still our Father.
We may have failed.
And communion be brought.
Our father and he has provided for his children.
And giving that advocate.
If you are so restoration.
My brother, hail Jesus Christ, right?
Well, I suppose the fact would be that if any man's sin, it requires one through his rightness, if that's true, to deserve.
That which perhaps we ourselves cannot fully deserve that song.
Oh, it's certainly my contain this is thought, but it also gets that the one who is car has already taken up the question of our things before God and racing as at the flaws.
Say Jesus Christ for mercy, Jesus Christ for righteous.
Without sin is already a stone for information of at the cost of gallery.
I was reading a footnote here in the new translation concerning that word and it's really very interesting. I'm sure it's well known the most.
But it says here concerning that word.
Same as comforter dumb 14 Christ.
Manages all our affairs for us above. The Holy Spirit below.
He uses the word patron in the brother of the Roman patron who maintained the interest of his clients in every way.
Those rights on my the spirit here or things. I remember some time ago visiting a man named Ralph Samurai. He's a converted Hindu priest.
Who have recently been brought to know the Lord in Trinidad and he was reading to me from the 15th chapter of John in his Hindi Bible.
Of course, I couldn't understand the words that he read them in Hindi, but he paused after he sent to turn them into English.
When he came to that word comforter in the 26th verse, he falls quite a long time. He said now read it in Hindi and then he said now this word means someone who takes special care over you and everything that concerns your affairs.
I thought it was very interesting to think that even in that Hindi Bible read by a Hindu priest.
That thought was expressed in such a lovely way. Someone who takes care over you in all your affairs.
So what we see here, brother, to be more sustained to enough.
So much righteousness here. We need to be sustained.
A question without in our reading in Peru. How? How is my intercourse with God to be maintained?
Well, my brother said, I think it's maintained because of what I am in Christ.
Well, I thought that was a good answer.
I'd rather have her. Tom carried his arms and say he said that.
We need to be sustained.
And that's what we have here, don't we?
If I fail resume then I have.
And this comes in in his interest for me at the top.
Do you need to judge myself?
And so on.
I suppose in the thought Jesus Christ the righteous too. If I should break one of the laws of the land and I get a lawyer to take my case, how could he possibly get me off in a righteous way?
But here we sin, we've done something that is against the holiness of God, and yet we have one before the Father who maintains our cause righteously because of our brother Barry remark that's been fully taken up and settled. The whole question of righteousness was settled at the cross.
And now God can come up, we can take care of all our interests through his son, because the question of sin has been settled and the my own heart is very lovely that it comes in and John's epistle here, because in John the pistol we had to carry through the two families brought together the character of the the ones who are not the children of God is darkness and hatred and unrighteousness.
But the character, the family of God is holding us and righteousness and love, and before bringing before us these characteristics that ought to display themselves and do display themselves on the axis children of God.
God graciously shows us that provision has been made for our failure, and I think this is false crisis. The standing property for us in the first chapter and the blood of Jesus Christ and God's Son cleanses us from all sins.
Bringing us into the light and fit for us, and then provision for failure. And then he goes on to bring out the character of the family which we have a right to look for in the children of God contrasted to those who are not in the family and who don't have those characteristics.
The first word for us though, is our little children. These things right, And I hung you that the sin not.
There is no Father any and Craig to go wrong and Sinner to be indifferent about sin.
The first concern, their possible health, is the danger of business.
And the first chapter will say Mother Hale has ripped so that they might not sin.
In the 1St 4 verses we get the subject of communion.
Introduces that one. That was from the beginning.
Faith being which they heard that they looked upon their hands handles of the word of life.
And then he says, that which we have seen and heard, declare we unto you, that he may have fellowship with us.
That is when the very one who are with the Lord in His pathway down here.
And the writer himself was the one who leaned on the Lord's breast.
And have known a special nearness to His blessed heart.
Now he wants the children of God to be enjoying the same elements that they enjoy. And indeed.
That is.
A provision not only for some special advice from 12,000. Some mature crystals of its a provision for the whole family of God.
And it's really not the affiliate for that community that will keep us from sin.
If we're battling them, we're soon become the prey of the enemy if we're in communion with the North. Satan realizes that he asked that he was in the presence of the very one who has defeated him long ago at the cross.
So how important it is? How equal?
As I often hear our brother Smith behind me say that we keep short accounts of God and not allow any distance to come between our souls and gifts so that we might be enjoying that philosophy.
Of the father in this town, so that that the enemy hasn't the opportunity to take advantage.
Preventing something of the world or making use of the poor fallen nature within us to dishonor the Lord by bringing spin into our lives.
Those are the names mentioned later on in the chapter, are they not?
Things in this world that would have returned a society.
I was thinking in connection with Peter.
The Lord anticipated what He was going to do.
And we told him that Satan had desired to happen.
But he also said, I pray for thee and thy faith. Fail not.
Now there was a definite lesson, of course, in this for Peter.
And it was allowed because of no doubt that was crying with him.
But what a practical, blessed result there was on the day of Pentecost.
I suppose we see both in the 21St of John and the 24th of Luke the means that the Lord used in bringing, restoring not only Peter, but all of his silence.
Because during those 40 days, the large remaining here.
To serve his own.
That he might bring their hearts up to the good.
Of what they were just about to enter into in the Day of Pentecost.
And I believe that was the advocacy of Christ. I believe it is his work and in restoring their soul. And he was taking it on personally before he left this world.
All of the Father.
So we see, I believe the the Lord His eyes upon each of his own, just like it was on Peter.
And even before.
We actually may commit something, some act that's wrong. The Lord has already gone to work and intersections for our souls.
First day was because of Peter's self-confidence.
Have the need of advocacy to begin with, the full restoration of teachers and the full self-confidence.
That all and shall for safety yet for my eyes.
Oh, the Lord, warns Peter.
He tells him that he had already paid for him. He falls last week. All that self-confidence.
He prayed for him.
All that when Superior actually takes place.
Largest turns and looks of Peter that breaks the power.
What would it be? A son of the Lord looked to Peter. He died up immediately, right out. He was in company with the enemies of of his blessed Lord, that we're going to condemn it to the cross of an awful company for one of God's own to be connected with.
Peter gets out of that company as fast as he can.
Broken hearted, weeping over his terrible sin and failure. Never find it in company with those men again. But it's for restoration takes place, as you say, after the Lord resurrection.
He has a special interview with Peter alone.
Why as soon as the Lord left the two, and he may have, He left, He had an interview with leaders.
It didn't mean we're not told that. Talk to large fantasy here. That was necessary.
There are matters between an individual soul and the Lord that no one else needs to enter into.
As we see a result of that because.
When those children Emmaus arrived back in Jerusalem and find the disciples together, they're saying the Lord is risen indeed and has appeared to find. So Peter had gone to his president and told him and he had had this interview with the Lord and they were all rejoicing. Or the fact that Peter could say the Lord is risen indeed.
So that the Sea of Galilee where the large folks here with Simon son of Jonas lover saw me more than the get right to the woods before.
Of course appear led to his failures and that was his self-confidence in thinking that he loved the Lord more than all the other disciples.
And when Finger has been so humiliated that he was able to say, Lord, I know it's all things others may not be able to see that I love you, I know I failed too badly for anyone to even propose that I really love this. But he said, Lord, you know that I love when Peter is up to that.
Broken config and the Lord can reinstate Peter in the presence of his departments.
The work is done, Peter is fully restored in his own soul and he judged the roof and he can be restored in the presence of his brother. I believe we do have those two things brought out to me, not the the.
Case of of one doing something that is between him and the Lord personally that others do not know about.
To be restored in his presence, that's one thing.
But what we've been Speaking of, I believe, was something that was public. Peter had publicly denied the Lord.
Beside that, he had publicly manifested the Spirit of God.
Now those things were success publicly.
In the 21St of Jobs and now Peter was his own heart was restored and was refreshed.
We do learn too, though, I believe in 24th loop, that when the Lord restored the hearts of His disciples, that was all He opened to them the Scriptures and He opened their eyes and He opened their understanding and there was something that in His grace He added.
Not necessarily called for, but something in his grace that he added those they might go on rejoicing in those good things not simply restored, but.
Something fresh for their hearts to enter into. Of His person because He opened and all the strength and things concerning himself.
Interesting. You know, that's helpful. I think that the understanding of the epistle.
When we read later on that he that doeth not righteousness is not of God, and again in the third chapter, but whose celebrity is born of God, does not commit sin, and his seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin because he is born of God. We must bear in mind that in this epistle the Christian is looked at as a child of God, and as a child of God he cannot stand. But when we act as men, well then we sin, and that's why this verse says not.
If any son of God's children's sin, But if any man sins.
If any man, he's not acting like a child of God, he's acting like a man because he is displaying that nature.
But then God graciously brings in and the rest of the verse we haven't advocated with the Father. He was acting like a man, but he's still on God's children.
We see this, I think we see how consistently the Spirit of God sets before us the true character is a child of God, while also showing that sometimes we act inconsistently with that place and we have to be restored to the Lord and the communion. That is the usefulness.
As our brother has just been mentioning.
It's interesting too, to notice in the first chapter of John Senior Peter.
Find him addressed as Simon, son of Jonah.
In the very last chapter of John, the Lord addresses him in the same way. Simon, son of Jonas, loveth thou me?
Well, this is his name before his conversions, and this was his name the Lord addressed him after his conversion, which showed, I believe, that Peter Simon retained the same old nation after his conversion that he had before his conversion, that all nature which was capable of even denying his blessed Lord.
So we need to remember doing not as children of God, that when we are saved we haven't got rid of the old nature, it's still there.
We have to keep it in the face of death.
Will never get rid of that until the Lord comes to take his toes.
Then it will be gone forever.
That old nature never changes the most, never can be reformed, never can be regenerated.
It's the same old nature.
First of all, comes to me and Joshua Pence. They are concerned.
Victorious over the High Kingdom as they hide away in the peak.
And he gives an order for them to be brought out.
And the captains of the army associates themselves with those 5 kings by coming their papers on the next, on their next on who flew them through them. So we have that pleasure one that everything God.
And whether it's the world or the flesh, or the devil or sin or self.
And turning back to normal sick, we have to recognize ourselves. And he said unto them.
And alive unto God.
Satan shall not have dominion over you. I'll conflict through the lovers of that shipwrecked wall.
From the sea.
And shivering there, they going down the state.
And in that bustle sticks in the hands of the apostle with the with the snake there.
All the naked snake and with the wall of the fire comes the lights hold upon his bridge. But what we do he shakes the least thing with the fire and feels so hard.
Beloved, that's Romans.
Romans 6.
Things shall not have to make it over.
Well, concerning this question of communion, I was thinking as we were hesitating.
I just need two things as a believer I need.
Grace to sustain burglary? Step in the way.
And I need nothing.
To restore me to community.
I need master to restore me and I need grace.
It's the same, is there not so, brother.
Well, it sounds correct for me. I'm never.
Heard it expressed that way, I'm always glad to learn.
This works for appreciation on the second verse.
That gives us thoughts that we get at the.
In the Tabernacle, was it not the blood of life with the mercy seat? That's the that's the foundation of blessing. It's in the in the most holy place.
And now that's the basis of our blessing, our restoration as well. It's on that ground that all can be made good.
In righteousness, because God all means.
Just does God bring us into a place?
Of righteousness giving us His righteousness, but these righteous in doing it because of the word. And that this blood sets for the mercy seat. The blood of life of the mercy seat. However, I suppose that this version can be read better.
But also.
Also for the.
Whole world not for the sins of the whole world.
It's only those who by faith and all of it, this is not.
But that there is the.
The invitation to all.
The sons of all. But it's upon those that believe. Now there must be faith. There's no such thing as salvation without faith. There is no salvation without the blood. Thoughts.
I read a statement once the.
Threat, but this way. That's both. 58 It is that aspect of the death of Christ.
Which has vindicated the holy and righteous character of God, and in virtually He can be merciful to the whole world.
How is it that a gospel creature can get up and tell sinners wherever he goes?
That there is no reason waiting for it because of that. For 5018 that has taken place and God has been so fully glorified about the question of sin and the death of Christ.
That God behave, and the chief of sinners.
Ireland, they had committed murder. This creature if I had a number of the story preaching. You said this is one in the audience whose hands are red with the flood of it on the hand he says the blood of Jesus Christ for attending from that sin. You tell the rest of the story both.
Well, tell me a bit of mind about that. And you and I are. In fact, I used to stand the same. And repeats the gospel.
On the streets of our hometown.
And when a very wild character, is that a man, a very powerful man.
A man that could carry a quarter of a ton of coal in his back and a good big sack from the whole of a ship right up the gangway and the costs the gangplanks and throw them his wagon. It was looked upon as the strongest man in the city of Belfast City, half a million people.
And I spoke to a police captain.
A Christian police captain of Belfast and I said to him, did you know Billy Horton?
When you were police captain in Belfast City as a young man.
Oh yes, he said. I knew him well, actually. He was the terror of the Belfast police force.
Half a dozen of them behind.
Well, he killed a man on a face and was sent to prison for eight or ten years. Penitentiary.
And while he was in prison one day, that water came around to examine the sales.
He came into belly sail. See how things were. And Billy is a thing old plan. And Billy drew out of his fish and his stroke and bailed to the ground and unconsciousness. He took his keys, locked them in the cell and went around and let out almost 100 prisoners.
And nearly 100 of them escaped, and he himself escaped with them.
But he was caught along with a lot of others. But someone ever caught somebody skitten with off the foreign countries? Never caught. But Billy was caught and had to go back and finish his sentence.
After we get back home, he was going on the street one day.
And he saw a group of people standing around and a man talking, and he went over to listen and was a gospel preacher preaching the gospel on the street corner.
And after the servants of Dover he stopped and listened to him. After servants over he announced he was going to have a gospel meeting and a big building nearby on on large day evening if it was.
And so very went home, they told his wife wife, I heard a man facing the street.
Today and he says, I, I like what he said and he's going to pitch tomorrow night over in this certain building and they're going to go in here.
There was a well known character not neighborhood of the city so he went but 1000 people and then he slipped into the back seat but he wouldn't be seen by the people that knew Mr. Well sat down the back seat.
Pretty sex, The blood of Jesus Christ.
On God's Son learns a lot from all sins.
And then a pasta de market along with each other species other words. And he didn't know if there's any about Billy, but he made this statement no doubt that God-given if there's a man in this in this hall tonight.
Whose hands are died in the blood of his fellow man.
Their salvation for you.
For God says God's word, says the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son.
Cleanses up from all sins, and that all sin takes and yours. There's salvation for you.
My valid or three speakers in the back seat there.
And he cried out over the head of all that audience.
As that true creature. Is that true?
And the preacher says yes, it's hearing God's word.
Then Billy Kaiser I'm coming up to see.
And he claimed they walked off the aisle of that great audience who climbed up on the blood forms. He said, show them a man. Show to me the peace is short of the verse.
The blood of Jesus Christ, your Son, cleans up from all sins.
Said Weller cleanses me and Billy got saved that night.
And then although he was a man, that his work was hauling and delivering coal.
He spent the rest of his life.
Even driving on in his Co wagon if a picture of the gospel on the streets as he was driving along.
And when he came to a corner where the Street car was stopped, he fixed the wagon and he threw from the seat car there through there was a double Decker over there and the side pulling in full on top the side steers on top of that Street car and he stopped next piece to them. Given the gospel call him to free from the last to come, and then the seat car will go on and he's gone.
Forever he is the captain what how the Lord saved her when after his wicked ungodly life and that man became a wonderful testimony that hope you should be all around used to drive on Saturday nights.
Metaphorian buggy used to drive to the neighboring town. Used to come to our hometown which was 8 miles away.
Used to come a Saturday night and we used to get a borrow a box from one of the grocery stores nearby and but I would get up in this box and preach the gospel.
Through large coats which and he was a wonderful testimony for God and that shows the power of gorgeous blood of sights.
9:00 because of the work of that righteous one, the Lord Jesus, righteously paying the whole bill.
I mean, it is finished, the work is done and all the center half assessed just received that dressed saviors and eternal empathy. Well, that explains for the for the whole world, for the creature, but ever.
They they bought the whole field, the decision, the field. It didn't just go in the station and they don't feel well now I'd like to buy it at the corner and feel that I that I like and I'll buy it in the corner when they give you a good price for it. No, he bought the whole field and in order to get the treasure is the price for the whole world.
Appreciation for the whole world is is paid a price that they're so great his own life that anybody in the whole world.
Mother bodies have been come to the blessed Savior. The Lord can say I learned no wise cast out.
The great day of the women.
They both on board the Apollo spell was carried right into the cabinet.
Into the holy, of course. See that before the mercy speaks 11 Times? Well, that's really propitiation.
Then there's another problem in connection with the death of Christ, which is substitution.
And in that we feel the type and the scapegoat that was less free because before that.
It made my success on him the sins of all the people, and then he was led by a children of this man into the wilderness.
And was never seen again. Well, that's a line of truth just war believers. It was when the authorities was on the 5th calendar. He was fearing the very familiar and we have committed Jehovah have weighed on him the iniquities not of every possible we look at the cost we say all my sins were God who knew my sins with his 11Th pounds.
And substitution.
And let's go into a land not inhabited. And then when the 5th man returns, why then the the atonement is made?
For the the the two goats are both types of Christ.
The priests who offers the sacrifice of the type of Christ, and the man who leads the resort into the wilderness is another type of Christ, and when he comes back, it's like Christ's returning after.
The published one of his work at Calvary.
Then you get the full result and blessings.
Of the Atonement.
It isn't simply that there is a propitiation. This verse reads that He is the propitiation. I believe Christianity in all its various aspects bring us to the person of Christ. It isn't simply something He's done which is precious, but it's the person himself and what He is to us that the Spirit of God will bring before us.
In another place, He is our peace. See, it's what He is, and in person now that everything rests there.
Brother was just reminding us that Jesus bought the whole field. I was thinking another another one who bought the field. It was Judas. In the first chapter of the axe it says now this man purchased a field what with with the reward of iniquity.
He purchased a field with the reward of his own iniquity. The blessed Lord purchased a field with the reward of our iniquity. They both fought the field with the price of Jesus blood.
Thomas brings up a very solemn side, though, does it not? That, that every knee will have to bow to Jesus again? He's the one who was Lord of all.
I'm Judas died resound sins, but the blessed Lord died for the sins of others, ours.
Judith hanged himself, unless the Lord was hanged by us.
It's a verse in Psalm 88. Shall I wonders the golden radar, and my righteousness, and the land of the.
Where that takes back to the April 16.
There was no other voice of the priest, and the first girl claimed to voice everyone, but performance of the gentleman is when I came Home from the ghosts of the wilderness.
Once in the dark.
Divorce them from the sacrifice Christians cross.
And thy righteousness from the back of the wells have been born and buried. I have blonde.
Everything the depth of the team fire these from the rest, so we might have to remove our.
So we have that beautiful many other town. That was wonderful.
And my right.
In the third verse we have a line of things that we notice in this epistle particularly, and that is that there are certain tests.
It begins. And hereby we do know that we know him if we keep His commandments.
And he, and he that says I know him, and he says not his commandments is the liar, and the truth is not in him.
Now this is the manifestation in the heart of love for Him. But also it does. It's a question of knowing Him.
In the Gospel of John's, the question of loving him, we keep him out. But here's the question of knowing in the society, and that's an inward conscious knowledge. There is such a thing as intellectual knowledge.
Like we read on the section of John where it says many believe in his name and they follow a miracle which he did, but Jesus did not commit himself unto them because he knew all men.
Within men and he did not have any to testify as man. They were convinced intellectual, they love the Lord must be the Messiah. But in the next chapter, the third chapter, it should be a but there, but there's no break in the end of the second chapter. Down South, the third chapter, but there was a man of the Pharisee named Nicodemus. Now there was a man whose consciousness.
Our scripture makes difference between those two ways of knowing if you look at the 8th chapter.
Of First Corinthians.
The difference is brought out very clearly there.
Being from the middle of the earth, where we know that we all have knowledge, knowledge pops up.
The charity edifies if any man thinks that he knows anything.
There intellectual knowledge he knoweth nothing as the order knowledge.
And you have.
Yeah, but if any man loves all the same as no one of him, now there is that.
Inward story might say subjective knowledge and that's what he possibly have in this verse.
I know that we get those words three times and be that set first four, verse 16, that's seven and verse nine he that says.
Not sufficient merely to say these things, but they should be the accurate evidence of the inward faithful enough. Our walk and waves should correspond to our left testimony.
Such as nothing cakes, Well, it's just an empty profession. I might say I'm saying yes, but I'm a show fruit to correspond to that statement. And that's true.
The test he is rather the test here and for the younger Christian who might fix them by keeping the commandments is all relevant. This doesn't mean to happen here to meet the words if you're supposed to talk about in the constant or even people.
This word that this is really one of the best.
Union that we are walking in the Union on mountains.
Repeat his words, which is the first thing of his chapter to prove whether we are walking into that lesson or not. We keep the word. Are we keeping his words?
It's a very bunch of question, man, in these days of hatefulness in these areas of denial.
Of truth.
He's versus 2.
In that third verse, hereby we know that we do know Him. And again in the third chapter, in the 14th verse, we know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. I believe it would answer to that passage. The Spirit beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.
As our brother remarked, there's an inward consciousness of obedience and love in the soul. This is in every child of God.
There's that which others see, and he speaks of that in the next words and the Lord Jesus said.
Their fruits ye shall know them, that His others can tell by what they see in our lives. But it's a precious thing that God has given us His Spirit so that we have the consciousness in our own souls, have a desire to please Him and love for those that love Him. And this is giving us the proof that one as a child of God, I say this because there might be a unbeliever here and he might say, well, how do I know? I believe in my heart.
I know that it's not in my head. Perhaps that is perplexed. Many a young believer did me well. I believe these verses are given for such to show that it was really in the heart. The heart goes out to the Lord, The heart goes out to His people. The heart desires to please them. And if there is no desire to please them, there's no pleasure in meeting a child of God. And then we might well question as to whether it's only in the heads.
That's the 20th verse. Is not the anointing of the Spirit to speak of.
Yes, the commandments here are. How can you?
Tell the man that the man was crying.
And the Lord says his commands are Johnson and his commands are not leaving. I believe this would go a little further though, wouldn't it? Rather very as to for this remark about communion. It's because this leads up to the subject of the Antichrist. I was thinking of what we have in Jew. They walk after their own lungs. Now that's the depth that marked that they do not. They may be leaders in the religious world, but they do not know.
Christ because of their walk. I believe there's the principle in this chapter. Did not ask for that as well.
Because before the chapter is finished, we lead up to the subject of that which is Antichrist.
I asked Brother Carter one time what are the commandments of President and I never forgot his answer. He says the commandments of Christ are doing those things which we know are pleasing to the Lord.
Has learned from his word.
In old medium family dependence.
Well, that's quite comprehensive, isn't it?
Have learned from his words to merely just reading the word textbooks, but it's one voice sitting to know what is meaning to the Lord and going to His Word and being disrupted by the Spirit of God through the Word. Independence and obedience.
We have more of those commandments in John's ministry, both in the Gospel and in the epistles from anywhere else, because being children of God, everything that He desires us to do has the power of a command over the heart, and that is the new nature looks upon it as an impelling thing you must do. The Lord Jesus spoke of He kept his Father's commandments. Did the Lord Jesus, that blessed perfect one, ever think of joy, anything but what was pleasing to His Father?
No, everything that his father desired him to do was done as that which he must do and which he desired to do well with that major displays itself and also children have gone. It's just one that's the important thing to bear in mind in this chapter comes on union leave. The important thing is my last of God took us so much soul that it isn't the blood of his emphasized that one who's not lost God away is not walking as a child of God at all.
And there's a mark. It doesn't seem up as you did. One knows in his own title. Please the Lord, you know he's not right Able.
His commandments of Grievous.
Well, the verse that lets you look Satan commandments were grievous.
Just being sub rabbits.
The Jewish.
Very, very professional going around health under law.
Let me keeping it below or the necessary or the ovation besides trusting Christ and the fossil falls earth before the apostles there you're saying and we have Peter saying in the 15th chapter of excellent as they consider this my 10th verse.
Speaking of what the better disciples which neither fathers nor we were able to bear that is a grieve as yours and then the rest of brotherhood. His commandments are very clearly that that the world of Christ, the desire of Christ heart from his own.
That it was not a great mistake, but a joyful thing.
In the reason McMillan they got they they demanded of Christ are addressed to the new nation, and they set the new nation the.
Old forces were addressed to the old nation. That's the old nation. So when the law of the Thou shalt take care of me today, all nature immediately desire to do the very thing that the law prohibited.
Right stirs up that new nature that loves to watch him, and I found this light delight and joy and following him and doing His will. And so it becomes an unspeakable favorite to the soul, to be directed by a commandment that shows how we can honor and please that blessed One.
Were you going to say something for the mentions that it was six months? That's another proof of whether we're walking into the building or not. He would say he arrived in him or himself also, so to walk.
Well, that is in the way he walks, even as he walks. Now that's a big challenge to us.
So it says here all people.
That blessed one wall, you know, sick. There's no sick what made sense for us to do, No sense that we might be made the righteousness of God in peace. But what a challenge it is to us.
As those who belong to strength, to walk through this thing walks in such a tremendous challenge.
With all.
And yet it's one of the groups here that we are working in producing.
They passing down to the eighth verse, that's really the spot and that eighth verse, isn't it? Again, a new command that I write unto you, Which thing is true in him and in you?
The Lord gave us as he walked here, he always displayed that divine light. We possessed it. Now it's true. It was true in him. It's true in us when we Christ himself is our way and so on the end of the 12Th of John, the Lord Jesus said that and I know that his commandment is life everlasting. That is the the new man now delays and obedience. His commandment is life everlasting. And so when we speak of this.
We might say, well, it's not a difficult thing to walk a sea walk. It's the very thing to do nature wants to do. The only reason that's otherwise, it's because of mine. We are not walking in the power of that new life by the Spirit.
What? The brother said. I can't hear what you say to the way you walk.
Well, that's truly a challenge to us all. We are this.
And how long we do.
And the same tears tumble some of our weaker one. Brethren, by the way, we walk more than we take. This. Indeed, this is the second group here. I believe in this and this one in this chapter.
Whether we are walking with that blessed one or not.
We hear so much today about keeping the 10 commandments, but there are two commandments the Sinner must keep in order to be safe and that is Acts 1730. God now commander all and everywhere to repent. And here in the third chapter, first John verse 23.
And this is his commandment, that we should believe on the name of his Son, Jesus Christ.
There we have two commandments, repentance and beliefs.
The word commandment then doesn't need to have a pricing sound to the believer. I know sometimes perhaps we avoid it used a little bit because of the way which is so often applied. But as we have enjoyed this morning, to the one who has that new nature and who loves the Lord, very sound of the word commandment is a very precious thing.
Direct bus into those things which would be pleasing to him. I don't know whether this would be a suitable illustration of it or not, but.
Some years ago, the young people here gave my wife, before we were married, some dishes that were made in California desert. Desert rose, they were called.
Well, in the course of the years one of the cups and saucers was broken and why I was out in California, she wrote and asked me if I would please try to get another one.
Well, as soon as I read that request in the letter, it became a command for me.
I thought one hour, this is something that would please her, and it became to me because of affection, the command. And I immediately went to the plant where this pottery is made, and I bought not one, but two, and dropped them all. And I thought, well, now here in Scripture, when we read of that which would be pleasing to the Lord, and which would direct our conduct and our footsteps in ways that would.
Would please him do these things not become a command?
To the heart that truly loves.
I believe in the Church of Smyrna in the second chapter.
Of Revelation.
And also the book of the Psalm, where we see the suffering of the Saints in the coming days.
We haven't proved that the new nature would rather die.
And this man would rather die, give up his life here. One was a new danger then.
To to disobey the word of God.
We see that in the Lord Jesus that he died rather than to set aside anything that God has desired. That's what fear means where he says but.
As much as Christ has suffered in the place, armed yourself.
Yes, covered him in the place.
For as much as Christ also has covered them, say arm yourselves likewise with the same minds. That is just what you were bringing out, rather than to allow our sins to go on without any remesence or those sins.
The Lord will suffer all the same.
Thinking of God on the cross now, he says Army herself with the same mind.
If he suffered so much to put those hands away, we should.
Be zealous and concerns that in any way we allow those things to have a faith in our lives.
And it says to he that has suffered in the flat.
That simply means that if we left the old nature suffering.
Then they have ceased to sin, as the old age would like to do some very ugly and very unbecoming things.
That's why I have a bad temper and someone says something very unkind to me. The old nature says, well get him the same thing back in his own point.
But if I come with a yell and say nothing.
The very thing the oldness would like to do is make fueling anchor separate, but he doesn't have his own way.
But in that way I think.
That's first finger 4/1.
I was thinking that.
One that's really a child of God.
That when it when he does something that's wrong.
To speak into the Lord.
He could see it immediately.
And give the Lord special, and as him before me, I when I was a young man in Ireland.
Quite a long time ago.
A young Christian brother and I were together.
And a whole group. And this young Christian brother was quite a happy, lucky sort of a fella.
And trying to be joking.
And one time when we were standing together, he.
Starts to sing a hymn.
And he introduced into that hymn, as he was singing, a gospel name it was.
He introduced the line of his own manufacturer.
That was was rather harsh.
Honda had revealed all.
And he caught himself immediately.
And took his cap off my presence. He looked up to heaven.
Lord, forgive me.
For this awful thing that I said.
And clear it up right away.
He he he realized that what he had said.
Was was contract the word of God?
And of course, an expression that I wouldn't I wouldn't dare use.
At the soul. To my mind, that was really blasphemous.
The way he put the expression.
But just caught him right away and he didn't go stacking my crusade without calling on the Lord and confessing it the wrong that he had done the thing he had said. Well, that showed a tender concert. And I believe that when when a Christian dodges anything grievous, grievous to the Lord and contradict his word.
It ought to be. Let me give the German of what he had done.
Anointing to the Lord.
As raw and keep short accounts everything that's a good short account pay pay off right away. You're ready for the Lord right away. Remember our brother will call you, pass through him out of song.
Man, that was the scene that looked up to a very real Christian.
One time he was working on the roof of a house with a number of men.
And he struck his his finger with a hammer.
And of course there's some inverted daisies lose bad lanes.
Before he stopped him because stopping that boy, he said a bad word.
Well, without his head right there before all those men working on the barn made a humble complaint to the Lord, I was helping to one of the men that was working with it. But you know, that made a far deeper impression on the governance of this man.
Than anything else because he realized that your brother's car, with all his testimony, had silly old **** and it could see him.
He was willing to humbly confess and not to all and continue in that way.
So the Lord used to have the testimony to his, all his neighbors among whom he was working, he told the council. I was thinking just.
I'm all in wrong.
Concerning the landing of the flame in Lima, we have to go through a Bank of all 500 feet safe well above that form line of sun shining brightly. And when we got down to earth, we couldn't see the sun was still kind of below us. But I thought that as an illustration of this brave community of the law cases, the moment we failed.
We teach our accounts of the Lord and put birth of arms, and put it right to couple ourselves and fetch it.
And their palm banks anticipated.
Wool the thoughts away from the soul and the.
Great naked in the Christmas lives in the past. I found it so during the 62 years I know the Lord Jesus and my friends and Savior.
It's a wonderful thing to keep, in fact.
I know also married couples, you know, all this devour against one another, both Christians. But there was a specific case came to my notice and I noticed that he's not seriousable with his wife and as his brother, don't you think it would have been better to consent your failure to your dear wife instead of stopping out going out to the office?
All day long she was bolting so you won't be in your office.
That is all that he did by the grace of God, whenever he snaps his wife to the world like that, he could say nothing just because it makes courage to do that takes really.
Who want to be vegan to do it, and that's a happy home today.
What is up?
I believe that brings up the other point too, and that is the scripture says that we should be able that we might be able to admonish one another. The Lord told his disciples and the 12Th of the 13th of John after he'd washed their feet, but they were to wash one anothers feet.
And so I believe that restoration often comes through the means.
Perhaps a brother or a sister bringing to our attention something in our lives that's wrong and that shows real grace to function and bow to this.
Because sometimes it may come from a source that we don't exactly like, but if we can bow to it, it shows the Spirit of Christ.
I can send one in mind the next.