1 John 2:12-13

1 John 2:12‑13
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I went into young men, surprisingly have overcome.
And the Father.
And now?
In our.
The impregnation.
In turn, they're not properly educated.
In the middle of children. All right, I need.
That's the final thing.
We can move tomorrow.
Years ago and.
He used the Scotch expression.
That the parent uses for their their little children.
But instead of it referring to your size or their youth that it really refers.
To their dearerness to the parents. And the word he used was very I think it's safe to say what I'm going to do. Our dear brother Dennis and our local meeting.
Would often speak of his children, and I remember all that I speak of. Marie. Can I suppose the Germans allow that to be a term of affection?
For adding that kin to the end of it, very good, he would used to say. Well, here is a term of affection that is not limited to any age, but it is good for every Christian on earth.
Their sins are forgiven.
As though it applied to all the classes. In that 13th verse we had father the young man and things.
What our brother around speaking about that the little children was really famous.
Brown is referring to his.
I write up to you, little children. It's merely a term of affection where he addresses the whole fact.
It's just children. But in English when you say just just the word children.
Something you lose, eliminate, you lose the affection.
Mr. Kelly renders it Dear children.
Express it nicely.
Well, that's a wonderful thing. Your sins are forgiven.
That that dear, dear woman in the 7th of me.
I'll sweep those words and tell in her ears.
Thy sins are forgiven.
What did she deserve?
I just thought all the rest of us deserve gentle.
But from those lips that could never lie.
She heard that marvelous words. Thy sins are again probably the most remarkable.
Sense of acceptance in the Gospels.
I think it's, at least for me, it's easier to give the gospel that story than anything in the scripture. That's sweet, precious.
Experience of that needy, needy center.
She had. She had nothing to recommend her. Nothing. And yet she got everything.
And hers was not a case of being here, of some bodily animals. They were just the feeling of the enormity of her guilt.
And then she feels accepted enough with him to come to it, and pray the scorn of the Pharisees house to do it.
And then she's so overcome with what has been forgiven.
The answer to the word is she loved much.
The love is in measure as she appreciated the forgiveness.
There's no evidence in the passage itself that she uttered one word, as from the time she went in, but she went out. Not a word dropped from her lips, according to the account as we have it there, but she heard some precious words from his lips.
And she came in with her tears. But she went out with her heart filled to overflowing. She received three things, didn't she?
She received the forgiveness of her sins, She received peace with God, she received.
Have to check the passage.
Yes, that's right. Thank you, brother.
Yeah, yeah. Here are the three things I Faith is safety.
That's salvation.
Go in peace. That's peace.
First sins. Thy sins are forgiven. That's forgiveness, forgiveness, salvation and peace.
They have crashes dead. They've got a great fear. The hour, I first believe.
Of an engraving on a tombstone. I think it's in the Trinity Churchyard, New York.
And that stone has on it just one word.
Good to remember.
Acts 1338 as to the one through whom we have this forgiveness.
Acts 1338. They have known unto you therefore, men and brethren, But through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins, and by him all believe are justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the law of Moses. And then the precious results in Romans 4.
And verses 7:00 and 8:00 as to those who.
Receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior, Romans 47 say. Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiveness, happy are they and whose sins are covered. Blessed are happy and to who the Lord will not introduce them.
When the Lord speaks to her, he speaks of her faith.
When he speaks to Simon, he talks about her love.
All her salvation, all she got came to her to faith, and the Lord could turn to the other man to speak about her love.
Well, he values that.
Very silent and enjoyment of Christ was a sermon to others. I was thinking of what we have in connection with Lazarus when he sat at the table and the beast in Bethany. It's not recorded that he said one word. And yet we read that many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus because of the blazars, but he hadn't said anything.
All he had to do was live and breathe.
To be a testimony to the power of that one.
And is it not a testimony and a soul that gets saved? He just goes on living Christ.
Much better to live Christ than to preach Christ and not live it.
All right, brother.
Yes, I remember talking to a young man one day and he was all broken up here, Christian boy.
Because he wasn't able to testify, speak for Christ, he was reticent and he doesn't have all upset.
Well, I assured him that he didn't need to be upset. All he had to do was live. Christ, not. Not at all.
What's going on?
Mr. Darby says My own enjoyment of Christ.
Will be my testimony to my brother.
We were reading about.
The church at Smyrna.
Revelation Chapter 2, and we noticed that in Mr. Darby's translation that it really doesn't say anything about their works.
They were.
They were occupied with Christ.
In Christ.
Of the opposition.
And that's what he committed. Their lives were firm and it cost them dearly. Well, that was fruit. That was much fruit.
But yet the Lord says nothing about their works. So there is a one case where you can see the fruits and yet their works they couldn't drag a going out and doing this, that and the other thing.
There's no criticism of Smyrna, is there, brother? No criticism?
It is nice to notice that the Paris here was given testimonies to what she has done coming back to Luke 7.
But the Lord gave testimony of what she was doing in His presence.
Would you say that the fathers or those that have gone out on the path and reached some measure of maturity?
The 14th verse where he names the three classes again.
I have written unto you, fathers, because you have known him, that is, from the beginning.
Will express a little better what is meant by fathers him that is from beginning, the beginning. That's characteristic of this epistle isn't it's Christ and Christ.
Christ soul satisfies their hearts and minds and every other object is displaced.
And there's no, there's no progress there. You can't go farther than that. It's it's the very same wording in the 13th verse that it is in the 14th. I've written unto you, fathers, because they have known him, that is, from the beginning. And then in the 14th verse he just repeats the statement.
That is it. It can't go farther than being absorbed with the person of Christ.
That is the the very Acme of.
Christian mature the worthlessness of everything else with Christ.
Oh, so knowing him, that is from the beginning.
That characterized everything they didn't said in their whole life.
Well, John presents us the truth in the abstract, and I don't suppose there's anyone could ever say, well, now I have arrived at that point.
I've never met anyone, at least among us, that. Did Brother Harrison make that profession? No.
Different really, from an hour, but this is truth in the abstract.
But one had known Christ him that his from the beginning.
All everything they did instead would be in perfect accordance to his mind. All they never missed the path, they never stumble anyone from making.
Folks, move or comment in any way at all.
But there is that distinction in maturity that's recognized.
And a distinction too in the nature of the conflict which each class would face.
There are various stages in our Christian experience.
And various conflicts that accompany these different stages.
So that in the Father we have that maturity which is found a complete resting place in Christ. But when we come to the young men, we're right on the battlefield. Now we're.
Entrumpling It's a real it's a real struggle.
Regard the term father. It would be better for someone else than the person to apply to someone. That would be better for someone else that he's a father and for him to say I'm the father.
Nobody could apply it to themselves, but I have heard it applied to others.
That is, others say it of another brother, and we have seen some.
Who went on to that maturity?
Pause for a moment to see an illustration of this in the Apostle Paul.
Who writes?
To Timothy, and especially in his second and last letter.
For these difficult times.
When seducers waxing worse and worse but difficult for Christians, instead of writing to to Timothy in that epistle, he writes to the Saints of Philippi, and in chapter 2 about verse 20, he says.
I have no one that is like minded.
Who naturally cares for your state?
A lovely commendation of young Timothy, a truth that would well fit into his last epistle, but he does not address it to Timothy.
We're all loveliest. We're in Second Timothy and in these last days to see there was one that had a care for the Saints.
Well, the second class, the young man in the conflict, would give us to see that we're passing through a world where we can expect opposition.
They and John and his epistle, the last chapter he views the whole world.
This whole scene as lying in the lap of sin.
Notice that first.
This chapter in the 19th verse.
And we know that we are of God and the whole world, life and wickedness. I believe the other translation, the wicked one, isn't it? Yeah.
And of course, that word lie is the way a mother has a child in her lap. The whole world lies in the lack of of the wicked one of Satan.
Well, that's the world through which we.
Waves are Christian warfare.
And the young men are viewed here as in that world.
And are successful by the grace of God in overcoming the wicked one. That is, they're not viewed here as being defeated by him, but is overcoming.
The world views men according to the way they rise in.
The station may acquire in the world.
But the Christian is viewed as one who has combat with it.
Everything down here in this organized system that men have, which Satan is the God and Prince, tends to draw the soul away from Christ and make it worldly mindful.
Little bodies, or rather little apartments alive in our occupying the present time.
Now we get there an amazing amount of free advertising newspapers thrown at our door. They gather them up every morning. Sometimes it'll be 4 different ones, and the thing that is characteristic of them is the advertising of personalities.
This one has achieved this degree of success.
And the that part of the papers full of pictures such as want to receive this acclaim such and one received this decoration.
And it's all a celebrating of the achievement of different ones.
Well, is that what the Christian is looking for? Is he around seeking to get some badges and decorations and acknowledgements from the world?
But those papers are all of the world.
So they're old, brother. Age rule. Just put it. I believe that Christians should slip through this world as quietly as possible.
Well, that's that's good to hear some advice.
Not all to say that the higher you get in it, the closer you get to the Prince of it.
I heard Mr. Heaney say that Brother Wilson, perhaps he got it from Mr. Rule, I don't know. But I did hear Mr. Heaney say that I'm pretty sure I saw some writing.
Give us a difference of the differentiation between donations 1/4.
And second Timothy 410.
Relation 1/4 Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father. Then concerning demons in Second Timothy 410 For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved his presence in this world.
And is departed. I'm Professor not a, present population Paterson.
Not there simply in relations as it is in the sight of God, It will always be this present evil world.
But in Second Timothy, in regard to Demas, it's as he viewed it. He didn't look upon it as this present evil world. It was this present world, the way he viewed it, that carried him away.
The word there in both passages is the same word. It's this present evil age.
It gives a little different angle.
Is there such a thing as walking on the clean side of the Broad Rd. still still a Broad Rd.
The only child of God is passing through this world. I believe if he's walking in community with alarm, he would have the large viewpoint of it. He'd realize that it's an evil aid to these living in. But if he gets him imdued with success and things of that kind.
He won't look at it that way or look at it the place of opportunity.
Said, God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world. Now crucifixion was a formal death, that is, it was a decreed death. It wasn't mob violence, it wasn't stoning. Crucifixion was an enactment of the state.
He was condemned to be crucified. And when Paul looked at this world, he judged it as a condemned thing and that which had rejected his his Savior. He says, I I have formed a definite judgment of it. It's crucified to me. And when it looks at me, they see one that's opposed to it and outside of it. And they say we don't want you either.
I looked at him as one rejected.
Is in the last chapter.
One of the last verses, Galatians 614.
But that a vessel opens up with that other verse we had in chapter one, verse 4.
How that Christ?
Gave himself for us that he might deliver us from this present world.
So that the apostle.
In addressing those Saints at relationship where corrupters and troublers, legal teachers had come in to bring them back under the yoke of ******* of the law.
Paul starts right out by a clear breast declaration of the very purpose for which Christ died.
That he might deliver from his present evil world. So that verse in the end shows his absolute, his conclusion about the whole matter crucified in the world, worlds crusading.
As we were saying before.
Is this present evil age?
The particular character of this time in which we live.
Particularly the character of this particular time in which we live well in Galatians 614.
It's another word, and it's the whole organized system.
Of this world here, away from God, that is. The emphasis isn't on this particular age of it, but it's the whole organized system of prostate from God. So.
In the fourth verse He's delivered from this present evil age and in the 14th verses crucified this.
The world is crucified unto him.
The whole organized scene crucified unto him, and he to him.
New young people.
May you always remember.
That this whole organized system around us is the same system that rejected your Lord and mother.
And it would do the same if we came back. They do not want them. They do not want the things of God. And you cannot go on hand in hand with the world and be faithful to Christ.
Will you tell us what one of your bosses said to you at your work there on that point?
While we were reading it, I was reading in my own arm.
All because you don't see that stuff and that's why I do the bottom of my heart and I have to be reading.
The unbodling, the Sinner and the honey, I read Those will be very.
All right, I came back. I'd be the first one out there to help do it again and he managed to work.
As there is reckoned with God, I believe the weapons. Tell me about all the things just quickly because I just Brother Isaiah 53.
And I think it's first read that he killed his five.
I've always been impressed by that experience of our brother because it's it's so to the point.
Just unprovoked and make a statement like that. He just simply told he told it out. Maybe in the heart of it, but he told it out.
I think of what the apostle says in First Corinthians four and eight, a few verses right there. Now ye are full. Now ye are rich, yet reigned as kings. Without us I would to God he did reign, that we also might reign with you.
For I think that God has set forth us, the apostles last, as it were appointed to death, for we are made a spectacle of the world angels.
We are fools for Christ sake, but ye are wise in Christ. We are weak, but ye are strong your honorable, but we are despised even under this present hour. We both hunger and thirst, and are naked and are busted, and have no certain growing place and labor, working with our own hands, being reviled with blessed being persecuted, we suffer it. Being defamed, we intreat we are made as a belt of the world.
And are the offscouring of all things under this day I write not these things to shame you, but as my beloved sons, I warn you.
Well, that was the place the world gave him.
Paul told them they were raining too soon.
The raining time would come, but they were trying to rain ahead of time.
Are we not living in days when the Corinthian state characterizes?
Most of us in this United States.
Remember that God has had a controversy with this wicked, sinful scene ever since Calgary and we haven't done 330-3336, the wrath of thought of Biden.
Those that belong.
Rejecting Christ and then second Peter 3.
And reading from verse 5.
For this they willingly are ignored by the word of God.
The heavens were old, and the earth standing out of the water in the water whereby the world that Ben was being overflowed with water, perished.
The heavens and the earth which are now.
By the same word of empty store, reserve down to fire against the day of judgment and the petition of a godly name.
I would not to be caught in the vortex of this we can see.
And we will get hold of it into our inner being that this world cast model up. He was rejected here, and I needn't expect any better. If I'm faithful, it will cover all our thinking.
When things come up that look big in the world.
We'll think less of them. We'll we'll judge them according to what we know, What Scripture will judge them as a judge thing. The thing that God has judged. The thing that crucified Christ. The thing that doesn't want it. The thing that doesn't want us if we're paid.
I like to rehearse.
A little incident that Brother Heaney told me about.
Being in some city, I think he was not accustomed to be there visiting there, and a brother took him around and showed him a number of the.
Of the things that the city might boast in great buildings and monuments and this kind of thing. So when they got through and asked brother he well, brother he why didn't they do it well, he said. I would think that wonderful with one exception.
Well, what was that? Well, he said. On everything you showed me, I saw something written that spoiled it.
I said I didn't. What do you see?
Reserve under fire.
Isn't that the truth?
All the man boosting reserved on the fire.
And that goes for.
The fancy buildings of religion as well as all the rest.
Everything's coming down, we're going up.
Knows nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing of fancy. Religious bills, physical Billings, nothing of them. Christianity. He always knows.
The Lord said.
There isn't a secret stone or brick or bull anywhere on the face of the Earth today.
And they were trying to compete with Solomon's temple. They come for sure.
That belonged to another age.
The most beautiful, elaborate, expensive building ever built into the world.
The cost of it was, well, it was fabulous beyond reckoning.
We were speaking about my brother showing Brother Heenie all these sights from a pipe building. I think reminds me what we have in Luke 4.
And cross five and the devil in connection with temptation, the law of temptation.
And the memo taking him up into the high mountain showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. But when we turned the second chapter of Ephesians in verse seven, we find that, well, I think they've ages to come to show the exceeding riches of His grace and his kindness towards. But then along before the eyes of the Lord, the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time just going to thank the whole of eternity. That's lesson 1.
To show us the exceeding riches of His grace. That's very precious, brother. I never noticed that before.
That contrast.
Oh, what would you say as to the latter part of the 13th verse?
Right under you, little children, because you've known the father.
Well, I don't know that, Yeah.
They Well, they made why There's a sense of the relationship.
May not be anything else.
But there is that sense of relationship.
Those infant syllables, you know.
And absorb stand for the spirit of his Son and of our hearts, crying his Father in himself will face a sense of relationship.
There is some sign out of Father. The Lord did use that very expression, did he not?
Finding marks gospel.
In connection with that, let me read the Romans 8/15/16 and 17.
Romans 815.
Might be got the 14th 1St, for as many as are led by the Spirit of God. They are the sons of God.
For you have not received the spirit of ******* again to fear, but you have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cross about Father the Spirit himself, Beth witness with our spirit that we are.
Children of God, and the children then aired, aired the cough and joint heirs of Christ. If so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
They call attention criticizing that 16th verse your appointment two times missed.
The spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit. Now it doesn't say that he bears witness to our spirit.
But he bears witness with our spirit.
In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. Now here we have two witnesses.
The spirit itself beareth witness, and our own spirit bears witness. To whom do they bear witness? To me as an individual.
Bear witness to me that we are children of God. That's very important, yes.
Met a sister one time.
He's elderly sister and after speaking about being in dwelt by the Holy Spirit of God, she said after the Sunday school hour. And she said I've been, I've been saved 30 years before I realized that precious truth about position of the Holy Spirit of God.
And we miss a great deal miss that realization.
Every Christian is.
That's important. The Bible knows nothing.
Of two classes of Christians, some that have the Spirit and some that don't.
They have not the spirit of spices, none of his.
Hear no Having believed he were sealed, that Holy Spirit of promise. I'm quoting Mr. Darkest translation. Having believed he received. That's when it took place.
About 13.
And we have nothing to do with it whatsoever.
Our responsibility is to believe.
And it's thought that assumes the responsibility. I say that reverently of sealing that faith.
You can't get out of it if you wanted to.
First chapter.
Six verse.
This very thing that he which has been done a good work in you will perform it or read the margin if you have a margin Bible.
We'll finish it.
Until the day of Jesus Christ.
Now if there's any possibility of.
Of failing halfway to heaven, then that verse ought to be stricken out of the Bible.
Because the Spirit of God says here he that begun a good work, and you will finish it until the day of Jesus Christ.
There will be no half saved people among the regions, in the regions of the law. No half saved people. Neither is becoming good work, and you will finish it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Long deep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and I get under them eternal life, and they shall never perish. Neither shall any man duck them out of my head. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all.
And no man is able to talk about my father's hands. Hi, my father won't. I remember from illustration of the president of that portion, an elderly sister was conversing with an atheist, and she was assuring him or giving him a testimony concerning her assurance that she was a child of God. And she said in his hand.
He said. But listen, he said. You might slip between his fingers, he said. That's impossible. I'm one of these fingers.
Members of the Body of Christ.
In that verse, the sixth verse, there first the Philippians. They responsibility there is on the part of God. Not one is likely to connect that with the 9th and 10th verses in the same chapter.
This I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in all knowledge, in knowledge and all judgment may approve the things that are excellent. She may be sincere and without offense to the day of Christ. There is my responsibility walking in the courts with what is given to us in that six verse.
Redemption all enough. And the 4th chapter of Ephesians and the 30th verse whereby we are still and through the day of redemption. In the first chapter we told in whom we have redemption through His blood, even the beginning of sins. It's not a contradiction, is it? We have saved our souls are already saved, being redeemed by the precious Blood of Christ.
But then I suppose, which refers to the redemption of the body, that is from the law in the.
It's mentioned that way in Romans, isn't it?
We feel until the day when we're home and whipping light, correct?
They work. They work the basis of redemption.
Is completed, but the benefits are not all realized yet.
Yes, it's Romans 8.
Where we get we're waiting for the body.
And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit.
Even we ourselves grown within ourselves, waiting for the adoption to witness the redemption of the body.
Well, of course the price has all been paid.
No question about that.
But the moment hasn't arrived or making it good to us. But it's it's in the list of what God has for us.
Very precious When the Lord said to his disciples, will ye also go away? Peter said, The womb, shall we go along? Thou hast the word of eternal life.
You finished it for me.
Our glass is large. I'm asking where.
We believe in the show power to Christ.
Say, well, I don't feel sad, but wrong. We were together in the veteran, possibly Des Moines. We met a man like that. And you gave a very timely, powerful illustration on thermometer to repeat that question.
Well, I've given that illustration so many times. Perhaps some are. We're hearing it, but I don't know it better.
There are two things that compose a thermometer, the scale and the tube of mercury.
Well, the scale never changes. I can look at that scale 365 days a year and it's always the same.
But when I look at that mercury.
Why? It's up and down, especially in some parts of the country. I knew one place where the record was that the mercury changed 100° in 24 hours.
It's constantly changing.
Well, now my standing in Christ is as unchanging as the person of Christ himself, my standing in Christ.
But my spiritual state is as unstable as the mercury end of the month. It's up and down, up and down.
But oh thank God, are getting to heaven is not dependent on our state, but on our standing in Christ.
Is that all right?
There is now, therefore, no condemnation to them that are in Christ gives.
John, the second chapter, the 39th, 40th verse.
I mentioned the Father's will, which has certainly been of all which he hath given me. I should lose nothing which should raise it up again the last day. And this is the will of him that sent him, and everyone would see in the sun and believe about him, may have everlasting life. And I will raise him up in the last day. Then in the pistol, John, the third chapter, the first worship the whole lot of manner, without the Father before the promise that we should be called with the sons of God, the children of God. Therefore the world knows us, not because of new His life.
Beloved, nor are we the Son of the God and the devil. Yet approved we shall be.
But we know that when he shall appear, we should be like him, for we shall see him as he is, and every man or one attractive hopefully purify himself. Even his cure. For these verses are looking on beyond the ones that we have in the second Job, Lord has a promise to raise him up, because he came through the Father's will.
But here now, these versions of Christ, each one of us to give us, flipped out of the future. We're going to be like Christ. We look at ourselves down as many things connected with us. It's not like Christ, but we're going to be like here. And we're going to see Him as He is. And we have that messenger now, soon coming. We should purify hope. Notice the middle of that verse you read.
You read it as though it read, but we know.
That when you shall appear.
I've seen someone who would read it more like this, but we hope that when he show up where we should be liking.
It might be of help to some to call attention.
The English here is a bit confusing. Every man that had this hope.
That's the hope of his return.
That, that half, this hope not in himself.
But in him every man that had this hope, in him, the one above, if he does, what effect does it have on his life?
Terrorize himself even as he is pure. That is, there's a constant self judgment goes on in view of that pure one that may appear anytime.
That's important to have to work it for Washington waterfront agents.
I believe, Brother Whitaker, that we do well to remember in the Old Testament economy.
They would offer a lamb in the morning and a lamb in the evening.
I believe it's a wholesome thing.
For the Christian family to have the reading of the word in the morning and the reading of the word in the evening.
If you'll pardon a personal reference.
My wife and I, when we were first married, we were of one mind.
That that should be a part of the routine of our household.
And through the wondrous grace of God, we've been able to keep it up through these many years, and I believe it's been one of the most blessed and wholesome things in our lives together.
That reading the word together in the morning and having prayer and again at night.
I don't think we can overemphasize the importance of it, but nowadays with the hectic life that many people are living and the high pressures.
Sad to say, the family readings are disappearing.
It's sad, but it's true, isn't it?
In many homes and family, reading is disappearing.
Most of the week, that's good to eat and 51.
Of the on the old.
Another land of.
Anything else?
I remember it going visiting with Mr. Potter, thinking him about visiting, which I did on many occasions.
And I've heard the old gentleman.
On more than one occasion, say to the one whom we're visiting.
Say in his kindly genial way.
Well, sister, and what did you read this morning?
Well, sometimes it was a bit embarrassing.
Well, Brother Potter, we listen to it. We just didn't have time or take time this morning to read. We usually do, but we didn't read this morning and there might be various kinds of excuses.
Supposing that it was a sister or a brother or whichever it happened to be. And he said, Well, we had the first John second chapter this morning.
Well, he's saying that's a lovely portion. Should he turn to it, look at it a little bit, and then he opened the word and give some of those precious things that that he could give us very few food. Well, I thought the gracious way in which it did it was very nice, and yet it serves the condoms.
What we have the same tactics of the enemy today as the Israelites experience. We're not ignorant of Satan's devices, but we find in negative I believe it is that's.
The enemy, while seeking to drive out of the hearts and minds of chosen people, all thought of God, Get out the tail of bricks or else and take away the straw.
Give them no time for meditation. Well, your question.
Dear brother in the mind mentioned that precious necessity of reading prayer, meditation and he said we have to have RPM in the engineering world. He said we need it in our daily Christian wildlife reading, prayer and medication RPM.
92 And it's a good thing to give time and alarm, and the sweet praises unto thy name almost high, to shove off their loving kindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night.
In second Peter one we have there in connection with faith. Having your faith, don't you? Virtue, knowledge, the first two things that are mentioned?
Often been mentioned that spoken of the virtue was moral courage.
Well, do we not get that through prayer?
Where we're able to meet face the world well in the knowledge is in the reading of the world. The two must go together.
If we have the one without the other.
He might become.
Mystical, fanatical. If we had the knowledge without the prayer, it might be more of a intellectual approach.
So we need the two together, do we not?
Keep it going on in community. I believe so.
The connection was allowed, just mentioned. I've enjoyed this connection with the Lambda scripture.
And Genesis 2822 verse 8 by Abraham said my son God will provide himself a lamb from burned off and not for sin offering. So the lamb there I think it was magon himself. The death of Christ was first of all the glory of God and then in the 12Th chapter of Exodus we have their land for a house and then on the 29th go straight to us, we have a lamb from nature.
29 You have a lamb for the whole world to hold, the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. And in the 5th chapter of the Revelation we have the whole creation joins inscribing glory to the Lamb of the slain.
State of Atlanta They have a Leviticus that the priest had their wonderful privilege after speaking the blood and so forth, offering, offering, they were defeat on the wave breast and the shoulder. Breast Infections of Christ the show respect. If we're meditating and feeding upon affections of Christ and love for us, and if our strength is shoulder, we'll be living in His presence. We'll be kept in fellowship and that's the only thing it will keep us because we all have the formal nature.
We're directing the dead.
Wild season bearing the death of Christ. We directness there. The only remedy for us is to be feeding on the proper kind of food, the land.
Increase all beating on the affections of Christ, and the strength of Christ is that not it.
I heard this saying and I think it's helpful. It's not a Riddle with me at all.
We were speaking a moment ago about the Christian that said he doesn't feel safe.
If you want to be disappointed.
Look inside you.
You want to be disappointed? Look inside.
If you want to be distracted, look around.
If you want peace and joy, look above.
I believe that's a very timely.
Comparison very timely.
We'll never get any peace in our souls as long as we look on the inside.
Because the more we discover of that old evil nature.
The more abhorrent it is, and we'll get under the under the discouragement of the weight, the burden of it. But why don't we believe what God has said about it, that it's so bad it's hopeless?
And he's done with it. And the death of Christ. Let's leave it where he puts it and then enjoy what we have in Christ.
And and said that the Christian, when he failed, is subject to two ministries. One is the Spirit of Christ, and the Spirit of Christ points us to Christ.
He's also subject to the ministry of Satan and Satan, pointing to himself and to his faith.
With this tree happen that brother? Or does this have some other application Colin 3?
13 and 14 flipping 312.
Not as though I had already obtained either already perfect, but I followed that, if that I may apprehend that which also I'm apprehended in the Christ Jesus.
I thought not really South of Africa, but this one thing I do, or getting gold thing, which are behind and reaching farther the ghosting which are before I press toward the mark for the size of the high volume of God in Christ Jesus is the Father going forward-looking off of him rather than looking back on our plunders. What is it called? Well, yes, Lord may include more than the blunders.
It might include what we thought was ours.
Success. Maybe we shouldn't be occupied with that, but it is looking off on the Lord as the one who has completed the path of faith and we follow after. Christopher Willis made me up, motto made it a percent to me. I don't know what translation it is, where he got it, but he translates that 14 first, first part down to the goal I press.
Down to the goal I press.
And the patient Leviticus had to have fins and scaled in there.
And defended to get upstream, to be able to keep the world up.