1 John 2:13-17

1 John 2:13‑17
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Him numbers 234.
I think well brother to keep on with this chapter.
If you would think so.
Seems to me to be a profitable portion.
Well, we can't seem to guess going on the top of the world.
We could stop the verse 15, brother, could we?
Lie above that would be just.
About the young man.
That's good.
Which verses 13? Where is John 2 and 13?
I right under your father because you have known him, that is from the beginning.
I write on you, young man, because you have overcome the wicked ones. I write unto you a little children, because you have no father.
I have written unto you, Father, because you have known Him, that is from the beginning.
I've written unto you, a young man, because you're strong, and the Word of God abides in you. You have overcome.
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in you.
For all of us in the world, the lust of the flesh.
And the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father of the world.
And the world passes away in the lust thereof. And you can do it, the will of God abide it forever.
Little children, it is the last time, and that as you have heard that Antichrist have come. Even now are there many antichrists, whereby we know that it is the last time.
They went out from us, but they were not others, for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us.
But they went out.
They might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
But you have an option from the Holy One that we know all things.
I've not written on you because you don't know the truth, but because you know it and have no lies of the truth.
Who is a liar, but he the denial of Jesus is the Christ, the amount of Christ that denies the Father, the Son.
Russo, who never denied the son.
Same as not the father, that he that acknowledges the son.
Have the father also.
Let's out there for abiding which you have heard from the beginning.
Is that what you have heard from the beginning shall remain in you. He also shall continue in the Son and in the Father.
This is the problem that He has promised us even eternal life. These things have I written. Have I written of you concerning them that seduce you?
But the anointing which you have received of Him abide within you, and He did not that any man teach you.
But as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, that is true, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, He shall abide in him.
And now our little children abide in him, that when he shall appear we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him that he's confidence.
If you know that he is righteous, you know that everyone that doeth righteousness is born at you.
I think our brother Barry mentioned yesterday that there were three classes of Christians here in this portion.
We have little children.
Whose sins are forgiven?
Well, that's judicial forgiveness, brethren, there and then we have fathers who know Christ.
And then we have young men.
Who have overcome Satan? So we have three classes of Christians here, don't we?
Little ones with little children.
Sins forgiven and fathers who have known him from the beginning. Of course there the Gospels reveal that beloved.
The Gospels reveal that Blessed One from the beginning.
And then we have young men.
And then we address the beginning of the 14th verse.
Three classes again.
And in addressing the young man.
Them through the 15th, 16th, and 17th verses.
Then beginning with the 17th verse.
Adjustments of faith again.
What we call intention Saturday the fact.
That little children is really children in the first person.
I believe in the 12Th.
But little children in the 13 verse and also in the 18th verse, there's another word in the Greek gold, and it's really little children are paid, that is the youngest members of the family.
Impossible, begins his address by.
Speaking to the oldest Americans of the family called the father.
And you're going to be there. But they have told him that is from the beginning.
That's the beginning of this person, because that was from the beginning that we have heard, that we have looked.
Which we have seen with our eyes and our hands have handled over the word of life.
It strangled before us. It falls.
The light of our best Lord, of His incarnation, to His exaltation and glory.
Now these fathers.
Have a special enjoyment and communion with that blessed one.
And maybe there are class that have found out the emptiness of the world.
There are plants that have just the place, because the place always hinders the injustice of Christ in the soul.
This has learned the emptiness of this world.
I suppose as we think of the apostles Paul, when he said, I count all things of course, for the Excellency of the knowledge in Christ Jesus my Lord, and gives us little description of the Father. What does the world mean to the apostle Paul?
Serving at all, he calls it.
He's out of the account that I might win, Frank.
And having an importance himself for the double thinking that he was willing to be nothing.
Christ might be everything in his enjoyment of his soul. You don't see any self occupation in one who is indeed a Father.
And I would just like to say this, brethren too, that while I'm sure there isn't one in our midst that was presumed to call himself a father.
For if one did, that would be simply the proof he wasn't a father because he was picking some recognition stuff.
But this is true.
That we can enjoy and be occupied with that which?
As belonging to the Father.
That is a big and enjoy him letters from the beginning.
As much as the father, he is a mature in his knowledge of that less of one hasn't experienced the emptiness of the scene.
And the house is perhaps counted all things along the price, but he can certainly enjoy him at the beginning.
Paul could say Brother Barry that I know. He didn't say I know.
What I have believed, but he could say, I know who whom I have believed. It was the realization of the person of Christ.
And he again says that I might know him.
And the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his suffering, being made conformable unto his death.
And so when we look at the case, this case of the fathers, we think of maturity, beloved.
In the knowledge of that blessed person.
I know whom I have believed.
I believe that it resolves itself as not into.
Are those two lines of thing here either it's price or self because when we come to the to the warnings left not the world.
We have all that pertains to the the desires of the natural man.
And it's to please self.
But there's only one thing that will keep us from it.
We can't. We can't keep ourselves in these, right? Wants to have an object.
Christ is the object will be preserved, and I believe that's the importance of that thought, knowing Him from the beginning.
The constancy of Spirit that would keep Christ before the eye of heart continually.
Because the world.
Is the way that the enemy uses to attract the heart, but he uses himself.
What is it that places myself that's the thought, in contrast to what is it that pleases the Lord?
And so when I think of the Lord Jesus.
I think of one never, never once deductively himself.
He proved that that love serves.
Serves others not sell.
I'm among you as one that served, and he's serving today as he got.
And in fact, he learned that he will serve for all eternity those that he loves. The moment we see him, he's going to come forth and serve his own. But that's just the opposite of the principle that we have here. You're worried about?
The the desires of the of the flesh and this reaches into every part of our life.
Because think of we get up in the morning, what do we think? The first thing ourselves, what we're going to do unless we have the day started with this better option.
That's what controlled their life itself.
I'll certainly important word for us as we get older that there should be this heart for the people of God with us and a desire that enough to take a position but rather have a heart for the family of God. I believe that's what Paul what meant when he said that so he have 10,000 structures in Christ yet have he not many fathers.
And so the father has a heart for the family.
Had the suspended remarks, there has been growth.
But it's not so much Sparkly takes the position as that he displays the love for the people of God and knowledge of the things of God that is a help to others and things that are very important. And it's right before us in the 13th of earth. And then again, the very same words. It's the only.
Instance that is.
When he's addressing the fathers, he says in the 13th verse I have written, I write up you fathers because you have all happened in from the beginning.
And that is the 14th verse I have written unto you, Father, because you have known him. That is from the beginning when he is speaking to the young man and to the babe. There's quite a different message in the 13th verse and then in the 14th verse under saw that it shows that maturity. So let it be in a allow for the people of God. And I say again, I think that as we get older, we take these things to heart.
So that we might leave that example before our brethren, and that love for them that serves them, that seeks their blessing. But not a question here of progress, is not of a the Father's heart. I believe our brother London was keeping out of having Christ before us.
Well, if we have Christ before us and what to believe is and then we think about that all of Christ, our gears are different.
Well, surely we will think about them too, because if they're dear to Christ, we will want to be an encouragement to them enough and a help to them, and we will love them.
And so I believe the key is that brother 1 gene.
Breaking your cars is to have Christ before a desire to please Him, and surely this will regulate many other things.
Now the question arises, might just apply it practically.
Our hearts, what is it? Half Christ before us, what you say?
Well, it's safe to be everything you speak of. The Philippian epistle lies our life, our positives, our strengths, our.
Examples is everything to us, isn't they?
I was thinking too that putting it practically, that the way we can do it is to read the gospel. That someone had said that we want our hearts warm, we should redesign.
The instructor, we read the epistle that we have our hearts, Part 2, of course, but especially the gospel. We have the person before us and it works. And so if we want our heart to warm, we want to be filled with monopoly. We treat the gospel.
In this epistle.
We have, I suppose, for my today principally.
Dividing light set forth as it is in the believer.
In the Gospel of John is divine life as is seen in Christ, and it walked down here as the Son of God.
Well, the manifestation of divine life in the Lord Jesus Christ was perfect, but he not is not perfect. But that's why we need an epistle like this. We need these expectations. We need help.
That there might be a better manifestation of divine might than us.
And then they address to the young men, he says. I write on you young men.
Because you have overcome the wicked ones.
And you get the function from the holy or the nouns.
Unless in contrast with the wicked one, or see the Satan manifest his character in connection with his hatred to Christ.
The wickedness for all of faith.
Was showing us a cross where he lived the whole world.
Through the Cross of Calvary.
He is opposing anything that will bring honor to that Lesson 1.
Now the young men are looked upon as those who have overcome that that wicked wise.
And if we want to Passover the base, but we might just touch on that and then continue with a four.
Description of the young man.
For his first addressing the faith, you know the 13th 1St says because he has known the Father.
That is, they know God is their Father.
And that shows that the ones who are looked upon as the base.
Have just a newborn soul but yet?
It can be said of those newborn souls that they have the Spirit of God indwelling.
Because there's the Spirit that witnesses to our spirit that we are the children of souls. So the apostle takes them.
Apostle Paul takes up that up in the 8th chapter. Romans has sent forth the spirit of his Son into your heart crying, have a father.
My dear brother, close to the very emphatic man in a way of expressing himself, and he made this remark. He says if you can look up and hold God your Father, he says you've got the Holy Spirit.
Well everyone that can look up and say God is my Father, he doesn't have to be disturbed about whether or no he is his wealth of the spirit of all if he is.
For the Spirit of God witnesses through the soul.
That we're we're his children.
And we're brought into that relationship.
So it shows one who is born again and indwelt by the Holy Spirit.
Doesn't merely have some quick install as fastened through a lot of exercise.
How to get Job delivered? What is one who is really acquainted with God as his Father?
As a blessing thing, isn't that?
And the wireless address.
Where the the oldest believer in the Lord Jesus can rejoice in that and God is our Father.
Well then we can go on to the to the second address to the young men in the 14th 1St where he says, I have written unto you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and you have overcome the wicked ones.
Now in the description of the young man in that verse, we get the reason why they abort the wicked one.
The first thing is that the word of God that you are strong.
Well, they're possible call and addressing the believers in the 6th chapter of Ephesians, he says he's strong in the Lord and the power of his mind. Then we read of those that are strong in faint and in glory to God.
Being fully persuaded the body of promise, he is able also to perform.
Describes those who are not.
Taking strength in their own efforts or occupied with their own.
For their own.
The apostle says when I am weak, then of my strong, that is when we feel our own weakness and help.
That's when the true strength of God is granted to us.
Well then, the word of God by the venue.
That's not just some portion of the word, some favorite vocal passage of the words, but it's the Word of God in its entirety.
And in order to overcome faith.
One must.
Be acquainted with all God precious words.
When was That means a lot of diligence and maybe much self sacrifice and self denial.
And not fill your time up with things that will crowd out the Word of God out of your life. Then the outcome of it all is the best wicked enemies faith who is seeking to rob your soul and spoil your testimony. You've overcome it.
But let's say rather marry that so the spin. So you go ahead, go ahead, you go ahead. Oh, I was just going to mention the the value of this is brought out in the temptations of the Lord Jesus in Luke 4.
There we have that marvelous reply to Satan. It is written.
It is written. That's all he would say to that great enemy of soul.
It is written full of value.
Of the written word, of God's Word. And I was thinking concerning young men, which we will hope to deal a little later when it comes to the question of the conflict of youth with Satan.
And the world. But how true it is, Beloved. There is a great need for youth to store in their hearts and minds the precious Word of God.
And in that way we are.
Don't you think so? Yeah, you mentioned the.
Those things in which the Lord Jesus seen in the wilderness of National. In the end I was thinking of the verses that he used. Brother Smith.
He connects with what our brother Mary was saying, how we need the whole word of God.
And the heart used 2 verses not leaving one chapter and Deuteronomy.
And another from another person, another chapter. The point is this, that although we do need the whole word of God.
Yet will never be tried above what you're able and the youngest believer if he only knows one verse.
He can. He can use that verse against the enemy.
He doesn't need to use his reef.
I believe that we have that.
In the in the wilderness with the Lord Jesus was tried and we see him using that those verses out of that one book, possibly to show us that it isn't the largest of knowledge, but it's dependence and is using what we do have when he's given us. It might be the smallest thing who has only learned one verse.
Daily preserved if he uses the word of God against the other and not his reason, but you agree with that? Yeah, sure, that's true. Although there is the need of diligence in the word, Yes, all that will be fully equipped for the attacks of the enemy.
For instance, then what you're just speaking about the Lord quoting from the book of Deuteronomy. Well, there's a reason for that. You see, the Lord was in the land, the perfect man in the land of Israel. All right, you took the the book of Numbers, you get instructions.
For people journey through the wilderness, but Deuteronomy was specially instruction for dogs. People actually were settled in the land of Canaan.
Well, the Lord rightly divided the word of truth.
Against the hell, they have a special word.
More of a position that he occupied at that time. So we need to have the word as who are church position and responsibilities and going on to the people of God because faith and tribes divide and scattered of faith.
So we need to have the whole word of God, and then if we're independent, the Spirit of God will bring the various scripture that is needed for that particular occasion. Now, if we neglect reading the words, the Spirit of God is not going to perform a miracle and bring a word that we're not acquainted with for us to use at the time of need. It's a word that we have already.
Read and perhaps meditated upon.
And enjoy it. And suddenly here where faith will with a situation, I think the Spirit of God brings a scripture that we have read and thought about before, and He brings that to our mind in the divine way to meet the attack of the enemy. Yes, I was thinking of that too, brother. The great need of the whole Word of God to see. Satan can quote the Word of God too, but he doesn't finish it.
He shall give thee God, give God concerning thee, but he doesn't finish that to keep thee in all thy ways. And beloved for young men and women, especially those who are going through school.
We're not decrying education at all. We're not talking about that. We're talking about the dangers of modernistic teachings.
There are many books that are being published and I'm surprised when I see them on the bookshelf.
As one who has been a lone missionary for years, away from these libraries, you'll find books that are that do contain.
Wonderful portions of the Word of God.
But those portions are not rightly applied, and neither are they always.
Quoted in their context, according to the context. Oh yes, you'll find plenty of books, dear young people.
That are crammed with the word of God, but twisted, not rightly applied, all for the need of discernment. There is a conflict with young men and Satan, young men and the world, young men and some problems that respond. It must be really it was really nowadays.
When we were young fellows, but how really must be today?
All you dear young men and women.
Be saturated as Mr.
Called Walter Scott used to say the saturated young men with the word of God read it.
Daily and meditate upon it.
Be saturated with a whole word of God. Well, I thought that rather, I trust that that's agreeable to you.
I just want to quote that word. Brother Smith and found who were in there funny. Water is clean.
That's the biggest.
The fountains where there's plenty of water clean. That was the test, but it not the.
The whole word of God being enjoyed in the soul.
I'm going to make a remark about the the book of Deuteronomy.
I believe it's been remarked that it's the Book of Obedience.
Of course, we do find a lot of instructions in connection with obedience. That is what the children of Israel were to do. What would be expected of them when they got into the land of Canaan?
And if they were obedient, that would show that they were dependent. Well, I think it's lovely to see that the Lord quoted from that book of obedience indicating His dependence, and He was not going to do anything and He did not have a word for.
And certainly this is good for opportunity. If there's if there's not a word as far as to do a thing, we better not do it.
And are thinking of the scripture.
As a sort of an arrangement like a housekeeper might have.
A housekeeper has various articles in the house.
In different places and a good housekeeper keep effort certain things in that place of God has done the same thing.
He has put certain things in certain places in the Word of God and perhaps.
When Paul was telling Timothy hold fast upon words, this is what he had in mind. Find out.
Where the different things belong, and when you need a certain portion, a certain teaching, a certain thought, you will know where to go and find it. Now, God hasn't given us a book that's all jumbled up. No, there's an outline of things there.
And this is something I believe we should be concerned about holding fast the form of sound words, you're getting an outline or scope of scripture.
I was impressed with the Barry too, what you mentioned about the book of Deuteronomy.
And numbers.
I would suggest a way of reading the scriptures. I don't want to impose myself at all, but during many years that the Lord has saved me.
I've sought to read Genesis with the Gospel.
And of course, Exodus goes beautifully with X and Romans.
Leviticus fits in perfectly with Hebrew.
And Numbers is the wilderness book of the Old Testament that goes beautifully.
With Philippians in the news.
But yesterday I was impressed when we read the book of Joshua. Well, it's nice to read Ephesians there. And it does unfold something of the wondrous unity and the perfection of divine rich.
Joshua lives defeat.
Judges reads perfectly with Galatians and what better combination than Ruth with my Diva and so on.
It is has been to me been a very specific toy to read in that way the whole scope of God's holy Word. Friends, so blessed or we cannot press this too much this morning, beloved, concerning young men who are strong.
But when Timothy, when Paul writes to Timothy, says to Timothy, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.
How can we be strong, beloved, if we don't eat?
If we don't feed, how can we be strong? Beloved young men, how can you be strong if you don't feed upon God's precious words and get on your knees?
Before love.
In the morning and in the mid. In midday too, and in the evening.
A little outline that has been helping for me.
Is this?
In in the packages, that is, in the first five books of the Bible, we got the figures on the sufferings of Christ.
Then when you come to the Psalm, you get the feeling of the sufferings of Christ.
Then in the prophets you get the foretellings of the sufferings of Christ. In the gospel you Get the facts of the suffrage of Christ. In the epistles you get the proof of the sufferings of Christ.
Very good, good. And I love to think of the Psalms. Brother Anderson, you can have a, you can find the Pentateuch there.
Psalms 1 to 41 is the genesis of the Poms, and 42 on to 72 The exodus of the Psalms.
And 7289 Leviticus with the Psalms and 89 to 107 you get Deuteronomy of the Psalms and so on to the.
Numbers rather end Deuteronomy the final.
The last portion of the song I believe you get a Pentateuch there beloved, there in the *.
I've heard it said and I think it's helpful.
That all scripture is for us.
That all scripture is not written a service or directed to us.
So much in the Old Testament director who another people?
That God with blessing on earth.
Then we find that.
It gave them instructions.
But just you guys bringing out all those beautiful pipes shadows, so they're most possible and constructive and excellently truth of the New Testament. But many of the things in the Old Testament if we tried to.
Take that *** address to ourselves at this time we go wrong. That is, we take up arms and go and fight our enemies.
Was entirely contrary to the teaching of our blessed Florida Savior.
When we come to the New Testament, and especially the instruction in the epistles, we have what the Spirit of God addresses through the Church of God and as we're members of the body of Christ, which is the church.
We have special instructions for ourselves living.
And this day and dispensation.
So we see that.
Part all through the word. For instance, when Peter and John would have called down fire, James and John would have called down fire heaven like Elijah. The Lord said you know not what spirit you are up. That will have stood into a day under the law, but it wouldn't do for a day.
Was manifesting grace for he says I came out to destroy men's life. But to say so the mix up 1 dispensation with another dispensation is very misleading. So all those things are helpful for all of us, especially young believers.
To recognize that we need the whole word of God, but we need.
For our day and time and the path that we're following position into which grace has brought us, we need faithful instruction for this very time.
In which our lot is kept in this 14th verse.
And we have the expression overcome the wicked love. Now he doesn't always present himself to that character, does he? He may present himself in a way that seemed very pleasing. In Hebrews we find Moses.
Suffering the collection with the peace of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.
We're lost here. Could be translated desire.
It's the same word, is it not?
And it takes in all language to the flesh.
Loves to go out. It isn't just something like we speak of in the way of murder or that sort of thing. It's anything the flight takes up with the police itself.
And that's the the thing that's to be avoided. That's not here. We have it all included.
In the lust of the first love, not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
Any man loves the world, the love of the father is not in him. So everything that belongs to the old order of things that we have left, it's like the leaks in the garlic Sabine.
It belongs to another line of things. We've left it and the believer is seen in a new position now. And here's the young man he's.
Is overcome the wicked ones seen in his true life.
Being occupied with Christ, we see that it all belongs to the wicked one. No matter what character it comes in, it may be pleasing.
Now we think of Saw when he was told to slave the Amalekites.
And he brought him the best for an offering to the Lord, but it wasn't acceptable. Was it because he was not obeying the word of God?
It's a question of obedience to the Word of God, as we learn in the early part of this chapter.
Referring to the word world here, brother. It's not this wondrous creation world. Well, it hasn't. It doesn't deal with that question here, but it's this diabolical spirit, beloved, that pervades everything in this scene.
The marvels of God's creative works. Marvelous. I was reading an article in the National Geographic and I was surprised to see that the writer had begun with these words.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows forth.
His handiwork or knowledge.
And I was surprised to read the account of the telescope.
In California, I think it's Hamilton.
That particular telescope on Mount Wilson had been trained for a long time on that back spot in the wet in the Milky Way. And our Indians talk about their black spot and they say, I mean, puts a, they mean they said just to say God lives there. The Indians say that Amy couldn't say this, the real words of the one true gods.
So they know that word God is up there. But I was surprised when the writer said that.
While they could never discover any lights in that back box.
With the telescope on Mount Wilson, with the new telescope, when he turned that onto that black spot, he fell backwards because of the blaze of innumerable lights of stars. Well.
The world.
'S greatest world's perfect monstrous beyond all descriptions of here, beloved.
It has a different sense. It's this diabolical spirit that pervades everything in this scene, and that's what we're not to love.
Anything that would break that communion with his heart of love for our fellowship is indeed is with the Father.
Jesus Christ, anything that would disturb or cause to break that sweet communion.
Enough to love it.
Of our thinking and our lives.
This is the system, isn't it? Of which God or Satan is the God. He's the God of this world. It's just like Pharaoh was king in Egypt.
Saw Satan is the God of this world. It's a whole system that he is controlling.
A young Christian in Bolivia said to me, Mr. Smith.
What am I to do, not to love it? And we turned over to Roman spells. May we just look there, friends.
First one, may we just read a few first two firsts there?
I beseech you, therefore, present by the mercies of God, and we have noticed in the translation work with the tense emergence of God, and how can we ever understand the 10 the Moses of God apart from Calgary.
That He present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, Which is your reason, Sir, and be not conformed to this world.
But the transformed by the renewing of your mind.
That he may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will God.
All dear young men.
If you will read carefully the first chapter of the Apostle Paul to the Athenians, you'll find in that first chapter series of.
Blessings which are all heavenly.
Not one is Earth.
Read them, underline them with your pencils, and among those seven specific blessings there that are all heavenly.
You find words like this.
Wisdom and Prudence, I remember asking one of our own brethren when I was a young man to explain those two words, and he said, Eric, Wisdom and prudence come in there as one of those heavenly blessings to think God's thoughts.
Never have forgotten it to think God's thoughts about it, and thus the apostle says concerning this world.
Don't be conformed to it. Don't go along with it.
In any of its aspects, its diabolical teachings and its diabolical practices don't go along with it.
But be transformed? Oh, that's a different word on it altogether.
Hands fall.
What shall we say about transport?
We read that Satan transforms himself into an Angel of light.
He used to be a running lion when I first went to Bolivia for the odd years ago, but today he transformed into an Angel of light.
And he's subtly working as such in this man too, and everywhere, as an Angel of light.
Oh, beloved young men.
He transformed just just the opposite to being conformed. You're transformed and how fast thinking God's thought, I obeying this word, I am solving this truth. There's no other way to transform your soul but by the living word of God with the power of His Holy Spirit.
Trust the need of diligence.
Diligent study the word of God. Well, I don't mention that, by the way.
It's the same diabolic spirit.
That pervades everything. I remember hearing our other flagging one time point of a contract that I thought was so very helpful in connection with the charms of this world and the glory of this world.
Imagine the encounter of Lord Visa in the temptation, how he was taken to an exceeding high often, that He saw all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them in a moment, and fine, but he had no time for him. He had come more from that external glory, and perhaps being a picture one must have been to him.
See the Kingdom of this world and the glory of that. He heard from them, and it only took a moment of time for him to beat them all. But then he turned up with me to sue. Where we read that in the ages of countless he might still the exceeding racism is great.
In his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. So I suppose that deliverance from this world and from the love of it, it is a measure in which we have the person of the Lord even before us and that major to us coming forward.
Is there a different Brother Smith?
Between the world and the things of the world.
The diabolical spirits the same.
I think all can you get lost brothers? Well, I was thinking that one might be very unworthy, and yet they gone silently.
And the looks of the world. And they're not careful.
Or fill their homes in a way that.
Just because of the world.
So that not to tell us really what conformity to the world is in this world of Romans. And they third verse it says that for I say through the grace given unto me to every man is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think. This is the whole principle of the world. That's what worldliness is. And when Satan came and appealed to Adam and Eve in the garden.
It would be a meal was he shall be of God knowing good and evil and himself makes salvation and in order to be exalted they yielded and cup of that tree that had been forbidden. That was disobedience that when Satan came to the Lord, he came with those same three things for the reason that he took of the tree. It says he saw that it was good for food. That was a lot of the flesh.
It was pleasant for the eyes that was the pride in life and that was the most of the eyes and a tree that he desired to make one wise ride of life and that's why she took of those things. Satan attempts at these three things with the Lord, but the Lord Jesus didn't seek his own exaltation.
He had come not to do his own will, but the will of him was sent him and so he overcame because there was nothing in the Lord that responded to that self exaltation. But unless there is something in us, President does respond to self exaltations. And so when we define what worldliness is and the things of the world, it's all that gives us a place before others.
And it can be used as much as spirit of conforming to the world to want to be a great fan among my brethren has to be a great man in the world. And this is the thing that we have to want to guess. That's the thing in which we fail. And so an exhorting children, the family he breaks at the very roots of those things. Both desires attend to govern our hearts and will govern them if we're not walking in communion with the Lord.
As always, speak out of clothes, we speak of our homes, we speak of these things. The great question is, why did I do it? Why did I get that thing? Was it to give myself a place to make a great man of myself? Or was it that I might behave in this world as one who belongs to Christ?
And so it applies to everything, even in our car that we take in the meeting. What an exercise to us when we speak in the meeting isn't doing all ourselves. Or is it to exalt Christ? So you see, the whole principle of worldliness can be very subtle. It can introduce itself into things that we don't realize. And so I'm sure it speaks to my heart that the only way we can overcome this is.
By occupation of that Blessed One, who met every temptation by the Word.
Facade only the glory of the one who has sent him. And so he overcame and now we have his life and we too can overcome because of that life that he has given to us.
Those three things you mentioned by the Gordon.
They, lost in the flesh, lust of the eyes, the pride of life, are developed even in an infinite family.
An infant. The first thing an infant does is put everything in his mouth.
The next thing it wants, everything it sees goes up to the eyes. Lastly, it says, look, I have a new dress, the pride of life. So you see those three things even in an infant. That right. Yeah. And you were speaking about the world. And I just thinking about the three things that should characterize us as believers. There should be a rigid separation from it. James 4/4 Nonconformity Tours is our brother, just reminded us in the Romans 12/2.
And strangership in its one being the two. I think the reason the young man is because.
The president of base, they have known the father well. How we think of families, child just born and growing just a tiny one and how lonely it is and all of the father. But as it's very to develop, there is a danger of self setting itself forward. We see it develop as our children.
Develop and then how important it is that the word of God should be brought before them and that we should set before them godly principles to govern their lives. If we try and make certain rules and regulations, these things might break down, but if we set the godly principles before them, Why did you do that thing? Was it for self or was it for Christ? Then I believe that's the true government factor. They may argue with us if we try and bring some point as to why they shouldn't do this or that, but if we bring before the.
Is this done to please the Lord Jesus?
Is He the object or is it for self? I believe that this is the principle and how lovely it is to see if our young people develop to see these things that have their place in their lives, that what is done is done for Christ. And we often see Him that young people where this is the thing that is set before them and there is a certain amount of the flash that pieces display itself. But I was praised, except before their soul. These things become properly regulated.
And then they grow into the position of being strong. They overcome the wicked wise. I was very precious to see that this is brought before us in connection with the development stage of life.
I was thinking, brethren of my conversion, and the Lord saved me as a young fellow.
I was in the home of my grandma and that faithful woman read the scriptures to me daily. Pray for this fellow.
One morning I said Grandma accepted Christ.
Last night was my savior, she said to me. That's all she said.
And then she said two things. She said, boy, I want to tell you two things. And I was listening, she said.
The world hates your table.
That's why. And the world will hate you too. And I've never forgotten.
Of this order that we have the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, the pride of life was the same order. I believe that we have Luke Gospel and it's been suggested that it's.
You were Speaking of progress in the soul.
It was suggested that that possibly the lust of the flesh would be more than which would be the.
Attraction for the younger.
One whereas the lust of the eyes when one gets older, and then the danger, the danger when one gets real old of being trapped by Satan, surprise.
And so it's quite possible that this order has that.
Purpose in it to warn us of these things.
He was thinking, good, that's good, brother. But Paul could say.
That mighty man of God, he could say, I know that in my flesh dwelleth no good thing, no good thing.
I was just.
Going to explain because perhaps all here didn't understand other.
Just speaking about.
Luke referring to the temptation in Luke and to make it clear, in the in the 4th chapter of Matthew you get the chronological order of the temptation that is first you get.
Mandy stones to be made bread.
Then you get.
The medical of the temple and lastly you get.
The devil taking the Lord up to the high mountain and showing him all the kingdoms of the world.
And then the Lord said get the hands fake so that shows up was the last temptation.
For Satan couldn't remain when the Lord told him to get the hint. But Luke, who gives the moral order all through his gospel, departs from the chronological order.
And he makes the 2nd temptation, the temptation on the mountain where he showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and he mentions specially the glory.
Glory of the world. And then lastly, the temptation on the pinnacle of the temple. Well, that follows the order that's given here in this verse.
Where it says all that is in the world. The lust of the flake. They command these stones to be made. Prayer.
Nevertheless, of the the eyes are left showing them all the kingdoms of the world.
And lastly, the spine of life is the pinnacle of the temple, for that was the religious Center for the Jews and for the Lord. To have leap from that pinnacle and come floating down would have displayed a great tribe.
If he could have had tried and showing.
That he was the Messiah.
Well, the Lord rejected all, and that perhaps was the most subtle of all attempts taken.
Or after a Christian has become weary.
This godless world, perhaps this shows and.
It's sports and so on and so on have become distasteful to him. Yet Satan will come in and just his brother.
Vladimir was saying perhaps the last was the one that gets an older person the pride of life, wanting some place of importance even maybe it might be among God people.
For sad and safe. And it bows our heads in shame to think that some of the more gifted men and teachers that we have ever had among the people of God have been the leaders in division.
Knowing that there was a pride and unwillingness to submit to their brethren and to ever hold that they were wrong. And all times you will see very unworthy people and will be lifted up with.
A pride that will.
Given such stubbornness and unwillingness to yield, his rather wrecked the whole testimony, and perhaps land themselves out of fellowship with their presence, than to admit that they made a mistake.
I was noticing the the order here. Satan temptations.
Fights Satan, takes the Lord up.
Christ, he bit and cast himself down or fall down.
Unless that's just the opposite. God's ways are down first, then up. Even Hamlet himself shall be exhausted. He takes him up to a high point and fights his vision, cast himself down. But that's contrary to God's order. It's always contrary to that birthday that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strengths. They shall mount up with wings as Eagles, who they shall rather not be weary. They should walk.
About things.
Rather than.
Take one little wee step, beloved for Christ, we saw the mountain first.
It's just the opposite to what we think of to 1St.
To first salvation are in the order of the wild for Satan.
But the last temptation was the God, right? That's the character of the enemy was the enemy would take and in this year in our life mentioned here in our chapter.
It's it's direct wickedness. It's.
It's trying to.
Lost the believer who just shipwreck the whole thing.
You said Duluth.
Well, Luke and our chapter both have the same order of the thickness, I believe the last, the last.
The the last thing mentioned the pride of life.
It's it's with the eye open really. It isn't like there's a lot of the flash.
Lust of the eye. But it's something that's open, correct? Cast yourself down.
If not, why Satan is called awakened one here and also an occasion wicked spirits in heavenly places, because they not made a fact of wickedness is not so much with their fellow man, although that's evil, a violence against Christ, that which would contest his rights of a God delight to honor his beloved sons.
And the weightlessness of Satan has displayed it and hindering us from giving the Lord Jesus the true place of exaltation that belongs to Him.
Draws A marvelous contrast at the end of this pistol. He says ye are of God and the whole world lies in wickedness, and should read him the wicked one, or the contrast that surely is, and how completely separate God sees the believers.
Thank the blessed Lord in his prayer to the Father 17th of John, he says here are not of this world. Can we think of separation than for a crack now in glory after this world sharply that isn't to say that.
We don't cater to the world and we're not defiled by the only way when we in any way turn to the kids or the kids.
It's important value, it's pride. Why? We're just acting contrary, inconsistently to what the Lord says. We're in the world, Brother Mary, but we're not always.
It's the Lord's high priestly prayer. He prays there that these be not taken out of the world, but that they be kept from the wicked ones.
The wicked swamps or how wonderful and high Priestly prayer is my precious saving.
I read a town of a brother who was came in a little late into a meeting and putting out there. The rabbit said we're just waiting for you. He said that Sony put his hat on lockdown again.
He didn't want that place. I heard that Mister Darby came into a general meeting one time in England. I think it was all the bread and rose to their feet. He just walked out and left.
He wouldn't have the praise of his brother. They were going to make a idol out of him like that one. It better get along without him.
It's raised in the end of the 51St. If any man love the world, love of the Father is not in him.
This I believe even a true Christian. I love the world, but we cannot enjoy the world. We cannot go on with its principles and be enjoying the love of the Father at the same time, because the Lord Jesus, the one who was the object of the Father's law, was rejected and cast out here.
It was never governed by those principles that govern the natural heart. And so if we're going to enjoy the Father's love, we must occupy the place in the Spirit that the Lord Himself occupied here. And that's the only way in which we can really enjoy the Father's love. And that's why the Lord is before us with a blessed example.
That we desire to walk in communion and the enjoyment of it by the Lord Jesus walked in that perfectly. He said in John 15. If you keep my commandments, he shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my Father's commandment and abide in his love. And as soon as we depart from that path of obedience and giving the Lord Jesus his rightful place.
By that measure.
The principles of the world come in and communion is broken by it. Well, I believe this is a special challenge to our hearts, isn't it? How much do we desire to walk in the enjoyment of the Father's love, even in a world like this?
Deeper our communion with the Father, the more we all realize what the world is.
You can't just give.
A definition of the world, and I believe the more one goes on and enjoys the Father's love.
While the more he realizes the character of the world and more and more he realizes what the world is.
I'm going to pass away, it says here.
He that doeth, he that doeth, the will of God abide is forever.
That's the First Corinthians 7. All of the views of the world is not abusing it anymore. The fashion of this world passes away or as I believe the new translation is not disclosing of it as their own. And there is a certain sense in which we have to use this world and a certain matter, even its fashion than its means of transportation. But we have to be careful that our hearts are not set upon these things. We don't use them as something that we.
Use as going through this world. We don't disclose it as our own. We don't.
Know the streets that our hearts upon it, but we do have to use the world, otherwise it would be impossible for us to go through it. So we find the Lord Jesus.
Use the Ball team was mentioned to us about this. Have we mentioned about Peter running out his board and the Lord used his board well? It was a certain amount of the ingenuity of man to build that boat. Well, the Lord used that, but his heart was on the blessing of Peter, not on the 9th bullet.
Marvelous. Is that the way it's expressed here? That doeth the will of God, provided forever.
The life of the believer is looked at as the believer himself.
Well the language remains after we look over all the whole of life journey. If what has been done for the will of God, what has been done for self is something that's lost.
So as well as done for the will of God is something that abides.
When I put it this way, he was going through this world.
Takes for his.
For his desire, not the things of nature, but the will of God, such an one abides forever according to that desire and that will which he has followed.
The things of this, the desire, the lust of the world passes away too. I was thinking of how nature spends itself.
That poor woman in John Four. It was a sin. Sick soul.
And nature spends itself and gets nothing in.
And the lust, the desire, all that will pass away.
It's even in the engaging in these things.
The heart is never satisfied.
But the one who does the will of God abides forever. All that belongs to this presence, order, things, is going to pass away.
Is that why we get the entities and the Song of Solomon together?
Ecclesiastes tell us some shows there's nothing to satisfy the human Solomon quiet into me that I will tell not my heart from any joy.
So there we find a harvest to be, to be satisfied by everything here in this world.
And let me look at the Father Sullivan, because there the object is too big for the heart is trace. So there is a contrast that the bird has the system, the Spirit of God to show us, and there's nothing here to satisfy the human heart.
But there is everything to satisfy our heart in Christ.
I was struck by that, the verse that our brother Hale called her attention to the Romans.
In the reading of the translation of it.
It's Roman 12.
The third verse.
Yes, it's very first.
I believe that.
Where I say it through the grace which has been given me.
Every man, every man that is among you, not to have my thoughts above what he should think.
But to think so as to be wise, and God is dealt for each of measure of faith.
Think has to be wise. Well, that's divine wisdom, isn't it? If the Spirit of God is willing to believe her.
That that works soberly in there.
Think to be wise.
It's not the natural reasoning, mind.
Developing things, but it's the result of subjections at times.
Until the word of God immediate the result is the thing to be wise.