1 John 2:18-29

Duration: 1hr 20min
1 John 2:18‑29
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Then we go on.
18 first or did we go back further?
I would say we very well cover the completing verses.
First John 2, verse 18.
Little children, it is the last time.
And as you heard, that Antichrist shall come, even now are there many?
Antichrist, whereby we know that it's the last time they went out from us, but they were not of us, or if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us, but they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
But you have an unction from the Holy One, and you know all things. I have not written unto you because you know not the truth, but because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth.
Who was a liar but he that denied that Jesus is the Christ. He is Antichrist that denies the Father to the Son. Whosoever denies the Son, the same have not the Father, but either acknowledge of the Son has the Father also.
Let that therefore abide in you which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which you have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the sun and in the Father.
And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life. These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.
But the anointing which you have received of him abide within you, and you need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things.
And His truth, and there's no lie, and even as it hath taught you, you shall abide in Him.
And now little children, abide in Him, that when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before that is coming. If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone that doeth righteousness born appeal.
This was the second time the apostle addresses the little children of her face.
The addresses of three members of the family twice.
Three times when the 13th 1St.
And he addresses the.
Then he starts in the 14 first address of the fathers second time.
Saying the very same thing that he first said to them.
That is that they had known him, that is, from the beginning.
Just as though he says, now go on knowing him, there's nothing beyond that.
And he has a word beginning with the middle of the 14th verse with a young man.
That continues through the 17th verse. Now he gives the second graph to the base.
Their danger was being seduced.
Not by the Antichrist, but by the many Antichrist.
We know from 2nd Thessalonians 2 That there is a man coming called that, that wicked one that the Lord shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.
He's also called the Wicked King and the 11Th chapter of Daniel.
And his last mentioned as the false prophets.
Has worked miracles before the beast, and he meets his end in the ascent directly to the Lake of Fire.
In the end of the 19th of Revelation, well, that individual will not appear.
As long as the church is here.
You'll find that clearly and definitely brought out in the second chapter of Second Thessalonians.
So the impossible is not warning the babes as to the coming of this, this person. Who is he going for, who will exalt himself above all that is called God? Or is that his worship as God?
But he's warning against the many Antichrist.
And the world has been full of such Antichrist right from the days of the apostles.
This is another evil that comes in beside the world. This is.
This is, I suppose we might say, please ask people.
That's different from the world because the frustration is behind this too, because he's not only the goddess or the Prince of this world, but he's the God of this world too. That's ecclesiastical side, isn't it?
Young men are are said to have the word of God Almighty in them, so they're prepared for the effects of these Antichrist and if you look at the.
4th chapter Ephesians. You'll show why they are prepared.
And not not ready to be deceived by the man in the second chapter of 4th chapter repeated.
Himself, and he henceforth be no more children, tossed to and pro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie and wait to deceive.
That's has to do with ministry, but it's the ministry of the Word of God, and that fortifies.
A believer from being deceived by these winds of doctrine.
That are so prevalent on every side.
I remember not so long ago a man came to the door.
And he had some books and I asked him, I said, do you believe that the Lord Jesus Christ came in place? He said no.
No. Well, this is what's happening. He was a Jehovah's Witness.
And beloved, we have to be careful not to receive these kind of people in the House.
In the second Epistle of John we have instructions concerning these fellows.
1St 9:00.
Both have many deceivers.
Are entered into the world who confess not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an Antichrist.
Look to yourself that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God.
He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ.
He has both the Father and the sons, if they come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house.
Neither bid him God's speed, for he that biddeth him Godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds. We can do nothing with these kind of people, beloved.
To argue with them is futile and our business is to just shut the door.
And finish with them. It seems hard, but it's God's book. This blessed book tells us what to do. And I remember a sister.
And they generally come around when the man is not home.
And it's wonderful how this, his epistle, this is directed to an elect lady. We don't know who she was, but it's very convenient for these false teachers to come when the man is away. And you know that, dear sister.
Took long a long time to get away from that the evil doctrine that that fellow brought. You just have to obey this book. We beloved close the door.
There are many everywhere. There are many of them around.
And I suppose they will increase.
And the Lord takes us out of this sea.
The verse 9.
Well, there's a meaning there in the originalist that's concrete to the truth.
Going onward, you may have a marginal rendering there into the Inca morgue way to that, or going on with something that's not true.
Do you think that's all right?
Beyond the truth, would that be included? Well, I think that's true. Yes, that's good.
And that's why I was thinking it was connected with what we have about the Father in some advance on what God is aware.
I was thinking this word, like this word addressed to the babes is very important because we find this continually in Christendom with all the confusion that there is today. And one is first saying he doesn't know where to turn and so he can hear from the Bible.
Buy is everything that he can get is written about the Bible and it only adds to his confusion and so this is a special word addressed to the base to detected once anything that attacks the person of Christ because false God can always attack you to the personal and find that even evangelical Christianity will often attack things that attack the person of Christ.
It's amazing to find that the man that are sometimes called evangelical.
And he's the doctrine being saved and lost and all these things that are attacked.
So that are established, are established, then perhaps the danger comes of the young man. The world comes in. We can become complacent. While we have the truth now, we we're not going to be LED astray by a false teacher.
But Alaska, the world and its and self and perhaps that's the reason why the Japan invitation to the young man who are strong about the world who rise to the missile love for the rational for the Lord. They're not careful to discern between what's false.
They went out from us. Would that be from the doctrine of the Apostles? And then?
These, yes, brother, these are apostates.
These are apostates.
You you get those, yes.
Yes, these are apostates and you get a sick list of them in Hebrew 6.
When this time, when there's a fear, would that be?
The apostle or the place for the apostles, they couldn't say that there wasn't any room for them.
No power. What's up today and I today? Well, these are the and the days of weakness. We must.
We might read that that you quoted Brother Mary from Jude. It's important.
They love it. Verse 3.
When I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation.
That means a salvation common to all Christians doesn't mean that it's a commonplace salvation. It's common to all Christians. It was needful for me to write unto you and exhort you that he should.
Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the Saints, for there are certain men.
And these are apostates.
Crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation.
Or judgment and godly men turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God.
And our Lord Jesus Christ, as you said, Brother Mary, here they crept in.
In John they went out.
Well, I've heard some people minister from that not among us, but others.
Talking about using this text to prove of the divisions that are among that has nothing to do with it. Beloved, these are apostates.
That has nothing to do with the sad divisions among gods, dear people.
A very important thing, but was once delivered under the thing.
We have it all in the book, in our hands, you know, being no further revelation.
And we're to contend, earnestly so, that which God has given us.
Satan smiles are corrupted or add to it.
That Brother 13 too, isn't earnestly suspended for the faith in these places are so prevalent around us. It surfaces our hearts a little bit to be astonished this way, because are we evil earnestly to contend for the faith once delivered to the thing?
We said in a meeting like this, and we hear the deity of Christ, of gold and such things, and we value them, we recognize them as true, but if we alone were confronted with someone who attempted to rob us of these things or to deny these things, are we really furnished?
Earnestly to contend for the faith requires.
A searching of the word all in order to be so equipped and it also I suppose, would expose us with charges of being contentious. I know I was visiting in Scranton a while back and.
They had in the city on a common platform these men who remain these attacks on the person of Christ, and they consider that it was a good occasion for as many denominational representatives as possible to be together for this very wonderful and broad minded.
Attitude. One dear man of God was urged to be present, but he would have nothing whatever to do with it, because he knew it was not a God, and they publicly accused him of being a contentious man.
Well, he says, do born thus earnestly to contend for the faith, and if that makes me contentious, I'm willing to be content.
There's the last times. Last hour I believe is between the new translation.
There is the the last time speaks of the character of the scene in which we're living, which has lot of violence which will eventually bring on the judgment of God, which is right in this Christ rejecting the world ever since the cross of Christ.
The judgment of this world has been pronounced.
The Lord said now is the judgment of this world. It's suspended because God in his infinite grace.
Is winning souls for Christ gathering in the members of the of the Bride until the character of this world in which we're living is a world that's under the judgment of God and things are frankly for that judgment?
It's all about it. Oh God is allowing things to go on and seeking their driven was going to eventually God will step in.
In a solemn way and bring the doom of this guilty scene.
Well, a lot of all these errors, the kind of the early church has given corrective ministry in his word and saw that while brides would carry, they all suffered and slept. Why is the foolish went to sleep, but now God has granted the recovery of the truth.
These same errors are coming in that came into the early Church, and we have in the Word the ministry necessary to meet these things. So it was the character of the last times when when the apostles were here. Now God has grounded the recovery of the truth. That same character comes again, and as we have in the 25th of Matthew, midnight cry has gone out. Britain has been awakened.
The next thing is.
Bright things going to come.
Mention this because the last time, then it is that same thing again today.
The Antichrist has denied as the Father and the Son. The spirit of Antichrist is to deny the deity of Christ. And when the Antichrist itself comes, it will be both the Father and the Son. God-given up all together and man worship.
That's why we're hearing some men when they're saying that God is dead. It's really preparing the world for the coming in of the Antichrist.
We live in very solemn times. We little realize how fast things are developing.
That it really belongs to the final state.
After the church is gone.
Brother Armages to say that one dispensation lamps over another.
Before the Lord came, while there was a lapping over of dispensations, and now as we get near the coming of the Lord Jesus, there is again a lapping over of the two dispensations, so that many things that we see are taking place at this time.
Really remind us more of what belongs to the tribulation period than this day of grace. Still, we don't want to in any way insinuate.
That we're going to see annihilation. That will be all the break which is gone but the state of things.
That will be will take place.
And to appear events cast are scattered before.
Connection with his 20th verse. But she had an option from the Holy One, and he know all things. I think it's quite noticeable that this is addressed to the babes. It isn't because they were kind of so well established in the knowledge of the truth, but what enabled them believe these things was loyalty apart to Christ.
Many a person who is unable to answer from Scripture the attacks that deny the personal Christ and the work of Christ.
He has within him a sense that there's nothing wrong.
And this is necessary for us to answer these things the moment we detect with a person that there is an attack made on the person of Christ recalling uninstructed repository like this.
Supposing there's someone you love comes along and tells you a very person about this. Do you have to investigate that story to know whether it's true or not versus have confidence and love confidence in the person you say, oh, I wouldn't believe that about him. I know it too well. I have a baby whose heart is in the freshness of the love of Christ. He texts here is something, here's something that is laying something against him and he's the one who died permission.
And rest my salvation.
And so your results have at once and the freshness of heart for Christ was to him will enable us to meet these past. We're not even alone. Perhaps we're not the fathers to be able to bring but it only takes a base to realize there's something wrong. I can tell very nice illustration of what talks about years ago down Kentucky when brother Brown held his feelings. There was a man her guide my name was Eric Gibson Gifford.
Converted in that meeting.
And put him away and we knew very little about his wife and they moved over the park here to Olive Park Connection entirely.
I were driving with a horse and boogie through the country and saw to the house.
When we when we were greeted in the room by the lady, to my surprise, here was this Missus Gifford moved back.
And we hadn't been long in the house when she began to tell us from an experience she had. She said the lady came around selling books.
And she told her that these books would be very helpful to her family, even explained the Bible.
Well, she thought she survived that. Where is he? Where? Where She bought the whole set?
And she said I began to read them and they were, she said they were terrible.
I said, well, the wrong. He says I don't know that they were terrible folks. I said what did you do? She said I put them all in the fire and burnt them up. They were Jehovah Witnesses. Well, there was a soul and had no instruction to dogs. You never been in a reading meeting. They done away before. She had any teaching of the meetings or any instruction whatever, but she had the answer from the Holy Ghost and without anyone to tell her, she couldn't even explain it to herself.
But poor as they were, she turned the whole set of books up.
Cousin tonight and I heard we could say that if a believer knows the truth, he is able to defect anything that does not agree with it.
And that's.
There was also an end to the thing happened here in this very city.
Our brother Clifford Brown used to tell about it.
There was a sister who was not well taught, but her heart was for the Lord. She was in the hospital.
And if you told her brother Brown that the janitor used to come around and visit with her and talk about the Lord?
For one day he left a little pamphlet with her to read, and he thought she would like it.
And she told brother Branches, I wish you'd look at his, and I just can't get interested in that.
It doesn't sound right to me.
Well attended, picked it up and found it to be the doctrine of these that we've just been talking about.
At that time, millennial dawn.
Well, I believe it's the.
What we have in this version the function from the Holy One that preserves his.
His little children.
From the attacks on the person of Christ.
And it's the Holy One that's sympathetic there. The more we have to do with the holiness of God.
The more clear discernment one will have.
As to what is wrong and the body is connected with air.
See, there is There's quite a contrast drawn here. Satan has looked at in this portion as the wicked one.
Here we have the Holy One.
And the the only one.
The Holy Spirit of God. He is the Holy Spirit.
Because he manifests that one who was always harmless, undefiled, and has now been made higher to him.
That the same thought in June, building yourself up on your most holy faith in contrast to what is spoken of in the rest of the Epistle. These doctrines really thrive in very unholy soil and I believe that that's a very important principle that that which will defend about his being built up in our most holy faith.
The fourth word of the 4th chapter.
Well, the Holy Spirit is in every believer. I believe that's an important point. You're referring to Year of God, little children. Is that the first? Yeah. And have overcome them. Because greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world.
Well, it's a wonderful truth. It's a job that every believer, no matter how young, has the Spirit of God and dwelling.
We learned that in Ephesians, one having believed you were sealed.
That Holy Spirit.
Promise. Now it's true that we were sealed by the Spirit.
And he is the earnest.
But we also have the anointing that was all given at the same time. It's all included in that same one, giving in the spirit.
So every labor has.
The Holy Spirit, however, I believe that our brother, glad he brought out a point that's the most important and that is you and I have the word of God.
And it's through the word of God.
The truth itself, we have had this chapter, we look further on He is the truth. I believe it's the only place we've spoken of quite that way. But it's the truth that here that God uses the word of God, does he not?
A preserved that way the Holy Spirit never leads concrete to this book, and that's one glorious fact belongs the Spirit of Rob never leads country to this blessed book.
And this is.
Opened up as an option.
Well, that's a special word.
And it seems to be a word that.
Pray before us power.
Energy, power.
The Spirit has an option.
Is something that we should be careful to honor, That is, honor the presence of the Holy Spirit in us and the power for discernment.
But it seems that this is connection here with as being from the Holy One.
The thought of holiness is connected with it and we become careless.
In our Christian life, palace after our holiness and go on with that which is not holiness.
And I cannot become defiled by sin in purely.
Within power.
Same way, same way in the assembly, wouldn't you say, brother? Yeah, agreed. Not the Holy Spirit to promise her by your steel God into the day of redemption. So Speaking of the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, we must honor both the word of Gospel to be honored. We cannot be careless in that.
And we were thought of the Spirit of God dwelt within it. We can't be killed as very.
What is following that brother?
Holiness is God's nature.
He's a holy God.
And it's God's hatred of everything that contrary to His Holiness.
I believe righteousness has more to do with the judgment of evil as a brother and.
Lord has been separated from evil.
Well, the name God used is in connection with what He is in His nature, but that includes holiness.
And God can delight only in that which is His holy. He cannot relate in any sin, and if you are of any kind.
And that's according to his nature.
You are speaking about.
The the auction and you also have the word anointing in this chapter. I understand that option and and anointing are the same word.
You have three thoughts of the Spirit of God. You have the ceiling of the Spirit.
You have the anointing of the Spirit, and you have the earnest of the Spirit.
And I got this from Brother Potter years ago, that the ceiling is for security.
The option is for power and the earnest is for enjoyment. That is the having the earnest we have.
That they promise.
Of what's yet to come.
When we enter into our blessings in the coming day.
Serve at the expansion the bills, Mr.
Pharaohs both kind of desperately filled, you tell.
Us whatever every believer has the whole experience who wouldn't be considered. Paul went into the Holy Spirit. If any man are not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his or he is not of him.
So that they believe it doesn't have to go and more cry and call on God to the face with a spirit and keep on crying in the morning until he gets what he thinks he getting the power something's called.
But every believer, when we having believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of God.
And then the other in First Corinthians spell believe that by one spirit I will ties into one God, whether it was your center or so on.
Everybody has a spirit of God, and the Spirit of God is a person.
We can't have a part of the spirit, and one person doesn't have more the spirit than another because it's a person running in the hearts.
Hear that your body is a temple, that the Holy Ghost who is dwelleth, and you shall of God and dwell in you.
What did they leave with? No, the Spirit, just to be completely yielded to His guidance.
And submissive to his leading.
To be, to be thoroughly, fully under his power.
I believe in that case of the day the filling of the Spirit revealed.
The thought of the applicable.
Fully he is a dude has been escaped, right? We're on this present. We might look back to Hatch 19.
In Acts 19 verse six, we have Paul made his hands upon this fruit.
You'll notice that he's in Ephesus.
The Apostle.
And he laid his hands upon these, and they.
Recipients of the Holy Ghost in Acts 19, number six. Now over in Ephesians 5, we have the apostles speaking to the same group.
The same folks and in verse 18 he says here.
And be not drunk with wine within a success, but be filled with the spirit.
Here's the reception of the Spirit here, if you like to use that term in Acts 19.
And here the same group 8 years old afterwards.
Are enjoined upon to not get drunk with wine.
Wherein is excess or riot, but be filled with the spirit. So there is a difference.
What is the secret?
Well, this question was asked me down just recently in South America.
And the brother wanted to know the difference and I didn't know what to say for the moment. I said, brother, the Spirit of God when he enters your heart makes you a Christian and the filling makes you Christ like.
Oh, he said.
Thank you. And I believe that, beloved.
Well, he filled with the Spirit.
Is characterized by being occupied with Christ because the Holy Spirit would not occupy us with anything else or anyone else.
But only with him, and that's the market being filled with the Spirit occupied with fragments. Well, in that case.
The person that's occupied with the Spirit and getting the passengers with the money called the baptism of the Spirit certainly is not filled with the Spirit needs anything but filled with the Spirit because.
Spirit of God would never bring attention to Himself and occupy us with himself, but only with Christ.
I suppose you would say, beloved, that communion is one of the great secrets concerning the filling of the Spirit. And sometimes we're a little afraid lest we run riot like some dear Pentecostal folk and get mixed up between the difference between the baptism of the Spirit and the filling. That's where they are mixed up.
They're down in South America.
And they've made no proselytes, thank God. But.
It is true that communion has a lot to do with the filling, and it can be.
A daily experience.
And the blessed experience.
I believe that sometimes we fail to recognize this below in our Christian life.
No question what was filled for Spirit as he wrote those lovely epistles.
But if we think of where he was in the bottom of that dark dungeon.
And surrounded by everything that was opposed to the flesh.
And then we think of.
Tom, he was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day.
But where was he? He was banished to an Isle of Catholics.
I do not believe rather than.
Running after prosperity will fill us with the Spirit.
And I believe that's the danger today.
Of our being taken up, being overcharged with the things of this life.
Will not produce what we're Speaking of here, it'll only hinder and it was said of the children of Israel.
As to these things, He granted them their desire when he sent cleanness to their souls, and I believe that's just the opposite of being filled in the spirit.
Some exhortation isn't that it's something that is not so all the time. It might be so, perhaps.
Once, perhaps in 10 minutes, we might see how to communion again. And that's why we're exhorted to the village of the Spirit, and it's allowing the Spirit of God to occupy us with Christ and in this way to control our lives. However, I was just wondering if we should not distinguish between the baptism of the Spirit and the receiving of the Spirit.
When one believes the gospel of his salvation, according to Ephesians one, he receives the Holy Spirit. But the baptism of the Holy Spirit does not take place today. It took place on the day of Pentecost from the Spirit of God came down and that company were baptized by 1 Spirit into one body.
The same word as you is again on the Gentiles were brought in, but the baptism of the Spirit is never in Scripture spoken of as an individual thing. It's always the collective thing. And it had to do with the beginning of the Church of God on earth. And then as I say, when the Gen. vows were brought in and a company of Gentiles, the House of Cornelius where we have the baptism of the Holy Spirit connected with the Gentiles. But to talk about today is really not to understand what it really is.
And it's a collective thing today is the quest of adding to the church and when one receives the Spirit of God upon believing the gospel is united to Christ in glory and to every other believer on earth, but not baptized with the Spirit. That's why in first Corinthians 12 is the apostle says by 1 Spirit are we all baptized as A1 body.
So when the Lord was here during the 40 days, he says He shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. Then you come to the second chapter in the day of Pentecost will fully come, you get the baptism and the body is formed. And now when a believer.
Is added why he just brought into that which the Spirit of God is already formed on earth.
Could we say that to be filled with the spirit? It remains the spirits complete control on the believer in his life and northern activity.
I was thinking what we have.
This chapter of Ephesians in verse 18.
He's not drunk with wine. We're in success, but it's all the spirit.
Well, I mean we have the previous 17 verses.
Hammond can take place, get rid of the trash and all these girls will fill the place. It gives us many warnings in that scaffold.
From chapter 5, verse one, verse 17.
Then that follows be filled with the spirits.
All these things should be thrown overboard, so to speak, and allow the spirit to think. Yes, and it's not only in the meeting and not only has to do with spiritual things, but as we read on, we see that it brings in the behavior of lives and husbands and servants and masters. And it's just as much being filled with the spirit to act properly as a husband or a wife as it is to be.
In connection with worship.
The sorrow of God, then, should guide us in everything, both in our natural relationships and in our business relationships and in our assembly relationship. The Spirit of God is the only one who is really to control the life of the Christian. Whenever it's otherwise, we're really out of communion. We find the beautiful examples of those who were filled with the Spirit and Book of Acts.
When they said to the apostles that were brought.
Before the San Diego by what power have.
Having performed this miracle, says Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost and brother, and he tells about the power of the name of Jesus. Well, the same man, Peter, the night of the Lord betrayal, he was full of himself. So a man that's full of himself has to be.
Has to be humbled that a man had full of the spirit so can use him and God can honor him as he did with Peter.
For the last one, Peter wouldn't eat with the Gentiles. He wasn't filled with the spirit. That was the selfish motive and.
Was not a God at all.
And you find Paul filled with the spirit, and yet when he and Barnabas had a contention about Mark, I thought was either bottomless or Paul were filled with the spirit of advocate, because Robert said was very sharp, although Paul was ranked, but the thing of him being filled with the spirit when he fed them.
Have sharp things in reply to Barnabas.
So it shows that we know as far as he said he was a good man, and for the Holy Ghost that was characteristic of his.
Of his testimony.
But times when he acted just.
Was something personal before him. He was out of chameleon and it was not filled with the spirits.
Of the Spirit they call it priest. God shall slate thee, thou white water, if they whitewashed water.
Ask the question, just answer. It isn't Brother McNulty.
People of the recycling bone to workout to apologize. The Lord Jesus never had to apologize.
They were the only one who was ever filled with the Spirit of God. Wasn't he justified? In the spirit means that every act of the Lord's life, the Spirit of God.
Justified Him for it. Nothing was done without the guidance of leaning of the Holy Spirit.
Believing of the contention between the small carnivals doesn't the choice that we can do a right thing in the wrong way right right involved right and not wanting to take marvelous along or John Mark Williams, but to allow the place to get riled up about it with your home Muslim and this should exercise it's because sometimes when we.
Think we're doing the right thing? We excuse ourselves for the manner in which we do it, which may not be by the Spirit at all.
Because a lot of trouble and sorrow do we get in this 22nd version both Jewish and Christian apostasy.
The way I understand it, Brother Lundy and the 22nd verse, who is he who is the liar? But he that denies that Jesus is the Christ that was the Jewish heir, denying that Jesus was their Messiah. But then in the last part of that 22nd verse.
He is an Antichrist that denies the Father and the Son.
Has more of the gentile air.
Now that's what you see in Christmas today, isn't it, brother? Yes, Father would would give us Christianity, wouldn't it?
The Father.
And the son.
Know that we have the full revealed truth now of the Father, and the Son will be not. And that's what we've been denied.
By the apostates of Christianity.
But it's true that in the end, these two apostasies will join.
It's like the whole world joining once more.
As it was in the Book of Acts, kings of the earth cast themselves together.
Against God and his Christ. And so it will be in the last stage when the apostasy is full blown, but not to be the joining of these two apostasies. However, we have here the spirit of it, do we not?
It was translation in this 22nd verse it says he is the Antichrist that denies the father and his son.
Do not take that the but the enterprise actually does as the Second Thessalonians too, that he has God sent in the temple of God, showing himself he is God. That'll be a Jewish Antichrist in that day. You'll be a Jew who will, who will deny that Jesus is the Christ and we will presume to be that Christ, will he not?
Some of us ask the question about fearlessness.
When he denies the Lord.
But that's not what this is talking about. Peter denies that he knew the Lord. That's different from denying the Lord and His person, denying the son person.
This will be full blown apostasy when it takes place, but the chapter we have here particularly is the spirit of it. Is it not that we have to be careful of today spirit?
Of an airline.
Anything that would deny the truth concerning the person, when the work of Christ would be that, would it not?
You can see how rapidly the world is preparing for us to the Antichrist and the denials of falling the sun, Unitarians and Universalists.
Your whole witnesses, 7th Day Adventists, Christian Scientists and Mormons, they're all agreed on one thing.
They they denial really of the Trinity of the Father on the front. So it shows that when the time comes, how all these different costs will quickly unite and accept the Antichrist and then modernism is just another form of the same thing.
Modernist denies the day of the event.
Even if some of the leading evangelists are going on and disregarding the fact of.
The of the teaching of these modernists going on to modernistic churches and so on.
You made an interesting statement.
But certainly the repetition of things that took place even the time of the apostles.
I was interested in that statement because if you go back to Colossians where you get headship there, the heritage, you'll find that the heresy of Colossian, it was a heresy. It was the putting of the Lord Jesus on the same basis as the gods of the heathen.
And thus this matchless epistle of Paul to the Colossians of.
For by him in verse 16 of chapter one, he is the apostle coming out in all the power and unction of the Spirit of God.
For by him in verse 15, who is the image of the invisible God, the first born of every Greek heaven.
Invisible minions or principalities or powers.
All things were created by Him and for Him, and He, and by before all things and by Him, and He is the head of the body of the Church in England, spawn from the dead, and in all things He might have the preeminence, for it pleased the Father that in Him is a matchless defense on the part of the apostle against the modernistic. When I was a student we called it the rationalism of straws and that.
Group 7.
The rational and it made shipwreck of many of the students of my day, and thank God the Lord and His mercy delivered me from it, for it was taught me every day during tears I was there.
All beloved.
It's the behind the door, and here we have it, right here in the days of the apostle.
And the apostle comes forth with this matchless description of our precious Savior.
Beloved, He is God over all things, blessed forever.
Our precious Savior.
And when I was delivered from sectarianism, I came across a group of people in the town where I was preaching, in a city called in Australia.
And I noticed a nice hall full of people willing to be, and they seem to be active in the things of God.
And I went to see them.
But some of them didn't have the language of that blessed shepherd. And one day I said to one of the leading men.
I said, Sir, do you appeal that the Son that Christ, and he says I believe he was sun in time.
And I discovered that that was a group of Raven brethren. Oh, beloved. And you know, Brother Brown made a statement to me one day, he said, Brother Smith.
When you were a young man like I was, they were the most numerous and the richest among us.
That's what he told me.
They're very numerous in Australia.
And they have a peculiar way of following up anyone who is interested in leaving sectarianism. And do you know that their literature followed me round all round New Zealand and even into Bolivia?
And I burnt the whole business. Beloved Satan is behind all this.
This is the work of Satan and how subtle even in the days of the Apostle Paul.
But what a matchless epistle we have here.
What a wonderful official is. It's funny. Third verse is really very solemn, isn't it? Whosoever that I have the Son, the same hath not the Father.
But here that I acknowledge that the Son hath the Father also.
Some who have italics that the last phrase is all in italics, but I might mention that it's in the new translation.
The whole verse. And I say this because there are those who say, well we all believe in the same God.
But Isaiah, this version tells us that if a person does not believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, he does not have the same God that we have either. Acknowledges not the Son, the same hath not the Father. The true God of the Bible reveals in Christianity is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to deny his theories is not to have the true God Law. And they have a God of their own imagination.
One that they have made-up for themselves. And we have to bear this in mind because it's not so that we all have the same God. There must be a recognition of the deity of the Lord Jesus to have the Father read the last version of the 5th chapter of of first John or the 20th verse and 5th chapter.
And we know that the Son of God is found and have given us an understanding that we might know Him. That is true. We are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ.
This is the true God and eternal life. Now, little children, keep yourself from idols.
Now this is seems to me very important because.
Looking on the time when the Church is gone from this world.
This world will be wholly given over its idolatry again.
Even even gone, when he comes down in the last attack, will be spoken of as an idolater.
As Israel as a nation will take up with idolatry far worse than they've ever known before.
This world will be given over to idolatry fleet gambling.
But we have this before us, this verse. Jesus, He's the true God.
Children, little children, keep yourself in mind. Anything that would turn our hearts away from Christ as the center.
Is idolatry.
Very interesting to notice it's John who said that must be there is a their little children and keep yourself to my noise. Mine is John said when he leaned upon Jesus bosom and there was certainly no room for an idol in between those two but feed and fallen afar on from a nine who came in between turning beside. That's very interesting for me to see that it could work John who said that the one who leans upon Jesus was no chance of the night had become between those two.
It's a very important word to it, the 24th word that's therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning.
There is a principle there that we can apply in different ways.
You know, lots of people say well.
Certain practices and certain groups of Christians have been carried on for years. Why shouldn't we continue with those?
Those practices have been continued maybe for hundreds of years.
But if we're going to be dying.
As to our assembly position, as to our meetings.
As an Assembly of God.
We can't look at the history of the Fathers or the Reformation or the days of.
Wesley, we have to go directly to that which is from the beginning. How did they meet at the beginning?
For what purpose did they gather together at the beginning?
Well, we read in the 20th of Acts that on the first day of the week the disciples came together to break bread. Well, when we meet together to bring bread on the first day of the week.
We're not looking at the history of the church after the apostles or anything that was introduced in those times. We're going back to that which is from the beginning.
And then there's the ministry.
The meetings of God's people to turn to 1St Corinthians to get guidance as to assembly meetings and so on. So we continually must go back to that which is from the beginning.
Well, there's a very important principle that's contained in this verse. Although I now plot the apostles, primarily speaking now is the person of Christ.
Occupation with him.
And that is really what preserves the believers abiding.
With that which is from the beginning.
He's Speaking of what's in the first person. If this was.
Well, you can take it to you. In Christendom, there's a common expression.
Well, our church teaches so and so though I was talking to a Lutheran preacher one time, I believe he was a real Christian, but when it came to certain things that I pointed out to him in connection, one was with baptism as to whether.
They had anything to do with salvation. Well, he says our Church teaches so and so. Well here the Immaculate says go back to that which is from the beginning. That was our church teaches. So any innovation that comes in along the line from the days that the apostles were here and communicated to us the divine revelations that were given them is something that is not from the beginning.
So they're just endless errors that have been introduced. We have to avoid them. Always be careful to go back to that which is from the beginning.
All good to see, even in his day, the breakdown of what he was setting up in testimony on the earth as an apostle.
But John's ministry continues to the end and gives us that which would sustain us even in the days when everything is broken down.
When all the outward foundations are destroyed, we have still that John's ministry that preserves us in our souls, because he ministers the person of Christ to us, and that eternal life which we have is no one can take from us.
It's true that John wrote his books.
After the destruction of Jerusalem said regularly.
Paul and Peter wrote before the destruction.
Hebrews was written very shortly before Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans.
But after the even that center here on Earth was destroyed by the Romans.
After that's destroyed, then we get the person of Christ.
It was a breakup of what began on the day of Pentecost, that is as to Jerusalem as a center that was broken up with still prison of Christ abides.
How could this well to be together in this way and speak well and then blessed woman?
I remember when I started out in the work in 1915, on the 1St of August, an old brother with his white beard put his arms round me, a Scotsman, and he said, Eric, speak a good word for the Lord Jesus. And that has stayed with me all these years, Beloved, speak a good word for the Lord Jesus.
How? How it must please his heart to hear a few of poor sinners like we have saved by the grace of God, beloved, talking about that precious one.
The emergence of God's glory. Choose my brother.
Named the brother Smith.
That man, I was telling you the other day, but that belly button.
That's the converted man Slayer.
Effect through the.
That's the comparison, the blood of Jesus Christ and more say that he was at the very energetic mind for the Lord, a fearless man.
And I remember being at the railway station one time.
And this man was there in the station, and several other young men along with myself that were the Lord, even with this man at the sailor station.
They were waiting for a train to pass through the little town. We're aware.
And they were looked at for 50 or 60 people standing on the platform outside waiting for the train.
Well, this man bully, when the heat gets up and he gets inspect the door, gets his back to the railroad tracks, the face of the crowd and he starts to sing a hymn.
But it's over 60 years ago since I heard him singing that hymn, and I've never forgotten that. And the words of them were he took my feet from the miry clay and set them on the Rock of Ages and they sang. That came through.
And then, and then when he got through, he turned to us. We were standing close by. He turned to us. And the other sense I've never forgotten, he says, Boys.
Never be ashamed of Jesus, He died for you.
I've never forgotten those words that at that very land and a pair of preach on the top of his name used to drive me. He increased and and his business a little bit after you said he went from the cool wagons to the furniture bar and he was having a furniture barn through my hometown sitting up on the box in the corner with not driving the horses down below the burn your car going through the Times Square and my own town.
And he was preaching the gospel all the way through the top of the furniture line is the horse were going along preaching Christ calling in the sinners to come to the seizure. I can always see him in that connection. Every opportunity he breaks from the top of his cold wagon goes in the streets of Belfast Today he went along.
And every opportunity reaching Christ.
Never made a shame voice. Never be ashamed of Jesus. He died for you.
Those words have been my rolling my heart so for over 60 years.
I'd like to tell a little story, beloved, if you pardon me.
I was talking to a skeptical Dr.
And he was telling me about his good bringing up.
Of his genealogy and his associations in life.
And extolling his genealogy. And he said to me, you know, Smith, you've had a good bringing up to, haven't you? I said, indeed I have. He brought me up out of one horrible bit.
And set my feet upon the rock, and put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto God.
And he said.
That's all he said.
Well, that's a good bringing up the love. And I was thinking of the children of Israel. They ate unleavened bread, and that's bread of affliction.
Why? I asked the Jew, an Orthodox Jew, on one day what it meant.
Unleavened bread, he said. Bread. Bread of reflection, I said. How he says it was terrific, but that the children of Israel might never forget their deliverance from the hand of Pharaoh. And may we never forget, beloved, from whence we've been digged in sovereign Greece.
Poor sinners, that we are saved by the grace of God.
Oh, may we never forget.
Was it cost that precious Saviour of ours to to purchase our full and free salvation?
It's for the Savior we have.
The story from the Maxillary reminds me of what we have in 13th chapter of Hebrews.
And verse 7.
Remember that.
That remember them which have the rule over who have spoken on you, the word of God.
Now that's not the man you've been Speaking of is now with the Lord.
And you remember what he said you say about 60 years ago?
Well, we're told to remember such.
And we've spoken on you the word of God. I suppose the apostle Paul is Speaking of those who had not only spoken the word of God, but had lived it out before them. But then they've gone. They've passed on.
So what the contrast we get in the next verse? Jesus Christ?
The same yesterday and today and forever. He still remains, although we are remember those who have gone before.
Spoken untrust the word of God, but they're gone now we can remember them, but oh how precious that verse Jesus Christ.
He remains in all His love and grace, able to keep us until alone when He comes to take us home. And that's been very precious to my heart.
There are many we think God will pass on whom we love feeling spoken on once the word of God.
For instance.
Remember stops. But now that's passed on. But we have one who remains. But he remains. How precious.
All of them ever might forget that right has something for our state save our soul that makes me the moment glory to protect.
His mind press on his glory and the Vanguard 224.
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