1 John We Know

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Address—C.H. Brown
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John's first epistle.
And we will begin with the last chapter.
And the last two verses, John's first epistle.
And I hope that our remarks this afternoon.
May be for the benefit of the large number of younger people present here.
This is supposed to him address to young people.
And I hope we can speak.
Speak in terms that.
It's the youngest of the young people will be able to follow.
The last chapter of First John.
We have this statement on the 20th verse.
We know.
I believe, dear young folks, that it's going to be a grand thing for you.
If you can get a solid grasp of the fact.
That the Christian faith.
Is not a guesswork affair.
It isn't that we're casting about.
For a favorable.
We're not seeking, we're not searching for something.
We found it.
We have the truth of God and the word that is peculiar.
The question says is that word know?
We know.
We're living in an age of denial.
Gigantic guesswork.
We're living in an age of open rebellion.
Against the truth of God.
And it's scaling at an accelerated temple.
Our brother Heho has been warning us in these readings.
But when the last days?
We're nearing the climax of this age.
I believe it. I believe we're just at the verge.
Of the return of Christ.
And there are terrible things in the office.
And it behooves us to be settled and grounded.
So that we will be able to meet the spirit of the age in which we live.
I was stopping in a fold down in Phoenix.
And the young woman who was finishing her senior year in high school.
Showed me a letter that she had received from one of her professors.
Well, it was an associate letter to be written by a professor.
It was rude. It was rude.
It showed no trace of refinement.
But it did show a spirit intoxicated and zone amount of knowledge.
And the man that type wrote the letter was subtle and clever enough that he didn't sign his name.
But he was making their remarks to her in that letter to the effect that.
He thought in his classes.
To upset the young people. I wouldn't be guilty on from this platform of using the language that he used in that letter.
But he was delighting in the fact that he tried to leave his students all confused.
He was an iconic class. He was going to smash the pieces.
All the concepts that have been taught them in their home. The accepted concept of the Christian life.
Well, this lamb is an answer to a paper that he had written on a subject he'd have to study in her course. Evolution was part of it. She'd been asked to write this letter and she'd write this article and she wrote it. But he stated that the clothes of it.
This is what I have been pouring plants.
But I do not believe a word of it. I believe the word of God.
I believe what I read in my Bible.
All but that aroused.
The bendective hire of that man what means representative of a spirit.
That the broad and the earth today, and you know it's going to.
In the time when man is actually.
Literally, physically going to give battle to the returning son of God.
As he appears in the clouds of heaven.
That's where the things going to climax, that's how far man is going to go.
Now before we read anything further, keep this place please in first John, and turn back to the 14th.
Of Isaiah.
Here we got a description.
Of the.
Apostate head of the Western powers in the end time.
This very man may be living somewhere on the earth today. I don't know.
But notice the spirit of the man on the 13th verse.
Darfur has said in nine hearts I will.
Now let's notice that I will.
What is sin? Sin is lawlessness.
Sin is having my own way. That's the very essence of sin. I'll do what I want to do when I want to do it. That's sin. Now let's see this man here, 13th verse. Thou has said in thine heart, I will.
Bend into heaven.
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation on the sides of the north. I will.
Ascend above the heights of the cloud.
I will be like the most high.
Isn't that the spirit of the day?
While I read the statement filed back from.
Leading great German scientists, in which he said man has a right to go anywhere in this universe he wants to. I will.
Or her first power and God is going to make that fall a manifest one of these days.
Either sitteth in the heavens of life, he shall have them in strong derision. Oh yes, God is going to put all the spirits on open rebuke, so an open shame in his own time.
But my word to you today is a word of warning.
Don't be carried away by any of the theories that are being advanced today. Remember that in your Bible, in the Word of God, you have that word, no ANOW, something to rest your soul on.
God hath spoken unto us. God cannot love, He cannot lie. He told us the truth.
Not in this first epistle of John.
The Christian, the child of God, is viewed.
As born of God and possessing a new love.
The very nature of God.
A life that's ever victorious. A life that cannot sin.
Not only that it doesn't sin, but it cannot sin.
A life that we're going to take to heaven with us. We have it now, a new life. And the Christian and the first epistle of John is viewed as identified with that new love.
One of the things that we have as a result.
Of this new life is born of God is this.
We know.
That the Son of God is come, we know.
It comes and has given us an understanding.
Oh, God has taken this, has taken us into this confidence.
He had breathed into our hearts the secrets that were His. He has let us know the purpose and the object of all His dealings of this world. It's in order that He might glorify the name of His own blessed Son. So we Christians, we children of God.
We know the Son of God has come.
Understanding that we may know him that is true. True.
You will never deceive.
Will never tell you a falsehood. He will never lead you into a path.
And then you'll find afterwards I wish I hadn't taken this role or I made a mistake. This is the wrong Rd. He'll never leave you that way.
No, never. We know the Son of God has come and that we're in Him. That is true. He is the truth.
I was A trifle amused the other day to have a little irritated.
I was in the dentist's office.
And while waiting I picked up a magazine line. There it had a.
An article on the 100th anniversary of evolution.
So I kind of hastily over a few lines of it and.
You know the thing that struck me about the article?
Was the lack of any positive knowledge.
It was filled with expressions like this.
We conclude.
We surmise, we think.
We feel we are warranted in advancing the thought.
And it was just a lot of ifs and ands, but you couldn't find the place in it where it said we know.
Only they knew such factual matters as that they found a skull somewhere.
But could they say we know that this song represents the missing link?
Or they don't use that kind of language, we think perhaps.
This may be the answer to the long unanswered question. And so on.
But the whole thing was lacking and a bottom to it, lacking any foundation, any basis.
The article was really pathetic but all when you come to the word of God.
You've got something that rest your soul.
Oh, God will never deceive us. He can't lie. He can't deceive us.
We know.
That we may know Him that is true, and we are in Him that is true, even in His Son Jesus Christ. That is the true God and eternal life. Little children keep themselves from idols.
If you were asked to define in certain terms.
Who is the one signified in the closing phrase of that 20th verse?
What would you say?
This is the true God and eternal life. Who is that?
So I confess that it's most difficult.
Because the way the terms are used in the plenty of births.
We know the Son of God is come. We know him that is true.
We are in him. That is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God. Who's the true God?
Take it either way to please.
It's true either way.
The Son was the true God. He took that place. He went through this world without any apologies. He ever presented himself as equal to any situation.
And at no moment was he ever confused or put to embarrassment.
Or how different all the great men of the world.
Read their lives, if you please, and what will you find?
A succession of attempts, successes, defeats, failures, yes. Victory, yes.
But it's a modeled affair.
But when you read the life of the Son of God as you have it in the Word.
Every exigency that he faced.
Only brought out who the person was.
Young folks, search your Bible.
The lighter soul in the perfection that you find in the person of Christ.
All he can he can come down to the simplest things of life and do it with a delightful simplicity that engages our affection.
Supposing a little girl.
Is lying dead?
Little girls die. You know, sometimes you don't have to wait till you're grown up to die. Little girls die.
Finally, here's a little 12 year old girl.
Flying dead, her body is still warm.
Her parents are well. They're so burdened about it, their affections are torn.
The Lord Jesus is summoned to that seed.
And they hate any concern. Is there any?
Question involved as to his ability to meet that situation. Not the slightest.
So I think that father and mother willing goes in and takes the little girl with a hand.
We can turn back on the light.
Isn't that wonderful?
No problem with him, but you know, to me.
That's not quite the wonderful as the next thing that he said.
Son of God said there was something to eat.
To me, that's very lovely.
He thought on that child.
He thought on the fact that she needed food.
Nothing was beneath his attention.
All young folks, don't ever think that your problems are beyond the reach of the love of Christ.
Confined enemy. Go to him with your problems. Pour out your heart before him.
He is interested in the little things of your life.
Well, the widowed name.
She is following her only son.
To the grave.
All the sorrow of a mother that loses her only son.
Carlord meets that procession. He walks it.
And they give her back her son.
No evidence of.
Any perplexity? There's no conference held ahead of time to see whether it's possible or not.
He just takes the situation in the hand and corrects it.
Well, again.
The disciples come to him.
And give him startling news.
Lord, he who now love us is dead, dead.
You know when you get word when you're away.
That a loved one is dead.
Something bothered.
Is very solemn.
The film immediately the weight of what has happened.
And the Lord doesn't. Oh yes, He wasn't impervious to the sentiments of the human heart. He became a man that he might learn as high priest in the glory. You might learn how to sympathize with you and your problems and your troubles.
And he heard that Lazarus was dead. He whom thou loved.
There, well, the Lord said, I go to awaken out of sleep.
His disciples who had not his faith.
Said Lord, it's too late. They knew about the little girl.
Perhaps they knew about the young man, but Lord, it's too late with Lazarus, it's gone too far.
By this time he think of by this time he's corrupting in the truth.
Did that part, for instance, an obstacle to the grace and the heart of Christ, or to the power that was resident in Him as God manifest in place?
Why, it was all alike to him.
Whether it's the warmth of the body, he was still there.
Or whether the one that died that day, whether he was corrupting in the tomb?
Or whether he was sleeping the sleep of the ages and the dust of the earth.
All alike to Him, for it is God manifesting flesh.
And it comes to that too. Take away the stone.
And there he wept at the grave of blood. Why? Because he fell in his spirit. They also have a sin and death had wrought in this world.
He bore his own soul.
Shortest verse in the Bible, as we say.
But all one, that's the meaning in it. Jesus wept.
That man corrupting in the tomb was an emblem to him.
All that sin that is done down through the ages.
Was he equal to the situation?
Oreos in clear voice he cries. Lazarus come forth, he came forth, he came forth bound hand and foot, was very close. How did he get out? No problems of the Son of God.
All beloved, how wonderful to know that the One who is our Savior.
To whom we've entrusted the welfare of our souls.
God himself.
He has been down here manifest in flight theme of angels preached under the Gentiles, believed on in the world received up into glory. We need never be afraid that sometime along the way.
You will find out that we were wrong.
No, he can stand and say with.
Quiet dignity.
Before Abraham was I am.
Now that's one of the highest, most all intensive titles.
That Jehovah God of the Old Testament ever took. I am. That I am.
And the Lord Jesus Christ.
Why this of that title?
He didn't harangue about it. He did. He made no attempt to convince people that he was, that he just told them the truth before Abraham was. I am if you believe not that I am.
You shall die in the sins, and where I go you cannot come. All right, I am.
I am eternal, existing one. Christ, God's Son, is the one presented before us here. We know.
Son of God is coming. All young folks let their soul be grounded on that.
Now another scripture is in the.
1St Chapter Mr. Pickle.
And the 14th 1St.
We know that we have passed from death on the light because we love the Beverly.
We that love is not his brother abideth in death.
We know, does our word know again, that we have passed some death unto life?
All what knowledge that is? That's a real transaction.
How did you get into this world?
OK, at the far end of this world, engage the word.
How is the weather in Madonna?
You're not boring any do it.
Firmware before us that you might send to you.
Building trespasses and things, not a movement in your heart towards God.
But now you can say we know we have passed some death under life positive knowledge.
I don't know what you're aware of it or not.
It's annoying.
The religion around us today in Chittenden is filled with her soul.
And desires.
I'm doing the best we can.
But when it comes to part of his knowledge.
I'll seldom be of me, the believer.
That don't say I know.
That I fast and death so much.
Open Notebook.
It's a. It's a transaction.
I wonder if there's someone here that doesn't know that.
Do you know your path from death to life if your family to know it?
If the 6th contemplative sense, they are Christians. Properly speaking, you can't be in the good of your endowment as a Christian and not know to pass from death to life.
Now I know we're living in the day of confusion and wrong teaching.
I know that real souls get all fogged up on these things.
But I say that normal system.
No, nothing of doubt, as we think we know that we have passed some death unto life.
Well, here one of the booths is because we love the marriage. Now who are the brethren?
Well, I thought none of us here.
Are going to be guilty of finding that word down to some little company we happen to know about.
The burden are the redeemed of the Lord.
Having dual had experiences like this.
Faster than on the plane.
We passed out of track to someone.
You find that person as a Christian.
And that person finds out that you are a saved person.
Don't you find a music thing? There's a bomb there.
Some of you are making me tell that delightful little incident that I had, oh, not too long ago.
And hearing the young lady in the seat just in solemnly humming a tune, and I thought.
It was a hymn.
But I didn't want to make a mistake, so I listened real carefully.
And sure enough, he is coming, not saying the word since he is coming of him.
So I made bored living over the seat. I said pardon me Madam, but if I mistake not.
And that's a family, Mr. Honey.
He said yes, it was.
I was I was coming such a situation in the name of a familiar him one that I use.
Well, that led to a conversation.
What did I find? I found that he was rejoicing the knowledge of sins forgiven, that he was a child of God.
The lyrics of the sitting hard alone on the plane, enjoying in her soul. That's true as Christ and his salvation.
We had no trouble in finding something to talk about and we had a lovely little conversation.
During the remainder of the journey.
Well, beloved, that's only just one little sample. You've had experiences like that. There's something instinctive in your soul if you're a child of God.
But when you meet someone that loves our Lord Jesus Christ, the affections of your heart go out to them. Isn't it a fact?
We know that the path from death unto life.
Because we love the Brandon.
And you know, that's a different thing from.
The kind of association is defined in the world.
In the world, in Allah matter of the world, he looks at his.
Fell on my own limit this journey. Looked at his lapel here to see why he's just picking this button hole up here and if he sees that it's the same one that he has in his lapel, well then there's a certain kind of a handset that goes with it.
And for the time being, their pal.
Ah, but that's all on the surface.
You have to pay for that. You have to pay well for it too.
But what we have in faith is not a service matter. It's a matter of life of you best. There's no substances for I barely believe.
Various various associations that man is formed all around us today and their number is losing.
There as a result of man, the natural man.
Trying to create Thor himself, a substitute for what we have in touch.
Can you think of any sweepers fellowship?
The Hotmail joined and done and these meet.
Can you think of anything inside of heaven? More Christ?
And the truth together with the children of God, and to shake their hand. And you look under their sink, and you know this is my brother Insight, and you know that he loves you.
And you know that you love him, and you don't have to try either.
It's the very nature that we have is born of God to love one another.
Well, then we might go to the fifth chapter.
And the 19th word.
There's something else that we know.
19th verse. The fifth step.
We know that we are of God.
And the whole world.
Lies in wickedness.
Or I believe that Mister Darby translates that.
The whole world lies in the wicked one.
And the word that was therefore lies.
Is The thing is the same word in the dark full about the Lord Jesus and me?
In the main build they found the young child lying lying in a Manger.
It's the various figure of us being in the arms.
Run a whole world. Live in the wicked, run through the wicked one. Why? Safety. Satan is the God of this world. Is the God of this world religiously.
This is the Prince of this world politically.
And the whole world, the whole of the month.
Why in the wicked one? Who knows that?
Only the child of God is taught by the Spirit of God through the Word.
He is the only one that knows that.
The whole world lies in the wicked one.
You know that.
And dear child of God, dear young person.
Let that sink in your heart. As A50, you have a right to know it. And if you do?
You won't be affected. You won't be misled.
You know, he's taken away by some of the fibers and fancies that are being provided around us today, the whole team.
From top to bottom.
Lies in the lap of the wicked ones. That's the kind of the world in which you and I are called to live our life. And there's nothing but the Word of God will give you the discernment and the conviction to do a scope.
I want to.
But if you don't, let others know.
If that's what you believe me.
It'll never make the topic.
No, it'll never make you popular.
Will tell people the truth about the world. Is it to live?
But that's what they.
That's what our Lord saw when He was here.
He saw that the whole truth was corrupted by the power of sin.
That certainly the chopper had come in and got man under his *******.
And every man apart from the vent of God is the strange of Satan. That's the world which you live. What do you expect from a world like that?
What are you looking for in a world like that?
If you want places.
We want it for validity.
We ought to help it dance its way on down to the day of Dudley, or remember, as God is true, the judgment is already pronounced.
Oh, the world is not waiting to hear its sentence. The judgment already pronounced and justice God is true.
This whole thing around us today is ripening up to the fittle of the judgment of God.
Well, resistance, we know that we are of God.
Yes, God looks down in this world. Where did he park that satisfaction?
And a little group like this.
Wherever he sings, his reduce his heart and rest is that effect.
But outside of the fact that there are in this world the redeemed of the Lord.
There is no spot here in the sea where the eye of God can rest with contentment and satisfaction.
Only as he beholds his own dear blood box children, those are the men redeemed by the blood of of His chosen One. Only those.
Give the light to his heart.
Odana May in May 4th chapter.
And the 13th verse.
Hereby we know there's something else now that we know.
That lead dwell in him.
And he enough.
Because he has given us of his spirit.
God and His wisdom and grace has not only begotten us from life.
He might have stopped there, not, I would think, the God that had lived on the earth.
This is the Spirit of God. No, not all of them. But in systematic God goes a step further. He says I not only miss you, my children, I not only give you life.
But I am going to give you the Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to come right into your heart and dwell there. Never believe you.
Why? Did you know they will have the Holy Spirit up in heaven? Did you know that?
We have the Holy Spirit dwelling in this now, but we won't leave him behind when we go to heaven. No, you're still having dwelling in our hearts up there to pick the things of Christ.
Make some good to us, lead us out into all the worship and adoration that tranquilizers that coming through God has given us His Spirit.
And as well in our hearts.
But the truth with our spirit that they are the children of God.
You have that witness.
Is the Holy Spirit witnessing with your spirit? It's your child of God. That's what he saw. That's his office. He dwells in your heart to make these things good, your soul and to mine.
Well, that reads the testimony we have seen and be testified that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world. That's part of our fiction testimony as we go through the city indicted by the indwelling Spirit of God.
But then in the 5th chapter.
And the second verse.
By this they know that they love the children of God.
When we love God and keep us to men.
For this is the love of God, the cheapest commandment, and His commandments are not greeted.
By this we know that the love that children of God when we love God and people's commandments.
What's the truth that you love me as a child of God? How do you prove to me that you love me?
Why you prove to me that you love me by living faith before?
We all like to be loved, don't we?
We like to have the book.
And have a kindly attitude toward us. We all like to be loved.
And you prove that you love me when you save on our.
I'm going to do something to please Brother Brown.
I'm going to ask him to go into such and such a place.
Well, it's time that you've asked me.
But supposing that.
That is a place to hit.
The word of God.
Would raise objection as to my village.
Are you proving Mr. Lovely by seeking to entice me to go to a place?
That doesn't match up to the commandments of God as we have them in the Word.
Sometimes, brethren say well.
Yeah, you don't love me.
And they mean that they don't sell them fellowships.
In the path and with their Trinity.
Perhaps, beloved, that's the very proof that we do love them, is that they don't show themselves in the wrong path.
In Peter we read this and To Brotherly Love.
Love. What does that mean?
It means verbatim loving the brother because it is a brother.
And put divine love that goes to our brother-in-law.
Divine Love will think of that brother's book in the end, not the immediate losing of him, making them feel happy that you can go along with him. Perhaps that is an injury to it, but let's have the courage in our association one with another.
To prove that we love one another by walking and the precepts that we have in the word of God.
We don't push to another brother, even though we may think so.
We don't serve, we love them by going with them in the past and just a beauty.
We proved beloved by being true to the Word of God.
Oh, I think that is so important.
We're so afraid of having to succeed, but I do not believe that we should be lost under.
And far from legal and untruth, I don't believe in that.
What can we say one to another in situations like this?
Brothers, I just can't with a good conscience go with me in there.
I'm sorry to perhaps hurt your feelings, but with a good conscience I can't do it.
Well, that's the way that we prove that we love one another.
When they eat his commandments, and I trust that we are all the exercise in that direction.
But then in the second chapter.
In the 18th verse.
Little children.
It's the last time.
And if you have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now there are many antichrists whereby.
We know that it is the last time.
There are many antichrists and we know that it is the last time.
You have your eyes open.
Are you alert to what's going on today?
If you are, you know that there are many antichrists.
Oh, some of them are vicious.
Others perhaps?
Have a more polished appearance.
Some are not so serious as others.
But when living in the day of Antichrist.
Those that would rob us of the faith once delivered to the faith.
They're not satisfied.
They're forced these things in their own halls or tabernacles. They're in your doorbell.
They're in my doorbell.
They'll try to get into our home.
They'll cover up their identity.
They will concentrate an insinuation stuff.
They seek to get him by any host of truth.
Yeah, the day I received, he submitted this through the mail.
It had a very smooth sounding typical.
But the very smoothness of it made me alert and I wrote them.
I've been to, I've received this piece of literature. And may I ask by any chance if you are identified with the 70th anthem?
Well, I got an answer back. Yes, there's a 78 minutes but should never know it.
So that it's a literacy. They've been intended to the North, and so were the various broadcasts that go out. Many of them are from this vicious talk, but they don't come on the air and say this is a 70 and I'm just talking, or this is with the horrible witness talking, or this is Christian Science.
No, the the effort is to embarrass, to get us off guard, and these things are interesting.
Why some of us that think we are alert sometimes get caught in a way?
And sometimes find ourselves.
Thinking we're talking to somebody's depiction and you have to probe and prove and probe to the truth comes up.
The summer of December, let's clever it put him on this false appearance. Even now we know there are many Antichrist.
No, the third chapter.
And the second verse.
Beloved now are we the children of God?
And it does not yet appear. What will thou be? But we know.
We know that when he shall appear, you shall be like him, or we shall see him as he is.
Young folks, why is it all going to end?
What to do?
When they are attending.
Here it is.
Now are we the children of God?
Doesn't it appear what we will be? But we stay in old government.
That when he shall appear, there shall be like him, while we shall soon as it is.
Isn't it the same to it? But they're not more likely. Now I'm meaning moral conformance.
I I do not believe that a child of God here.
I do not believe that the child of God here that feels proud of his conformity to Christ.
I believe if I were to ask you.
You feel satisfied with your moral conformity decides in The Walking ways how they would hang your head. And you say, brother, I certainly do not.
I'm sorry that I'm not more like my blessed Lord.
Or I believe I voiced the sentiments of every true child of God when I say that.
But beloved is wonderful.
That the day's coming.
When there will not be one visible thing.
Connected with our personality or our experience or our surroundings, it will not answer perfectly for the mind and heart of God.
God himself will look upon and find nothing to convince. There'll be no longer any need of that daily foot washing that we've been reading about.
No more defilement, the perpetrates and form to the image and likeness of Christ in the door. That's the goal. Heard what's been moved.
But all went to God. But there might be the earnest longing in our hearts.
To be more concerned to him today.
Oh, dear young brother. Dear young sister.
Does it form a part of your personal exercise?
Would you like to be more like Jesus?
How is it going to be brought to pass?
Female living.
Good morning. Something.
Let inform the objects of your heart the object of your affection. Let him be before him all your plans and associations.
Having Christ before you, and God as he gained upon him.
Was things into the same age from glory to glory by the Spirit of our God. That's great.