Articles on

1 Kings 7

1 Kings 7:41 KJV (With Strong’s)

The two
shnayim (Hebrew #8147)
feminine shttayim {shet-tah'-yim}; two; also (as ordinal) twofold
KJV usage: both, couple, double, second, twain, + twelfth, + twelve, + twenty (sixscore) thousand, twice, two.
Pronounce: shen-ah'-yim
Origin: dual of 8145
`ammuwd (Hebrew #5982)
from 5975; a column (as standing); also a stand, i.e. platform
KJV usage: X apiece, pillar.
Pronounce: am-mood'
Origin: or ammud {am-mood'}
, and the two bowls
gullah (Hebrew #1543)
a fountain, bowl or globe (all as round)
KJV usage: bowl, pommel, spring.
Pronounce: gool-law'
Origin: feminine from 1556
of the chapiters
kothereth (Hebrew #3805)
the capital of a column
KJV usage: chapiter.
Pronounce: ko-theh'-reth
Origin: feminine active participle of 3803
that were on the top
ro'sh (Hebrew #7218)
the head (as most easily shaken), whether literal or figurative (in many applications, of place, time, rank, itc.)
KJV usage: band, beginning, captain, chapiter, chief(-est place, man, things), company, end, X every (man), excellent, first, forefront, ((be-))head, height, (on) high(-est part, (priest)), X lead, X poor, principal, ruler, sum, top.
Pronounce: roshe
Origin: from an unused root apparently meaning to shake
of the two
shnayim (Hebrew #8147)
feminine shttayim {shet-tah'-yim}; two; also (as ordinal) twofold
KJV usage: both, couple, double, second, twain, + twelfth, + twelve, + twenty (sixscore) thousand, twice, two.
Pronounce: shen-ah'-yim
Origin: dual of 8145
`ammuwd (Hebrew #5982)
from 5975; a column (as standing); also a stand, i.e. platform
KJV usage: X apiece, pillar.
Pronounce: am-mood'
Origin: or ammud {am-mood'}
; and the two
shnayim (Hebrew #8147)
feminine shttayim {shet-tah'-yim}; two; also (as ordinal) twofold
KJV usage: both, couple, double, second, twain, + twelfth, + twelve, + twenty (sixscore) thousand, twice, two.
Pronounce: shen-ah'-yim
Origin: dual of 8145
sbakah (Hebrew #7639)
a net-work, i.e (in hunting) a snare, (in architecture) a ballustrade; also a reticulated ornament to a pillar
KJV usage: checker, lattice, network, snare, wreath(-enwork).
Pronounce: seb-aw-kaw'
Origin: feminine of 7638
p, to cover
kacah (Hebrew #3680)
properly, to plump, i.e. fill up hollows; by implication, to cover (for clothing or secrecy)
KJV usage: clad self, close, clothe, conceal, cover (self), (flee to) hide, overwhelm. Compare 3780.
Pronounce: kaw-saw'
Origin: a primitive root
the two
shnayim (Hebrew #8147)
feminine shttayim {shet-tah'-yim}; two; also (as ordinal) twofold
KJV usage: both, couple, double, second, twain, + twelfth, + twelve, + twenty (sixscore) thousand, twice, two.
Pronounce: shen-ah'-yim
Origin: dual of 8145
gullah (Hebrew #1543)
a fountain, bowl or globe (all as round)
KJV usage: bowl, pommel, spring.
Pronounce: gool-law'
Origin: feminine from 1556
of the chapiters
kothereth (Hebrew #3805)
the capital of a column
KJV usage: chapiter.
Pronounce: ko-theh'-reth
Origin: feminine active participle of 3803
which were upon the top
ro'sh (Hebrew #7218)
the head (as most easily shaken), whether literal or figurative (in many applications, of place, time, rank, itc.)
KJV usage: band, beginning, captain, chapiter, chief(-est place, man, things), company, end, X every (man), excellent, first, forefront, ((be-))head, height, (on) high(-est part, (priest)), X lead, X poor, principal, ruler, sum, top.
Pronounce: roshe
Origin: from an unused root apparently meaning to shake
of the pillars
`ammuwd (Hebrew #5982)
from 5975; a column (as standing); also a stand, i.e. platform
KJV usage: X apiece, pillar.
Pronounce: am-mood'
Origin: or ammud {am-mood'}

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Cross References

two pillars.
two networks.

J. N. Darby Translation

two pillars, and the globesd of the capitals that were on the top of the pillars, two; and the two networks, to cover the two globes of the capitals which were on the top of the pillars;

JND Translation Notes

Or "cups," i.e. crowning pieces in the form of a cup.