Articles on

1 Kings 7

1 Kings 7:43 KJV (With Strong’s)

And the ten
`eser (Hebrew #6235)
from 6237; ten (as an accumulation to the extent of the digits)
KJV usage: ten, (fif-, seven-)teen.
Pronounce: eh'ser
Origin: masculine of term aasarah {as-aw-raw'}
mkownah (Hebrew #4350)
feminine of 4349; a pedestal, also a spot
KJV usage: base.
Pronounce: mek-o-naw'
Origin: or mkonah {mek-o-naw'}
, and ten
`eser (Hebrew #6235)
from 6237; ten (as an accumulation to the extent of the digits)
KJV usage: ten, (fif-, seven-)teen.
Pronounce: eh'ser
Origin: masculine of term aasarah {as-aw-raw'}
kiyowr (Hebrew #3595)
from the same as 3564; properly, something round (as excavated or bored), i.e. a chafing-dish for coals or a caldron for cooking; hence (from similarity of form) a washbowl; also (for the same reason) a pulpit or platform
KJV usage: hearth, laver, pan, scaffold.
Pronounce: kee-yore'
Origin: or kiyor {kee-yore'}
on the bases
mkownah (Hebrew #4350)
feminine of 4349; a pedestal, also a spot
KJV usage: base.
Pronounce: mek-o-naw'
Origin: or mkonah {mek-o-naw'}

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Cross References

ten bases.
1 Kings 7:27‑39• 27And he made ten bases of brass: four cubits was the length of one base, and the breadth four cubits, and the height three cubits.
28And the work of the bases was this: they had panels, and the panels were between the fillets.
29And on the panels that were between the fillets were lions, oxen and cherubim; and over the fillets there was a base above; and beneath the lions and oxen were garlands of festoon-work.
30And every base had four wheels of brass, and axles of brass; and on its four corners were shoulder-pieces: under the laver were shoulder-pieces molten, behind every garland.
31And the mouth of it within the crown and above was a cubit; and its mouth was rounded, as the work of the base, a cubit and a half; and also upon its mouth was sculpture; but their panels were square, not round.
32And the four wheels were under the panels; and the supports of the wheels were in the base; and the height of a wheel was a cubit and half a cubit.
33And the work of the wheels was like the work of a chariot wheel: their supports, and their rims, and their spokes and their naves were all molten.
34And there were four shoulder-pieces to the four corners of one base; of the base itself were its shoulder-pieces.
35And in the top of the base there was a circular elevation of half a cubit round about; and on the top of the base its stays and its panels were of the same.
36And he engraved on the plates of its stays and on its panels cherubim, lions and palm-trees, according to the space upon each; and garlands were round about.
37After this manner he made the ten bases: all of them had one casting, one measure, one form.
38And he made ten lavers of brass: one laver contained forty baths; every laver was four cubits; upon every one of the ten bases one laver.
39And he put the bases, five on the right side of the house, and five on the left side of the house; and he set the sea on the right side of the house eastward, over against the south.
(1 Kings 7:27‑39)

J. N. Darby Translation

and the ten bases, and the ten lavers on the bases;