1 Peter 1

Duration: 1hr 26min
1 Peter 1
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Your your sick and come here now.
Your Montreal brethren have are suggesting that yesterday afternoon we covered the topics in second chapter of John and the Third very thoroughly, and the suggestion is that we go on to another chapter or topic for this afternoon's meeting.
Yesterday I read the first year and I have the second step in my mind, my heart, after waiting with your Lord and listening to many.
Today I've used a couple months.
Anymore we're considering Joe and those who work in the fire first feed the chapter seven with the trial of your faith be much more practice and so the parachute knowing the economy fire would not be.
And I'm going to work around. We'll have seen the people who don't know. It's not. It's deleted in New York. Joyce.
Second Peter chapter one in the first three verses of chapter 2.
So is it first Peter or second Peter? First Peter chapter one and the 1St 3 verses of chapter 2?
Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ of the Stranger, scattered throughout Pontus, Galicia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bolivia.
Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ.