1 Peter 2:1-5

Duration: 1hr 22min
1 Peter 2:1‑5
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5, 275.
Our God is.
Singing about the tree. She'd be looking Peter.
There are two.
The verse we had before us was verse 24.
But perhaps we could.
Read the chapter, someone cares to read it.
First Peter 2.
Wherefore, laying aside all malice and all dial hypocrisy and envies and all evil speaking.
As newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word, that you may grow thereby. If so, be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious.
To whom coming as unto a living stone disallowed indeed of men with chosen of God, and precious ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house and holy priesthood, to OfferUp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. Wherefore also it is the pain in the Scripture. Behold, I lay in Zion a cheap cornerstone elect.
Pressure, and he that believeth on Him shall not be confounded. Unto you, therefore, which be the He is precious. But under that would be the stone which the builders disallowed. The same is made ahead of the corner, and a storm of stumbling, and a rock of a fence.
Even for them which stumble at the word being disobedient, where unto also they were appointed.
But he always told generation, a royal priesthood and a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should show forth appraises of Him who have called you out of darkness unto the expression of life, which in times past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy. But thou have obtained mercy. Dearly beloved, I beseech you, as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from specially lost with war against the cold.
Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles, that whereas they speak against you as evildoer, they may by your good words, which they shall behold, glorify God on the day of dissipation.
So put yourself to every ordinance of man for the Lords sake, whether it be to the King, a supreme, or of the governor, says unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of people do, and for the fray of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well duty they may put the silence location of foolish man.
As free and not using your liberty for a form of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. Honor all. Love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the King.
Servants be something to your Baptist with all fear, not only to the good and Gentile, but also to the forward, for this is bank worth. If a man for conscience charge God in your Greek suffering wrongfully.
For what glory is it if when you be buffeted for your fault, you shall take it patiently?
But if when you do well on summer for it, you take it patiently, this is acceptable with God, or even here on to where he called he Christ, because right also suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow his death. Who did no sin, neither was God found in his mouth, who when he was reviled, reviled not Again, when he suffered, he threatened not, but committed himself to him that judgment's right.
Who His own self, there are sins in his own body on the fridge, that we being dead to sinful, should live under righteousness, by whose strength he were healed.
For ye were as sheep going astray, but are now returned unto the shepherd and Bishop of your soul.
And sometimes get discouraged.
In our meetings here and there, because there are difficulties that come up.
Displays of the flesh and this kind of thing.
But as we read the epistles.
Do we find any of them that have no correction to give to those to whom they're written?
If we go through Paul's epistles, it's that if we go through Peter, it's the same. If we go through John, it's the same.
Things weren't perfect.
And so, beloved Saints of God, let's not get discouraged and feel like dropping out because things get in a mix up. But just remember these various things that Peter speaks about here, laying aside all malice and guile and hypocrisies and envies and evil speakings, well, those are the things that we find that causes sorrow.
They caused Peter sorrow in his day. There is nothing new, and we mustn't expect to find that perfect company where none of these things ever occur. It doesn't exist, brethren.
It's wonderful to see how the expectations are based upon a position that we're in, and this wherefore would indicate this as we look back in the previous chapter.
And we see the price through which we were brought into blessing, then the exhortations. And we noticed too, that it says here in the.
First verse all guile, and then Peter directs us in the last few verses to one in whom was found no guile, our blessed Savior. And so how we need this, brethren, to not just be occupied with negative things.
We we need the correction, but the correction in Scripture by the apostles is always in love, is it not, And predicated on a position we're in through grace and the power that avails for us so that we can walk in the power of that new life. We need the expectations. We need to know how to walk, but we also have that lovely example before us, our own blessed Savior. I was thinking of a verse 2.
In Matthew.
The 6th chapter.
In connection with our laying hold of the truth as newborn babes in the 22nd verse of the 6th chapter of Matthew.
The light or the lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil or wicked, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If, therefore, the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness? Now the only light that comes into the soul is the light that we have in Jesus Christ.
And if we do not have that object before us continually, there's going to be replacing it, the old nature manifesting itself. And so there won't be any laying a hold of the scriptures because communion, it must be in holiness. And unless there is that enjoyment of a pure object, there will not be holiness with us.
Previous Chapter Beloved, we do find the words obedient children. That's in verse 14.
And then in 15.
This it says, But as he which hath called you as holy, so be holy in all manner of conversation or behavior.
Well, we do know that this epistle is addressed to believers who were dispersed, the dispersed ones of Israel.
In the snow's particular problems, and of course here we have Christians as pilgrims and strangers upon the earth, so that holiness comes in here. And beloved, what is holiness?
Is it not the exclusion of everything from my life and yours that would be contrary to God's mind and God's nature and His word? Surely that would be holiness. And would that be perfecting holiness in the fear of God all beloved?
The exclusion from my life and yours of everything that would be contrary.
To the mind of God.
To his blessed heart of love country, to himself, His very nature for his very natures light. God is light, that's his nature. And so holiness comes in here.
Concerning the Pilgrim. The Pilgrim.
And so there is the laying aside.
Of all malice and guile.
This is a very solemn statement and.
It is remarkable that we are capable of practicing all this this list.
I'm reminded of an occasion in our readings in Bolivia.
That brother asked the question if we could practice, if a believer could practice that list.
Enumerated in Galatians 5 the works of the of the flesh. Well, the brother said he wasn't very old in the faith, but he said.
No. And then our brother Talia said yes.
Yes, so there was a week, there was a quiet moment for a while, and this younger brother said, brother, if I believed that I would do what I like and tell you, said dear brother, if you belong to Christ, you wouldn't like.
You just wouldn't like and it ended there. Well, that was a good note.
Yes, we are capable of anything unless that he keep his hands of love punch.
The word here refers to newborn babes. Is it only the new new child of God who has these dangers and needs the milk of the word to counteract them? Well, I think, beloved brother, that that word.
It says sincere milk. We translated that.
Into the Inca tongue as the unadulterated.
Were unadulterated. Well, I presume, dear brother, that spurs all, whether young or old, in the faith. And was there ever such a time as now?
To steer clear of anything that would adulterate the precious word of God. I remember hearing old Mr.
I think it was Mace. No, it was Walter Scott.
He was very old when I was listening to him in England years ago, and he spoke on this and he said, brethren.
The Word of God is open in our hands this afternoon.
And it will be open in heaven forever.
My word shall not pass away.
And so I hope that's in keeping with my brethren's thoughts concerning as newborn babes desiring the unadulterated word.
Does it? Can we imagine a newborn babe not desiring the milk?
They will make a tremendous fuss until they get it. As you know, those who are fathers and mothers, they remember their children when they were little tots. They would make a big fuss to get that bill. They'd never be satisfied till they had it. Well, isn't that truly that should be our attitude, beloved to this blessed, blessed world of God. Perhaps, too, there's a parallel that.
Is practical, at least, that they babe does not yet have conflicting appetites. The appetite of the babe is for the milk with which it is nourished. It knows nothing of the culinary arts that bring all kinds of tempting dishes before its elders. And so here one's appetite is to be for that which is price. That's right, May I just remark.
One of the first fruits of the work in Bolivia.
A dear brother, Professor Dassa, He was a professor for 37 years in the university and I had the joy of leading him to Christ. Well, he was. He was a bachelor and very apartment in what he said one day, a young brother said.
I have been away listening to certain preaching and it was just as if pouring the milk into my mouth and Dassy said, poor brother, poor brother, it's time you were eating some meat and that's how he would speak to us. Time you eats a meat.
They appoint here is not that only are the babies that brother intended when he asked the question.
But that we all, as Christians, should ever desire the the precious milk of the Word.
Now another thought as to the babes, a baby.
Feeds frequently. It seems to have such an appetite for that milk that it feeds and feeds and feeds. I remember they used to feed babies as often as 2 1/2 hours apart. Maybe it's three and four hours nowadays. They keep changing their ideas, but as long as we're here.
Everyone of us will need to favor.
The reading the word, feeding on the word frequently.
As that word, as beginning in verse two, as newborn babes. Not that we are a newborn babes, that we should ever, ever cultivate that appetite for the Word of God.
There is one circumstance of course, that might hinder the babe having an appetite, and that is sickness. And I believe this is the point here, that we are spiritually sick when we allow the things that are spoken of here and it hinders the appetite for the Word of God. For we all know very well that if any of these things that are spoken of are growing in our hearts, it does hinder the appetite. We don't enjoy the Lord, we don't enjoy the meetings like we should.
Because these things have come in, I was also thinking of how it could be compared to a garden, because in the chapter before, it says that we're born again by the incorruptible seed of the Word of God. Well, the seed is good. The seed bears good fruit. But weeds choke out the garden too. You know, you might have the very finest of seed. You might have good soil.
But alas, the good soil will make the weeds grow if the weed seeds are allowed there.
And so I believe that we're warned here of those things that would hinder the growth that would be the result of feeding upon the Word of God and having that appetite like the babe does for the Word of God, which liveth and abide it forever. But I also mentioned too in this first verse that there are things that are seen and there are things that are not seen. Perhaps we could say malice and guile would be things unseen.
But if these feelings are allowed and nursed in our hearts, then they grow, just like the little seed when it falls into the garden. It's not seen at once, but it'll grow. And so if we allow these things unseen by our brethren, and don't judge them, then they come into the more advanced stage of enemies and evil speakings which are apparent. Well, we surely need these.
Mornings, because I'm sure each one of us desire to.
Be found feeding upon Christ and growing more. But alas, we have good soil in our hearts for these very things if we're not continually before the Lord. It's been said, you know that this first verse is like the farmer plowing the ground and getting rid of the weeds and getting the deep soil before the seed is put in.
So that the seed can grow, and so the principle of self judgment.
In our lives sobriety I believe we have in this first verse and then the result is laying hold of the word with an open clear heart and mind.
What? Our brother?
It may not always be seen.
But if it is there that God sees it, if we have a tender conscience, if we want not our own way, why, we'll recognize a hindrance that's there.
Now in the end of Ephesians 4 we have a verse. I might read the last.
Well, it's even 4:30.
The Holy Spirit is grieved.
By any unbecoming thing nursed in our hearts, and grieve not in the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger.
And clamor and evil speaking, we have that in our verse that we're considering.
Evil speaking, be put away from you with all all mouths, all mouths to be judged. How can there be happiness in the soul if malice is nursed and left unjudged?
When he was down at Bermuda he was addressing the children in the Sunday school and he said, children, can you tell me what honey is like?
So there was silence for a little while, and one little boy stood up. He said. I know what it's like, Sir, he said. It's very sweet.
He said how do you know? He said I have tasted it.
That we have here in our third verse. If so, we have tasted that the Lord is gracious. Well, if we have, surely we should feed upon Him. And to feed upon His word surely will increase our appetite for more.
I know what is in the new translation that says the mental milk of the Word, because it's by the Word of God, intelligently received in the mind, by the Spirit, that we learn the mind of God. We learn those things that are displeasing to the Lord so that we can judge them. We also learn those things that are pleasing to Him. And that's why these Bible readings are so important. It is blessed to look to the Lord.
And to have himself as our object, but we need direction and we find this in the precious word of God. And so we need to this morning as we sit here, have open minds open to his precious word, not open to those defilements that are constantly liable to come in, but open to the precious word of God. And that mind that is brought into subjection to we have in Corinthians it says.
Casting down reasonings and.
Every high thought that exalted itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. I believe this is so important. Our minds are affected by all the things that we hear and see about us. But as we read the Word of God, we have the mind of God made known to us, and it's blessed to receive it in simplicity, just in the same way as a child does receives the word from its parent. And simplicity.
And we're going to receive it in this way and seek grace from the Lord to act upon it in this way. We grow in the knowledge of the Lord and in grace.
1516 a good work to bring in.
5 words were found, and I didn't eat them, and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart.
For I am called by thy name to Lord God, of course.
I think that's very important, but also the fact that there should be exercise in connection with the Word as we read it. There's a verse in the Corinthian in Romans, the 12Th chapter.
I was thinking of as a brother here. Was just speaking, but I'll read it in another translation.
The third verse of the 12Th chapter of Romans. For I say, through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you, not to have high thoughts.
But to think soberly.
Or so as to be wise. I believe it should reap so as to be wise, that is.
Our object in reading the scripture is not to exalt self, but to exalt Christ and the new man. The life that he has now is always to be kept in mind and so to think, so as to be wise.
The in the plying of the truth, we may just read truth and never be exercised by it. But I believe the thought here is that there might be the exercise in regard to our whole pathway as we read the Scriptures, because that's our subject here in this verse. Isn't it the the word of God, the sincere metal milk of the Word.
Concerning our young Christians, may we say that we don't read the word of God?
Merely to know. But we read it to do, to do, and that is a great secret to do. And if any man will do his will, he shall know of the teaching or the doctrine.
How often we read the word of God to know well our thoughts are just vain thoughts.
That word vain, we've translated into the ink of time of vacuum. So, beloved, we needn't feel very puffed up about our knowledge when it's a vacuum.
But we read the word of God to do it. How important that is.
Not merely the novel.
That's probably that very beautifully in the first chapter of the Acts, isn't it? The first verse.
The former treatise Have I made oath? Theophilus of all that Jesus began, both to do and to teach.
About the world Concerning the adulterated Word of God.
We know that there are students here.
Sitting in this meeting, there's no doubt there are number. There are many.
The attack upon the word of God is very real in these days. When I was a student it was real too. It was known more as rationalism, of course, in those early years. Then it came over to be modernism. Today it's agnosticism, atheism, although I have never met yet an atheist.
I've watched many souls die having preached Christ in the army during the war Tackle war. I saw many hundreds die and some of them were proud officers.
But it was remarkable how they cried for even for their mummies at the last they were afraid to die.
Concerning the adulterated word, you young Christian.
May will you not allow by the grace of God, anything, any teaching to upset.
That simple faith in what is written.
Now one day a brother brought me a translation.
Of the New Testament into the Greek language, Greek and Spanish, well, I have never seen anything like that.
And he brought it to me. He said, Brother, here is a wonderful book.
Translation into Greek in the New Testament we can Spanish.
Well, we looked over at the back of the of the translation where you usually find the sting, you know, in the tale. And I said to him, Brother, would you like to sell me that testament? Oh, no, he said, I wouldn't like to part with it. Well, let us read John One together and we rate it together. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a God.
All the love, a God. I said, won't you tell me that? Well, he says if you persist, I will. What are you going to do with it? I said I'm going to burn it, Absolutely burn it.
And we spoke to him concerning the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the sin of colossi.
They would put the Lord Jesus there, and the apostle comes forth with that matchless epistle, beloved, exalting the Lord Jesus to the highest pinnacle.
But he was a translator who had put the Lord Jesus at the very run lowest rung of the ladder.
No, Aegon. Well, that man was either a scoundrel or an ignorant man.
Well, there's no indefinite article in the Greek language. Well beloved, you dear young Christians in your trials in the colleges.
I was talking to a student and I said, what did you, what did you teach at 10? Well, Mr. Smith, he said. I was told to throw the bone everything that I had been taught.
And to get rid of that old fashioned idea of Christianity, Well, isn't that sad? And do you know that the lie goes faster than the truth? And when? And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts.
And how those wicked statements dwell in the soul. May we never listen to such people. Such preposterous teaching, beloved. Oh, may the Lord keep us at His blessed fate with the simple faith, the Apostle Paul.
In Second Timothy.
The third chapter.
On the 10th verse she.
Enunciates a very important principle.
Second Timothy 310 But thou hast fully known my doctrine.
Manner of life.
Now what God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
That was pulling all my doctrine or my teaching and my manner of life.
There is no disharmony there.
The apostle sought diligently to be what he taught.
And he repeatedly refers to that same line of truth that his life and his doctrine were consistent.
So we should be much concerned and much exercised, brethren, that.
Our knowledge of the word doesn't stop with our heads.
But it finds its way into our lives, our daily lives, our contact with our neighbors, our friends, our relatives. There's never a time to take a vacation.
I remember reading an incident where a preacher was on a vacation and they were having some doings and they asked him to give thanks at the table. He said no, I won't do that, I'm on my vacation.
Well, there's never a time to take a vacation from godliness.
So the apostle connects his doctrine and his manner of life. Oh, may the Lord keep us in these last days. I believe what Brother Smith has just been saying to our young people as to what they're hearing in colleges and schools. I believe it's so important.
The devil is behind it. It's an effort to discredit the word of God.
To rob them of all confidence in the Scriptures so they can do their own thinking and try to find God through their own poor depraved minds. That's where we are today. And I believe that you young people would be wise when you start into higher education, to say now by the grace of God.
I have committed myself to the truth of the Word of God and I'm not open.
To receive any of this infidelity that's being handed out, I'm not open to it. I'm not open to persuasion. I made-up my mind. I'm settled.
I believe that's important, brethren.
That's what we find in Colossians the 1St chapter and the ninth verse where it says where those the apostle is praying for the quash and said and to desire that you might be filled no room for anything else but with the wisdom.
With the knowledge of His will, and all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that you might walk worthy of the Lord, and to all pleasing and principle in every good word.
Yes, I certainly believe it's very important that we should read the Word and get a good knowledge of the Word of God because that is what fortifies us against all the unbelief that we find around us. Very often we notice that when you carefully examine the attacks that are made, it's an ignorance of the Scripture that is behind them. Remarks are made, and if we knew the Scriptures well, we'd be fortified. We'd be able to lift the shield of faith.
I remember her reading a comment that we have more to be feared about by the ignorance of the word of God.
Among the people of God, and by the attacks of infidelity, because if we are not fortified by the knowledge of the word of God.
Then the enemy can get in one of those fiery darts. Someone were to lift the shield of faith. But we're all sought to know the mind of God, as it says in Colossians, that he might be filled with the knowledge of His will. So I surely would encourage each one here, whether young or old.
Read the word of God until our very thoughts are formed by us, and I believe this will protect us against the attacks that are being made in a very wonderful way in Colossians that's been referred to, I believe.
Another translation gives us the full knowledge, doesn't it? And also the true knowledge of God. Now coupling that with the exalted place that has been referred to.
That the Lord Jesus is given in Colossians, the highest place.
There's no room for man's reasonings and there's no room of setting anyone or anything in opposition to this position, this knowledge. And in Colossians we have the full.
Knowledge and understanding, and then we have the full assurance. That's really the helmet of salvation in the second chapter, the full assurance so that the believer is fortified and the young believer as he goes to school is fortified. Another thing in our chapter. We have whom coming is unto a living stone.
Now it's the living God, and the believer has a sense now.
And that he belongs to that which is living in contrast to all that man is connected with, that is dead, belongs to a scene of death. And as far as we are concerned, naturally as to the old man, ye are dead. That's also found there.
So the believers in that new position, he has the if he, if he wants it to, to meditate on it, He has the full knowledge of his will. He has the true knowledge of God. He has an object that's a man seated in the heavens beside the Father, the man Christ Jesus as the object for his soul. He has everything he needs.
Seating on the Word of God.
And growing.
I would like to read this short little poem of Brother Checklist I pasted in my Bible last evening. It just happened to fit into what we're talking about, I believe. In fact, I think I've enjoyed this particular little poem of Brother Checklist above all the other of his poems. I valued it so much I'll read it. Nature to the mind, attentive, teaches off a hidden truth.
Even by a tiny insect speaking to our hearts recruit many a different plant will furnish daily food the insect needs, but it always takes the color from the leaf whereon it feeds.
Christians from the bread of heaven OFT times turn to earthly fare. But a telltale change of color, to their shame, they always wear.
If on Christ, the Lamb we're feeding will present a heavenly blue, but the taste of earthly follies changes to another you now there are so many competitive things to draw away our attention.
There are so many counter attractions also attractive they're made, but if we are robbing the Lord of the time that we should be spending in the precious word of God and the things of God.
It's going to tell in our lives in Philippians 19 or 8:00 or 9:00.
A verse of thought.
I will read verse 9 and 10 in Philippians 19 and 10, and this I pray that your love may abound yet more and more in here. We get that full knowledge as a point here in full knowledge and in all judgment or intelligence, spiritual perception, spiritual mindedness here.
Verse 10. In order that he may judge of and approve.
The things that are more excellent. Now if there be two things, one more for the glory of Christ, another thing less for His glory, we should be actively exercised, discerning which would be better.
Now, this should be true of our bookshelves. This should be true of the magazines that we take and of what we give our attention to. I fear that we're living in days when the flesh has too much to say. All these attractive catalogues and and things that magazines mind, they're just full of wonderful things. But we can feed on some of these things.
To the detriment of our soul, we should learn to exercise, to favor the things of the Lord.
Margin gives us things that differ.
Yes, that's right. The things that differ.
Sometimes, perhaps.
If so be doesn't that tell us that?
There's many aside and this desire is contingent about on some if so many, if it's really so that we have tasted that the Lord's grace.
Well, it is merely a formal thingism of laying the stye by turning over a new leaf. Nor is there something that we can make us to enjoy this desire with sincere milk of the word. But.
Having tasted that the modest graciously, and this is that the sweet precious thing, that of keepers indeed in the enjoyment of Christ.
Enjoying themselves, the grace of God, the goodness of God, it keeps us humble and blesses us, and we are able there, are we not, to lay aside and to have that desire for the sincere note of the Word.
I would like to add, if I may, then, for our young people particularly, the subject before us is a very fundamental and essential character.
It's profitable to attend meetings such as this to hear addresses.
To be in the company of believers and to.
Thrive in that atmosphere of spiritual things such as we're doing now.
But the the foundation of the Christian walk is found in the.
Faithful pursuit of the Word.
All one recognizes that we're not always up on the plane of which our brethren have been speaking and.
Not a one here, I'm sure, but we confess there have been days when the word.
Was duly received in the heart.
No, no, no real joy in reading it, and perhaps something coming in that there was not even an appetite for it.
Still a faithful reading of the Word.
Preferably morning and night.
Will have its effect. I remember our dear brother John Tony Long now going to be with the Lord telling us years ago.
Of his experience in business in Walla Walla when he was with another brother in some line of merchandise and the business went through a period of real testing and they worked long hours and they both got careless about reading the word and soon they found that they were so engrossed in their business that even being at the.
Meetings with fellow Saints was not happy to them.
It's all they very purposely and I'm sure prayerfully set before them that they would not allow the pressure of these things to interfere with reading the word mourning and night. And our brother Tony told us that when they first resume this diligence and reading, they often didn't know what they read.
They read a chapter, but it had no meaning to them. But in due course of time, it did. And so one recommends that to all of us, no matter what our state of soul. And I'm sure we do know what it is to be depressed. Let us be faithful with that word, dear young married brothers and sisters.
Read that word to your children. Have them in attendance.
I know a brother who reads the word in his bed every morning, but I'd like to see him read it to his children, to his wife. That would be good that I just leave that word and not all equal to the great height. But the Lord will bless the Holy Spirit of God, will bless a faithful reading of His Word. Where is that Scripture? I can't turn to it right now. A lamb in the morning and a lamb in the evening, where is that?
Or 29.
No, let me find out.
That excellent Job 29 and 38, verse 38.
Now this is that which thou shall offer upon the all their two lands of the first year, day by day, continually. The one lamb thus shall offer in the morning, and the other Lamb thus shall offer it. Easy. Yes, that's the verse I had in mind. I think it's.
A nice sound principle.
That we begin the day with Christ and we end the day with Christ.
They probably don't. Pardon me, just a moment. In the old days they used to talk about the family all well. Perhaps we don't give it that dignified title, but I believe we're missing something if we don't don't open our Bibles together as a family every morning and every evening. The lamb in the morning, Christ to begin the day in Christ to end the day. I think we're the losers if we don't practice this now. I don't mean to say that we're for to forget Christ in between.
But I do emphasize the fact the lamb in the morning and the lamb in the evening.
It might connect with verse 42.
There shall be a continual.
Burnt offering.
Now there was associated with that burnt offering incentives, and in the verse before for a sweet savour and offering made by fire unto the Lord.
This burnt offering aspect must be an incense, must be Christ.
According to God's own appreciation of him. And God's appreciation of Christ is full. And if we ever come into God's presence with that confidence.
That will honor the Lord.
The blessing I noticed in the reading in Elijah's ministry when the three kings were gathered and they had no water in the desert. And Elisha is there.
When the blessing did come, it came at the time of this sacrifice. By the way of Edom, it says he was at the time of the offering of that sacrifice. Now the same thing was true.
In the 19th chapter or the 18th chapter, when Elijah was offering on the altar and the priests of bail were destroyed, you recall it was at the time of the evening sacrifice that the blessing came and the fire fell from heaven. And so that encourages us, although we may not immediately see the blessing, there is a blessing connected with the offering of the morning and the evening sacrifice.
In the first, Chancellor Andrew.
23 We notice that the word is presented as seed, there to impart divine light to those who receive it and believe it. And then in our chapter, the second verse, we have the same precious word presented as food for those who have received Christ.
So we surely need the feet of them, that Blessed One, as we get in the 6th chapter of John and verse 57. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father, so he that eateth me, even He shall live by me. Here we have Christ's sustenance of the new life.
So we need him all the time. I was thinking two of different references we have to feed him.
Israel and Egypt fed upon leaks, onions, garlic, things of the earth. The 44th chapter of Isaiah we find that Isaac Israel rather fed upon wind and then in Hozier in the no, I'm sorry, Ephraim fed up and wind Israel fed up in ashes in the 44th chapter of Isaiah. And then in the same the 13th chapter of Hosea says according to their pasture, so were they filled.
And it goes on to say, And their heart was exalted, therefore they have forgotten me.
So they are not feeding upon the living bread or otherwise they wouldn't have forgotten the Lord who is the living bread. And then we find in Song of Solomon, chapter one, verse seven, I believe it is. Tell me where thou theest. What a challenge to our hearts, beloved. Where do we feed? What do we feed upon? Tell me where thou feedest. Well, the Lord offers the living bread for us to feed upon, His precious word and Himself.
Do we not have a beautiful example of this in Matthew 4 where Christ is brought before us in connection with the temptation in the wilderness, and Matthew 4 verse four just?
For the sake of time he answered, Christ answered Satan. He answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
I believe we can connect that with here as to our living our life and in connection with the word in Peter as our growing.
So we have a beautiful example, I believe there in that 4th chapter of Matthew.
Which we read in connection with Christ as the dependent man.
Connection with our fourth verse. To whom coming is unto a living stone.
That's Christ, of course, a living stone, disallowed indeed of man, but chosen of God.
I believe we need to be reminded at the present time that the Christ of the Bible.
The Christ that the Word of God brings before us.
Is disallowed, indeed, of men. Now we've just this week we've seen the decorations of every imaginable kind all over the country from coast to coast.
About the birth of Christ.
And yet what mockery it is.
The Christ of the Bible, the Christ of Scripture, is disallowed, indeed of man.
Man do not want the Christ of the Bible.
Are they?
Have various imaginations and they bring forward these celebrations.
That have to do with this name, but as to the Christ of God that the one that's presented in Scripture they have no time for him.
There is an effort now to make.
Christianity, a popular thing to dress it up make it very appealing.
Modernize it, bring it up to date. Well, brethren, there's nothing like that in Scripture whatsoever.
The Christ of God is disallowed by this world, and it's only a work of the Spirit of God in our souls that's going to bring us to the Christ of God.
The one who came into this world.
Went to Calvary, was rejected, suffered, bled, died.
The only one that can save. And if we're not subject to him, the Christ of God. All this awkward celebration and honor that we give him is really an insult to God.
Brother Brown, at the beginning, the 24th verse, the expression that we should live unto righteousness is connected with the death of Christ and our death with him, is it not? And that sort of gives the character to this chapter, doesn't it?
The fact of the practical exercise under the government of God, because Peter gives us that, does he not the government of God?
Half is afflicted Saints.
Do we have to use effort to stand against Satans methods today?
It's just a question posed.
We do read that our warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. That's in Ephesians 6.
And the remedy there is to put on the whole armor of God.
Maybe just read that as this question has been asked, beloved.
For we wrestle not verse 12 against flesh and blood, that is to say, against human beings, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Well, we do know, beloved, that the 1St Heaven is full of them.
And that's where the warfare is going on.
In contrast, what we have in the force of Ephesians.
OK, where it speaks that the reading and the.
Do you know verse 10 of chapter 3? Pardon me to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers.
In heavenly places might be known by the Church, the manifold wisdom of God.
Well, here's the contrast, beloved, between good angels and demons. We have good angels here in verse 10.
And are they not all ministering spirits sent to them, and should be heirs of salvation? Here we are.
But in in concerning have we to use any effort?
The word in Ephesians 6 is stand.
Let us read that again, just for a moment.
Phase and say.
Therefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand there for having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, and above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery dots of the wicked, and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. But it's wonderful that verse 18 comes in here too.
Praying always with all prayer and supplication of the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for All Saints. Well, how blessed it is, beloved, to know that it is God.
Who willeth how is an English God? Who willeth to do by forgetting English?
Will continue both to will and to do, of his own good pleasure.
It's nice to notice here in this chapter we've been noticing how the incorruptible seed gives life and then there's food. But here where the house is looked at, the the Church of God as the House of God. It has to do with conduct, doesn't it? When the Church of God is spoken of as the body of Christ, Why? It's His love and care. Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. He nourishes and cherishes that. But here we find the church looked at as a house.
Not here with man as the builder, but with God as the builder. When man does the building well, he may bring in some bad material, wood, hay and stubble. The day will declare that. But when the Lord Jesus is the builder, when God is the builder, why then there's no bad material? The Lord Jesus said on this rock, I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And so building upon him where we have a sure foundation.
And we are brought in as living stones. So here we find the Church looked upon in its house character, and the wonderful blessed place we have as holy priests and royal priests, built upon this foundation that can never fail. The gates of hell can never prevail against that which He has built. But we may not always be in the enjoyment of the privileges belonging to the place, nor may we always act like we should in the place where we have been brought.
But it's nice the subject is introduced by bringing us to that person who has built us in his living stones, who is himself the chief cornerstone.
We often find that two things mentioned in this chapter are confused, worship and service. But in this chapter we find they're in divine order, are they not? Worship and chapters in verse five and service in verse 9. But sad to say, it's often reversed. People seem to think that service is far more important than worship, but we find it's in divine order. Here. Worship comes first or should do. They both have their place, but worship has the 1St place.
That's the order in Ezekiel 44.
Emphasize their.
We sometimes would like to substitute activity.
For that which is God's portion. God's portion.
In Ezekiel 44, verses 10/11, 12:13.
And even quarantine it shows the Levites who are for service.
But in verse 14 says that I will make them keepers of the charge of the house for all the service.
But they had not kept the charge.
And when we get to verse 15, we have the priests. They are the ones that have immediate access into God's presence and who are, who are who serve in the interest and care of God. So in the last half of verse 15, these priests, the sons of Zadok, shall come near to me.
To minister unto me, and they shall stand before me.
To offer unto me the fat and the blood, saith the Lord God. They shall enter into my sanctuary, and they shall come near to my table to minister unto me, and they shall keep the charge.
And it should come to pass.
That when they enter in at the gates of the inner Court, they shall be clothed with linen garments. I believe this speaks of the consistent life of practical righteousness. The linen garments, and no wool shall come upon them whilst they minister in the gates of the inner court, and within they shall have linen bonnets upon their heads, and shall have linen breeches upon their loins.
They shall not notice this now. They shall not burn themselves. With anything that causes sweat, there can be a great lot of energy and activity.
Out of place, but if the Lord has the 1St place.
In the heart, then the life will indeed be fruitful. In service, that'll be.
Fragrant with Christ and to God's glory.
That vote?
We have the same order in Hebrews 13. Do enough verse 15.
By Him, therefore, let us off of the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name. That surely speaks of worship and the next verse service. But to do good and to communicate, forget not. For such sacrifices God is well pleased.
And the same order in the first four books of the Bible. In Genesis we find man is a Sinner. In Exodus man is redeemed with a lamb. In Leviticus, man is worshipping, but in Numbers he's serving.
I believe it's so very important to distinguish the difference and the order because so many today are bent on service, service, service, and they haven't time to be in the presence of God to worship. They think it's not important. But it's all important to mention, Beloved, that verse 16 that our brother cited from Ezekiel 44.
They shall enter into my sanctuary. They shall come near to my table to minister unto me.
And they shall keep my charge. Well, in this connection one is reminded in Psalm 93.
Holiness, become a blind house, O Lord, forever and ever.
Or, as we have it, for the ages of the ages.
In Peter we have the question of the building. Holiness becometh thine house, oh Lord, forever and ever.
Thought is found, I think it's in Second Chronicles 20.
29 if I remember. Second Chronicles 29.
In verse seven of Second Chronicles 29.
Also they have.
All but sad words of Hezekiah. They have shut up the doors of the porch, and put out the lamps, and have not burned incense, nor burnt offerings in the holy place unto God.
Now, verse 11, my son.
Be not now negligent, for the Lord hath chosen you.
To stand before him, to serve him, and that he should minister unto him.
And burn incense.
Oh, that's the loveliness of Christ and bring that before God is the highest privilege that any redeemed one can possibly have. Nothing can exceed that. And when we have become careless as to our highest privilege privileges.
And then resort to activity all. What a miserable substitute it is, and one doesn't want to ever be misunderstood.
Have anyone think that we are to be rocking chair Christians, as I think an expression Brother Willis used to use in the Steward? We are never intended to settle down in this world. The truth must have its balance, thus to think, because activity is a joyful thing.
I know what it is in my early days, preaching on the street frequently giving out gospel tracks. All is good when the heart is going along with the Lord. But to merely make a service as the great thing is surely not our particular calling. It is Christ must have the 1St place.
Another verse, say 6. Psalm 65, verse 4.
Blessed is the man.
Whom now chooses and causes to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts?
Can anything be more precious than that?
The spiritual house.
Mention here is that which will be complete when every believer.
Is there and we're caught away, Is that it?
I'm asking the question, you know the answer. Are we not now living stones in this portion here?
We will have the fullness of it when we are in the glorious True. But now is the line of truth here, isn't it? Yeah. I was thinking, though, that there is a contrast in the two last versions of Ephesians 2, is there not? We have in one case the thought of the temple and the other the Tabernacle.
Whereas here I suppose it's more the temple, is it not?
The temple in the end of Ephesians 2 is growing. It is not yet complete. The last verse.
Verse 22 of that chapter is the Tabernacle truth in that we are the habitation of God through the Spirit. In that sense, it's always a place where it's a Tabernacle while we are in the wilderness.
Temples almost finished though, isn't it? Amen.
We were enjoying, we were enjoying the verse on the I think Joyce leaning calendar this morning.
If I remember right, it might have been the other calendar, Second Chronicles chapter 3 and verse one, in which it speaks of Solomon began to build the house. He began to build the temple of the Lord, but it was on Mount Moriah, that place where Abraham offered up Isaac.
And figure, at any rate, in that place where the threshing floor warning the Jebusite was, where the plague was stayed, he offered the burnt offering too. Burnt offering.
David, before his death made a great provision for the building of this temple, the Lord Jesus Christ in his death, dying in our stead, shedding his precious blood, redeeming his Son to himself. He made provision, the Lord Jesus in his death for the building of this temple in virtue of that precious bloodshed.
The Holy Spirit is given to us by which we worship.
And we send 318 Oh Lamb of God, still keep us inside.