1 Peter 2:13-25

Duration: 1hr 21min
1 Peter 2:13‑25
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General Meetings, Des Moines, May 1971. Fourth reading meeting.
He has had three readings on this chapter. It may be that the Lord has laid something on the hearts of someone.
In regard to something else for us.
You don't need to feel we have to go on with it unless the brethren.
That there are some more things in this chapter that would be good for us.
And we have the Lord Jesus Christ set before us in the end of the chapter on the example.
In all of this.
Not only that we have his atoning suffering brought before us too his martyr sufferings and his atoning sufferings. And so as we've already had Christ before us in the first part, we still have Christ before us in the last part of the chapter.
And before we get to that, of course, there are many good expectations as well.
That was the 13th, 1St.
First Treated 2 verse 13.
Submit yourselves.
To every ordinance of man, for the Lord's sake, whether it be to the King of Supreme or under governors, is unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evil doors, and for the praise of them that do well.
For so is the will of God, that with well doing he may put the silence, the ignorance, of foolish men, as free, and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness.
But as a servant of God.
Honor all men, love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the king servant. Be subject to your masters with all fears, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the for this is thank worthy man for conscience toward God. Endure grief, suffering wrongfully.
For what glory is it, if when you be buffeted for your false, you shall take it faintly, but if when you do well and suffer for it, you take it patiently?
This is acceptable with God or even here unto where he called to go to Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that he should follow his death.
Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth. Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again. When he suffered, he threatened not, but committed himself to him the judge of righteously.
Whose own self bearer sins in his own body on the tree.
That we, the dead of sins, should live under righteousness, by whose right to be healed.
You were a sheep going astray, but have now returned under the shepherd and Bishop of your soul.
For you, Brother Barry mentioning this, there was a break here in this chapter.
From verse 13 I think you mentioned from 12 on to the on to 19. Would you say that the Christian pathways outlined there in these verses?
I certainly would, Brother Smith.
And I think that is the pattern we find all through the epistles.
That first we get the doctrinal side of the subject, and then we get the practical.
Side of things. That's based on the doctrinal side of things.
Remember Brother Potter saying on time we must neglect the tail end of the epistle?
That part of the epistles that gives us the practical life of the believer. We don't want to admit either side. We need to be established in doctrine.
But we need to put this doctrine into.
Our practical daily life. And so the apostle here takes up for our relationship with the governments of the land, where to be subject to every ordinance of man and so on.
And it is so. It is the will of God that with well doing he may put the silence, the ignorance of foolish men, that is, by being.
Subject to the powers that be, those who would like to get an accusation against us are put to silence, because they can find no fault, nothing for which they can condemn us.
And that's very important in these days. It's so easy to.
Violate some of the laws of the land carelessly.
I was thinking about the birds previous.
Previous verse.
Made by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God and their visitation. It seems to be misunderstanding about good works. Sometimes we hear the expression to the center. You'll never be saved by your good works. Well, that seems to be a wrong expression altogether, because the unbeliever cannot produce good works to begin with. You have the life and the nature, and he's not engulfed by the Holy Spirit.
And good works are produced by the Holy Spirit in and through the believer. Now the first mention we have of good works is in Matthew 5.
Nice to notice.
5th chapter of Matthew.
And verse 16.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, not yourself, your Father which is in heaven.
Now the first definite act to which it is applied, we find it's in 26th chapter of Matthew as the Anointing of Christ by Mary.
26th chapter of Matthew.
That's the first death of act we have in connection with good work.
It says verse 7.
They came unto him, a woman having an elevator box of very fresh assignment, and four Devon his head, as he sat at me. But when his disciples saw it, I had indignation, saying, to what purpose is this week?
For the assignment might have been sold for much and given to the four. Now we have another mention of it in Acts 936.
In connection with this dear woman.
Acts 936.
Doctors. Now there was a job for a certain disciple named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas. This woman was full of good works.
Announced these, which she did, and it came to pass. In those days that she was sick and died from when they'd washed, they laid her in an upper chamber, and for as much as dinner was night at Joppa, and the disciple inferred their feet was there.
They sent unto him two men, desiring him that he would not delay to come to them. Then Peter arose and went with them. When he was come, they brought him into the upper chamber, and all the widows stood by him, weeping and showing the coats and garments which Dorcas made while she was with them. So there seemed to suggest to me that.
Good works in God's sight is affection for the heart of Christ.
And kindness and goodness to our fellow men, because we are told to do good unto all men, especially unto those in the house. All the faith. So putting the two together. Mary in her anointing with Jesus just before his death. And this dear woman Dorcas, who made these coats and garments for others. Here we have good works, and God calls them good works. The last mention of good works is in our chapter.
Second chapter first, Peter. But we may be rebuked, as Martha was, for good work, so for by some. For we may be praised like gorgeous ones, but what Whichever way it is we have the approval of God in these sinks affection to the heart of Christ, and doing good all around.
And where?
16th verse of our chapter, and as free and not using your liberty for a folk of maliciousness, but as a servants of God.
That corresponds with a verse in the 5th chapter of Galatians.
Where it says in the 13th verse, for brethren, ye have been called unto liberty.
Only use not liberty for an occasion of the place, but by love serve one another.
There's always that danger when we say, well, we're saved by grace alone.
We have eternal life. We can never perish.
Of the place, taking advantage of that liberty to just go on, and things that dishonour the Lord.
So it speaks of it in this place as a cloak of maliciousness.
So we have to be on our guard and the way we discover.
Where that liberty as being abused is simply are we giving liberty to the place? There's never such a thing as liberty to the place. The place he has condemned is something that has.
Have been set aside. God's done with it, Becks. Nothing out of it.
So whenever there is liberty of the flesh, that's very harmful and wrong. But all beloved, how precious and wonderful this is thought of the liberty of the new light.
Instead of being under the law, ******* like the Israelites speaks of yoke which neither Wiener or father stood there. Why we have that precious wonderful liberty, We're saved, and now we can please the Lord. And when subject to His word, why then that that James speaks of as the?
Well, I'll have to just get the exact words.
In James one where he speaks, but whoso 25th verse of the first chapter, but whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continuous therein, he being not a forgetful here, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. See, we are under a law of above law, isn't it?
Alpha law *******. Alpha Law of Sinai. But the perfect law of liberty. And there's just this difference. Suppose the father says to his son, you've been a naughty boy and you have to stand there in the corner.
And he obeys. He stands in the corner, but that is against his will. He is chafing under the discipline. Well, after a while, the father said. Now, son, you can go out in the yard and play ball. Well, that's the law of liberty. That's the very thing he wants to do. Well, if we put ourselves under the law of Moses, we're putting ourselves into *******.
Because the old nature desires to do the very thing that the law forbids. But when we are controlled by the law of liberty, why is the most delightful life? Because we're doing the very thing that the new nature delights Him to please the Blessed Lord, learn more of him to walk in His blessed word.
But there's caution here, and the one in James is very important for us, for there's always that danger, and our hearts are so deceitful that we could even deceive ourselves into thinking that we were.
Acting in the liberty of the Spirit where in reality.
It's just pleasing ourselves, and when we're just pleasing ourselves, what is so much sure to be the pleasing of the old sinful nature that's in US.
Psalm 40 verse 8 is in keeping with what you said, Brother Price, isn't it Brother Brown?
Yeah, I delight to do thy will. God is we have the same nature.
The holy divine nature, we that are born of God, born from above, and that nature cannot sin but.
Does delight to do God's will, Finds all its joy in US, and doing His will well, that is, I believe the first book is the perfect law of liberty.
The Epistle to Philemon. Philemon, Philemon. First one. I just like to read the first words in the Epistle to Philemon verse one. It's a very lovely epistle of Paul. And I say that Paul a bondsman of Jesus Christ. And I noticed that the often called himself a bond man has served one of Jesus Christ.
And isn't it blessed that the Lord Jesus told us in his precious words, If the sound shall make you free, ye shall be free, indeed, free from sin, free from the chains of religious superstition that this year man or God who became a man of God had. But isn't it wonderful, because a tough way to know he say no, I want to be a bond man of the Lord. Jesus isn't advisor.
It's only a couple goes on to say honor all men, Love the Brotherhood, Fear God, honor the King. Well, the lobby is covered in that little short verse.
The margin reads. Esteem for Krypton to show respect to those he has to do with.
And that often wins its way so that there's an opportunity for a word for Christ.
The brotherhood. What a wonderful subject that is, because you're been brought into the family of God, and it just isn't just certain brothers that we esteem and find pleasure with, but it's all God's children the world over wherever we meet a child of God.
Immediately there's awakened in the heart aloft so that dear brother or that dear sister in Christ.
Fear God. Well, we need to walk in the fear of God continually. And then those who are in the authority over us hear the Rwanda, the wicked emperor heroes. And yet they were to honor Emily and not to despise the one who is set up, even if it's.
Might be the basis of man. All these things are very simple, very practical.
Peter sets before us in this portion, and then with the 18th verse we enter the subject that Brother Anderson has lastly commanded to us.
But it's it's quite interesting to notice that this subject is addressed to servants. It's really slaves.
And have you not noticed that some of the most precious instruction that we have?
In the word was addressed to slaves.
Take care of the Book of Titus.
In the second chapter of Titus.
Where you get that wonderful word for the grace of God that bring us salvation, hath appeared unto all men at verse 11, teaching us and denying ungodliness and worldly lust. We should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. We might just suppose if we.
Are not acquainted with the chapter that that was addressed.
To a very elite class of, well, thought class. But to whom was it addressed? It was addressed to four slaves that some of them were toiling under the ******* or maybe an unkind master.
And then the third chapter of Colossians. You find the Apostle there when he addresses the slaves he speaks of.
We're having getting the reward of the inheritance.
Notice that in the third chapter of Colossians.
Yes, I got this off my high off the verse. Yes, that's right, brother.
Sarah, Paula.
And the 23rd verse, Well, we read the 22nd Servants obey in all things your masters, according to the place, not with I service as men pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing golf. And whatsoever you do, do it partly as to the Lord, and all of us on the men, knowing that of the Lord, ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance. I notice this.
For ye serve the Lord Christ. I'm looking for that verse one time, and I just thought it must be addressed to some of the servants of the Lord. But here I found it was addressed to the slaves, and they're the ones that are promised.
Through faithfulness to an earthly master, to whom they belong and for whom they were, from whom they were receiving no wages, that they would get their reward of the inheritance. And isn't it lovely to to see how that fallen Peter?
Agrees so wonderfully in addressing the slaves, to give the most important instructions of the of their epistles.
Who these slaves that some of them, as we're told here?
Had masters that were fro words or stubborn. Forward means stubborn, and yet they they could serve the Lord in that position. And as I passage in in Titus that we referred to, it speaks to the slaves there as adorning the doctrine of Jesus Christ.
How lovely and beautiful this is so as we go into this wonderful subject.
That will be well spent. To look into why, I just remember that it doesn't do all very prosperous well. The new people at this instruction was addressed, but it was addressed to the slaves of those days.
As you just mentioned when Princess Margaret.
Visited the island of Saint Vincent. We happened to be there and that night was prayer meeting night and one of the sisters put on her very best dress.
And she looked very smart and all she went to see his father.
Well, time came for supper. Sister didn't turn up, so we had a bite. Went off the prayer meeting.
System is another the prayer meetings. So when we come back to our house, we said we missed the delight system, the prayer meetings. Where have you been? She said. Well, doesn't it say honor the king? I said yes, but the king wasn't there.
It was Princess Margaret, I said if you notice that verse it says before that fear God and also in the 16th of Romans says render therefore to all their dues.
Well, her first you want to be at the prayer meeting. I consider not to be running about after Princess Margaret each have their place. But she put Princess Margaret before the prayer meeting and she came out with this very verse. Well, it says in second chapter first Peter, honor the king. I said yes, that's the work. Before that it says fear God.
We had a dear brother in Ottawa many years ago. Brother Tracy and Albert will perhaps remember him and remember out him. He was in business. And at the end, I believe it was at the last first Great War. Everybody was to put something in their windows. And this deer a servant of God's child of God.
He didn't know what to do to comply with the.
Request. And so he had this verse printed and placed in his window. And I've never forgotten. Honor all men, love the brotherhood, fear God, and honor the King. And I believe that was a testimony to the memory of that dear man. Remember Albert?
In the last part of the verse 18 there is something that is very significant to unnoticed. He says to be good not only to the gentle that is the master, but to the strong Lord. And humanly speaking I suppose we would say just like the easel like on the 6th chapter of John when they say this is a hard saying and who can believe it well, but you know we have a secret. If we have a power of master we can be down to early, small and.
6° from the Lord Jesus. Then he giveth more grace.
Result them He will give it more grace as a heart, say in humanly speaking, isn't so big, not a good, not only to the good but to the power. But by being broke, burned down to an age, I believe that the Lord Jesus will give us grace to be gracious with them too.
Doesn't know anything about this to be subject to the forwards, so to get their rights.
They form unions to counteract their masters. Well, I don't know what to say about that as part of the world is concerned. That's their way, that's part of the system of the world. But certainly it's not the pathway for the child of God is to be subject even to the forward.
But we can say we have the Lord on our side.
We can bow before him, as you say, and get on our knees and talk to him about it. And He can give us grace and mercy to help us in our time of need. And He can control the master too. The Lord is able.
This subject.
Of being a being subject.
Is interesting, I believe.
The first.
That I've noticed in the New Testament you're all familiar with.
You don't need to turn to it. You'll recognize when I read this first, the Lord Jesus Christ is a young.
Man or young he was in fact 12 years of age. Acts 251 He went down with them, his parents and came to Nazareth and was.
Subject unto them.
Now we find this verse or this word subject.
In many places in the in the New Testament.
In Romans, remember the subject to the powers that be it sometimes rendered. Submit yourselves.
Now I have observed that in every case.
Which where this appears and many times.
It is really the word subject rather than submit. Now in one instance in the 5th of.
Ephesians, Mr. Darby does translate and submit, but actually it he would have been very consistent had he translated it. There be subject. Now why do I call your attention to this? In my own mind I look upon that word submit.
As something that might be commendable, might be commendable for my children to submit themselves to the teacher, me to submit myself to that officer that draws me over the side of the road, and so on and do it in this.
What kind of a spirit might I submit or my wife to me?
Submission to my mind is not near the mind of God as being subject.
To submit, one might do it reluctantly.
And yet get credit for having done so.
But I believe the mind of God is that the Christian who has this new nature.
May in faith and in pleasure and in full relaxation.
Adopt A continual attitude, a habit of life, because of being a Christian, of being subject.
To be subject to the powers that be to be subject of our verse.
Our verse we commence with 13. Mr. Darby translates it be in subjection to every ordinance.
And in our verse 18 we're now considering servants be subject in chapter 3, verse one wise be in subjection to your own husband. And the same thought in the end of verse five as to the wise adorning themselves being in subjection to their own husbands. Now we read in Titus Two that verse this afternoon, but I'll call your attention that it's also translated to in verse 9.
A bondsman to subject, to be or to subject.
Be subject to their own masters and so on. Well, I believe that I'm putting it right that in every case, instead of submitting that, it would be consistently translated subjection. So if I want to learn the mind of the Lord, I don't have to be all excited over whether I submit or not and so on. It's my pleasure.
The new nature to bow, and that's the path of blessing. We get two other references about that in 13th chapter of Romans in the first verse.
Let every soul be subject.
Unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God. The powers that be are ordained of God.
And in Titus 3:00 and 1:00.
Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready for every good work.
I don't suppose we are very close to the problem of confronting legislation that we couldn't submit to in the fear of the Lord and with all good conscience. Nevertheless, I believe that does so did not enter into the matter of being subject, because if the Lord should leave us here, we little know what we might have to face.
We should establish a pattern of willing subjection to all that is required of us, and accept the consequences also without complaint, if our conscience would not give us the liberty to submit.
I I say this because it just came to my attention a week ago. I don't know how serious this is, but there is legislation in process in Canada right now which would really make it illegal to preach the gospel as our brother Gladding preached it last night.
In view of the torrent of hate literature that has been distributed in this country and some, but also in Canada, legislation is in process right now to stop hate literature and its distribution.
And that legislation is so worded that it would be contrary to the law to refer to the wrath of God and the punishment of God and Hellfire. And if it is passed as it is now written, there would be a serious problem facing a faithful evangelist. I believe God is well able to overrule, and I trust him about this matter. But I just say it because in being subject to the powers that be, I think it's well that we establish the pattern.
Of unquestionable submission to the powers of the so that if there comes an occasion where our conscience is involved, we will not be recognized as individuals who are always looking for a way out anyway, and who perhaps were reckoned as those who were not very sufficient. I suggest that we immediately be subjects, willingly and without complaints. That sometimes is perhaps.
A little difficult to do, but subject without complaint to that which is required of us, so that if our conscience someday is involved, they will recognize that there is the fear of the Lord that directs us. And in saying this, I believe perhaps we do well to suggest that subjection to the powers that be, or subjection to perhaps a froward or in the ill tempered employer.
Doesn't always mean that he's going to recognize this subjection and reward us for it. It may be that we shall be called upon all our life long to as the world would look upon it, suffer because of this objection. Others who don't subject themselves may get farther ahead. We were just reading before we came to meeting this morning the 11Th chapter of Hebrews, and we noticed what has been observed before.
But there was faith which was used of God to the victory of those who exercise that faith, who through faith of dude kingdoms wrought righteousness, stop the mouths of lions, quench the violence, violence of fire out of weakness were made strong.
And others. And then it gives a list of those who, with equal faith, were subjected to all kinds of disgraceful.
Rewards. They were stoned, they were sawn asunder. They were put to the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, in dens and caves of the earth of whom the world was not worthy. The all obtained a good report through faith. I simply mentioned this because I feel sometimes that we might form the opinion that if I am subject to the powers that be, it will be recognized and I will be rewarded for it. While I'm down here, I may not be.
I may have to suffer for it in my employment, others may climb all over me and get much farther ahead, but I believe nevertheless that this is what the Word of God would put before us willing submission for the Lords sake.
Into Libya, brother and I might venture for prayer.
For the first time in history.
The actual president of the Republic has separated the Roman Church from every interference in educational matters. It's never known in the history of that country that such a thing could be done.
Now the laborers, the laborers are asking me what they should do.
Well, I've written them that they be subject to the powers that be.
And suddenly one of our laboring brethren was asked by a man in an important position, what did he think of the new president?
Well, that was the most subtle question that could ever be put to a servant of Christ.
What did he think of the new president? You know what He said? He turned to Timothy.
And he read. In the presence of this man, I exhaust, therefore, the first of all supplication, prayers, and possessions, giving a thank may make for all men, for kings, and for all that are in authority, that we may leave, are quiet and peaceable life and all godness and honesty. And the emphasis, brethren, there is on we that we might live our quiet in the peace of the life of all God. Well, they've subjected themselves.
What's going to happen next? We're waiting.
Daniel 6 and 10, Did you say brother?
Now when Daniel knew that, the writing was signed.
He went into his house and his windows being opened in his chamber to all Jerusalem.
He kneeled upon his knees.
Three times a day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as he did the four times. We do know, brother, what it cost him to do this. But there is a verse in Philippians who said we are to make our request known unto God with Thanksgiving.
And the peace of God which passes all understanding, shall Garrison, keep, or Garrison your hearts and minds who cry.
Be careful for nothing. Yes, be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with Thanksgiving. And I believe, brethren, that this is the most important matter for us. We may have our liberties curtailed very soon in this Loveland.
It could easily come to pass and also Daniel 317 and 18.
Would you well?
Here we have the three friends of Daniel.
New Shaq, Evan Nico of Shadrach.
Too they answered and said to the king in verse 16.
To the great King of the world Empire.
Oh, Nebuchadnezzar.
We are not careful to answer thee in this matter.
If it be so, our God, whom we serve, is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king, But if not, be it known unto the old King, that we will not serve thy God.
Nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.
That requires discernment and wisdom, brethren.
One of our brethren knowing the tension that exists.
Prayed about making a present of a nice leather bound Bible to this tough president.
How he ever got through the gods, we don't know. But he prayed, and all the Saints prayed that he might get to see that prisoner. It was a special festive day. In fact, it was one of the national holidays. And the president, all these ministers, came to this city.
For a special occasion. And the Lord opened the way for that brother to get right up on the platform with the President, and vowed before him, and said, your Excellency, this is the word of God by which we abide, and in which we find that we should pray for you, and we present it to you, Your Excellency. And he stood up.
Shook hands within the sight. Wasn't that a victory now?
That was a real triumph for the work there, however.
The the fact of having separated Rome, the Roman Church.
From every intervention in the educational matters.
One wonders how much more?
Power will be manifested by this general.
For it's not governed very much by.
A legislative thing, but its executive power.
It's it's strong. It's a strong executive. It's not that great. Well, pray for they might. It puts me in mind of a case in Germany. I expect you to remember about this. The purer knew that there was a a group of German.
Who met in a little hall. This has BeenVerified and he sent his special guards to find out about these. What were they doing?
The secret? The fair, apparently.
The gods stood at the door. They were all on their knees, praying.
And the girls went back to the Fuhrer and said.
There's a group there in that hall that don't live in Germany.
All you fool Jesus, What do you mean?
They're living right here. No, they live in hip. They live in heaven. What a wonderful testimony.
That you said this should characterize belong those poor, dear Bolivians. May it be said of them that they live in heaven, not in the living you are. The Lord will come in in mighty power. He will. He will. He will come in and deliver them.
The same.
Satans act today is to say power to the people, absolute contradiction to what God says is worth.
When it rubber the way it comes in here, our Blessed Lord is the example for us when.
As he tells us here, when you do well, and suffer for it, and take it, patiently says, this is acceptable with God for here unto for even here unto where you call, because Christ also suffered for us.
Leaving us an example that we should follow his steps.
When we think of one being treated wrongfully may be cheated out of his rightful wages or something like that, well, how much did the Lord suffer before us? Think of how he was treated. Think of how he was dishonored, spit upon.
It needs to happen. Their child, didn't he?
They they brought witnesses that were false witnesses.
To try the Lord that he answered not a word, He was led as the sheep to the slaughter.
So we have the Lord's suffering looked at in two ways. In this portion we have his sufferings as an example, and then further on we have his sufferings in making atonement.
And he bore our sins, as Peter says, in his own body on the tree. But we couldn't follow the Lord into that pathway where He bore our sins. Peter thought He could. He said, Lord, I'm willing to go with me to prison and to death.
Peter loves the Lord and he had much zeal for the Lord, but he doesn't know his own poor heart. So when he was in the high priest palace instead of going on with the Lord and to prison and to death, why he denied him with oaths and curses?
So that if we just lean to the energy and zeal and the place can have lots of zeal, you know we just yield to that. Unless the controlling influence, it will only lead us into a position from which it can't deliver us.
Then, brother, when it says, you shall indeed be baptized with the baptism, Ruth, I am to be baptized. What was that?
I was wondering if it wasn't martyrdom.
Because, he says in Hebrews, to some, ye have not yet resisted unto blood, But we find the disciples, probably most of them were martyrs.
And in other words, I identify themselves with him to the full extent of the path down here and following a rejected Christ. But when they come to that, of course, that's the end. He went further. And when, when he answered not a word, it was because, dear brethren, he was taking our place, and he couldn't answer when he took our place, because he was taking our guilt.
Upon himself.
Between the fellowship of his suffering and vicarious sufferings, that is something, brother, we cannot enter there. There's only one who could ever enter their brethren. That's the Son of God.
Is that right? Yes, indeed it is.
Use an eyewitness of the sufferings of Christ and he was He saw himself down here, didn't he? But in the second of Hebrew, to speak to the suffering of death. Peter did not witness that as the 12Th he was raised sin and God was dealing to his beloved sons.
Ask the question of sin. Darkness covered the earth. No human eye could penetrate that darkness to see what that Blessed One was enduring on the hand of the Holy God. So Peter did not witness so suffering, but it did witness his suffering here on earth before the cross. You would say that Peter was a witness of the sufferings and the partaker of the glory, in contrast to the Apostle Paul who was a witness of the glory and the partaker of the sufferings. Is that difference, isn't it?
Yes, I was thinking of this verse 22 something very precious with our brethren, and it's this that essays who did not send neither any guy.
Was found in him who did not send. Neither any guile was found in him. I suppose there were people in the Old Testament, some dear faithful servants of God, that there was no God in in them, such as Daniel perhaps. And in the Old Testament, New Testament, the Lord Jesus recognized in Nathaniel, he said, Behold, a man in whom there is no guile, but only one.
Only one.
The Blessed Lord Jesus Himself, it did not sin, never did sin, nor was no synonym.
What the Lord meant by an Israelite indeed, in whom there's no God, is that Nathaniel had been under that figuring, judging himself as a poor Law Center before God and everything was out. That's the reason there wasn't any guile. It wasn't any deceiving.
About his real state as the Law Center.
Well, that's a very different thing than what people usually think of without dial. And they're a very good man. Who said of that he don't want a poor, miserable, guilty man he was before. God. It slowly, isn't it the way that?
Paul and Peter and John speak of the perfection of the Lord Jesus.
How in the 4th chapter of Hebrews where it says speaks of the Lord priesthood that he was?
We have not such an high priest who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted like as we are. And yet he adds, this sin of power without sin, sin apart. Now Peter in his epistle here says, who did no sin.
There was God found in his mouth, and Dom's way of Speaking of it, in the third chapter of his of his first epistle.
In the fifth verse and we know that he was man John first John 3:00 and 5:00. And we know that He was manifested to take away our sin. And in him is no sin better translation in him sin is not. So. Isn't it lovely, these three great apostles all Peter and John maintaining the absolute.
Perfection of Christ is man set apart who didn't host him, and in him sin was not. But it's nice that the fact that Peter is bringing the Lord before us as an example.
That he speaks of it.
Who did no sin and when he just when John speaking more of his nature.
In him sin was not there was nothing of that old simple nature that we possessed in that blessed one, where Peter is Speaking of him as a pattern.
To walk in his steps. Who did notice in his life down here There was never a moment in the Lord blessed life when there was one single failure where he ever dishonored the Father where he wasn't imperfect.
To his will.
Connection here in this chapter with the last chapter of John's Gospel to return to a verse or two.
18 first.
Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou was young, thou gerdest thyself, and walkest, whither thou woods? But when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee.
And carry thee whither thou wouldst not this spake he, signifying, by what death he should glorify God? And when he had spoken this, he said unto him, Follow me.
Now in our chapter.
I believe that 22nd verse, the end of it should read to follow in his steps. Is that not right in his steps?
We find that Peter tells us in the 4th chapter that the one who.
Well, in the first verse, at the end of the verse he that hath suffered in the flesh has ceased.
From sin.
So these verses are connected, very definitely suffering, ceasing from sin.
What a thing to consider. Peter, when he was young, followed himself will no doubt as all have, but when Christ became his object.
Then he followed Jesus. What did it mean to fully follow the Lord Jesus?
Well, for Peter it meant martyrdom.
That Martin dump it meant for Peter to to turn aside from all that which would attract the flesh, as he's been telling us in this chapter.
Going back to the.
11 First, dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul. Now Peter wasn't telling us something that he had read merely.
Peter is telling us something that he's experienced.
And he's it's cost him something to follow Christ.
The Lord hath told him in the end of John what the end would be.
And now Peter not only has taken up to follow in his steps.
He's exhorting the Saints to do the same thing. And so the one then who?
Suffers in the flesh has ceased from sin. Now, Peter says in the 4th chapter, arm yourselves likewise, and in our chapter after he speaks of this suffering, as you have just called her attention to, he sets before us for the second or third time the object.
For our hearts in this chapter. And that is the person of Christ who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth and the way that he suffered as an example, but also going on beyond that in atonement.
First you have atonement in mind when you said brother.
Who bear whose own self bear our sins in his own body in the tree.
Is that right? Amen.
And it's very blessed in order to them. Verse 24 not only the Blessed Lord Jesus, he died for our sin, but that we.
Being we have been crucified within, we dared within that. The suicide of the cross isn't it, It's very blessed sin. Sin itself was was judged.
To remember that the Lord Jesus Christ in his work on the cross of Calvary settle forever the question of sin.
Both as regards its root and its principle.
But when we come to the end of this chapter, we read that he bore our sins in his own body on the tree. Now that sometimes we hear this miscroken that we being indeed unto sin. Some quoted, but that's wrong.
That we, being dead indeed unto sin, might live unto righteousness below a by whose strike live in heath. But I remember as a young Christian, a brother, bringing my calling my attention to this portion, he said. Eric, the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary, forever dealt with the question of sin as regards its root and its principle. Oh, that's a wonderful truth.
But our sins he is born, and in his own body on the tree, that we being indeed unto sins.
Might live unto righteousness, by whose stripes within healed we may reckon ourselves.
To be dead.
And to sin.
Get a picture of that Brother Brown in in the Acts of the Apostle concerning the Apostle Paul.
Their shipwrecked there and they're shivering with cold on the beach.
And so they gather sticks.
To warm themselves and out of the sticks are hibernating. Snake appears and lays hold upon the wrist of the above. Now what does he do all they said This is the guilty man. He's escaped the seed of the serpent and government, and they expected him to swell up and die. But he shook the beast into the fire. Oh, you, dear young Christian, let me emphasize this this afternoon.
Shook the beast into the fire and felt no harm. That's Romans 6. That's Romans 6. That we being indeed dead unto sin, dead.
Reckon yourselves indeed to be dead unto sin and alive unto God. Sin shall not have dominion over you. That tyrant will not have dominion over it. Now there's another thought that comes to me too.
In Joshua 10 in the conquest of those 5 kings there.
They hide away in The Cave, and Joshua, as the victor orders them to be brought up, bring them out of that case.
Now the captains there they put their fate on the necks of those kings as a proof that their defeat.
They are victorious over them, but who slays them?
Joshua slayed them.
Oh that's a wonderful truth Joshua. The heavenly Joshua has dealt with these 5 kings that worry us, the world, the flesh and the devil and sin and self.
He has slain them, beloved, in his crossword from the cross of Calvary.
Romans 6 is a wonderful portion. There he shook the beast into the fire and felt.
What a work the Lord Jesus Christ has done. I remember talking to a person who was under deep concern about this matter.
And he said, Brother Smith, I never saw that before. He got delivered. He got delivered, but not like the the sister. Not with us, of course. Who said to me one day, Brother Smith, I've never sinned in my life.
Oh, I said. Is that so? Well, I I must say, you have now because you've told the lies. You've just lied. Oh, she didn't like that. But she told a lie. That's a different thing.
Something nice about that little fire on the island of Malta. The fossil form not only gathered sticks and put them on the wall himself, and he put them on the warm others. That speaks to me in the fire of Christian fellowship. We need to warm each other.
Not time on the 6th just to warn myself after. We need to try and warm each other's hearts, and that's what the apostles did then.
Here we have a reference to Isaiah 53, I believe in this 24th verse.
By whose stripes you were healed?
Now in Isaiah 53, some have said.
That the healing of the body is included in the work of Christ.
But if you'll turn to Matthew. But let's turn to that verse verse in Isaiah 53.
Verse 4.
Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrow.
Now in the quotation of Peters in the fifth verse.
The end of the fifth verse and with his stripes we are healed.
Now if you'll turn to Matthew.
The 8th chapter.
And Scripture explains it.
Verse 16 When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils, and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all of her sick, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken by Isaias. The Prophet saying, Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses. Now when the Lord was here, he took and barely infirmities and sicknesses of the people.
He felt for his people.
And the Scripture plainly shows that there was a difference between this and the atoning work. It is when he died. It was when that spear was plunged into the side of a dead Christ, and the blood flowed forth that the work of atonement was completed. It wasn't in his bearing the sicknesses of the people.
Gracious work that was, but that is definitely not linked with the other. There's a distinction.
484 words in the 53rd of Isaiah. Take your red pencil or any other and mark out the atoning words and you'll find only 90.
Words that refer to the atonement.
44 words and 90 of them are atonement. Now the healing people come along and tell you Isaiah 53 is atonement and most Christians will believe that. Let us go slow and careful Now in our verse 17 of Matthew 5, our brother just read.
And quoting Isaiah 53.
Let us look at this thing deliberately for justice a few moments.
Matthew 8 gives us the beginning of the Lord's ministry.
Public Ministry, Matthew 2719 Chapters later gives you the cross when the Atonement was rocked.
Matthew 8.
You are at Capernaum verse 5.
Matthew 27 here at Jerusalem Calvary's Hill.
Matthew 8 is about 3 1/2 years.
Before the cross, at least three years, you'll see. So to try to make out that this is the atonement truth here is not the truth that our page tells us. For it says that while he was doing these things.
14 Removing that fever from Peter's wife's mother, verse. 14 and such things, he was then healing them, taking their infirmities in sympathy, in power, inability, manifesting his ability to eventually remove all sickness in the day of the Kingdom, the 1000 years.
So when we read these verses, let us read them more carefully.
Another thought.
Add one more.
In the end of verse 17 and bear our sicknesses.
This word here I don't know anything about Greek, but there are a few brothers here that probably do and you'll verify what I say. This word here is what is called in Latin basquezo. The Greek is called vastazo. It is the same word as an the 15th of Romans where it says ye that are strong.
Ought to bear the infirmities of the weak.
Now if I see the old lady about to cross the danger street with a burden carrying and I go to her side and Ioffer to help her with that burden I am. I am lifting and helping her.
Last the character here, when you come to 1St theater, 2:00 and 2:24, it's Anna Farrell. You know something about Greek brother Anna Farah altogether different thoughts. Anna Farah has to do with having done with the thing, putting them away, so that now I have heard.
Some of them say, well it's the same word as you get in first Peter 24, so that the healing or the atoning work and the healing of the body wasn't the same word. It is not so one is Basteo and the other Hannah Farrell. I don't know anything about Greeks that don't think about trying to make a show that will affect the cost of he came to me and he said you find the atonement there in Isaiah 53.
Well, I said to him, When did he bear these infirmities? When did he cure the sick? When did he do?
Well, he said, I suppose in his life. Well, I said quit Pentecostal. Quit, because with no this thing is the tone. And he did. He did. How would you explain, though, by whose stripes he were healed?
Figure his language.
Back speaking there about the healing of the body at all. It's Baba or conditioner as sinners in our sins that are looked at now as those were. Just like the poor woman that had the issue of luck. Well, she's just a picture of a poor Sinner reaching out the finger of faith and coming in touch with his lessons. Savior, He's instantly healed.
So the poor Sinner that by faith comes to Christ as a lost Sinner wife, although he was a poor burden, guilty Sinner, now he's healed. His soul is right with golf. Question of the healing of the soul, isn't it? What do we have now? Indeed, the last verse the Lord Jesus Christ referred to as the shepherd.
And also.
The Bishop of our soul.
You tell us, Brother Anderson.
Well, when?
The word shepherd is used. We can't help but think of the shepherd in the 15th of Luke's gospel that went out after the sheep and put it on his shoulders and carried it home.
Well, I suppose this is one thing, that the shepherd of God not only goes after the sheep, the Lord has done that, but He takes care of us with tender care, carrying us all the way home to glory.
But the work Bishop here.
Is just a transliteration of the original word, and it means overseer, one who looks after us in a different way from carrying us home on your shoulders.
In that capacity, he sets us right when we're going astray. That is, he speaks of having gone astray, but we return to Him to know Him as our Savior. But that doesn't mean that after I'm saved.
I can't force stray in another way. I can get out of communion with the Lord, and my ways may not please the Lord, So He works with me. He deals with me to regulate my ways. So I believe this is what the Bishop refers to, one who regulates our ways while he's carrying us home to glory.