1 Samuel 22:1-2

1 Samuel 22:1‑2
Gospel—C. Roossinck
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None other than our Lord Jesus Christ.
The man of sorrow was the one who came from heaven's delight, who came from the glory on high into this world, so filled with sin and sorrow.
In order that he might save me. In order He might save your soul tonight. What a wonderful savior. I hope tonight that before you leave this room that each one could join in his last line of him and say Hallelujah, What a savior.
He can be your savior tonight. That's what the gospel is about, the person of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And what he's done for sinners. Hallelujah. What a savior. I know there's many in this room tonight who would echo that. Those words from their very heart. Praise the Lord. What a savior. Does he mean anything to you tonight? Oh, I trust by the grace of God he'll mean much to you tonight before you leave this room. What a savior. We sometimes say another hymn. I think it's in the sheep. Won't sing it now.
Says, oh, what a savior that he died for me from condemnation he has set me free.
You know that savior. Hope you'll come to Norm tonight.
Let's sing another hymn #19 on the hymn sheet.
O Christ, in thee my soul is found and found in the alone, the peace, the joy I sought so long, the bliss till now unknown. Now none but Christ can satisfy none other name. For me there's love and life and lasting joy. Lord Jesus.
How did the?
And I hope you'll be able to sing at him from your heart, if not now, before you leave this room tonight.
Oh Christ, they may, my Lord.
Give me all the hungry. Find your own thy heart.
You know, I know.
Truth to the Lord and the word of prayer helped tonight.
God has given us this precious book.
And the Bible itself declares that faith comes by hearing and hearing by.
The word of God, how thankful I am that we have in our hands.
The Word of God.
That God has blasted to the hearts of many here tonight.
God's precious word in the Old Testament, the first part of the Bible.
God has given us many illustrations, stories.
That are true and stories that illustrate to our hearts.
Something of the love of the Lord Jesus, we Get the facts about him coming into this world.
To save sinners is coming into the being born back in Manger and living in this world and going to the cross. We get those in the New Testament, the wondrous story of his love. But I'd like to turn first of all tonight to a story in the Old Testament, First Samuel, chapter 22.
I sometimes call this little portion the 3DS.
3DS and you'll see what I mean as we read it.
It's about David and in this story I believe David is a picture to our hearts of the the Lord Jesus Christ, the Anointed. 1 David was anointed king by God. He was a man after God's own heart chosen of God and.
He's a picture to us of.
The Lord Jesus Christ, who was the Anointed one of God.
The Eternal Son. Let's read a few verses here.
Chapter 22 of First Samuel and David therefore departed thence, and escaped to The Cave Adelaim, and when his brethren and all his father's house heard it, they went down thither to him.
And everyone that was in distress.
And everyone that was in debt.
And everyone that was.
Gathered themselves unto him, and he became a captain over them.
And they were with him about 400 men.
Just read that much for justice now.
David was.
The anointed king, but he was in rejection. He was hated by.
King Saul who was?
A man of men's choice, a goodly man as far as men eyes, he was head and shoulders above all the rest. He was a politician.
But God's man was David.
And a few chapters before this.
David had come into the camp of Israel when there was great distress.
There was this giant Goliath. I think most of us know the story. And all of Israel were afraid of that giant Philistine Goliath. None dare to meet the giant who challenged them, who put them in fear and trembling. But David.
And the strength of God went into the valley, and met that awful giant, and dispatched of him.
Slew dear Friends, the Lord Jesus Christ has come from heaven.
Into this valley of sin and shame and guilt in this world, and he's gone to Calvary's crew Cross.
To deliver us, to save us from our sins. To deliver us through fear of death of all our lifetime, subject to *******.
Oh, what a savior.
What a savior.
Well, David was.
Rejected. You know, this world has rejected the Lord of Glory.
Thank God many have received him as their savior, but generally speaking, this world is.
Still without Christ, without God, without hope.
And perhaps that's where you are tonight.
Still without Christ.
If you're still without Christ tonight, the gospel is for you, God's loving invitation.
Yes, the Lord Jesus may be rejected. It may not be popular to own Jesus Lord, but you know the word of God tells us that if you'll confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead.
Thou shalt be saved, saved, Or sometimes people say to me.
We don't use that word save. We don't believe in it.
Dear friend, you need to be saved.
You need to be saved, saved from hell and saved from heaven.
You need to be saved from your sins. Well, David was rejected.
But there were.
Some who sought out David David was hiding now in The Cave of Dolomites.
And there were three kinds that are mentioned here who sought out David and found him.
And he became their captain. He became their Lord.
Or what a change it must have meant in their lives. What kind of people were they?
Everyone that was in distress.
Everyone that was in distress, now you may be here tonight and think, oh, I'm not in distress.
I've lived a pretty good life.
Things are going pretty good, but I pray tonight.
That you'll realize down in your very heart of hearts.
That if you're still in your sins.
It's a distressing situation because, dear friends, unless your sins are washed in the precious blood of the Lord Jesus.
You're on your way to hell. You're on your way to a lost eternity. But old God loves you. God wants you to feel tonight the burden of those sins.
Because he wants to.
He invites you. He belongs. He pleads with your soul to come.
And have that burden taken away. He died for your sins.
We come believing.
That's what he wants. All that were in distress.
Certainly don't want to wish anything bad on somebody, but if you're sitting complacently tonight.
And you've never personally received the Lord Jesus all that you would feel the distress.
Of your condition before God lost in your sins.
You know the devil wants you to go out and.
Never think of the seriousness of eternity.
He wants you to go out and ease and pleasure. He has 1000 things in this world to keep your mind from eternity. To keep your mind from the reality of life and death.
All that you might feel like these men that were distressed.
Did they find relief for their distress? Yes, they did. They came to David. Oh, I can assure you, if you come to the Lord Jesus Christ tonight and receive him as your Lord and Savior.
You'll find relief. He'll take the burden of sin. He paid the price at Calvary's Cross that my sins and yours might be forgiven and washed in his precious blood.
Dear friend and I won't you come?
To the Lord Jesus, like these men in distress that came to David.
And found in him the source of blessing. Oh, they didn't.
They didn't find in David the riches of this world and a popular place and a position.
With a good salary they found themselves, yes, in a cave. But all they they found themselves in the company of God, man. They found themselves in the presence, in the company of the Lord.
That's where you can be found tonight.
He's calling, he says to you tonight. Come unto me all ye that labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
You know, sometimes we need to be stirred up. We don't feel that burden.
We've been fooling ourselves into thinking that everything is OK.
Perhaps you were brought up in a Christian home. Perhaps you've been coming to the meetings all your life.
Have you ever felt the burden of your sin?
Have you ever felt your need of a savior? Oh, I trust you have.
And if not, may you feel that burn tonight?
I remember as a young boy.
Coming to Gospel meetings like this, hearing faithful men like Albert Hale and Mr. Wakefield and.
And others preach the gospel faithfully. And I remember thinking, Oh.
Am I saved or am I lost, wondering where I stood, not knowing.
Feeling that distress of not really knowing whether I was saved on the way to heaven or lost and on the way to hell, I remember going home, getting on my knees and saying Lord Jesus, if I'm not saved yet, I want to be saved right now. I want to be sure.
God wants you to be sure tonight, if you have one doubt in your mind that you belong to the Lord, if you have a doubt of fear that perhaps you've never personally received the Lord Jesus.
Don't talk yourself out of it. Get on your knees.
And tell the Lord all about it. Oh, he wants to give you assurance of salvation.
Don't stifle those thoughts, those fears, if you feel a distress of heart tonight.
Because you know.
There is torment in fear in doubt. There's no peace in doubt.
If you are doubting tonight, if you are wondering tonight, you know perhaps you. You're saying, well, I've heard the gospel all my life. I don't know if I'm saved or not. Don't neglect. Don't put it off. Trust Christ tonight. Be sure that your sins are gone and that you're on the way to heaven. You know if you're saved.
God has done the work, and it's the perfect work. You'll never be lost, never be lost.
But you know, I don't like to sit here, to stand here tonight and tell you.
Well, you were saving your youngster, probably in Sunday school, so you can't be lost. You're all right. Everything is OK. Or if you feel tonight, hang in your soul of uncertainty.
Come to Christ tonight.
Don't say. Oh well, I think everything's OK. Be sure, be sure.
God wants you to be sure. He wants you to know for sure that you have eternal life.
These things have I written unto you. He says that you might know that you have eternal life.
I've said to visiting.
Some, I said. You know.
Do you know where you're going?
Are you going to heaven to be with the Lord? And the answer is, I hope so. I hope so.
Are you content just to hope that somehow when you leave this world?
Everything is going to be OK.
God wants you to know.
God wants you to be able to say with the Apostle Paul, I know whom I believed.
And persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day Abel.
Do you know you're saved? Don't just hope so you can know for sure.
Because it doesn't depend on you, doesn't depend on your good life. It depends on the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. At Calvary Cross. He died for sinners. He died for you. He died for me. Thank God. That I can say with a hymn writer.
Oh, what a savior. Jesus the Lord.
My Savior, He wants to be your savior. Well, those that came.
In First Samuel 22.
First of all, was those in distress.
All there's relief for that distraction. May your heart climb tonight. That blessed peace that comes from trusting the Lord Jesus, from casting all your sins. Your burdens on him free died for you. He paid the price that those sins might be gone.
Well, that wasn't the only kind, those that were in distress and everyone that was in debt.
Everyone that was in debt. Now I can tell you if you're still in your sins.
You're in debt.
You're indebted to God for sin or rob God.
Sinners rob God.
You know when God put man in this world, there in the Garden of Eden.
He wanted to have fellowship with man. He came into the garden that says in the cool of the day.
His desire was that he might have fellowship with his creature that he'd made.
But sin had come in.
Then he'd come in and robbed God.
What was his due to Rob God?
So Adam and Eve were in debt, weren't they?
And if you're still in your sins, you're in debt.
Oh, what a debt we owe. We don't know the half of what we owe and we can't pay it. The Lord Jesus when he was here.
He tells of a man who owed 10,000 talents and he had nothing to pay.
Nothing to pay, and that's your case and mine.
Nothing to pay.
There's not a good work, there's not a thing we can do.
To pay that debt, but oh thank God it was paid in full when the Lord Jesus at Calvary's cross.
That it is finished and his Precious Blood was.
Load from his fear, Pierce side to pay the debt I owed.
You received him.
Those that were in debt came to David and they found.
That forgiveness they found. That blessing, they found that peace that they needed and desired and longed for. And you can have that peace.
Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. The only way to have peace with God, You know, through our Lord Jesus Christ. You may be laboring and trying to be at peace with God, but you'll never have peace outside of the work of the Lord Jesus for you on Calvary's cross.
Some years ago now.
I was preaching the gospel down on the South Coast of Newfoundland.
Little towns where there's no roads, you have to go by boat and.
People didn't get many visitors still don't less than those days.
And there I met a young man.
He'd come down on the coast to boat and he was staying in Little Town, Lapoil.
And he carried a big backpack on his back.
And he slept outdoors or inside a church building there if it rained.
And he ate very strangely. I didn't get a chance to have a visit with him, though. And I always wondered what this young man really was doing. What are you seeking? He seemed discontent. He was telling the people there, you know, that well, they shouldn't kill the fish, Of course, that was their living for hundreds of years in those places and so on. He had some.
Strange ideas, but I'm sorry I never got a chance to visit with him then, but.
A short time later I was on the train we were going to.
Halifax I think are somewhere on the train and right across from the aisle was this very young man.
And I was kind of observing him. My wife was with me.
I saw him get up and go up to the conductor on the train and said, is there any charge for a bowl of hot water, Sir? And the doctor looked at him and said, yes Sir. So he went and sat back down, and by and by he got up again and he went up to the conductor. He said there's a charge for the bowl or for the water.
And the conductor thought for a minute, and he said for the bull.
So he went back to see me open his bag, got about half a coconut shell, went back up.
To the.
Conduct Journey asked for his hot water. So they gave him this bowl of hot water and half the coconut shell went back to his seat and he dug in his bed and took out some herbs and things, painted the things and they put them in this water and stirred up, drank it down. You know, everybody was looking at him. Everybody was wondering what's the matter with this fellow.
And finally, I just felt burned to speak to him. So I said.
Sir, I said. You mind if I ask you a question or two? No, that's fine.
I said. I guess you realize that.
You're a little different than anybody else on this train. Everybody's noticing.
I said what is it?
Well, why are you different?
Like you are.
Oh, he said. I'm trying to get closer to God.
Trying to get close to the call.
So it turned out as I visited with him, I found he was from a very rich family.
Businessman Boston, who had everything heart could wish. He grew up in a mansion, but nothing satisfied his heart.
Nothing satisfies your heart.
And the poor man thought.
Perhaps he could get closer to God by throwing off all these riches, denying himself of all these earthly things, and living so strange.
He was a Jewish young man.
And all I said to him, Sir.
There is a way to God the Lord Jesus Christ said. I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me.
There's only one way.
No matter what you might do, no matter what struggles you may go through, no matter how you may punish yourself.
There is only one way, dear friends, to have the forgiveness of sins. There's only one way to God, and that's to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth, and the life.
I don't know what happened to that dear young man. Never saw him again.
But tonight.
God loves you. God desires your blessing. God is beseeching.
That you would come in all your needs and all your distress and all your death.
Find in him the forgiveness of sins, finding him the joy and peace.
Of knowing your sins forgiven. Knowing that you have a home with Christ in glory when you leave this world.
Oh, that's far better than all the world is offering. Far better.
Wouldn't you have the Lord Jesus? You're going to say no, You want to do it your own way?
Disaster. The Scripture says there is a way that seems right unto man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
The end thereof are the ways of death. Are you going away tonight? That seems right to you.
The theme is the best You're getting your education. You're planning for the future in this world.
What about the end?
Where is it going to end?
Dear friend, it will only end in one of two places.
It will either be to be with Christ in glory, because your sins have been washed in this precious blood.
Because you've received them as your savior.
Or no matter how high you might climb on the corporate ladder in this world.
Or the high society. This world it landed hell.
To end destruction. The end. There are other ways of death. God warns you that warning after warning this precious book that the soil is thin as it shall die. The point on the man wants to die. And after this the judgment. Are you ready to meet God?
You can try as hard as you like to satisfy yourself.
In this world, what about eternity?
You're ready to meet God.
Well, those that were indebted, those that were in distress, came to David and found relief.
And how you can come to the Lord Jesus and find relief. There is one more.
And everyone that was discontented.
Are you really content?
If you're content now in your sins, I hope you'll be discontented.
I hope you'll realize tonight that there's no true joy.
In the pleasures of this world, there is the Bible tells us there is pleasure in sin, but it's first season.
Its first season.
The end of death?
That same verse in Proverbs that tells us there's a way that it's seen that's right unto man, but the end thereof of the ways of death goes on to say even in laughter, the heart is horrible.
Old man can cover up his condition by filling his life with.
Laughter with fun with good time.
Remember where it ends, dear friend. Remember where it ends. It's the end that comes. It's eternity. It's before.
God is preaching.
Would you come and be saved? Would you receive the Lord Jesus tonight?
We can do that right where you are and we don't ask you to come up front or to.
Do do anything. You can receive the Lord Jesus by faith in your heart, right there on the seat where you are.
God knows between you and the Lord Jesus. It's not between you and the preacher.
It's a decision you must make between you and your God.
Are you going to receive his salvation?
Are you going to say no thanks?
Those who were discontented.
They came to David and they found that relief. Just a little wee picture.
Of the relief and the joy that's available.
Those that come to Christ.
Or to experience the riches of his grace. All the Bible speaks of what God it says. Hebrews are Ephesians. 2 but God who was rich in mercy for His great love or what he loved.
For by grace that he saves. Oh, it's his grace that's calling.
Going to say no thank you.
Perhaps you're thinking, well, some other time. I've got a date for the thing tonight, and I'm not thinking about that stuff now. Everything I'll think about later, dear friend, is dangerous. This may be your last opportunity. This may be the last time you ever hear the good news of the gospel. And God says, behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of salvation.
Don't put off the salvation of your soul.
Dangerous business?
God's love is real.
God is inviting me.
He is commanding you, in fact.
It says.
God now command of all men everywhere to repent. Why? Because.
He is a point of the day in which he will judge this world in righteousness by that man.
But man, his man.
Yes, the Lord Jesus.
Is going to judge this world.
In view that God says He commands you to repent because he loves you, He doesn't want you to come under judgment. Dear friend, God is for you.
You know, I think our natural mind, we tend to think that God is against us and we have to do something to appease him and and we have to bring our good work and hope that he'll accept them and set us into heaven.
The work is done on Calvary's cross, There's nothing you can add to it. When the Lord Jesus said it is finished on Calvary's cross.
It was finished. Can you add to a finished work? You'd always spoil it.
Receive it. Accept it. It's for you.
Many received him, John, chapter one tells us. Many has received him to them, gave he power to come, the Son of God, even to them that believe on his name. Have you received him? Have you believed? Oh, that's the question. What have you done with Christ?
Never mind what you're doing with your life. That's important in its own place, yes.
But the question tonight is, what have you done with the Lord Jesus, God's anointed, God's man?
Have you received them? You have the forgiveness of sin.
A little later on in this chapter.
Saul says to his servants in verse.
Seven it's all said unto his servants that stood about him. Here now he bend you might Will the son of Jesse give you every one of you for you vineyards, and make you captain? The 1000 Captions of hundreds.
I think Saul was saying in a very mocking way, always said, Will. Will David make your rich in this world? Is he going to give you farms and riches?
And position give you to be captains and.
Is that what the Lord Jesus wants for you? Is that what he's going to do for you? Is he going to make you rich in this world? You know, there are people today that are saying to get saved. You get rich. If you get saved, God is going to prosper in business and you'll be somebody in this world.
I don't find that in the scripture.
But if you trust the Lord Jesus, he'll give you eternal life.
To give you eternal life.
Tall was mocking. He said, Oh, they're going to David. Is he going to make you rich?
Is he going to give you earthly good?
Nope, he's not. And that's true, He's not.
And God is going to give you eternal life. If you'll trust the Savior, he'll give you riches untold in the glory.
The person Ephesians 2 That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. Isn't that better than nursery? Richard? Isn't that better than farms and lands and jobs and positions? Oh dear one, tonight God wants to really bless you.
Everything that you accumulate in this world.
You'll have to leave it behind at best.
And very likely to be a hindrance.
Through the enjoyment of Christ.
Don't look, don't look for great things in this world.
Who said to bury Seeketh thou great things for thyself, seek them not.
They cannot, oh but the Lord said.
Seek the Lord while he may be found.
Call upon him while he's near. That's the important thing. Where do you make a success of your career in this world or not?
I'm not saying it's not important, don't get me wrong, but it's nothing compared to eternity.
The importance of knowing where you're going when you leave this world.
You may acquire fame and riches, but you're going to leave it all behind.
The only thing you take with you when you leave this world, I believe, is what you've enjoyed of this blessed person that we've been speaking about the Lord Jesus.
You're saved. You can take that with you. You can enjoy it forevermore.
What a danger.
I want to turn to one more little portion of Luke's Gospel.
The Gospels we Get the facts about the Lord Jesus.
We had the foreshadows.
Books of History Luke, Chapter 4.
Now the Lord Jesus had come.
The Lord of glory, the creator of everything, come into this world.
Become a babe in bathroom's Manger.
And here in this 4th chapter he came.
He was the Capernaum. Let's see, Nazareth, verse 16. And he came to Nazareth where he'd been brought up.
And as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up for to read, and there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Isaiah.
And when he had opened the book, he found the plague where it was written.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.
Because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor.
He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance.
To the captain.
And recovering of sight to the blind to set at liberty.
Them that are bruised to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
And he closed the book. He gave it again to the minister and sat down.
In the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were factored on them.
You know, he was the author of that book.
Isaiah wrote it down.
God was the author, and here he was.
Came into NASA.
And he took the book of Isaiah. He found the place new where it was. He could have quoted, I'm sure.
Without finding the place.
But he found the place.
And he read.
The Spirit of the Lord upon me.
We mentioned that the first David was the Anointed One. The King here is the true King, the true Anointed One, the Lord from heaven.
Until he read this scripture and applies to him, doesn't it? He says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has annoying me to preach the gospel to the poor to the poor.
Thank God the gospel goes out to the poor.
One of the poorest men we meet in the Gospel, I believe, was that rich young man.
He was rich in earthly goods.
And he spoke to Jesus.
And he wondered what good thing he could do. Perhaps, he thought, he would hear something about giving.
To charity, or building a synagogue or doing some grand thing. Said what good thing can I do to inherit eternal life? He knew he had a need of something. Although he had riches untold, he had a need. Any newness.
You know, he made a decision that day.
It says he went away.
He went away.
God, oh, he could have gone away rejoicing.
All his riches didn't give him joy of heart. I think he was the poorest man, perhaps that we meet.
In the gospel, although he had riches.
He didn't have the savior. He made a decision that those riches.
Couldn't be parted with.
So he traded, you might say, the savior or Richard.
Oh, I feel burdened.
If there is somebody here seeking the riches of this world and the fame.
The Gospels preached to the poor, But if you're in your sins, dear friend, you're poor, the Lord said to those, and laid a sea, and now and you you don't. You say you're rich and increased with good, but you don't know that you're poor, Poor and poverty. Without Christ you're poor.
Or you can have the riches of glory God is offering to you if you receive Christ.
You can't give them to your sins. That would be a disaster he wants.
To take you to his home and glory.
To give you all the riches of heaven that you'll enjoy forevermore.
When those riches, perhaps, that you're clinging to in your heart tonight.
Will be rusting and molding away.
Or is it worth it? Is it worth it? Take the place of the poor?
Come to Christ, he'll make you rich, he says. There in Revelation will take time turn to.
As I counsel you.
To buy me gold, cried in the fire. The real wretches.
God is counseling you tonight. He's besieging you tonight. He's calling tonight.
Boy of him, the true riches. What's the price? Or it's without money and without price. Oh, everyone. That thirst. As he says, come into the waters. Yeah, come without money and without price. Yeah, buy my wine and milk without money and without price.
What a savior is he or.
He loves you tonight.
He wants to redeem you.
Poor to preach the gospel to the poor.
He has sent me to heal the broken hearted.
The broken hearted.
Will I trust?
That you'll be broken hearted regarding your strength. That's repentance. That's what Paul preached. No, he didn't preach good living. Paul didn't preach to join the church and to do the best you can to get to have any preached repentance toward God.
Repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ? Oh, that's the way of salvation. Repentance toward God.
Then it goes on to say.
And to preach delivering to the captive.
Here, without Christ, Satan has your captive.
Captives of sin needed.
Committed sin as a servant or a slave to sin, the word of God says.
Oh, to realize your condition before God. Satan blinds the mind so that you don't realize your condition needs. But God says I came to set the captives free. You're not saved. You're captive to sin, but there's delivered.
The door of heaven is open wide.
Come to Christ.
And recovering of sight to the blind, and to set at liberty.
Then her brew.
What a savior. You know all that came to the Lord Jesus.
In their needs, all that came to the Lord Jesus feeling their need and their their.
Trouble their captivity, their sickness. She blessed them all. He received them.
He gave them sight, He gave them healing blessings. And tonight he wants to give to you. He doesn't want to take from, you know, the Lord Jesus doesn't.
Want you so that you can support support the local church. He's not looking for you so you can.
Be as slave, as servant. He's looking for you because he wants to bless you.
He wants to bless you.
And he will.
Him Come towards your writing.
I've often told this story because I've enjoyed it so much. There was a very poor widow woman.
I think she lived in India.
And there was a missionary that knew she was very poor, felt sorry for want to help her out. So he had some money he was going to give to her. He wanted to help her. So he came to her house and knocked on the door. You know, nobody came to the door.
So he knocked again. Nobody came, We thought, That's strange. That's sure she was home. Almost sure she's home. He knocked and he knocked and nobody came. Finally could wait no longer.
And he went away.
An accused gone away.
She crawled out from under the bed.
Thinking that he had been bill collector, she wanted to take from her.
The money, What little she had, what very little she had.
Oh, she only knew that her door was one who wanted to help her, who wanted to bless her. And she wouldn't open the door.
Behold, the Lord Jesus says I stand at the door, knock if any man hear my voice, and will open the door.
I will come into him and stop with him and he with me. He wants to bless you. Will you let him?
We come tonight and say yes, Lord Jesus, I come as a guilty Sinner.
Come in repentance. He'll save you. He'll bless you. He'll give you that peace and joy for which you've sought to long.
Perhaps you sought peace and joy, but you wouldn't. You've never met the source of true peace and joy.
He's knocking at your heart tonight.
He invited me. We say Yes, Lord Jesus.
Take my sins away and save me.
He'll do it.
Time is nearly up.
Won't tell you one little story.
Man, Newfoundland, I knew for many years.
He used to come to the gospel tent.
Twice a day, every time, all the time it was here. It was always there. He always took track, he always took pamphlets, whatever we passed, and he read them.
I thought, oh, you must be saved, namely, said boy.
In Zaidi.
I assume that since he heard the gospel so many times.
And since he had read so many gospel tracts, I assumed Sid must be a Christian.
One day I was visiting there in the winter.
And I knocked on his door, invited me in.
He had some sorrow in his life that Paul, his wife, had passed away.
And I came in, I sat down he while he said see, I done it.
You know, this stupid fella here didn't know what he was talking about.
I said you've done it. What you do, you know. He looked so hurt. Oh, he said thieves. I've done it. I still didn't understand what he was talking about. I said, said, tell me about it. What did you do? Oh, he said. I got down on my knees and I asked the Lord to save me, to wash my sins away. And you're so happy. I felt ashamed that you right away know what he meant? There was 82 years old. He came to Christ. He did it. He didn't put it off any longer.
He had heard like you dozens and dozens of times ago.
The Lord finally brought him to himself.
Who's with the Lord now?
Another man in the same town.
His name was also Boyd. His name was Roland.
Mr. Lundeen visited Rolling Boyd many times in his home.
His wife, Annie was saved. She's still living, happy in the Lord. But Roland, you know, he wanted to be saved. Oh, I've. I've seen him with the tears rolling down his face when he heard the gospel. But, you know, he's just.
Couldn't seem to take that step. He just couldn't say yes. Lord, I come as a Sinner. I know you did all the work year after year went by.
Remain in his.
Very friendly, always invited you in. Glad to have you read the scriptures.
He was putting it off.
And when he was 82 years old.
One day, nobody was visiting, nobody was there.
He was sitting in his in the lawn chair, out in his yard, showed me the very spot, he said. Suddenly it seemed as if the Lord said to me.
Everything is done. You just have to receive it. He thought God had to do something else, you know. He always thought God was going to have to fund her down and he gets saved. You know, that day he received the Lord Jesus.
Nobody was there to push him into it. It was the work of the spirit of God. If you work in your heart tonight, or Steven, by faith, what a savior. Oh, I tell you, Roland was a different man. I first heard about the fact that he was saved from an unsaved person. His life was so changed. His countenance was so changed that everybody in the whole town was saying bowling got saved here, all and got saved.
Marvelous work of grace. And when I visited him, he just couldn't help but the tears coming down your face.
After all those years that Mister Lundeen pleaded with him and Mr. Ensign and Mr. Pilkington and many others at last.
The light broke through and what a change, man. Oh, what a joy there's.
There's a change of peace and joy.