1 Thes. 1:1-5

1 Thessalonians 1:1‑5
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All day meeting. Hesper, October 1971 Reading meeting.
We're playing together 186.
Billionaire with fire a new one, Loving soul. Fire, hearts, desire and light.
180 selected.
In durably near return of our Blessed Lord, would the brother be happy to consider first Thessalonians first chapter?
Unless I have anything special on my heart.
First chapter of First Thessalonians.
Paul I'm so very nice. And Timothy is under the Church of the Thessalonians, which is in God the Father and in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
We give thanks to God always for you all making mention of you in our prayers.
Remembering without ceasing your work of faith and labor, of love and patience, of hope, in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father, Knowing, Brethren beloved, your election of God for our gospel came not unto you and word only, but also in power and in the Holy Ghost, and in much assurance, as you know what manner of men we were among you for your sake.
And you became followers of us and of the Lord.
Having received the word in much affliction with joy of the Holy Ghost, so that you were in samples to all that believe in Macedonia and IKEA, board from you have sounded out the word of the Lord, not only in Macedonia and IKEA, but also in every place. Your faith in Godward is spread abroad, so that we need not to speak anything, for they themselves show of us what manner of entering yet we had unto you, and how you turn to God and idols.
To serve the living and true God and await your Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.
Correct to say that this was the first successful apostle Paul ever wrote.
Perhaps the 2nd epistle was the next epistle that he wrote.
And we find those that destiny had not been converted too long before the apostle.
Wrote this epistle.
Paul was driven out of testimony persecution. He was not able to return for years.
So because Satan hindered his returning.
He wrote this at Business. We see the hand of God in that.
He been able to visit them as he truly desired. We would not have the ministry of the Lord's coming for the whole Church of God.
We'll find that in both the 1St and 2nd missiles of Thessalonians, the Lord's coming is mentioned in every chapter.
Young Christians who have heard the Gospel and accepted the same.
Where the gospel is clearly presented to them, immediately have a longing to see the one who saved them, and that brings in the coming of the Lord.
In the next year, you'll walk about it. No one's coming being mentioned. Every chapter in the first chapter is presented at an inspiring coach holding Anne Bondberg.
The second characteristics and encouraging hope of a painting sermon.
The third chapter of purifying hopeful believers, the 4th chapters, becomes a vote for the Marine.
Fifth chance would present as a surrounding hope of Sleeping Christian.
I was thinking to the first person when we get this expression to show us the professor, the Thessalonians, which is in God's Father, isn't it?
It speaks of them relationship.
In God the Father.
The Church of the Thessalonians, which is in Dawn the Father.
The only time I mentioned I believe and so it's presented that you see a Saint Paul is wonderful relationship.
As far as it appears somewhat like what the hospital, John says about the thieves. Speaking of the thieves of the little children, he says, I write unto you because you have known the father.
And here were young believers.
While they hadn't learned some of the deeper truths that he doesn't write to them as he writes to the Ephesian assembly if he can encourage their hearts by reminding them.
That they're in God the Father.
And that's very beautiful to see an assembly in such a place.
Of nearness and nearness and while, as we say.
It has written to young believers knowing that relationship, yet there's nothing.
That speaks of such security as being in God the Father, because where could we find place where we're so safe?
Where the enemy can never reach us and.
To be in in God the Father Himself.
That is also not to see us in the Lord Jesus Christ.
With the congressionalism, Boston falls because the Lord is full title. So often the Lord Jesus Christ, any man be in Christ. He's a new preacher.
What's not the worst expression of our Lord when he came to support resurrection morning? I ascended My father, your father, My God, your Father.
If you say that relationship comes first and then responsibility.
And connection with the ones that Paul identifies himself in writing to the Thessalonians.
Paul and Sylvanas, that silence and demotious who travel with Paul.
Many journeys carrying the gospel, distant places. Why do you think of Barnabas who started out with Paul and yet he allowed the friction?
Well he wanted to take his nephew John Mark along with him. His brother thought it not wise or Paul thought it not wise because he left them and the contention was so sharp that they suffering he never find them together again. Well Barnabas it was self will there.
And as another brother has said, the what Paul said was perhaps very sharp, but yet as to the right stand Falls was right. He had a reason.
Reason of faithfulness. He saw it with harm a young brother to give him a prominent place after departing from the truth. So 1 can be right as to the extent he takes, and yet his spirit not be controlled by grace.
At the time, But nevertheless, though Paul may have shown an oblast, did show darkness, for it was very sharp, very sharp. Yet Paul was right, and Barn was wrong, and it separated Barnabas from the work that otherwise doubtless the Spirit of God would have given him.
And the connection with the Gospel being carried to so many lands.
The Church of Antioch commended the Apostle Paul further to their work after that incident, didn't they? So that we see that there were those in that place, those who hadn't got government wisdom to recognize what was the mind of God in the case between the two. And I've often thought that the account that we have in the official to the Galatians concerning Barnabas might have been at the roof of the whole matter.
First barn that was carried away with the simulation of others.
You need to be careful that we don't get carried away with the things which pertain to the flesh.
That's in the second of Galatians, isn't yes.
Shows a little failure, a little S wheel.
On yield it has.
May have very far reaching consequences.
So it's a lesson for us in keeping humble and really always ready to own when we're wrong and not be unwilling to judge ourselves.
How much sour and how much loss? Doubtless it was a great loss to the work of God to have Barnabas disappear from the work. Of course, I suppose he did carry on in my measurement, not in the full.
And he had carried on the work up to that time where Bentio.
The Apostle Paul.
Valued The fellowship of a president, so you find it here. It's already been mentioned that Paul and Silas and Timothy are united together here in the writing of the successful.
And how much we need to fellowship on our brethren too. And whatever we do.
It's very important, Brother Smith.
And we should value it and not disregard it.
Interesting to know. True that both Hall and Noises chose a young man or a Companion of Service.
Paul Jones Timothy Moses chose Joshua.
Both days on the charge, the charge to Joshua Deuteronomy first after Joshua, so it finally constitutes John and.
These two Armando taken around with these old.
And committed many a service to them.
So we've been remarking. It's nice for the young brothers to keep in company with the older brothers who have had a little more experience perhaps and things of this wicked world and.
It's nice to have the companionship.
Mark was not influenced by violence, but finding the Timothy that impossible, Commencement says, profitable to me. He wasn't turned aside from a steadfast that's the price. He didn't let Barnabas influence him.
Well, he gives this lovely commendation that you find I believe in.
And all the way up business and that's the Hebrews.
Grace be unto you, and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Two things that we much need.
In our time.
Grace unmerited favor, for we deserve nothing by grace that we are saved through faith and that not of ourselves.
It's grace wherein we stand.
And it will be grace that will be brought unto us at the revelation of Jesus Christ. So when the rewards are given, it will all be of grace.
In going on together as the Assembly of God, there is such grace needed.
For burying one another in love.
Realizing that we're just poor sinners, saved by grace, and it's all his grace that saved us and brought us into this place. And grace will keep the heart lowly and keep the heart dependent.
And then we need we need peace.
For the peace of God that passes all understanding.
Is very important and we're told to follow the things that make for peace.
I'm sure we all understand it's never peace at any cost to give up the truth or to bring in something that.
Dishonored Christ or his priceless work or his holy name just for the sake of having a harmony or try to have a human made harmony.
To sacrifice something of of great importance that is never God's way.
So when James is speaking along this line, his epistle and the third chapter.
He says in the 17th verse for the wisdom that is from above his first cure.
Then he said well, gentle and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good truth, without partiality and without hypocrisy.
That is, there must be first that which is pure.
And what is pure maintains the glory of Christ.
So the grace here is not really the saving grace is that is the grace which sustains the day by day after we are saved.
And the very first thing the Lords in half his resurrection was, peace be unto you.
Nice this wonderful source. This grace and peace flows from from.
God our Father.
And the Lord Jesus Christ.
Think of God as our Father.
All the priceless truth that surely is. And then those three names brought together.
Lord Jesus Christ.
And when we have grace and peace flowing down to us on a source like that, that is surely the most wonderful commendation. And no wonder it appears in all the epistles that Hebrews, I believe.
How much we need grace day by day.
Both in connection with our brethren and with the world.
And who could give us grace and peace?
Like one who is our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who died.
I'm pleased to know that all that sustains us here below we have from our Father, God our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Master nervous feel that every 1/4 of thistles ends with grace.
He was really a recipient of grace, wasn't it? You really want grace men? And the Lord met him on the downward Rd.
Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all men, after having heard the Lord saying, Behold, I come quickly, Even so come Lord Jesus, the response art of the believers. Then we have the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you, and that until he comes again for his own.
In the second verse we get we give thanks to God always for you all making mention of you and our prayers.
In our prayers, it shows the.
Hostile values the prayers in the Assembly.
As soon as the Church performed, they continued steadfastly in the Apartment Doctrine Fellowship and in prayers, and in breaking of bread.
How important the prayer meeting is.
Let's never give up the prayer meeting present and let's be faithful in our attendance at the service.
We're usually fine and going about the prayer meeting is the poorest candidate meeting of the meeting of the assembly.
There's also.
Kind of prayer as leaved, right? Many times that we pray. I pray for all of you have been on the street a long time ago to pray for all those things. So very important for us today is the prayers of mine. We are the presence of God and prayer not just for ourselves but for all of God's people. It reminds me of Anna and the second chapter, Luke. She knew them all and she spake of him.
Christ for her subject.
And the Lord's people are really precious to our heart, Soviet Cross. So he knew all the Lord's people didn't. They will pray for them all.
Just pray for those who are going astray. He prayed for those who were going on well.
Someone has said her phone with the widows in Israel, while their mothers in Israel praying for when getting that is and his men went down of the host of the Midianites for no reason surely give the answer. It was those who were going down into that place of danger.
In faith and dependence, and praying more earnestly for them, doubtless than those who.
Who went back and didn't have the courage to continue?
Well, you'll notice the Blessed Lord himself spent all night in prayer. It surely shows the importance of prayer. And the 6th of Luke says it came to pass in those days that he went out into a mountains of prey and continued all night in prayer to God. And this was before he chose his disciples, his companions. So he is a very important word to the young people before they choose their companions.
To spend much time in prayer. The Lord spent all night in prayer before he chose His disciples says in the 13th verse. And when it was day he called unto him his disciples, and of them he chose 12.
Well, if it was necessary for the Son of God to spend all night in prayer, surely it's important that we should spend a lot of time in prayer.
I remember dear young brother in China who came to prayer meeting. Our sister here would remember him.
Wasting and he said to Brother Willis hunt, I have a much to pray about Brother, so I'll not be at the prayer meeting. So he stayed away. Well, not too long after that he took ship down to Hong Kong from Shanghai and they encounter the storm. The ship was more or less wrecked and he was thrown in the sea with his very few belongings and lost them. And so he was picked up by a naval vessel and brought back to Shanghai.
And he came to a prayer meeting somehow, he said. Now, brother, I haven't signed the prayer back.
And pass him to that terrible ordeal to make him realize his dependence upon the Lord. He lost his dependence, he said. There's no need for me to come. I have nothing to say about There are two things he lost. He lost his belongings and he lost his independence. And so the Lord may have to teach us solemn lessons too, if we stay away from the prayer meeting when it's possible to be there.
Remember, young brother said to me once, he didn't pray. He was at the prayer meeting. They did not pray himself. And he said, do you think it's all right for for us to say Amen to the other brothers prayers? I said, well it's a very easy way out. I said, you know, the Lord says let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice so we won't have our responsibilities.
Not we're not suggesting sister should pray in a prayer meeting of thoughts.
But we can all pray and we need to think in danger. The Psalmist who said in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and would look up in the morning. And we finally prayed three times a day like Daniel did.
Let him that the worst before the one he called attention to, and the 6th of Luke, where the Lord went out and spent the whole night in prayer to find what his enemies were. Indeed, that during that time we're in the preceding verse, it sounds, and they were filled with men and communed one with another, what they might do to Jesus. Yeah, they were having a bad meeting.
To condemn the Lord and to stop his ministry and to destroy him. For as the Lord was lonely, the Father in communion and every beautiful when they were trying to destroy the Lord, he was inquired to call the Father so that wider blessing might go out to the nation that wanted to refuse it.
Another verse connection with Clinton's My brother Gladys brought before us in the 1St of March from 35th verse.
Mark one verse 35.
About the Lord and in the morning.
Rising up a great while before a day, he went out and departed into a solitary place. And they're afraid, and it mentions in the 38th verse, he said. But then let us go in the next town that I might preach, they're also therefore am I Ford, and at the end of the chapter he meets and cleanses the leopard.
We know ourselves begins with prayer. He rose up in the morning, and this is what Satan really tries to keep it all from doing, is praying in the morning, he said. Well, if we pray at night, what's wrong with praying at night? Look, you know it's good. But the Lord sets an example and he rolls up in the morning a great while before a day, and he spent his time in prayer, so they're free. That wasn't preach.
They loved me, the left for and heal the leper and bring blessing the man so it by prayers stand up to speak.
Comparably an easy thing for a lot of people to do, but to be on our knees is not very easy, is it? They alone with God in the bedroom on our knees sometimes get very weary and tired. But this is what Jesus did. He spent his time.
And prayer. So it tells us earlier in the first chapter of Mark that his word was for the second chapter of Mark, his word was with power.
I guess you've noticed too, brother Wakefield. And the the verse before it says Simon and they that were with him followed after him, and then they had found him. They said unto him, All men seek for thee is really the word calling.
Well, that's quite a incentive to go to where all men are seeking for someone that serves as the Lord. And sure, naturally that was the best for us. We'd say, oh, that's the place to go. They're all thinking you want to want, maybe want to hear my preaching, but how different will the Lord? He said, let us go to the next house. He didn't, wasn't drawn aside at all.
And we have to remember the Lord was a real man.
He was a man of faith, too, and a man of dependence, and his dependence was sustained by those times of prayer to his Father. The enemy would have sought to turn the Lord away from other places where God would have him go, but that time and prayer alone there in the morning prepared it so that he wasn't turned aside. He went, as you have called, so nicely, our attention.
Was going on and meeting that poor leopard. He wouldn't have met that leopard and cleansed it if he followed Simon's advice and the others at this time.
And assistance with what? I value the Lord with pain and prayer all night. He had a decision to make that morning He was in the 212. Out of all those disciples. It's nice to see you as a dependence on the smaller. We continue to occur all night. At the end of the morning He chose 12 disciples to fall hill. And how important this is each one of us.
Recall upon to make decisions.
And we have to make choices how good it is before the Lord first before we make us God.
And these the apostle tells us to pray and always the 6th chapter praying all. And then in Colossians he says.
The 4th down is experts continuing prayer and watching the same as Thanksgiving. And then in our officials of Thessalonians, the 5th chapter.
17 First, he says, pray without ceasing. So there is no time in our lake down here when we can do without prayer. Going through the act. Wherever you find prayer mentioned, it's nice to see that there is a blessing on their power, hopping the word as it goes forth.
Act 2.
We don't have the place to worry about. We have an enemy within A and as long as we're here on this scene, we have the old Acre. And so we need to pray there'll be praise in the be praised in the glory.
Will be speaking with us.
Really is not a sign of the sentence upon the law. And there is a moment that you and I don't need to be dependent upon the Lord if they're going to be kept here in this world of testimony for Him.
The disciples in Acts 2 already referred to they continued steadfastly and the apostles doctrine and fellowship in breaking of bread and prayers.
I've often thought of it this way, that continuing in the apostles doctrine.
Is good. We need that we have the word of God.
But we need the Fellows of the Apostles Fellowship as well as a doctrine to go on.
In fellowship with that which is of God.
But then that will lead to exercise after the breaking of bread and obedience to the Word of God. But that too, in its own way, makes us feel our own weakness, our dependence upon the Lord and souls. There is the prayer meeting.
That, I believe, is the collective aspect of it. Is it not Brother Midberry? Yes, I believe, though it doesn't say prayer come before the breaking of bread and that second of acts. I may be wrong.
The memory is always serving me as a good in the 41St verse of Acts, and they gladly received the word were baptized on the same day.
Were added unto them about 3000 souls, when they continued steadfastly on the apostles doctrine and in fellowship and in breaking a bread. And whereas you were right. Yes, thank you. I'm glad to get corrected on that. I get the quoting scripture and then get advanced. I'm glad to be corrected.
Questions of training, authorities and many of the 5th character of Ice cream.
Put things together in the 5th chapter.
20 Attention the book before increasing **** from the elders programs to go to land. I've Never Run in my Heart and golden files Little workers. There are players that think about the prayers of the Saints on earth. I think like to the Tribulation.
And the next word we have prayed.
And redeemed it to God by our blood and someone. Other people asked for the tribulation on earth or in prayer. The people on heaven were afraid.
In connection with your heart from the American 6th of equations and pray hallway to all fair suffocate to the Spirit, and watching there unto the law going to appearance and suffocation for all things.
Find the apostle forms engaged in the ground department and Saints. But the next verse he says that for me don't forget me, I need your prayers too. And for me that happens may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth fully to make known the mystery of the gospel.
Then I think it's doing a connection with prayer, and some people seem to think that whatever they ask or they will get. But there's a very certain worthy and 66 Psalm verse 18. If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.
Me, I must be right to the whole first before I expect the lounge to my friend, and then we call him saying the Lord will, and then in John the President, the 5th Catholic. And this is the confidence that we have in England. If we are anything at falling. So we will we hear about and if we know, we hear us whatsoever we ask.
We know that we have the petitions that we design out Him, but I do believe we should take notice of that verse in the Psalm. It's important. If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. I must be right for the Lord first before I expect an answer to my prayers.
Little girl with a question on this and I have to do well. Your first lesson answered.
He said, yeah, sometimes God says yes, Sometimes he says no. Sometimes he says wait a little while. And so we need to say, you know, we got time to to wait a little while, but we're not giving up. We're the continuous prayer. Moses prayed, didn't he? And he used the same expression as the Apostle Paul. But the Lord did not think he's prayer the way he desired to enter the land. He showed him the land, but he's not allowed to enter it.
He said, Let me hear no more about this. He prayed three times, and we find the Apostle Paul prayed three times, But the answer was not what he expected. But it was a better one, says my gracious sufficient holy praises of all might be removed. But the Lord said, my grace is sufficient for thee. Then he'll say, Therefore life armored gladly, glory, my infirmities of the power of Christ may rest upon me. So you say, the Lord does answer prayer, but not always in the way we expect.
Daniel waited for three weeks to be not before his prayer was answered, but it was heard for the first day and Angel was back there with a message from the Lord.
That he might die. I'll never answer that prayer when he took him to heaven without dying.
I want to go where you can go back to the first chapter of Mark Connection where Brother Ernie was messing in the 30 something.
In the morning he rising up the Great Wall before a day with the previous versions going back to verse 32, and it even won the son that settled him all of her disease remember her for dust, for devils. All the city was gathered together at the door to heal money and restricted divers diseases to cast out funny devils.
Because they knew help I was playing. And even when the song did set, while we look for rest and our laborers don't we? But there was no rest for the Lord. You rolled early while it was still day, but he was working late at night.
And that's why I believe we get the 11 Chapters of Marker begins with and he did this, and he did that and he did the other speaks of incessant toil. The perfect service from 11 Chapters begins with and he did this.
Verse 231.
Lord has a couple of Simon four states, and that's what I'm saying to your chief. And I have faith for thee and thy faith of our hearts, when thou convert back to my friends. Does that does that work? Peace.
Continue to pray.
Nice too to see here on the.
Fallout only prayed for the Thessalonians Saints, but he gave thanks to God. All for you all. Now we see our brother going on halfway. It should be an occasion of Thanksgiving.
The word all Visible The word all.
Remove all one method.
Well, that would. This might be without our brothers.
Or we were placed in the most favorable spotted world to live this beautiful climate and scenery and and everything that is right with natural man. And we're there without any of our brother Mr. What does all mean to us? So it's really having our the fellowship of our presence.
And is the most.
Blessing to God in this world.
Of course, God might send one like Brother Eric Smith through the land where they never heard the gospel. That's quite different. But it wasn't long before he had brothers to rejoice with it. But it wasn't choosing A delightful place to live. It was.
The desire to serve the Lord and carry the word.
Where was never heard before.
And all the social, delightful places we find the sound Riddle.
See what sin is brought in.
The Lord pronounced the world very good. Offering created it, didn't they? But man is just ruined it.
Possibly remember certain.
Of certain things.
That were characteristic of this assembly.
Have rejoiced his heart, and it's well for us to remember the things that are are happy and have been for blessing, not just to be occupied with failures and shortcomings and things that would make us.
Would distress our souls.
So he remembered without ceasing.
Your work of faith and labor, of love and patience, of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
To get brought before us there and the three characteristics of our Christian testimony faith, hope, and love, as you get in First Corinthians 13.
And these dear Saints abounded in those.
Those 3 characteristics.
I suppose they're brought out, are they not in the 9th and 10th versus this?
What you've just mentioned, work of faith, says they turned to God from idols, the work of faith and to serve the living, true God.
That's a labor of love, the patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, and to wait for his Son from heaven in the 10th verse.
Those three things often appear, I think.
And there's a principle where he finds it again.
In the 5th chapter and eighth verse, and let us who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and for encounter the hope of salvation, there are the three are brought together again.
And feed us handsome tongue. I have faith hope and love again and feeds as a pistol we when James rawl that tells us how faint works.
And speeds of pistol tells us how hope works and.
Of this and tells us how love works.
So those 3 epistles are characterized by these three things.
You'll find in the.
Two emphasis in the second chapter of Revelation.
The work and the labor and the patience which swell to notice the difference.
In Revelation 2.
In the second verse in this address to the Church of Ephesus.
I know thy works and thy labor and thy patience.
What does he have to say further down? Nevertheless, I have someone against thee, because I was left thy first love.
In this case.
The three things that are characteristic of the Christian life were not there. We find that they were still going on with their work, labour and their patience, but the vital thing was gone.
That's when he says thou hast left.
Thy first love.
As to their outward testimony, they were going on quite well.
But you know, there's always the danger in connection with going on the things of the Lord.
To carry on.
What it started with true energy of faith, love, hope.
And just as a habit.
And we need to be warned against that. We can get in the habit of going to the breaking of bread, to remember the Lord just because we were brought up that way, because we're accustomed to go there. Same way with prayer. And as to our work might be very much taken up with many school workers, many lines of service.
And it just gets to be.
An energy and natural energy to see how much is we can do, how many gospel tracks can be given away and so on. And so if those vital things are not there that.
Brings in the importance of communion.
Harry Hale used to often see there's no substitute for communion. And we can get out of communion and we can go on and the things of the Lord may be very correctly, as another brother said, we could be very sound in the truth, just as clear as an icicle, and just as cool.
So we need to be constantly stirred up and that's.
An individual matter of getting right into the presence of the Lord and something like 139 Psalms. Search me, oh Lord, and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the path in the way everlasting.
So we need that searching of heart and practice because it's so easy. And perhaps we don't, they're not conscious of it, that we're slipping. We're getting careless.
Maybe we're there's a lot of self will that's mixed up with our labor for the Lord and alone in His presence is where those things can be detected, and when they are detected can be judged on superiority, presence.
Connection with the fourth verse you mentioned, because thou hast left thy first love.
5th verse says remember therefore from when thou fallen and repent and do the 1St works. When I suppose the first first would manifest the first love, would they not?
Nothing takes the place for love for Christ.
Leave that out.
And it's just an empty.
And it shows that the portion of a cart that has received Christ as a Savior, while there isn't the intelligence, there isn't the knowledge, there isn't the acquaintance with the truth of God, that we can expect to follow on the life of one who has accepted the Savior yet that love.
Delights in the Savior who has found peace through believing and work on the cross now that that love, there's nothing can replace it.
An example of that.
And the 20th chapter of John.
Didn't know what's here and John, but the Lord, we love the country. They, well, they went for their own homes and didn't have a home anymore.
At home, the red Caribbean, she's got an annual partner, couldn't understand. There's also being an answer, he said in the 24th chapter of Luke.
You have an example of two words running the wrong direction, but they have a good.
Before the amendment.
Happen. When the Lord met the maintenance, and they spoke to him, He said what things, and immediately he leaves with things and speaks about himself. And the consequently they invited them to their home, their home, the Christ, and they warmed their hearts with his a word concerning himself. And their feet have come back to Jerusalem the very same day. So while they were thinking about the things and all, we had occupied the things all around us.
But Christ went to think about himself to us. And I think today, in this day in which we live, we need that's what we need, don't we? We need the Lord Himself before us on testimony.
Chapter 4. That the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shadow, and when he speaks modern his finished work, that says the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. So we have the three there, we have the past, He gave them some, we have the present, the open event, and all of the Scriptures things concerning Himself.
We have the future, the Lord himself, so let's himself all the way.
And connects with what you were saying about Mary Magdalene.
When Peter, I mean when John went into the the sepulchre, it says he saw and believed that if there was a proof, the Lord could never have left those charms, those grave clothes as he left them there. But Mary wasn't as intelligent as John, but he went to his own home.
Where Mary remained at the sepulchre, and as another has said, to his Mary, there was ignorance, affection.
That the Lord valued England affection more than he did intelligence, where that deep affection seen in Mary was lacking. And we need to remember that in connection with souls that have never maybe heard the full truth of the word of God, is to the Church and faith where the Lord would gathered His Saints.
But various seeds?
Devotion to the Lord that is more precious to his heart than.
Than a lot of intelligence, a lot of knowledge without that affection. But as the same writer has said, while the Lord values ignorant affection, he isn't satisfied with it. And so Mary has LED into the highest truth revealed in connection with the resurrection life of Christ who tell my brother.
I send unto my Father, and your Father, unto my God and your God. And when the Apostle writes in Ephesians, he gives that as the key to the epistle.
That blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The 3rd chapter of Genesis we have the first pattern standing in a garden with a woman and before God he's accusing the woman and he says the woman will now give us a whitening. So he accused of God and he accuses the woman. The 20th chapter of John, we have the last Adam and a woman standing in a garden and there we find the last that I'm not accusing the woman, but saying they were going to my brother and saying to them I ascend unto my brother and your father.
And to my God and your God. And he could say that. And you had a fact that he had given his life on the front.
So it's like to say the two gardens, one in Genesis 3 and the one in John 20. It says at the end of the 19th of John there was a garden and then the garden there was a new supplier. So apparently there was those two garden scenes bringing these nice dust before us, the love of Christ the last time compared with the failure of the first time. Beautiful. Thank you.
Of Mary who mentioned in the 12Th of John there she had the Lord's death before her, but then she was entrusted that glorious message about the resurrection, wasn't she? So she had both these death and resurrection before her in the 12Th chapter says there they made him a saffron Martha Serb. She was not rebuilt here, she was in Luke. 10 Lazarus was one of them with Sabbath and favour with him. Then took Mary and found the ointment of Spike in our very costly and anoint the feet of Jesus and wifey's feet to their here.
And the house was filled with the owner of the ointment.
And then they were complaining, and disciples were complaining about the assignment, and should have been solved for 300 pence, and given the poor about them. Then said Jesus left her alone against the dam, my burying half. She kept this. Now she had the Lord's death before her, and later on his resurrection.
Here she is in the spirit of worship of his feet, wasn't she? And you don't find Mary of Bethany the one you're reading about, at the tomb of Jesus. Her faith in evidently carried her beyond.
The the grave.
The word in the next and recovered the job before that. First the Lord turns the middle into the custody off. But the different word in the next was why didn't say that in that area.
And you know the thought by that Mary was told not to touch him, and why, And well, in the case of.
Now Thomas, he was told, attached to me forth by ********* Behold my hands, Was that the question you had?
Yes, I think the.
The thought there and why that's brought in, is that now that the Lord has died and is risen, his people are not to know Him in connection with earthly relationship in this world.
See, the Jews at that time were waiting for the Messiah to come and set up his Kingdom, but now they were known as the one who has ascended to the fathers, who he says are not yet invented To my father. Now in the 28th of Matthew, the women come and hold him by the feet because Matthew anticipates the setting up of the Kingdom, indeed the 12% out with the gospel that will bring in.
Great multitude of all nations at the time the Kingdom is set up on earth. But Mary was to learn that she was not to be associated with Christ down here in connection with his massage ship. And they the Apostle Paul brings that before us in 2nd Corinthians 5, where he says, oh, I have known Christ.
After the flesh yet from henceforth no I him no more.
He didn't know him as the one who reigned in this world.
Does that answer your question someone?
Is not those who touch his feet affected the runner and those who eat their testing after a picture of the church? I am sure you're right, Brother Felton.
She saw a lot, she supposed, and immediately. Goblin. Well, there's many people that day look on Jesus as the God, the one who came down to improve world conditions, to make this a better place to live in. But he's not the gardener at all. He did not come to that purpose.
He came to give his life a ransom for many, to glorify God, his father through death through his sacrifice.
As for the real?
Entering into the subject here in this verse of the Three Characteristics of the Christian Life, Faith, Hope, and Love is found at the end of the verse where you read.
In our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God our Father.
That is, there are two very important acquaintance we have with father and son.
I remember that verse. Thou God sees me.
We should live with the consciousness that we're speaking. We're acting under the eye of a holy God that sees every act like.
Joe, when he could have concealed his sin, he says. How can I commit this great sin? He was conscious of being under the eye of God, not under the eye of man.
So that especially given as the word to conscience, make us realize that we're in the presence of God at all times. But then we need something for the heart as well As for the conscience, and that you get in our Lord Jesus Christ.
That that is something very precious to the heart.
That we're having to do with that Blessed One. And here are the fullness of His names are brought before us.
In our Lord Jesus Christ that we can enjoy His presence, being happy, and His love and doing after we engage him for His glory, trusting Him and going on with him. But there's the other side that's also important.
After that, we're living under the searching eyes.
Holy God. And that makes us careful. And now the word of God provides for both the conscience and the heart.
After you heard this story of Mr. Garvey and Mr. Bella, Mr. Bellit's ministry was sold distinctly for the hearts of the believers. You can't read any of his writing of what your heart is just drawn to Christ. Mr. Darby was a ministry.
Was awesome.
Given in view of the conscience, I was told that these two servants of Christ were on their way to a meeting, Mr. Darby said to develop. Now, Brother John, remember that Saints have consciences as well as hearts. Mr. Bella turned to Mr. Darby and who they're both Johns, he says. John, don't forget.
The Saints have hearts as well as consciences.
For those two men.
Really. Their ministry balanced each other and I believe you have that balance brought before us here in connection with our life and testimony.
Expression and the sight of God and our Father. Do you think we have an illustration of that in the 17th of Genesis, where?
Verse first. And when Abram was 90 years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abel, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God.
Walk before me and be them perfect. Well, undoubtedly Abram would be conscious of the event in the eye of God all the time, he said. I am the Almighty God and walk before me, and if we're walking before a person, we'd be conscious of That person lives upon us all the time, and we make us very careful, and we will.
It's the same line of things that ensure.
Won't perform and be perfect?
That is perfect in the sense that he lived and acted as one who was in the presence of.
Of God himself, the Almighty God.
Last two that he told who he was first.
He told him what to do.
In other words, I'm the Almighty God. I'll give you the strength, Lord Abram, although you're 99 years old.
Exposed only the apostle could take up 29.
They didn't say that the boat themselves, did they?
We often appraise people today and well, because such a thing and then such a thing. You've done such a thing and how could how could this do record this well?
The Apostle could do the weekend of praise men's works today exactly.
Not the same way.
The personal education of their work.
Knowing your brother and we love your election of God.
That's not addressed to sinners.
That's addressed to brethren, those who knew something of what it meant to be beloved, and they're the ones that are to know their election.
Honorable truth, and it's one that you.
Will preserve us and one that will keep us happy. Because I believe that knowing that we are the elect of God fills the heart with praise and worship, fighting God.
Choose me as poor Sinner well.
The only way I could answer it is it was because as Ephesians One tells us.
Recording as you have chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame. Before him in love, it was because he had a right and because.
It was his delight.
To single out certain ones.
For a place of glory with Christ.
The Apostle, the Apostle Paul never preached elections of sinners by the thought of the Saints, didn't he?
Election is not to perplex, but it's the comfort Saints, those who have been chosen and are conscious of the fact that they belong to him.
These first four, first this are beautifully connected, aren't they? They're all beautifully connected. I was thinking that the council recognized that the Saints needed grace and peace.
To carry out these three things that have been mentioned, and.
These things are.
Indissolubly, shall we say, connected the work of faith. You can't divorce the one from the other without losing a great deal. Work of faith, labor of love, and patience of hope.
Patients of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
These things He was able to remember before the Lord in prayer, but before them, that they might continue on in carrying out these beautiful graces of the Christians. They would need grace and peace to do so. Grace and peace not only that the Apostle wished for them, but that they might show it to others as they thought to carry out their labor law and their working faith.
And he does this because he knows there.
Their election of God for this very purpose.
So it seems to me that.
The believers in that wonderful place where God can.
That work in him leads these graces if we're subject to Him, and so the Apostle is the praying for them that this might continue in their in their experience, as it were. I don't know if this is the same in the margin that's in the new translation, but it seems to me it's very beautiful.
The beloved of God, your election.
Now clearly that we had the love by the Apostle and by others, the beloved God.
Your election.
In that Marcus framework of our Pleasure Golden series.
And we find in verse one the Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ was the Lord. We find in Hebrews 2 That he was in the 14th 1St.
That through that he might destroy him, that had the power of death, that is the devil, and delivered them, who grew fear of them for all their lifetimes, subject to violence.
He was third over. He has the authority. He was the Son of the Almighty God, and he was overall.
And he was Jesus.
From Seabrooks. And I don't believe in Mr. Matthew that this means something called Jesus, for he shall save the people of the sin and at least call Christ well because he is pink. He wasn't a king when he was on earth.
When the Jewish people at that time never spoke anything else as expecting crazy the King Even so right on the crowd before pilots it was mentioned that he was Christ the King. Now in this dream group that is disturbed as Jesus the Lord and the Savior and the King, we the Apostle Paul who gave thanks for these people on the Thesaurus against rich are.
A great example for our sakes.
What he says remembering without seizing your work of faith. We have spoken about faith needs, and he has spoken about what prayer means, when indeed if.
We listen to thee. Among the believers, we generally hear all. I am small faith, and this is true.
But if all who Paul said he do the thesaurus, you work of faith. And we have learned already this morning that by prayer we have come to decisions. And if we pray before our Lord, we have to have faith, we have to have work for faith, and we got to make decisions in faith before our Lord and not say, well, I am small or famous.
With faith before the Lord. And then the second heart is that and labor of love. There are two ways to do this. If we see something like we can do for our beloved sins rather than two weeks of it, we can easily turn our back and say, well, this is not my duty, but the other way is to seek or I can do something for the beloved. We got a labour force for the outstanding excess.
In the sight of the sight of God and our fault.
All the believers walk and grave in the presence of the Holy God, but grace is now our Lord, our God. And then he says, whether on when he has said this or hope of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Everyone have more benefits always. We should read here of hope in my Lord Jesus Christ wouldn't rightly because he was praying to the truth of the disorders.
But each and every believer should change heart, my Lord, and this make me subject of him. If I say to any person here on earth he is my Lord, well, that means I over myself Before that, how much the more shall I look at myself For the Lord who is the Lord? And now he is my Lord, So we have the power before him, and he is my savior, and he will be the king.
Oh well, the Lord And when the Savior, we have.
In him that our view is always connected in this framework of good Lord and all of the world and we not can sit down and say our whole life, small faith and oh wow, we should walk more. But we used to Christmas, we got a flavour for love and we got the decisions in our life and show that we do believe in the role that he is able to. We got to have faith.
Very difficult for some banks to do, but we have to trust the Lord.
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Spring of all our joy, of our brightest things come to the sunlight and the 269.