1 Thess. 4:16, 17.

1 Thessalonians 4:16‑17
“CAUGHT up! caught up!” no wing required;
Caught up to Him―by love inspired
To meet Him in the air!
Spurning the earth with upward bound,
Nor casting a single glance around,
Nor listing a single earthborn sound,
Caught up in the radiant air!
Panting, with rapture and surprise,
“Caught up,” our fond affections rise,
Our coming Lord to meet;
Hearing the trumpet’s glorious sound,
Soaring to join the rising crowd,
Gazing upon the parted cloud
Beneath His pierced feet!
O blessed, O thrice blessed word,
To be “forever with the Lord,”
In heavenly beauty fair!
Up! up! we long to hear the cry;
Up! up! our absent Head draws nigh;
Yes, “in the twinkling of an eye,”
“To meet Him in the air!”
L. T.