Paul remained in Athens while Timothy visited Thessalonica again, returning to give Paul an account of their state. He reminded the saints that the afflictions, the persecution from the Jews, are what we as Christians are appointed to. In his former visit he explained to them that affliction would come, as it did. Because of this, Paul sent Timothy to know their state. He now rejoiced that the saints were standing firm. This brought comfort to Paul so that he could say, "For now we live if ye stand fast in the Lord."
What a mighty change came over Paul! Once as Saul, breathing out threatenings, taking men and women to prison because they believed in Christ, he now in tender love, as a nurse and a father, cares for them as his own children, desiring their growth in the things of God.
Paul's heart rejoiced in the prospect of seeing saints in heaven who in every place had believed in Christ Jesus their Savior. This company, having been delivered from the corruption of this world, now stood in the purest affections ever known.
Years would pass before he would see the saints of Thessalonica again. The apostle desired once again to perfect that which was lacking in their faith, desired that their love one to another might abound more and more, and that their hearts might be established "unblamable in holiness before God the Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints." This will be the day of manifestation, letting the world know that we belong to Him.