1 Timothy 3

Duration: 1hr 23min
1 Timothy 3
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General Meetings, Burbank, December 1964 Reading meeting Saturday AM.
Lord of glory, we adore Thee. Christ of God ascended high heart and soul, we go before the glorious now beyond the sky, the we worship, the we praise excellent in all thy ways.
Lord of glory.
Right now.
Create a.
Sooner before us yesterday.
Well, I suppose the question might be asked whether anyone else has anything they'd like to have us take up.
Before you, brother, No, I didn't.
Have anything?
And do you have power?
Well, the only thing that I was thinking of would be any different was.
The order in the House of God in First Timothy connected with the disorder in which we find ourselves all about.
But I am I'm not adverse to going on with what we had.
I would think it's very probable to take that off.
Emily about the house first.
In order.
Heard the chap. Yes.
We can find at the end of that third chapter.
Although it's all important, the chapter could be read.
All right, the third chapter of First Timothy.
This is a true saying. If a man desire the office of a Bishop, he desireth the good work. The Bishop, then, must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apartment to teach, not given to wine, No striker, not greedy or filthy lucre, but patient, not a brawler, not covetous, one that ruleth while his own house.
Having his children in subjection with all gravity. 4th A man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the Church of God?
Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride, he fall into the condemnation of the devil.
Moreover, he must have a good report of them which are without, lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. Likewise must the deacons be grave, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not radio, filthy lucre, holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience. And let these also first be proved. Then let them use the office of a Deacon, being found blameless. Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers.
Sober, faithful in all things, let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children in their own house as well, or they that have used the office of a Deacon, well purchased to themselves a good degree and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. These things write high unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly. But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the House of God, which is the Church of the living God.
The pillar and ground of the truth and without controversy. Grace is the mystery of godliness.
God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit scene of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
Where did you intend to? Well, what was essentially upon my mind.
That we are a part of the House of God.
And as in the House of God, we get the thought of rule and order.
And here we get instructions how we are to behave ourselves in the God.
When everything is in order, we have the regulations laid down.
In the second epistle of Timothy, the house is in disorder. It is now a great house with vessels to dishonor as well as those to honor. And there we need special instructions in walking in separation from vessels to dishonor. So we're living in the last days, and we need the instructions of Second Timothy.
On the path of separation, but we also need the instructions of first Timothy for we're to walk as though the house were in order were to walk according to the rules given to us.
So both epistles are very important for us, as in the House of God.
We think of ourselves in the House of God. There's rule and order. If we think of ourselves in the midst of a great house filled with vessels to dishonor, we need instructions to know how to conduct ourselves there. That's chiefly what was before. The House of God is always seen on the earth, isn't it? It's not in heaven. It's it's not composed of Saints that have died, but it's the house here on the earth.
It's that place on earth where the Spirit of God dwells.
God dwelling in the church, in the body, I mean in the House of character, here by the Spirit.
Matthew versus Ephesians 2, yes.
Ephesians 2, the last verse.
In whom they also are build together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.
There it is.
And an octave. The previous verse is another matter, in whom all the building, fitly framed together, groweth into an holy temple in the Lord. That's looking forward.
In the 21St verse it's more the temple character. In the last verse is the Tabernacle character. It's the abode of God at the present time.
It's a piece that in that 20 second verse, the House of God as of any given time, yeah.
And there might be some false material there, but still it is the habitation of God through the Spirit. Like say for instance in Corinthians there wasn't any question but what was the habitation of God through the Spirit.
In the first epistle you will not find that there are certain things that first epistle of Timothy that need correction. But there it is recognized though that there's power there in which the those things can be corrected. And so you don't get separation spoken of there. But in the second epistle, while there's all confusion and there is no power for correction, so.
Separation is pointed out as a necessary thing. I think that is important. Sometimes there's individuals may think well.
Half of separation is individual.
Well, the Scripture doesn't recognize the individual pathway in that sense. Would you say that even in the second epistle there's provision made for a path?
Oh yes, yes, there's a provision made for a path. That is, there is the separation, and then there are those with whom you can go on, follow with those that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. I think it would be well to read those verses, Brother Harrisman, in the second chapter of Second Timothy.
Reading from the 19th verse.
The foundation of God standeth sure. Having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his.
And let everyone that nameth the name of Christ, or rather nameth the name of the Lord, that is, along with authority.
Depart from iniquity, but in a Greek house they're not only vessels of gold and of silver, but a wooden of earth, some to honor and some to dishonor. If a man therefore purge himself from these, that is the vessels unto dishonor.
He shall be a vessel unto honor, sanctified and meet for the masters, use and prepared for every good work. Now there is the refuge that's left for the Saints of God, as long as the Church of God is found here in this world.
There's our refuge right there.
Is there a distinction between the great house and second Timothy and the House of God in the first Timothy, very definitely. In first Timothy, the house is in order and we're given instructions about the order and second Timothy third chapter, we find the conditions prevalent in the great house characters and the word doesn't say.
That the House of God is the great house. It doesn't say that it doesn't. In a great house there are not only vessels that is that great house is the illustration that's used, but it doesn't say that the Church of God is the great house. It's like a great house. That was my question. Primarily. It was A and it doesn't say that we're to separate from the house, does it? Or even to separate from the great house. No.
A man could not separate himself. I'm Speaking of a Christian. He couldn't separate himself from the all that's happened in the great house without becoming a thorough apostate, because every profession of Christ is in the great house character.
The 22nd verse of the 2nd Epistle, the 2nd chapter is to me is very important.
The purpose of God it seems way back when he chose Abraham.
Was to have a people gathered around himself.
And yet we must remember that Abraham had to act individually. Now we have the same In this chapter we have those two things.
The faith must be individual acted upon and so we have the if a man that's in the 21St verse, but in the next verse we have.
That which would.
Give us a basis upon gathering with others.
And the first thing mentioned is God's side or righteousness.
Now, in the third chapter of Revelation, this line of things we've just had.
What was lacking at the very end and Laodicea was the the gold tried in the fire.
Well, that has to do with the subject of righteousness. Man is substituting his own ideas and theories for a basis of salvation.
Has been brought in through God himself. His own righteousness, and Christianity rests on that.
God claims come first. Now faith is always based on the Word of God. There is no such thing as faith unless it's on the Word of God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. And so we have two things now. We have righteousness, we have faith.
But love or charity, the bond of perfectness, it's that which would indicate a new nature.
By this shall all men know that you're my disciples, in that you have loved one for another. Now that isn't simply love, that's prompted by some motive, but that's the manifestation of a nature.
Then we have peace, which is the last. I suppose many would put this first, but it's last, isn't it? Because.
God's claims must come first, and in as much as life within you to be at peace with all men. And now we have in this verse.
With them.
That call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
There must be sincerity, there must be that which goes along. I suppose it it corresponds with that second thing that's in the third chapter of Revelation, where we have laid Asia before us. What's lacking there is the garment. The garment. There must be the indication, the evidences of that which is in communion with Christ in the awkward walk.
We would say, would we not that.
One who was exercised as to the behavior of those with whom he finds himself.
Cannot take himself out of the great house, but he can seek the company of those who call on the name of the Lord out of a pure heart. And that is really the exercise of this portion of Second Timothy, isn't it? That one should purge himself if circumstances have placed him?
In the company of those who are temporizing with the things of God.
And in any way mitigating the value of the word.
There could be exercise of heart with such to know that God is not leaving this scene without a testimony of faithfulness, and to seek then the company of those who so walk. There's a verse that would indicate, Brother GAIL, that such a testimony, such a a ground will be preserved in this word. As often to eat this bread, and as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup.
He do show the Lord's death till he come. Well, that is a corporate thing.
Just as our brother Anderson was telling us yesterday about that brother over in England who spreads the table and sits down by it each Lord's Day, he's all alone, perhaps waiting.
If some other brother might appear and then they could break bread, that is, you can't break bread alone.
It's a corporate thing. So the testimony is left with us. As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you do show the Lord's death till he come. Now to go on in a path of division. A division is sin, division is sin, and the Lord isn't going to sanction any of us taking up a path of division.
So if we're going to show His death till He comes and not be in division, then there's positive proof in that verse that there will be a clean place left where we can meet with the Lord Jesus and not be in division. Is that right? I certainly subscribe to that. Well, in this 22nd verse, one thing emphasized seems to me there is the Spirit in which it is done. It wouldn't do, for instance, for me to say, well.
How faithful I was. I had to stand the truth. I had to separate and that kind of thing. That'd be the wrong spirit entirely. It's the the spirit of meekness and the love out of the pure heart should accompany it.
One thing that's emphasized in the first epistle, it seems to me, is a good conscience.
In our chapter we read why they are about the deacons holding the mystery of faith in a pure conscience.
Well, that is something that should exercise us all through our pathway. I remember one time many years ago, there was a question came up on the gathered banks and there was one man who was quite active. And it has been said you generally find activity on a part of the evil. I believe that's true great activity. It does not become one who.
Is going on in this path of meekness and holding faith in a good conscience. Well, our brother, he, there's one brother who was quite active and our brother Heidi says to him, John, have you got a good conscience?
Well, he evidently didn't have because he missed the path.
All is not the giving up of a good conscience, the basic thing that goes wrong with things of God. I believe it is we can go too far in a manner that perhaps we started out Friday. Go too far in it and press it beyond its measure, and we lose a good conscience.
That's good. Conscience is related to this first thought here. All the righteousness, yes. Now there's something I believe in the former verse, the first before. That's very important.
When it speaks about vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor, the very name of Timothy.
Means to honor God.
A very precious thought, and this is Paul's last epistle.
And it is expected for these last days.
These difficult times.
Oh, it's so important to have that thought of the meaning of Timothy before us to honor God. You and I, dear brethren, down in our hearts of that new nature do desire these last days, I trust, to honor the Lord. And the great point to this truth here in separating from evil is for the Lord's sake. Therefore it says in verse 20.
But in a great house.
There are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth.
Well, that's relatively, I believe, incidental to the next thought.
And some to dishonor and some.
Are some to honor and some to dishonor?
If a man therefore purge himself from these, now this is really corporate.
Shall be a vengeful to honor.
Identified and meet for the master Zeus Timothy. 2 Timothy.
The epistle stresses the importance of individual faithfulness.
What does that answer the to the question? The challenge is often raised. Well, if you take the path of separation, then you cut off your opportunities for service.
Isn't that the answer right there?
Shall be a vessel, sanctified meat for the Master Chief. Yes, you're not. You're not negativing your place of service by acting on the truth of separation. You're just the opposite. But all has to be measured by Scripture.
We're never wiser than Scripture. And so as you were saying, Brother Harrison, ceaseless activity, noise and display and and witnessing and all that.
If it's done with utter disregard to the corporate truth is laid down in the Word of God.
How can it be acceptable to God?
I'd like to ask in that connection, the meaning of the first part of the ninth verse of our chapter, that is the third chapter of first Timothy. A brother Harrison has spoken of the pure conscience, but now what is the meaning of holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience?
Well, the natural mind would never be able to fathom it was a man in nature.
The vessels of the Lord must be holy, and I suppose.
The mystery of the faith would embrace Christianity.
What we have at the end of the chapter in the 16th verse is it.
Great is the mystery of godliness.
Yes, that's the whole thing there really.
Really the mystery of piety, isn't it? Yes, there's no there's no such thing as real piety in God's sight today if any of these basic facts in the 16th verse are denied, regardless of how great a man standing is and how he's.
Heralded by the public and then Christendom. If he's untrue as to any of those things that are brought before us in the 16th verse, we can just write him off as not pleasing to God.
The mystery of π is contained in the acknowledgment of these basic facts.
And it is the person of Christ. It isn't the work of Christ. Here in the 16th verse. Notice that there's nothing about the cross or the blood, but it's the person of Christ.
But we also connected with the 1St chapter in the 19th verse. First Timothy one verse 19.
Holy faith and a good conscience, with some having put away concerning faith, have made shipwrecks.
Are there not two dangers that we spoke about the importance of maintaining a good conscience?
By holding faith is the whole revealed mind of God that may be beyond our minds, and it surely is because it's of God. So it's a mystery. We can't understand the person of Christ. There are many things in connection with the truth of God that are beyond the human mind. The great tendency today in Christendom is to give up that simple faith that believes what one cannot understand.
So I believe that the two things are brought before us, faith that is unquestioning, simple faith in all that God has revealed in His Word. And this is most important for us in this day. And then a good conscience that would be connected more with our personal walk.
Either of these things given up may lead to shipwreck of faith, and what a sad thing, the soul might be lost, but not necessarily. There are those who have made shipwreck of faith. They haven't given up Christ, but they have got into a dangerous path, linked themselves with those who have questioned the things of God, and also have become careless in their own walk.
So a shipwreck of faith is not necessarily a lost soul, is it? But it's a lost testimony. And this is a very solemn thing, so important, I believe in this day.
I think that is right what you say the a person going on and it's supposed to go off on a tangent and I'm away for several years and then finally maybe I come back well still at the same time.
My testimony as the place would be ruined by that course, that would be making shipwreck in the faith in that particular instance. I think one, as you say, doesn't need to be an apostate to make shipwrecks of the faith. But if we go off in South Wales, we are doing that. We continue in that kind of a course.
I also make a comment in connection with the House of God for the sake of some who are perhaps younger or just visitors here in Christendom. The expression the House of God is connected with a certain building that is used for religious purposes and people speak of how they should behave in the House of God. So in order to have entertainments, a separate place is built because they wouldn't use the House of God for such things.
Let us remember, brethren, that we're in the House of God all the time, seven days in the week, 24 hours in the day.
There's no such thing if we're true children of God or even in the sense of profession of being out of it. So our conduct is to be becoming to those who profess the name of Christ at all times and saw the example of the Lord Jesus in his perfect pathway brought before us in the end of this first Timothy 3 is really the secret of godliness. How did the Lord Jesus.
Walk in his blessed pathway well in everything. His pathway was to the glory of God his Father and becomes the secret of a godly walk for us at all times. When we speak then of the Bray House, it brings in profession and so it doesn't just mean a certain group of Christians, but it speaks of the whole profession body and what it has become.
In these last days.
So our conduct in connection with it, when it's in this confused state, is set before us, not only as to the remembrance of the Lord, although that is the center of all our fellowship, but it's our whole course and conduct in Christendom.
Sometimes Christians will even those gathered to the Lord's name may confuse this they wouldn't have fellowship with those who are walking in a course that is condemned by the word of God at the breaking of bread, but they would in other things that a testimony is connected with it which mixes truth and error. Well, I believe the our conduct ought to be according to the word of God, not only.
In connection with the Lord's Table, but in all it bears testimony to Him here upon earth. Would that be so? Yes, Believe so. No. There's no such thing today as a sacred or holy brick or board or stone in the Old Testament in connection with Solomon's temple.
And God accepted it and owned it and manifested his acceptance of it. That was a holy building.
But on Christianity, we have not one little bit of it. The only building that God is interested in is that building that's composed of his people. Here in this world, as far as a physical building is concerned, is just a place to meet.
I was making a call.
A certain place and.
During the day and the janitor was there.
And he said that.
I want you to see the model of the new church we're going to make.
And he showed me a table about the size of this one.
And there was a little model.
Well, it was very nice looking building, but out in the front here was a tower, a tall tower with a cross on top of it.
And I said, well, the building looks quite nice, as though it'd be a suitable place to me. But what is the purpose of this tower out in front? Well, he said that's just something to make it look like a church.
What I said is that honoring the Lord to spend money that way, to just build a car out there and put a cross on top of it, does that honor the Lord? Well, he said. Some of us have been wondering about that.
Well, I'm thankful to say that I found out afterwards that the tire was never built, but.
The simplicity of the truth would avoid our ever being entangled in anything that resembles that. Isn't that so? A building for averages, whether it's this building here in Glendale, the Civic Auditorium or wherever it is, it's just a place to meet. That's all it is.
There's nothing to the building.
When the Lord was speaking with a woman in the fourth of John, and he mentions how that the hour come and now is when the true worshippers should worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. There He was showing that the change would come in at that up to that time I Jerusalem was the center, but hereafter there would be no center.
Unlike our brother in speaking yesterday about those places in Second Kings 2.
Where Elijah took Elijah around, well Bethel, that had a place, a meaning for them and the Lord owned it as to how they, how they acted at those places. But the time was coming. The Lord says there when they wouldn't worship and be in spirit and in truth.
Now with the background of understanding.
The Church of God is composed of people.
And that we're always in the House of God.
This person is third chapter of First Timothy has a lot of instruction.
Principles and for instance.
Take the very first verse of the chapter.
The true saying, the correct translation is much better here if a man desires to exercise oversight.
Not that he desires the office of a Bishop.
There is no such thing as that as a man getting an office in the Church of God, the House of God. If a man desires to exercise oversight, if there's a real exercise before God of one of the Lords people in seeking to look after others and help others on in the path of faith, that's a good thing.
Isn't this a good one, Brother Wilson? According to what we get in Titus, isn't this just an equivalence of elder synonym? Yeah.
Could we look at that in in Titus?
1St chapter of Titus in the fifth verse for this cause left. I then creaked that thou should set an order. The things that are wanting and are the elders or Dan elders in every city as I had appointed, they're going to be blameless. The husband of one wife having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly for a Bishop must be blameless. Now that two are synonymous.
Elder is the name of the office. Bishop is the designation of the work he does. Bishop means oversight. So he, in the name of his office, is elder. But the work that he does is oversight. Is that right? Yes, and we should not despise those whom God has raised up for the purpose of exercising oversight. We needed it. We need those whom the Lord has given us. Now we do not have official.
Elders or those who exercise oversight because we have no apostle to appoint them.
But there are those who have addicted themselves to the ministry of the Saints. There are those whom the Lord has raised up who just genuinely care for the affairs of the Saints. Now they get off. We should respect such and honor them in love for their work. And we have that. We have those still with us. We thank God for them. And instead of challenging them, say what? What right do you have to be interested in how I do?
We should thank God for them in their care, their godly jealousy over us perhaps.
For if we go to Hebrews, it says it would be unprofitable for us if they gave a report of their stewardship, sorrowfully, if they had some whom they had an exercise and a care over, and then they have to report in before the Lord and say, well Lord, I'm grieved at the way they've turned out.
I and it takes some of the blame on himself and the way they turned out. Well, it's unprofitable for those who have to be spoken of in that way, wouldn't you say so?
Yes. And in connection with that they challenge them why might say well, what's your chapter and verse for doing that well?
New Testament isn't written like that. The Old Testament was is definite instruction. Certain things, but they couldn't plead that they had a special revelation from the Lord as I do it. It has to be in conformity to His words.
And there may not be a single verse that you could point to, but there might be the teaching of the principles in the New Testament that would lead one to act in that way. This first in the last chapter of Hebrews that our brother Wilson has referred us to. 17th verse, the last chapter of Hebrews.
Obey them that have the rule over you or take the lead among you is the better translation.
And submit yourselves for they once for your souls as there that must give an account. Now that verse is often misunderstood. It isn't that they're going to give an account for your souls. That's not the point. They're going to give an account of their own stewardship that then you do it with joy and not with grief. So John says in his second epistle, a similar thought there, second epistle John.
The eighth verse.
Look to yourselves, Look to yourselves that we lose out those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.
John wanted them to go on well.
He he thought it would be a reflection in that day.
Just being the local assembly, these overseers, is that the thought? Always officers, always local, never general?
Gift is always universal and never local.
Our power and testimonies all will depend upon our own walk and the condition of our own household. And I believe this is a very important thing because we need to be exercised ourselves. Not that there isn't failure with every one of us, but we should always bear in mind that what we say bears only the weight, that it has its own power and our own practical lives. And sometimes we might say things without the sense of that.
So there's a loss of spiritual power with it. Well, I believe that each one of us who seek to in any way help our brethren should always bear in mind their own weaknesses and our own failures, whether we have conducted ourselves as we should in our own personal life and our home life.
These things have to do with how the word that is spoken is received. So it's when we read on the instructions here, we find much as to the man, his wife and his his whole family, they have a bearing on it.
Well, I believe that we should always have this in mind. I was thinking of a passage in Romans.
Romans, chapter 15.
And verse 14.
And I myself also am persuaded of you, my brethren, that he also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, able also to admonish one another. It isn't everyone that is able to admonish another person.
And so we need to be exercised in our own personal loss that it bears the bears the testimony to what we say, filled with all goodness. While supposing I speak to another brother about something in his walk, I speak in love. I seek his good.
While I add to the exercise, have I ever shown kindness and goodness to that person so that he feels?
That I conscientiously and honestly seek his good. Well, he says if you're going to be able to admit, you need to be filled with goodness. And we ourselves know if a brother comes and speaks to us about something. And all his dealings with us have always shown that he loved us. He was interested in us, He did kindnesses to us well. Then when he wanted to correct us now how much more easy it was to take it.
Brother, and I say this because I think very often little things in our personal lives are neglected. That would prepare us for difficulties that arise when we would be able to speak and the word would be more readily received. And then the second thing, of course, is filled with all knowledge, that is, that not only needs to be the weight of our own personal walk and desire and love for the Saints.
But there also needs to be a knowledge of the Word, so as it says in 2nd Corinthians 4, not handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
Well, I filled with all knowledge our brother Harrison just mentioned. There might not be a definite chapter in verse, but there will be that in Scripture which we can bring before that to person that will commend itself to his conscience and carry weight and be a blessing to him.
Well, I feel, brethren, that these things are very important in these days in which we live. Because if, if we speak to someone and he doesn't receive our correction, we ought to ask ourselves, well, is there something in myself? Is there something in my own walk?
Have I failed to present the Scripture in such a way as to reach his conscience? Well, it's a healthy exercise for the one who speaks as well As for the one who receives the word of correction. Would that be so, brethren?
I'm sure it is. And in that verse there in 15th of Romans. Why?
There is the ability there in Rome there was that they could receive admonishment as well as give it.
There will never be a situation arise in our spiritual lives, either individually or in the Church of God. There will never be a situation arise where there isn't some scripture that has the answer to that situation.
Now his brother Arthur was saying it isn't going to be necessarily indefinite terms, but there will be principles there.
That will answer that particular situation.
In that connection, I like to tell of a situation that arose all this many years ago, many years ago, and we were quite puzzled.
But where we believe the Lord LED us and we acted according to a certain scripture.
So I was telling Brother Potter about it afterwards. Well, he said if you had written and asked my advice, I would have directed you to. And he named this very scripture that we had acted upon.
The principal was there in the word, the principal not not just pinning it right down to this specific case, but we'll never find ourselves.
Left with no direction in the Word of God for any situation that arises.
Is there not also this zone that many times we were exercised about some brother?
And if we really went before the Lord about it, we may never have to go to Him.
Haven't we noticed that by being exercised before the Lord about a certain case, they were led to the same exercise? And if that can be accomplished, it's it's by far the wiser path.
All the flesh is so easily wrangled. Attempt to say something.
Especially of ones in an unhappy state.
Mr. Darby that says, I don't think so. He makes this remark. Flesh never could rebuke flesh, nor will the flesh stand for.
Oh, the flesh is easily antagonized.
But the flesh has no chance if we're carrying it before the Lord, and the Lord would speak to him.
And brother, let us always remember the admonition and spirit of Galatians 6/1 The object of love and bringing before and airing St.
His deviation and seeking to help him is restoration, not discipline, and the restoration there is in the spirit of meekness. If we had this and the principle of the washing of the feet, how much less friction there would be when brother feels compelled to go to another one as to his way. Or perhaps his sister does this to a sister.
Let that object be to restore such an one, and let meekness be what rules the whole conversation.
Many times.
The flesh gets so in the way and speaking to one that all the good effect is lost.
In Ephesians chapter 4.
I believe very often we forget verse 2.
I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that you walk worthy.
Out of the vocation wherewith you're called.
Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Well, I purposely omitted verse 2. But we can't omit verse two. That second verse is so all important.
With all, with all loneliness and meekness, with long-suffering for bearing one another in love. And certainly we'll have to be before the Lord, looking to him for grace, that this thing might characterize other. Anderson. That was the spirit of the Lord, wasn't it? He could say, take my yoke upon you and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly. And this is the character that we should seek to follow.
Endeavoring to be more like him, doesn't this verse.
The second verse call our attention to something forbearing.
One another.
I should never demand perfection of my brethren until I'm in a position to deliver perfection.
But there's a verse in James.
That is also wholesome for us to read often.
For bearing one another.
That means that my brethren have something to for. Bear with me for bearing one another now, James.
The third chapter.
My brethren, be not many masters or teachers.
Knowing we shall receive the greater judgment, to whom much is given of him shall much be required.
Now this next verse, and I'll read it a little differently from what it's written here.
We all often offend.
Now that's a wholesome verse to remember we all.
Often offend. It isn't that I might make a little slick once in a while, no.
We all often offend.
Well, if we remember that, won't it make it easier for us as we go to a brother to speak to him, to take the low place? If we remember that, another translation.
Very wholesome admonition.
Brother Brown, the word of bend there is that not entirely a different word than what the Lord uses in in the gospel concerning offend one of these little ones there at stumble.
It's really turning them away from Christ there, yes.
The Lord was very sensitive about this matter of offending when he wanted to pay the temple tax there, He said, lest we offend.
The mystery is something that the natural man cannot understand.
And it's only that the Spirit of God revealing it, and here the connection with the House of God. Is it not in this chapter. But the natural man can't understand this mystery.
And if a child of God attempts to unravel in with his mind set upon it, he won't be able to either.
He'll probably end an error.
If the human mind tries to solve or unravel the things of God, error is frequently the result.
Whether view the systematized error?
Is it true that we never read a systematized truth?
Well, I've heard that expression very often.
When his new step system tries the truth, you find you have some error and we can have an outline. That's what Mr. Potter used to call our attention to.
Ends up in systematized error.
In most schools in system.
Theological schools. They have a course that they call systematic theology.
Well, I think it's a very, very dangerous thing to try to systematize the truth of God.
13th verse of Second Timothy, the 1St chapter.
Hold fast the form of sound words. Now is that not an outline of truth which thou hast heard of me in faith and love, which is in Christ Jesus? Now it wouldn't be possible to hold this fast if we didn't have it.
And so it supposes that one gets into the presence of God and waits upon God for it, and then to hold it fast.
I have run across an expression something like this.
Our thoughts are to be formed by Scripture, not to be formed into theological expressions.
Take the various creeds, well known to many, I suppose. There's not a creed formulated by a man that's perfect.
So-called Apostles Creed the first statement and it is false. I believe in God the Father, maker of heaven and earth. Well that's not true. God the Father didn't make heaven and earth.
Well, we need to be aware of formulating creeds or any formulated creeds.
What you say that in so-called Bible schools, your progress there really is measured by your intellect. It isn't the conscience.
And one can get a large knowledge.
And not have much exercise and so.
And without exercises solely will neither profit the one himself nor those of hearing.
I was thinking here in this chapter, the sixth verse. I'm more or less just skimming down this third chapter.
Brother Aaron called our attention to the principles of Scripture in the New Testament, principles connected with Christianity.
There's 6 words not a novice less being lifted up with pride. He fall into the condemnation of the devil that is, the devil fell through pride.
If a young man were recently converted and rushed into a place of prominence in the House of God.
You may soon be lifted up with pride and fall. Fall through pride like the devil found. Well, I remember years ago a young man was pushing himself. He wasn't just being pushed, he was pushing himself. And some older brethren objected and said that he was a novice.
Well, he took great umbrage at that statement that he was a novice and he said you can't limit the gift of God like that. He says that is Speaking of of.
An elder or those who exercise oversight. But he says with connection with the gift, there isn't such a thing as enough man being a novelist.
Though it wasn't long till he proved that he was a novice.
And he walked out and left the path.
Beg your pardon, brother? Oh, no, go ahead. These principles are for our admonition. They had a case like that in Columbus years ago.
A young teenager.
Bright and clever.
Read the synopsis and she said well I don't care to go to the meeting and listen, have to listen to those old brothers stumble around in the scriptures. Said I'd rather stay home and read the synopsis.
Well, the last I heard of that brother, I don't know whether he's living or not. I'm going back 50 years, I suppose.
He'd ended up in some kind of a cult God, gotten clear, a strange, gotten into some kind of a call. Well.
This thing of getting all puffed up with head knowledge and expecting that to be acknowledged by our brethren is just the road to ruin.
Case that I spoke up, the young man would get up on the Lord's Day morning after the breaking of bread and exhort all the older things. Young man, well, it was unbecoming. And when he was challenged about it, he said I have the gift of an exhorter.
I don't read about it.
The young man having a gift of them being an exhorter, he forgot the scripture that says what the prophet speak two or three, and let the other judge.
I am not the judge of my own ministry. Never.
When you say something, brother.
What would you say?
That there is a power.
Felt in the spirit of our manifested by the Spirit of God collectively.
That we would not have at home if we said we would stay home and read the ministry. We might be in a week meeting where there wasn't much gift and might say, well, I can get more if I stay at home and read some of the writings of the older brethren. Well, there is, I believe, a power of the Spirit of God when we're gathered together that one couldn't have in that way. I go with that girl. I certainly believe.
To get things revealed to you in the meeting that just don't come to you otherwise.
And the fact that there's discipline in the assembly.
The principle of correction. We have in the Proverbs something joined together in in Pasadena on Thursday mornings. The way of Corrections, the way of life.
That is, there must be that submission to one another, the principle of it.
The principle of it in each one of us as being subject 1 to another, goes along with it and in the assembly.
It looks thoughtful. Chapter 24.
We have the disciples and others gathered together.
And the Lord is in the midst. Verse 36.
There we have a company with the Lord in the midst, really, I suppose, representative of the assembly.
And then in verse 45 it says He opened, then opened. He their understanding that they might understand the Scripture. Where was it? In the assembly where the Lord was in the midst.
Well, certainly if we want to have an understanding of the Word of God.
Get it where the Lord is in the midst. There's no mistake about it. You can't improve upon this. This is God's way, God's order.
But interesting to notice in that chapter, the Lord walked with him on the road to Emmaus, and he opened the Scriptures to them, and he made himself known to them in their home, but when the time came that they ought to have been up there with the Saints in Jerusalem.
He vanished out of their sight. Well, I thought of it this way, that we can get much blessing from reading the Word of God at home, and how often the Lord meets the person, regardless of their state of soul, if there's any turning to him at all, He meets them and ministers to their hearts of himself. The things concerning himself. But when the time came, as our remark that the assembly or the disciples were going to be gathered together.
At Jerusalem he vanished out of their sight. And I thought of it in a very practical way, that we may enjoy these things, but when the time comes for the meeting of the Assembly, we can't expect to enjoy the Lords friends at home, even if we enjoyed it an hour before.
Where He wants us to be is in the place where He shows himself in the midst of His own. When you build a fire on the hearth, the embers that get cold first are the scattered ones on the outside, aren't they? The ones that are together hold the warmth.
It's been it's been remarked that they.
Place of growth and prosperity in the soul is found in the reading and the prayer meeting, isn't it? And we shouldn't neglect this and there are young people can learn, and we wouldn't discourage them from.
Inadequate question, or the injection of a thought, but modesty becomes them. It's line upon line and precept upon precept, through which are the experience of every Christian.
Moves on into a place where he can be used.
Wouldn't their willful isolation be corrected by Hebrew 1025?
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of sun is.
But regarding one another and so much more as you see the day approaching.
You have to remember, do we not, Brother Whitaker, in connection with that in Hebrews 10, that it was a bad sign for those converted Hebrews to start forsaking the assembling of themselves together? It was very often the first signs of apostasy. They were shunning the reproach connected with being together.
And it was a bad sign, and I believe it's a bad sign, yet we need to be careful of it. But then there's the other side of it too. We who are older and who may take some part in the Bible readings in our local assembly need to be careful that the young people are properly nourished. If if we're not careful, we may get into carelessness or.
Lack of care for them. I think we need to be exercised before the Lord that these meetings may be profitable. I don't mean the meeting here today, but all of our meetings in our local assemblies. Sometimes we're a little careless about.
I came in contact with something just recently.
A brother in a in a certain meaning, he'd come, he'd come into fellowship.
But he was staying away and.
Someone spoke to him about it. Well, he said that's the way that I was brought up. He said in the meeting that I came from, if things didn't go right in the in the man where we stayed away to show our disapproval, well, that that isn't Hebrews 13, is it? It's not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as a manner of some is. So that's not the cure.
For difficulty in the assembly to stay away. We don't help our brethren by staying away.
The thing is to be with them and share their exercises, be on our knees with them. Then we can look for blessing.
And it wouldn't be in accordance with First Corinthians 14 either. What a.
Prophets speak two or three, and the others judge. There's a responsibility there.
I'd like to ask a question in connection with that last remarks about staying away. Would that be in our chapter of First Timothy 3 and the third verse? No striker?
Be in the spirit of it, perhaps.
A striker is a violent character, a man that loses his temper and and says.
Says hasty things.
A violent temper.
I believe is what is meant by a striker.
Verse three of Ephesians 4 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace. Do we have the principle of unity mentioned in Isaiah?
One latter part of verse 16.
And the first part of verse 17, Isaiah 116 Cease to do evil, learn to do well.
Precious sound principle always can depend on it.
Slipping on down to the 7th verse of our chapter.
Moreover, he must have a good report of them which are without.
Lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil.
That's another line of things that is overlooked sometimes.
A good report of those without.
If one if one is taking a place in the assembly, well as they have a good report on the outside.
Well you say that doesn't alter is state in the church.
But it does.
Suppose he has a. He has a reputation for dishonesty among his neighbors.
He's disqualified. He's disqualified himself by it. Moreover, he must have a good report of them that are without. We have to be careful of our conduct on the outside.
That can be different than words. It says beware when all men speak well of you, that would be a hail follow well met. But what you refer to is things as to are deportment as to whether clearly as that would commend the truth.
Act 16.
Verse one.
And behold, a certain disciples there named.
The son of a certain woman, which was believed, but his father was retreated, which was clever and more than I by the brothers. Well reported on by the brother. That's right, Mr. Laconia.
Connection with this sixteen first God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit scene of angels preached under the Gentiles believed on in the world. They seized up in glory. This is very interesting and instructive for us is that we don't have the atonement brought in here because it's the example for us. It's the secret of godliness in our pathways.
And here we find that the Lord's pathway was one, as has just been mentioned about a good report to them and or without. Well, the Lord Jesus, the Spirit of God came upon him and marked him out before everyone, as this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
The angels look down here, they saw the 1St man that ever been in this world up in whom God could delight. There was nothing but perfection in him. And then it says preached under the Gentiles. This is quite a remarkable expression here because.
The Lord said on one occasion, I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.
Unto big brethren, that the thought here is that when he was rejected by the nation, that grace caused him to go out in blessing to the Gentile. Well, I think there's a very practical lesson for us here in connection with godliness, and that is perhaps there's been something that we wanted to do. God has allowed some opposition to come in the way. And so we just got angry about it or discouraged about it and said, why, I'm going to give up.
Don't know the opposition well, how lovely it is to see with the Lord Jesus that when he was rejected by the nation of Israel, that grace over leaped the bounds of Israel and reached out in blessing to the Gentile. And I say again, this is a practical lesson for us, President. Is there opposition and difficulties in the assembly and the things that we have to meet and we say, well, it's no use because everything's just in opposition.
Well, grace can always overlea the bounds. Grace can always go on in service of love.
To the Lord and to his people and in the gospel in spite of it all. And this is most important because this is the secret of godliness. This is the way the Lord Jesus acted. We need so much of this because the tendency so often with us is when things go wrong, just to get discouraged.
While the Lord continued in that pathway of service and what was the result? Well, there were results believed not in the world so that we might say well there seems so little blessing for the effort put forth. God's going to look after that believe God in the world and then what was the end received up in glory. That is, should we say the precious Savior ended that pathway of perfect obedience and glory.
Presence of God, his Father having his fullest approval for him when he returned. It says in my presence is fullness of joy. Well, surely I believe there are practical lessons enough here for us in our pathway in all the situations we may have to lead to.
What did you say to brother? Just to guard against any misapprehension?
I had it on my heart.
Something I thought was for the Lord and my brethren thought otherwise that it wouldn't be a case of my leaping over it. It would be my my place to be subject and wait on the Lord to clear it. I just I just mentioned that as somebody might take the other thought out of it because there is such a thing as waiting upon the Lord to incline the hearts of our brethren. Well, that's right. But go on embrace just the same. That's it may not be in that particular thing, but.
We're not to give up a service of love and grace. And if the brethren are not happy, well, there's other works that can be done and can perhaps be done and be acceptable, and the Lord will be pleased with it. So that there's the lesson. I'm not shriveling up in our soul. Don't you think so? Yes. And then I was singing a first of Matthew 11 where the Lord met the rejection of Israel. But.
Accepts it is from the Father's hand, he says Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in thy sight. He accepts it from the Father's hand and rejoiced in that hour. He rejoiced in spirit. Isn't the point in the sin of angels that isn't that incarnation?
Incarnation. They had never looked upon their Creator before.
Announcements are over. Would you all please go downstairs?