1 Timothy 4:12

1 Timothy 4:12
Address—D. Whitaker
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Turn with me please to.
First Timothy.
Chapter 4.
This has been announced as a meeting for the young Christians.
And before I read this portion today will be mainly talking to young Christians and if you are not a believer on the Lord Jesus is the desire of every believer in this room today that you would come to know him because he's precious. He is he's precious, perfect in comeliness.
Thou art.
Perfect and communist thou art, and if you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, and you've been on the path a little while, he becomes more and more precious. That's what Peter says unto you, therefore, which believe he is precious now.
In One Timothy, chapter 4.
1St 10 Maybe, For therefore we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe.
These things command and teach. Now we're going to teach something here today.
Let no man despise thy youth.
But be thou an example of the believers in Word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
I believe there's six things there that we're going to look at, and what I propose to do with the Lord's help is to look at.
6 distinct separate stories.
That have that have to do with young people and their ages are not given. So I think we can take it from the from the earliest age up to the oldest one here the application.
And these six.
Examples in Word.
Conversation, charity, spirit, faith and purity. And I have chosen.
6 headings that go something like this we've got.
We've got the first one would be in Word. I was thinking of Daniel and his three friends. Next one's conversation, that would be Nam, the little maid that waited upon Nam's wife.
Charity, Moses, Sister Miriam, and you'll see what we'll be getting at momentarily. Spirit, Paul's nephew.
Faith, Rhoda.
Purity, Joseph.
Now, with that in mind, we will turn to the book of Daniel.
If you're wondering if I have notes, yes, I have notes.
And these things who will be talking about today?
Our brethren over the years have told us these things and for most of you or many of you, they will be things you've heard before. But we have in the room today some brand new ears. Well, maybe not new ears. They've been around for 12/13/15 seventeen years. And maybe these things haven't been talked about yet and we're going to talk about them again today. So if you've heard these stories before.
Bear with me.
All right, we have in Daniel chapter one, we've got verse 17. As for these four children, As for these four children now.
I take it they're young people. We think of children as someone that you pat on the top of the head, but these were young people and they were children of Israel. And as we read these stories today, you'll notice that most of them that God has given to given them to us by inspiration. We're in difficult circumstances. Just about all of them, maybe all of them, they were, they were in very difficult circumstances. They were carried away into different countries.
They were being persecuted by authorities. They had the edict that the man child, the baby boy should be slain. Terrible circumstances. And you say, well, which do you want to be in the Bible? Would you like to be a Miriam? Oh, yeah, that would be fun to be a Miriam. Or would you like to be a Joseph? Oh, that would be wonderful to be a Joseph. Well, it would be wonderful to be a Joseph. It is a wonderful to be a Joseph. Think of how many times. Think of how many times.
Story of Joseph has been told in this world. Bibles have been printed in almost every language.
And the story of Joseph has been run off on the printing press millions of times.
And there's a reason for that. And we're going to read about that reason. Joseph was a faithful man. And you young people today, you're, you're in a terrible world. And it's easy to go astray. It's easy for an old man to go astray. And I think to be a, I'll put it this way. Have you ever heard of a 17 or 18 year old man starting a division? Never. Who is it that starts divisions? It's this age here. This is what where we really mess up.
So you young people, you have a distinct advantage you don't have.
A whole trail of troubles and I go into it.
A pathway of turning aside and so on. You have a fresh, brand new, a precious life before you and you can take and now you can live and lead that life to the glory of God. And these stories have been given to us so that we may do so. We got to get on here.
Daniel chapter one and verse 17. As for these four children, God gave them knowledge and skill and all learning wisdom, and Daniel had understanding and all visions and dreams. Now at the end of the days that the king had said he should bring them in, then the Prince of the eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar and the king commune with them, and among them all was found none like Daniel. Hananiah Michel Azra therefore stood there before the king in all matters of wisdom and understanding.
That the king inquired of them. He found them 10 times better than all the magicians and astrologers, astrologers that were in all his realm.
Here you have in Word these men. They had the word of God and they were willing to communicate it. Now, there's something very precious and wonderful in this that God does for His people in this way.
He will do nothing but except he revealeth his secret to his servants, the prophets. That's Amos, I think 37.
God will do nothing, but He's going to tell one of his his beloved ones about it first. So there are people right now in this world that know what's going to happen to this world exactly.
And it's those that are His servants, those that love him, those that spend time in His word, those that listen to and hear what He's got to say.
Well, that's beautiful. And here's Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They were given those names. I can't give them to you. Belshazzar gave them other names there, according to the Hananiah, Michel and Azrai. They were given other names according to the gods of that country. And that's true. They may have been off into a different land. They may have been carried away. The nation may have been in a state of real failure and ruin, perhaps like the Christian circles are today.
That didn't change their pathway before God did it. No, Sir. And do we love to read the story of Daniel and his three friends? Oh, we read it and read it and read it. A little 3 year old, a four year old child will read it. And someone that's 90 years old read the very same story and they both enjoy it, both of them.
It's beautiful. Go on.
These men had understanding and those around them, the wise men of the day, the astrologers, the magicians and all those soothsayers and all those people had no understanding as to what was going to happen in this. And it's told Daniel and three friends what's going to happen in the latter days. And that's where we are now. It's important to spend time with the Lord and you know what's going to happen in the latter days.
We're going to go on now to conversation Second Kings 5. We'll just pick a little something out of these stories.
Second Kings Chapter 5 This is the second.
That it speaks of there in First Timothy 412.
The second one is conversation, which would be our manner of life. Now here's another situation. This little girl, where was her mother?
Nowhere around. Well, where was her father then? Well.
He wasn't there either. Where was the uncles? Where were the cousins? Where was some family he could lean on?
Where was the brethren, You might say They weren't there. They were gone. This little girl had been carried off into a far country, and there she was. And was she pouting? Oh, she was a powder. She complained. Was she? No, no, no, no, no. She had a manner of life. She had a conversation that when she spoke, her Master listened. Master listened because what she said carried. Wait. And what a blessing. How many times is the story of name is made?
Spoken of in this world. How many times has her story been printed? She only said about 20 words there. In the whole of recorded history that we have, how many millions of times? Millions of times is that story of what that little girl did that day been told and was their blessing? Oh my, think of it. Well, let's read it.
2 Kings 5 Now name and captain of the host of the King of Syria was a great man with his master, and honorable, because by him the Lord had given deliverance unto Syria. He was also a mighty man of valor, but he was a leper.
And the Syrians had gone out by companies and had brought away captive out of the land of Israel a little maid. And she waited on Naamans wife. And she said unto her mistress, What God, my Lord, were with the prophet that is in Samaria, for he would recover him of his leprosy. She had faith, she had faith, and in this case she exercised this faith to someone that she loved. Oh, just think if she had that precious knowledge that there was a man down in there in Israel, prophet of God.
Could recover her boss.
And she says, I don't like him and I'm just going to let him die. No problem to me. No, no, no. That's not the heart of a believer. The heart of a believer is to reach out and bring blessing. And she did. And what happened? Oh, when this man, when this man went down there and there's a lot of things there we could talk about, but that's not the point today.
When he went down there and he says, I thought he was going to come out and strike his hand over the place and wave his hand and recover the leper, And are not my rivers of abandoned? And far, far better than all the rivers that all he was, He had all these ideas and thoughts.
But this little message here.
Right here it says there's a man down there that can heal a man of his leprosy. And then of course the prophet comes in. But that man humbles himself to the point where he says instead of I thought, he says, now I know that there is a God in Israel. What set this blessing off on its course? It was that little maid. And you can pick whatever age you like, young people. God doesn't give it to us here, the age.
But it can be your age. Just let it be your age.
And so when this man was healed and he came back, think I don't think I'm stretching it to say that when he came back home, there must have been a a joy. There must have been a a song of praise as Ben has two mules burden of earth with him. And he said that girl, look at look at here. We have the right ground and we're going to give thanks and we're going to give praise to God.
And we're going to sing together. And I suppose that that girl became closer than a child than his own daughter, if he had one.
Think of it. Oh, that's beautiful. What set it off on its course? A little girl whose conversation, manner of life, she said about 20 words and he says, hey, what did she say? I'm going to do it because her word had power and weight and God was with her.
Now we come down here to charity. Could we turn please to Exodus chapter?
Hello charity and love.
All right, verse.
Eight again. Here we have the children of Israel.
Difficult circumstances.
Naaman that little made their difficult circumstances.
Children of Israel I rather that the four children in book of Daniel difficult circumstances God allows difficult circumstances and then he brings out his ways and he brings out his faith in his people and it in the end result is of course glory to God and that's why we're here and that's we do have difficult circumstances. You know those people just digress for a second here. Those people that were with David there's 400 of them and by the way it increased to.
600 that it increased to the point where they said, David, now thou art worth 10,000 of us. Then it increased where they said it became a great host. The point is like the host of God. But going back to The Cave of Abdullah, if you were to look in that cave and you were to see people in there that were discontented and they were in distress. Well, let's say you looked into a cave and you saw people in there that were not discontented, that we're just having a good time here at the wrong cave.
You look in there and you see people that are discontented.
They're discouraged, they're in debt. You got the right cave. You got the right cave. Okay. So it's under pressure that he enlarges us. It's under pressure that he, he works in us in such a way that he gets glory through our lives.
Well, here these dear children of Israel, they had had some hundreds of years now and the the whip had been, Can you imagine, laid to their back and they couldn't do a thing about it. Nothing. They were completely cast upon God. They had no other resource. God was bringing their hearts around slowly, slowly.
Therefore, verse 11 did he set over them taskmasters? Oh, this world, the devil, he'll set over you taskmasters. I see him come into my business often. Young people, young men, handsome young men, young women, beautiful young women. God had favored them. But something was wrong. The sparkle was gone.
The smile was gone, and a hardness takes over like clay.
I've seen it hundreds of times. Then you see a couple, they'll come in that have Christ as their Savior. There's peace written all over them. This. These are the facts. These are the facts, young people.
And after dealing with them for 40 years, you start seeing that it's just the facts.
Then we come down here to.
12 The more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied, and so on verse 14, they made their lives bitter with hard ******* mortar, brick, all building up this world, building up this world.
Said, Well we come down here now. Verse 22 Pharaoh charged all his people, saying, every son that is born ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter he shall save alive.
Oh, I became a grandpa about 10 months ago and all over again you find out that joys of caring for a little one.
I don't know what I'd do if I was in that Kingdom at that time, this wicked king, he said. That boy has to go into the river. Oh, what a river of death that must have been because a lot of little boys were being born to that nation.
And they would put them out into that river and they would die out there.
And that river had these babies floating down at that river. That was to be for the blessing.
Of that nation of Egypt, Nile started up in heaven, the clouds of heaven, you might say, and the rains came down and it came down that White Nile, the Blue Nile, whatever they called down into Egypt, the only source of water that they had there. They lived because of that river and they had filled it with these dead bodies. Almost sounds like 1995. Terrible.
Born shall be capped into the river, cast into the river. And there went a man of the House of Levi, and took the wife, a daughter of Levi. And the woman conceived and bear his son. And when she saw him that he was a goodly child, he was fair to God.
She hit him. Oh, that's what you do with something that's precious. You hide it. You hide it.
And when she could no longer hide him, the child was starting to make noise. And so on. And I've got to, or we'll, we'll lose everything. I've got to put that child in the river.
She took for him an arca bulrushes whose living plants.
Cut them down, daubed it with slim and with pitch and put the child there in and she laid it.
In the flags by the rivers break. Oh, can you picture this? What went on in this woman's heart?
These parents was it Amram and Jacob Bed?
And they took that little baby and they put it in that ark. And I suppose when they, when they put that pitch or that SAP or whatever it was, they, they, they floated with their hand and they looked for leaks. And that's what parents are doing today. Christian barons, They, they, they got you in Christ. And they make sure when it comes to the person of Christ and comes to the way of salvation, there's no leaks. There's no leaks.
There was no weakness in that. When they put that pitch in there, they made sure that that thing was going to float because they didn't have a chance to make a trial run. They would be spotted out there.
By the flags, by the rivers brink. There was something growing out of that river that had life and I think of the.
The parents that take and put their little children in school and they grow up in different neighborhoods and so on.
We want to make sure we have some living plants, and those living plants, I believe, are our brethren.
And no, she didn't take that arc to the edge of the river and put it in the river and say, well, and Moses didn't have a name yet, you know, just a little child that was fair to God. And she, she, the mother, didn't push that baby way out in the mainstream. Say, well, do the best you can there.
No in the flags, but.
Those living plants, well, that little art just bumped around amongst those living plants and that's what these parents are doing by bringing their children to the gospel meeting and to the prayer meeting, to the reading meeting and to the breaking of bread like we had this morning. Children, you could see maybe they didn't know the Lord. Now don't be frightened if you say, well, all these people seem to be know, know the Lord and seem to be praising the Lord, but I don't have that in my heart.
Don't really be shocked at that because you were born little one.
Teenager, young person. You were born with a heart that had was nothing to do with God. Nothing. It's a fallen nature.
It's a broken nature, but God wants to give you a new nature, a new heart that now can praise him and now can thank Him. And like those, those 10 lepers that were cleansed, Oh, that was a beautiful first step brother. Read this morning.
One turned back and with a loud voice, glorified God. And then that yearning went out. Where are the 9? Where are the nine? Well, we got to get on here.
The daughter of Pharaoh came down. Verse five of Exodus chapter 2. She came down.
Well, first of all, verse four. And his sister, his sister stood afar off, to wit, what would be done to him. Now, the mother couldn't do that. The mother couldn't stand there. But here's this little girl. She could because she was small. She there was a place that she could be looked like she was just an innocent bystander there. But oh, she'd watch this whole thing and she'd held that little baby Moses in her arms. I take it this is Miriam here.
She'd held that little baby in her arms.
Out to little brother.
Now there may be older sisters in this room. I'm talking about teenagers, maybe early 20s, and they have a younger brother and they love him.
And we find out that the mother has to put that child into school or out into the playground or something.
And the older sister can be standing there and watching, Watching. Oh my, what a privilege that is something that the older one can't do sometimes.
And so she's.
At the right time, she's right there.
Now verse five and the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river. Oh, Can you imagine this? That river floating with these dead bodies?
This woman that will wash herself in that river.
You know this world around us.
This is the only river they've got. That's the only river that flows through that country. That's all they've got. And it's just littered with death and dying, dead and dying.
And that's all they've got to refresh themselves with in, in.
No, no.
You and I, as believers in the Lord Jesus, we can come a different river altogether. We're in that river right now. This morning when we were singing praise to God, river was beautiful. It was flowing with crystal clear and it comes from the throne of God.
Singing the glories of Christ.
Well, what do we have here? That woman? She was able to wash herself in that filthy, dying river, and her maidens walked along by the Riverside, and when she saw the ark among the flags, she sent her maid to fetch it.
When she had opened it, she saw the child. She saw the child.
And behold, a baby wept. Oh, you know, sometimes when young folks say they're on the playground or something and somebody comes along and hits them right in the face, their fists or kicks them in the stomach.
Or plays a dirty trick on them. The young folks, they say, well, they cry. They cry. What is this? This is not like my home. I'm not used to this.
And so there that baby was, been pictured in the in the river of the world, and it's lonesome.
It's lonesome in his crying.
It's crime and she had compassion on him, thankful for that, and said this is one of the Hebrew's children.
Now this sister steps right up, doesn't she?
Then said the sister to Pharaoh's daughter, shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the child for thee? Or she knew exactly, she knew exactly what that baby needed. She knew she knew who that baby needed. And oh, there's that mother, that mother. I can imagine that mother was home.
Praying, praying. Can you picture such a thing? Well, that's this world we're going through. Don't forget it.
Don't forget it.
It's a place of tears.
And then what?
Shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the child for thee? And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Go, And the maid went and called the child's mother.
And so on. And the story goes on. It's beautiful. Now you'll find out too, in connection with the way the Lord uses these young people that we've been Speaking of in the scripture.
Almost without exception, He uses them to promote, preserve, and protect the testimony. Very interesting. You watch that. We'll go down through the list one after another, and we'll see how that the Lord used these young people to preserve something that's very precious to the heart of God here.
Now we're going to go on to Pauls nephew in Acts chapter 23. Did you know that Paul had a nephew? There was somebody in the previous story.
Here, that's going to take care of their uncle.
Well, we'll have to find it here.
Paul is being in the Jewish Council.
And there are men that have risen up against him.
People still don't like the Apostle Paul.
Christian people, some of them think that Paul is is, is shouldn't even be in the scriptures.
And that be said.
Well, anyway, here.
We have.
Verse 10 of chapter 23. And there arose a great dissension. The chief captain, fearing Les Paul should have been pulled in pieces of them, commanded the soldiers to go down and take him by force from among them, and to bring him into the castle. And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul, For as thou hast testified of me in Jerusalem, so must thou bear witness also at Rome. And it was day, And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded themselves together.
And bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul.
This is Acts chapter 23, verse 13. And they were more than and there were more than 40 which had made this conspiracy. And they came to the chief priests and elders and said, we have bound ourselves under a great curse.
That we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul. This is as far as a man can go.
And 40 of them and more than 40 of them. And 40 is the time of testing is more than a test. Isn't it 40 minutes? We're just single. That's it. There's nothing else in our lives until we get rid of that man.
And see the verse 14. And they came to the chief.
Priests and elders and said we have bound ourselves under a great curse, that we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul.
Now therefore ye with the council signify to the captain that he bring him down to you tomorrow, as though you would inquire something more perfectly concerning him, and we, wherever he come near, are ready to kill him. And when Pauls sisters son heard of their lying in wait, he went and entered into the castle and told Paul. Then Paul called one of the centurions unto him, and said, Bring this young man unto the chief captain, for he hath.
Thing to tell him. So he took him and brought him to the chief captain, and said, Paul the prisoner called me unto him, and prayed me to bring this young man unto thee, who hath something, something to say unto thee. Then the chief captain took him by the hand, and went with him aside privately, and asked him, What is this that thou has to tell me? And he said that Jews have agreed to desire that thou would spring down Paul tomorrow into the council, as though they would inquire someone of him more perfectly.
Do not thou yield unto them for their lie, and wait for him of them more than 40 men, which have bound themselves with an oath that they will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him. And now are they ready, looking for a promise from thee. So the chief captain. Then let the young man depart and charged him. See thou tell no man that thou has showed these things unto me.
And so on and then they take and they get Paul out of the area.
Right away. Now, of course, we know Paul would have been preserved because God had a big mission and a work for him to do. But in the counsels of God, God allowed this young nephew to be at the right place at the right time. And why? Because he had an ear out for his uncle.
And they were going to.
Kill him. They were going to do away with him now.
That's what love does. It takes care of your brothers and sisters, your wife, your mother, your father. Rahab, remember that story. And here, taking care of Uncle Paul.
Now, there's an interesting thing here that I'd like to talk about for a second. That's in the middle of verse 10.
And when there arose a great dissension, the chief captain fearing lest Paul should have been pulled in pieces. Now this is what he heard about. They're going to pull my Uncle Paul into pieces.
You know something today I.
I see this going on. It's really sad. We have the inspired word of God.
And we have people who want to take Paul, his doctrine and pull up all the pieces, don't they?
They want to pull everything away that Paul has. Now, Paul brought us some beautiful things. Beautiful things. Now I granted, you have to stretch this a little bit here, but I think you'll have patience with me.
Paul brought us some beautiful things, and one of the things he brought us the principles.
Of the ground of gathering.
He brought us.
The principles of eternal security.
He brought us the principles of sinless humanity of Christ. Wow, that's important. Let's give you a reason why.
Let's say that you know many people say Christ.
He didn't sin. Of course we know he didn't sin, but he could have sinned. And as a man he could have sinned. He was a man like you or I, and he could have sinned, but but of course he didn't. They feel they're giving him credit and giving him honor by suggesting that he didn't sin when he could have. But let's say you and I are in Christ.
And if we believe we are in Christ.
And we're in the glory and we're 10,000 years into eternity enjoying that blessed place.
And this savior that could have sinned options to sin, then what?
Think about it. That's why when these brothers in the meeting, sometimes young people can't understand it. They talk about this verse and they talk about that verse and they compare these two verses and they say, well, this is this way. And that's I can't understand what are they doing? They're making sure that that arc has no pin holes in it for you children, no pin holes in it.
The doctrine of the Person of Christ is preserved.
Apostle Paul doctrine is being torn all to pieces.
And a young person. A young person.
Can be a preserver of the testimony, a preserver of the truth.
In an unusual way.
Oh, let no man despise thy youth.
Come down here now to.
Faith. Let's go to Acts chapter 12.
What about the faith of this girl here?
I'm probably going to stretch this story a little bit too, and I trust you'll have patience with me, but I don't want to talk. To say anything is doctrinally wrong, but I can imagine this girl being at that.
Prayer meeting wrote as her name. I can imagine her being at the other prayer meetings that they'd had, can't you? And when Apostle Peter was talking about the precious blood of Christ and the precious, the trial being much more precious than a goal that perisheth.
And of the precious faith and all these precious things that Peter talked about, talked about, talked about. She was there as she knew his voice. She'd heard him.
And so here they are. Peter's in jail. In prison.
Probably figuring his head's going to be taken off in the morning. His brother over at John Mark's house, praying.
And praying and praying, beseeching God. And there's a knock at the gate.
And wrote up.
Again, a young person could do this, whereas an older person probably couldn't got away with it. She goes out and in her innocent appearance she says yes. And Peter says it's Peter. I'd like to come in.
Oh, Peter, I know your voice and you know, like a young person.
They instead of letting him in, she goes back because it's such an exciting occasion. She goes back in and she says Peter's out there. No, you're crazy, you're mad.
Now young people, it could be, it could be that sometimes your brother might think some of the things you do might be crazy, but go on with God. Just go on with God. You're looking at digress again here. You're looking for identity in this world. Let him be your identity. Who could be? Who could you be linked up with that's greater than the God of the universe?
And the Christ of God, there's nothing bigger than that.
Oh, people follow people and they end up in the grave. Why? There's people over in Tibet that that follow the Dalai Lama? He wears glasses just like me. His eyes are dying out too.
Men follow men, and it ends in death.
If you follow Christ, if you get in that family, oh, it's life all the way through that's wonderful. It's beautiful. It fills my heart with joy. When you bring a little family into this world, it's tough, not easy, but you have Christ when they when you bring them home from the hospital there even before you have Christ, you can sing those precious hymns in that child's ear and was time when they go out, you might say the three months of their life and it can no longer be hit. What do you have for them?
Oh, you've got Christ for him again.
And then it's time to graduate. Time to graduate, and it's the work world out there. Well, what are they going to do? Bring Christ into it again?
And then let's just say marriage comes on. What for that? Oh, Christ again? Talk about a happy home. You just have Christ.
You take a.
A string. You put a button on this end of the string and it comes around your finger like this and a button on this end of the string.
And just say this is the man and the wife and they both have their eyes on Christ and Christ is leading them. You pull that string along those two buttons coming right close together. And so God can get glory and honor out of our marriages too. You know, God doesn't always put people that love tennis with people that love tennis. He put some pretty odd people together. You know, some people like this and some people like, you've noticed that happening, brother. Well, God does that for a reason, but he may get.
And our minds conform to him, not maybe to each other so much, but when we are drawn along by him, we find out we're together and our object, our desire, our hopes are fulfilled. We have a happy home. I have a fellow that works with me. He's always listening to such and such a kind of music on the on the radio country western. And they're always thinking about love, thinking about. I said, John, I don't listen to that kind of thing because I have love. I got it in my home. I don't have to sing.
Or worry about it. I got it. Keep ripping them about that. Well, the poor fellow has a home all broken up. Well, we'll go on here. Here's.
Here's this girl and she knew Peters voice do young people.
Go to the go to the prayer meeting. What a cheer that is, what a joy that is. That's the powerhouse, the preserving part of the assembly when brother and pray together.
Support them and when they see young people walk through the door, oh, such a joy. It gives them strength to one of the one. Because you know, this is not payday exactly. We do get some wonderful rewards for walking with God. This isn't payday. Payday is someday. Someday is coming and God is going to declare to the whole universe who it was and what they did.
He's going to show everybody the whole created universe is going to see heaven and earth is going to witness and see.
When there was this little girl that waited on Naaman's wife, this little boy that took care of Uncle Paul and these poor men that were in that palace there in Babylon and, and Joseph and all, it's all going to be declared. Now, some of these were declared in the Scriptures wonderfully like, like Joseph. And this little maid doesn't say any more about her. This little boy here doesn't say any more about him.
But that's what's coming, you know, it says.
And time would fail me to tell if Samson and Jepthen, Gideon and Berican of the prophets. And so time has failed there. And then you get over another place that says, I suppose, that the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.
Well, what's that? Well.
And then it talks about the love of God that passes understanding. So we're so limited.
There's coming a day, I believe, when these stories that we read about here and these people that aren't named are just barely named and very little is said about them and your life, what you've done for Christ is going to be on display. And think of the joy it is when even now when we talk about someone coming to know the Lord and the joy that's involved.
Think about the glory land when there is enough time to speak of Samson and Jeptha and Gideon and Berk and and Mary and John and each one of you and and the books that are going to be written, you might say, of of our lives. And when we see the whole unfolding of the heart of God and leading us day by day in our circumstances.
Oh, it's going to be wonderful, brother.
Be beautiful.
Now we come down.
Oh, so much could be said here of these of these Rhoda. Well, purity, let's go to Genesis 39. I don't like to speak about these things, but the word of God tells us to when Speaking of Joseph.
This this man.
Don't know if there's anything recorded in all of the scripture about any failures in Joseph life. Maybe he got a little bit impatient and I can imagine this when he said to the to the Butler he says.
Remember Me, Remember Me when is well with thee.
Remember Me when is well with thee, I take it. I don't take that as being a failure, but.
That man has his his life of rejection when his father had made in that beautiful coat of many colors. It's a picture of the multifaceted colors of the Christ.
It's like that rainbow, beautiful rainbow, more colors. I deal with colors. That's my job is colors. And I look at some of those colors and I'm amazed where, where do they find colors like this? Look into some of those Blues. So true. I said, I don't understand where they could find that in nature. Well, you look at Christ, young people, and you'll see those beautiful colors. And at the conference like this in your own private readings, you'll see the colors start to flow.
Out beautiful colors, various colors of Christ. The angels look down from heaven. They see in the church the manifold wisdom, the multi colors of Christ displayed in his people.
Beautiful colors and that rainbow. Think of that for a moment. There was Calvary's cross, that dark cloud. Here's the white light, the pureness of God coming down and refracting off that cloud. And what do you have? A display of color, the rainbow, the beauties of Christ. And along with that promise.
Never, never judge the earth with water ever again.
Never beautiful. So Joseph, for that coat of many colors, loved of his Father. What did those brethren do with that coat? Oh.
You know.
You know.
And they brought that coat to their father. Is this thy sons coat or no?
Was was this man Joseph in difficulty and trouble in his life? Lots of it, lots of it. Do you have troubles, young person in your life today? You probably don't have as much as Joseph, but if you live, you enjoy Christ and you let him be your life and your song and your hope and your the object to which you're following.
It'll all turn out well, beautifully well and it'll your life will be to the praise of God. You know that's what you're here for. The brethren said that earlier. You're here to give glory to God. That's why we're here today. We want to give glory to God. Don't give glory to some man. They'll disappoint you. You know, it says these be the generations of Jacob and then it says.
Esau and his family. I'll just look at that for a minute.
38 I think.
Maybe 36?
Yes, Genesis 36 and verse nine. And these are the generations of Esau, the father of the Edomites and Mount, Sir, these are the names of the Esau, sons of pies. And it goes on one name after another name after another name after another name after another name. It wasn't God's man, wasn't God's man. But now turn to.
See 37.
Verse 2.
These are the generations of Jacob.
And that's the only.
That's the only thing you get, Joseph. God wants to.
Portray before your vision, young person, One man, one man. Now if any man be in Christ, he's a new creation. The old things have passed away. Behold, all things have become new. All things are of God. As in Adam. All die. They all die. Everyone. Even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Oh, young people are so easy to follow, to follow. Who are you following?
There's a man that just died recently.
A famous singer.
He had an entourage of people just like him that followed him around from concert to concert to concert to concert. Something about Grateful Dead. Will you think that when he died, they'd be very grateful?
They mourned, they suffered over that, stepping through a dark doorway that they tried to cover up and camouflage. No, it didn't work. And he died also.
Find out tonight in the deep recesses of your soul, are you in Christ?
Are you?
We've had the gospel preached to us last night. We've heard it from our youth up. There's people in this world that haven't heard it yet. Why should you get to hear it tonight also?
Now is the accepted time. Now is the day of salvation. So we've gotten down now to this man Joseph in in Genesis.
It's a little warning here, and I think we should for seven. It came to pass after these things that his master's wife, now he's been carried down into this land again. He's in this. He's in a place where it's not home, not home to him. Where's his mother and his father? Not there. Where's his brother? They're not their family. They're all gone. He's all alone down there. And he might have said, well, I'm sick and tired of all this.
It's too rough.
And if he'd have said that, we wouldn't be reading about his story today, would we? We wouldn't be here. Mothers and fathers that have taken their little children upon their knee for the last 2000 years and given their children the story, the beautiful story of Joseph.
They wouldn't have had it if Joseph would have had this attitude that I'm going to speak of now.
Well, I'm away from home.
I'm lonely, I've been in trouble, I've been in distress. My brother don't want me. I haven't seen my dad for years.
I'm going to give up.
Give up.
So we read here.
Verse six rather Genesis 39.
His boss. He left all that he had in Joseph's hand.
And he knew not aught he had saved the bread which he did eat. And Joseph was a goodly person and well favored. That's the condition, these young people in this room today, all of us.
Goodly and well favored. We've had the word of God open.
Verse 7 And it came to pass after these things that his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph, and she said, lie with me, but he refused.
And said unto his master's wife, Behold my master, what if not, what is with me in the house? And he hath committed all that he had to my hand.
There is none greater in this house than I. Neither hath he kept back anything from me but thee, because thou art his wife. How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?
And it came to pass as she spake to Joseph day by day that he hearkened not now we're going to go on to the middle of the 11Th, 11Th. And it came to pass about that time that Joseph went into the house to do his business. Now this is where problems develop is in the business place, school place. We go about our daily business there. There comes a continual pressure, a continual wearing.
And there's this There's an enemy of our souls that wants to wear out the Saints, whether it's this type of evil or some other evil.
It's a continual wearing and if you see it, identify it and ask God for strength to go on. He'll help you.
Where is it that he says I cannot do this thing against God? You find that verse for me, brethren? Yeah. Verse nine. I'm sorry. The last part of the verse, I read it. How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God? Turn with me, please. The Proverbs, chapter 6, verse 26. This man was a precious life.
He was a precious man, wasn't he? How we enjoyed reading about Joseph. Such a precious man.
Proverbs 626 For by means of a ******* woman and man is brought to a piece of bread, and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life, precious life.
Can a man take fire in his bosom and his clothes not be burned? Can one go upon hot, cold, and his feet not be burned? You know, there's seminars today, believe it or not, run by people possessed by the devil, and they say you come walk on the coals of fire. We'll show you that it can be done, and they do it.
They do. It talks about that in Isaiah.
And the devil says, And the Lord says, can one go upon hot coals and his feet not be burned? The devil says, yeah, you can't, I'll show you.
Oh, can't do it. Her guests are in the depths of hell.
So is he that goeth in unto his neighbors wife. Whosoever toucheth her shall not be innocent. So we'll leave that subject.
And we'll go on. I think we'll stop. Matter of fact, we've had enough here. We've had.
In Word and conversation, in charity, in spirit and faith, in purity, you find those in First Timothy chapter 4 and verse 12. They were all accomplished by young people. And as you look at those people there, so many of them are connected with preserving the testimony. Miriam watching over Moses, Who is Moses? He's one of the greatest men that ever lived.
And Paul's nephew.
Took care of Paul, the great apostle Paul.
What an encouragement. Oh, don't give up. Like little brother. He's from Portland. Used to say we're almost home, Almost home. Don't give up. Wouldn't it be stupid to give up now, Really, after all we've had? Let's pray.