1 Timothy 4

Duration: 58min
1 Timothy 4
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On his father's throne, his day.
All his work quarters.
Eternal Sun.
In the glory. In the glory.
Sin, God bless us.
Everything is above it.
Every time. Compassionate.
Cry so fearless child. Adore him.
Good, endure the day.
Glory from the glory.
God shut down His word from play.
From the glory from the.
This world judgment stands to equal order.
God, don't just.
The Glory by the.
Rise by blame on her do die.
Make glory. Well, make glory.
Crying into the order of place.
Well, make glory shall make glory.
Around him and place.
I'm looking more for his help.
Our God, our Father, we've had the privilege this morning.
Coming around that blessed one.
Thine only sign the Lord Jesus Christ to remember him in death, and to think on the depth of his suffering, what he went through there at Calvary's cross. And now we've been singing about the results of that marvelous work. Every need, every knee shall bow before him.
And what a glorious time is coming. So we just thank thee for that prospect that we have. And now as we gathered here after a few moments to spend some time over that work, we looked at the guidance as to a subject abortion chapter or whatever.
Thy Spirit would have for us and the needs of each one of the rooms. So we just commit this time to the brilliant, precious name, Lord Jesus, Amen. Amen.
Our thought is to have a reading meeting.
And I don't know if there's a section of a chapter or a shorter chapter, but not to just get bogged down in a verse or two, but to to to go through and see what the Lord has for us in the chapter.
If anyone has some thoughts that might be helpful or a chapter to go through, appreciate the the suggestion.
I was wondering if we could.
Maybe read First Timothy chapter 4.
Like you say, Tim.
Not get taken up with details.
But get through the chapter possible especially.
The middle and the end of the chapter.
So I don't know whether and feel that would be good.
Read the whole chapter you say yes.
Go to the Young Brothers. Like to read for us? Stand right next to a mic.
First Timothy, chapter 4.
Now the spirit speaketh expressly, but in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lives in high frequency, having their conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidden to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats which God has created, to be received with Thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be.
Received with Thanksgiving.
For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer, if thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things.
Thou shall be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, where unto thou hast detained, but refuse profane and old wise fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.
For bodily exercise profiteth little, but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.
This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, for therefore we both labor and suffer reproach because we trust in the living God who is the Savior of all men, especially of those that believe.
These things command and teach.
That no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example of the believers in Word, in conversation and charity, in spirit and faith, in purity.
Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery. Meditate upon these things. Give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting may appear to all. Take heed unto thyself, and unto this unto the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself.
And them that hear thee.
Well, we've often heard that in Timothy, Paul is writing to his son in the faith Timothy, and he's addressing him as.
Things that should be done.
Among the believers where Timothy was and as such Timothy is occupied. The epistle to Timothy is occupied with taking up the House of God the House of God is God dwelling among his people by through the Spirit and we are all in the House of God as believers. First Timothy we see the House of God in order This is in verse 15 of the previous chapter we see if I carry long that thou mayest know how to.
Thou oughtest to behave myself in the House of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. And so Paul is laying out these things as to behavior, what belongs to the House of God. And so this is important for all of us.
First Timothy is that time in the House of God was still in order. Second Timothy is written at a later date, but things are no longer in order. We see that there is further instruction that may be even more in many ways applied to us today. But here in chapter four we find that he's speaking about what is going to happen in the latter times.
And the Spirit speaks expressly. He wants us to know. Very important.
And he says, well, some are going to turn away from the faith and all these things are going to happen. It's going to get back. In Second Timothy, we find it gets so bad that that was professed as the name of crisis like the world. And of course, after the Lord comes, it will be even worse yet. And so these warnings that we have here in First Timothy chapter 4 are very important that we understand that in Christendom.
That was professed as the name of Christ. There is going to be a giving up of the truth and in general turning away, and yet there is a path for you and me as believers to walk in as the Lord is looking for from us. So that is taken off and laid out in large measure in this chapter.
Like it's mentioned mentioned that in First Timothy it's the House of God in order and.
I was thinking how important it is for us to understand what is in First Timothy because I was thinking of a verse in Psalms Chapter 11.
Verse 3.
It says if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?
We need to understand the foundation which the church is built on.
Realize that we're living in in the days of Second Timothy, but there's still the foundation and it doesn't. The Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So if we desire to please the Lord in our lives, we can act upon the principles of First Timothy.
Though we would acknowledge we're living in the second Timothy, but like you said, the principles of living and the foundation is very important for us in these last and closing days.
Some of these verses are such a part of this chap are probably really not good to the Second Timothy about the deflation failure that's taking place, giving heed to seducing spirits. What are we listening?
Are we like the brains searching the word to see if what we hear is in the word, correct? Just because somebody stands up in front or somebody speaks and they're reading me? Is he speaking from the word?
What are we listening to? It's important to know what we're listening to. And that's that's what we have in these first few verses. And there's some various things that are mentioned specifically that are being taught in certain places.
Well, we need to be sure that what we're listening to is from the Word of God.
That foundation that Dave mentioned?
Well, we find 2 in these first verses, that there were certain things that God had given to man, mercies for man while on the earth, and as believers we have those too. And there are those who come in who forbid to marry and forbid thee.
And that was wrong. He speaks about what nature of people these were in the 1St 2 verses that that speak this way. But for us it says that.
These were things that God made to be received with Thanksgiving. The end of verse four and as believers that's a critical issue to understand when you go to Romans chapter one you see there that.
When they the world knew God at the beginning from creation, they knew him, it says. When they knew God, they glorified him not as God.
And then it says something very.
Interesting. It says neither. We're thankful.
That was the first step of detention for man in the world and so it is for us even as believers. When we get away from the Lord, our first step generally is that we become unthankful. The Lord has given us things, spiritual things, but also mercies for our lives and we need to take those and be thankful for them. Then it says verse five, what is sanctified or set apart by the word of God?
And prayer, and so the Word of God is our guide is to exactly what it is that the Lord would have us to do. And of course, prayer is our resource to go back to him independence and express our needs of guidance.
And so this brings before us the life of the believer as to how it is we know what the Lord wants from us. And to avoid these wrong teachings, we need to stay in this position of dependency for the Lord, in this position of getting His mind from the Word of God. And then we will have that instruction that we need.
He says in verse six, If I'll put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister, servant of Jesus Christ.
These things are what we just had before we have.
The reminding about that these things are sanctified by the word of God in prayer. But it's more than that. I believe it really goes back to the end of chapter 3.
And if you haven't read First Timothy 313 and understood it, it's a great verse as a Christian to get a hold of.
Says without controversy. Great is the mystery of godliness.
So he's talking about godliness or piety. He's calling a mystery, and it's a mystery because read what it says next. He's not going to say, well, now you have to be do this and this and this and look just like this way.
No, he says. Here's the mystery. God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the spirit scene of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, perceived up in glory.
What is that? That not the whole life of our Lord Jesus Christ.
His whole life is a man here on earth, from his incarnation to the ascension and glory, but he is there now, at the right hand of God.
And So what is laid before it is the mystery of godliness, is occupation with the Lord Jesus Christ and his Person and His work, which is really this whole secret of Christianity.
And so Paul is saying to Timothy, you put the brethren in remembrance of these things.
Not just the direct instruction of the Word of God, but it's that remembrance that.
Occupation with Christ in his work and his person, all that he is even now at the right hand of God.
Then he said you'll be a good servant and for us to be occupied with that, That's what the Lord has for us as believers.
There's nothing beyond that. That's a secret to all of the power in the Christian life. That's what the Holy Spirit would take us and occupy us with to give us the power to walk in that light that we have.
There in verse six, it talks about Paul putting or about Timothy putting them brethren in remembrance of these things. It's not just something that Timothy learned from a textbook and he had them all, all this head knowledge, but it says it goes on to say.
Put the brethren in remembrance of these things. Thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, where unto thou hast attained so first He, He was nourished up in these things. He, He studied them, He learned them for himself.
And then he attained to them, he was able to practice them and apply them to his life. And so if you want to be a help to to your your friends to be able to help teach them something or encourage them and the word of God or in their Christian life, it's good to that first that you are nourished up in these things, in the words of faith, in a good doctrine. There's a lot of bad doctrine around, but we need to be nourished up in good doctrine. And so we need to compare what we, what we know and learn with the word of God.
To make sure that what we have is true, then we can share it with others.
Timothy we find various examples of ways that we can bear a testimony to this world that we have a savior God and you get an expression of Savior God or God our Savior mentioned several times in Timothy. And every chapter brings out something different on what we could be doing as those in the House of God to bear this testimony out. And in Christianity we have 3 distinct fears.
We have our priesthood which is from man to God returning thanks, worship. We have gifts which is from God to man and then out to man. And we have administration which deals with the temporal and spiritual needs of the Saints. And in chapter 2, we have our priesthood brought out. So prayer is brought out. Chapter 3, we can see we have administration, our chapter here. We have gifts. What we can be doing in the House of God to further the testimony of God our Savior.
And somebody might be sitting here and thinking, well, you know, I don't, I don't even think I have a gift. But first, Peter 410 says that every one of us has received the gift. And as we have received this gift, still minister one to another. That's what our job is to do.
And somebody might be sitting here also and saying, well, I'm a lady, I'm a girl, I'm a woman, what am I to do?
You're to do exactly what the guys are to do, to use their gift in the sphere that God has given you. And in our chapter that's before us, Paul presents to Timothy that he he's got work to do and we'll see a little bit further. He kind of fell asleep on that that gift and Paul absorbs them to stir it up to get it going and to use that gift and.
The expectation is to you and I, everyone in this room has been saved by grace, sealed by the Spirit of God as a gift. And we need that gift as an assembly. We need that group gift as a group, as a company, and we need that gift to bear truth to this world that we have a Savior God.
If we all just sit back and.
Don't use our gift, don't exercise it, and the fear that God has given us, then we're not going to bear a proper testimony to this world.
Chapters verses 6 and seven. Two things are brought into contrast.
Verse six we have the words of faith.
And good teaching.
And there it is, the.
The teaching is the body of thought that we have in the New Testament, really the whole Bible.
But the words of faith are the very individual words by which they're expressed. Both are important if they're emphasized in Scripture, in a number of places, distinguished from one another, but always put together. It's not like here's a concept and just express it the best way you can, but the words themselves are mentioned as being important, so.
We want to get to know the actual words of scripture.
And pay attention to them. They're important.
In contrast to that in verse seven, we thought.
Old wives sables, he says refuse profane and Old wives fables.
And exercise myself rather into godliness. There are many thoughts that are out there.
And when I stay out there, I mean just all over the place, even many that have come in among Christians and.
Thought as to what might be proper to the Christian life books filled with that.
And yet it's not here in the Word of God.
And people are taking up with that not challenging. And he's saying don't do that. You hear something, you need to come right back like we already heard in this meeting, like the Bereans and say, oh, is this in the word of God or not? I'm not going to accept it doesn't matter who told me. I'm not going to accept it unless I can find it is in the word of God. I don't need to be cantankerous. You know, let's see somebody says this is what the word says, then you want to listen to what they say, but you need to go and find out is this truly from the word of God is just the thoughts of man or even worse doctrines of demons.
Are where a lot of this comes from. That's what it said back there in in verse one the doctrines of devil.
Has gone abroad, abroad widely among Christians. The Spirit speaks this expressly, so we need to be aware of it and listen. But he says instead.
Occupy or exercise yourself unto godliness, for bodily exercise confidence little. The godliness is profitable for all things, having promised of life that now is, and that which is the common so.
I didn't like this for so much when I was younger but.
Exercise, I think profits a whole lot more than what it looks like this verse is saying. And it does profit. Thankfully the verse says it profit and so it's really nice to go out and have a good time.
And I think the young people should, as we can those who are older too. But let's not neglect the spiritual things.
Already the profit that I had from bottle the exercise is being lost.
But the spiritual things you're going to take with you forever.
Never lose that. It goes on, it gets better and better, and you get it through eternity. So there's really no comparison between the food. He's not saying the one is worthless. It has some value, but let's not take it. Put an undue value on the body and the exercise of it and things that aren't going to last for eternity because we might dissolve. Substitute this for any of a number of other pleasures. There are things that are eternal. There are things that are temporal, and the things that are eternal are important.
Or more important, I should say.
It's interesting that he uses this example of bodily exercise.
The way we exercise is a repetitive motion.
A workout is a repetitive exercise. Repetitive using muscles and whatever.
Just in the verse six there, but I mean speaks of playing these things in remembrance.
Well, where God is.
Like that a little bit because it's not work does not a book that we read and then cover, cover and then put on the shelf and say, well, I've read it, that's it. No, we go back and read it again and there's always something new.
We covered this chapter in Grand Rapids on Sunday evening.
Just a little bit ago, but it's wonderful to cover it again. New things are coming out this evening.
Afternoon that's valuable have to see and have so it's I'm in remembrance so we can repeat and it's not it's not not burdensome, but we're like a the Bible. We're like a novel that we find in the library somewhere or whatever we read it over two or three times. It's boring. We'll be able to get through it, but the word of God is not at all like that is it?
Paul says to Timothy in verses 11 and 12 These things command and keys.
That no man despised by you.
Timothy apparently was shy. But why would Paul write this to him? Well, because it wasn't the word of Timothy. It's the word of the Lord.
And that's the key.
We should never command and teach our own thoughts, and any fear of the Lord has put us into.
Trying to be a help to another mothers with their children, fathers with their children and the assembly. Whatever sphere we're in, it shouldn't be to go and command and teach our ideas about what God has said, but it needs to be God's Word.
And when it's God's Word, if somebody comes and says, well, how can you say that I don't like what you said? Well, it's if it's my word, they have every right to say that. But if it's God's words, it doesn't have to be about me or the one who says it at all. You can go back and look and says, well, because this is what God's word says. And you can turn to the Word and go through it together with that person. And then the ultimate authority becomes God in his Word, not the one.
Who spoke it?
It's very important. And so I think it's helpful to understand that as younger brethren, especially perhaps tend to feel shy about this kind of thing, but and and sisters as well, you know, but if you get yourself out of the way.
And let it be God that's speaking, and you're simply saying what God's word says.
Then don't have that problem.
You can look past that and point the person to the word of God itself.
Hebrews 4 is helpful too, because verse 12 it says the word of God is quick or living, powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, have the joints and marrow Turner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight, but all things are naked and open unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.
Roger was just mentioning about how wonderful it is to be able to go over the scriptures time after time and and not be.
Loathsome to us, something we don't get sort of used to. It's something that we just continue to enjoy. And for the young people that are here, this is something that's going to help. To me, somebody told me that when we read a novel or even one of our textbooks at school, we say.
Oh, that was good, or that was boring, or that had a neat line of thought thought through it, or the climax was too soon in the novel, or we make a judgment on the book, but when we read the Word of God, it judges us. And that's why people don't want to read the Bible. And if you're talking to people about their souls, you never go wrong bringing the Word of God before them and encouraging him to read the word of God.
Because it's quick, it's living, it's God's work and it judges and it's going to help to me just to be able to, like Tim has said, just to present the Scripture. They don't like what God says. It's not you, it's God that says that. And that's it's such a resource that we have that when we our lives are based on his word, when our thoughts are based on his word, we can't go wrong.
In regards to our especially those of us that are younger.
Let no man despise that you.
I think that it's been mentioned before that we should be.
Willing to be used by the Lord if you're young, but I would present this as well.
It's a sad thing when our conduct.
Leads somebody to say.
That's the way it is. I'm not interested.
I just want to encourage all of us to be mindful of what it is to be an example of the beliefs.
And we're.
Conversation in love.
I think we can very easily cut off people's ears in the gospel by.
Maybe not even intentionally, but you know.
In our conversation or lack of love for somebody or.
Things we allow in our lives if we think, well, it's you know, I'm at liberty to do this or that, you know, you're we're not at liberty to do whatever we want to. The word of God is our guide and let's not live our lives in a way that people do despise our views and say as the young people today are.
You know what I mean? I just want to encourage it with your life in a way that brings other and glory to the Lord and His Word. And the Lord can use you in a lot of ways. So.
Let's not have people despise our youth. OSP examples of godly Christian living.
When your conduct or your your words or your purity or or whatever it may be.
When it's it does not honor the Lord.
We just other people can despise us, as you've been saying, and it's not only in the world, but it's also our peers perhaps here in this room too.
If a brother is speaking in the assembly, but he's everybody knows he's worldly.
You're not going to listen to him. They're not going to accept what he has to say if they know. If they know he's very legal, they're not going to listen to what he says either.
Worldliness and legality are both the same thing in the in the fact that it both pleases the flesh. And so we need to be careful in in how we act in our words we say.
The spirit in which we receive take things.
In our faith and impurity, all these things need to be honoring to the Lord and then when we're able to to speak to others, then we're not going to be despised. Whether we're young or old, we're going to be listened to and respected to a certain extent.
Paul says, let no man despise thy youth. There are several.
Young people here, and I remember when I was a young person, there was a brother, this old man then, he's long what the Lord used to.
Speakers about this verse quite often and.
Remembering you. I don't remember exactly how we put it, but it was.
Something to the effect of don't ever let yourself get into a position where others around you will say, well it's just that you can excuse that.
You can see why that kind of behavior is just a young person. He's just a youth.
Out young people, we need to be very careful that we don't find ourselves in.
Type of situation or that kind of behavior that others will say, well, just a kid, just a young person.
We can expect that now.
Be very careful that we don't get ourselves into that kind of position.
How it just leads to one thing?
Couple of examples.
So one of the Samuel where it says.
He didn't let any of his words fall to the ground.
His parents, you're searching for women here. They might a couple of days go by, they think about that as a parent watching their kids for two days mechanics. That would be here's the Lord Jesus in the temple talking with the teachers.
I wizard there, he certainly wished he that I must be about my father's business. So even at a young age, the Lord has something for you to do and it can't be.
Very important. So health things that just because you're a teenager.
You're not important, you are. The ward has worked for you.
Say another example, Bernie mentioned those two, I was thinking two of David went out against Goliath and they said it's observed there that he was by the youth well.
Young people here this afternoon, perhaps we'll never find yourself in a situation where you have to face a situation like that that David did.
Coming face to face with this giant, but yet he was ready because he said he could come against that giant in the name of the living God.
Well, we're left here. Times are getting darker in this world.
Left here you don't know what you may face.
You may find yourself coming up against going to be ready going to be prepared to come against the adversary or against.
Tremendous give a call situation in the name of the board. I don't know what we're going to face before this. We're caught up out of this world, the Christians today in the Middle East that are being given a choice, perhaps as we speak. Either renounce your Christianity or off with your head well.
How would we face something like that? Could we come against that?
The name of the Lord.
So it's an important thing.
To be in our youth so that no one would despise that you.
Here in our chapter, we have one of maybe there's more than two, but here's one of the places where it says till I come, you know?
Mentioned how?
A lot of the truth is being given up today and and there's it's being very difficult for many Christians throughout the world, but here is this till I come, The Lord has a path for each one of us.
In 2014, it's not. The Lord has never given a time where.
In our history.
Where we cannot have a path to please him. So here we have till I come.
And some instruction as to how to live. And I was thinking of another place where we have till I come. And of course that's in in First Corinthians Chapter 11.
Again, we have.
This is the remembrance in 11 verse 26. As often as ye eat this bread and drinks this cup, ye do show the Lords death till he come. It's something that there will be instituted.
Till He comes back to take his own. It may be a difficult path, but the Lord still will have his own to remember him till he come, just as we have in our chapter instruction as to how to live till I come. That means in the year 2014, every one of us, wherever we find ourselves, mothers, fathers, young people, children, whatever it is, servants, masters.
Till I come, it's for all of us.
I think the doctrine is important in this chapter and it brings it out several times.
First, there's a warning against the doctrine of devils in chapter 4. I mean verse one. And as we get to know other Christians, you're going to find that there's a lot of people who have different beliefs. Some believe that the Lord Jesus could have sinned but chose not to.
That is obviously a wrong teaching. It's not coming from the Spirit of God. If it's not coming from the Spirit of God, who's it coming from? It's a spirit of, of, of devil. Some people say Jesus is not God. He, he, he's, he's a God. Well, that's a, a doctrine of devils. And there's, there's other things like that, but then we get into verse six and we have good doctrines.
So it's good for us to be occupied with goods often, if we're occupied with a good doctrine and we understand and we learn it.
And we read it. Then when we hear the false doctrine, we're going to be able to to recognize that. And then you go down into verse.
Verse 13 where Dave was mentioning till I come give attendance to reading to exhortation to doctrine. So it's give attendance to that it's important. Doctrine is important and then in verse 16, take heed unto thyself and unto the doctrine continue in them. So it's good for us to know what we believe. You're going to be challenged from time to time by other Christians.
Why do you believe that? Why don't you come and worship with us?
Why not? Why do you go where you go? Why do you worship where you worship? Is there a reason? Is there a verse or is it just free for all where man can do what is right in his own eyes or go to the Church of your choice. Is it my choice or is it God's choice? Well, doctrine is very important. Then verse 13 it says till I come give attendance to reading.
To exhortation and to doctrine. I have a question about this. Is this public reading? Is it private reading? Is it reading in the assembly or what? Where? Where do we give attendance to it, and how? How does it apply to us?
Seen by the context.
Comparing with verse 12, verse 12 is what's done in the personal life as an example.
Verse 13 May be more the public side of it, the reading, the exhortation, the doctrine.
But I hate to limit it to just public reading.
We ought to continue on reading the Word of God as well. But I think properly speaking, perhaps in verse 12 it is, it is the public reading verse 13 and then in verses 15 and 16 we have the going on and continuing it to meditation on whatever was read, whether private or publicly. And so there's no question we need to take up the Word of God for ourselves and read it and make it our own.
And spend the time in it. These verses make that very clear.
Meditate on these things. Give thyself wholly to them.
It says in verse 16, Take each of thyself unto the doctrine, continue in them.
We need to do that and we're not really going to get ahold of it and we're not going to be able to help either ourselves or others. It says in verse 15, you're profiting will appear to others, hopefully with the purpose of helping them. That's a verse 16 says in doing this thou shalt see both save thyself and them that hear thee. Save from what? For salvation, for eternity. No, you know very clearly from Scripture can't be talking about that. But what we can be saved from is what these verses are talking about.
Why stables, doctrines of demons, all the false teaching that is coming in, it's going to come in. We can't stop it.
You will be exposed to it. I will be exposed to it, and there is a salvation that is needed from that. And that salvation comes from continuing in the Word and the meditation on it and helping one another by exhortation and going on in the truth of what we find in the Word of God.
And not allowing those things to come in on challenge. And so that's important. We'll be able to see first of all ourselves if we spend the personal time reading and the personal time meditating. And then others as we spend time together encouraging one another in the truth of not just meetings like this, but the conversations that different ones are having in between the meetings. So they say, hey, what do you think about this person? Do you have a thought on this?
Question that I have in my Christian life and then somebody says.
Considered that before and you go and try to open up a little bit of what the Lord has given to you about that. Well, that's what this is talking about. You can help.
The Lord already preserved you, perhaps in a measure by his word. Now you can be a help to another person. It's very important. And so it's a tremendous ministry that we have. And I hope also that we notice that in this there's not the slightest thought of being so occupied with service that we don't have that time, that personal time with the Lord. Instead, these verses are quite the opposite. You meditate, you take that time. It's important. God doesn't need my service. He doesn't need your service. He please, He's pleased to use us.
And we should desire to be used by him on whatever he sees fit, but the first thing he wants is our hearts.
And he wants us to occupy with him and spend time with him.
And when that's right, then the other things will be set in order, in the proper order and be right in our own hearts, and we'll be able more to be used by Him to help others.
That's what all water for Kennedy at verse 414, isn't it too neglect, not the gift that is in the though they had to be stirred up a little bit. Actually, it's kind of telling, a little bit shy perhaps, but he had something to serve the Lord somewhere in which he was to serve the Lord.
That's true of everyone here. We have something to do.
May not be very public.
But there is something each one of us has to do. It's not just to fill a chair in A room.
We have something to do. Each one of us should be exercised as to what it is.
But each one of us, I certainly believe, has something to do.
And the body of Christ, we're all members one of another.
Like on our natural body, every part as a function.
That's true.
The body of Christ.
Unless somebody has a final comment, time is up.
I would say #1 is great, Mayor Russell, at first we'll signal Holder, you know, telling calls will keep us steady, keep us walking in thy ways and thy calls. We may we be ready on the more joy table and the glory same time our lasted praise #183.
People pray.
It ain't long wisdom maintenance.
And we see like a sweet day.
In my protest and I crashes.
My picture of Facebook.
In my presence.
As I come here, we be ready.
On the Lord with joy to gain.
And glory.
And in glory.
Sing I have breakfast.
And glory.
And in glory.
Sing my heart. Bless you, grace.
Pray our God and Father, we just give thanks for these practical instructions that we've had today and help us to live our lives, to give glory and honor to the Lord Jesus and that we would walk in the the truth that we know and that we would not let anyone despise.
Our youth and our and Father, we just ask for care and blessing the remainder of this day. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.