1st Reading

Jude 1
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The servant of Jesus Christ and brother of Diamond.
For them that are sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called mercy unto you, and faith and love the multiplied the love of when I gave all the elements to light unto you of the common salvation it's.
Right unto you and the thought you have to earnestly content for the faith which was once delivered onto the plane.
Or there are certain men stepped in unawares.
For the flower of all our names. For this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of all of God into the seriousness and denying the only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Remembrance, although you once knew this.
Out of the Lord having faith the people out of the land of Egypt.
Afterwards destroyed them that believe not.
And the angels that kept not their first estate.
But let her own habitation.
We have preserved an everlasting things under darkness, under the judgment of the great days.
Weather without fruit twice, then left upside the roof. Razing waves in the city forming out of that thing, wandering stars to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.
I'm in the bathroom at 7. Come out in the composite side of the insane. Behold the Lord cometh with 10,000 of his strength to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that around godly among them of all their ungodly goods which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hearts picking with spoken against Him.
These are among the roofs complainers.
Walking after their own love and their mouth thickest great selling words, having many persons and Admiral.
That's the lovers remember you, the words which were spoken before of the Apostle, the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ.
How to control dev? There would be Moses in the last time.
After their own ungrounded life.
We did. They were separate themselves, central, having not considered.
Not really, beloved. Building up yourselves on your most holy things, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ of eternal life.
Some and some have contracted making a difference and.
Another favorite fear pulling them out of the fire painting using the garment spotted by the flag.
Now the woman is able to keep you from falling, and to prevent you faultless before the presence of His glory with a cleaning joy to the only one thought out. So there is glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.
In the last two days.
So the fact that we are at the end.
God is faithfully telling us of the conditions that would exist at the end.
Now if man starts up something new.
He puts out a prospective.
And all he envisions is that it will grow and grow and grow and get.
Really. Back in the beginning of 5th, 20 day before Christianity itself in the Lord himself.
Gave us indication of what would become of Christmas.
We're not misled.
By the thoughts of Christianity would go down and increase and finally submerge all you all and cover the world.
We are told that the last days will be days of departure and depression and they would be difficult times for Christians to live in.
Now it isn't the only Jew.
With the last day.
2nd Thessalonians.
And turned over to believe the devil's life.
Almighty damned who believed not the truth.
Second, Timothy tells us of the ruin of Christendom as a great house.
There was things to dishonor from which the child of God would be purge himself, if he were to be a vessel under honor.
And then Second Timothy 2.
Doctor Timothy tells us of the last day in the moral conditions that would exist.
Difficult times for some, not because of years and rumors of war, the.
But because of the moral condition that would exist.
And if we read the 2nd chapter, Second Timothy, we say, surely they're here now.
Believers that have mentioned there have always been.
But they characterize this.
2nd Peter tells of the.
God that was lost to turn into a dwelling in the mire.
Second, Peter tells us that the world is going back to the corruption that criticism helps the friendship from the profession of.
Satya Jade jealous of a prosthesis.
Angels giving up their first estate.
All these different characteristics mark the last days. I missed one first. John goes farther and says they ran out.
Driven up, right?
Welcome, First Minister, they crept in, but in first John had gone out.
Abandoned the profession.
That's, but the Epistle of June is also one of those epistles.
Fellas for the last days and we're in them.
I might perhaps add that we're in the last moments of the last day.
Well, surely we need to be reminded.
The warning that God is given us concerning the landscape.
The Apostle.
When he was gay.
Ruined the pump.
I met a man one time, Jehovah's Witness advocate.
Almost impossible to help them.
And finally I said, if I hadn't met the likes of you, I might doubt of that.
You're approved to move the prescription through.
One doesn't take this automatically automatically.
Leave it, leave it open, but it will come. Upheld Good is written by the Lord's brother.
How wonderful does it say you're the brother and Jesus Christ, but you're the servant of Jesus Christ?
There is no presuming on any slightly relationship at any time. Margaret, please.
I don't know.
The author of the Epistle of James.
And then we get to them that are beloved. It should be beloved, not sanctified.
And that's so touching, comforting, encouraging.
That envy, a pickle that gives us the darkest picture we have of ******* them.
Just a short run chapter affair.
But that word beloved is repeated 4 times.
We're just nestled closer together.
And nearly get to the end and surrounded by the the.
The world gets closer together.
There, get the love.
The love, the God, the Father.
That's a very comforting thought in connection with the days of apostles.
Later in the epistle, where we're exhorted to keep ourselves in the love of God.
Before he describes, the apostrophe reminded us that we're beloved.
Comfortable isn't enough interior.
Beloved by God the Father, there is our name of Christian relationship.
And preserve not only beloved, but preserved in Jesus Christ.
So we're going to be taken through safely.
We're beloved and we're preserved.
We might feel.
Some real persecution before with legal.
I believe it again, ecumenical movement, which is broad and imprisonment.
Well, how is one of the main objectives?
Express everything that doesn't go with it.
And those gathered to the Lord's name may feel it.
Wasn't that way when?
When Rome came into power.
It grew and grew on taking off the enthusiastical system.
And after a while there was also.
Word and they found that they were in the wrong place.
They were bold enough to leave that big system. What happened to them?
Well, many of them were merging.
There were slaves, for the Lord's sake, they did.
To leave that system, they dared to oppose it. What happened to them?
Well, we can bring it down to the present time, I'm sure.
That's one of the things that the Lord has promises is not in the world, you shall have simulation, but be a good fear. I have overcome the world and they who will live godly this down.
Public education.
But in the first have announced apostrophe under giving up of the truth.
But our brother Brown is followed our attention to is most something there is one that's able to preserve it through it again and he will do it.
The promises of a safe and pure landing, but he does not promise us a smooth passage.
Any old Mr. Harry says. Never mind the liberal persecution, it'll make your face dry.
Mercy under you and peace and love.
Whose land?
No more supplies.
I don't know how you can put that in strong.
Mercy on the world and truth and love emotions.
Have you any other translation? No, I think that's it.
Up another point.
We live in the real life.
How much we're indebted to God for every step of the journey.
Mercy and truth and love, the assurance that we have been loved.
When it takes your mercy here, is it the God?
There's individuals that such that are blessed.
They're not as blessed as a collective company, as a church, but as individuals.
And this is the truth that in the present stage.
Up to each individual it is faithful to the Lord.
That doesn't mean that we're true with the collective aspect, but those who seem to be faithful to the Lord want to please Him and go on according to the truth. Surely God by His ear will see that they're brought together so that they can go on together. But here it's mercy and all how we're in need of mercy of individuals.
That we might continue on faithfully.
There we go. Didn't comment brother. Welcome end of that first verse call. We didn't say a word about that.
The sovereign thing, isn't it?
The call of God.
That's why the whole thing starts.
And then that call.
Thank you. Back to God, Solomon. And it does.
Recall Facebook.
Not what they call a thing. That isn't it. But we're called things. That's the kind of things we are.
Then call.
That thing love that spread the truth and gently towards the end also I had still refused the case in Paris in my face.
Required things the same as.
He got his permission by God. Thousand call.
No man gave a joke what we're saying.
We do not get it by canonization.
Have to wait a long time for that.
We are now.
What does faith mean by Brown?
Holy one separated one Holy the very same words.
That is used in the word for sanctify is used in the nouns of things.
Set apart for God.
Not a wonderful thing in a day of apostasy, yeah?
In the Old Testament.
Those are some that said that God was called men of God. Then we get that in Second Timothy again, thou old man of God.
Just just a reference on that word called Isaiah 3217.
Isaiah 3217 And the work of righteousness shall be peace.
And the effect of righteousness, quietness, and the Spirit forever.
That gives us.
Everybody does it, not sure.
Also about heaven and men by the birth.
And brother, never let us sacrifice the truth of God service.
It's a cardinal Church of Scripture.
And if you deny that, or if we allow them, denial of us.
We will undermine the truth of all scripts.
God is sovereign.
Brother said to me one time. He says, well, you make it look like a mystery. Why? I'm told.
I've been doing, I don't know why.
And it never will, is it not? That's the fact that God is sovereign doesn't alleviate or eliminate our responsibility.
The Lord be no man in heaven.
Credit in the South of anything to get there.
But there will be no man in hell that can blind God for genius.
There is this first, the Romans 8.
Verse 30.
Whom he did to destiny.
Then he also called.
And who recalled then he also justified.
And whom he justified when he also glorified.
You are all but you are chilling. I just go and heal is addressed to be called one.
There has been an exceptional work.
Called one and unless the God is translating it is this way.
You, the bond member, Jesus Christ and brother of James.
To the Paul Drum. So it's about creating that.
Like the entire you have the faith of God's elect.
You're not a family on the country of his thoughts, his love, his person and knowing you.
You call one or two, they are preserved, and they may even be preserved from stumbling in the last of our people.
But they are called in our pickle to contain earnestly for the faith and to keep themselves in the love of God.
Unto the mercy of our arms.
It got back a little early and not just ate the Romans.
What would you say about this? For whom he did for know he also did pedestrians.
Now there are money that we do.
Sovereignty of God to a common denominator.
With foreknowledge.
That is the general pattern around it today.
It's a very convenient way to get out of what seems an embarrassing situation.
Are we going to be satisfied with that? But it's a matter of his progression, and he knows who before knew how about that?
Listen to foreknowledge, Brother Brown, of persons, and not of what to do.
Yes, there are those that say well.
All the rest of its election doctrine or predestination doctrine is that God elected or predestinated those who reform.
Well, that's that is the.
That is the standard approach.
Down to the ages to this question.
It's just a convenient way to shift off from the embarrassing fact.
That no one, absolutely no one ever would turn to God apart from the southern will of God working in the soul.
Now that is made so clean and John's gospel.
It's it's fundamental doctrine and they can't afford to weaken it or give it up.
I think the worthwhile turning to it.
In the 6th chapter of John's Gospel.
And the 44th verse will read back first.
John took 44.
No, man.
Now notice it's universal.
No limitation, no man.
Can come to me.
Except the father, which had sent me golfing.
Oh, there's that plain unconditional statement that no man can come except the Father that you sent me. Draw him. That will go back to the 37th verse.
All that the Father giveth me.
Now come to me.
On the 41St, 44th, 1St as no man can come.
The 37th verse says all that the Father giveth me shall come.
Now there's no contradiction. This can't come of themselves. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me, and whim that cometh to me I will no wise cast out. Well, there are two of the most important versions.
In the whole of John Jackson.
Because if you link them together.
You see, that man is absolutely helpless. He's so far gone, there's one single little movement in his heart towards all.
But God in His sovereignty works, and some.
Are made to come.
Now if you go a step further back and ask, well, why did God choose those particular individuals and not another?
I do not believe beloved Saints of God will ever get the answer to that.
God is severance. He has a right to do as he pleases, and He always pleases to do right.
And no one in the regions of the law will ever be able to accuse God and say that it didn't give me a chance.
Whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
When I was out here last year.
I gave a little talk about Sarah Madrid one large the afternoon.
And I made the remark about John 316.
That verse forever.
Any voice that might be raised and complained against God because they haven't had a fair chance.
And a young brother inside. She was present, not gathered with us.
Close this Bible and sat and stared at the wall the rest of the rest of the address.
So I accosted him at the end of the meeting and I said you didn't like what I said. No, he said I didn't.
Well, I said what was wrong?
John 316 refers to the elections. Only the elected God loved. He didn't love everybody. It's the elect world that he loves.
Well, brethren, I believe that's a sad perversion of Scripture.
The world in John 316 as a whole human race.
God is no respect for me. On to all ready.
We must be careful that we never set God free. Grace to passage the wall against God's Father and stories of those who believe.
Now we have a pamphlet.
It's probably on sale in the book room. Arminianism. Arminianism versus Calvinism.
I recommend you because Calvinism talks that God predestinated people to be damned and there isn't a word of truth in it.
But I didn't have to know.
Asking for us again to say something on what does for knowledge mean in Roman church.
There is not simply this.
That God chose to pick ourselves, why, I don't know.
It's planning to get your no not getting good.
And all whom before I know.
He has brought in the blessing and he will bring this safely through to the very end. And he also gorgeous.
Would you be yes only nothing we can the sovereign election side of it. It isn't that God for you those who weren't except.
Because no one would accept, no man can come under me, except the father which has sent me daughter to.
Seeking to understand the intricacies of God's sovereign grace, I suppose this one verse covered the situation around the 2929 Yeah, the secret thing belong on the dog, the Lord our God.
But those things which are revealed, belonging to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. Would it be correct to say, as we've been speaking about, that this precious person in Romans 830 concerning election would mean marked out, marked out beforehand, and then predestination for what we're marked out for? Yes, that's the problem. That's right.
The 8th chapter proverbs making any place before the foundation of the world. I am connected to the positive side of core knowledge with the negative that we get in Matthew 723. Where the Lord says, Then will I profess unto them, I never knew you.
Well, that isn't knowing what they did. But the person didn't live there. I never knew you. That's the other side of it. There are those that God never knew. No place is listening.
Not what they did, but their person.
In regards to what you Brother Brown?
Some years ago I was handed a book.
Of course, the Indigenous.
It's an exposition of the Epistles of the Loma, and I was asked to review what it said on election.
This is what it says.
That God looked down through the Vista of the ages.
I'm sorry, who would believe and made his time support him?
Now, I may not have the wording exactly. That's the distance. Well, that's exactly wrong, yeah.
Family, according to the community, will.
It's not the perfect picture.
Well, the reason we stopped to comment on this, brethren, is because there is a determined effort.
Abroad to do.
To reduce the truth of God's sovereignty.
To make it synonymous with his foreknowledge.
And the two are not the same at all. Of course God for you those that would be in heaven, how could it be God and not **** over?
But why is it that they are the ones because of his sovereign election choice that shows them?
I am glad Brother Whittaker called attention to Deuteronomy 2929. The secret things belongs the Lord our God, but the things that are really healed belong unto us and to our children. Let's be satisfied with what God is revealing and not cry into the secret that belong to God. And then let me repeat.
God is God.
And he has a right as God to do as he pleases.
But remember, we always pleases to do right.
1825 isn't it Genesis 1825 Shall not the judge of all the earth through right?
We know that the judgments of God according to two. Now those two verses, one you've got quoted by the Weddington, the one I just quoted, we can just rest our souls on.
Shall not the judge of all the earth do right? We know that the judgments of God are according to truth. Now let's let it rest there, and not sight of pride back to what God has told us and reveal to.
Now when we preach the gospel, we do not preach God sovereign. We preach God grace defenders, and we tell them that God has sent his Son, He's glorified himself, and he's such a sin. And now if they'll just accept him, they can be saved.
Tell us, I think it was very little. You can tell us about the arts way. I think that's a good illustration.
Well, as I remember it, here's the great song of the human race going down the highway.
And the song passed an archway, and on the outside of that archway it says whosoever will let him enter.
They passed by. They all see the sign.
And once in a great while somebody dropped out of line and turns into the archway.
And as it gets inside, and behold the blister that can touch him.
Who's assigned to the maintenance?
Of his own, by the beauty in which he finds himself.
And we start to look back and wonders while crying, they're all turning here. And he reverses himself and looks back toward that arc through which he had passed.
And sees written over the arts on the inside.
Throw them in Christ before the foundation of the world.
But you couldn't see that from the outside, and that was the district of why he dropped out of line and entered the Ark.
Sometimes that has been called sadly true, that proof that only the family of God knows chosen in Christ.
I must enjoy the transparency. The Lord over Jerusalem, I think, but as many of us have puzzled over, and that's what has been empty exactly. But to see the Lower East of life itself. We see over Jerusalem with a great joy, my soul.
I got here the very one who invested all these things that which we.
Winging over Earth from an alarm desire.
I believe it is great encouragement to any we have a heart for the docs to receive the Lord Jesus Himself leading with the.
Love of God our experience heard. Men, not third Christians third man appeared. There was a time when the kindness and love of God's heart to the race heard itself.
My flight was to righteousness that we have done. But according to his nurses who saved us, I think there's no verse in the Bible.
It's one heart loves to dwell on more than the words of the.
For prophet, when he said, according to this time, it should be said of Jacob and of Israel.
What hath God?
Let us actually pass thousands of what God lost and God has brought. We won't be troubled about these matters of elections, knowing beloved of God. Muir, election of God.
Read it.
Romans 9 and 20.
Romans 9 and 20.
Another round One dime recent agency said to me in private conversation.
The older I get, the more I revel in God South.
On sovereignty.
It's like a refuge, a forces into which we can retreat.
And it's pleasant to retreat into the sovereignty of God, but all how awful for a man to resist God and his sovereign will, and not to allow his will to bow. And I suppose it's those who do not have faith that rebelled against any song that God is sovereign.
But all faiths just revels in it, just rest upon it, just retreat into it as a fortress at the end of Romans 11.
But it it just overwhelmed Paul. He just broke out into this marvelous security. I'm here.
32nd verse Speaking of Israel.
Rather than hooded them all in unbelief that he might have mercy upon all in the coming days.
All the depths of the riches, both of the wisdom and knowledge of God. How on searchable are His judgments and His ways fast finding out for who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor?
Who has first given to Him, and it to be recompensed unto Him again. For of Him and through Him and through Him are all things to Him the glory forever and ever. Amen.
All beloved Saints of God.
God didn't need to sit in on the council to advise him how to do things.
Who hath known the mind of the Lord, or who hath been His counselor?
He didn't need a committee of human beings to sit in at the counsel table and tell him how to arrange this thing. He was well able to take care of his own affairs.
And so the apostle just.
Revered in the truth of God's competency and his sovereignty, and ends up for that beautiful, wonderful conclusion of him, through him, through him of all things, to him, the glory forever, Amen. Well, let's, let's leave it there and rejoice in it.
And Duran is 7.
On verses 6:00 and 7:00.
For thou art and holy people unto the Lord thy God. But the Lord thy God hath chose me to be a special people unto Himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth. The Lord did not set His love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people, for you were the purest of all people, but because the Lord loves you, and because he would keep the oath which he had born under your Father's.
Hath the Lord brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the House of Bonnman summer.
And the Pharaohs in religion because it refers to the Israelites, but.
Any principle, Same principle, but they are taught by the Brown and first Peter one verse 2.
Any further word to give on that or have recovered that?
Further, elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience and frightening of the blood of Jesus Christ. Grace unto you, and peace be multiplied.
That's the rehearsal of the various steps in this procedure.
One word which is displayed or disguised anything from being jealous in the gospel.
The man that roses in Romans 11 That our brother has been reading said royal underneath if I preach, not the gospel.
We are in danger of tonight we are looking at justice, one side of God's overall plan. It's good if we can fit into God's plan and that is part of God's plan and that's the way the souls are brought face to face with their responsibilities, face to face with Christ. And that's why the apostle said you always need. It's part of God's plan that we should preach the God well, brother.
Was criticizing another brother for wasting so much time preaching the gospel all over our street partners, he said. Why don't you preach to the election?
Well, he said. Brother, if you go around Makamar, I'll crystal.
The man comes to you and he doubled about election, about his own elections. You can tell him with his story. You accept Christ and I can tell you positively that you're one of the elect. And that settles it in a hurry.
Somebody asked him how how he could be sure that he was going to be elected. Why should you make yourself a candidate instead of the elections?
Let's have that verse. I don't turn to our guest in the moment, therefore I endure all things for the elections, that they may obtain the salvation that's in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
Yes, verse 10. Now there there's the answer. That verse is the answer.
To the man that accuses us.
That if we hold this teaching, we'll become indifferent in the gospel. We will become dilatory. We will.
Indifferent. Well, here's the answer.
In the 10th verse, the second Tennessee 2. The man that taught us the doctrine of elections.
The one that taught us that truth, how did it affect him? He says in that tenth verse, Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sake, that they may also obtain the salvation of in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. What you might say to Paul. Paul, what do you, why do you burn it?
You said the election is going to get it anyhow.
Why do you go through all those things?
Our brethren, the doctrine of election is truly understood.
And the soul does not make people indifferent. And here's the proof of it right here in the 10th verse of Second Timothy 2.
Falling Fall was the greatest soul winner. I suppose it ever lived.
It didn't have the effect of dampening his ardor or his real one moment.
Mr. Praveen may remind staying away with two as graduates from Philippians.
Workout Drone Salvation is fear and trembling, for it is God that worketh in you the willing and the doing of His good pleasures. Does that not have a an application to the subject of elections?
Working out their own salvation with fear and trembling as a matter of finding your way through this fine scene here below.
The sign that ends in blown there is the exercise before God as we go on day by day in our pathways not to become careless or indifferent. It's not to sell. It's not the eternal salvation of the soul and that burden.
But it's God that worketh in you. It's God that worketh in you. That's a great comfort, a wonderful comfort to anyone who realizes that they're in the Lords love, that he loves them and he's working in them, the willing and the doing of his good pleasure. Now that's one that is interested.
In his own salvation isn't a different one.
In connection with it's the first two courses in the 6th of June.
They shall be all half of God. Doesn't that have a more than just a limited application?
Isn't all fruits that we receive pens and God himself? And it isn't we're not dependent upon creatures?
I have thought a good deal lately of.
The passage in the 11Th isn't just Second Corinthians.
Where it says.
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal.
Not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
Casting down reasoning.
Well, if I'm proud of God, if I know what I have is from God.
I don't reason about it. It's God who has spoken and we had it brought before. It all becomes a creature who raised his voice to question anything God said. But just think of that verse it.
The weapons of our warfare are to be used to cast down reasoning. In our translation, it's.
Of imagination, but I understand that the word has a.
Another meaning, casting down reason against God. We don't reason against the word of God. Faith accepts the word of God and is blessed. Well reasons and their carnal and we are to rear against them and use the weapons that God has given us.
To do cast down reasoning.
All going on to our third verse.
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of our common salvation, should read our.
It is meaningful for me to write into an exhortation. You could earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the Saints.
That is, the apostle seems to have been turned aside, as it were, from what they had in his heart to write through them.
And turned aside to ride along a different line.
It is necessary.
I need her right, and you, that she should earnestly contend for the face that was once delivered to the Saint.
Sort of stick going back and starting over again, saying now.
First aspect you have. The time has come.
When we must earnestly contend for the faith weren't delivered to the Saints.
Once delivered, we have no amendments.
We have no addition, no alterations. The faith was once delivered.
It will never be amended. That's the faith for which were to contend right down to the end of faith once delivered to the Saints.
People wanted to modernize. They say, oh, you, you're obstructionist. There's no progress with you.
Rather than there's no such thing as progress in revelation. That is, when once the Word of God is completed, it's completed.
And you and I are not at liberty to add one thing to the revelation, nor are we at liberty to take one thing from it.
And contending, does it not imply that there are those who would take it from?
The last day and then the sun was taken by self and others by opening self.
And the truth of God is being attacked on every hand today.
It's being attacked in the schools and colleges.
Being a fashion religious places.
Well, we can't go. We can't go with it, earnestly contending for that which was from the beginning.
Faint once delivered to this end.
First first John chapter 2 and verse 24.
Let that therefore abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning.
That is the lifeguard.
Well, the politicians speak about the plan that they have in their platform.
It ain't so much over but we as Christians and Christian faith.
Have this place that we stand by and good and good, who had a very worthy subject that he would like to listen on our common salvation, but a great subject that is yet the Spirit of God of diverted him from his purpose, because the Spirit of God.
At a very important thing to bring before.
Because of the game is that the enemy would bring in, it's like a red light.
And you dearly, Yes. And you, dear young people.
Will have evolution drawn at your school.
Remember that it's not a God.
It's contrary to the word of God.
Utterly rejected.
Stand by the word of God. Now, I don't say that you convert. You can convert your patience, but you can utterly reject it for yourself.
I knew of the case, Brother Wilson.
Our young sister in school go and she wrote her examination.
On the subject of evolution, that was part of the classroom work.
She wrote it up just as he'd been taught it. Then she put a note at the bottom. I don't believe a word of this.
But this is what I've been calling the classroom.
I believe my Bible and I believe the 1St chapter of Genesis.
And find their name.
Well, if you let me read the letter that you got from the professor afterwards.
And he was coming and clever enough that he wrote it on the typewriter and he didn't sign his name.
But it was one of the most contemptible documents I ever read in my life.
It was a distress. I I couldn't possibly, in a public meeting like this, repeat some of the expressions that he used in that letter for that dear young woman.
It's a it's a sin of Satan that's behind this rumor today to this place, the word of God.
Throw everything into a flux.
Rethink everything and get the younger generation so mothers but they don't know what is true and they go around in the fall.
But if we'll just accept the beautiful, blessed, precious statements of the Word of God will never be put to change, God is going to vindicate every statement He's ever made.
And you can't have evolution and have the price of God. They do not go together. Yes, Sir.
Impossible to put these things together and compromise by the common ground. My birthday is some school that.
That is true, Doctor. I've reviewed one of those books.
And it's a sad thing to see those that supposedly standing for fundamental truth driven into a corner and taking the road to compromise.
I'm glad you mentioned that.
Idea behind the capitulation of.
Men who were supposed to be Christians at least, is that they love the praise of them more than the praise of God.
And they want to be accredited as being highly educated and the men in the top Escalante with education put down on them as they stand by the word of God. And so they want to compromise to maintain their own position.
I verily believe that.
I had some correspondence with a brother among us who was.
And Dave has been writing a textbook in biology.
And I asked him if he said hope to put that textbook over if it didn't keep evolution. Well, he didn't believe in evolution himself. He was a brother in fellowship. He didn't believe in it.
But he was only a part editor of the book.
And I said well if your name goes on the book is a Co editor.
And then that book should be used to stumble some of the children of the gathered Saints.
It'll be a sorrowful thing, wouldn't it?
And you know the dear man, just leave the whole thing up.
He says I'm going to pass it up. I'm having nothing to do with it. My name will not go on the book.
Well, I thought that was most commendable.
Evidence he hadn't thought the thing through, but when he did, he chose to be faithful to Christ and sacrifice the.
The honor that would have come to him in educational circles as being a Co editor of a textbook, well, that's that's most commendable.
Definition of what? Evolutionary moment?
Rising brother Wilson, who's been studying it for a couple of years, to do that far better than I can.
Maybe Doctor William President.
He told me he wrote me in a recent letter and he said man has always wanted to believe that there was no God that he had to meet.
And the doctrine of evolution is burned him an excuse for that which he dared not believe.
And sorry, now tries to make it on scientific ground.
Well, the whole thing goes back to God-given creation that it just all happened by fortuitous circumstance.
That's going backwards instead of both.
Well, we have in Philippines, but.
313 for the younger friend and him for us.
Philippians 313.
Brethren, I can't not myself to have apprehended.
This one thing I do for getting those things are behind and reaching for unto those things which are before I press 30 mark for the price of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
That's going forward backwards.
Well, I have been making it an extensive study.
And I have read some of the most objectionable graphs that ever was printed.
Man spewing out the venom of his heart against God and I am ready to pronounce this.
That there is no customer.
Either God and creation or its evolution and atheism.
That's the ultimate end of evolution atheist.
And the book I read that Doctor Wilhelm.
Suggested that I leave recently. The unleashing of evolutionary the man along with the time when God will be obliterated, all sort of God removed. He lands for a godless society and he's one of the top biologists in this country.
All the man speaks. He speaks what's in his heart. And a lot of people think that you can compromise the Bible with evolution, but if you read if we, I wouldn't recommend anybody to read it. But that man shows his can't be done.
I agree with your father work.
But sometimes some of us are in the position of the Watchmen.
And if the watchman says, then he needs to walk.
And we are all to earnestly contend for the faith, not just simply accept this, but in the face of strong adversaries who are teaching to undermine the faith of God's relief.
As a fairness, they can tend to the truth.
The review of thousands of answers.
Most of which teach evolution.
Great percentage of the never use the word evolution. They say we don't dare we cover it up.
But the thing that they're taking is the undermining of the confidence in the word of God just the same.
11 verse 3.
Who is 11.3?
Bluetooth we understand that the world was playing by the word of God.
Though the things which were seen were not made things to appear, I believe that the standard verse against evolution is not what we stand on.
We do not have to account to the evolutionist for an answer to all.
There's a bad idea.
Many that came directly from the pit.
And by the word of God, that all things were created.
And it's not as we sometimes perhaps stay, we have to know what we mean that the world was created out of nothing. It was by means of the Word of God. God spoke and it was done. It was the Word. And when man says that it came about in some other way, well, he's doing your way with the fact that creation was by the Word.
They're doing the way with the word.
It is normally that God created it, but He upholded it. He upholded all things by the word of His power.
I could pick up a baseball and give it a fling for a few seats, but the moment it's out of my hand, it's out of my control.
But nothing is out of the control of God's hands. The whole complex heavens about it are upheld by the word of His power.
And so even though our earth travels millions and millions of miles around the sun.
We consider watch this to the second.
When the years up, you start over again.
Well, does that kind of thing just happen?
No, because there's one who's upholding all things by the word of his power.
And he will oppose it. He's able to do so.
And he needs no assistance from us. No advice is counsel from us.
Power. Not the power of his words. We know there's power in the word, but it's the word of His power.
Well, there are certain men crept in.
They were several.
They didn't announce themselves as they came in.
They didn't say we are corrupters.
They didn't say we're cheap.
But the trip in underwear?
Ungodly men.
Ungodly men turning the grace of God into lasciviousness.
And denying the only Lord God in our Lord Jesus Christ.
It's because they wanted to go on with their wicked life.
That they were denying.
The only Lord God in our Lord Jesus Christ.
It's because a man wants to go on in his course itself with and he thinks the real God out of the picture.
And we're saying Saturday in the reading.
Man constant doesn't turn infidel.
And the very man that Brother Wilson has been talking about, it's written this book.
Getting rid of God entirely. That very man's got a conscience ticking away on the inside of him that's telling him all the time it's appointed under man wants to die and after this the judgment and it's just wishful thinking.
If if your pardon expression is whistling in the dark, the show is not afraid.
Doorkeepers, there's a new translation. These men got in unnoticed.
But certain men have got in unnoticed. Need to be noticed.
Picked up and barred out.
They kept in in June, but in John had gone out the the atmosphere and the assembly was.
They're very comfortable. I got out.
Someone give us a word on the thought of new faith. Just one of them to take in.
Maybe spot before?
What is the faith that we have here in this third verse? They say it's here. The whole body of Christian doctrine. It has no reference to our individual faith.
It's not, we believe, the revelation that God has given to us.
Connection is must get those going from the evolution.
And the world is playing by the word of God. How would you compare?
Johnstock, both 11.
In the beginning was the word, and the word was withdrawed and the word was thought.
Well, that's really one, isn't it, Brother Maher?
With whom all originate.
That was the beginning that had no beginning.
And the one that created all things was always there, the eternal word.
And he was the thing by whom all things were created, by whom, and for whom. Not only so, but He's the one that upholds all things by the word of His power.
It the terms are now in the.
And the apostles proved that we used to repeat as I recall it. Don't remember whether it was every Sunday or not. I know it was very very frequently. We used to repeat it when I was a Methodist Church.
The first statement in it is not true.
I believe in God the Father, Maker of heaven and earth.
That isn't true, is it?
It isn't God the Father that made heaven and earth.
It's God the Son that made heaven and earth.
God that made heaven on earth. But if you're going to distinguish the person.
It's by the sun.