2 Chronicles 8

2 Chronicles 8  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 8
Solomon’s rule prefiguring that of Christ on earth
Chapter 8 gives us a few more details of the state of Israel-a state which prefigures that of the last days. Solomon brings everything into subjection that could have hindered the full enjoyment of the promised land in its whole extent, whether on the side of Tyre or of Syria. The strangers in the land continue to pay tribute, and the children of Israel are captains and men of war. Zion is entirely sanctified, and the worship of Jehovah maintained and honored by the king. The service of the house of God, the praises and the whole order connected therewith were appointed according to the ordinances of David. The king’s commandment was the absolute rule for everything. Edom itself was his possession; and, as far as the Red Sea, all were the king’s subjects. The king of Tyre, who represents the Gentile glory of the world, supplied all that he needed to accomplish his designs.