2 Corinthians 4:7-18

Duration: 1hr 34min
2 Corinthians 4:7‑18
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General Meetings, Detroit, 1962 Reading meeting Saturday, PM November 24.
On the 2nd Corinthians 4.
I think there's still much forest there.
Not the seventh verse.
4th chapter, verse 7.
What we have is treasure in earthen vessels.
The Excellency of the power. Maybe it's all and not about.
You're troubled on every side, but not destroyed. We have replaced but not understand, persecuted but not forsaken, cast down but not destroyed, always daring about in the body, the dying of the Lord Jesus at the light bulbs of Jesus might be made manifest in our body, for we would lose are always delivered of the death for Jesus sake.
That the life House of Jesus might be made in manifest in our mortal flesh. So then death working enough with light in you.
We having the same spirit of faith according as is written, I believe, and therefore have I spoken. We also believe in their foresee.
Knowing the sea which raised up the Lord Jesus to raise up us also by Jesus, and represented with you.
For all things are for your sake, that the abundant grace might, through the Thanksgiving of many, get down to the glory of God.
For which 'cause we think, but there are awkward man perish, Yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
Or our light affliction, which is not for a moment work, is for us of all our more experience and eternal rate of glory.
We look not the things which are seen, but are the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
There are different ways in which the fascicle here is seen as being broken down.
There's a way in which it might be seen as completely crushed, and so that the light might come out.
But our brother Willis is to tell us of a.
A little vessel that was made in China.
That had to be.
Worked on continually until it was made perfect and every time the vessel was worked on. This after it's been cast out of play.
A very transparent kind of material.
That there was sandpapering going on continually until.
As the light was placed inside of the vessel, there could be seen that evenness of light all the way around it.
Until there are various ways in which the vessel here is seen as being broken down, and it might be just that the constant wearing of the vessel away so that the light might shine out, because the expression here is.
We have this treasure in earthen vessels.
The Excellency of the power may be of God and not of us.
And that's in the breaking down of the vessel.
Human efforts.
Do not produce this excellence. It is a God.
The vessel has to be broken, so there could be no human effort or fleshly efforts. Then the Excellency is a fraud.
So we see Joe being broken down the way he was in Satan Pan for a while. Then God undertook to work himself.
And in the end there was that I couldn't say perfect work, but Job was still in this world. But still he was more and more who God's will or desire for him.
To know himself a little bit. I believe that's the principle that's seen all the way through in this.
That's the subject.
Wasn't God's intention to attract attention to the vessel, but to the treasure that's in it? You buy an inferior piece of jewelry, it'll probably be in a beautiful box. You look at the box and you're distracted from the inferior quality of the jewelry. But God has put a wonderful treasure in an earthen vessel that the Excellency of the power may be of God and not of us. I believe again that this was Paul's answer to what they said about him.
That his bodily presence was weak and his speech contemptible, Well, he said, be it still, God isn't trying to attract attention to the vessel. He is seeking to cause that the light would be seen, and all that we have to pass through is but God's way of distracting from that which is of nature in the world. They make a great deal of good appearance and personality, and all that would give us a place in the world.
Where God makes everything of that which would that which would attract attention to Christ. And the ones whom he uses may be fishermen, or maybe one who had an infirmity. But the important point is that we preach not ourselves of Christ Jesus the Lord.
I just wanted to make it clear to all here come in.
This afternoon or?
Meeting yesterday or this morning?
Hitting his little van, the 300 that went down to the army of of the Midianites.
They were. They were commanded to take pictures.
With light inside of the pictures.
And then that general signals.
Gideon told them to watch him, and to blow the comet, and to break the pictures. See, the light was hidden within those pictures. But when the picture was broken, then the light shone out, and it threw the whole army, an immense army of the Midianites, into wrought and confusion, so that there was a marvelous.
And complete victory over these enemies that had robbed them and had caused so much trouble. Well, it's a lovely picture of our nation going through this scene, the enemy so busy trying to rob us of our blessings.
God has a way of defeating.
Satan and all his hope and the light that shines into the earthen vessels. See, the earthen vessel is just a picture of the body of the believer.
That becomes the vessel for Christ, like from the glory above is shown into us, but before there is the outstanding of the glory of Christ, all that it's being below by others, That vessel has to be broken, just as pictures have to be broken. Gideon's army so that the light could shine out.
That light, that testimony of Christ, is something Satan cannot stand before.
That your.
Wonderful light of His glory. Peyton, as we saw, was trying to keep that glory from shining into the hearts and sinners. But when that light shines out, by Satan's work is defeated.
It would seem not. The light comes in through the eye. I suppose when a Sinner fixes his eye of faith on the Lord Jesus Christ, that's when the light comes in. I gather it from Luke's Gospel, the 11Th chapter.
It's actually verse 34.
The light of the body is the eye. Therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body all through is full of light. But when thine eye is evil, my body also is full of darkness.
Well, when the eye of faith is fixed upon the Lord Jesus Christ, that light comes in.
But then after the light once it's come in.
There has to be a continual fixing of the eye on the Lord Jesus Christ that there might be a continual shining out.
Now we know how we are, we're apartment to turn our eyes away from the Lord.
And we may not have the single eye and then we're not shining. So right, something comes in to give the light. Well, how important it is to keep our eyes fixed on the Lord. And that's what we have in the 18th verse of chapter three of Second Corinthians, gazing on the Lord in glory. And that's how there's a change. And certainly that's that's the only way that there will be any outshine of that light.
I wondered from the Lord we began to sing.
And our walk will be.
It's very sad if we keep don't keep our eye on the Lord.
You say then, that beginning with verse eight through verse 9 and 10, we have the breaking of the urban vessels. We're troubled on every side.
Although God sends five or something tribulation or persecution into your life.
So that God has a purpose.
For his own glory and for your eternal blessing in the line, those trials.
The comments of your life. Now when we think of such devoted servants of Christ as the Apostle Paul, we might think that a man who surely made Christ is obvious from the time that he met Christ on the road to the Mass that he could walk consistently.
As he had been actually seen Christ in glory. But no, even a man as devoted as the apostle Paul had passed through all kinds of trials.
As he described here, troubles on every side.
Passed down and so on, all those persecutions and so on. Well, that was just as necessary for the apostles Paul.
So that the light might shine out and his life as it is in any other child of God's younger old days. So if you find you young people at school that you're persecuted for your testimony, remember God is allowing that and it defends trouble into the lives of any of his people. The loss of a job is.
Our health is broken down.
We're allowed to be in an accident. Plenty of God's children have been. Well, that is all part of the breaking of the earthen vessel. And when you think that God can use just the daily trials and sorrows and disappointments we have in this being to let some of that glory of Christ dying out.
It's it's the marvelous thing.
Or that are saved by grace down here could become a vessel.
To display a bit of the glory of Christ, there is no greater higher honor that could possibly be the soul upon a creature in this world.
Some of our trials, of course, come in the path of loyalty to Christ. Some of them may come in his governmental ways.
It's all with the same end in view, but there won't be the same, there won't be the same joy in the trials unless we are seeking to go on. So when Paul was in prison, he could sing in prison. But if I stole something and got in prison for that, I couldn't sing. And so God works out His purposes. But I believe we have in the 8th and 9th and 10th those things that come in the path of loyalty to Christ.
In which case we see in them occasions for the glory, the life of Jesus to be shining out. When we come to the 11Th verse, we which labor always delivered unto death for Jesus sake. Those are the things that come in God's governmental ways with us. The result may be the same, but there won't be the same joy in it at once, and it may mean something that will cripple us for life.
And I believe that's why the 10th verse ends with might be manifest in our body. The 11Th verse might be manifest in our mortal flesh. That is, take Jacob for an an example of this. Jacob worshipped leaning on the top of his staff. But why did he become lame? Well, he was scheming and planning to get things in his own way. And the Angel wrestled with him and finally broken down Jacob, why he received the blessings.
And in the end of his life, a lame man he was worshiping. So brethren, the Lord doesn't want to break the vessel down.
He passes us through things in the path of faithfulness to Him and would seek that the light would shine. But always a faithful God. And if we don't learn in the past in this way, then He may have to pass us through other kinds of trials. But it's His blessed purpose.
And he says that it's accomplished, that the life of Jesus should be seen.
When the Lord came into this sea.
He walked, here's a man and a voice came out of heaven saying, this is my beloved son, and whom is all my delight. Well, it was God the Father testifying to his Son, to his delight in his Son, and it was in him as a man down here, Jesus. And I believe it's very important to see that it's the life of Jesus.
God was interested, very much interested, interested only in that light of Jesus down here. And there was a light shining down in this world, the lack of which had never shone here before, and it had never shone like that since. But now the Lord Jesus and our brother Hayhoe reminded us, have gone back to glory. Men didn't want that light.
And that light isn't here, but we're here, and we are responsible to shine his light here. And God is interested still in that one thing of seeing that light of Jesus, the life of Jesus shining out down here. All we need to keep that before us.
It's as important today to God as it was then when His own Son was here. The important thing is that that light shines in this dark place.
11Th verse might be representative, might have not preventative discipline ever branch in me to bear through the purchase. Biscuit may bring forth more fruit.
Well, what do you mean by discipline, brother?
We are here in this scene why we are subject to the discipline of the father, and it's often been spoken of that there are three kinds of disciplines.
There is.
Well, what we've been Speaking of presented and the Apostle Paul.
Last, that when he was said, he was given a thorn in the place that lest he be exalted, it was preventative. It wasn't something he had done Well. Then there is corrective discipline, that is discipline in connection with.
Is our failures is corrected. Well then there's that in the 15th of John is burning his is that it might bring forth more fruit. You didn't correct you or didn't prevent it, but that might bring forth more proof.
Well, Kennedy would be corrected.
That's why I spoke of His governmental ways. It may not all be always be for something that we have done, but it is always because we have the old nature within us. The Lord Jesus was persecuted. The Lord Jesus passed through every kind of suffering that a righteous man could pass through, and all that he passed through but brought out the loveliness of who he was. The crushing of the vessel in every circumstance only brought out his the loveliness of his persons. But of course, with us there's an old nature within.
And whether it's a preventative character or whether it's because of something that we have done, it's because we have an old nature within us, and that must be either in a preventative way or in a punitive way or otherwise.
Put in the place of death. It's the hindrance, isn't it? Yes, and what we have here shows that the Lord couldn't trust the flight in an apostle. But what about the rest of it?
One may pass through trial though, and not have very much exercise about it, but in Hebrews, which is go down a different subject, we do have that expression that.
Leave it as exercise.
I suppose, though, in this chapter it has more to do, does it not, with the question of service, the apostle and the particular thing that he was called to, and that was the the Gospels of glory. And so there's a particular line of things in this missile that has to do with that testimony. And the apostle went through things that practically others never would be called upon.
For that very reason.
I will show him what great things he must suffer for my sake. And it was in connection with the dispensation of the gospel which had been committed to him. And he was the one also in Timothy, who himself would be a pattern, or really a delineation, I believe.
Of this very thing for those who afterwards should believe as we turn alive we get that off, so do we not in the end of.
First chapter Colossians where that the 21St verse.
Will now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my place, Roy's body space, which is a church. He was a special pattern of suffering. So in connection then with the subject of the testimony.
There is, there is that side of it, of these trials and testing. I suppose they grow here, don't they? They start with trouble.
Distress, the flex, then persecution and so on. It seems to be increasing. And they're particularly connected here with one who is has one purpose before him, and that that Christ might be manifested in his mortal bodies. And so all all these other things are true. There was a sense in which the apostle was delivered to these things. God.
And God said, well, you've taken this path willingly.
I'm going to deliver you to it, to think of what he suffered and yet at that very hour when he was.
Going through these sufferings, not only the care of all the churches, but also these particular.
Things that we have in the second epistle, where there were false apostles rising up, questioning his authority. Right in the midst of it all, we find him writing these lovely epistles, a man who is completely taken over by the Spirit of God.
To that work that God had given him as a result, and the body itself of going into decades.
So that the apostle has.
Experience the pricelessness of the gifts that he possessed in that earth investment so that he could say we are troubled on every side.
That's the urban vessel passing through the trials along the way. But immediately it says, but not distressed. So you bring in the the traitors, what we have in Christ. It sustains the soul, no matter how great the trouble may be. And he goes on.
But not in despair.
Everything might just seem to be overwhelmed.
Let's build the treasure comes in. You see what he has in Christ. Christ becomes more precious to him so he doesn't give up, and so he might be surrounded by hosts of enemies.
And he goes on.
Persecuted but not forsaken, the Lord comes in just like that last night after Paul had.
Been tried there before the Sanhedrin.
And the Lord stood by him last night.
And said, Fair enough, Paul, as thou hast borne with us for me in Jerusalem, thou shalt, O fool, that was very precious. And Paul had made a mistake on that occasion too, because he took advantage of the company, being Sadducees and Pharisees, to throw a bone of contention among them, and seven, wrangling among themselves, who get their attention also his trials.
And that was when the night came and he fought over all that had taken place the day before. He must have been very much downcast to think that he could have resorted to such carnal means of of defending himself. But isn't it lovely though? He had made a mistake and he apologized, mentions it afterwards, except as I just before the Council.
Try to cover it up.
They were the right way to cover up our failures. He doesn't cover it up. Even though he was a great apostle and had such a high standing among the people of God. Yet a man of all positions, he didn't think he has position as an apostle was so high that he couldn't acknowledge when he made a mistake and was wrong. But the point I was getting to is this.
That very night when Pablo, he would be just overwhelmed because of his mistakes. How gracious though the Lord. The Lord stood by him that night. Boy, they thought so sweet. The Lord could buy him and encourage him.
So it is persecuted but not forsaken.
Perhaps being thought from giving them more in connection with bearing about.
The dying of the Lord Jesus, but for with the discipline of the Lord. But still we do find how the Lord sustains.
Those that are passing through trial and connection.
Where there that's him only for him in this scene that would make us think that brother Barry of the second chapter in the 14th verse.
Now thanks be unto God, which always I suppose it should be, leaders leadeth us.
In triumph in Christ, make us manifest the Savior of His knowledge by us in every place. I suppose the apostle on this occasion probably didn't measure up fully to what the Lord might have expected him to, but still.
The apostle has so given over himself completely to the work.
Even if his heart was moved by affection for Timothy or for his people or for anyone else, I believe in that sense he was walking blameless. And he had that continual confidence in the Lord because his whole object was to serve Christ.
Now there is such a thing, I believe. We know there's no perfection down here, but I believe, brethren, there is such a thing.
Walking in that path to have the Lord's generous before us.
And in that sense he will keep his people blameless, not perfect. There's no such thing as perfect down here. But he he, he looks at the heart. And the Apostles personal attachment to Christ was the chief thing. Not that he was an apostle Maryland, but it was that personal attachment to Christ the person, the object for his heart that preserved him.
Not just the fact that he was appointed in apostles.
All there to be an example of what has been spoken of in the 11Th of Matthew. Not that there ever was any need with the Lord, be that of course for the breaking down of anything, but it seems to me lovely to find in that chapter.
The person of the Lord Jesus doubted in the opening part of the chapter by his servant John, and his testimony reviewed his verses.
16 and 17 and his miracles to rejected from the 20th verse on. And then it says at that time These have answered, that I thank thee, old Father. And then it ends with Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me.
Well, perhaps it would suggest that if anyone of us would wish to have that joy in our souls, and would wish also to hear in any happy yoke with the Lord Jesus, we too might expect that which the Lord even passed through His measures. That, though there should have a secret.
Just what you're saying. Samson had a secret with God. As long as he maintained that secret, he had power in his testimony. But the moment he gave up that secret, he had his eyes put out and he grounded in the prison house.
And he was. He lost his testimony because he lost that secret with God. In the chapter we were reading yesterday and 1St Corinthians chapter 3, the apostle said to the Corinthians that they were walking as men.
Well, Samson said, if you do such and such to me, I'll become weak like any other man. And so when his hair was shaved off, he did become weak like any other man. He was just like an ordinary man. And that's what had happened to the Corinthians. They've been shorn of their power. They've been shorn of that which would give them power. They were.
Looking at men.
They didn't have their eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus Christ. Their power was gone and they walked as men. And what we need is to have our eyes fixed on Christ, not on things around us or on other people, but on the Lord himself, and walk in separation with the Lord. And then we'll not be like ordinary men. God doesn't want us like ordinary men. He doesn't want us walking as men down here. He wants us to be walking.
According to him.
And to walk us, Christ walked in this seat.
One thing, Brother Albert, that you referred to in regards to John the Baptist was very precious and that is that John the Baptist instead of him that he did know America. I believe that's sold in the Gospel of John. What was the power of his life after demonstration?
No, we could see it when he says of the Lord.
He must increase, I must decrease, and that's the same principle.
Even though John the Baptist hadn't been taught yet what we have here, he had the spirit of it. He was in communion.
At that time though, in that passage in the 11Th of Matthew, the same incident brought before us in the Gospel of Luke where the Lord Jesus is presented as the Man of sorrows. It's the only instance where it says at that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit.
Why was it that he rejoiced in spirit? Well, for the very thing that we've been talking about because the law rejected by the nation. What was going to be the result? The result was going to be that blessing was going to go out beyond the limits of Israel. Blessing was going to reach out to even to the Gentile and all how lovely it is that if there's an adverse circumstance comes in our lives, what will be the result if we take it from the Lord.
Further blessing, more blessing than if the circumstance had never arisen. And we see that as we have called our attention most perfectly in the life of the Lord Jesus, and I believe we see it in the life here of the apostle Paul. For how would we have known the lovely Spirit that control his life and service at the Corinthians and never spoken against them. The very thing that showed that the more abundantly.
He loved them the less he was loved, and yet he continued in it. What was it? Brought it out.
Father was the way they acted. Know how lovely it is brethren, there can't be any circumstance arise in your life and mine. It ought to be a fresh occasion to manifest the life of Jesus and to bring further glory to God. Joy in our own souls if we take it from the Lord and if we don't take it from the Lord. The Lord has his own way of humbling us and bringing us down and perhaps after, like Jacob with some.
Some trial it has come from breaking down of some way or other the life of Jesus will be seen.
May take time, but how lovely it is to see it in the end of Jacob's life. He worship like to ask the question in connection. What was said about a secret? Perhaps to the sake of some of the Youngs we have a secret do we not? Maybe we just have a few words along that line. Respect for many that are young and don't know what Samson's secret was.
Well, we're a heavenly people.
Samson and his horse walked this Padre, we might say, to the course of Israel. He was one who was chosen out for entirely new distinct paths as a judge to deliver thoughts people in an evil day. And it's a picture to us, I believe, of the secret that we have.
As a heavenly people.
Not unless we maintain the blue on the border of the garden. That's what the children of Israel were told to do, you know.
Numbers, they were to have a ribbon of blue always from the borders of their garments. That was their secret. There are heavenly people. Now. If we keep that in mind, we won't attach ourselves down here. We'll have our high 6th on Christ. That's Colossians, the third chapter. You have the two things there. You have ye are dead, but you also have the fact that we're now the center of mind on things above.
That's the secret. It's having crisis, the object conscious that we do not belong to this world.
Fall from above and heavenly men by birth, who once were about the citizens of earth, now maintaining that in our soul be conscious of the truth that we have here.
What a blessing they'll be. If these things were practical with it wouldn't be a secret aspirin.
Who we just thought we've been occupied with all day. And that is the fact that he had long hair showed that he gave up the dignity that belongs to a man. He wore long hair. He gave up the dignity longed for our purpose. A vessel was thrown.
And the long hair too, would be known that he was a public man, a man living in the church and the dependent land. So I think when the question is raised as to what is the secret, Brother Bob, the secret is for you and me to give up the dignity that belongs to us as men in the world, be subject to the Lord Jesus in our walking ways. And I think when we're living, and that's the secret of God.
Then we have power and the light shines up.
There's one thing about Samson when his hair was shorn, he didn't realize that his power was gone, and he went out to do as he'd done it the other time, and he was overcast. So a child of God in connection with failure.
Why if he attempts to go on and do what he's done other time could be no power there.
Is there any reason why it says Jesus instead of Lord Jesus here on Christ Jesus?
I think.
Is bringing the life of that blessed ones before Jesus as the personal name of our Savior. So it's looking at his life down here and he's showing us how that which we see in the life of our blessed Lord when he lived and the man here among men may be manifested and the life of his people as they go through the same world with the same problems and difficulties and persecutions.
That we may be called upon to pass through in our pathways through this scene.
Pathway of humility too, wasn't it, Brother Barry? I was thinking of this tenth verse.
Reading always bearing about his body the dying of Jesus, isn't it?
This is this humility that is he walked in such a way here, and I was thinking of that verse.
That the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our bodies. Thinking of that in first John, a little first there that.
Speak to our hearts in connection with that.
Down first, the football.
And the second chapter of the second words.
Jesus said he abideth in him off himself also closely walked, even as he walks.
There's victory in that walk.
Brother Eric, I'd like to hear you explain what that means. Always bearing about in the body. The the time I'll be that's the way it is. The other translation, the dying of Jesus.
Is it always there about the body?
Dying, dying, Jesus. Well, I believe that would mean that.
The considered simply as growing into death.
There's been no life of the old man manifest I think. Seems to me here the secret delivered under stats for Jesus state it that the natural strength and energy has no place in that pathway.
So that's what I would get from.
Bearing about the bodies of dying of people. Not taking anything here but.
To follow him in that pathway.
That's not Speaking of physical death here. This is what you would call moral death, isn't it? Yeah. It's not the thought we have in Romans 611.
Likewise, reckon ye yourselves also dead to be.
Death indeed understand, but alive under God, through Jesus Christ, our letter. I think that's quite right. Only here you notice. And always daring about the body.
Now the six Romans show the destiny that we have died with Christ.
That's the answer to the activation. Shall we continue in spin, that great may abound? The answer to the apostle gives is, How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein? And he explained what he means, that we have died with Christ.
Not only this blessed Lord died for my sins on the cross, but that was the end of the man who committed those sins.
God saw me there at the cross.
So that I can be completely done with every thought that there's anything worthwhile in the old man.
We're looking at a man in the place that man met his end of the course of Christ.
Now fills the apostle in the verse you quoted, brother.
Always bearing. So I mean, we reckon yourself that indeed understand now that's the that's the act of faith.
Because our experience seems to contradict it.
Instead of finding ourselves dead to sin, we find ourselves very, very much alive, ready at anytime to say or do something that breaks.
Would suggest.
Oh our our experience seems to contradict.
What the truth of the word prevents to us, and that's why we're called upon.
Selecting ourselves dead indeed unto sin, and alive unto God, We don't. We mustn't stop just the negative side of the truth.
Just they reckon ourselves dead indeed on the sins the bears, the others pride the positive side, but alive on the dog. Brother Brown gave a very helpful illustration.
My name may have heard it, but it's worth well worth repeating. He said as a young man, before he was saved, he he used to go to the theater and I was quite taken up with the articles. Although he said he was paid before the movies came along, he didn't get caught in that snare. But Philly said what he had seen in the theater Airwolf was an appeal to the old nation.
And in fasting, the moving pictures show will be display outside of what it seems acted inside. He felt appeal to something inside of him. I would say I want to go in and see what's inside there.
Well, what is the remedy for meeting the suggestions of the old makers? Just to tell himself what? I have died to that kind of thing. That man doesn't go to a movie picture show.
Well, that's the end of the of the effort of the enemy.
To get us to go on in the place to just reckon ourselves dead indeed on suspense. But I believe that the thought and the the first before always bearing about in the body. The time of Jesus, that is.
A continuous thing.
Can't say. Well, like Brother Brown, I reckon myself dead. Yesterday when I went back went by the moving picture show. So I'm quite immune from ever being misled or aligned myself to be.
Go into such a place, but the next time I will have to meet the same temptation. Maybe again. It's the constant thing as we go on our way because.
As we all find in our pilgrimage down here.
The time and experience doesn't change or improve the desires of the old nature. It still loves the things of the world and the things of nature that are contrary to God and even the suggestions of faith. And so we have to remember that daily. We need constantly that to have that before.
The sign of Jesus You think we got a little picture of that brother Mary and the.
And either from this there nor wash the clothes all the time that David was away and rejected.
Until he returned in peace. That's very nice.
Connection with what you said to Brother Hamilton about the secret of Samson and our brother Barry mentioned not only the negative side, but the positive side. It's true in the negative side that he wore the long hair. He gave up his rights as a man. But we find that when there was the Nazarite strength, he was feeding on the honey that came out of the slain lion, wasn't he? That would be the positive thing.
Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong one sweetness. And so Satan.
The picture to us in that way, He's the one who seemed to accomplish his own designs and put to death the Lord Jesus. But through that death sweetness has come to us, and we see them up there in glory. Well, stamps, and stop feeding on that honey, that sweetness that came out of the slain wine, out of the heater, came forth meat and out of the strong unsweetness. And the next thing was to give up the outward thing. And brother, we'll give up the outward thing too, if we're not feeding upon Christ.
We cannot retain Nazareth separation, we cannot go on with the outward Marks and separations, unless we're in the inward joy of feeding upon himself.
So I believe we have the same order here. And they head into the third chapter gazing upon Him in glory. Now he finds the negative side of it here, bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus.
I used to be puzzled as to whether it was really right when we were invited to attend something and we felt as a Christian, we ought not to go. Someone had just spoken in that direction. Was it really right to say, no thanks, I don't want to go?
Don't know whether I'm the only one that's been invited to attend something and said I don't want to go. And then something inside said you hypocrite, you know you do want to go.
Well, it really puzzled me for quite a while. Am I right? Am I telling the truth to say no thanks, I don't want to go?
But I do believe that in the 7th of Romans we hear the beloved apostle identifying the eye with the new man, so that it's perfectly all right for us dear believers to say, I don't want to, even though there is an old nature within them to be kept in the place of death.
That might adapt to us that we still do want to. We're entitled to identify the eye with the new nature which would find no delight in those things.
And we linked Bert Peter score first Peter 4.
And the first, first of first Peter four. And we linked that verse up with the second, the chapter of Hebrews and the last verse.
That was embarrassing about first Peter and four the first third.
Of Hebrews and the 18th.
A chapter in Hebrews chapter 2 who seeks their believe their Hebrews 2 and 18 that he himself himself is being tempted.
That is 13 years, four and the.
Right have suffered for us in the back and then it says in the last part of the verbs where we have that has suffered in the flesh has seeds from the tail like to hear from word on that.
Don't you think, brother, that meaning of that first verse of the 4th, the first Peter?
Laura Much then, as Christ has suffered for us in the slaves.
So we can be.
We can be done with the place, we don't have to go on and live the rest of our days.
Our rest of the time and the place for the lust of men.
Get in the second verse. But here is the remedy. It's.
For he that hath suffered in the flesh has faith through sin. That is, let the old nature suffers before someone says something very provoking and and unkind to me, and the old nature immediately comes up to hand back something just as severe as.
Other said to me, well, instead of the line, the old nature to have its way, which it was surely delightful.
Allowed to have his weight while just take it, he suffers. Well, I the old nature has suffered, but I speak through sin. So it's a view that in many ways.
And the old nature would like to go on with something that is pleasing with the Lord. Well, let the old nature suffer the best thing in the world. And that's the old nature. We've all got it. It'll suffer, but in letting the old nature suffer.
Will faith through sin?
The Lord flesh was the holy flesh, and ours is sinful flesh. The Lord suffered in the path of obedience, but never because He had any inclination to do what's wrong.
Or, as with us, we suffer not only in the path of obedience sometimes.
But because we have an inclination to do what's wrong, the flesh is not the sinful flesh.
In the Lord Jesus that was holy and Allah, so he, he sympathizes with us in the sufferings that come upon us in a physical way in our pathway here. But there's no sympathy with us in connection with the old nature. It should be in the place of death.
Well could that first verse in the 40 Peter they looked at the Christ has suffered for us in the flesh. Well we know he suffered on the death. Death came in. Well now then, if we have something in the place, if we have became dead forward.
Where, see, we seek from Sam. So if it is considered in that way that we have really taken that place, why then we see some sense because the old man is gone.
Then you add another first, the second of Hebrews in the 18th, 1St we're in that he himself has suffered being tempted. He is able to suffer them that are tempted.
Well, in that path, it's the Lord's suffering down here.
To enable him as our great High Priest who enter into our trials and suffer.
We pass through. The Lord has already been through the files of His people. He knows what it is to be diverted, to be despised and taken.
Lord knows all about that. He's been in the home of those that are bereaved. He has left there and company with the soaring ones.
So now as we go through this scene, the very fact the Lord has suffered being tempted.
Get another hair on that the Lord was never attempted with the old nature like we are. Oh, in the fourth chapter, where this same subject is taken up, the apostle says sin apart, he was tempted in all points, black as we are, yet without Sinner Sinner park.
Fossil carefully.
Travel to that point is spin apart. Well, now the Lord, though having entered into the trials of his people, He can sympathize with us, but He never can sympathize with us. When our when is the truth of failure.
When the failure come in, while then we have the Lord not as as a High priest, but as an advocate to restore our souls and bring us back into communion.
In the book of Exodus.
Chapter 15. We're having the children of Israel coming to Mara.
They called it narrow because the waters that they found there to drink off were bitter water.
Verse 23.
When they came tomorrow, they could not drink of the waters of Mara, for they were bitter.
Well, I suppose that speaks of the trials of the waves, trials of the wilderness, and there are the bitter things that we encounter. The Apostle Paul is Speaking of that in our chapter, the trials, the bitter things that he encounters in his wilderness journey.
And then in verse 25.
After Moses, after the people, And what shall we drink?
Moses cries unto the Lord, and it says the Lord showed him a tree, which when he passed into the water, the waters were made sweet.
Well, when you read that, you can't help but thinking about the cross, and that's what we have brought before us in that tenth verse in our chapter. The dying of the Lord Jesus is being put to death, the crucifixion.
And all how good it is for us to meditate upon that when any trial comes.
There are two sides to trial. We see that very plainly in this chapter in the fourth of Second Corinthians. Two sides to it, perhaps we might say there's our side and the large side. Well, when we look at it from our side, it's bitter. It is a trial. But when we look at it from his side and connected with him, then the sweetness comes in.
Well, one can speak from personal experience from very recent trials, and I mentioned it because I'm sure others have perhaps had the same experience. When you think of losing a loved one, you think of the empty place there. Are you going to miss that one? Well, that's our side. But then we think of the Lord side up, connected with the Lord.
Well, that loved one is with the law. And why? Because he went to Calvary's prompt and died there. There couldn't have been such a thing. There couldn't have been that side unless he'd gone to the cross and died. And as it's been brought out, we reckon ourselves dead.
Well, to everything around us, then to sin that which is within dead to that which is without the word.
What a help it gives us. It brings sweetness in.
If it is true that large.
To not be with us.
And I sympathize with our failures.
I was thinking of the children of Israel that says of them.
All their afflictions.
He was afflicted.
And why did they have a second? Was it not because they failed?
And yet it says in all their afflictions he was afflicted with someone. Explain that to me.
Well, the Lord never sympathizes with us in our in our sin, or in any way in which we display the old nature.
But if in the display of the old nature, we get into a circumstance that we might have to reach the rest of our lives.
The Lord, if we turn to Him and repentance will surely be with us in that. Or when He was here upon earth, fly with sickness here. Why, with all the misery in which He found Himself here, was all here because of sin, But He came here and sympathized with them, not in their sins, but in the circumstances where their sins have placed them. Yet I'm glad you brought it up. I thought of that when the remark was made. Brother, the Lord never sympathizes with us in our sins.
I should never say, well, he simplifies with me and losing my patience because it was a very provoking thing. No, but if I lost my patience and lost my job over it, then the Lord will sympathize with me if I turn to him. And on it He'll sympathize with me in being without a job, even though it's part of his government. That's what a gracious high priestly house, that's the third star. But in that song, David is running from his own son, Absalom.
And they those that are with him says, there's no help for you and God. But the very first word in the Psalm is, Oh Lord. But remember in that Psalm he says, when I went unto thy holy hill, my brother has mentioned that it's after there has been the acknowledgement of our failure, then we can enjoy the sympathies of Christ, even though we're under his government.
The government of God, I should say, the Father.
Proverbs says He the covers and sin shall not prosper, and he.
Constructed and protected them to find mercy. That's what we need. Is that all the way along?
Yes, there's not only the confession, but there's also the forsaking.
Well, there's no place in connection with these troubles or persecutions. But what there's a way out, as is mentioned here, not in despair.
Not destroyed.
And so on.
But there's a deliverance in every case.
And there's not no necessity for discouragement, because discouragement really is not of the Lord, is it?
There's a wrong doctrine.
All the evil ovens where the apostle says I'm crucified with Christ.
As all the old nation was slowly dying every.
Soul is dying every day. Well that is not a a truth of all.
The fact is that when the apostle says I'm crucified with Christ, he is looking at what took place when Christ was dying on the cross.
That's the thing that has already taken place. That's why we reckon ourselves dead indeed on suspense. Be done with it to get God's viewpoint over here. He is done with it and we can be done with the hills.
Our younger.
Horses here.
It says in the 11Th course where we would live are always delivered on the death for Jesus faith.
The fact that we have died with Christ.
Oh no. And we're called upon to bear in our bodies the dying of Jesus.
Every day we need to to remember that we have died with Christ.
Well now God in his grace put his own through circumstances that bring about that bearing in our bodies dying of these. So the 11Th, the 10th verse is is the doctrine, so to speak.
The 11Th verse.
Is the practical way that God sees to it.
That is carried out, of course, this, he said. So they run the impossible himself.
Persecutions and trials that he went through himself. But the principle is true for every one of God's children. God sees to us that we do carry out the truth that we have died with Christ. And in Paul's case, if you look at the first chapter of the Capitol.
Look at the.
6th Bird, or whether we be afflicted, it is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same suffering which we also suffer. Whether we be comforted is to your consolation and salvation.
And our hope of you is steadfast, knowing that as he are partakers of the suffering, so he he also of the constellation. For we would not present have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in Asia, that we were pressed out of major above strength in so much that we had even of life, but we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not sustain ourselves.
But in God, which raises the dead, well, that gives a little description of.
These, what the apostle is thinking of by always we would live, are always delivered under death.
It wasn't a day that Paul rose in the morning, but what he could say. I may be martyred before the day is over. Well, that's the way it lives, the Lord.
Dealt with his.
Faithful servants and weapons in order to bring out your testimony of Christ, and so that Jesus was manifested in his mortal place. So what severity was necessary to bring it out?
Even in the light of an apostle.
Like the beloved Paul himself, would you not say, brother, that in the 10th verse? It's when we do this in communion with the Lord and in the 11Th verse is when He has to do it in His ways with us.
For instance, the Lord said to Peter, before the **** crawled twice, thou shalt deny me twice. Well, Peter didn't realize how weak the flesh was, so he went on in the self-confidence of nature and he had to learn through a fall. But he did learn and thank God he did, but it was through a fall. If he had said, Oh Lord, if you don't keep me, I will dishonor you, then he would have cast himself upon the Lord, realizing that he couldn't trust himself.
And he would have been preserved, and instead of denying the Lord, he would have displayed the life of Jesus when he was put to the test.
So with us, there are two ways in which we can learn the wretchedness of the old man. We can either believe what God says about it and because we believe it, put it in the place of death. Or God may have to pass us through very humbling things in our lives to teach us what the old man is.
So in the 10th verse he says always bearing a boat in the body, that's when we do it in communion with the Lord in the 11Th to 20 has to deliver us to death for Jesus sakes.
His ways with us, well, he's faithful. But as one is often said, to put it very simply, there's two ways for the child to learn that the stove is hot, to touch it and burn his fingers, or to believe that it's hot because mother said so. While God doesn't want us to burn burn our fingers rather than to find out what the flesh is, He's shown us what it is at the cross when his own son died under sin and.
May God grant that we may lay hold of this truth, and reckon ourselves to be dead indeed under sin.
And here is a continual thing always. It's the faithfulness of God, isn't it? In this matter, the death of Christ is a full perfect thing, but our apprehension of it is imperfect. And in the measure that our apprehension of the death, crucifixion of Christ is imperfect, in that measure, we'll get what we have in the 11Th verse where we can thank God for that.
If he allows anything.
To come into our lives, to deliver us to death, to death, to give us a better apprehension of what Christ really went through on Calvary cross. I believe what you said, Brother Halo, about those two verses is very good practical application for our soul. But it seems to me there still is that reserve of the general thought of this particular chapter that we.
Lots of just apply it to that particular thing only that the Apostle Paul was under any particular discipline.
Because the apostle had a particular dispensation committed to him. And you know you and I don't. Don't ask the Lord to put us into trouble. Do it.
But the Lord did deliver him to this. He was carrying out a particular thing as our brother.
Ericsson has called our attention to it isn't always that we're being punished or that we're under discipline. There is a a reason that the apostle was placed in this position.
Because God is carrying out a special work in his particular case. But what you said is very true as to the application of these two versions for ourselves in a practical way. In a practical way, we all have to learn it experimentally, more or less. But God would have it to be left. That is, he doesn't want to have to deal with it. But in a practical way, there's not one of us can lift up our heads and say, well, I've learned all the truth and communion.
The Lord never had to deal with me. We all have to hang our heads and face often had to deliver me to death for Jesus sake, but he doesn't want to do it brethren, he wants to teach us in communion and if we lay hold of these precious things in the meeting will go away happy manifesting the life of Jesus. He doesn't want to have to teach us the other way. In verse 11 The apostle says we and ours. Would that indicate that he includes us in it with himself.
I thought Brother Anderson.
Something like we say the editorial we and I I doubt if he is taking in and specifically all the children of God, the castle himself. Perhaps Timothy and others associated with him and he has persecutions that we read about in the first chapter and it seems to me that.
11 First, as far as the apostle is concerned, it's not so much a matter of failure with him and God having to seek him through failure.
Wants of place he is.
It was in connection with his ministry. We that live are always delivered on death to solve that in the first taxes that the life also Jesus I don't see him the apostles piece that it is connected so much to failure as with God.
Ways with the apostles going on in his service so that.
The life also Jesus might be manifested now I started, Hailer says is perfectly true.
That if we are not willing to learn what the place is in communion, why then God does have to teach us by allowing us.
To exhibit the place or interact in the place like feeder. Then when of course we learn in a very solemn way what the place is.
Love the very you referred to Galatians 220 but I'm crucified with Christ.
Is it not?
Really not in that verse have the.
My representing.
Our being in different aspects.
I'd be glad to have you explain it, Brother Jasmine. Well, I believe I am 35 with Christ refers to the old man. I am crucified with Christ. Nevertheless, I live. Well, that's the new man I live.
And yet not I, well, I'm not left here in my own strength. Christ live within me. And the life which I now live in the flesh, well, that's I'm responsible. I realize, I must realize I still have that old man, and there's a new man, but I am responsible nevertheless. I live, though I have that old nature still with me.
Why the life I now live in the place?
I live by the faith, the Son of God who loved me and gave himself to me.
Well, I like to look at it in that way.
That's very helpful. Sometimes it's a new man, sometimes the old man, and it's the responsible man.
Now there's heard the story told about a man one time was brought into court and he told the judge that was the old man that did that. Well, the judge says we'll send the old man to jail. You can go along with him, keep him comfortable.
I have a case where a brother was invited. It might be helpful with some of the young brother was invited to a party and he had a conscience against going there.
So he answered the people that invited him. He said it would be impossible for me to come. He didn't say why, but I think that was the reason. Our brother Albert remarked the talk before about sometimes we have to admit that we'd like to go and I think the brother would have liked to go on the party.
They're going to have a good time, but it was for the old man that they were having a good time.
I think what you say, Brother Eric, is important. There is the the old nature and there is the new nature we both have.
Two preventers, but there is a responsible eye that.
Allows either the new nature or the old nature to act.
Need to remember that which nature am I aligned to have its way.
Just at the end of the last really meeting brother and I'd like to hear something about the last part of this 11Th verse. Seems to me it's we got something very wonderful here and especially for the young people among us. Is it possible, brother Barry, that.
It is possible that the life of Jesus.
And the brazen minor stuff in our marketplace.
Personally is possible, wouldn't have told us though.
No, grandeur are more wonderful.
Families in this whole life to watch your speech.
Manifest the life of Jesus.
In this poor world, and he gives us the means that makes it possible.
To write to such nice.
The Justice card put my sentence away.
And the cost of cars would be alive.
We often say, Brother Taylor, that the that the cross of Christ is.
What separates me from the world? The blood of Christ is what?
Puts my sins away, and the death of Christ is what puts me away, and it's the cross of Christ.
There's more of the same side of the death or exaggerated.
So that's what really separates from the world.
Almost into the future.
#316 We are by Christ 2 deeds.
Nothing better goals esteemed by good connection. We're the best. We're our own with all very score. And thou, Lord Jesus, we're on home. He's still poor. Our urgent vessels great the world of South Carolina world.
And mold he'll give these bodies while fashion like his own. You'll get the whole creation smile and Usher is growing 360.