2 Corinthians 5

Duration: 1hr 10min
2 Corinthians 5
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Want to continue with, uh, Second Corinthians 5 or is there another?
Desire to look at.
We get down to the 11Th verse.
Did we get down to the 11Th 1St?
Probably reading verse 10 if we could go on.
2nd Corinthians 5 starting at verse 10.
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that everyone may receive.
The things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men, but we are made manifest unto God, and I trust also are made manifest in your conscience, where we commend not ourselves again unto you, but give you occasion to glory on our behalf, that you may have somewhat to answer them, which glory and appearance, and not in heart.
For whether we be beside ourselves, it is to God.
Or whether we be sober, it is for your cause, for the love of Christ constraineth us.
Because we thus judge that if one died for all, then we're all dead, and that he died for all, that they which lived should not henceforth live under themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.
Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh? Yeah, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we Him no more. Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature or creation.
All things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new.
And all things are of God, who had reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation, to which that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them, and have committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did deceit you by us, we pray you in Christ that be reconciled to God.
For he hath made him Jesus, to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Oh, you spoke like yesterday about the judgment seat of Christ as not being of a judicial character, uh, but rather, uh, a review or a manifestation of our conduct, our walking ways in this world, umm, taking place after the rapture, uh, in heaven, not on earth. And, uh.
The question of reward comes up here. That, uh, the Lord will.
Apportion the crowns of the rewards to those who have uh.
Been faithful in their ministry and service some.
Sometimes we have the idea that it's only those who publicly participate.
That are in the service of the Lord. But that is not the truth. We each have a ministry, and every little act of devotedness or service for Christ, however small it might appear in the eyes of men, is recorded in the annals of eternity. That book of remembrance the Lord has placed in that volume.
In heaven, we might say. Perhaps it's figurative, but uh, the point is that all is recorded. Umm.
Even a thought upon his name will not lose its reward. Reward has recorded all of those I.
Service for him and it will be his delight to reward.
What has been, according to his mind, that which meets his approval and that reward or that crown will, uh, go on into the Millennium. Our place in the Millennium in the Kingdom will be according to our walk down here.
So as we mentioned, receiving the things done in His body would take in our whole lives, even before we were unsaved. Everything is going to be manifest.
And someone has said perhaps.
We don't realize how great the debt was. Now we, uh, we know, uh, our past histories and perhaps our sins are an ugly pile we're certainly not proud of, but uh, we're going to see in that day.
How much greater?
Umm, our sins were than than we uh, and we uh.
That we are able to, uh, estimate them now, umm, in that day we will, it will augment our, uh, our praise when we see, uh, what the Lord has forgiven us, how great the debt was, the cost of our redemption. It will augment our praise when we see the wondrous grace of God that put away that mountain of sins in our lives.
And, uh, it will, we will burst forth in Grays and, and worship as we think of the, the grace that that, uh, overcame where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.
When you talk about those in labor for the Lord, there's probably many more to have done so umm privately that no, no one knows except the Lord himself that those who have done so in a, a public sphere, umm, particularly it takes the sisters. I was thinking of that short passage of umm about darkest of these, these garments that she made and, and what?
And that's when and when she passed away. It was only then that her works remain manifest and the government said she she had made for the rules and needed them shown.
And your conscience is?
New Boston, TX spoken similar language in the forecast.
Verse two, chapter four, We haven't announced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking and crafting craftiness or handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves for human conscience in the sight of God. So there was reality in the manifestation that was visible.
Costco home.
There's failure in manifesting perfectly, but we know and what we preach, but there should be a correspondence. And so there was manifestation in the life of the apostles of the truth that he preached and that he expounded on and lived up. So this is manifest to the believer in New York.
And in the sight of God also man investments are good. He had a conscience boil of repentance before. God wasn't justified by that. He was walking in the light and he was keeping short accounts with the Lord and being true.
Experience or bad way here? This can't be settled by television.
I'm trying to get the idea that you want everything to be satisfied or even we know that the the right they're wrong.
Thank you. Right.
So it's a good main thing.
Weather in our Ferguson life in December.
We just had patients waiting to come to the Advantage station.
May be the Lord.
Has comfortable but.
Everything will be issued.
There are things that.
I need to reach that right here.
Because there's a lot of things really peace with the Lord and come on the Lord and set his brain in his time and it'll give us lots of happier spirit. We really did wait a lot of time to set things like that.
And I think also says all that, that there's many trials and.
Afflictions in our lives and reversals and, uh, we wonder why, uh, we're in these circumstances knowing that God is able to change them if it is his will. But at that time, everything will come out and we will see the wisdom of the ways of God in all our pathway down here. Umm, that, uh, the trial of our faith, uh.
Which is much more precious than a goal that perishes.
We will understand the the needs be and we'll see the perfect, uh, ordering of God in all the.
Difficulties or the, uh, events that happened in our lives. We'll, we'll see that he had a purpose of love in it all. Uh, although sometimes, as our brother Wally mentioned in his address, the fiery darks of the enemy are hurled at us.
And they are for that purpose of breaking down our confidence in God and his ways with us. We don't always understand those ways down here, but it's the purpose of love God that is ways in the wilderness with Israel. But His purpose was to bring them into the land. And that's God's purpose to do us good at our latter end. So I believe the judgment seat of Christ will.
Unfold those things. The Lord will go through our lives step by step, as it were.
And show us His wisdom, his love, his grace, that he had our good in view, uh, through all the various, uh, uh, circumstances of our wilderness pathway.
This will only magnify as great, I believe, that the judgment seat.
Used to give the illustration about one who is in debt.
And the debt continues to grow. He can't pay the debt.
He feels the burden of the debt.
And then somebody comes along.
And pays the debt.
And so.
The debtor is relieved the debt has been paid.
Well, sometime later in life.
A receipt comes to the eyes of the dead.
He finds out that he owes far more than what he thought.
He thought he only owed maybe $5000, but it turns out the debt was $50.
Now, what kind of a response is that going to produce?
In the heart of the dead to realize that this one who paid the debt stop.
Was willing to pay far more.
Favor shown to us that we never deserve.
The appreciation of His grace is going to grow. And you know the Lord sees all that we do. It tells us in Hebrews that all things are naked and open unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight. God sees. God sees all that we do. You know it's been said.
We can fool all the people some of the time and we can fool some of the people all the time, but we can't fool God any of the time.
God sees things as they are, and there's records being kept. The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good record.
It's amazing how records are being kept today through technology and a little tiny ship volumes of information, records, medical or whatever. Well, God is keeping records and you know, I believe.
This will come into review.
As we read here in the chapter, but the wonderful thing is when we stand before the judgment seat of Christ, we're going to be in Christ. We're going to be standing before the judge, so to speak, in all the perfections of the judge himself.
And so I don't believe it's going to be any worry or any concern at that time. You know, the Lord Jesus could say.
Verily, verily, I stand to you he that hears my word, and to hear His word is to believe, to take it to heart, accept it, and believe on him that sent me shall not come into judgment, but is passed from death unto life.
Now, that's more than can be said for those that stand 1000 years later.
At another judgment, and that's the great White Throne and those that stand there.
Stand there before the judge in their sins. The books are opened and they're judged according to their works.
Every thought, word, action is brought before them, is brought into review things that one would never expect to be brought up.
There it is.
And so.
There's no remedy, there's no salvation at that time.
And judgment.
Is the.
Destiny of those that stand before the Great White Throne. It's very solemn to consider, but what a contrast to what we have in our chapter here.
Stop and we have an appreciation on the board with us during our lives and the result of it will be for His glory to see the grace of the Lord Jesus and all that He did for us before we received it and I saved us.
Is motivated the apostle to.
To speak forth the gospel with energy and death purpose, realizing if we as believers are going to stand before the judgment seat of Christ and our lives be reviewed and we are in Christ and sheltered by His precious blood. What about those who are outside of Christ, who have no, who are naked in his presence without any covering how it should?
Energize us to be faithful in the Gospel.
And the apostle says manifest unto God. I think Michelle spoke about that. Transparent in our dealings with our brethren and uh, walking before God to work, everything is uh, open to his eyes. Manifest unto God, walking with a transparent or good conscience, uh, before God and before man.
There were influences.
There so it's in contrast here to someone who has the appearance but they didn't have it in their hearts, they didn't have the reality where.
In the Christian life and the response to the love of Christ, He loved me, keep my commandments. It's all in the enjoyment of his love for us. And it can be seen even in the apostles, the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me. We often enjoy calling that verse. The apostle Paul enjoyed that himself. And so the love of Christ constrained him. And in the measure that you and I are enjoying the same love, it's going to constrain us.
It doesn't speak about our love to the Lord, as we have often been reminded. Don't try to love the Lord any more than you do.
Sit down and contemplate His marvelous love to you.
In fact, it doesn't say in the passage here the love of Christ should constrain us. It says the love of Christ constraineth us. And I know the illustration is rather threadbare, but we have a magnet, and if you hold the magnet at a distance from the pins, there's not going to be any movement. A child knows that. But if you bring the magnet down close to the object.
Immediately there is a response. And why is it that we are not moved more to serve the Lord more devotedly because we are living at a distance from Him. We're not feeling the constraining power of His love in our lives. It may be something I'm going on with that is contrary to the Word of God. I'm unwilling to judge whatever it is. I'm not feeling the constraint of the love of Christ.
It's not something legal, but it's the response of the heart to to him and and his love to us.
And if this life exercises itself, it's the life, right? There would never be anything wrong with anything done by the life of Christ in US.
Well, the Lord knows there was no sin in law, but there was activity involved and there was energy involved and the judgment. See the frightful manifest, those things that were done, who they were done for, maybe they were done for us. Maybe we would like to kill another son. I mean, he's the Lord. Put something on someone's heart and he hesitated and finally get up and share that. That's going to be manifest. So it's not a question of sin. It's a question of how we behave, what we do, the actions that we carry out. And obviously, if a brother is doing wrong, you're not going to wait till the government see the price. You have a responsibility. You have many other pictures that address a specific question.
People who compete in the Olympics now, if you cheat, you're disqualified. But if you compete in the Olympics, you might not end up coming out first. You might get no medal at all.
You still did pretty good, you know, So the Lord is going to have.
A glass of water given in his name. He knows why his love, He's going to acknowledge that. And what looked before men is adherents. We read that here about appearance. There were those among the Corinthians. They had appearance and it looked like, I mean, that's a judgment seat of Christ. Well, no, the reality of it.
Have judgment of other members of the body of Christ who are not with us. The tendency of my National Park like that, deciding the Lord, they're not calling us. They had a little something in their heart because those ones were following them. Laura Chantilly.
What he thought of what they did and what's going on should encourage us here. Once as we read this chapter, we come to the conclusion there it says to live for him who for us died and rolls again. That's what can be manifested at the judgment city of Christ. I believe it's true. You and I live for what were the models there, even though it might have looked very good, might have been bad. I might need to look bad in the eye of some people versus atmosphere here.
Under review.
Home and in your life, each one here has put your trust in the Lord, not remembering sins or elections any condemning way that all has been covered by the work of Christian.
Valort didn't have to say that those that were not fortunate were against him. He was speaking about, I believe, religious.
Jews, Pharisees, and so on, they had no heart for Christ whatsoever.
And so the Lord had to speak that they were against him because they didn't go with him. They were against him. But there were others that the Lord had to say, Whosoever is not against me is for me. And so there were those that they didn't go with to decide they weren't following with the Lord like the disciples.
But they were still serving the Lord's interest. I believe they had God's interest at heart. And the Lord, he said just because they don't go with us, it doesn't mean that they're against us. I think that's good. What you bring up, Michelle, that.
There are those that are, I believe, serving the Lord in the light that they have and what they're doing, they're doing.
For the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And even though they're not gathered to the Lord's name, we need to be careful that we don't condemn them, because the Lord did say that, whosoever.
Is not.
OK, so just this form and so there is that size things that you be careful not to contend the service of another that's perhaps not gathered to the Lord's name. They're acting in the light that they have.
Is it knock rewards? It's addressed here more than.
Other judgment, is it not rewards rather than judgment here?
So there is a sense of, uh, loss too, as we pointed out, uh.
We can't lose our salvation.
But we can, umm, lose our reward if uh.
We drift back into the world, the lost crown.
They need to be exercised. In fact, that's brought out in our chapter here, that he died for all that they which lived should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them and rose again. The love of Christ was so, uh, had so motivated the apostle, uh, the, the love of Christ and manifest in his pathway down here. I think it's more, uh.
The more in connection with the Lord's love unto death down here in His pathway, umm.
What a wonderful exhibition it was of the heart of God.
And we have our henceforth, it says henceforth, you know, the rest of our time. We can't do anything about the past that cannot be changed. But we do have a henceforth. We do have the rest of our lives if the Lord leaves us here. And uh, so the judgment seat of Christ as a, a future aspect that we have been speaking about, but it also has a present effect. It, it motivated the apostle Paul.
And the love of Christ was another, uh, factor here. And, uh, we have the henceforth of our lives, the Lord leaves us here that we shouldn't live for our own, uh, interests, ambitions and pleasures, but live for the Lord, as it says here, should not live unto themselves. Well, that was our whole character of life when, when we were unsaved. Uh, do what I want to do.
This car belongs to me and this.
House belongs to me and my time is mine. You can't interfere with anything that I do. That was our language, but now we should say.
Everything that we have belongs to the Lord. Uh, what? Whatever it is, our money, our time, our talent, and we want those things to be used for His glory, not for ourselves. We want to use our material possessions, umm, we want to lay up treasure in heaven, in other words, and use those possessions which the Lord has given us for His glory, and then there will be a reward.
And that will meet us at the judgment seat of Christ. Now I know that.
Reward is not the motive. We've often heard that, and it's true. Reward is not the motive. It should be love for Christ, love for His people, love for lost souls. But as Mr. Kohler used to say, I want to get as many crowns as I can so I can lay them at the Lord's feet.
I love, uh, just turn to Genesis chapter 45. I know it's Joseph restoring his brethren and, uh, lovely picture of, uh, the Lord Jesus, uh, restoring, uh, the nation of Israel, but uh, certainly has, uh.
Special interest, uh, from the Christian UMM.
I just love him. I can't do that. I I can hear people read the.
Restoration in these chapters here where he's restoring his brother he loves so dearly. He chasing him but.
He loves them so dearly and when he reveals himself to them, it's just so touchy. It's just like the heart of God. And chapter 45 and verse 3.
Well, first verse 2.
And he wept aloud, And the Egyptians and the House of Pharaoh heard. And Joseph said unto his brother, I am Joseph, because my father yet lived. And his brother could not answer him, for they were troubled at his presence. And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt. And this is so lovely here now therefore.
Be not breathe or angry with yourself.
That you sold me together, for God would send me before you to reserve life. Isn't that wonderful?
In his heart we oftentimes say we could give somebody, but we hold the grudge God never holds a grudge and we turn to the Lord if we confess our sins and faith and adjustment for you is our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Now that's that's communion there. Of course you know but.
We are so much unlike him at times that is scared, you know, when we think of how awful the flesh is, isn't it? Our hearts are so deceitful and destiny wicked and.
We may say we forgive, but we don't forget, but we should forget. But God says he actually forgives in a way that's divine and like it speaks about the revelation chapter 5. I just, I love this revelation chapter. I'm sorry, chapter 4 revelation.
For thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
Isn't it lovely? It's all of Him. He needs us to repentance in the 1St place because the God leads us to repentance. He gives us the faith. You believe and then.
Restoration or.
I had given you more, and the Apostle Paul is going to wish that he had given him more. Every last thing the same. One will say the same thing. Oh, I wish I had given him more.
Bill, I really, really appreciate you saying that. He goes back to see some questions and I think she said it's just so perfect because the Lord said if there's any makers, you'll remember no more and the person who is truly forgiven.
A person will not go back and remember that offense over and over and over again.
Post week because we're so different from that you know with someone her that's something against this Nintendo reader to say and over and over here again and you mentioned Joseph and I just appreciate.
It I still think that she's waiting for a second attempt to fix it.
Thy servants and Joseph said under that fear one for an admire the place of God. That's for me. He thought evil against me, that God mended under good to bring his path as it is this day. I think Joseph wept because they doubted that he had forgiven them. They doubted to the goodness that it is.
It will be a question of how what we've done in the current and hurt the Lord. They'll show his goodness in.
And, uh, I just appreciate it very much that we shared there. I might add this too, brother. Umm, I know, umm, and we all know how much we are unlike the Lord, the love of a time. But I know I'm going to have very, very much burned up and I can't wait to get it, uh, burned up. A lot of, uh, Christianity, uh, have a fear of the destiny of Christ, but that's just, that's just getting it out of the way.
Second Peter, chapter one.
And there is noise.
And the 11Th verse says, behold, we count them happy which endure. We have heard of the patience of Joel. I've seen the end of the war that the Lord is very pitiful and a tender mercy.
So we read about the old heavens of Satan.
Doesn't it draw out her heart in Thanksgiving praise to the Lord when we see how the Lord works in gold life, the life of David and the life of Joseph and all the Old Testament saying.
Why should our lives be hidden? Our lives are an open book. How much comfort and joy we get out of reading about the Old Testament Satan. Our lives are going to be an open book later. Our lives are going to be revealed, but not for consultation. Every man is going to have praise of God. When I see how God works in your life, how it worked in my life.
So draws like art and spray the Lord what he has done. And this is a a a point. I think that we need to grab a hold of that. It's not endemic. It's so that we might be able to praise the Lord and give him glory when we see how he worked in our life and how he carried them. Could you say, Venus, that it's not for him? It's across.
The Lord is going to be glorified and we see how He acts.
There is a government of God, of course, in our lives and we get off with nothing but point that Michelle brings out, I think is important that if there has been any measure of faithfulness in, in our lives, it will certainly be, uh, it will be, uh, acknowledged by the Lord and uh, and rewarded. It will, uh, humble us when we think of the grace of God toward us in all our failings is our services.
Failing in whatever measure it is. We we're unprofitable servants, really. And, uh, the Lord in His grace is going to reward whatever little measure of devotion there is in your life and mine.
You're president of the at the assembly meetings where it may be in much weakness with only a few and you have the option of going to a much larger group. The Lord understands that and he'll reward you for continuing on. It might be when things look very weak and depressing. The Lord values that very much highly, and he will reward that sisters who take the scriptural place of in the assembly and do not participate. We know, but.
They will have a great reward if they occupy the place scripture gives them.
And they're priests as well as the brothers. But it's getting late here and I was wondering we could have a something on the latter part of the chapter here.
Speaks of a new creation. Therefore if any man be in Christ, it's really a new creation. All things are passed away. We have different objectives, different purposes in life.
Entirely all things are become new. It doesn't mean that we get rid of the old nature.
It doesn't mean that we are not assailed by lusts of that old evil nature that we will have till the end of the story. But our position in Christ is a new creation. That's our position. Our state is another thing which we have to mourn about, that our state is not always.
According to our position, but we've been reconciled.
Uh, that reconciled, uh, means to be brought back into, uh, favor. Uh, might say that reconciliation is God never needed to be reconciled to us. We were the ones that were enemies by wicked works. We needed to be reconciled, not God to us. It was never against us. But umm, here we have, uh, another point to verse 16. Wherefore henceforth knowing no man after the flesh.
Yeah, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more. Might be a little difficult to understand, but umm.
Now we, uh, we have no Christ in a different way than, uh, the Israelite did they look, uh, for the Lord to set up the Kingdom as the Messiah. But Mary was told, touch me not, for I have not yet ascended unto my Father, which is in heaven. Mary was to know the Lord in a different character, not as the Messiah to establish the Kingdom in an earthly sense, but to know Christ as a glorified man.
At God's right hand. That's our privilege, brethren, to enter into that and to enjoy the Lord, uh, now in his present position as, uh, a man glorified in God's right hand. And, uh, we are, we are not drawn. What draws us together this weekend? I mean, we come from different areas, even perhaps different nationalities. We have different interests and, uh, different, uh, tastes and so on.
Those things aren't what draws together now. It's the love for the person of the Lord and the Word of God that draws us together.
Now as members of his body. Maybe someone else has a comment on that.
Stop. Mankind is dead in their sins. If there was anyone that had life, it wouldn't be necessary for the Lord Jesus to die for all. But the fact is, there's no exceptions all.
Are dead in trespasses and in sins.
The wonderful thing is that the Lord Jesus went to the cross in love for each and everyone of mankind. Each have the opportunity to be saved, and in love He gave Himself. As we had in the Sunday school, God commends His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. So the message of the gospel goes out to whosoever will. It appears to all men, not simply to the Jews.
But to the Gentile as well, the fact is not all receive the gospel, but there are those that do, there are those that live, and those that live should not henceforth live unto themselves. Each one in this hall that is accepted, the Lord Jesus Christ, the work that He has done, we have life, it's a new life, it's empowered to us.
Through being born again.
And so how wonderful to realize that what God is interested in, it's not reformation of the old. You cannot.
He's interested in new creation, and so when we come to Christ, we become part of a new race, a brand new race of which Christ is the head, and we're part of that race and we're new creatures.
As John points out, new motives, new thoughts, new objectives.
Everything's new, and if we're enjoying in our soul what the Lord went to the cross, what took Him there was His love.
I believe it constrains us to reach out to those around us and seek their good and their blessing. We need outreach. And the Apostle Paul, he was an ambassador for Christ to him was committed. This as it tells us, this ministry of reconciliation.
The gospel, the grace of God.
How that when we were enemies were reconciled by the death of God's Son.
And so I believe the apostle says we are ambassadors for Christ. Well, I mean each one of us as believers, we can be ambassadors for Christ.
90 verse Ashley is what he was destined to. John is annoying Christ on the flesh.
The price was sent to the lost chief of Israel. You mentioned that the multi sentence of the lost chief of Israel. He was a huge strong answer to them. But when they rejected him. There was a counsel of God for the whole world behind it all and he used to do that in the 1930s God lost his life reconciling the world himself. So there was a a greater purpose of Christ coming to the world not only to restore Israel and that didn't happen because if you use it for the cable TV regard to access what is in his heart before you hit the world though reconciled, reconciled the world that you saw through the Lord Jesus Christ preparing our sin in the Father of the cross.
Well, we have a work privilege that the angels.
They are not given the.
Opportunity to, uh, present this, uh, word of reconciliation.
An ambassador, you know, is a person that.
I'm at the ambassador to Brazil in Ottawa. On one occasion he and his wife, I met them, spoke to them. They don't belong in Canada at all.
They're representing Brazil. They are strangers here. They don't take part in in the political or.
Social state of the country, but they belong to another place. So do we. We are here to represent. That ambassador is representing Brazil and Canada and we are representing the Lord in this dark evil world where he is rejected. This morning we gathered around a rejected Christ, remembered one who is still cast out by this world. We don't gather around the glorified Christ.
At the present time, and we are ambassadors, as though God did beseech you by us. The Lord is not here to do that anymore, but we have that privilege to pray the unsaved in Christ's dead in His position be reconciled to God.
We'd be seating there would suggest to us a longing heart and a heart that would warn people if you were the ambassador to China from China to Canada, and China was planning to invade Canada unless we made peace with them or whatever. Well, the consequences of not responding to the offer of reconciliation would make you deceased. Publicate begs. Don't neglect it.
Initiative come to each of our hearts and realize what is coming for this world. We we, I'm I'm asleep concerning that. I'm half conscious of what is coming for this world. May the Lord wake us up and we may we be faithful beseechers of those around us.
Uh, can you learn where, where are you seeing the uh?
$3 at that time last blah blah blah blah blah blah.