2 John 1-4

2 John 1‑4
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65 Whatever, to be holding God forever most night, and see it still before forever on his feet it came.
Full of ample grave on all his duty, it is either way.
Cross Willis and Heavy there's heaven on earth that we can save. And now we journey day by day, himself and born. Arguably our sins are all.
All right.
Should we go on with a portion taken up and taking the pistol of John?
Second the fizzle drum verse 5.
Now I deceived the lady, not, as though I wrote in you for men on under thee, for that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another, And this is love, and we walk after his amendment.
And as he had heard from the beginning, he could walk in. For many deceivers are entered into the world who confessed not that Jesus Christ is coming in flesh. This is a deceiver and an Antichrist.
Look to yourselves if you're losing out of those things which we have brought, but that we receive a full reward whosoever transpresses and the brightest anonymous documents right, have not gone.
He's an invited document of Christ. He has both the Father and the Son.
Become any unto you, and bring up this doctrine. Receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed, for he that bidded him. Godspeed is a particular of his evil deeds.
Having many things to write under you, I will not write the paper it needs, but I trust to come unto you and speak face to face that our joy may be full. The children of my life, Sister, greetings. Amen.
I constantly.
The Lord told the disciples to love one another.
I seem to be the burden of these discourse of all love one another. I have loved you.
And then he speaks above the Father block, the Father Himself love of you, because he has loved me and has believed that I came out from God.
Father loves us because we love Christ.
The Lord once as dear people to love each other.
And the standard of our law is Christ. Walk in law. Got another place, Walk in law. But Christ also lost and has given himself for us.
There, there's the the, the height of the local. There's love to us for so great he gave himself.
The biggest thing a man can give?
Himself. So he he gave himself, for such was his law. And he wants us to love each other as he has loved those. Understand.
When the world doesn't want any of that law, the world has what our daughter speaks about social kindly feeling toward each other oftentimes.
And it's not their love.
Something like sometimes we see animals that care for each other and regard each other, protect each other.
Well, and the human race, we have something of that kind of stronger perhaps where?
They'll care for each other, and the fathers and mothers will work very, very hard for their children. Even unconverted parents will stay up nights to watch a sick bed of her children, and they'll spend all they've got to bring help to their children.
There are not affection for them.
The Christian as one is born of God and he made a particular of the divine nature. And the nature of God is love. God is love and we have that nature. And so you're thought of God to love one another, it's part of that divine is to love each other and the world. What calculates the world is entered we've seen in our little lifetime.
We've seen such heaven among nations.
That the nations will they'll spend billions of dollars.
And they raise armies of millions to kill each other, all such as their hatred toward each other.
We Harvard and take us a little bit I was thinking about.
And the third chapter of Pipes and the third verse, What type rises the natural man?
Is Titus 3 verse 3?
For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers, lust and pleasures, living in false hand envy.
I'm hating one another.
Full of history. I'm hating one No, that's where natural man. But when you become the children of God, we get the nature, and that's the nature of God. And God is love.
And so the Lord Jesus tells his people calls one to love one another, and I have loved you. And so we have to be interested as well that the command or the request that the children of God should love each other.
And so on her. Now, I beseech you, They're not as though I wrote a new commandment on you, but that's what we actually get in this place. The command of the Lord gave peace to both that we love one another.
So what should characterize a Christian? And we we we should.
Seek to manifest that log. We we do love each other. We can't help it. We're really safe, but we oftentimes are slow to manifesting it as we ought to.
And we're not. We're locked with each other, and we ought to love with each other more. Every opportunity to get to you have the sweet fellowship of God's dear children talking together of the precious things of Max.
You say then that being born of God and having the nature of God that we have them, the same nature that the Lord Jesus had when he walked through the sea. So that's the only way it's possible to love one another that I've loved you that's to make you again save me. The divine nature give or take it over. The divine nature has to make it quite hard. So when a born to God's family we we inherited that let's say the family characteristics in the and the family.
Traits that's often seen in our earthly families. The child resembles the hair so much that often times speak of him being a chip off the old block.
And it looks like experience. You got the same nature. Well, we born the Lords family, we are predicted over divine nature and then we have the mass of fish, that nature and the whole life of the Lord of Jesus.
Well, the next word, please. And this is love that we talk after. It is the man.
The Lord Jesus.
For he may I do always those things that we did.
There was an act of Lord the water fleeting to his father. All man Satan came with his temptation. The Lord answered, the Satan was, Man shall not live, my brethren, Lord, but by every word that was preceded by the mouth of God.
That was the way the Lord went through this sea.
Listening to every word.
All we need all the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. There isn't a verse in the Bible.
Maybe you could sometimes.
For our correction, for our definite blessing.
That expression commandment sometimes may confuse some of the younger people, and when they think of the law of Moses and the commandments that were given.
But the command was spoken of here are not given to a man in the flesh, but their commandments, their instructions for the believer who now has a nature that can do them, and he loves to do the things that please God. And so these are his instructions, especially the ministry that we have. Is it not in in John the?
All that instruction that we have is for the man so he can walk pleasing to God down here.
So again he takes trying to take them back to the beginning of the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus, that as he have heard from us again, He should walk in it. So again the whole pathway of our Blessed Lord as He went through this speech, leaving that life before us occupied with his ways down here.
Learn how obedience obedience really is.
Goes to man speaks of.
As you say, brother Lundy, how differently commandments of the law can command, and the command right the commander. For more than were addressed the man with flake. So they were addressed to the old nature, in fact the old nature of motion. So Paul says, I have not known lust, except the Lord said thou shalt not Cleveland.
The commandments of Christ.
Are addressed to the new nation and set the new nature in motion.
That's the difference between.
One being told do something that he very much opposed.
I of course, he resented.
Like the illustration father of his boy, when he's not in, he's going to stand in the corner. Well, he.
Is not happy at all. He's really willing because he is compelled to. But after a while, the father says no, go out and play ball well. He has a plan for his father, but he's with a command.
There is a very desire what he is, what he delights to do. So the commandments of Christ always appeal to the new nature. That's why it's spoken out of them. James as a law of liberty.
And while twisted precious liberty, it is for the children of the dog to go on just in the enjoyment of the word, doing those things, because they delight the new waters freezing to the figure who marries welcome.
Done so much for them. Go in that way, you'll see it following out the waves of our rescue board. For he says my meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work was very like the Lord Jesus.
Is blessed and liberty all through this fee? Do your father's will have His words everything?
In connection with his pathway down here.
So I'm sure that there is the need of the Word. And then there's we need that communion with the mind of fright, all that the Word has its proper application.
And reduce those Hindley sold.
It is definitely according to the mind of Christ. In the end of John's Gospel, we might just mention this the apostle John speaks of.
If all the books were written, it might be written. The world couldn't contain it. Well, when we think of the word, it isn't just the written word, is it?
As the soul meditates on the Gospels and all that has to do with the life of the Lord Jesus down here.
The Spirit of God opens the pathway to the Blazers that were to walk in. It's through the word. But still there were not enough books to take. The whole story of the Spirit of God reveals to the believer. I don't mean it reveals anything beyond the word, but he opens the word to the believer.
So that there might be the the full enjoyment of that truth in the soul, comparing other scriptures, and so on, though that the soul might be thoroughly furnished, and in the enjoyment of that pathway that belongs to us down here in practical godly.
Christian obedience is always founded upon love too, isn't it? And if we did things even although they might be according to the word of God, unless love for the Lord is the motive, and we're doing it to please Him, there's really nothing for God in it.
And I believe it makes it very important, because that's really what legality is, for a person to do something without having the love of Christ or the motive for what he does. He does it because he feels he must do it to please someone else. Well, the Lord would have us in our lives to have himself before us. And that was so perfectly true in the life of the Lord Jesus. He did everything to please his father. He could say I do always those things that please him.
I believe too in Hebrews chapter 12, where it says the joy who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, even though it was a question of enduring. Still the Lord Jesus found that joy in doing His Father's will. And we may be called upon to endure sometimes in the path of obedience, but there will still be a joy in it if love for Christ is promoted.
Your last verse, our brother dividend was speaking on in First Peter 4.
Would be the reproach with the name of Christ. Happy are you 4 and 14 for the Spirit of glory of God restless upon you.
So it is not only the bearing of the trial, but there is joy and happiness that goes with the trials the believer is.
Bolivia that were in prison. They were asking them after they were released something about their experience. Why? They said brother, they said the spirit of glory and of Christ rested upon us, although prison walls were only a place of of joy and blessings.
Even even the markers could die, rejoicing in Christ that they get the ghost cars to die resorting. Think that little verse for that little old him. I saw the marker at the state, the flames could not encourage shake nor death. The soul of all I asked him when his strength was given, he looked BioMed into heaven and answered Christ is all.
Well, Christ is everything good, and so we can die silently.
Well, that was. That's love for Christ, isn't it? And what what can enable us all to do is marvelous.
So the people in prison, the Lord and everything to them, and so the Spirit of the glory of God rested upon.
At first is very, very important business. This is love that you walk after against the man.
So the.
Exercise love in connection with the fiction. Walk in obedience, obedience to the word of God.
We might be enjoying a very kindly spirit, and yes, in half The Walking in obedience at all. And he's encouraging his presence in any way to go on with foxes, honors, praise. He's not walking in love according to the commandments.
That the plane's lost and I I trust that there are the two things.
What is known as natural affection?
And also that which is known as Divine love.
Now it's easy to get the two mixed up.
And take the one for the other.
We have here both truth and obedience brought in as guard of this divine love.
Nor the truth of God. Principles of God is set forth in the Word, and being exercised as the being obedient will be a guard for us that we might always have that divine love active in us. It's one thing to have that divine love because we have a divine nature. It's another thing for it to be an exercise or to be active. But we have the truth of God and we have obedience that we force to exercise our souls that we might be kept.
In exercise as to divine love.
Natural love is given of God and is proper and right in its place. This world would be a terrible place if there wasn't that natural love. But where it is wrong is when it intrudes in connection with the things of God. And if we allow natural love to hinder us in the path of obedience, then it's out of its place. We see it so perfectly with the Lord Jesus and his mother would hinder him in the pathway of service to his father, He said. Woman, what have I to do with thee?
But when she was in need, he would commander to the care of John. And so we must not despise natural love. We can be thankful that it's here and that it's given of God. It would be wrong to look lightly even upon it, but we need to be careful that we don't allow it to come in and intrude when it's a question of obedience. And that's why in the offerings of the Lord there was no honey to be allowed. Honey had its place.
It says in Proverbs, my son, Eat thou, honey. It has its place, but not in connection with the things of God.
That reminds me, Brother, Brother Brown and I were having meetings one time in a place for a number of weeks. There was a Christian man on the pound, attended the meetings regularly. We had talks and the Lords coming and readings on the on the truth of the Church.
And this brother attended regularly. And one evening at the close of the meeting, Brother Brown and I worked at the door shaking hands with a very good night today.
There. And this brother shook her hands very warmly. And he said, Brother, what you've been giving us is the truth. It's the word God. That is the way we do in our church.
But he wanted the truth, the word of God. Well, we visited him in his home sometime after that and we calling them by his name and said, brother, you told us one time that what we're giving out in the little meeting was the truth of God, Word of God, the truth of God. Do you still believe that? And he says, yes, I do. Well, we said if you still believe it.
Why don't you accept it and walk in it?
Then I never forget his answer at expense. What lies at the bottom of so much of this disobedience to God's word? His answer was this, well, you know, when a man's wife and children.
And brothers and sisters, and father and mother and his friends belong to the church.
Believe. There's his answer and at give us the secret as to what lies at the bottom of a great many peoples refusal to separate from their loved ones. Not kill affection that you're saying, Brother Lord, there's a lot of the loved ones. They want to retain their actions. They know very well that to leave the place they're in and to leave the fellowship of those that have gone on with.
And believe their association with their loved ones in that fellowship.
They know what means reproach because they've seen that reports going out $2.00 that are in the truth walking in it and they can't pay the price.
Natural affection keeps them from obeying the word of God, and that's a very sad thing.
Martin said as to the commandments.
Being specific commandments necessarily.
Minds one of what is said. I believe in the Old Testament and New translation in connection with the expression words.
As I remember it said that there is the Pacific word is given. It's also used as a sense of what is conveyed, not literally. Well, of course. It takes spiritual discernment.
Get that sense of what is conveyed? But was not that which the Lord brought before the embarrassed or the Sadducees in connection with the resurrection? They didn't believe in a resurrection, but what the Lord pulled to them was what he had said to most. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. That is from that scripture. They should have worn it.
The resurrection, because he was not the God of the living, and yet the word resurrection wasn't mentioned there.
I fall there these verses about love is preparing to elect the ladies and children.
That we prepared for those deceivers, that is, walking the love according to the command.
On my say, well, here's a kindly man that's at the door, Why shouldn't I receive them in?
Everybody has the thing, isn't it? Very little?
To have the door in his face.
So this is very important to carry out the full meaning of love and walk in the garden.
What you connect, what you have here in the sudden first, for many deceivers are entered into the world with what you have in two.
18 little children, the last time, as you've heard, that the Antichrist shall come. Even now there are many antichrists whereby we know that this last time they went out from us, but they were not others, or if they had been honest, they would no doubt and continue with us.
That they might be made manifest.
That they're not all out.
It has been said that in the early church, and they the apostles, the Lord allowed certain things to devote. So we might have instructions for our past, but all the time we're left here and they're in the first John 2.
There was still the presence of the apocalypse. There was a godly power and life. There was a God and the Antichrist, those who were opposed and yet they want to remain there. They couldn't do it on account of that power that was there.
So they went out. We'll end here. Seemingly we have them going around seeking to see.
That's another.
And so he warns against it. But since they've entered into the world.
Gone out well, it shows that they must have known something about the truth or there wouldn't be Antichrist. It happened with something about to be anti to it.
Seems that we have in both both of these epistles the subject of teaching or ministry.
Paul refers to it in his epistles. He says, Remember from whom thou hast heard them, And so it's a good thing for us to be careful.
What we read and what we hear.
There are many of the younger people who may be reading something. They don't realize that it's it's vicious. All you have to do is read the address sometimes and you'll know it's vicious where it comes from.
But here's one who actually approaches the house, and it's rather close to home. It's one thing for us to avoid things, and it's another thing when they come to our door. What should we do then? And so the problem here now what about ministry or teaching when it comes to our door? Is it love to allow it in the house? I believe that's what we have here, and the person of Christ is the best of everything.
And my deceivers are Energizer World who confess not that Jesus Christ and lead has come in the place.
Well that covers the Lords humanity and it covers the Lord is that he was man and God. So in the 4th chapter of the first successful.
And the third verse again, every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is coming his way is not all gone.
And this is that spirit of Antichrist where and even I've already is in the world.
While the person of Christ is a theft for everything, and I guess we heard maybe the young younger banks have heard the story about brother heating.
And the preacher in Ottawa that I took for his text on Sunday.
That there was no such thing as a personal doubt.
Please fly a sermon.
Shortly after that brother he.
And brother, Edie said. I was very sorry to hear of your attack on the person of Christ.
All, says the preacher, I may ignore the person. Christ. Yes, brother, he said. You did make an attack on the person crack. Well, he doesn't understand.
Well, he says. Just kill me. What was it that the Lord was tempted up 40 days in the world?
Well, if there was no such thing as a personal devil, and as he said that the only devil is that sinful nature in US.
In his belief, then, the Lord had a full relief. So you see, you cannot.
Bring in any false teaching without in some way affecting the holy person of the Lord.
When I was attending the college many years ago, there was a young men of failed student.
That was in the college.
And some of us were having a Bible class outside in the home where we were rooming a weekly Bible for us in the evening.
And this young ministry of students came to this class regularly. And 11 evening at the close of the little session, he said, Well, I want to ask you a question, he said. We're being taught in our Bible class in the college and the theological department. We're being taught by our teacher. He mentioned the teacher professor's name.
We're being taught that the flood never happened.
Just a myth, an old people hands down from generation to generation and written to the Bible that that never really happens. And he says what? What could you say about that? What, what proof, how could you answer?
A subject of the God or suggesting the God, Well, the thought came to me away from the Lord, he says. I said, well, if the flood memory happened, you and I have no shape because the Lord Jesus, God's son.
The one exactly on the cross for us, the one who is our Savior, he said. Before he died, the flood came and took them all away. The Lord Jesus the third came. Your teacher said it never came. Now who are you going to believe if it never came? The Lord was mistaken.
And if he was mistaken, then he wasn't the Son of God that all knowing all right he kind of Son of God at all, and as a man mistaken and not having divine authority and not having full knowledge.
OK, anyway, by the positions of the elders, he's no savior for us and we're you and I are lost. And that's the truth. We might as well put our Bible class and go home and quit our college. Go home and just drop the whole thing, our ministerial desires and all that. Drop the whole thing because we've got nothing to rest on. The Lord Jesus is no savior as the blood never happened. So the Valley Bay was saying it all hangs together.
So the blood never happened. And that's being taught all around us and in the theological world, that that's just an ordinance as the flood never happened. We've got nothing to stand on at all. We've got no Savior. We've nothing to stand on. We'll make as well. close our Bibles and get them away and go home and quit.
Talking to a Catholic priest not long ago on the train and he said we're getting on new approach to the Bible, he said. For instance, we don't believe that the first chapters of Genesis are inspired, so you see how that.
Here's me as invading the whole Christian, discrediting the the word of God, and I just thought to myself, they're throwing the seeds of their own destruction.
This expression here confessed not that Jesus Christ is coming. The flesh, or I believe the new translation, is the common flesh. It might seem a little difficult because some of these false teachers will say, well, we believe that Jesus Christ really came and that he was a real man, but the force of this expression is that he was forever with the Father.
And came in flesh. We began our existence in flesh. The Lord Jesus came in flesh. He was ever in the bosom of the Father. He laid his glory by and came down to this world as a man. That's really the force of the expression, isn't it?
And then the very word Jesus is your full thing. He was your holding. God was revealed to me or was known in the Old Testament, though when Jesus was born by Joseph was full.
That his name shall be called Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins. So there is the there is the Savior. And yet, in order to be a senior, in order to take up the question of our things, that was necessary for him to become a real man.
They have a real human body. We just as much a man as any other man that has lived in this world. And those truths are famous.
And that's the attack that Taken was making everywhere today on the person of Christ, some way touching either his deity or his humanity.
Satan fell because he abode not in the truth.
And that's the danger that's presented now in these epistles of those who abide not in the truth we get later in the chapter, but it still fits with our verse here.
It's the beginning of the apostasy.
Refusing to confess this person because the the scriptures were written to glorify the person and the work of Christ nothing before our soul.
Doesn't the new translation have coming in flash? I'm looking at the French here again, these friends. Yes it does. Would that take in his coming again then now? There it goes today who denied that Jesus is coming again in flesh? But it is. They say that when he went to heaven, his body just vanished into gas.
He's not in flesh anymore. He's just spirit. Jehovah's Witnesses especially.
Have that thought I was wondering if this expression coming in flesh would also take in the future coming as well as the first coming into this world. Well, I'm sure it would when Steven was being stoned.
We saw the heavens open, was it not? And he says, the Son of man standing the right hand of God. Well, there was that man in the glory that he saw, and that's the one that's coming for us. He never gives up his matter.
Perhaps it might be a little difficult to know where to draw the line among those who are false teachers and those whom we might not put in that category.
I remember meeting a dear young man from our town, a very fine Christian, who became entangled with one of the companies that isn't generally considered to be a false cult. And he went wholeheartedly after all their activities and suggestions, until finally, according to his own confession, he was baptized with the Spirit and delighted in it, and was thrilled by the experience that he had.
I believe he was a real child of God, and as he went further and further into this system, he told me that he noticed that when he and others were filled with the Spirit by their own confession.
Their conversation was concerning the spirits and tongues and healing And Oral Roberts. I'm speaking quite plainly, but that's the way he expressed it. And he said it troubled him so much that he recalled to mind this verse. Every spirit that confesseth not Jesus Christ come in the flesh, is not of God. And he told me that one day after long fasting and prayer, he was again filled with this, with this tremendous power.
And he tried to confess Jesus Christ come in the flesh, and to his great despair, he couldn't do so. Now he's a very, very sober, level headed, quiet young believer. And he told that he struggled in fasting and prayer for hours trying to confess Jesus Christ come in the flesh. He couldn't do so, he said, when the power left him according to his own language. I fled from the place and I'm never going back.
That I'm telling you so that you may warn anyone else that becomes entangled with it. I say it because sometimes we think of false cults as being only those who are openly antagonistic to the deity of Christ. I'm afraid perhaps the influences of these things have begun to invade others that we haven't thought of too seriously. It's amazing how this thing, this movement.
Connection with what they call the baptism of the Spirit and speaking in tongues and the healing movement, it's increasing by leaps and bounds. And there are certain magazines that I have taken over the years and these magazines are becoming filled with that kind of thing. And it's taking over in Christendom and we do well to be aware of it and not to be listening to any of these men that are speaking over the radio.
Because we can become ensnared by that kind of thing.
Well, doesn't the expression here in the latter part of that 71St this is a or the deceiver and the Antichrist that shows it's not all on the surface or they wouldn't be deceiving?
Look here, now that we lose not those things which we have brought, but that we receive a full reward.
That is right all in the air. The apostle would lose his reward to hurt us in the.
In the second chapter.
The 28th verse.
1St August John second cabinet 28th, 1St and now there was No 5 and 10 that when he style appears we need not be may have confidence and not be ashamed.
Before it's coming.
So that was faint, failed long, consistently in the truth by those who would have thought to instruct them. They're losing reward, young people concerned about.
How these things went on.
Leave. We don't want to be like.
The evangelist in England, Scotland years ago. Richard Weaver.
Quite a far from Austin preacher, that was. Many were saying that they were just hearing that he was.
Being better, being a pretty good Richard Richard Weaver. Well, he made this statement. I read his book. He said the.
Christian will waggle through highway or living.
But he says the person is in danger every hour, so he took from that where his business was just a preacher gospel and get people faith and then one of the gospel somewhere else and leave the believers rubble on.
He had fulfilled his responsibilities well. That wasn't the way with the apostles. They were concerned that the children's thoughts go on, that they would be kept, They would be a testimony.
For everything really, that is, of any environment in connection with the work of God, must be a testimony for Christ, even in the conversion of us. Centered is that conversion for the glory of after his faith? Is it for the glory of Christ?
And regular marshmallow, can you hear?
Another shepherding who knows cult citizens.
Preaching and gather a lot of very young Congress around themselves and they go away. There's no such thing as everything.
You know, brother, Father said to me one time. That's cool. And get people saying for them to walk and leave them. The apostle John desired to be a good Workman, did he not?
There was the work, and you wanted the work to go on to perfection.
So when the there were those that were saved through his ministry, he desired him to go on that when in the day of Jesus Christ and everything is made manifest, that it would be that was defeated the glory of Christ.
Well, let's first hear the Saints first shows that was a very vital question. I think our votes are used to say that in general in the ministry of John, he didn't speak about Stater standing. The question you're really either a Christian or you're not one. And so here then what He feels that if they accept these deceivers, why they simply weren't saved and they've lost their he's lost his reward.
Levered me, brother. All his work has been for nothing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're referring to the apostles work now, Yeah.
And the other fact they'd give the second more than The Walking behavior of the Christians.
And first car radio. And the second character John 23rd, abiding him that when he so appeared. Yes, yes.
Well, it might have a far recent effect to receive Deceiver and Antichrist. Remember when I was just a child, my mother had a little private school in our pool.
And I got the neighbors children in and it had just a little school during the time when the public school was not.
One day 2 Mormons arrived at the house came to the door.
My mother refused to allow us come into the house and then she fell down here and read This is first.
Wall that were in their school well over in the days and when we lived in walk before the old house.
Before there were any gathered out in that country.
But you know, I've made part of the president because those children carried back to their homes. While this is Barry had done that. Mormons came through the door and he closed the door in their face and killed the loud come into the house. Well, they were going to start around there at all. And the Lord began to work later among the very people.
That were.
Started in the sunny school and very little school, but that way, well, that one that's careless about having any fellowship of Paul and those that are going on with wicked doctrine is made. They made the use of the enemy to prevent.
The truth going out and the souls getting blissful in a whole neighborhood.
Make you think a little of that verse and Deuteronomy too, about how the house was to have a battlement on it.
This was addressed to the elect lady and her children. But a true believer cannot be lost. But a parent could bring influences into their home that might lead the children away and perhaps the children might never be recovered. And so it's very important that we should remember that. It's like you were saying there was no question of your mother being carried away by the evil teachings, but she had some in the house. They could be carried away, but there was a bathroom around the house.
So that no one can fall from thanks. They might hear evil teaching elsewhere, but not there.
Well, this would be very important and it was mentioned also about books that come into the home and what comes over the air and so on. Well, the battlement would affect all these things, wouldn't it? Because we need to be very careful about the things that get in that the battle fund is kept up.
The ninth verse whosoever goeth forward, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not?
Yes, yes it is. And what is the thought of going forward?
Well, I would get from it That man likes to always think of making progress in things.
He likes to advance and so, well, now, here's some long time ago, well, now here's an advance on that. It's going forward, but it's not going forward in a godly sense. It's going beyond the truth. Yeah, there's a lot of us that are going on nowadays.
It's very, very better nowadays. People say people teach, theologians and educators teach well. We're living in different days from the old days and.
The world has made progress along all lines. Some of us here that are not too old can remember when there were no airplanes flying around. Now they're now they're flying across the ocean in an hour or two. Now they're flying. Then you can travel to New York to San Francisco in five hours. It used to take months for the old Ox team, and this is a very bad accident for the old Ox team days, well.
The world, the world's made progress and.
Science commit progress and so religion too. Religious thoughts should make progress and they think about pretty good argument there. But the word of God is very plain on on these subjects. We don't make any progress in the truth of God or God's Truth is always the same.
The word of the Lord endured forever. They were passed away in the fashion at all that they were the Lord of Truth forever. And it's I changed now.
God doesn't change. He's given us his word here and we don't have to change. God doesn't change his thoughts or as as truth.
And so we stand on a rock that's thousands of years old, and it's the same. That's still the same Rock of Ages. They're all proof they're based our our rock. Jesus Christ, is the same yesterday. There's no change there. Satan is the one who introduced this going forward. And it was pride, wasn't it? That was at the bottom of it. And when anyone goes beyond Scripture.
And we're liable to any of us, and even in.
Seeking to open up scripture we're liable to if we're not preserved. Allowing our natural mind it is only is to elevate the flesh. Isn't it pride? And so Satan abode not in the truth. We're told he didn't remain there. We have the word abide through, John. Don't we abide to be satisfied with what grace is provided for us To be satisfied with all the provision God has made for our souls And what a provision we have here.
As we had this morning the son of the father to be put into that place of affection, relationship and forever we should be satisfied.
I not acquainted with the hat and many aspects when we lived there and he was off with a group that were once connected with those. Yeah, that's the Lord's name because he's quite a party.
And he told me that the truth was advanced. Mr. Darby was given so much light, and now Mr. Raven was given more light, and we're still getting more and more light. Well, that going forward for that group has resulted in the complete denial of the eternal sonship of Christ. So it shows while going forward.
Leads you?
And I believe that it's well to remember when God will begin the work He begins with imperfection. And for my part, I believe that when the there was the recovery of the truth of the church the God gave.
They killed. In that completeness, we must be careful that we don't depart from. How do the other branded feel without that statement?
Well, I believe that is true, that there were certain ones that God gave dispensational truth.
And we do. Well, take heed. And we're not to try to find out what this man thinks about. And this section may be an old man in some university or college or something like that. Well, what he says on this subject, we're to go back to the beginning As to the one from home now he revealed the truth well.
Doctor, Paul, warned Timothy, No, but knowing of whom thou hast received them, so there's certain vessels that.
God you. Then there's another thing that I believe is very important that first Timothy 3:15 where he says.
Modified Terry Long that thou mayst know how thou artists can behave thyself in the House of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. Well there.
Bury the House of God is looked at as it was built upon the foundation, the apostles and prophets, and the responsibility is therefore maintaining the truth. Well, these men who don't know anything about the House of God in that section, they have no correction. And so there is a tendency, a natural mind to wander off in these things, adding to them and trying to embellish them, and so on.
But it will finally end in the apostrophe. It may not be that those who first start out on that course will go into the past. You see, I don't mean that, but the next one picks it up and they go to the apartment and so on. And so it finally ends in the box. It seems like that in Peter and Jude as well as here we have the wall connected with the testimony very deftly and.
One refers to the false teachers, he speaks to them, who walk accordingly and so on.
Their walk is very pronounced and that's what marks them. And so the the believer can always.
Mark the fruits as well as the doctrine to see if the walk is in keeping. Not that anyone is perfect here, but we can see quickly whether the heart is set on Christ and whether the walk is in keeping with the truth is set forth. The error in connection with saying that we're living in a different age and that man is making progress is that all man's books have to do with discovery and invention.
And it is true that he has discovered many things in these last times and invented many new things. But let us remember, brethren, that the Bible is a revelation, A revelation. And there can be nothing beyond that. Because when God speaks, he speaks of things that man never could discover, that he would not know unless God revealed them. And so there can be no progress beyond that. Certainly man can never add anything to divine revelation.
And I believe this will keep us all and keep our young people too, if we always bear this in mind, that all the textbooks and all the books of man have to do with man's progress, which may be right in its place along natural lines, but what we have is a revelation.
And therefore we can't go beyond it without falling into error. It might be well to connect.
What Paul says to the Colossians.
With this.
Colossians Chapter One.
Beginning with verses 24.
And now rejoiced in my government for you.
Fill up that which is behind the afflictions of Christ in my place for his body state, which is the cure.
Where I made the minister according to the dispensation of God, which is given to me for you to fulfill or complete the word of God, even a mystery which has been information in some generations, but now it may manifest to His safety. Well, there speaks of the Revelation method.
God gave to the Apostle Paul, Lord Jesus gave to him, and it was given to him to complete the word of God.
Well, what right do we have to add anything to it? And it's Feast of the Dispensation of God. And I believe it's speaking about this present dispensation we're in now because that's what the dispensation is, the dispensation of grace the the church aids that we're in now. And that was the truth that was given to the Apostle Paul.
And we're still in that age. And why should we be looking for something else? Are we satisfied with what the Lord is feeling on through the Apostle Paul? That, however, doesn't mean that that was the last that was written, because what Paul wrote to the Colossians and the other churches was written around the 60 AD and on.
Few years after that, we have other things in the Bible written after that, but actually no new revelation is given in those writings. And this, what we have through the process of is all that God wants us to have. There may be others things that God knows. I'm sure that there are many things still hidden in God that we don't know, but God hasn't chosen to reveal it to us, and it's up to us to be satisfied with what God has given. Would you?
Go along with that for the heirsman. Yes, I was.
And I believe that in connection with bringing out the truth, we had the truth mentioned here. So that doesn't mean necessarily that it was given in every detail. But what may come in later though, is not going to contradict what was brought out originally. I was thinking of what he said in First Timothy 4.
Now the spirit speaketh expressly. In the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heat to juicy spirits and doctrine of the devil.
Speaking lies and hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with the hot iron, forbidding to marry and abstain from meats, and so on. Well, there he said. The lighter times, the left within the days of the apostles, the latter times, well, that was those who were seeking to introduce certain things.
And the hidden religions around seeking to introduce them into Christianity.
Then start to introduce them into Judaism and made some progress. And now here he warns about there being introduced into Christian truth. Well, some have looked upon that in First Timothy 4 there because it speaks about forbidding to marry. That perhaps referred to the Church of Rome, but it isn't that it was something that was introduced.
Long time before that human Boston Church of Thrones bring it in from teasing us. Well, it's the doctrines there giving heat inducing spirits. Well that's what we have here in John at least, reducing spirits.
Second Timothy 2 and verse two has been referred to.
Two or three times here in this meeting. I'm just wondering if we could look a little bit closer at it.
The Apostle is being Timothy about the things which he had heard of him, among many witnesses.
To the same commitment out of faithful men who should be able to teach others also.
Timothy had heard the word of God from the lips of the Apostle Paul. The scriptures were recorded as we have them now.
But Timothy had heard them from the lips of the apostle, and he was communicating those things to others.
That is a ministry such as we're having here.
But at the same time, there were those who had also heard the apostles who could check on Timothy that the way he passed on.
In other words, they could verify what Timothy had said by the word of God where there was a truth or not.
And I believe in connection with these books and these teachings which we hear today, these things that have turned to modernism.
That we can be warned by this, that we need to check them by the word of God. We have many books, we have much ministry which has already been tested.
By those who are far wiser in the things of God than we are.
And we we know from them that the what is written in these by these authors whom we recognize that they are in consistency with the truth of God.
And if we will follow these instead of like someone who asked me on many occasions, what do you think about this book? Well, I don't know the author, I don't know anything about the book.
Well, we don't need those because we have everything that is given to us. We have the ministry for the last 140 or 150 years. We know that it's found because it's been tested by those who are instructed in the word of God.
I wonder how many I've read all the writings of PHM.
I wonder if there isn't another.
Way of testing this going forward this progress.
You know, many of our young people feel that while we're very weak and numerically we're certainly not superior. Suppose isn't there?
In the scriptures, all that which would remind us that that's the character of the last day.
And that if we see some.
Company of people. I don't mean individualists in one city, but I mean as a whole. And they are progressing, they are growing.
Can't we put a stamp on that according to scripture?
That there must be something beside what we have in the Word of God, there to draw and to attract.
What about that brother? Well, that's true. That's the seducing spirits and the deceivers that we have talking about here. Well, one thinks of the words the Lord and the disciples. Fear not, Little Fox.
It would be a little flop throughout himself because there's no place for free for the place there and what we're referring to there. In first John two, they went out promised because they were not positive Why That shows that the may have been introduced in there in some way, but they went out.
We we have, you know, the Apostle Paul.
So, Peter, they spoke of what would come. These things would come into the church. The early church, they would come.
In June, he says, certain ones have crept in, unaware they were there.
In Welcome First, John, they went out. So there will be those things that will attract people, but there's faithful Christ why they can't go on.
In connection with Blessed, our brother President, instead I got to thinking of what we have in John John Chapter 6.
At the end of the chapter.
Naturally speaking, we think of success as being a complication of numbers, increase in numbers.
But it wasn't so with the Lord. Success in his case was decreased in number.
Verse 65.
He said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me except if we're given unto him of my father. From that time many of his disciples went back and watched no more Wicked attesting times came shifting times, and many disciples went back and lost no more with it. There was a decrease in numbers, but actually.
Was a spiritual success.
This doesn't mean, of course, that we are to be weary in giving out the truth. It says that we are not to despise the day of small things, and we do find the rejection of the truth of God on every hand when it is ministered according to the mind of God. But we're still to keep on, and we're encouraged by that verse and Timothy that says who will have all men to be saved.
And the content of the knowledge of the truth. So in that sense the believer is to be prepared to fight a somewhat losing battle, is to go on telling out the truth, the gospel, to the unsaved and the truth of God for believers, and not to weary in doing it, but to expect that it it's going to meet more and more rejection as the end approaches. Well, God prepares us in this way. And as you remark, the one who is successful in God's account is the one who walks in obedience.
Then shalt thou make thy way prosperous, and thou shalt have good success. That's the path of obedience.
Perhaps a shelter too, against these things we've been speaking about is found in the 9th and 10th verses in the ninth verse, the doctrine of Christ in the 10th verse. This doctrine, in other words, it is needful and helpful for us, isn't it? And for the dear young people and even the children to be under the sound of wholesome doctrine from their earliest childhood. Even though there are children here whom I suppose, if you ask them, when the meeting was over, now what was under discussion in the meeting?
They'd probably shake their heads and say I just can't remember. At least that's the way it was with me When I was a boy. I went to many meetings and when the meeting was over I couldn't give you a two-minute summary of what was said. But I'm glad to this day that I was there. I think I was getting the sound of.
Wholesome ministry, even though I didn't think it was registering at all. So that I believe it's good to see the children and the young people under the sound of wholesome ministry, first of all in their home, and then, as the Lord enables at the meetings. And then the second, I suppose, is the forbidding of that which is not sound when it comes to our home in the day in which the word of God was written. The only way I can think of for false doctrine to come was to come by an actual knock at the door.
Nowadays, there's so much of the printed word which goes around and there's so many voices that come into most homes without ever knocking first, that folks seem to find it a little more difficult. I know that it may sound very old fashioned or as our brother Davidson pointed out, wherein they think it's strange. But our home is not equipped to hear these voices, and I often think of what this same author said in the 10th chapter of his Gospel.
A stranger will not follow, but will flee from him, for they know not.
The voice of strangers. Can that really be said of us nowadays? They know not the voice of strangers. Or do we consider it necessary to be up to date and hear the voices of all these strangers and try to sift out what sound from what's not? I believe it would be safe for us if we.
Heard sound ministry, read sound books and left the rest alone.
Of what the doctor John is bringing before this election, The lady is that she would be able to detect what sound and what is not. He doesn't tell her that she's to refute them, to argue with them, but she's to be able to detect it and not receive them in the House. Well, how is she to be taken?
Well, we get in the first epistle about having an anointing and what you're saying about the hearing of voice of strangers, Well, there would be that. That would.
Show one that it was the voice of strangers that was not the Shepherd's voice. Well, there's a term trauma and not have anything further to do with it if we're going on.
And a good state of soul that is in self judgment. As to our pathway we will be able to detect it. You know in scripture we have babes in the New Testament used in good sense and a bad sense or what John is giving to us in first John two is faith in a good sense that is their newly born souls that they haven't had the time for maturity.
But we find though, that he used it in a bad sense with the printed and the Hebrews, and he said when they need to be, teachers are no longer.
Because they're based, there's a bad sense they've gone backwards. They haven't made progress for once paid in a bad sense. They're not able to check these things. But for going on the Lord, they will be able to discern the shepherd's choice and turn from it, and that's what's expected here.
Oh, God's people. Because that requires diligence, a reading, meditation word, and the ending of the meeting where the word read.
One gets careless, lacks the reading of the word. Compare daily life.
There's going to be a law.