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A lot of the the truth to Lord to whom Peter was writing that he was not following cunningly devised fables was the configuration.
He actually seen the Lord in his glory. Venus face shining as the sun is gone, bright as the light.
Between two men of renowned of Old Testament times.
That were in company there with the Lord.
Oh, great encouragement to the faith of the Saints at that time, and it's a great encouragement to us and all that the one whose words we have been listening to the words of Simon Peter, that he was one who actually saw the Lord.
There in his glory.
So it wasn't just something he was spinning out of his head. Some fables.
That he was circulating, but it was something he had actually seen himself.
When I tell him with the prophetic word, didn't it? That was the point when men had something or pretend you add something to the truth of God. We always find out that it doesn't fit in with what has already been revealed in clashes with it. But here was something new that has been brought out the place that the church has.
Has God forgotten the promises in connection with the Kingdom and all they're all going to be fulfilled.
And there was no crash, All set in perfectly. Just as the morning star rises before the break of day. So he is showing how that the truth that was brought out in Christianity did not flash with that which had been given about the Kingdom. All was going to be fulfilled and the transfiguration scene was a little miniature.
Shall I say a preview?
How God which will take place after when the church has been taken away and the Kingdom of somebody, and after the tribulation?
A fable may be a beautiful story cunningly devised, may have a moral attached to it, but there's no power to make it with it.
Well here it says we made no use of power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The world is full of continued life table but there's no power connected with them.
Power is connected to faith in our Lord healing Christ.
There's a brother asking me just before this meeting it.
If we would enlarge a little on the subject, not out of mind to what we're talking about.
And that was in connection with the remarks made about the all giving us the mystery, as that was complete the word of God.
And your question was about the Book of Revelation.
Rather, things without faith.
Well, if an answer to that question, I would say that the Book of Revelation gives us the revelation of coming judgment coming on the earth and the setting up of the Kingdom of Christ, power and glory. But Revelation, the Book of Revelation.
Brings in no new subjects.
Of inspiration, that is.
You will not get any any new.
Counsel or purpose of God?
As found in the Book of Revelation that you will not find already brought out an instruction given upon in other parts of the world.
So that while the Book of Revelation.
Gives us much prophecy that.
Is connected with the Old Testament.
Problem is in connection with the Kingdom of Christ and his reign. Yes, the very fact that a new dispensation has come in since the Lord Jesus has been rejected and has gone back to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit here into the sea.
Now the Spirit of God.
I was informing the church to be the bride of Christ so that when He takes His Kingdom, He will have a pride and negotiation with Him in His glory. Well, that's the subject except the insight that you will not find as a prophecy in the Old Testament.
And that that.
The bringing in of this dispensation.
Has developed certain conditions in the world that has definitely affected the prophetic picture. So that you do find developments in connection with prophecy in the Book of Revelation that you will not find, say, and Daniel or Isaiah or Ezekiel because of this.
Presentation and it and what it has introduced into the world.
What we call Christendom.
So that there is that about it. But again we say that when the the the mystery of the Church was revealed to the apostle Paul, there was no further revelation as to God's purposes and plans that was yet to be brought.
Out in the inspired words. And for that reason we say that when Paul brought out the mystery, the word of God was complete. There will never be another subject.
That God has to bring into His word. All complete now.
Mark was saying that.
As we we often are told that the small words of God.
Concerning our blessed Lords, each place he's the center of all the countries of God.
And we find in the very beginning of Genesis, we'll find a title of Christ in the church at the very beginning, Adam and Eve are made and.
Man and wife.
I would make first, then his wife would take him from his side a picture of the fact that through the shared blood of Jesus Christ that goes from the state of conference call to the shed blood Synagogue from their guilt and made the bride of our blessed Lord.
Well then you find that and not beginning of Genesis, but after a God makes not of indeed he speaks these words.
It's called Salamandri, his father and mother, and the Clevelander his wife, and they choose to be one flesh. Well then you have Paul and brother. Speaking of it the the shirt being revealed to Paul.
That they had wonderful purpose of this Christ and the Church and the apostles, followed by the Spirit of God uses those very same words that were spoken by God in the beginning of Genesis.
And connect with a lot of these the opposed to form of entry to the Spirit of God used the same same word, and the pleasance of the church. Christian the church, and the 5th chapter of Ephesians. For this cause shall a manly be fallen mother, and cleave unto his wife, and they seem to be one flesh. This is a big mystery.
What I speak concerning Christ and the Church and then.
Comes after some revelation about speaking about.
And in the book of the operation from chapter 4 to chapter 19, you have God dealing with this world and bring out the details of what we have in Daniel and Ezekiel and Zechariah. We have Ezekiel, brother, the God dealing with this world and with Israel before he brings him into blessings. And then now that's all over. What do you find? Then you find the.
The 19th chapter of Revelation, the blessed Lord and his bride Gratua Murray ceremony and then the the Lamb and his wife comes back and that 19th chapter and the Lord takes the Kingdom and reigns and power and glory.
I think it's a remarkable thing, as in the the very beginning of Genesis and at the very end of our revelation you have.
Christ in the bride and tribes and jealousy, and Christ in the Brighton reality coming back in the glory and the last of Revelation the 19th Doctor, and then from then his array of strikes, and then Netherlands, and then the eternal fish afterwards.
Brother Lakshmi was you referred to the 4th chapter of Revelation was on now isn't it true that at the end of the third that's the last of the and then the opening of the 4th chapter is come up here. So everything as far as the prophetic use himself is being compensated. Yes, they they.
The kids did not see.
And revelation until the 19th chapter, from the end of the third at the beginning of the 4th sculpture, the Lord seeks them best to John come up, Heather and John caught up. And then he gets the revelation of God dealing with the earth and Israel and this world in judgment and the blessing.
And then the 19 doctors, you see the bride again, but the same chapter they had the chapter 3 and they under 19 chapter as God's dream for the earth.
And judgment, getting ready for the coming of the blessed Lord to take the Kingdom and raise.
Be nice when that drew enlarge a little on the transfiguration. That's definitely the subject before it's here to do the the powerful says on the end of the sixth verse. But were eyewitnesses of His Majesty, for he received from God's Father honor and glory.
When there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory. This is my beloved son.
In whom I am well pleased.
Our brother Harold said that we got a miniature picture of the Kingdom, so I'll just enlarge a little on his basement.
But in the glory with Christ there were two men, as with Moses.
And there was a lie life. Well, we know that Moses died and the Lord buried, but Elijah went to heaven without God.
So there are those two platters that will be with Christ in his glory, those that have died in Christ who will respond first to the shout when he comes in the air, and then there are those that are alive and remain.
You'll be caught up, caught up together, and meet the Lord in the air.
So we see the picture of a heavenly company with Christ, the center and the those who have died.
Raised and glorified, surely a comforting word to those who have been bereaved to their loved ones to think that they'll be black wolves in that same glory with their blessed Lord and those who are alive when the Lord comes and we may be old.
Come because he might come today, but they will all be there.
In that right glory, with that blessed One, and then below on the mountains.
There were Peter, James and John who were looking up at these glorified ones.
Oh, there, like the earthless thing will be blessed, and will be looking up, and can see the glory, where the heavenly things will be displayed in company with Christ himself. I suppose this was given to it as an encouragement because the Jewish believers might think that God has forgotten about these things.
But the little one has been brought before us on the Mount of Transfiguration makes all these things sure.
God hasn't forgotten the promises that were made to Israel and the Kingdom is going to be brought in.
I was also thinking too, in connection with the expression, We have not followed cunningly devised fables. I mean, they known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, that the truth of God always exalts Christ. It says in John 16.
He shall glorify me. You'll always notice with false doctrine that there's joy for man. You'll always notice with man's fables and ideas that there's something that gives honor to man in the whole system that's established.
But what God is seeking to bring you for us is the glory of His beloved Son. And we can be sure that the truth of God, when it gives glory to Him, we can be sure that it's false if it gives some glory to man. I was thinking of it in connection with what our brother mentioned this morning about the partial rapture. Well, we can apply that test to that doctrine.
It's the only the.
Christians go off at the Lord's coming. Then I've got to call myself a devoted Christian to be sure I'm going. And it's not quite a bit of credit to myself, but I'm one of the devoted Christians that are sure I'm going to go out well as a cunningly devised fable. It's something that's robbing Christ and his glory. He's going to bring me there because his precious blood alone.
Paid my title and place to be there.
And you will find you at the configuration.
Just what brother Hale is been telling us how God is exotic his beloved Son, in order Peter says here, For he received from God the Father honor and glory, when there came crossed a voice to him from the excellent glory. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
I'm sure we're all familiar with the story of the Transfiguration.
And how Peter shouldn't whistle off what to say. So he said the wrong thing. He said it's good for us to be here. That was true enough, that was right. Or it surely is to the wonderful, and it's blessed to be in a theme like that. But then he said, let us make here 3 tabernacles, one for the eighth and one for Moses and one for mine that is.
Going to put his blessed Lord and Master on a dead level with who honored servants from the Old Testament. And that's when they heard that voice from the excellent glory, or the Father could bear no flight upon his blessed Son. So he says, this is my beloved Son and that word in whom I am well pleased, or in whom I found.
All my life.
Your faith God follow it. Look down in this poor world sin and see one that every actress every.
Every word was for His glory that He could take full and absolute and perfect delight in. So we find that immediately a bright cloud overshadows them, and Moses and Elias disappear. And he tells us in that connection they were on their faces as well they might be.
Because the blessed Lord Jesus had received a slight from what Peter said, and they were on their faces. Good beloved, when we have in any way flight of thy blessed One to be on our face, the proper place to be, then this fell, that Jesus came and touched them.
All that lovely Hut of love, and devoted to his own. And that is fair that they saw no land wave. Jesus only.
For our heart every other one must have played away, and we must have no other person, no other object but that blessed One who fills the delight of a Father's heart. You know, in the Gospel it not only says, In whom I found all my delight, but now the Lord says, the Father's voice says, Hear him.
Isn't that beautiful? The one that has fully satisfied my heart?
Surely uncertainly satisfied your heart now you listen to him, you hear what he has to say, you go on in the enjoyment of his words and his love. Well, Peter never forgot that vision then, some 3540 years before, and I'm sure as time went on he understood more about it. He did it that time.
No, it's nice and.
Consideration of this model Transfiguration and I seen out in the movie it tells us and they feared as they entered the cloud that was a place for them there place for the church and the clouds, so to speak. And looking down on the scene. Well, I thought all that he never forgot it.
Well, you know that the Lord spoke to Moses face to face out of the cloud, but for those three to see Moses and Elias go into the cloud.
Was something they had never heard of before, and to to disappear into the Shekinah that was the cloud. The presence of Jehovah himself meant the annihilation and destruction.
For no one could be in God's presence, and until the work of redemption was complete, at least they couldn't know the truth of being in God's presence. But now that redemptions work was accomplished, the very glory that man saw absolutely came shortened in his sins.
Now the believer has access into that very glory and will spend eternity.
And the very glory where Christ Himself is, the light and joy fills the whole thing with his presence and joy and glory.
What was the subject that was occupying most of my life? While they're talking with the Lord, you better tell her.
Father of singular disease that he should accomplish in Jerusalem.
Speaking of laws and reliance and being a type of those that will be raised from the dead and those are my heart will be with the Lord in glory. The subject before all those that are only redeemed is going to be the Lord to see that he has accomplished the Jerusalem.
God praise me, love and worthy belong as plainly hath redeemed us of your side. That blood out of every kid rhythm something people are missing.
That would be the thing which were occupied, redeemed, the law, eternity.
Very beautiful coming in at the end of this chapter where we have the practical exhortations about adding to or having these things in our faith. Because Moses was the one who was unable to enter the land because of his his failure. And Elias too is the one who was relieved of his service. And Elisha was the one that took it up because he thought he was the only one. And yet.
Two represented to us in this glory, and so how it encourages our hearts to the low. There was the untracefulness on the part of these two dear ones. We see Moses here in the land. He's on the mountain. What brought him in? Well, it was great, only great. So we're exhorted to faithfulness. But thank God, in spite of the fact that we failed, grace is going to bring us in.
As our brother remarked, they weren't talking about their faithful service. They have been unfaithful.
But they were Speaking of his deceased. But he would accomplish at Jerusalem.
But they saw the importance of that deceased because that was what gives them the place to be there.
Now this.
Last part is at 1St 16, but were eyewitnesses of his message the remarks that he's made that this is a three figure of the coming glory of the millennial age, is that right? That's right, mother-in-law. Now as far as knowing much about the millennial age, we don't know very much because contractors.
Like no, excuse me?
We can live and reign with Christ 1000 years as one scripture. And of course the prophets. Hell about the earth being filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, the waters conquered the sea, and about the all nations coming up to worship at Jerusalem. Many prophecies like that and the very nature of the wild animals.
Been trained for a little child to leave them there are many problems here that give us.
Thoughts as to what a marvelous and wonderful time that this earth will enjoy. But of course, the subject the Apostle Peter is bringing before the thanks to whom he is writing is that they are to have a heavenly fortune when the Kingdom is set up in power and glory.
You see, that was whole different from what they had.
Been taught in connection with their promises of the Old Testament, it was always the Kingdom here on earth and the failure were to have.
How's the Messiah come and deliver them and and they would be blessed in the land and all nations would be subject to them all that they knew. But they're bringing in of the heavenly side of things that there was to be a heavenly people who were to share the glories of this coming Kingdom, you see, was an entirely new subject.
And Peter is writing to the.
Christians, he was the apostle of the circumcision or the Jews, and so it was quite in keeping with his apostleship to instruct those who have been brought up under a teaching, you see, that only gave him earthly promises and blessings.
The set before them, the higher and the more wonderful and glorious blessings of a people that were to be gathered out and to have.
A heavenly portion with Christ when the Kingdom was set up here on the earth. And this was all given to encourage them, because instead of Christ.
Reigning and taking a Kingdom, he had been rejected and crucified and cast out.
And he had gone back to heaven, and instead of having a Kingdom down here, they were having persecutions and sufferings and trials in this world. So he's comforting their hearts to show them this coming Kingdom that was before them, and as though they were suffering now, that they were to share the glories of the king himself.
In that thing where he has gone and where he is no longer seen by this world.
No, just another question, Brother Barry, you know that trust in the.
1St chapter of Revelation but it brings in what's unto him that love that and that wants to sell our things in his own blood, and hath neither. Now the correct greeting is a Kingdom of Christian Yeah, a Kingdom of prescience connection with the same thing, is it?
I think Boa, the Lords appearing from Behold, they come up with loud and every eye foresee Him, they also adhere to Him and so on. That's the appearing. But the little portion that you speak of there, beginning with the fifth verse.
It's sort of a little.
The only word I can think of is interrupting, but that is the word.
It's a sort of a parenthesis that comes in. You see their their.
John is addressing the seven churches, beginning with the Foster and he speaks about.
Brace being under you and he from him with his which was, and with his to come that God himself, and from the 7th fierce guitar before the throat, there's the Holy Spirit.
And from Jesus Christ.
There is the Lord Jesus, three persons in the Godhead that are before us, who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead, and the Prince of the kings of the earth. Well, here is something that John brings in that was filling his own soul with unspeakable delight. He brought him that blessed ones. On bull's breath he leaned.
After supper, before the Lord went to the cross, He just explained unto him who loved rather who loved him.
And Worcester from our sins in his own blood, and hath made us kings and priests from the God and his Father to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. It's just the outburst of a heart that is just filled with delight as the person of the blessed Son of God was brought into.
Revelation that he has communicating to the thing.
Well, that's nice though, about being a Kingdom of priests. Well, that's what we are now, and that's what we will be in glory.
19th verse that we have also a more sure word of prophecy. I believe the new translation is the prophetic word made sure.
And so that instead of all these blessed things that we have been speaking about, weakening the prophetic word quiet only makes it more clear, or it shows us the two parts to it that have not been made known in the Old Testament. For, as our brother remarked, the Jewish believers.
We're looking for the earthly thing and now he shows them that they're going to have part in the heavenly, but there's going to be the earthly too. And so all that was proper side is now made clearer and sure to us and the two parts have been revealed. I believe there's something of that thought in the 14th chapter of John, the Lord Jesus says.
In my father's house there are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you.
That is, they were following the Lord expecting that they would be brought into the earthly thing. Why the Lord said, I have something better for you than what you anticipated. You are looking for the earthly thing. But in my father's house there many mansions and I'm going to come and bring you there. And so we have the development of that here. I believe in this portion.
And we do well that we take heed, that is to the Old Testament prophecy.
Some people say, oh, we should be occupied with prophecy. That's not helpful. That's that's not.
For us to be taken up with.
Well, we do have to be careful.
To be just occupied with prophecy to the explosion of other truths could be supplemental to the soul.
I have known some prophecy became a sort of a hobby to them. That's all they talked about, all they were interested in. But there's a verse in the.
In Revelation.
The 19th chapter in the 10th verse was very helpful.
In the matter of considering prophecy.
How long fell at the feet of the Angel to worship him? And he said, See thou doest not. I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren.
And have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God for the testimony of Jesus.
As the spirit of prophet.
I will never promise me in any way leads to indifference to the claims of Christ or to occupation without less than one or giving him the first place in your life and ways it will be harmed. But if the consideration of prophecy.
Is only drawing you closer to Christ.
And thinking of his coming glorious and.
What is due to that? Lesson 1, it will be a very helpful and it's a very important subject because those who neglect prophecy altogether, they get the ideas of the world, they think, well, The thing is to do is to try to improve the world, make it a better place.
Live things are going to go on, and we better we better fix things up down here. Well, that's neglect the problem. They could lead to that. But if we're intelligent in prophecy, we'll clearly see that we're living in a doomed sea and a judgment is about to fall from this guilty world.
And to get the prophetic picture of how soon this world is to be judged.
And it's going to.
The judgment will bring in the glorious Kingdom of Christ and give us to see our place and our portion with that one that's coming to reign, while then prophecy is very helpful and very needful.
I believe it's very important what say brother Barry. And I just had a little word of warning because.
Prophecy has become a very popular thing in Christendom and people listen to all kinds of talks on prophecy through the radio. And people that don't understand the truth of the Church and don't know the heavenly calling of the church will never be clear on prophecy. It will always be mixed up. It will never be made sure as we have here unless we see distinctly those two hearts.
The heavenly and the earthly and the Achilles said how prophecy has been abused and christened them. And there's hardly a false culture, Even those who know the truth of the gospel but not the truth of the Church that haven't got it all mixed up.
Brethren, we should be careful about listening to talks on prophecy outside of those who know what it is to be members of the body of Christ, waiting for God's Son from heaven, the Scripture that we all enjoy and sure.
Philippians 2 What if we're going to also entirely exalted him and given him a name, which is about every name that is the name of Jesus, every nation follow things in heaven, things on earth, and things under the earth?
Is that not the theme of the prophetic word that the exhortation of Christ?
Where every knee is going to bow to him in all creation is subject to him.
Well, if we look at the prophetic word with that in view, but a different aspect it takes from trying to figure out what's going to happen down here in this world as a matter of dry doc.
Because it can become drier to take it from that standpoint.
Trying to say that.
Occupation was prophecy makes the head work to keep up with it, but lead the voice in the heart with an instant separated from the testimony of Jesus.
And that's what has been referred to in 19th Revelation. Well, in the new translation it turns it around. But we would work just as well one way or the other. The Spirit of Prophecy is the testimony of Jesus.
So that should be the spirit of prophecy, the glories of our blessed Lord and Savior.
Does not mean something like this. What? The prophets are saved in the Old Testament by the Spirit. It's the Spirit of Jesus speaking.
And their prophets in the Old Testament so it relieves the Lord all the way through scripture.
I think it's the one that is God speaking to Job, the Lord Jesus Christ all the way through, and they've been reading the words were not drawn more to Christ. Well, it's not profitable reading. I remember many years ago, Mr. Parker.
Preparing to compose it. That young boy that was hidden in the temple.
For joy. Joy, yes. And I think Brother Father's remark was something, something like this, that it's a proper time. He was brought up and Christ will be brought into his Lord. He will come into his glory.
Now the way this verse.
That the subject before of this 19 verse. Wherever you do well, if you say he does what we were commenting on the prophecies of the Old Testament as unto a light shining in the dark place that is prophecy. All through the dark history of the Old Testament, time was lighting up the way towards the Kingdom.
One of the the things that there was that in such an awful, terrible state of the world was in.
That there was that light shining like a shining arm and showing that God had a purpose before him and he was going to have a Kingdom someday.
So he fell, shining in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arrives in your heart now.
We're we're considering the New Testament subject.
And the day of the Lord Jesus Christ, when we say the day to her, it's just another way of saying the Morning star.
Well, we better turn to the last chapter of Revelation.
See Definitely Fool The Morning Star.
Really is.
In the 16th verse of Revelation 22, I, Jesus, have set my Angel to testify unto you these things in the church. I am the group and the offspring of David. That's what he is to Israel and the bright and the morning star. Well, as soon as.
As he says on the bright and morning stars immediately in the next verse, and the Spirit and the bride, they come. Now there is the church.
The Spirit of God energizing the church.
Invites her bridegroom to return 3rd and the bride may come.
So the coming of the Lord of the Morning Star as the coming of the Lord in the air for His people, and that precedes His coming in glory as seen in the Transfiguration.
To set up his Kingdom here on Earth.
Rather interesting is that?
I'm sure many here have seen this long ago that there are some younger.
Believers coming along have noticed that if you turn to the last chapter of the Old Testament.
At Malachi.
Four and the second verse. Auntie, yo that hear my name shall the thumb. SUN Fun, the Son of Righteousness arrives with healing in his wings, and he shall go forth and grow up as the calves of the soul.
Our last chapter in the in the Old Testament.
Give us the Lord's coming as the sunrise. Well as the this world has been experiencing a long dark night, when the blessed Lord was here among men, you know, he said I am the light of the world.
And the last men love darkness rather than light, and so when they crucified the Lord of Glory, it was just as long as the sunset.
Unless this world in its awful darkness and guilt. But it's not going to last forever.
That same one that was nailed to the straw is coming back, and when he comes to this poor world again, it will be the introduction of a new, wonderful, glorious day. That's the Millennium.
But when we when we turn to the last chapter.
New Testament and we just read instead of the Lord coming as the Son of righteousness, He speaks of His coming as the bright and morning storm. When does the morning star arrive? Before the sunrise. Oh how lovely the picture is. How perfect the picture is.
So that before the Lord comes and sets up his Kingdom here on earth, he's going to come in the air.
And take all his redeemed from battle this thing to be with himself.
And his glory above. So you see how beautifully Peter leads the farm from the prophecies of the Old Testament.
Till the brightened Morning Star, perhaps some brother would give us some thoughts on the Day star rising in our hearts. Jesus has a special.
Not the enjoyment of the Lord Jesus Christ is coming that we can have as a present hope. So in the end of Hebrews 9 it's under them that look for him surely appear the second time without sin of salvation.
The Thessalonians, they were converted and they were waiting for the sun from heaven. So how pleasant it is to have that, the hope of the Lord coming as a precious reality in our hearts.
How about keep up?
As we have that focus momentarily the Lord might come and what effective will have on our pathways as we go through this world. This is a thought there, but I don't mean the scripture. Exactly what the first thought of the Lord's coming was lost for many, many years after the executive win, but one time after the apostles went off the scene.
And was not recovered until somewhere around.
Yeah, there's a.
1780 or something like that, but the tongue will be better.
I'd rather thought it's around 1828 or 30. It seems that from what I can get, when the Lord restore the truth of the church, but at the same time he restores the hope of the church.
The truth of the church was lost completely and it was recovered through godly man searching the word and when they saw what the church really is.
And if the body is right, there is no organization down here that man has made, but it formed by the Spirit of God composed of all believers the world over. Then the things that the the hope of the church was restored to so at the midnight cry went out and was heralded all over the world.
Behold, the bridegroom cometh Now Is that your thought, brother? Brother Ayrton? Yes, that is.
Yeah, I think so. Well, I was wondering about this.
You about the daystar lies in your heart was not that in a sense, bringing them out of the old Joyce anticipation of the Sun of Righteousness to the New Hope of Christ coming through the church?
I'll never forget a remark that you made the first time I ever visited you in your home in Oak Park many years ago.
You said to me that the days are rising in our hearts was the hope of the Lord coming held in our affections. I was enjoying that and never forgot it. That's it is the hope of the Lord coming, held in our affection, not in our head Him but they saw rising in your intellect getting hold of.
The doctrine of the premillennial coming of Christ. But it's it's something Christmas.
Something you enjoy is a very desire and willing to be that Blessed One awakened bridal affection to see his face and the meeting in the air.
See two, how the distinct are robbed when we have the thought that the Church must go through the tribulation, because we couldn't be expecting the Lord to come this afternoon. If we have to go through the tribulation, there are a great many events must take place then before He came. But if we see prophecy in its true bearing and perspective, what will be the result of this? What our brothers remark, it will be a present hope our hearts will be.
As we think that perhaps before the meeting is over, the Lord Jesus will come.
So we can see how the prophecy presented in this proper way will always bring that present hope before the soul. What The Hobbit in their hearts, not in their heads really.
I There is an example of the difference of having a truth in the head and having it in the heart. When you when you read about the wise men that came up to Jerusalem saying, where is he that is born king of the Jews?
So they went to here and he called in the scribes, and they said he should be born in Bethlehem.
Well, they they work. They work, correct? They have the they have the word and they knew the Scriptures. There's no question about it. But who were the ones that went to Bethany and then fall of a young child?
There in in the deafening, it wasn't Cold cried. They knew all about it. They didn't go to see him, but those whose hearts were really touched, and who longed to see that one whose star had appeared.
They go there. Oh holla. Wonderful experience we have.
There, and their hearts are just filled with joy and delight.
Rejoice with exceeding joy, held on heaven's territory. Forward to God. Forest God's plan.
And the poor circumstances, so to speak. They found this young child in Denver. Their worship.
They worship him. That blue eyes, though, he had no earthly semblance there being a king.
God was glorified in that as it was. Well if you have some thoughts about the third chapter you wanted to touch on our time is running out. Well, I had just thought brother Ericsson last. It was only a very few verses and maybe that might lead on something here, but perhaps before we.
Get into those courses.
Might tell us something.
On that, plenty of birth knowing this First, there's no prophecy of the scriptures of.
It's important to be clear on that because they are those that say, well, there's just a certain class of churches that that can give you instruction on the Scripture. You must go to them. It's a private and there's no private interpretation, so no individual child of God.
Can ever try to understand the Bible for himself?
Well, it's the city that the translation isn't better.
Say the correct translation is this. Knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is a.
Really, I think it's disconnected. Is this you got it there?
The scope of no prophecy of Scripture is had from its own particular interpretation.
Yes, it's part of a connected hole. That's right.
It can't be isolated from the rest of scripture because all the scriptures, the context in which we find the verb, or any scripture that's being looked at.
And all these poor systems around us, they build their 4th doctrine on disconnected forces of scripture, separated from the scripture the whole and separate from the context. And they build a whole lot of gospel as you make pay, building a great big house on a very small foundation and the builder of whole system on a few verses.
Disconnected entirely.
But one understands the scripture and one finds out that.
The meaning of the giving is wrong altogether because if it doesn't fit in, our brother was saying sometimes ago that the whole scripture fits them together.
And so you can't take one scripture and build a whole system, or you must. We must compare with other scriptures, comparing scriptures with scripture and spiritual things with spiritual.
So about the brother friendship, a certain doctrine from a verse he says here's what said and this is the doctrine and he gets it out Well immediately we think, well, no, how does that fit in with work? But none of scriptures have come before our minds and they just don't think well then that can't be the meaning of a dozen corresponds or does it be with other scriptures as a doctor that disagrees with.
Other forces of God's word that cannot be like.
Because the Word of God is in perfect harmony, every verses in harmony without other versions.
Well, the devil tried that on the Lord, didn't he? At the in the temptations?
Quoting scripture out of its connection and not quoting all of it. Well, the Lords answered to him, was he? And he is written again that he couldn't be based simply on one trip.
That's very important. It is written again.
I heard a conversation on time between an exital and a believer that has been a bit of a help and I used it before. The believer was speaking to this instant I'm about to make to the Lord and was being mocked in return the instrumental set. But few believers have a different opinion. Many ways you all get your beliefs out of the same book.
And the Christian said almost we don't get our opinions out of that book that you mean.
Don't get your beliefs of the Bible knowing that we don't.
That I don't understand you. I thought all you so-called Christmas doctor crease and the least of the Bible.
No, we certainly don't do any such thing. We said explain yourself, I don't understand you, he said. We leave it in the Bible and take the whole book. He said anyone that takes their beliefs out of the Bible is critical wrong.
It seems to me to be a helpful part.
Another father used to so often say when some question was asked. Read on.
That is going to stop at last verse. Read the whole connection.
I think it is well to remember that in our private reading, isn't it? Sometimes we come to a verse and perhaps we don't understand. Well, let's read on and read what what it says around us and maybe we'll get the answer. We don't. Oh, we have to go through commentary to find the answer. The answer is right in the scripture. If the commentary has the answer, where did he get it? The one that wrote the commentary he got from the Word, didn't he? And we won't have to do any forcing either. If it's the truth, it will all fit.
Simply and easily, because sometimes compared it to a jigsaw puzzle. You know, I can remember as a child trying to put it together and trying to force a piece into the wrong place. My mother said it doesn't sit there and I was trying to push it in. She said you won't have to push it if it goes in the right. If you have it in the right place, well, and so are the scripture. You find people forcing furniture and they're forcing it into the wrong place.
If it's the truth of God, it will fit in with the whole picture, and the whole picture is the glory.
Of a blessed one must be brought before us. That was the one whom Peter saw eyewitnesses of His Majesty. Well, I enlightened the whole prophetic word to him, having his eye upon Christ.
Well, the 21St verse gives us a very definite word how the word of God has been communicated to man. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God, fake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
And if they didn't, they didn't end their own thoughts at all. In fact, in the first successful of Peter, you might turn to it first, Peter.
10th Verse. First Chapter. Tenth Verse.
He says, Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, Who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you?
Searching what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them, did signify, when it testified before hands of Christ, and the glory that could follow.
And to whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost, and down from heaven, which things the angels desire to look into.
So you see, the Prophet didn't even understand their own prophecies.
And after they had written them, they searched diligently to find cause of the Spirit of Christ had communicated to them.
As I heard a brother say one time when when David read the 22nd Psalm reads they pierced my hands and my feet, while David says my hands and feet have never been pierced and yet I write as though they had been. Well, it must be someone else the Spirit of Christ is writing about or in that way you see.
He finds out the meaning of his own prophecy.
But I just mentioned that to show how definitely these men were inspired in their writings were not by the will of man.
3rd doctor, he was coughing at these things and that's that's all around us today.
Scoffers last name is from Scorpers walking up their own looks to say where is the promise of his coming. I remember when I was a boy.
That the coming of the Lord was.
******* awkward in the old country that time.
Unsafe people say, oh, we have heard those things all our lifetime. That's a nose story. And we heard that we were boys and we hadn't come yet and things were just the way they always wear. That's the way they thought when I was a boy, and that's the way they're still talking.
Sorry, called some brother.
And an antidote made death lecture remarkers rather an unbeliever. Well, he says the very the very thing that you're saying close to me in the Bible is true, but to the tolerance.
I've had that.
I asked if I thought about the Lord's coming says he's dead. I mentioned this, but the Lord coming. She says well that means dead so far when I she said they've been talking for the staff for years and it didn't happen, but Peter Paul talked about that and I sent the very fact that she would say those things prove to me that we're living the last day and God told me if I want to know that they commitment.
Just let me purchase my office and said well, Peter is not qualified. That didn't happen. I just know that's the last day. But he told me how they going to talk in the last day.
But you notice these coffers are walking after their own lust. That's the reason they don't want to believe them things. The Lord's coming, the will is at work.
Because it wasn't. The scriptures weren't written by the will of mine. The will of mine objects to the thought of the Lord coming and the judgment that attends His His coming to this world and doesn't want that His will wants to go on.
And enjoy his carnal love.
On the fifth verse is this. They willingly are ignorant that they're willingly ignorant. They do not want to know the truth.
Knows again the will is at work, doesn't it? A lot of man's unbelief is just wasteful thinking, isn't it? He wants to think himself out of hell.
Besides, there isn't a hell. I think that settles it.
These men knew what the word of God said that they know that the word of God tells of the coming Goodman on the center and the awful eternity of the Christ rejecter the note that the Bible says that. Well, they read that in their conscience tell them that that's an awful thing.
They said that, but they want their sins, they want to go on in their sinful life because they enjoy sin. It's just the old nature and so.
To drown these thoughts and to ease their conscience and make life more easier, they try to get rid of that fruit. And I think that's the foundation of all these, these evolution theories and these evil doctrines.
And the bottom is going to send you the foundation of it all is that they desire to get rid of it. All of the cause they fear not coming lossy Kennedy that the word of God tells about.
Arerelavon Darlington, president, have some other credit giving the life of Darwin. He started out first to be a lawyer and he made a failure in the school until his father or he'd make a preacher out of him. So he fell into a theological college.
And he was cutting for a preacher. Well, he doesn't want to believe the Bible.
So all this evolutionary doctrine.
That he well, a book he wrote up on the On the Faces was really the efforts of Darwin to ease his conscience because he had the fear of what he saw in the word of God.
And you were very on. He died of miserable, unhappy death. His conscience tormented him all the time. He was frightened to think of even publishing that book. The way he found himself surrounded by the great infidels of the world. He was frightened over that.
Well, that was why he came out with that because he wanted to get he wanted in some way to get rid of the Washington was warning him and and telling him.
Awaited him if he went on in his unbelief and rejection of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Well, man likes that theory because it exhausted, you know.
Let's start it to his credit, that he sprung up and was once a form of a monkey, and now is such an intelligent creature, and he believes himself to be back to his credit. But if he was once in the image and likeness of God, and fell from it, that to his discredit it to his shame.
And dear young people much wise taught in the college because man doesn't like to accept anything that puts them to shame and condemns him, but he does like that which exalts him. And also another thing, monkeys are not responsible to God, they're not a triune being. And so if man is descended from a monkey, he's not responsible to God either.
He's no more responsible than a monkey. He might as well act like one. And that's why the world is going the way it is. Because.
Believe the fact that man has a part to his being that no animal has none, has a part that is responsible to God. And so I say this to you young people because maybe what they say sounds very plausible, but it's a good thing to see what's at the bottom of it. It's the two things. It's the exhortation of man and the denial of his responsibility to God.
And Satan is behind that.
How simple the truth is, God, how blessed it makes us, shows us how we fell from the place that we were once in. The image and likeness of God and God and His grace has lifted us to a higher place, more blessed than that which man had before the fall.
To be exhausted, to be an association with God, the old Son, and so on. Instead of wanting to deny the immortality of the soul, we rejoice in the fact this afternoon that we're going to live for all eternity.
In the presence of that Blessed One was lifted us from the dunghill, set us among Princess.
There are those that will admit.
The existence of a God.
But they say they'll announce God is too good to judge. God won't judge us.
Willing the ignorance of the fact that God has already cut the world once.
What's the human race away? Separate souls in a flood of water?
And God is going to judge this world again, this time by fire.
Man is responsible to God, and he's going to have the answer to God.
Both for his infidelity and for his willing ignorance of the ways of God that's revealed to us in the Scripture and in the prophetic words prove that no one actually falls into such a disease in a.
Honest search for truth.
Timothy Timothy Thistle asked through their own months. Now they hate to themselves features having hidden years. This is that they're really thinking for the truth of spelling of terror, but actually because they wanted to live according to the dictation of their own fallen nature. When they accept these things and Mike Pro it was a 14th verse, wherefore of the lovin, seeing that he looked for such things.
The diligence that he may be found of him.
And then also in the 12Th word, looking for and hastening unto the coming, or the 11 For seeing them, that all these things shall be dissolved, What manner of person ought to be in all holy conversation and goddess?
We think of the awful judgments that are coming on this poor, guilty world, what manner persons are going to be.
And they lack characterized our conversation between the meeting and during this time we're together holy conversation and godliness hastening having not day of when Christ is to be exhausted.
A man as the satisfied forever with all his wisdom, right is to have his place, given his his glory.
And honored where he's been dishonored, but growing great. The last verse of the chapter, a loving verse in our reading with but growing great. And in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior of Jesus Christ.
To him the glory, both now and ever. Amen.