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2 Kings 14

2 R. 14:4 KJV (With Strong’s)

Howbeitu the high places
bamah (Hebrew #1116)
an elevation
KJV usage: height, high place, wave.
Pronounce: bam-maw'
Origin: from an unused root (meaning to be high)
were not taken away
cuwr (Hebrew #5493)
a primitive root; to turn off (literal or figurative)
KJV usage: be(-head), bring, call back, decline, depart, eschew, get (you), go (aside), X grievous, lay away (by), leave undone, be past, pluck away, put (away, down), rebel, remove (to and fro), revolt, X be sour, take (away, off), turn (aside, away, in), withdraw, be without.
Pronounce: soor
Origin: or suwr (Hosea 9:12) {soor}
: as yet
`owd (Hebrew #5750)
from 5749; properly, iteration or continuance; used only adverbially (with or without preposition), again, repeatedly, still, more
KJV usage: again, X all life long, at all, besides, but, else, further(-more), henceforth, (any) longer, (any) more(-over), X once, since, (be) still, when, (good, the) while (having being), (as, because, whether, while) yet (within).
Pronounce: ode
Origin: or rod {ode}
the people
`am (Hebrew #5971)
a people (as a congregated unit); specifically, a tribe (as those of Israel); hence (collectively) troops or attendants; figuratively, a flock
KJV usage: folk, men, nation, people.
Pronounce: am
Origin: from 6004
did sacrifice
zabach (Hebrew #2076)
to slaughter an animal (usually in sacrifice)
KJV usage: kill, offer, (do) sacrifice, slay.
Pronounce: zaw-bakh'
Origin: a primitive root
and burnt incense
qatar (Hebrew #6999)
to smoke, i.e. turn into fragrance by fire (especially as an act of worship)
KJV usage: burn (incense, sacrifice) (upon), (altar for) incense, kindle, offer (incense, a sacrifice).
Pronounce: kaw-tar'
Origin: a primitive root (identical with 7000 through the idea of fumigation in a close place and perhaps thus driving out the occupants)
on the high places
bamah (Hebrew #1116)
an elevation
KJV usage: height, high place, wave.
Pronounce: bam-maw'
Origin: from an unused root (meaning to be high)

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Ministry on This Verse

 This word “Only, the high places were not removed” is like a refrain accompanying the history of the faithful kings of Judah; whereas another refrain, “He departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin,” designates the kings of Israel. These kings ordered their conduct in matters religious according to that of the head of their royal house, who was an idolater. The kings of Judah, instead of governing themselves according to David their father, were generally content to seek their point of departure in the reign of Solomon, who had not abolished the high places. (Joash, King of Israel?Amaziah, King of Judah: 2 Kings 14:1-22 by H.L. Rossier)

J. N. Darby Translation

Only, the high places were not removed: the people still sacrificed and burned incense on the high places.